We select the size of the bed: single, one-and-a-half, double. Standard sizes of double beds, mattresses and bedding Standard double bed

We select the size of the bed: single, one-and-a-half, double.  Standard sizes of double beds, mattresses and bedding Standard double bed
We select the size of the bed: single, one-and-a-half, double. Standard sizes of double beds, mattresses and bedding Standard double bed

The sizes of a double bed, in contrast to single or single beds, have the widest range of frame widths. The standards followed by furniture manufacturers must be taken into account by the buyer in order to make the right choice.

A wide range of beds presented in furniture showrooms allows the buyer to take into account both the style of the bedroom interior and suitable design, and the material from which the frame is made, and even the shape of the bed. But in order to choose the one that will provide restful sleep and proper rest, it is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the product.

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What dimensions are considered standard?

Furniture manufacturers all over the world, including in Russia, adhere to established standards, even though they use different systems measurements (in centimeters or inches). The dimensions of the beds (width and length) are set taking into account the comfortable placement of people of average build and height no higher than 175 cm.

For domestic furniture factories The standard size of a double bed cannot be less than 140 cm in width, the European scale starts from 160 cm, all subsequent parameters are the same. The size step is 10 cm. Maximum width– 200 cm. The standard length is 200 cm.

People with other physiological parameters ( heavy weight, tall) or those who prefer more space for sleeping should research the different sizes of double beds before purchasing.

Beds produced by factories in Australia, the USA and England have different dimensions. IN English speaking countries Standard King, Eastern King and King markings are used. Standard “royal” inches when converted to the metric system will look like this:

  • minimum width – 183 cm (made in Australia and Great Britain);
  • maximum width – 213 cm (made in the USA);
  • length – 198 cm (UK) or 203 cm (Australia and USA).

The cost of the product will depend on the country of production, the material and constructive solutions, and from the width. If you consider that the bed should last for many years, then you should opt for a high-quality wide model.

Optimal width

Statistics show that the greatest demand is married couples They use beds with a standard width of 160 cm. But choosing a bed for two, based only on customer demand data, is not quite the right decision. The width of the bed can be larger or smaller if you take into account several important points when choosing.

First you need to decide on the location. In a small bedroom, a wide bed will clutter the space and look awkward. If every centimeter in small apartment If you count, then you can install a double bed that is a few centimeters smaller in width, but still gain space for a closet or a home mini-office.

Unconventionally large requires a spacious bedroom and subtle design taste to create cozy atmosphere and prevent violation of the style of the room. You may also have difficulty finding the right size mattress and bedding.

But it’s still more important to consider when choosing optimal width double bed preferences and habits of people who will rest on it at night. In order not to make a choice by eye, calculation comfortable space experts recommend doing this: lying on your back, place your palms on your chest and spread your elbows to the sides, then turn on your side and bend your legs. Sleep will be sound and restful if there is still 10-15 cm left from the elbows and knees to the edge of the bed.

Some furniture stores allow this “trying on” to be done right in the store. If this is not possible, you need to prepare in advance by taking measurements at home.

Those who prefer to sleep on their stomach, or sleep restlessly and often roll over, should add a few more centimeters when calculating. And for those couples who prefer to sleep in an embrace, roomy but compact sleeping places (140-150 cm) are suitable.

Larger people also need more space to sleep, but there should be space left for the person sleeping next to them. That's why optimal choice can become a 190 cm mattress.

Length selection

With a variety of bed sizes in width, the length of the bed does not have such a spread. The standard provides for 190-200 cm, and this length suits most people. Indeed, to approve this parameter, the formula was taken into account: average height plus 20 cm.

A person will sleep comfortably and comfortably if he is placed on the bed with his legs straightened, and his heels do not hang down or rest against the backrest. The buyer should apply this “rule of comfort” when choosing mattresses for beds.

The problem with choosing furniture for sleeping may arise for tall people, because even “royal” parameters may be small for some. The largest (220 cm) are round and classically shaped bamboo beds. If you cannot choose the appropriate length from the range of mass-produced furniture, then there is only one way out: to make an individual order. Many factories willingly “correct” the finished frames of their products chosen by a tall person. However, the mattress will have to be ordered separately.

Select by height

Beds can be with or without legs, with drawers at the base or with a lifting mechanism, but there is no regulation on height. Bed sizes and the standard for this parameter are set style decision interior For Japanese or Moorish style will suit low bed (20-30 cm), and for American or country – high (70 cm).

