Planting clematis in spring and autumn in open ground. Clematis - how to plant to get lush and abundant flowering? When is the best time to plant clematis?

Planting clematis in spring and autumn in open ground.  Clematis - how to plant to get lush and abundant flowering?  When is the best time to plant clematis?
Planting clematis in spring and autumn in open ground. Clematis - how to plant to get lush and abundant flowering? When is the best time to plant clematis?

Clematis occupies a special place at my dacha - it is the first to greet me and guests at the gate. It has lacy leaves, long stems, and flowers of extraordinary beauty. What questions tormented me at first when clematis appeared on my site? Planting and care - how not to make mistakes? When to prune? Is fertilizing necessary? How to make it bloom as long as possible? I'll try to answer everything.

Clematis has about three hundred species and is found on all continents. globe with the exception of the Arctic and Antarctica. This spread is facilitated by the diversity of life forms.

What are the features of clematis

Compared to others woody plants Clematis have two features: they bloom profusely, for a long time, and annually renew almost the entire ground mass - shoots, leaves.

Are these vines demanding on soil? We can say that not very much. However, clematis grows better in soils rich in humus, fertile, loose, sandy loam or loamy. The groundwater level should not exceed 1.5 meters. Grows better on weak acidic soils.

What to do if the soils are acidic? Add lime or chalk - 150-250 g per 1 square meter. m.

Clematis pruning. Pruning is important element in the life of a liana. If the shoot is long, then it is cut by a third before planting; if it is short, it is pinched. The second time the seedling is cut by about half in the summer, and the third time in the fall - to the first true leaf. This will promote strong growth of both shoots and roots.

Planting clematis

You should prepare a hole 70 cm wide and deep. You need to pour half a bucket of humus or compost into the bottom of the hole. Mix the rest of the excavated soil with humus (15-20 kg), add 200 g of superphosphate, the same amount of complex mineral fertilizer. Such a thorough dressing is understandable, because clematis is a long-liver; it will grow in one place for 20-30 years. In some places, a period of up to 80 years is mentioned.

What should it be planting material? The liana propagates by cuttings, layering, and grafting. For a seedling, the most important thing is the condition of the root system, the number of developed vegetative buds. The seedling must have at least 5 well-developed roots, their total length should be about 50 cm. When planting, it is important not to bury the seedling so that the bud or sprout is at ground level.

Where should a place be allocated for planting clematis? For a plant, not only the straight line matters sunlight, but also reflected. Therefore, it is preferable to plant it near light walls or paths. For better lighting of plants, it is recommended to place the trellises from east to west with an angle of deviation to the northeast. Wind is important for growth. Therefore, it is unacceptable to use rope supports.

How does a plant tolerate fluctuations in air temperature? The roots need cool wet soil, and the leaves and flowers - the sun. Temperatures above 45 degrees are destructive for them. In the southern regions of our country, you need to ensure that the plant does not overheat in the hot summer. Personally, my vine grows in partial shade.

Does clematis need fertilizing? Necessarily, because the plant annually renews the above-ground part, it consumes a large amount nutrients. They are replenished with a sufficient amount of fertilizer: for 1 bush - 2 liters of slurry, 1 liter of bird droppings solution or 15 g of mineral fertilizers.

What to do if clematis blooms poorly or does not bloom at all

If your clematis good care, regular feeding after the age of 3 years practically does not bloom or there are very few flowers, then replant it. When planting, do not forget to add 1-2 buckets of humus and half a glass of superphosphate. The planting hole should be large and deep - 70x70x70 cm. Plants feel good if there are plants near their roots (but not closer than a meter from them) that would shade their roots, for example, you can plant peonies on the south side.

Is it possible to “make” clematis bloom all summer until autumn without interruption? Can. In the spring, when the buds begin to bloom, I do the pruning as follows: I cut some shoots to 50 cm, others to 1 meter from the ground. Even higher I cut off several shoots, leaving them 1.2-1.5 m long or even longer. I leave some of the shoots uncut - they are the ones that bloom before everyone else. Then the cut shoots that are the highest bloom, followed by those that are lower. By autumn, side shoots grow on very low-cut shoots - they bloom in the fall.

