Beneficial properties of mint tea and its harm. Peppermint tea: benefits and harms, mint tea recipes, contraindications

Beneficial properties of mint tea and its harm.  Peppermint tea: benefits and harms, mint tea recipes, contraindications
Beneficial properties of mint tea and its harm. Peppermint tea: benefits and harms, mint tea recipes, contraindications

Herbal teas (also known as infusions) have been used for centuries as natural remedies to treat a wide range of ailments, as well as to support good condition health and well-being. Of all the varieties of these drinks known in the world, mint tea is one of the most widely used and popular.

In addition to its pleasant taste and aroma, this drink offers many health benefits. It is especially useful for those who suffer from headaches or stomach problems.

Peppermint tea has been used as medicine for many centuries. Today, it is recommended by alternative healers, herbalists and many others as a treatment for various diseases, as well as a tonic for the body as a whole. What is the benefit? mint tea?

For headaches

For some people with headaches, more may be offered. mild remedy than strong analgesics. Instead, you can try the proven folk remedy. If you suddenly get a severe headache, try using fresh or dried mint leaf tea instead of aspirin or other painkillers. By drinking it immediately after a few minutes of steeping and steeping, you may simply find that your condition is relieved without any side effects or taking unnecessary medications.

Peppermint tea is often effective in stopping headaches caused by stress or a poor diet. Such negative factors usually cause a spasm of blood vessels in the brain, causing severe illness.

Effective painkillers stop such pain by dilating blood vessels. Peppermint tea works in the same way, bringing relief to patients. Interestingly, even the aroma of mint (or essential oil) can help with headaches and colds.

Tea successfully fights colds

Menthol is a natural chemical that gives mint its refreshing, icy taste and similar taste sensation. In addition to peppermint tea having one of the most pleasant herbal flavors, menthol also plays another important role in relieving cold symptoms.

This substance is known to soothe inflamed mucous membranes in the sinuses and throat, relieve swelling (providing comfortable breathing) and act as a decongestant (breaks down phlegm and mucus accumulations). Additionally, inhaling peppermint vapor can also relieve many of the symptoms associated with elevated temperature. This means that if you suffer from respiratory problems or seasonal allergies, a cup of peppermint tea can help you feel much better (especially if you're breathing in the steam!).

Mint stops indigestion

Peppermint tea is sometimes called a "stomach healer" because it is known to relieve many gastrointestinal ailments, including stomach pain, colic, heartburn, flatulence, indigestion and diarrhea, and generally promote healthy digestion.

This is especially effective if you drink this drink after meals and before bed (especially if you had a late dinner and often experience heartburn). This tea also helps at any time if you have stomach problems.

It is also interesting to note that peppermint essential oil effectively treats one syndrome that has little known methods treatment - IBS or irritable bowel syndrome. Many medical practitioners also believe that drinking peppermint tea regularly will provide significant relief for these patients.

Calming and tonic properties

Peppermint tea is not just pleasant for your taste buds- it also benefits your mind! This drink has been shown to improve brain function, making the consumer more alert and promoting improved memory.

Is it possible to drink mint tea for a calming purpose, given its tonic properties? Research shows that it is quite possible. Along with the above qualities, mint is also a natural stress reliever.

For menstrual pain

As you can guess from the above, tea from this plant is used to relieve cramps. This might make it good remedy for everyone - from professional athletes to people suffering from regular stress. However, it is especially effective in treating a certain type of spasm - the muscles in the walls of the uterus. That is why it is successfully used to relieve menstrual pain.

Other Health Benefits

In addition to the benefits listed above, mint tea also has the following qualities:

  • antibacterial, antimicrobial and antiseptic properties(that makes him effective means for cleansing the skin and an excellent assistant for fighting bacterial infections when applied topically);
  • can act as an analgesic (helping in relieving many types of pain);
  • be effective as a treatment for certain skin conditions (such as psoriasis and some other types of skin rashes) and arthritis (when applied topically);
  • helps relieve colic in babies;
  • helps burn fat in digestion;
  • improves bile production and destroys kidney and gallstones (but this should be done under the supervision of a doctor!);
  • reduces bad smell from mouth;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • relieves symptoms of seasickness.

