Fertilizing red currants in summer. When and what to feed currants in the spring: the best fertilizer for a good harvest. When to fertilize currants in spring: optimal timing and scheme

Fertilizing red currants in summer.  When and what to feed currants in the spring: the best fertilizer for a good harvest.  When to fertilize currants in spring: optimal timing and scheme
Fertilizing red currants in summer. When and what to feed currants in the spring: the best fertilizer for a good harvest. When to fertilize currants in spring: optimal timing and scheme

Its special value lies in its unpretentiousness. But still, for large and large fruits, you need to give the plant additional growth activators every year. Therefore, caring ones spend the spring and throughout the season.

When to feed currants in spring

Everyone Needs Extra Nutrients fruit plant. You can add them to the soil or spray the foliage with them. In any case, the bush will thank you. It is important to do this on time and regularly.

Fertilizer for a bush can be different: organic, root and foliar. Fertilize in autumn organic substances , and in spring it is preferable to use mineral mixtures . Liquid fertilizing can be done a year in advance:
  • four times
  • at the beginning of flowering and bud break;
  • at the end of flowering, when the plant begins to grow rapidly;
  • the beginning of July is the time when the berries come;
when the entire harvest has already been harvested. Each of these feeding options has its own characteristics. You can’t overdo it or add those elements that the plant needs. this moment

Not needed.

What does currant feeding consist of in spring? It is in the spring
, at the time when the plant begins to actively grow and develop, it draws everything that is in the soil. Therefore, during this period it is important to do spring feeding.

If you can skip this procedure in the fall, then in the spring you should never do this. In addition, the amount of work that will be done in the spring depends on your activity in the fall. Important!

If you have already fertilized with certain substances in the fall, then they must be removed from the fertilizer mixture for the bush in the spring. And they save the soil two types of fertilizers

: mineral and organic. It is important to know when and which of them the plant needs for normal development.

Feeding currants in the spring with mineral fertilizers is necessary for the reason that during this period the plant draws on everything that the soil gives it for the formation of buds and the flowering process, strengthening the roots or, in other words, - development of the aboveground and root parts of the bush.
Minerals are especially necessary for plants that do not receive everything they need from the soil in the first year of their growth. Therefore, phosphorus is useful here, and. You will notice insufficient development by the weak growth of the bush.

Fertilizers phosphorus-potassium need to be applied together with others after a year or two, focusing on the condition of the soil. It is preferable to add them to autumn period, to prepare for winter, but they won’t hurt in the spring either.
Potash substances are used only those that do not contain chlorine. The best and most popular option is. Fertilizing currants in spring with ash is especially necessary for sandy and light soils.

Mineral nitrogen fertilizers help the plant gain strength after winter and grow actively. If the soils are fertile, they will not need nitrogen.

If you notice that the plant is not growing as progressively and its leaves are light shade green, this means that they lack growth activators - nitrogen.

If you can skip this procedure in the fall, then in the spring you should never do this. In addition, the amount of work that will be done in the spring depends on your activity in the fall. You have to be careful with nitrogen. An excess of this substance harms the plant, increases the risk of disease, and reduces yield. Applying this fertilizer in the summer will weaken the plant and its internal tissues and reduce resistance to upcoming frosts in winter.

- another variety simple options mineral fertilizer for the bush in spring.
Spraying the plant's root system is done from a solution based on such fertilizers. The recipe is as follows:
  • water 10 l;
  • boric acid – 2 g;
  • zinc sulfate and manganese, 2 and 5 g, respectively;
  • copper sulfate up to 2 years

These substances are intended to replace or supplement mineral fertilizers for currants in spring, summer, autumn. Of course, the best effect is noticeable when both options are used together, in correct proportions and at the right time.

Organic matter is best applied during the summer and laid in autumn: humus, . These same products will help you when planting. They must be added to the soil so that you don’t have to think about how to fertilize the currant bushes in the spring of next year.
For one bush you will need approximately 7 kg of organic fertilizers, which are buried in the hole.

For annual feeding, if desired, replace mineral fertilizers, use any organic substance. Its volumes are not small - up to 15 kg per 1 currant bush. Now you can choose:

  • alternate minerals and organic matter every other year;
  • combine two types of fertilizer, reducing the volume of each by 2 times.
Currant fertilizer potato peelings - Another one interesting option organics. Its advantage is that potatoes contain a large number of starch, which is perfectly absorbed by currants.
Currants reject regular starch, which you can buy in a store, but potato starch does. loves. In addition, this is another source of potassium and other trace elements, vitamins, and minerals.