Choosing a double bed with a built-in drawer is preferable for small bedrooms, as it provides additional storage space for linen and belongings. The average height is 50-60 cm.

It should be remembered that the height of the bed is made up of the dimensions of the frame and mattress, so when purchasing, you need to think not only about how the furniture will fit into the interior, but also about the comfort of the people for whom it is intended. A bed that is too low will be difficult for a fat person and those who are taller than average to sit on, while a bed that is too high will cause inconvenience for older people.

European standards

The size scale for beds followed by European furniture manufacturers suggests slightly greater comfort for two. The European standard starts from 160 cm, and the Russian one – from 140 cm. But that’s where the differences end, and then the size range is the same. The standard length is also the same.

If you see the marking “euro beds” in a furniture showroom or online store, then the size of the product will be 180x200 cm.

Existing standards are the same for domestic and European manufacturers, and the dimensions of a double bed - 160/180/200 cm - allow you to select the appropriate mattress and bed linen.

And the difference with the English or American sizing chart can complicate the selection of a mattress. It will be big for a European bed. Therefore, those who prefer foreign-made furniture are recommended to buy the entire set at once, so as not to have to spend money on making a mattress according to the price. individual order.

10.01.2019 2185

When thinking about the design of a bedroom for a couple, it is necessary to take into account the size of the double bed and the parameters of the entire structure. When the room is large, there is no need to worry, but for small bedrooms it is important that after installing the bed, there is still access to other interior items and exits. Correctly chosen dimensions will provide both partners healthy sleep and comfortable accommodation.

The size standard for a double bed varies depending on the country of origin, and is calculated taking into account the parameters of the average user. Compared to single or single beds, double bed frames are the widest. Let's figure out how the parameters of a sleeping place differ, how to accurately measure them, what to consider when choosing cabinet furniture.

Standards in different countries

Standard size double bed is calculated using two systems:

  • metric. Distributed throughout European countries (see, m.). The size of the sleeping place is from 200 to 210 cm long, from 160 to 200 cm wide;
  • To determine dimensions in the English numeral system, inches are used. Distributed in the United States of America, Australia, and Britain. The length of the mattress is from 190 to 213 cm, the width is the same as that of European manufacturers.

When purchasing a European bed, the mattress is selected in the appropriate metric system so that the dimensions of the products completely match.

When buying a bed from foreign brands, keep in mind that bed linen must be chosen in the appropriate sizes. Converting inches to centimeters results in fractional European values, which can lead to size confusion.

The height of the frame determines how comfortable the bed will be to use. For example, Japanese-made models are low, which causes difficulties for older people with back and joint diseases. It is difficult to climb from such a structure. Products from European manufacturers are universal, equally comfortable for all people age groups. American models are overpriced, comfortable for tall people, elderly people, and users with joint diseases. The distance from the floor to the berth allows you to climb without extra effort: Just put your feet on the floor.

The optimal size of a double bed is at least 20 cm larger than the height of the tallest of the two users. The width is not so mandatory and regulated, it is selected taking into account the characteristics of sleep (on the back, on the side, with arms outstretched, etc.) In order to sleep comfortably and not disturb another person, at least 20 centimeters should remain behind the sleeper.

    European models

The length of the bed is 200 cm, width is from 180 to 200 cm, height is 45-50. Most buyers are afraid that the sizes of Euro models exceed the standards. The question is what parameters to take as the standard. For example, the size of a double bed in Russia is from 160 to 190 cm, the minimum European width is 180 cm. The shape of the models is different (rectangle, circle, square). Unusual figures add luxury to the interior and are suitable for installation in spacious bedrooms. Wide sleeping area Suitable for people who love free space. Minimum distance the distance from the furniture to the nearest obstacle, wall or other piece of furniture should be at least 65-70 cm.


The width of beds from American manufacturers is at least 180 cm, length – 210 cm. and more. Models of the “King” series have a wide berth (at least 190 cm), the length of which is 200 cm. As mentioned above, parameters are measured in inches.

    Asian furniture

Japanese models are made in a minimalist style, occupy small space. The interior usually contains a storage box or drawers. The lifting mechanism allows you to lift the mattress without additional effort. Sockets, lamps, shelves for books, magazines, etc. are mounted in the backrests. Installation with such furniture bedside tables optional. Minimum size double bed made in Asia - 135 by 190 cm. The largest models “California” and “California King” accommodate a mattress 183 by 212 cm.