How to brew mint tea correctly?

This tea can be easily prepared at home. To make it, take fresh or dried leaves. You can either grow them yourself or buy them at many grocery stores and markets. In dried form, mint is sold both in bulk and in bags.

The recipe for mint tea is as follows. You will need about one tablespoon of crushed fresh leaves or about one teaspoon of dried leaves per cup of fresh water.

To prepare the drink correctly, bring the water to a boil. Add mint to boiling water. Stir for five minutes or a little longer (you can do this for up to 12 minutes). If you want a really strong drink, you can also boil the leaves. Then strain the tea or remove the tea bag.

How to drink mint drink?

If you are using it as a remedy, it is best to drink the peppermint tea while it is hot (but not scalding). You can add a little sugar or honey if you feel it is necessary. However, it is better to drink it without additives. But if you have a sore throat, it is recommended to mix it with honey.

If you are using tea as a topical remedy, you can wet a sponge with it and wipe selected areas of your body with it. Alternatively, you can add some freshly brewed tea to your bath water.

If desired, you can mix mint with other herbs when you make herbal tea. This herb works well when mixed with lavender (for stress relief), ginger (for digestion), and fennel seed (for detoxification).

Is mint tea harmful?

While peppermint infusion is an excellent health drink, it is worth noting that it does have a few potential side effects for certain people. For this reason, you should carefully study the benefits and harms of mint tea before consuming it. The benefits of this drink are mentioned above, and its possible negative effects on the body are as follows. Avoid drinking peppermint tea in following cases:

  • If your arterial pressure(the relaxing properties of mint may reduce it even further).
  • Avoid excessive use of peppermint tea during pregnancy as it can, in extreme cases, cause relaxation of the uterus and lead to miscarriage. If you have a history of such cases, medical practitioners usually recommend refraining from drinking this drink.

Additionally, although very rare, an overdose of mint can cause diarrhea, rapid heartbeat, or slow heart rate. For young children, mint should be used in very limited quantities to avoid irritation or allergies.

However, it is clear that all of the above side effects are rare and most people have nothing to worry about. Peppermint tea is considered a safe, effective and natural remedy for many health problems and overall well-being.

If you have any questions about side effects or the health benefits of mint, talk to your doctor or consult an herbalist. It has been completely officially established that the menthol contained in this plant has antispasmodic effects. In addition, peppermint tea helps treat stomach upsets, the effects of stress, and menstrual cramps. Drinking one cup of tea two to three times a day for several days leading up to and during menstruation can significantly reduce pain and discomfort.

Mint has been known since ancient times. It is often used as an additive to tea or as a main ingredient. This plant has also been called the “elixir of life” and the “herb of longevity.” Tea, decoction and lotions from mint have long been used to treat various diseases. Exists a large number of types of mint, but currently not all of them have found their application. Each type has its own pros and cons. Men can drink mint tea of ​​all types, because each of them helps in the fight against various diseases. However, you should initially compare the benefits and possible harms of consuming mint.

Types of mint

The most popular is peppermint, which is sold in many stores and is also included in various pain relievers and toothpaste. The large amount of menthol it contains helps get rid of sore throat, insomnia, attacks of nausea and unpleasant foot odor.

Also popular is meadow mint, which contains less menthol, but is more unpretentious and is often used in medical supplies. In cooking, fragrant mint is used, which has a strong smell and gives dishes a unique aroma. But one type of mint is different from the others. It's about Omelissa, or lemon balm. It does not contain menthol and has a bitter taste.

Mint leaves and stems contain many useful components, the main of which are:

  • essential oils;
  • flavonoids;
  • trace elements (iron, zinc, manganese and copper);
  • macroelements (sodium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and potassium);
  • vitamins A, B, C and PP;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • folic acid;
  • saturated fatty acids.

