Why did the Internet start lagging? Internet slows down. What should I do to get it back to high speed?

Why did the Internet start lagging?  Internet slows down.  What should I do to get it back to high speed?
Why did the Internet start lagging? Internet slows down. What should I do to get it back to high speed?

To find out why the Internet on a laptop is slow, you will have to check whole line factors, from the connection speed received from the provider to the relevance Wi-Fi drivers adapter or network card.

Speed ​​test

Before you start setting up your router and laptop, make sure that the speed problems are with you and not with the ISP. Minimize the number of transit devices. Ideally, you should connect the cable brought into the apartment by the operator directly to the network card of the laptop.

To check how the Internet works, establish a connection and go to speedtest.net. Click the "Begin test" button. Wait for the incoming and outgoing speed testing to complete. If the test shows a speed close to that indicated in your tariff, then you should look for the cause of the problem yourself - the provider is not to blame.

Pay attention to how Internet speed is specified in the contract. Only the upper limit is set - for example, up to 100 Mbit/s. That is, in any case, the Internet will actually work slower. But if your speed is 56 Mbit/s (with the stated 100 Mbit/s), then this is a reason to contact your telecom operator.

Placement and configuration of the router

What should you do if the Internet on your laptop freezes and slows down, and the speed test shows that the provider is working properly? To figure out why this happens, first pay attention to the router (assuming you are connected via Wi-Fi). Older models have a limitation bandwidth– they don’t have speeds higher than 20-30 Mbit/s. In addition, it is necessary to properly place the equipment in the room.

  1. Place the router in the middle of the apartment or close to the center. Away from the windows, especially if there is another house opposite.
  2. Minimum distance: from walls – 20-30 cm, from large mirrors– 50 cm, from refrigerators, computer system unit, radiotelephone base, washing machines, safes, pipelines, batteries central heating– 1-2 m.
  3. The router should be placed with the connectors up or to the side to use the horizontal polarization of the signal. Why do you need to do this? This will minimize interference between floors, which causes the connection to slow down or freeze.
  4. External antennas must be positioned strictly vertically.

If you are not using the router right now, then you need to turn it off from the network. Ask your neighbors about this, there will be less interference, and Slow internet, which constantly stalls and freezes, will become a thing of the past.

To increase the speed of the Internet, which is slow, you also need to configure the router correctly. The access point interface should be set to use only the latest N or G protocols. Be sure to turn off protocol B, as it is practically not used, but it creates interference.

  1. Open the router interface (the address should be on the case).
  2. Go to advanced Wi-Fi settings and set the wireless mode to 802.11 N or 802.11 G.

N – most modern regime, not all laptops support it. Try installing it first, if the laptop does not work, then change the standard to 802.11 G. In addition, you should change the channel and use other methods to speed up Wi-Fi, such as changing the signal strength.

Why can't you leave automatic selection channel? The fact is that the more devices on one channel, the more interference there is between them. Therefore, it is recommended to use the InSSIDer program to see which channels are occupied by neighbors and choose a freer option.

Other reasons

What to do if the Internet is slow, unstable, or the connection is interrupted? Why correct placement and setting up a router may not help make slow Internet fast? There are other reasons that the connection slows down and hangs, which should not be forgotten.

  • Incorrect operation of the antivirus or firewall. When answering the question why the Internet is slow, pay attention to the state of your antivirus software. In some situations, the firewall identifies the port through which the connection is established as malicious. Why is this happening? There may be a simple error in the settings or a malfunction.
  • A large number of running programs, requiring Internet access, which makes the connection on the laptop slow and periodically freezes. What to do in such a situation? Disable unnecessary applications, leave only those that you use in this moment. Special attention pay attention to programs like uTorrent, Skype, Viber, etc.
  • Problems with network hardware drivers. Make sure your laptop has the latest versions installed software network card and Wi-Fi adapter. If the equipment does not work correctly, then the Internet will slow down.

The reason why the Internet is slow may be a hardware fault. The network card or Wi-Fi adapter on the laptop may fail. The problem may also be with the cable that was installed into the apartment by the operator. If you bend, crush or cut it, then slow Internet is guaranteed.

Why is the Internet slow and how to fix it?

In this article I will answer two questions: why is the Internet slow and, most importantly, what to do about it?

For simplicity, we will divide the potential causes of low speed into those that depend on you and those that do not. By first we mean all possible problems with your equipment and cable in the apartment. All the rest are problems of the provider or beyond your control. Providers are different, and often do not admit their fault for low speed, and upon departure they issue quite large bills for “fixing the problem on the client’s side.”

So, let's figure out why the Internet is slow.