When selecting furniture, take into account the parameters of the bedroom, otherwise even the most elegant model will visually make the room smaller and look cumbersome. The style of the room in which the bed should be is also taken into account. Before purchasing a mattress, measurements are taken from inside frame. A deviation of at least 1 cm is acceptable.

Parameters length, width, height

When answering the question, what are the sizes of a double bed, you need to take into account the basic parameters.


To determine the length, the height of the users is taken into account. For people of average height, this problem does not arise, but a tall person needs a lot of space to sleep well. To correctly determine the length, the height of the tallest partner increases by at least 20 centimeters. If you often sleep on your back or stomach, stretched out to your full height, add 20-30 cm.

The euro size of a double bed is two meters. Some manufacturers make frames to individual measurements. The length of the mattress in bamboo models can reach 220 cm. You will have to pay extra for additional increases in parameters.

To choose the right size and ensure a comfortable stay, tall people can use the following tips:

  • buy a bed without a backrest;
  • European models of pillows have a smaller size than domestic ones. This will free up additional space;
  • give preference to bamboo frames that are longer;
  • custom frame manufacturing.

Before buying a bed, carefully take measurements of your bedroom and draw the layout to scale. If necessary, the installation site can be lined with newspapers. The minimum distance to the nearest obstacle, other furniture or exits must remain at least 65 - 70 cm. When installing furniture set The size of a double bed with bedside tables is taken into account.


The minimum width of a double bed is 140 cm, which is enough to accommodate two people of standard size. For a good rest, choose models of at least 160 cm. For those who like a spacious sleeping place, it is possible to manufacture custom-made furniture. But keep in mind that for a frame made to individual sizes, you need to order the appropriate mattress and bed linen, which will entail large expenses. European models are larger in width, ranging from 180 to 200 cm.


The distance from the floor to the sleeping place determines how easy it is to get out of bed in the morning. Tall models for ergonomic use free space bedrooms. Drawers and niches for storing linen are built into the frame, and free space is provided under the mattress. The height of the bed varies depending on the model and manufacturer:

  • podium. The height from the floor to the edge of the mattress does not exceed 45 cm. Such furniture is used to decorate the interior in a minimalist style, loft, hi-tech, etc. They look elegant, stylish, but are not comfortable for people with back and joint diseases. Sold ready-made, can be produced according to an individual sketch;

  • classical. Models with a height of 50-65cm. This is the best option for users of any age category and height. Installed in classic bedrooms;

  • bed height English style from 70 to 90 cm. Convenient for older people, as they are easy to climb from. Installed in bedrooms, colonial style, Provence, art deco, etc. The high frame allows you to place additional drawers in the body for storing bed linen, seasonal clothes, etc.

Most optimal height double bed 50 - 55 cm. When purchasing furniture, sit on the mattress with your legs bent. If the angle is approximately 90 degrees, the height is appropriate.

In a room with low ceilings, it is better to install low beds - podiums. For spacious bedrooms, beds of any height are suitable.

Non-standard forms

When there is no suitable size among the presented models, you can buy a bed of a non-standard shape (circle, oval, heart, etc.) The minimum mattress size in round models is 220 cm. In order for such furniture to fit into the bedroom interior, it must correspond to the parameters of the room and design. It is not suitable for a loft, classic, Scandinavian interior. But it will become an accent in an art deco bedroom.

Custom-made furniture will require a special mattress and bed linen of appropriate sizes. The plus is independent choice mattress filler, height, degree of hardness.

A hanging bed will add uniqueness to the interior and give you new sensations. Such models are fixed on rigid mounts opposite panoramic window. The atmosphere in the room becomes light and weightless due to the play of light and the absence of legs. The height from the floor is determined depending on the wishes of the customer. In apartments where there are small children, it is small so that the child can get up and down safely.

Frame hanging beds must be especially durable, and the fastenings must be reliable. Fixed on cables, chains and other fasteners.

In this article I will tell you what the parameters of double beds are, how a one-and-a-half-size single couch differs, how to choose them correctly, and also how to choose bed linen. I will also give standards and GOST sizes of bed linen for the bedroom.