How often should you water? In summer, it is necessary to water at least once a week, but abundantly, and loosen or mulch the soil.

How does clematis propagate?

Lianas are propagated by dividing the bush, layering, cuttings, and seeds (but this is quite difficult). The easiest way is by dividing the bush or layering.

The perennial bush is dug up and carefully divided (cut) so that each section has one or two buds. The roots can be dipped in a solution of potassium permanganate or powdered with crushed coal. You can hold it for some time (while a new place is being prepared) in a solution of root or heteroauxin.

Propagation by layering of clematis is also simple. A ditch is dug from the bush left to right or in a circle around the bush, into which humus, sand or compost is added. One lash is placed in the groove, covered completely with earth, but the top of the clematis lash should be on top of the ground. Then the groove, or rather the place where the cuttings lie, is watered and mulched.

After two years, clematis layerings can be dug up, starting from the free-lying top. By this time, the roots are developing well and are suitable for replanting.

Photo of clematis

In conclusion - photo different varieties clematis. These are not my plants, I just photographed this miracle everywhere I saw it.

Variety Ballerina

Clematis Shin-Shigoku

Clematis have always occupied a special place in the decoration of suburban areas. This vine of amazing beauty has always attracted the attention of amateur gardeners. And although she is not too picky, it is still worth knowing how to plant clematis so that the plant pleases you with its lush flowering.

Selection of planting material

It is the right choice that determines how long and profusely the plants will bloom, delighting you with their appearance. Clematis is propagated in two ways: by seeds or ready-made seedlings.

How to plant clematis with seeds? After all, this is the only way to get new plant varieties. Liana seeds vary in size and germination time.

So, small seeds germinate much faster. They are sown in April, directly into the ground, while deepening them no more than a centimeter. Shoots appear unevenly, but within 18-40 days. It is preferable to sow seed at home, in special planting boxes. This can be done as early as March.

Large seeds need stratification. Another option is to soak the seed for several days in a solution of a growth stimulator.

They germinate faster in a moist substrate at a temperature of about +30. Emerging seedlings need light and warmth. Young plants dive when the first main leaf appears.

After picking, the plants should be located 15-20 centimeters from each other. As soon as the seedlings get stronger, they can be planted on permanent place. This operation is best performed in cool weather. Optimal time planting - from May to the end of July. After planting, you need to pinch the plant above a couple of second leaves. This is necessary for the clematis to begin to branch. Now you know how to plant clematis with seeds.

When buying seedlings, pay attention to the following points:

  • the plant should not have mechanical damage;
  • root system must have at least five roots;
  • at autumn plant there must be at least a pair of developed shoots with buds; for a spring seedling, one is enough;
  • It is best to purchase planting material in mid-September (clematis seedlings are sold quite rarely in summer and spring);
  • Ideally, it is better to buy a two-year-old plant whose root system is closed.

Choosing a landing site

How to plant clematis so that it blooms? This light-loving plants, so shaded areas are not suitable for them. Otherwise, you will hardly be able to enjoy the beauty of blooming flowers. Where is the best place to plant clematis? Some useful tips.

  1. Do not plant the vine completely open space. Strong winds, walking freely around the site, often break plants. Young, immature shoots are especially affected.
  2. It is also necessary to avoid those planting sites directly next to the wall of the house, where water flows from the roof during rain. But if there is nowhere else to plant the plant, then it is necessary to retreat from the wall at least half a meter. Then the clematis roots will not be in constant dampness. Otherwise, the root system rots and the plant dies. For this reason, it is worth refusing to plant in lowlands. If such a place is nevertheless chosen, then it is necessary to ensure high-quality drainage of rainwater from the roots of the bush.
  3. Landing places from high level groundwater need high drainage. Additionally, you will need to dig drainage ditches.

Soil: requirements

Since clematis was originally - forest plant, then the soil structure should be loose. Great importance given to its fertility as well as drainage. The ground underneath should be constantly moistened, but remember that excessive dampness in the area of ​​the root system leads to the death of the vine.