Reasons up to you:

1. Viruses

Trojans and spyware can significantly slow down the Internet by infiltrating the browser using the entire Internet channel. They can track your actions and keystrokes (keylogger), and transmit various information via the Internet. With a full set of malware, the connection may be completely lost.

Be sure to check your computer with an antivirus with the latest antivirus databases.

2. Antiviruses and firewalls

Often the reason that the Internet slows down is the antivirus and its firewall. With its help, the antivirus checks information on the fly. Naturally, this affects the connection speed. Of course, not all antiviruses slow down the Internet too much, but there are some that do. Disable your antivirus firewall or firewall and measure the speed. If this is the problem, think about what is more important to you: speed or safety? Or maybe you need to install another antivirus?

3. Many network programs and add-ons

All kinds of rocking chairs, chat rooms, add-ons and bars in the browser also slow down the Internet. Turn off everything you can before measuring speed. If they are the problem, think about whether you really need all these add-ons with a bunch of information on the floor of the monitor about quotes, weather, news, and so on.

4. Operating system

Often the problem is solved by reinstalling the system. It is especially worth considering for those who have various assemblies - animals, extreme sports and others. I’ll be honest, I can’t stand them, I’ve never installed them myself and I don’t recommend them to you. I won’t say that all of them are buggy, but I’ve come across a lot of them. And very often there are problems with the network - either the IP cannot be received via DHCP, then the ping disappears, then the network card The firewood is not “native”. For me, it’s better to spend a day or two installing and configuring everything you need than to install everything “out of the box” in an hour and a half and wait for something to come from. In general, I am for original, pristine Windows distributions).

5. Poorly configured wireless equipment.

If you have a wireless router, it is possible that your neighbors are using your Internet. Remember, everything can be hacked, and you don’t have to be a hacker to do this, he doesn’t need your Internet, but your neighbor, a schoolboy, may well try his hand at it. Therefore, I consider installing data encryption to be a mandatory, but not sufficient condition. What to do?

Set up and connect all your devices to the network - computers, laptops and netbooks, mobile phones, game consoles, and in the router settings, enable the MAC address filter, indicating the Macs of all your devices.

6. Technical limitations of routes

I wrote about this in more detail in the article Testing the Internet speed of D-Link wireless routers. PPTP and NAT mode. In short, the point is that let’s say your tariff is 20 Mbit/s, but your router can only “pump” 15 Mbit/s.

Try eliminating the router and checking the connection speed directly. If this is the problem, a firmware update may help. In any case, read reviews about your model on the Internet.

7. Network card problems

This point is not particularly relevant for DSL users.

This is not such a rare occurrence. Moreover, in most cases the malfunction will be invisible. That is, the network will be perfectly detected in the system, respond to the included cable, show what is connected (give a link). And the fact that the computer is still completely new and even under warranty does not exclude possible malfunction. Believe me, I have seen hundreds of such cases. What to do and how to check?

If possible, try measuring the speed from another computer. If another computer shows the required speed, then the problem is most likely in the network card. First, try updating your drivers or simply reinstalling them. If you have Personal Computer can be replaced, the price is 200-300 rubles. If the laptop is more difficult to replace, a good solution is an external USB card. The D-Link DUB-E100 is a good device, I’ve been using it for 2 years now after my laptop broke down.

Often in such cases it helps as a temporary solution forced installation network card in 10Mbit/s mode, required Full Duplex, this is enabled in the network card settings, Advanced tab Speed&Duplex or Connection Type. By configuring the network card in this way, you will limit your connection to 10 megabits, but the connection should become more stable. But remember that the problem will remain, and this is a temporary solution until a specialist arrives or the card is replaced. The same temporary solution helps with poor quality cables or connections.

In any case, you need to make sure that the problem is really in the network card.

8. Problem with the cable in the apartment

Relevant for users of FTTB technology. (optics to the home or simply “wired Internet”) With this technology, optical fiber is extended to the house, and directly to the apartment copper cabletwisted pair, UTP 2×2 5 or 5e, UTP 4×2 5 or 5e.

Perhaps the most common misconception is that the cable either works or it doesn’t! The quality of the connection is greatly influenced by the quality of the line. When connecting, the cable must be laid so that any physical impact on it is excluded - when opening/closing doors, no furniture stood on it, no pets chewed on it. Therefore, when connecting, take these points into account, lay them in baseboards, cables/ducts. Also handle the network card connector and socket with care. Most often, problems occur on connections - connectors, sockets, twists, than their fewer topics better. It would seem like an ordinary twist, but few people know how to do it correctly without preparation. Over time, copper can oxidize and contact deteriorates. Often, when extending or replacing a piece of cable, the user buys the wrong cable, usually 2 or 4 pairs, but straight, without twisted pairs. The result is low speed, very poor signal quality, up to complete loss. Don't do it yourself, trust the experts! If you suspect the cable, try temporarily setting the network to 10Mbit/s FDX (more details in point 7).