Did you know? Fruitcurrants, absorbing the rich infusion from potato peelings, increase in size and taste sweeter. And you can carry out such fertilizing in a volume of 3 liters per bush three times a year: when the ovaries have appeared, the berries have ripened and the last fruits have been collected.

Undoubtedly, potato peelingsbest fertilizer for currants. You can prepare a solution from 1 liter of frozen or dried cleanings, which are filled with 10 liters of water at a temperature of 100 degrees. The container must be insulated and left for three days, stirring constantly.

How to properly feed currants in spring

Before getting started, you need to understand not only the types of fertilizers, but also how to properly apply them to the soil without harming the plant.

Rules for feeding bushes

Fertilizing currants in spring is carried out as follows:

  • it is necessary to apply fertilizer evenly;
  • the substance must be localized near the plant itself along the radius, which will slightly exceed the crown diameter;
  • For the first two years, currants can bear fruit without fertilizing if they were introduced during planting. sufficient amount of fertilizer;
  • mineral substances are less active and cannot independently penetrate deep into the soil to the lower layers of the roots, which means that when applying such fertilizer you need to grooves or holes up to 30 cm deep, located 40 cm from the plant in a circle, where mineral salts are placed;
  • Nitrogen compounds normally penetrate into the soil, but when applying they must be mix with soil;
  • organic fertilizers are spread on the ground, around the bush;
  • for effective feeding you need unite root and supra-root (spraying) fertilization procedures;
  • For foliar feeding apply smaller quantity mineral substance so as not to burn the leaves, and choose from those that are completely soluble in water.

If you can skip this procedure in the fall, then in the spring you should never do this. In addition, the amount of work that will be done in the spring depends on your activity in the fall. Spray the plant minerals needed in dark time days when the sun will not hit the foliage. This way the liquid remains on the surface of the leaves longer, and the likelihood of burns will be significantly reduced.

The use of mineral trace elements for spraying is what you can use to feed currants in the spring before flowering and after the ovaries form.

Stages of feeding currants

Throughout the life of this bush, it is advisable to monitor its cleanliness and health, improve the condition of the soil, prepare it for winter and provide useful substances in the spring.
Therefore, fertilizing should be carried out in several approaches, discussed below.

First feeding

Let's consider how to feed currants in the spring with or without autumn fertilizer. So, if in the fall you introduced phosphorus, potassium and organic matter, then in the spring it’s only a matter of nitrogen.

That's what it is First step feeding. When the shoots begin to actively fill the branches of the bush (their length should reach 2 cm), you can get down to business. Nitrogen fertilizer is.

It is possible to ensure the plant optimal growth and development rates, as well as increase the degree of productivity with the help of correct and timely feeding. Nowadays, there are a lot of tools that you can use. Feeding currants is not a difficult task, but requires a competent approach.

Why fertilize a plant?

This extremely vitamin-rich berry can be found in almost every area. However, only experienced gardeners know why and how to feed currant bushes. The plant is quite unpretentious and bears fruit, being content minimal care. But lack of fertilizers improper watering and other agrotechnical measures greatly influence the degree of yield and its quality.

At first, the plant needs enough fertilizer applied during planting, especially for the red and white varieties. But over time, the number of berries decreases, and the fruits themselves lose their presentation, become smaller and become less tasty. Then the bush gradually stops developing and sprouting new young shoots. As a result, he is transplanted.

All this can be avoided by regularly applying seasonal fertilizing. Using a simple scheme, you can achieve increased yield and improved taste. In addition, a plant that receives all the necessary nutrients becomes more resistant to adverse conditions. weather conditions and diseases.

Submission rules

Few people know that varieties of currants differ not only general characteristics bushes and fruits, but also the specifics of fertilizing. Next, you will learn about the rules for fertilizing red and black currants.

For red and white

Fertilizing red currants is greatly facilitated by the fact that they are undemanding to soil fertility. Light soils with a slightly acidic or neutral reaction are best suited. An important point is that it is sensitive to chlorine, so it is recommended to replace it with potassium sulfate or wood ash. Spring fertilizing is very important, thanks to it you can achieve an increase in yield so much that it exceeds that of black currants.