How to plant clematis: preparing a planting hole

Clematis belongs to a group of plants that can grow in one place for quite a long time. Therefore, the planting hole must be prepared very carefully. Area for one plant seat should be no less than 60x60 cm. If you plan to plant clematis in groups, then it would be most correct to dig one trench, the width and depth of which is 60 centimeters. There must be a drainage layer at the bottom of the pit. This is at least 15 centimeters of large crushed stone, fragments of bricks or expanded clay.

Clematis prefer nutritious soils with a loose structure. The roots must “breathe”. If the land does not meet the requirements of the plant, then the following measures must be taken.

  1. Remove ¾ of all excavated soil.
  2. Thoroughly clean the remaining part from the roots of weeds.
  3. Make a mixture of humus, sand and peat in a 1:1 ratio.
  4. Mix the purified earth with this mixture.

Depending on the composition of the main soil, you can also add the missing components. For loam it will be sand, peat or humus. For sandy soil- black soil, peat or humus.

An additional liter of ash and complex mineral fertilizer (100 grams) must be added to the earth mixture prepared in this way. Clematis does not grow well in acidic soils. To neutralize excess acidity, add another 100 grams of slaked lime.


How to plant clematis correctly? After the hole has been prepared in accordance with all requirements, the plant can be planted. To do this, approximately half of the earth mixture must be returned to the pit. Try to pour it in the form of a mound. Place a plant seedling on its top, and carefully distribute the roots along its slopes. Next, holding the clematis with your hand, slowly fill the roots with the remaining earthen mixture. But it is best to cover the root collar of the plant with sand, since it is not capable of retaining water. In the future, this will help protect the young vine from rotting.

Here is another recommendation regarding how to properly plant clematis. Clematis are always planted deep. Such planting will further help the plant develop into a healthy and powerful bush. In this case, the depth level depends on the age of the plants. Young seedlings (1-2 years old) must be buried at least 12 centimeters, including the lower pair of leaves. For adult plants, if transplantation is carried out, this figure reaches 20 centimeters. This method of planting is an excellent protection against freezing in especially harsh winters, against excessive overheating in the summer, and also promotes the development of new shoots.

After planting, the plant must be thoroughly watered and covered from sun rays. The ground around the clematis should be covered with mulch. Peat is perfect for this.

Distance between plants

Another question that worries novice gardeners at this stage is: “At what distance should I plant clematis?” For group planting, the required distance ranges from 1 to 1.5 meters.

Best time to plant

When is the best time to plant clematis? There is no clear opinion. It is believed that the most favorable time for planting the plant - late summer and early autumn. At this time, the earth is still quite well warmed up and retains summer warmth. Therefore, clematis have time to take root well even before the arrival of frost. As a rule, such plants tolerate wintering well. Therefore, this time period can be attributed to the period when clematis needs to be planted.

In addition, late summer planting provides another advantage: the rooted vine begins to grow actively with the onset of spring, and in the summer the plant already blooms.

When can you plant clematis? The planting time also depends on what kind of seedling is planned to be planted. If we talk about when to plant clematis in the spring, then best time- end of the season. Clematis growing in pots can be left for late summer planting.

Supports for clematis

Clematis are liana plants, so they require mandatory support. They are held in place using elongated leaf petioles. For the role of support, wooden trellises are most suitable, for the manufacture of which not too thin slats are used. Optimal size- from 2 to 2.5 centimeters.

It is not advisable to use steel supports. The thing is that metal surfaces are subject to sudden temperature changes, which can affect the plant, in particular cause the shoots to freeze.

Already at the time of planting, if the shoots are quite long, the plants need to be tied to a support. But once they reach the crossbars, the garter is no longer needed.

Installing the support at the same time as planting is simply necessary. Otherwise, a year after planting, it will be quite problematic to disassemble the twisted shoots of clematis without pruning.