Thanks to these components, the body replenishes the deficiency of essential minerals and vitamins. They speed up many internal processes. A mint drink, tea or bath can calm your nerves, balance your thoughts and refresh you on a hot day.


Today, almost all people have tried mint tea at least once in their lives. Also, many have heard about its beneficial properties. But from time to time, disputes arise about the safety of using mint for the male body, its effect on potency and existing contraindications. In order to understand this issue, you should first study all its properties.

Among the many effects of mint, the most common is calming. Drinking tea with this herb at night will help you relax and fall asleep faster. To prepare it, you can use both fresh and dried mint.

Mint tea recipe

To make peppermint tea for men, you will need a regular teapot and a strainer for filtering. Take a few spoons of black or green tea and mix with 5-6 leaves peppermint. It can be purchased at any pharmacy or supermarket. Pour everything into the kettle, pour boiling water over it and let it brew for 10-15 minutes. The effect of drinking tea can be noticed after 10 minutes - menthol will calm the nerves and provide peace of mind.

Important! Peppermint tea for men will help quickly calm frayed nerves and avoid stress.

Mint has the following numerous properties that undeniably prove its benefits:

  • helps relax;
  • has a beneficial effect on nervous system;
  • normalizes the emotional background and helps achieve peace of mind;
  • normalizes heart rate;
  • thins the blood and improves blood circulation;
  • improves the flow of bile and prevents the occurrence of cholelithiasis;
  • improves digestion;
  • relieves nausea and heartburn;
  • relieves headaches;
  • has a mild analgesic effect;
  • freshens breath;
  • eliminates inflammation in the throat during colds;
  • facilitates breathing, relieves wheezing and coughing in case of problems with the respiratory system;
  • improves overall well-being at elevated temperatures;
  • helps protect teeth from caries;
  • strengthens tooth enamel;
  • improves the condition of mucous membranes;
  • relieves insomnia and makes sleep more sound;
  • reduces blood pressure;
  • relieves vascular spasms;
  • gives tone to dull skin;
  • improves the condition of joints with osteochondrosis and radiculitis.

When mixing mint and pomegranate juice, the effect of astringents and tannins is enhanced, which can stop sudden nausea and vomiting. It is also recommended to use mint for poor digestion, flatulence and diarrhea. Peppermint tea will improve the production of gastric juice, which will improve digestion.

With problems with the gastrointestinal tract, bad breath often occurs. With the help of the menthol contained in mint, you can quickly and effectively freshen your breath. That is why it is added to toothpaste. In addition, menthol helps fight not only the unpleasant odor, but also bleeding gums and the occurrence of caries. The anti-inflammatory, cooling and diaphoretic properties of this plant will help you recover from a cold or sore throat faster.

Mint will also eliminate excessive sweating of the feet. For this purpose, baths are used that have a refreshing and relaxing effect. To prepare it, a handful of dried herbs is poured with boiling water and infused for half an hour. And then the infusion is poured into a basin with warm water, in which the feet are dipped. Menthol will tighten the pores and thereby eliminate unpleasant odor.

The benefits and harms of consuming mint for men

IN large quantities Men should not drink mint tea because it can lead to... This possibility occurs with excessive abuse of mint. The effect of regular use of this plant in large volumes is the outflow of blood from the male genital organ, as a result of which potency suffers.

Note! You should not completely give up mint, as it also brings many benefits when consumed in moderation.

For mint tea to become harmful, it should be drunk for several months 6-7 times a day. Moreover, it must be a highly concentrated drink. Only then can a decrease in the level of testosterone, the hormone responsible for such external signs men, such as roughness of voice, body type, hairiness, etc.

But drinking just a couple of cups a day will not cause any harm to either male strength or the body as a whole. Moreover, such a drink will help normalize the nervous system, which will ultimately have a positive effect on potency, because in most cases it is severe stress, depression and emotional fatigue that cause male impotence.

Who is contraindicated in mint?