Because this variety loves moisture, it is better to feed the bush with liquid fertilizers or apply along with watering. In April, the plant is watered abundantly and urea is added. At the beginning of summer, manure or bird droppings diluted with water are perfect. Also in the summer, special fertilizers enriched with microelements are applied: boric acid, manganese sulfate, copper sulfate, ammonium molybdate and zinc sulfate, diluted in small doses in a large amount of water. Leaves are treated with this solution.

The last time the bush is fed is in early October with a mixture of organic and potassium-phosphorus fertilizers. You can also use a fruit and vegetable mixture. Winter feeding not required at all. Contributed during the warm period useful substances enough until spring. Similarly, you can feed white currants. With the exception of summer treatment with microelements, which is carried out if necessary.

For black

The scheme for feeding black currants variably includes several more stages - earlier and later. In total there are five main stages:

  • in spring, during the period of swelling of the buds. Nitrogen-containing fertilizers are applied. Potassium and phosphorus can be added periodically (every couple of years);
  • after flowering ends. Similar types of feeding are used as in the first stage. However, it should be taken into account that you should not abuse nitrogen products; excess can affect yields and significantly weaken the immune system. It is best to use mineral and organic fertilizers in equal quantities;
  • period of ovary and fruit filling. It is recommended to give preference to organic and potassium-phosphorus complexes;
  • late summer, after the harvest. A comprehensive fertilizer that includes a small amount of nitrogen is best suited;
  • late fall. Potassium and phosphorus, which increase the plant’s immunity and are responsible for strengthening the rhizome.

What to feed black currants at each stage can be determined by appearance bush and its fruiting.

How to fertilize

A wide variety of different fertilizers can pose a problem for an inexperienced gardener, who can rack his brain over what to fertilize currants so as not to harm them. The easiest way is to use the scheme and focus on complex specialized mixtures.

Without any problems, you can buy a liquid or granular mixture for a certain stage and fertilize the bush according to the instructions. You can use folk recipes and the experience of gardeners. Thus, manure, compost and bird droppings contain a large amount of nitrogen. Bird droppings and manure are diluted with water and applied in liquid form; compost and humus can be used to mulch the soil.

Complex fertilizers can be replaced with available products: wood ash, starch and grain fertilizers. These products are diluted or infused in water and applied under the bush. Since starch is slowly and not completely absorbed, if possible, it is better to replace it with tincture of potato peelings. Such fertilizers for currants are available to everyone.

Special feeding

There are also specific fertilizers that are much easier to feed currants with than self-prepared fertilizers. They are sold in finished, powder or granular form with instructions for use.

Feeding with phosphorus fertilizers

This type is usually introduced after harvest or in the fall, since the main element requires long time for assimilation. Within a few months, the subcortex transforms into a soil-retaining complex and by summer begins to work fully. A certain type of phosphorus complexes - tuks, which contain fast-acting compounds - are also applied in the spring. There are several popular types of fertilizer.

On different stages the plant requires potassium fertilizing. For currants this is spring and autumn. The best option The addition of potassium fertilizers is considered: potassium nitrate, nitrophoska, ammophosphates. However, you cannot feed the bush “by eye”; you need a certain dose and application schedule.

It should be recalled that for currants, chlorine-containing preparations should be replaced with ash. It should also be taken into account that potassium increases the acidity of the soil, so calcium and lime must be added at the same time. For chernozems you can add potassium without fear negative consequences due to the alkaline reaction.

Liquid fertilizer

Berry crops, including currants, better absorb nutrients in liquid form. Therefore, almost any fertilizer must be dissolved in water, otherwise it will not be absorbed. Both organic and mineral fertilizers are dissolved in water. The norm is to apply fertilizer per 10 liters of water.

For any type of fertilizer, it is important not only the time of fertilizing, but also its quantity. Otherwise, you may lose the harvest or “burn” the plant. Therefore, you should not engage in amateur activities; it is better to use recommendations and instructions.

Video “Feeding currants after flowering”

From this video you will learn how to properly fertilize currants after flowering.

With the first rays of the spring sun at the end of winter, it’s time to get serious about putting things in order. fruit and berry bushes: do pruning, feed weakened plants.

Having combined crops such as currants and gooseberries in one article, we will consider in more detail how to provide plants Better conditions so that they thank the owners with a full harvest of berries.