Other options

If you plan to plant clematis along the house, then the trellis is fixed at a short distance from the wall. This arrangement will provide good ventilation plants. The size of the structure depends on the variety of clematis. For hybrid slow-growing plants, a 2x3 meter trellis is sufficient. Fast-growing species, in particular mountain clematis, can be planted by climbing up pergolas.

Top dressing

IN spring period plants are watered with lime milk: 200 grams of lime per 10 liters of water per 1 square meter. meter. During dry summers, plants need to be watered infrequently, but abundantly. In this case, the stream of water should not fall into the central part of the bush.

Feeding is carried out four times throughout the season. This can be fermented mullein (1:10) or complete mineral fertilizer. You should alternate mineral and organic fertilizers.

In summer, clematis are also watered with water with the addition of boric acid (1 gram) and potassium permanganate (3 grams per 10 liters). It is useful to spray the bush with a urea solution (half a tablespoon per bucket of water).


The beauty of a plant depends on proper pruning. During the first procedure, it is necessary to shorten all existing shoots after planting. This is necessary for the full formation of the root system, as well as the above-ground part of clematis.

The lower pair of buds, which must be left, throws out young shoots. Them in summer period needs to be pinched.

To lengthen the flowering period, some of the shoots are shortened in the spring. Then, at the beginning of summer, some vines can be cut back to the first buds, then they will release young shoots with new buds.

Plant low flowers at the base of the vine. Marigolds or other flowering plants of a similar type are perfect. This must be done so that the soil at the base of the clematis is in the shade and the root system of the plant does not overheat.

All buds that appeared on the vine in the first year of growth must be removed. This procedure promotes better development of the plant’s root system.

If clematis grows as a single shoot after planting, you should pinch off its top. This will help the plant produce side shoots. As soon as they grow to the required length, you need to repeat the pinching procedure, but on the side branches.

We hope that our information helped you find answers to your questions and now you know how to plant clematis and further care for this amazing plant.

Let's talk about how to grow luxurious clematis in the country, because many experienced and novice gardeners have seen these spectacular flowers, but at the same time heard that they are capricious to grow. Well, most of these popular garden vines are quite hardy, and if you care for them properly, they can grow successfully in your garden. After all, all they need is water, ash, fertilizing and proper pruning.

Clematis Jacquemant photo

Of course, these flowers do not grow in every dacha, but those who grow them are simply in love with them. This resilient, profusely flowering plant is ready to enhance the most unsightly corner of your garden. Liana is used to decorate the walls of houses, fences and terraces. Even an old, withered tree can “bloom” if such flowers are planted next to it.

Amazing huge flowers and the bush looks decorative even without flowers. And flowering lasts all summer - from early June to August.

Variety “Polish Spirit” combined with hyssop, rose and hosta

Clematis planting and care in open ground.

Indeed, choosing your variety from this variety of luxurious flowers is quite difficult. One is more beautiful than the other - huge, bright, terry, each simply strives to outshine the others in beauty. Each type promises to turn our dacha into a real Garden of Eden! After all, any variety looks beautiful both on its own and in combination with other flowers, especially with.

But, because We plan not just to admire the flower, but to grow it, then we need to know the features of caring for it. It is best to buy seedlings in pots, and when choosing a variety, we first look not at the shape of the flower, but at its group. It is she who will determine how we prune it, how to cover it for the winter and when to expect it to bloom.

Types of clematis by group and pruning method:

  • First group.
    The liana will produce flowers only on last year's shoots. Therefore, if you cut off all the old shoots in the winter or spring, you will never see flowering. Flowers from this group are the most luxurious, fashionable and amazing, but they definitely need to be covered for the winter.
  • Second group.
    In these varieties, flowers appear both on last year's shoots and on new shoots. But, if the variety is double, double flowers appear only on last year’s shoots. Only simple-shaped inflorescences appear on young shoots and with a short break after the first flowers on old shoots.
  • Third group.
    Flowers appear only on young shoots. There is no need to cover it - I cut it almost to the root and that’s it. These species are the most unpretentious - they are ideal varieties for beginners, because Caring for the liana is simple and straightforward. And although there are almost no terry species in this group, believe me, there is plenty to choose your treasure from.