There is a category of people who should refrain from consuming this herb. We are talking about hypotensive people, since mint can further lower their blood pressure. It is also not recommended to drink tea or decoctions for people with heartburn.


Peppermint tea for men is beneficial if consumed in moderation. A cup of such tea, drunk even every day, will not do any harm to men. For negative impact for sexual function, you need to drink liters of similar drinks daily, even instead of simple drinking water. But it’s unlikely that anyone can handle consuming such an amount, so the opinion about the dangers of mint for men is greatly exaggerated.

Tea has been known on our planet since ancient times; the popularity of this drink is only growing every year. People like to drink tea for various reasons - to warm up, calm down, lower blood pressure, normalize digestion or sleep. Very often, various additives from leaves, berries or flowers are used for regular black or green tea. medicinal plants to enhance the healing properties and get additional effect from the drink. Traditionally, mint tea is considered beneficial. This plant belongs to the medicinal group, so it should be used with caution and in moderation. What is the benefit of mint tea, how much can you drink it, is there any harm from this drink - questions that need to be answered.

About the drink

In ancient times, this plant was considered sacred and was called the herb of longevity.

Today, mint is widely used in official pharmacology for the manufacture medicines and in folk medicine as a preventive and therapeutic agent.

The abundance of essential oils gives this plant a strong, lasting aroma, which is used in herbal medicine. Doctors have long used the antidepressant properties of the leaves to treat anxiety and insomnia. In addition, it has the properties to suppress the growth of bacteria, relieve pain, reduce high acidity, and improve mood. Mint can be added to ready meals as a spice, and also brew mint tea, which will never be superfluous in the diet. Tea with mint will warm you up from the cold in winter, and in summer heat will help you refresh and quench your thirst. In addition, herbal tea is used as additional remedy for the treatment of many diseases. The specific benefits of tea depend on the type of mint and the combination with other herbs. Of the many types of mint, the following are often used for brewing tea:

  • pepper – contains a lot of menthol, is widely used in medical practice;
  • field or wild, more used in cooking;
  • lemon balm or lemon.

Peppermint tea has healing properties due to the rich composition of this plant. Except essential oil, it includes vitamins (A, C, B12, rutin), carotene, menthol, resins, acids and tannins. The benefits and harms of tea are actively discussed on the Internet, but it still remains a popular and favorite drink among adults and children that can be drunk at any time.

About the benefits

The effect of regular tea leaves and mint leaves is cumulative and, as a result, enhanced beneficial features drink - antiseptic, choleretic, analgesic, sedative, stimulating brain function and the activity of the digestive glands. The healing properties of tea can be presented as follows:

  • helps in the treatment of colds, viral and infectious diseases (the effect is greater when adding raspberry and currant leaves to tea with mint and combining them with honey and lemon);
  • reduces gastric secretion, increases bile secretion, which promotes better digestion of fats;
  • relieves cramping abdominal pain, which often occurs during menstruation in women;
  • normalizes the activity of the cardiovascular system, lowers blood pressure, gives a slight hypotensive and calming effect (especially in combination with tea and honey);
  • improves the functioning of the digestive system, in particular the intestines - mint tea has an antibacterial effect, relieves spasms, treats diarrhea and bloating;
  • improves skin condition, in women – reduces the growth of unwanted hair;
  • promotes fat burning - dulls the feeling of hunger and increases bile secretion; when using this product for weight loss, you should follow a drinking regime, because mint has a diuretic effect;
  • removes headache and increased intracranial pressure, including a positive effect on migraine;
  • normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, gives a calming effect, improves falling asleep, promotes normal night sleep (if you drink mint tea regularly);
  • lowers the level of male sex hormones - which is important for women during menopause;
  • helps cope with toxicosis in pregnant women (gives relief from nausea, dizziness).