It begins when the snow still lies in melted piles on garden plot. At this time, the soil is saturated with moisture, fertilizers are easily dissolved and absorbed by plants.

Currants are an unassuming crop, but require attention.

Currant is a fertile shrub for garden plots.

This perennial easy to care for, and when proper care produces a bountiful harvest, survives even in abandoned areas, and thrives in the forest. What a rich bounty the taiga inhabitants bring home in the form of black and red currants! Berry after berry - selected, aromatic, soaked in the sun.

Why is it that at home, currants do not always please with a bountiful harvest like their wild relatives? For successful development and fruiting, currants require compliance with 4 conditions:

  1. Lighting.
  2. Watering.
  3. The soil.
  4. Feeding.

You should select a site and prepare the necessary soil composition before planting berry bushes. These actions determine the success of growth and developmenta young seedling that will “work” on the site for many years.

How many vital energy, the plant spends nutrients in the fight against low temperatures in winter, sweltering heat in summer, pest infestations! Caring owner strives to make life easier for his assistants after winter frosts, providingcaring for currants in spring. Top dressing- this is the first step towards the summer harvest.

What you need to know about the Gooseberry family

In order to have a clear picture of how to feed correctly berry bushes, you need to imagine what morphological features they have.

Surprisingly, currants and gooseberries belong to the same family. Gooseberry.

Currants are divided into 2 types:

  • black;
  • red.

The rest of the currant color range is only varietal variety. Black currant varieties include: green and purple, red currants include pink, white, yellow.

Feeding currant and gooseberry bushes in springis carried out according to the same rules.

How to fertilize correctly

Regardless of when it is heldfeeding currants (in spring, in the summer or before the winter cold), what fertilizers are used, it is important to remember how to do it correctly in order to achieve best result and not harm the plant.

Gardening tips:

  1. Fertilizers should be applied evenly on each side of the bush.
  2. Liquid fertilizer is applied under the bush, and then the ground is watered abundantly.

Greater effect can be achieved with deep application of fertilizers. To do this, you need to make a furrow 0.3 m deep in the ground around the bush, 0.5 m away from the trunk. Fertilizer diluted with water is poured into it.

Feeding scheme

Begins fertilizing currants in springand continues throughout the growing season. Conventionally, it can be divided into 5 stages associated with the different state of the plant:

  1. Awakening of the plant and swelling of the buds.
  2. Bloom.
  3. The appearance and ripening of berries.
  4. End of fruiting.
  5. Preparing for winter.

If the seedling was planted according to all the rules, the required quantity organic and mineral fertilizers, then they begin to feed currants onlyfrom the 2nd year - at this age berry crop enters the fruiting phase.

The first feeding is the most important

First fertilizing currants in springcarried out before flowering begins, when the buds are swollen and ready to turn into sticky fragrant leaves, the second - during flowering. At this time, you should feed the plant weakened in winter with fertilizers containing nitrogen. It helps actively build up green mass.

You cannot feed currants with nitrogen-containing fertilizers during fruiting, because at this time all efforts should be directed toformation and ripening of berries. When fruiting is over, the plant must restore its energy, gain strength, get stronger before the first frost, and prepare for winter - at this time it needs complex fertilizers.

Rule #1: The 1st and 2nd fertilizing is carried out with nitrogen-containing fertilizers, all subsequent ones - with complex fertilizers, which include phosphorus and potassium.

Specialized compounds

Fertilizing currants in spring with mineral fertilizers is simple and effective method soil application required quantity nitrogen.

Most often used for the first spring feeding urea (urea):

  • for young plants (2-3 years) - 40-50 g for each bush;
  • for adult fruit-bearing plants - 20-40 g, divided into 2 feedings.

The use of specialized mineral compositions is the simplest way feeding. They can be bought at hardware or gardening stores, or at the market. How to apply fertilizers, in what proportions and within what time frame - the manufacturer indicates this information on the packaging. You just need to remember rule No. 1, mentioned above.

Proponents of environmentally friendly methods of caring for plants use nutrient mixtures proposed by nature itself and folk experience.

Bird droppings, manure, compost - here best components containing nitrogen for feeding currant bushes in the spring. The principle of preparing litter and manure is the same: you need to dilute them with water and water them at the rate of 1 bucket of the composition per bush. The dilution proportions are as follows:

  • Bird droppings - 1:12.
  • Manure (rotted!) - 1:4.