Bed dimensions, how to choose length and width

When choosing a bed, it is important to consider that when we talk about the dimensions of the bed, we're talking about specifically about the parameters of the mattress. When choosing it, consider the following factors:

  • Your height and fatness level (and that of your partner): Ideally, the length of the mattress should be 20 cm longer than the height of an adult. With width everything is simple: than fuller man, the larger the width the mattress needs.
Do not hesitate to lie down and “try on” the sleeping place before purchasing
  • How many people will sleep? If there are two people, then in this case the optimal width will be considered to be the one with which a person can calmly lie with his arms thrown behind his head, and at the same time not cause discomfort to his partner.

When choosing, consider your favorite sleeping position so that you fit

  • Habits and favorite sleeping position.
  • Bedroom area. It is believed that between a large bed and nearby objects (for example, a wall, closet, bedside table) you need at least 70 cm of free space so that you can comfortably approach the sleeping area without feeling cramped.
  • Age of the future owner of the couch. Due to physiological characteristics, older people require more space for sleep.

For older people, it is better to choose a higher bed, as it is easier to sit on.

What is the standard size of a single, double and semi-size bed?

If we talk about standard sizes, there are two measurement systems:

  • metric (when dimensions are measured in meters and centimeters);
  • English (dimensions are expressed in pounds and inches).

The metric system is used in European countries, including Russia. The English system is popular in the USA.

Standards for beds of different sizes

Single, one-and-a-half (one-and-a-half-seater) and double couches have standard parameters. According to the European standard, which is also used in our country, the length of a double bed is 1.9 - 2 m. The width can be the following indicators, the minimum from a meter and further: 1.6; 1.8; 2m. The most popular size in Russia is 1.6x2m; people of large build should consider the 1.8x2m option.

American beds are called “king” because of their maximum dimensions.

They are characterized by a length of 2 - 2.3 m, while the width varies between 1.8 - 2.2 m.
The height of the bed depends on the type of mattress used. So, if you use a regular mattress, the standard bed height will be 50 cm, but if you use an orthopedic mattress, then it will be 75 cm.

The height of the bed depends on the chosen mattress

Custom shaped bed

Modern furniture manufacturers are able to satisfy any customer requests, offering not only the usual samples rectangular shape, but also non-standard solutions from to and

Unique rocking bed
The bed with the most comfortable sleeping position according to scientists

Bed with massive headboard and sides
Bed with frames and the ability to hang a canopy
Bed with imitation starry sky

So, a round or oval model in the interior looks very impressive and modern. However, in order for it to comfortably accommodate two people, it must have an impressive diameter (about 2.5 m). Round corner options have a special panel adjacent to the corner of the room, so they are easier to “fit” into the room. Another non-standard option is a model with a large sleeping area that can easily accommodate 3 or even 4 people.

Non-standard shapes are difficult to fit into the interior of an apartment.

Of course, they are unusual, beautiful and original. But when buying them, you need to be prepared for some difficulties. For example, for such furniture it can be difficult to choose bed linen and bedspreads; they will have to be sewn to order.

Sleeping places of a non-standard shape may cause inconvenience during sleep. In addition, the cost of such furniture is an order of magnitude higher than that of standard analogues.

How to choose bedding

The standard bedding set for a double bed includes: two pillowcases, a sheet, and a duvet cover.
Russian manufacturers produce them with the following parameters:

  • duvet cover – 175x215cm;
  • sheet – 180x210
  • pillowcase – 70x70 (2 pieces)

Standard set bed linen for double bed

European sizes(Euro):

  • duvet cover – 200x220cm;
  • sheet – 220x240
  • pillowcase – 70x70 (2 pcs) + 50x50 (2 pcs)

Euro set with four pillowcases

There is also a family version of the bedding set, identical to the European ones, but with individual duvets for two people.
To choose the right linen, remember the rule: the size of the duvet cover should be 5 cm longer and wider than the blanket. To determine the size of the sheet, add 20 cm to the length of the mattress and 40 cm to the width.

If your bed has no sides and the sheets need to be folded, add another 20 cm to the length and width. In any case, remember that more is better than less.

Even this one, it would seem, simple question Choosing a suitable sleeping place has its own tricks and nuances. I hope my advice will help you make up your mind and not make a mistake in this matter.

One of the closest and dearest objects to us in the house is undoubtedly the bed. After all, far from the worst third of our lives passes here. This piece of furniture existed back in Ancient Egypt. Since then, a place to sleep has been arranged under a roof (perhaps hence the name - bed).