About the harm

The negative properties of mint and tea can be seen in people with individual intolerance to this plant (this does not happen so often), with an excessive passion for mint drinks, especially in children early age. It is not recommended for children under 5 years of age to drink mint tea due to the risk of developing allergies, hypotension (herbal tea lowers blood pressure) and other undesirable reactions. Before use, it is better to consult a pediatrician. This tea reduces the level of male sex hormones and increases female hormones, which is why mint tea is so beneficial for women and undesirable for men. Although this statement will be fair if a man drinks mint tea several times a day. Any man can drink one cup of mint leaf tea with lemon or honey, especially if he is worried about blood pressure or insomnia.

It is customary to talk about tea in general outline. However, mint can be consumed with green or black tea - depending on how you are used to, but the healing properties that this drink provides are different. It should be borne in mind that the green drink contains more caffeine; it is not recommended for people with hypertension and pregnant women, as well as for varicose veins. But, it is more suitable for those who want to lose excess weight.

People who have low blood pressure, reflux esophagitis (mint increases gastroesophageal sphincter insufficiency and can cause heartburn), varicose veins, and severe internal diseases should be careful not to think about mint tea.

This drink will be useful for those who are attentive to their health and take everything into account. possible contraindications and adverse reactions when choosing a particular medicinal product. In any case, moderate consumption of this drink is unlikely to harm the human body, but in everything you should observe moderation and take care of yourself.

From the video you will learn the recipe for making mint tea:

Bad breath is a consequence of parasites!

Head of the Institute of Parasitology German Shaevich Gandelman: Diseases caused by parasites The frequency of manifestations is second only to colds. Only a thorough cleaning will help remove all the nasty stuff. Drink it quickly...

Mint is a widespread aromatic plant, containing a large amount of menthol. Mint has a wide range of uses: it is used in cosmetics, pharmacology, aromatherapy, herbal medicine and in cooking. This plant is most widely used in the preparation of aromatic tea. Since mint tea is very tasty, it does not need to be mixed with other herbs or teas. It all depends on each person's preferences.

Mint refers to medicinal plants, so mint tea has mass healing properties:

  • Relieves pain in women during menstruation;
  • Relieves the unpleasant symptoms of menopause;
  • Has a diuretic and antiseptic effect;
  • Thanks to menthol in its composition, it has antibacterial properties against colds and infectious diseases;
  • Reduces the level of male hormones in the female body;
  • Improves appetite, but at the same time reduces hunger. Therefore, it is good for losing weight;
  • Improves brain activity;
  • Relieves muscle pain and migraines;
  • Lowers blood pressure;
  • If you drink less than two cups of mint tea a day, it will invigorate you, but if on the contrary, you will feel weak and want to sleep;
  • Frees the body from toxins and poisons;
  • Improves metabolic processes;
  • It has a diuretic effect, which is also good for weight loss.

Harm of mint tea

If you have an allergy or individual intolerance to mint, it is strictly forbidden to drink mint tea.

Can pregnant women drink mint tea?

If you drink no more than two cups, mint tea has a very good effect on a pregnant woman. It makes it easier to survive toxicosis, as it relieves dizziness and nausea, calms the nervous system and helps eliminate anxiety and fears of childbirth. In addition, it increases female libido, eliminates dizziness, and fights swelling.

Many drugs are prohibited to take during pregnancy. Peppermint tea will help a woman recover from colds without harming the child.

Can men drink mint tea?

Many people are interested why men shouldn't drink mint tea. Thanks to scientific experiments, scientists have proven that with regular use, mint tea can reduce the amount of testosterone in human body. But this does not mean that men are prohibited from drinking mint tea. Due to the constant consumption of a cup of tea per day, absolutely nothing bad will happen, and potency will not suffer.

Peppermint tea is a refreshing drink that relaxes and gives strength at the same time. Thanks to mint, which is a medicinal plant, this tea has a lot of healing properties and therefore it has found its use in folk medicine.

Beneficial properties of mint tea

Mint, which is the basis of tea, has an analgesic, soothing, antiseptic and choleretic effect, stimulates brain function, and improves appetite. Menthol contained in mint has antibacterial properties, so tea is very useful for infectious and colds.