Variety ERNEST MARKHAM. Group 3, height 2.5 m

When you solve the problem of how to grow healthy clematis, remember that it does not tolerate transplantation at all, so immediately plant them in a permanent place. And in this place it can grow for up to 40 years, provided that you have prepared the planting hole correctly.

Clematis Comtesse de Bouchaud photo

How to preserve a seedling before planting.

If you bought your plant in the supermarket in early spring and still need to get to your dacha, or perhaps it’s still too cold to plant, you need to make friends with the plant at home.

Place the pot with the seedling on the sunniest windowsill. Now we must disinfect the soil in the pot, because... here it’s better to play it safe than to hope that it will pass - you don’t want to then treat diseases in our vine. We use Fitosporin for the soil. And in order to support the small vine itself, we use spraying with Epin solution. And for the roots we will buy vermicompost (instructions on the label). We repeat these procedures every ten days.

How to plant clematis yourself correctly.

A seedling in a pot can be transplanted into the soil after the night frosts have passed. Before planting, the pot with the plant should stand outside in the shade for a couple of days to adapt.

The main thing you need to remember is that you need to dig a hole for it that is wide and deep enough - almost the same as for planting an apple tree 60x60x60 cm. If you have close groundwater, do not forget to put a 10-12 cm layer of gravel or broken brick at the bottom of the hole so that the clematis roots do not rot.

Everything depends on how the root system of the plant feels: abundant flowering, brightness of flowers, number of new shoots and buds. And if the root system grows well and develops stably, then everything will be fine. It is necessary to add peat, humus and sod land, be sure to add a glass of ash. Mix this nutrient mixture in the pit and compact it lightly. We plant the seedling in a hole at the same level as it grew in a purchased container - the roots cannot be buried too deep.

Clematis Etoile Violette photo

Advice. If you want to get a bush with lush flowering, then you need to take care of the intensive formation of roots. To do this, make a hole in the middle of the hole 10 cm below the general level and plant a seedling in it. At the same time, pour a little sand onto the root collar of the vine to prevent it from being damaged by putrefactive fungi. During the summer we gradually add fertile land into the hole until it is completely equal to the general level landing pit. This way we simulate the formation of roots, and with a strong root system the bush will be healthier and there will be more shoots.

Why doesn't clematis bloom?

Some plant varieties take root very well and can bloom in the first year, others need more time to form the root and therefore they will begin to delight us with flowers only in the second or third year.

Where to plant clematis.

Wet, swampy soils are completely unsuitable for the plant, so we exclude areas where there is stagnant water or water from roof drains for planting them. Such places guarantee fungal diseases and the death of the vine. Also, you should not plant the vine near big trees– the roots of the plant are large and will begin to compete with the huge roots of the tree.

I want to remind you that vines love flowers sunny place, and the roots love the shade. Therefore, it is good to plant low-growing flowers next to it or ornamental grasses. For example, hostas are excellent companions for vines. Another option is to mulch the roots. Pine needles, sawdust or straw are perfect as mulch.

Features of watering.

When watering, we try not to water the plant in the center. It is better to make a hole at a distance of 15-30 cm from the stems and pour water into this hole. If you water randomly in the center of the bush, you will quickly see how your shoots will begin to wither - this means that Wilt disease (withering) has appeared and after that the plant can only be pulled out and burned, disinfecting this place with a solution copper sulfate. Therefore, it is better not to let this happen.

How to feed clematis.

Clematis Hania photo

The plant throws out a large mass of flowers over the course of a season, so the bush cannot do without serious feeding. Once every 10 days it must be supported with fertilizers that promote lush flowering. This is Agricola for flowering plants, Agricola Fantasy, Grow-Up, Effecton for flowering plants.

In the fall, be sure to feed the plant in winter: 1 tbsp. spoon of superphosphate and 1 tbsp. spoon of potassium sulfate per 10 liters of water - move carefully. Pour one bucket of this solution per mature plant, then next spring the flowers will bloom faster and will delight you until the fall.