This item was decorated with lace, tassels, curtains, and figured carvings. In Russia, it was customary to silver and gild such finishing, so this product had a magnificent, luxurious look. During its evolution, it has come a long way from a bag of straw to the modern variety of sizes and shapes. The constant leader in this market segment (39%) in Russia today is a single bed.

The most common type of bed

In some countries, for example in China, it is popular. Its dimensions are very unique - the width of a pillow. In Western and perhaps richer countries, on the contrary, this furniture is made wider for one person: around 120-150 cm.

So wide comfortable beds for one person at first they were called “one and a half” or “one and a half”, but over time the same term came into use - “single”. This was a kind of trick from the sellers: “After all, the double bed is only 40 cm wider, buy it better!”

The bed can have a lot of features: appearance, color, material, lifting mechanism, niches for linen, etc. Of all the characteristics, the most important is size, especially width. First of all, you should pay attention to this parameter, especially as you get older, when you want to sleep in cramped spaces less and less.

How to choose the right size?

Want to calculate how big your single bed should be? Its dimensions are easy to determine. You need to lie on your back, connect your fingers and spread your elbows to the sides. After this, count 10, or even better, 15 centimeters to the right and left from the corners of the elbows, and then measure the resulting distance. This is what will happen ideal width for the bed.

The second way is as follows. You need to lie on your side, pull your knees to your stomach and measure the distance from your back to your kneecaps, adding at least 15 centimeters to the resulting figure.

Also, watch how you sleep. If you spend most of your time sleeping on your stomach or back, then you need a wider mattress. Lying on our side, we take up significantly less space.

Standard sizes of single beds

In Europe, as in Russia, single beds with a width of 90 to 100 cm have become widespread. At the same time, the length of such a bed is usually from 200 to 210 cm. In the States, the Twin size with the same width has a length of 190 cm. In Russia, the corresponding the analogue is considered a children's teenage sleeping place.

Most often, the size of a single bed (standard) is 2 m long, sometimes 1 meter 90 cm. Less common is 1 meter 95 cm. But there are also products for giants - 2 meters 20 cm! It is generally accepted that a comfortable length is calculated by adding 30-40 centimeters to height. Thus, the standard sizes of single beds may vary within certain limits.

However, if you have a non-standard height or weight, modern customer service will allow you to increase the length of the bed according to your needs and even order reinforcement of its frame with special jumpers with additional supports.

And in general, custom-made manufacturers will create for you a masterpiece of the most unusual shapes and sizes. Now this is no longer a problem.

Bed option for your home

Today we have many options and modifications of furniture depending on the needs of the buyer. For limited space, for example, a chair-bed is suitable. You can also purchase a wardrobe bed. The compartment bed will not take up much space either.

If your home has a lot of free space, then you probably have a room for guests. It is usually equipped with a small single bed, but with under-bed drawers for storing accessories or luggage of those arriving.

The most important thing is that you like the sleeping place and that it is comfortable. Even small bed can be decorated with stylish bed linen and feel like in heaven!

How to choose a mattress size?

First of all, it is necessary to accurately measure the sleeping area. The size of a single bed mattress can vary significantly between different manufacturers. It depends on the country of manufacture and the company. It is important that the mattress you choose has the same parameters as your single bed. The standard dimensions of these products are as follows:

  • The width is usually 80, 90 cm.
  • The length is almost always 190, maximum 200 cm, but an intermediate option is possible - 195 cm.

If these sizes do not suit you, it is easy to order your own version. Production times are almost the same as for standard furniture. The additional fee for such a service will be 5-10% of the regular cost of the product. When choosing the length for your mattress, you need to take into account that your height is at least 15 cm.

In addition to length and width, the mattress also has such a characteristic as thickness (or height). Any options are possible here, however internal height The sides of the bed should still be smaller. One more nuance: if users have a significant weight, it is better to choose Standard height usually 16 cm, but in a springless product it can range from 15 to 24 cm.

Children's single bed

Fortunately, the living conditions of modern parents increasingly allow them to allocate a separate room for their child, where he can calmly study, play, receive his friends, and relax.

There is no need to purchase a double bed for him. Typically, children's products are always single. It's better if it's made from natural material, for example, a tree.

The designers did a good job of creating specimens with a variety of frames and colors. There are beds in the shape of a car, a pirate ship, cozy house or castle. Sometimes the sleeping place is on the upper level, and the lower one is a play area.