If the manure is fresh, then the procedure for preparing it is different:the manure must be filled with water (1:1), left for 3 days, then diluted in a ratio of 1:10. The watering rate remains the same: 1 bucket of solution per plant.

Compost or humus is used with early spring and throughout the summer as mulch under currant and gooseberry bushes.

Complex fertilizers

Ash, yeast, starch contain a whole range of useful elements, among them: phosphorus, potassium, magnesium.

  • Ash. The ash is poured with water in a ratio of 1:1, infused for 2 days, the resulting infusion is diluted with water 1:10. The consumption rate per bush is 1 bucket.
  • Yeast. They are used in the form of a bread composition. To do this, bread crusts need to be filled with water (5-10 l), left for 10-14 days in a warm place. The finished composition, depending on the concentration, is diluted in a ratio of 1:10 to 1:3.
  • Starch. Ready-made purchased starch is diluted with water (200 g per 3 l), brought to a boil, then diluted in 1 bucket of water. The consumption rate per bush is 2-3 liters. Have this method a significant disadvantage: ready-made starch is not fully absorbed by plants. A more efficient way to bring richness to the roots nutrients potato composition - use potato peelings.

Potato peelings - a ready-made set of complex fertilizers

Nutrients that berry bushes of the Gooseberry family actively take from the soil can be returned to the soil using potato peelings. Potatoes contain whole line macro- and microelements, mineral salts, organic acids, starch, glucose, fats. This set of nutrients is truly invaluable for the development of many crops. Treats him especially favorably black currant, requiring starch and glucose.

Before conducting fertilizing currants in spring with potato peelings, they need to be prepared. This can be done in two ways:

  1. Dry. Cleanings should be washed thoroughly and placed in the oven, microwave, near the radiator. central heating or on the balcony. Important: if drying takes place outdoors, cleaning must be spread out in one layer, making sure to ensure an influx fresh air. When drying in an oven, you also need access to oxygen (the oven door should be opened slightly). If these rules are followed, rotting will not occur, and the cleaning will become dry and brittle.
  2. To freeze. Re-freezing of peelings should not be allowed: in this case, they lose their nutritional value.

Dried cleanings are stored in fabric bags.

P fertilizing currants in springcarried out with a potato nutrient mixture, which can be prepared as follows:

  1. Flour. The dried peel is ground in a blender or coffee grinder.
  2. Gruel. Dried cleanings are poured hot water and leavefor a week until the potato skins absorb water and swell. Then it is thoroughly mixed to a paste and used as fertilizer.
  3. Infusion. Dried, frozen or raw peelings are poured with hot water, allowed to brew for 24 hours, and the resulting infusion is used for irrigation.

The compositions obtained from potatoes are diluted with water 1:10 and used for watering: 1 bucket of infusion per bush.

Gardening advice: whenfertilizing black currants in springcarried out using potato peelings; they should not be laid out on the surface of the ground, as they can attract rodents or insect pests to the area. It’s also not worth burying raw peelings into the soil: even from tiny eyes, stubborn potato sprouts make their way to the soil surface. Such a “decoration” is unlikely to be appropriate under currant bushes.

All organic and mineral compounds used as root or foliar feeding. Only manure and bird droppings are used with caution. Their foliar application requires a halving of the recommended concentration to prevent burns of leaves and stems.

One of important stages Growing any desired crops is the timely introduction of nutrients into the soil. Fertilizers for currants are applied in the spring with the sole purpose of increasing the yield of berries. But correct application fertilizing can not only increase the fruiting of the bush, but also make it stronger and more resistant to diseases and pests.

From this article you will learn how to fertilize currants in the spring and what organic and mineral fertilizers are best to use for this. Expert advice, photos and videos given in this article will help you properly fertilize in spring with mineral and organic fertilizers.

How to fertilize currants in spring to increase yield

In the spring, when the bushes begin to awaken after a period of vegetative dormancy, it is necessary to carry out the first fertilizing, which will help increase plant productivity.

Fertilizers are applied when leaves begin to bloom on the branches. The best option is nitrogen preparations, for example, urea, which stimulates the growth of young shoots and buds.


When applying fertilizers to the soil, it is important to consider that bushes are harmed not only by a lack of useful components, but also by their excess. Therefore, it is better to apply nitrogen agents in the spring, when stimulation of shoot growth and the formation of fruit buds is necessary.