Tricks of experienced gardeners for lush flowering.

To grow beautiful clematis, you need to be aware that they are real gluttons, they should not be fed, but fed regularly and plentifully!

  1. When to feed clematis. Fertilize the vine once every 10 days with small portions of fertilizer, always in liquid form. We begin fertilizing in May, when shoots begin to grow.
  2. What to feed:
    • 1 tbsp. spoon ammonium nitrate for 10 liters of water or
    • cow dung in a ratio of 1:10, or
    • bird droppings in a ratio of 1:15 or
    • 2 tablespoons of vermicompost per 10 liters of water.
      We use one bucket of solution per bush.
  3. How to fertilize. Alternate mineral fertilizers with organic ones. When the buds appear, give organic and mineral fertilizers at the same time.
  4. We protect from pests. If the soil is acidic, to prevent wilt disease, you need to deacidify it with lime milk (200 g of lime per 10 liters of water). Ash is also suitable for these purposes.
  5. We strengthen the plant. These garden vines love growth stimulants - so spray them with Epin extra once every 10 days. This protects them from stress and helps them survive successfully. spring frosts and makes shoot growth more active.

How to propagate clematis by cuttings and shoots.

There are three ways: cuttings, shoots and dividing the bush.

Clematis Hagley Hubrid photo

Propagation by cuttings. We prepare cuttings at the moment of bud formation, place them in Kornevin’s solution and, when roots appear, plant them in loose soil. Keep in mind that the average percentage of root rooting ranges from 10 to 60%, depending on the variety.

Method of propagation by shoots gives a higher percentage of rooting. Some of the vine branches, falling to the ground, begin to form roots. If at this time, without cutting off the shoot from the branch, place it in the soil in peat pot, then in a month, you will be able to separate a healthy rooted seedling from the main bush. It is important to water the seedling in the pot abundantly.

Dividing the bush assumes you are breaking old bush shovel into several parts and plant each part in a new place.

How to properly prune clematis to produce more flowers.

The liana definitely needs support, and the mesh cells must be large enough - up to 15 cm, then it is easy to remove the liana from them, trim it and cover it for the winter.

Clematis Blue Angel photo

If you have a plant for the first year, then in the fall it is cut off almost completely - leaving one bud above the ground. This way we stimulate the bush to form new roots and shoots. All subsequent years, with the help of proper pruning, we continue to shape and strengthen it.

How to prune clematis of the first group, which form flowers only on last year’s branches: in the fall we remove the vine from the support, if the bush is thickened, we cut off some of the shoots to the roots, we also cut out weak thin shoots, and cut all other shoots to a height of 1 to 1.5 m.

How to prune clematis of the second group, which form flowers both on last year’s and on new shoots: in the summer after flowering, we cut off the flowering part of the old shoot, in the fall we cut out thickened and weak shoots, trim the remaining shoots at a height of 1-1.5 m, then shorten some of the shoots by another half and we cut some of them very short - this is how we form a lush bush for next year.

How to prune clematis of the third group, where our flowers will only be on young shoots, consists in cutting off the shoots almost completely - up to the first bud.

If the new seedling you bought is of a group unknown to you, prune it as for the second group, and this way you can determine the group of your vine.

Do clematis need to be covered for the winter?

In order to prevent freezing of the lower bud and roots, these vines need to be protected from frost. Therefore, before covering the shoots, we remove all the leaves from them to prevent rotting. Then we remove the mulch at the base of the bush and fill the neck of the vine with compost or peat. After this, we lay out the stems in a circle in a ring, fasten the stems to the ground with thick wire clips, cover the top with mulch and cover with waterproof material, leaving holes for ventilation. In early spring We release the shoots and tie them to a support.

For all their beauty, clematis frighten some summer residents with the difficulties of growing and caring for it. But, if you care for this amazing liana correctly, then you will be able to grow wonderful and luxurious flowers in the country, which look especially beautiful when paired with.

19.10.2017 5 568

Clematis - how to plant to get lush and abundant flowering?