For girls it can be found either in the form of a carriage. But the main thing is that the child’s sleeping place should be optimally suited for his growth. single beds usually have the following parameters: 90 cm wide and 2 meters long.

Every bedroom should have a bed. Everyone knows that proper sleep is only possible with properly selected quality mattress, however there is one more important nuance. A suitable bed that will give maximum convenience and comfort must match its owner in size. However, not everyone knows how to choose the right one suitable furniture which will provide a wonderful night's rest. After reading this article, you will learn what sizes a single bed is, how to choose perfect option.

Standard according to Russian GOST

As with many consumer goods, the production of beds is also regulated by law, special GOSTs, which are designed to regulate the creation of furniture that meets consumer requirements. Usually beds are standard, but there are exceptions.

GOST implies certain standard measurements. The length of any bed varies from 190 to 220 cm, but 220 cm is not a very popular option among modern manufacturers. This length is intended for people of non-standard height.

Right choice The length of the bed can be made using a formula that will include the height of the consumer plus 20 cm.

As for the width of the bed, it will depend on the number of people who will use the bed.

The most popular models of single beds today are ideal for both children and adults. Most often, such furniture is used in children's and teenage bedrooms, as well as in small one-room apartments or studio apartments. It provides all the advantages of a full bed, but does not take up much space (unlike double furniture).

The standard width of a single bed ranges from 70 to 90 cm. Based on this, we can distinguish the following sizes of single bed options that meet the standards: 70×190, 70×200, 80×190, 80×200, 90×190, 90×200. If the width is more than 90 cm, it is a one-and-a-half bed.

A single or double bed has standard width from 100 to 140 cm. The following options can be distinguished: 100×190, 100×200, 110×190, 110×200, 120×190, 120×200, 130×190, 130×200, 140×190, 140×200. Quite often, people mistake beds of this size (especially those with a width of 110 cm) for single models, however, GOST defines the following: width 110 - one-and-a-half models.

If the width of the bed is in the range from 150 to 180 cm, we can talk about the following size range: 180×190, 180×200, 170×190, 170×200, 160×190, 160×200, 150×190, 150×200 - double bed.

These are the dimensions of standard models according to Russian GOST. The choice is very large, so among the standard options, anyone can find the most suitable one for themselves, meeting the requirements regarding quality, spaciousness and convenience.

When you want something special, you can pay attention to models whose sizes are non-standard.

Such products take up quite a lot of space, so their installation is possible only in a spacious room. If the apartment is small, it is better to concentrate on standard options, because that’s why they are standards, to fit into ordinary Russian apartments.

There are some differences between single beds for a child and for an adult.

For an adult

When choosing a single bed for an adult, you need to take into account the build of the person who will use the bed. It is worth deciding whether it will be used regularly.

Regarding sizes, it was noted above that standard single-bedroom furniture has a width of 70 cm, however For an adult, it is recommended to purchase a bed with a width of at least 80 cm.

Finding the right size is not difficult, you just need to lie down on a piece of furniture. Most stores allow this freedom. You need to bend your knees and turn to your side. In this position, your knees should not protrude beyond the edge of the bed.

The best option– when the distance from the bent knees to the edge of the bed is about 10-15 cm.

For this reason, the following sizes are most suitable for an adult: 80×180, 90×180, 80×190, 90×190, 80×200, 90×200.

The 90×200 size is in every sense the most convenient and best-selling. This size is suitable for a person of almost any build; this height is suitable for a person up to 180 cm tall. A person with a taller stature will have to order a bed made to individual sizes, since a height of more than 180 cm today is the exception rather than the rule.

Mattress for adult bed must be selected taking into account age and health status.

For a young man You can choose a mattress of any hardness. Fillers can also be selected based on personal preferences. You can choose a combination of latex and spring block, spring block and coconut fiber, latex and coconut fiber - or any other combination. There are a lot of different fillers on the market today.

To old people It’s better to opt for softer mattress options, so coconut fiber filling will not be the best the best solution. IN in this case perfect choice will be a combination of a spring block and latex with a holofiber layer (in a soft cotton case).

An excellent choice would be a mattress with orthopedic properties or memory effect. It completely takes the shape of a specific person’s body and “remembers” the pressure applied, which ensures the most pleasant sleep. There are also special mattresses that support the spine: this occurs in the lumbar area, in the neck and head. In addition, some models allow you to quickly and easily relieve strain on tense muscles.