Note: It is impossible to feed plants with nitrogen fertilizers in the fall. The formation of new branches will weaken the bush, and it may not survive winter well.

For a young shrub, it will be enough to add 50 grams of urea, but if the plant is an adult, the one-time dose is increased to 100 grams. After applying the product, the soil around it is shallowly loosened and watered so that the nutrients quickly penetrate to the roots.

It is important to consider that if the bush is older than five years old, you cannot overdo it with nitrogen preparations. Starting from this age, the amount of nitrogen preparations is gradually reduced.


There are several ways to add nutrients. The most effective method Root watering and direct application of drugs into the soil are considered (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Methods for applying organic and mineral fertilizers

In the first case, urea or other nitrogen fertilizer is dissolved in water and abundant watering is carried out, followed by loosening. If substances are introduced into the soil in dry form, they are simply scattered over the surface of the soil and watered so that they dissolve faster.


Beginning gardeners are often interested in how to fertilize currants in the spring and which option for feeding the bushes is better to choose. In a universal way Liquid preparations are considered to provide plants with nutrients.

Note: Experienced gardeners recommend using this particular method, and it is recommended to apply nutrients four times a season, depending on the growing season.

In order to properly fertilize a crop, it is necessary to take into account what vitamins and microelements the plants require during a certain period of growth. The following options are considered traditional:

  1. In early spring, during bud break, nitrogen agents are added to the soil.
  2. Second carried out immediately after flowering. For this purpose, complex mineral fertilizers are used that can increase the current year’s growth, form more fruit-bearing branches and, accordingly, increase productivity.
  3. Third fertilizer carried out during the ripening of berries. During this period, priority should be given to organic matter, but potassium and phosphorus preparations can be used.
  4. After harvest carry out the last feeding, the main purpose of which is to prepare the plants for the new fruiting period next spring. In autumn, they also give preference to complex mineral products and organic matter.

Figure 2. Types of liquid fertilizers for berry crops

The average amount of liquid fertilizer per bush is 10 liters (Figure 2). But, if the soil on your site is not fertile enough, the amount of nutrient fluid can be increased.

Currants are unpretentious garden plants, since it successfully grows and bears fruit on any soil. But at the same time, plants cannot be left without attention.

You can determine that bushes need feeding by their appearance.(Figure 3):

  • Phosphorus deficiency causes a decrease in the number and size of berries;
  • Lack of potassium leads to the formation of yellow edging around the edges of leaves;
  • The lack of nitrogen components leads to the fact that the fruit buds bloom slowly, and the bush produces virtually no annual growth.

Figure 3. Lack of nutrients: phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen (from left to right)

When planning to plant bushes on your site, you need to know how to fertilize them in the spring to increase the yield. To ensure that the plants receive all the necessary nutrients immediately after planting, nutrients are added at the stage of planting the seedlings. To do this, you need to carefully dig up the soil and add organic and mineral substances to the holes. If this rule is followed, the bushes will not need additional feeding during the first two years of growth.

The author of the video will tell you more tips on fertilizing crops.

Fertilizing currants in spring with mineral fertilizers

Not all owners summer cottages It is possible to feed plants with organic matter. But on modern market presented wide choose mineral fertilizers that will help provide the bushes with the necessary nutrients at all stages of development.

Let's take a closer look at the rules and the most popular methods of adding mineral preparations.


To properly use mineral fertilizers, you need to focus not only on the age of the bush, but also on other factors: development period, season, climatic and soil conditions.

For full growth and abundant fruiting, currants require nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and the need for nutrients varies depending on the growing season (Figure 4). In early spring, before the buds open, nitrogen preparations (for example, urea) are added to the soil, which stimulate the growth of young shoots and accelerate the ripening of fruit buds.

Note: For young shrubs you need about 50 grams of urea per plant. As the shrub matures, the dosage is gradually reduced.

During the period of flowering and formation of ovaries, the bushes also need to be nourished. For this purpose, it is better to use organic substances - for example, a solution of bird droppings or mullein. To do this, one part of the product is diluted in 10 liters of water, allowed to brew, and then watered. It is better to fertilize using the root method: dig a shallow groove around the bush, pour the mixture into it and sprinkle thin layer soil.