As an example, I’ll tell you a funny incident in my practice: a client complained that the Internet did not work well in the evening, but normally during the day. It turned out that the cable got under the leg of the sofa and in the evening the father of the family came home from work and lay down on the sofa in front of the TV and crushed the cable with his weight, but it was so lucky that the Internet worked, although poorly).

Reasons beyond your control.

Problems on the line in general

Problems with the cable can also occur up to the apartment on the provider’s side. Very often this happens due to poor-quality connections.

You can usually check the line by running command line ping command to the gateway or VPN servers, For example:

ping -t -l 1500, (instead of indicate your gateway or VPN server)

Where -l 1500 sets the size of the packet sent to 1500 bytes. The size can be changed up or down, usually the provider sets maximum size above which packets are not accepted.

Run the ping and watch for a few minutes. If everything is fine it will look something like this

If not, then sometimes or almost always there will be an inscription - Timed out request But You must be sure that you are pinging your gateway or server, otherwise, when trying to ping an IP address from a different subnet, the same response will appear on the command line. What happens during this time? Is it because of poor line quality?

The packet is lost or arrives incompletely (broken) and has to be sent again until the whole packet arrives. Naturally, at this time the Internet begins to slow down. A bad line is not the only reason for this phenomenon; the same thing can happen due to a faulty network card (in step 7 you can also check with ping) or the provider’s equipment, I won’t go into further detail. In any case, packet loss is a sufficient argument when talking with technical support.

There may also be many other reasons for low speed on the part of the provider - narrow external and internal channels, problems with highways, high equipment load. But usually such problems are widespread and many users will complain about the speed, look at the forums of your provider and the thematic forums of the city.

Let me summarize. I talked about the most common speed problems I encounter. The method for finding the cause of low speed is to eliminate potentially “weak” links one by one. I'm sure you can handle it. Quick connection!

Dmitry has the following problem:

“The Internet is terribly slow! Changed Windows! hard formatted! Internet via the network! On an old laptop, the Internet works much faster"

Micah has this:

“The computer reboots spontaneously and freezes”

Let's start with Dmitry's problem.

The very first thing you need to do is look at the network activity, right-click on the network connection - status and see how quickly the sent/received bytes increase. If it’s very fast or just fast, but you’re not doing anything at the moment, it means some program is downloading something:

1. No matter how good ours is, nevertheless, for the sake of a clear conscience, it is necessary to check it with a third party; one of the leaders in the field of testing and treating the system is Dr. Web Cure IT. Download via direct link - download.geo.drweb.com/pub/drweb/cureit/drweb-cureit.exe You can also use . Weber also analyzes the file hosts, which viruses like to change. There are no viruses, let's move on.

2. Sometimes the reason that the Internet slows down is an antivirus or firewall. With its help, the antivirus checks information on the fly. Naturally, this affects the connection speed. Of course, not all antiviruses slow down the Internet too much, but there are some that do. Disable your antivirus firewall or firewall and measure the speed. If this is the problem, consider changing or fine-tuning your antivirus/firewall.

3. Problem with the network card. Try to force the network card to set to 10Mbps mode, be sure to Full Duplex, this is enabled in the network card settings, additional tab, Speed&Duplex or Connection Type section. It didn’t help - install another network card to check how the Internet works on it.

Try all these methods if nothing works for you wifi router for example, have you secured your connection, are your neighbors pumping through you?

In our information age, it is difficult to imagine a company, enterprise, office, even home, without the Internet. We will build a reliable, fast network for the Kemerovo office professional company. The Internet has entered all areas of our lives, becoming one of the factors that directly influences efficiency and success. Contact network companies and providers who can provide the quality of their networks and round-the-clock support.

Now with Mikha.

The very first thing to do is look into Windows Events. Right-click on my computer - manage - view windows events. We look at the logs - applications and system. We look for critical errors and analyze them.

You also need to check your computer for viruses, step number one from the problem above.

Also remember when the problems started, perhaps new drivers were installed, or a device was added (RAM, etc.), or a program was installed. Check to see if the power to the outlet is interrupted.

What is the reason and what to do

Below we list common reasons that lead to Internet slowdowns and methods for eliminating them.

First of all check:

  • Is the torrent client turned on? this computer or any other computer on your local network;
  • Are OS updates or other software being downloaded on any of the computers on the local network?