Many summer residents dream of growing clematis in their dacha, but they don’t know how to plant it, which raises many questions. How to carry out the process with seeds, cuttings, layering, when better in spring Or should I do it in the fall? To grow a beautiful lush plant that blooms profusely, you need to know some simple subtleties.

Features of cultivation

Clematis is a decorative perennial vine that decorates many garden plots. Growing up, this climbing flower looks really chic, transforming even the driest corner. To grow a rich bush and achieve lush flowering clematis, you need to plant it correctly and then properly care for it. Where is the best place to plant clematis, how and how to care for it later - read on.

Factors such as an incorrectly chosen planting site, insufficient or vice versa can affect the beauty of a plant. overwatering, infection or erroneous pruning.

It is important to carefully consider the choice of landing site. The liana belongs to the perennial variety and can grow in one place for several decades. For it, you should choose shady corners of the garden, where there are no drafts or excessive direct sunlight.

If you decide to decorate the facade of a house, cottage or gazebo with this brightly blooming vine, planting must be done no closer than 30 cm from the wall. Rainwater water flowing from the roof can destroy the plant by waterlogging it.

The plant can also be planted in a sunny place, but we should not forget that it is incredible bright color the petals will burn out. Most main enemy crops - wind, vines, plants are thin and brittle. Planting clematis in the spring requires the presence of support - a trellis, stretched cords, etc.

Clematis on the arch - in the photo Clematis Nelly Moser - pictured

As for the soil, it will be optimal for planting neutral soil, or with a small alkali content. But acidified soil is completely unacceptable for this ornamental plant.

The vine should be watered no more than once a week if weather stable. During drought, you can increase the number of waterings up to three times; one adult plant at a time requires at least two buckets of water. Do you want your clematis to bloom as richly as possible? – Feed it with urea granules in the spring before the snow melts.

Clematis - how to plant cuttings, layering, seeds

When the bush has become strong enough and increased in size (this usually happens after 4-5 years), it can be replanted - the plant will definitely survive if there are several living buds on the root collar. Older bushes will be more difficult to divide. They have a fairly powerful root system, in this case there is no need to dig up the bush; you can limit yourself to a part separated from the main plant.

There are several basic ways to plant a vine correctly:

  • Growing a new bush from cuttings
  • Cuttings
  • Germinating seeds for seedlings

Not every gardener knows how to propagate clematis, how to plant it by layering - on an adult plant you need to select several healthy, strong shoots and place them in pre-prepared grooves dug at a depth of no more than 10 cm. Such grooves must be placed with outside main bush. The branches should be secured with staples, covered with earth on top and watered generously. The branches should spend a year in this position. Then they can be safely dug up, separated from the main bush, and planted in another place.

Another successful way to propagate clematis is by cuttings. Preparations - cuttings - are made during the period when the vine blooms. You can choose shoots of any age, but young ones are better. It is important that the cutting has 1 node, 2 healthy buds and 1 leaf. You should select the middle part of the branch. In order for such a cutting to take root, it can be placed in water or immediately buried in the ground.

Almost any plant can be grown from a seed. Clematis is no exception. How to germinate clematis, how to plant and grow it from seeds - read on.

clematis seedlings - pictured

Seed material is divided into three groups:

  • Large– germinate poorly, take a long time and in different time. Individual specimens can germinate for six months, or even a year; as a rule, they are sown in the ground in August after the seeds are collected
  • Average– sown in the ground at the end of winter, sprouts appear only after 2–6 months
  • Smallbest option, according to experienced flower growers. Before sowing, it is important to stratify the seeds by keeping them for 30 days in a room with a temperature no higher than +5 °C. Then lower the seeds into the soil and insulate them with film or covering. The first shoots will appear in a month or a little less. Do not forget to ventilate the nursery and moisten the soil. As soon as the first true leaves appear, the seedlings can be transplanted into separate containers. In the spring, when the street becomes stable warm weather without frost, seedlings can be planted in a shady place in open ground. There should be at least 30 cm between individuals. Next spring bushes can be planted where they will grow constantly

Clematis for beginner gardeners are not simple plants, but by following some simple tips, even a beginner can achieve a healthy and abundantly flowering bush.

clematis in the garden - pictured

Don't forget to cover the clematis bushes winter period, to do this they must be removed from the supports - laying them on the ground is not recommended, it is better to use spruce branches as bedding or build wooden grate. The top of the bush also needs to be insulated with spruce wood.