Figure 4. Types of mineral fertilizers for berry bushes

After fruit formation, the plant's need for phosphorus and potassium increases. For this purpose, special complex mineral fertilizers are used, which are also diluted in water and used for irrigation.

When the harvest has already been harvested, the bushes are carefully inspected and, if signs of disease or pests are found, they are sprayed with a solution of karbofos. After this, they begin to prepare the plant for winter. IN in this case You can use organic matter: spread rotted manure around the bushes and sprinkle it with ash. Additionally, about 100 grams of superphosphate are added to each bush, after which the soil is carefully dug up and mulched.


There are many ways to feed the crop. To save time, you can simply sprinkle dry matter on the soil around the bush and water it abundantly.

However, liquid root preparations are considered more effective, since in a diluted form they quickly reach the roots, which means that the plants themselves quickly gain access to nutrients.

You can simply dilute the drug in water (if mineral products are used), or you can water it along the furrows (this method is most often used with organic matter).

Regular potato peelings can become a valuable fertilizer for currants. But when using, you need to know how to prepare raw materials and properly fertilize with potato peelings (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Fertilizing currants with potato peelings

The value of this product is that currants react positively to glucose and starch, which are contained in the peelings. They can not only provide plants with the necessary nutrients, but also improve the yield of shrubs. After this procedure, the berries become larger and sweeter.


There are several ways to fertilize with potato peelings. The simplest one is to dig in a few dry cleanings when loosening the soil in the autumn and repeat the procedure in early spring. As potato peels decompose, they will saturate the soil with nutrients and increase crop yields.

A more complex, but also more effective way is to water the bushes with a decoction of peelings. Potato peels need to be dried and then boiled in water, and the resulting liquid should be used to water the bushes.


For areas with infertile soil, it is recommended to constantly dry and bury the cleaning directly under the bushes. But, if the soil at your dacha is fertile, it is better to prepare raw materials for future use and water only when necessary: ​​for example, to strengthen plants during flowering, the formation of ovaries or ripening of fruits.

From the video you will learn how to prepare fertilizer from potato peelings with your own hands.

ABOUT medicinal properties People have known currants since ancient times. When a person depended exclusively on the gifts and mercy of nature, infusions and decoctions helped him survive the winter and not get sick medicinal herbs. About currants and their beneficial properties mentioned in the Izbornik of Svyatoslav (Grand Duke of Kyiv) of 1073 and 1076.

Currant varieties

Today, every summer resident tries to plant currant bushes on his plot in order to have a “storehouse” of vitamins at hand.

This unpretentious plant, but if you want to always get a high yield of berries, you should ask yourself in advance how to fertilize currants in the spring for a better harvest.

There are more than 200 varieties of this shrub, each of which differs not only in taste, but also in the composition of nutrients, ripening time and resistance to weather conditions.

Depending on the region, experienced gardeners plant 2-3 different periods ripening to enjoy the berries all summer long. The only thing they care about is how to fertilize the currants in the spring, because the composition of the soil is the first requirement for obtaining high yield.

For arid areas, drought-resistant varieties are suitable, and in regions with short and cool summers, frost-resistant varieties are suitable.

Special feeding

There are varieties specially grown for growing in cold climates. They have increased productivity, have small berries that are easy to pick as they ripen in clusters. These are frost-resistant varieties that tolerate temperature changes well, but in order for their fruits to become larger, you should know how to fertilize currants in the spring.

The best nutrition for varieties with small fruits will be an infusion potato peel, since starch affects the increase in size of berries. This is old folk method, in which a liter jar of dried potato peels should be filled with 10 liters of boiling water, closed, wrapped and left to cool completely. Experienced gardeners recommend watering bushes with small berries with this infusion in the spring during flowering. It should be taken into account that one bush requires 3 liters of infusion.

Mid-late varieties are good not only for their unpretentiousness and endurance, but also because their fruits have the highest content ascorbic acid.
When fertilizing to increase the size of the berries, you should think about how to fertilize currants in the spring to develop their root system.

Fertilizing with phosphorus and potassium fertilizers

For all its unpretentiousness, it is the quality of the soil that currants make complaints about. The poorer it is, the more the gardener will have to feed it.

Experienced gardeners say that there is nothing better than fertilizing in the spring. It is enough to dilute 10 grams and 40 grams of superphosphate per bush.