However, finding the ideal mattress in terms of filling and function is not the most important thing. It is more important to choose optimal size. The mattress should fit tightly onto the bed frame; there should not be a large gap from the frame to the edges of the mattress. It should not extend beyond the edges of the bed, otherwise it will create inconvenience. In addition, it may place unnecessary stress on the frame, which may cause failure.

For a child

But for a children's room, a bed with a width of 70 cm is quite a good purchase. In addition, children's beds have their own standards regarding sizes. The minimum length is significantly less than that of “adult” models. The length starts from 120 cm, the cradle for a newborn has a length of 80-90 cm.

Choosing a bed for a child is a very important matter, because until the age of 15 he grows and his body develops. A suitable bed is one of the very important components correct formation and the health of the little person.

A bed that is not the right size or firmness can negatively affect your posture and cause curvature and pinching of the vertebrae.

Newborns spend at least 14 hours a day in the cradle, so a separate sleeping place is a must. Psychologists note that children sleep much better and require less attention from young parents if their cradle has soft walls. The special atmosphere of such a cradle gives the child a feeling of security, as if he is in conditions close to the conditions in which he was in the mother’s womb.

The dimensions of a standard baby cradle are 80x40, however different manufacturers allow themselves deviations from this standard. You can find a cradle with a width of 50 and a length of about 90 cm. In addition, cribs for babies can be supplemented with music and lighting.

The child grows, and his crib grows with him. A good option– cradle with dimensions 120×60. Typically these models have sides with wooden partitions, which allows the child not only not to fall out of the crib in his sleep, but also to get up safely, holding on to these same wooden supports.

In addition, many models for children have an important advantage: the sides are often removable, and the sleeping place tends to increase in length. The child will be able to sleep on such a crib longer, and there will be no discomfort from the fact that the furniture has simply become small. Usually this model used up to 5-6 years.

The child grows up, goes to first grade, and here the problem associated with buying a new bed arises again. At this stage, many parents, in order to save money and space in the room, prefer to buy a sofa bed, but this age is the most important in terms of the formation of posture and the body as a whole. It is better to choose a high-quality hard orthopedic mattress.

This mattress can provide the necessary support for the developing spine. The width of the bed is now at least 70 cm, but the length is still possible to be shorter than for the “adult” model. The most common size for children aged 6 to 12 years is 70x160.

If the child sleeps quite restlessly, turns around and waves his arms, you can pay attention to beds with an increased width - size 80x160. In addition, among such products there are also sliding models; the service life of such a bed is several years longer. It is still worth choosing a mattress that is firm enough; it will support the spine well.

After 11-12 years, the child becomes a teenager, and he again needs a new sleeping place. He begins to bring friends into his room, life becomes as eventful as possible, new hobbies and concerns appear. This means that the bed should not only be comfortable, with a properly selected mattress, but also stylish enough to match his beliefs and hobbies.

The standard bed size for a teenager is considered to be 90x200. This will already be a full-fledged bed for an adult, which can also amuse the pride of a rebellious teenager. When choosing, it is only important to pay attention to the environmental friendliness and hypoallergenicity of the materials from which the selected model is made.

In addition, when choosing a bed for a child, you can pay attention to bunk models - today manufacturers offer a wide range of. Models shown may vary functionality and be equipped with accessories.

To save space in a teenager’s room, the manufacturer combines bunk bed desk, wardrobe and bed. On the first tier there is most often a wardrobe and a table, and the top is occupied by a full bed. The table can have various lighting and shelves for ease of learning. This could be full computer desk with a convenient shelf for a monitor, a roll-out tabletop for a keyboard and a stand for the system unit.

The sizes of bunk models are standard and equal to the sizes of regular beds. The width of the bed will range from 70 to 90 cm, and the length - from 160 to 200 cm.


The type of non-standard beds includes products with original style and dimensional solutions.

The following groups of non-standard options can be distinguished:

  • models with non-standard bed width;
  • increased length of the sleeping place - more than 220 cm;
  • original design frame and headboard;
  • non-standard forms;
  • non-standard solution model height.

So, the most simple options non-standard models are products with increased length. People with non-standard height have to resort to services individual creation frame of increased length. As a rule, the length of such products is from 220 cm. The cost of these models is slightly higher than the price of standard options, however, they provide the most comfortable sleeping space for a tall person.