1. Malicious software on your computer.

This is especially true for malicious browser extensions. If, in addition to a decrease in the loading speed of web pages, you also notice the appearance of advertising banners in your browser, then most likely your computer is infected with malware.

Browse the list installed extensions in every browser. If found, remove the following malicious extensions:

  • iWebar
  • 2. Traces of malware activity after its removal

    Even if the anti-virus scan results in a clean computer, follow these steps:

    3. Viruses on another computer on the local network

    Perform virus scans on other computers on the network. A network attack may be coming from a nearby computer, as a result of which the network and Internet may be slow and unstable. To scan computers on the network for viruses, the same programs that are indicated in paragraph 1 are suitable.

    4. Failure on the router or access point.

    • Check that the settings of your router or access point are correct.
    • Reboot your router to eliminate the possibility of crashes or freezing.
    • Make a router (modem, access point). , indicating correct settings your Internet provider.
    • Try updating the firmware of your router or access point. Proceed by analogy with.

    Updating the firmware rarely helps with this problem. If the Internet previously worked normally on this firmware, then most likely the problem is not with it. However, Sometimes Still, the router fails, which can only be cured by flashing it.

    5. Network adapter problem

    • network adapter. Sometimes network adapter can work on a non-native driver, but is unstable and at low speed.
    • Try connecting through a different network adapter, if possible.
    • Try replacing the network adapter if possible.

    6. Hacking Wi-Fi networks

    The Internet may also be slow if third parties have accessed your Wi-Fi network and are using your channel.

    Check if someone else has connected to your network:

    If you find an unknown device on the network, change the WiFi network security key using a new one. Prohibit remote login to the web interface of the router and access point.

    Often I am asked a question by people who are new to the computer field and this is what they ask: “It freezes, what should I do?” By this issue Naturally, it is difficult to determine what problems the user has, but one thing becomes clear - this is due to world wide web. Next, I have to clarify what exactly happened. Some people don't have enough random access memory and at large quantities open tabs, the computer starts to freeze. In this article I will analyze the most common cases when computer beginners are concerned about the issue of Internet freezing.

    1. There is little installed on the computer, for example 1-2 GB. When surfing the Internet, many tabs are open in the browser. The RAM becomes clogged and the computer starts to slow down. The way out of this situation is to increase RAM, or keep fewer tabs open.

    2. Due to hard drive problems such as old disk, many bad sectors. Your browser may freeze while surfing the Internet, or your computer itself may freeze. In this situation, you can quickly and in case of poor condition replace it with a new one.

    3. You find the browser too slow. When you try to upload a photo, audio or other file to a website, your loading bar may freeze? Most likely you are using an outdated browser to surf the Internet. People often complain that the Internet Explorer browser freezes. Previously I only used Opera browser. Since the advent of the Google Chrome browser, I only use it and recommend it to others. I consider this browser the fastest and most convenient. By default, there is nothing superfluous in it and everyone can customize it for themselves. It is convenient to search and install extensions. There is synchronization - convenient thing, saved the bookmark on your computer - it will appear in mobile device. Reinstalled Windows? It doesn’t matter, you installed the browser, logged in, and in seconds (if you have a fast Internet connection) you have all your bookmarks, and the extensions will install themselves.

    4. Does the video freeze when watching on the Internet? Perhaps you have old computer. According to my observations, to watch videos in HD format, it is advisable to have a dual-core processor and 2 GB of RAM. Also, online video may freeze if you do not have .

    5. Low speed Internet connection and it's annoying you wildly? Now I have wired Internet and a speed of 40 Mbit/s, but there was a time when I used satellite internet with GPRS, then EDGE and soon 3G. My small town used to be just terrible wireless Internet. Sometimes you pay 900 rubles for unlimited, but it is not stable, sometimes it loads 600 kbit/s, sometimes it hangs at zero for a minute. What I could come up with was to connect the USB modem via a USB extension cord and place it in the room as high as possible and to the window, preferably to the window, and sometimes even out of the window. I also wrapped the modem case copper wire, in my opinion, he caught the net a little better. Nowadays all kinds of amplifiers are sold, I don’t know, I haven’t used them.

    6. If your computer is connected to wired internet, but nevertheless the Internet connection freezes temporarily or permanently - perhaps your twisted pair wire is partially broken. Inspect the wire carefully, in case it is pinched by something. The wire is not live, you can try to fix it yourself this problem using a knife and electrical tape.

    I analyzed the most common cases when I was asked about the Internet freezing. If you have a problem with something else, then you can ask about it through the comment form or call a specialist to your home. But it would be better if you have a computer friend or acquaintance, such a person will tell you what’s what and won’t charge you much, a chocolate bar for example, if the problem is not complex.