It is better to purchase clematis seedlings in nurseries or greenhouses. In this case you will buy healthy plant, not susceptible to infections, and you are the variety you want.

When buying a plant, ask the seller how to prune this variety correctly. Proper pruning will allow you to avoid negative consequences, so the flower will bloom beautifully and abundantly.

Do not neglect mulching - use hay, tree bark, sawdust. This vine needs moist and cool soil.

The best neighbors of this decorative bush are marigolds and marigolds - they protect the plant from harmful insects.

You now know how to plant Clematis correctly. Bright blooming liana, will attract the attention of others to your site! Take care of the plant, and it will thank you with riotous color.

Good afternoon, dear friends!

Clematis is an amazingly beautiful perennial that is grown with pleasure in the garden and on personal plot many summer residents. It is actively used in landscaping and landscape design, decorating local area country estates and bringing elegant color accents into the general landscape. Today I will tell you how to properly plant clematis on your site.

Since a crop grows, develops and blooms in one place for up to 30 years, the future decorativeness of the vine depends on the correct planting of the seedling.

Where to plant clematis

Clematis forms maximum amount buds in well-lit places with slight shading during the hottest time (from 12 to 15 hours). Since the plant does not react well to drafts, it is best to plant the bush on the south, southwest or southeast side of the house, outbuildings, fences. Thanks to this arrangement, the vine will be protected by the wall of the building from gusts of wind at any time of the year.

The best period for planting young seedlings is spring. Experienced gardeners They breed clematis from late April to mid-May. You should immediately think about installing an elegant, decorative, fairly stable support, around which the plant will rapidly grow upward. The distance between bushes should be maintained at least one and a half meters.

Preparing the soil for clematis

The size of the planting hole for each bush depends on the fertility of the soil on the site. So, on cultivated, well-structured lands it is enough to dig a hole of 0.6x0.6x0.6 m, while on poor soils it is required big square for food - 0.7x0.7x0.7 m. The bottom of the pit is laid out with a ten-centimeter drainage layer of broken bricks, clay shards, small pebbles, expanded clay or vermiculite.

To provide the plant with all the necessary nutrition for the coming year, the garden the soil is mixed with well-ripened compost or rotted mullein (approximately 1:1). The less fertile the land on your site, the large quantity the specified organic matter must be added to the planting hole.

Soils with an acidic reaction should be treated by adding ash (up to 0.2 kg per plant, depending on the initial pH) or slaked lime(from 50 to 100 grams in each hole).

Since clematis develops quickly and removes large doses of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other mineral salts from the soil, about 20 grams of urea, 20 grams of granulated superphosphate, 10 grams of potassium sulfate or a bucket with a solution of complex fertilizer with microelements are additionally added to the planting soil.

Complex Nitroammofoska (NPK 16:16:16) is also suitable for clematis. All mineral fertilizers, ash (lime) and organic matter are thoroughly mixed with top layer fertile garden soil or a universal soil purchased at a gardening market.

Proper planting of clematis

The roots of the seedling do not need pruning. The plant is immersed in a hole and covered with the prepared nutrient mixture, deepening the root collar in young bushes to a depth of 5 to 10 cm, and in older specimens - up to 20 cm. After planting trunk circle thoroughly shed with warm, clean water.

The next fertilizing is carried out the next year after planting, using complex mineral or organomineral compositions for flowering crops, universal mineral fertilizers (Azofoska, Ammofoska) or mono-compositions with potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus. Clematis also responds well to feeding with traditional organic matter - a solution of slurry, humus, garden compost, fermented compost, ash, etc.

Now you know how to plant clematis correctly in the garden! Beauty for you summer cottage every season!