Since the currant root system goes only 40-60 cm deep, you can make a furrow on the sides of each bush and pour diluted fertilizers into them. Phosphorus affects the size of the fruit, and potassium affects its sweetness. If there is a lack of these substances in the soil, the bushes “speak” about this by the appearance of a yellow border on the leaves.

Organic for currants

When the soil is depleted, organic fertilizers are considered a good “feeding” for it. In this case, after a year you should add 5-6 kg of organic matter per 1 m2. For well-cultivated land, it is enough to add 4-5 kg/m2 every two years.

Experienced gardeners know how and with what to fertilize currant bushes in the spring so as not to damage root system, but to strengthen it. Fresh manure can “burn” them, so well-rotted humus is used or it is advisable to produce it 4 times during the year. This will allow the plant to receive all the necessary substances from the soil and give bountiful harvests large berries.

Liquid fertilizer

Before fertilizing currants in the spring with liquid fertilizer, you should divide them growing season for 4 cycles:

The first feeding is done during the period of bud swelling, when the bushes awaken after winter and begin to grow.

The second time “feeding” is carried out immediately after flowering, since this is the most critical period for the shrub. The ovaries appear, their growth intensifies and additional nutrition is required.

The third feeding concerns directly the period of berry filling. The best option Liquid fertilizers at this stage for it are phosphorus and potassium, since this is what the bush needs most.

The deadline for fertilizing is after harvesting the fruits, which becomes the key to a good future harvest. The only thing that should be avoided during this period is that they delay the ripening of flower buds.

If you follow the rule of fertilizing four times a day, you won’t have to worry about how to fertilize currants in the spring for a better harvest.

Dilution of liquid fertilizer

A good option for obtaining liquid organic feeding An infusion of bird droppings at a rate of 1:10 and mullein (1 kg/4 liters of water) is considered.

Experienced gardeners say no. better option How to fertilize currants in the spring with “green” fertilizers. To prepare it you will need:

A large container, which is filled a little more than half with any fresh herb - quinoa, nettle, chamomile, dandelions - everything that mercilessly pulls out on the site like a weed.

Without compacting the grass, fill the container to the top with water, cover loosely with a lid and leave in a warm place for fermentation.

Stirring occasionally, wait until the infusion brightens and fermentation stops. This usually takes 10-12 days.

Dilute the resulting “green” fertilizer in the ratio of 1 liter of infusion per 10 liters of water and water directly under the currant root.

Experienced summer residents throw stale bread or old jam into a container with grass for better “ripening”. This enhances the fermentation process.

Fertilizing the soil before planting currants

In order not to think about how to fertilize currants and gooseberries in the spring, especially young bushes, it is better to properly prepare the soil before planting them.

If carried out autumn planting, That planting pits in the ground must be done 2-3 weeks in advance. Their depth should be 40 cm and width 50-60 cm. The bottom layer of soil from the pit should be mixed with organic fertilizers and placed 3/4 back into the holes. For fertilizers, peat or compost, superphosphate (150 g), potassium sulfate (40-50 g) and wood ash(40 g).

When the soil has settled slightly, you can begin planting. It is important to remember that immediately after picking, the bushes must be thoroughly watered, and the above-ground part must be cut back to 18 cm in the fall, and to 3-4 lower buds in the spring.

If planting is carried out after the winter “hibernation” of the earth, then you should know how to fertilize the currants in the spring immediately after picking.

To do this, you can use organic and complex mineral substances, and if the soil is acidified, then be sure to use lime at the rate of 300-800 g per 1 m2. It is better to apply it at the stage of digging up the garden, and apply fertilizers directly into the planting holes.

Additional care for currants

Even when a summer resident knows how to fertilize currant bushes in the spring, this alone is not enough for a high yield. Additional steps are required to help plants bear fruit successfully for 10 to 15 years.

It is important to plant currants correctly on the site. It is better if it is several bushes at a distance of 1.5-2 meters from each other.

You should also consider the distance from the fence. Many summer residents plant currants close to it, trying to save time, but this will significantly reduce the yield. Currants love space and light.

Conduct preventive inspections of bushes, removing affected leaves and trimming weak shoots. Experts also recommend giving the currants a hot “shower” after the soil has thawed. To do this, boiling water is poured into a watering can with a strainer and sprayed onto the plants from above.

Knowing how to fertilize currants in the spring and carrying out a preventive examination, you can get big harvest this berry.