The healing properties of mint tea are manifested as follows:

  • Treats colds, flu, runny nose and related diseases;
  • Reduces stomach acidity;
  • Relieves pain and eases menstruation;
  • Improves metabolism;
  • Increases immunity;
  • Normalizes work gastrointestinal tract– relieves spasms and destroys infections;
  • Relieves pain from migraines and muscle pain;
  • Has a calming effect and helps normalize the functioning of the nervous system;
  • Treats external skin diseases: eliminates rawness and itching, reduces inflammation;
  • Improves metabolic processes;
  • Normalizes the activity of the cardiovascular system.

Peppermint tea can be called “women’s” tea, since it not only helps get rid of cramps and pain during menstrual periods, but also regulates menstrual cycle and alleviates the unpleasant symptoms of menopause. Due to the fact that mint tea reduces the level of male hormones in the body, hair growth in women, accordingly, decreases in unwanted places. For pregnant women, mint tea will help get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of toxicosis, relieve dizziness and nausea.

How to make mint tea

The mint herb itself is very tasty and aromatic, so mint tea can be prepared as an independent herbal infusion or add mint to green or black tea, as well as to herbal teas:

  • To prepare traditional mint tea, take dry mint leaves (1 tablespoon) and pour boiling water (200 ml). Then let the tea brew a little (literally 7-10 minutes) and you can drink it either warm or chilled - as desired.
  • For colds– Brew tea using the above method, add a slice of lemon and honey and drink half a glass warm 3-4 times a day. With the cooled infusion, you can rinse your nasal passages when you have a runny nose and gargle.
  • In case of intoxication of the body, infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - take 2 tbsp. spoons of dry mint leaves and pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew for about a couple of hours, then strain and drink 1 tbsp with meals 2-3 times a day. spoon.
  • For bloating, toxicosis, nausea– 2 tbsp. Pour 2 cups of boiling water over spoons of mint, leave for about half an hour, then strain and drink ½ cup twice a day before meals.
  • During menopause e – 2 teaspoons of dry leaves, pour 500 ml of boiling water, bring the infusion to a boil, then cool and strain and drink 2-3 times during the day, like tea.
  • For migraines, severe muscle pain– pour dry mint leaves (1 teaspoon) with boiling water (200 ml), add 2 teaspoons of lemon zest and 1 teaspoon of honey. Drink ½ glass of the drink 2-3 times a day instead of tea.
  • For skin diseases– brew 1 teaspoon of mint in 150 ml of boiling water, let it brew a little, strain and wipe with tea several times a day problem areas skin.

Despite the simplicity of brewing mint tea, there are several rules for preparing mint tea that must be followed:

  1. For a child, the concentration of mint in the drink should be reduced exactly by half (for example, 1 tablespoon per 500 ml of water).
  2. Brew fresh mint like this: pour boiling water over 4 mint leaves, after 2 minutes, drain the water and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Let the drink brew for 4-6 minutes and you can drink it.
  3. Brew mint tea only in porcelain or glass to preserve its beneficial properties.
  4. If you want to mix mint with green or black tea, be sure to maintain a 1:1 ratio of mint and tea.
  5. For prevention and general wellness You can drink ½ glass of mint tea three times a day.
  6. Mint tea is only useful when freshly brewed.
  7. During pregnancy, you should not drink more than 2 glasses of mint tea per day.

You can add lemon or honey to mint tea to taste, but it is better to avoid sugar, as it reduces the beneficial properties of mint.


Mint tea, the beneficial properties of which are undeniable, nevertheless has a number of cautions for use:

  • Peppermint tea is not recommended for nursing mothers, as it can reduce lactation;
  • Peppermint tea is not recommended for men - it has an effect on reducing testosterone levels in the blood and lowers libido;
  • You should not drink tea if you have inflammation of the liver or kidneys;
  • You should not drink mint tea if you have low blood pressure, as mint helps lower blood pressure.

Peppermint tea has positive influence on the body and, if you use all the rules and precautions for use, brings only benefits to a person.