In addition, for tall people there is another “assistant” that ensures a pleasant pastime. You can purchase a bed without one back - as a result, the absence of this barrier somewhat extends the length of the furniture and does not shackle the sleeping person on both sides.

The differences are not only in length. Non-standard models can be wider or narrower than conventional products, in addition, there are intermediate options - 850, 750, 930, 675, 1050 and others. Such options are very suitable in cases where, for example, furniture must fit into a specific (certain size) place, and a person does not want there to be a gap between the bed and the wall - or other objects that the furniture comes into contact with.

Those size options that are non-standard provoke the emergence of some problems when purchasing a mattress and accessories - in contrast to the sizes already known from the article (900×2000, 90×2000, 800×2000, 800×1900, 1000×2000). Mattresses also have to be ordered according to individual sizes, which makes the purchase somewhat more expensive, but allows you to use a unique product made for a specific person and his needs for many years.

Sleeping places non-standard sizes also used for large cottages, where there are many free space. Beds with a length and width of more than 220 cm (with canopies, various decorations, lighting, music) turn into status acquisitions that are very expensive, but are able to demonstrate the owner’s income level and his taste. Often such products are called king-size beds - due to their truly royal dimensions.

There are also some standards for the height of beds. A bed is considered low if it has a height of 30-40 cm, the average and most common one is 60 cm. A bed of 80 cm is considered high. If the height of the selected model is different, furniture of this type will also be considered non-standard.

Typically, manufacturers make changes in height to maintain a certain style in which a particular model is made. So, for example, for a room in Japanese style It is often customary to lower the height, but for classics or Provence they are very suitable high options– with chic backs and decor.

As for the decor and interesting solutions for backrests and frame – original design solutions These elements can also turn an ordinary bed into a non-standard one, and even one that can easily be equated to works of art.

Interesting non-standard models can be called rustic beds, they are created from unprocessed fellings of young trees. Such furniture looks rather rough, but if used correctly in the interior, it is quite appropriate. This product will attract the attention of your friends and acquaintances.

Hammock beds, “cocoons” in high-tech style, beds with additional elements in the form of tables, attached bedside tables can also be classified as non-standard.

So popular today can be included in a separate group round beds. Usually they have significant size and require a fairly spacious room. In addition, the mattress can only be purchased complete with the bed itself, but these difficulties are nothing compared to the realization of owning such furniture. It will add special charm and novelty to a familiar interior.

When choosing a single bed Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • dimensions (width and length);
  • frame material;
  • mattress base.

When choosing, you need to ensure that the furniture is ideally suited to your height. It can be longer (for example, for a child’s growth), but in no case can it be shorter than height plus 20 cm, otherwise sleep will not be pleasant. Therefore, it is so important to select options of the desired length. In addition, when purchasing in a retail store, it is recommended to test the furniture for its comfort and suitability for height.

The correct width is equally important. When choosing, you must remember that a single bed for a child has a width of 60 to 90 cm. “Adult” models most often have a width of 90 cm, since such furniture is as comfortable as possible.

There are many materials from which frames are made today. The most common materials are wood, metal and MDF. Today they create models from plastic, cardboard, pallets - the latest in present time are very popular.

Solid wood has been and remains the most reliable and quality material. Moreover, this is the most safe material, there are no allergic reactions from it.

Wood is able to retain heat, which means that accidental contact with frame elements during sleep will not cause discomfort - unlike a similar situation with metal frame. Frames made of solid pine, oak and beech are especially popular today.

As for the base for the mattress, today manufacturers offer 2 main base options: lamellas, a sheet of plywood.

Some manufacturers still offer options with armored mesh, but such products are rare. Usually they are to the taste of a collector or someone who is so accustomed to a given base in childhood that he simply refuses to accept another. The most popular and quality option

is still a base of lamellas. The thin wooden plates that make up the base can support a weight of up to 150 kg per bed. They provide an orthopedic effect. Choosing the right bed is only half the battle, It is very important to choose a quality mattress for it. It should match the size of the frame as much as possible. More often right size determined by exact dimensions

the base on which the mattress will be placed in the future.

The mattress can be filled in any way. For harder sleeping areas, mattresses containing coconut fiber are excellent; for softer ones, latex is ideal, as well as a spring block. For example, white frames are very popular, as they are the most versatile in terms of overall design and can “get along” well with almost any interior. Among the most popular dark colors Black and wenge can be noted; they also fit almost any design. If you want to create a bright accent, you can focus on red, purple and blue.