Pedagogical activity in the space of education. Educational process as a system. Patterns, contradictions of the educational process

Pedagogical activity in the space of education. Educational process as a system. Patterns, contradictions of the educational process

The educational system functions and develops in the educational process of teaching and educating a person.

The educational process is a specially organized, purposeful interaction of teachers and trainees, aimed at solving developmental and educational problems.

The main components of the educational process are teachers and pupils. Their interaction in this process (more precisely, the exchange of activities) ultimate goal is the mastery of the pupils by the experience accumulated by mankind in all its diversity. Teachers, on the other hand, transfer this experience in the form of a certain system of knowledge, traditions, moral norms and principles that ensure the possibility of normal life and human activity in a given society. Therefore, the educational process is a complex set of these interactions, taking into account social requirements for professional competence and personal qualities of specialists and other factors, as shown in Fig. 22.

Education as a process reflects the stages and specifics of the development of the educational system, in other words, a qualitative change in its state over a specific time period. This dynamic characteristic of education, as shown in Fig. 22 is directly related to the process of achieving the goal, ways to obtain the desired result, with the efforts and resources expended, as well as with the conditions and forms of organization of education.

Rice. 22. General structure of interactions
between the components of the educational process

The dynamism of the modern educational process is characterized by the fact that it develops simultaneously in different directions. Therefore, it is characterized by such properties and trends as the humanization and humanitarization of education, its differentiation and diversification, standardization and multivariance, multilevelness, as well as the strengthening of fundamentalization, computerization and informatization, individualization of education, continuity of education throughout a person’s active working life.

Since the educational process has a dialectical character, its development is possible both through the resolution of inevitable contradictions, and in an evolutionary way, that is, through the improvement of the existing educational system.

The main contradiction of the educational process is the contradiction between social demand to the education of a person, on the one hand, and the quality, type and level of his education, on the other. Another significant contradiction is that education is always based on some achieved level of science, engineering and technology, while they themselves are continuously developing. Finally, the third contradiction lies in a certain discrepancy between public goals and interests and the goals, aspirations and interests of the student's personality.

The essence of the educational process with inside is the self-development of a person as a person in the process of his learning. Education as a process does not stop until the end of a person's conscious life. It only continuously changes in purpose, content, form.

What basic process should be formed in the education system to ensure the necessary adequacy and compliance of the level of training of qualified specialists with the development of social production and the dynamics of its innovation sphere?

The main skill of a person of the present and subsequent decades should be his ability to constantly retrain, self-develop, change old patterns and stereotypes of thinking and activity, search for and use new ones. The education system is aimed at the formation and development of a person. It should lay in him this ability for constant self-development so that he is always in demand and competitive in the labor market. To do this, the education system must clearly understand which specialists will be required not today, but tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, and, therefore, prepare specialists for future requests. In this regard, it needs to form new approaches, develop new methods and new pedagogical technologies, create new institutions that would provide real opportunities for the continuous development of man.

Education performs simultaneously as an individual and as a collective (cumulative) result. This result presupposes the development of each personality as highest value society, the development of her mental abilities, high moral qualities, the formation of an active citizen capable of conscious public choice and enrichment on this basis of the intellectual, spiritual and cultural potential of the entire nation, raising its educational level, ensuring National economy qualified personnel.

The result of education is the education of members of society, which can be general and professionally meaningful. So, secondary school forms the general education of the graduate. A graduate of any higher educational institution on this basis is characterized by a special, that is, vocational education.

It is customary to call an educated person a person who has mastered a certain amount of systematized knowledge and, in addition, is used to thinking logically, clearly highlighting causes and effects. The main criterion for a person's education is systematic knowledge and systematic thinking, manifested in his ability to independently restore the missing links in the knowledge system with the help of logical reasoning, the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships. Education implies also at the same time the upbringing of a person.

The term “educated person” is a cultural and historical concept, since in different eras and in different civilizations, specific content was invested in it. AT modern conditions globalization and intensive communication between countries, in the conditions of integration of the world educational space, a common understanding of the essence of an educated person is formed for all countries and continents.

3.1. The school carries out the educational process in accordance with the levels of general educational programs three levels of general education:

Stage I - primary general education (normative period of development - 4 years);

Stage II - basic general education (normative period of development - 5 years);

Stage III - secondary (complete) general education (normative period of development - 2 years).

3.1.1. Primary general education is the upbringing and development of students, their mastery of reading, writing, counting, the basic skills and abilities of educational activities, elements of theoretical thinking, the simplest skills of self-control learning activities, culture of behavior and speech, the basics of personal hygiene and healthy lifestyle life.

Primary education is the basis for obtaining basic general education.

3.1.2. The task of basic general education is to create conditions for the upbringing, formation and formation of the personality of the student, for the development of his inclinations, interests and ability for social self-determination.

Basic general education is the basis for obtaining secondary (complete) general education, primary and secondary vocational education.

As part of basic general education, the School organizes and conducts pre-profile training for students in grades 8-9.

3.1.3. The objectives of secondary (complete) general education are
development of interest in knowledge and creativity student,
the formation of skills for independent learning activities based on the differentiation of learning. In addition to compulsory subjects subjects are introduced at the choice of the students themselves, in order to realize the interests, abilities and capabilities of the individual.

Secondary (complete) general education is the basis for obtaining primary vocational, secondary vocational (according to reduced accelerated programs) and higher vocational education.

Based on the requests of students and their parents (legal representatives), if there are appropriate conditions at the School, training in various profiles and directions can be introduced.

At the 3rd stage of education - secondary (complete) general education, both universal (non-core) and specialized training can be carried out. At the same time, it is possible for the senior school to cooperate with other general education institutions, institutions of additional education and institutions of primary, secondary and higher professional education.

In order to implement specialized training students in grades 10-11 within the framework of the approved school curriculum, drawn up on the basis of the basic curriculum, in addition to compulsory subjects, elective courses, special courses are introduced academic subjects at the choice of the students.

The educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education are successive, that is, each subsequent program is based on the previous one. For students with great educational potential, in order to develop their abilities, optional courses, subject circles can be opened, subject Olympiads, competitions of creative works, and scientific societies of students can be created.

Forms of pedagogical support are provided for low-performing students: organization of compensatory education classes, organization of individual lessons, consultations

3.3. Training and education at the School are conducted in Russian.

3.4. The school, if it has a license (permit), can, under agreements with organizations, conduct vocational training for students as an additional educational service, including for a fee. Professional training at the School can be carried out only with the consent of the students and (or) their parents (legal representatives).

3.5. The current control of the progress of students of the School is carried out by teachers (teaching staff) and is determined in accordance with the criteria for a five-point system: "1", "2", "3", "4", "5" The teacher (teacher), checking and evaluating work, including control, oral answers of students, the skills and abilities they have achieved, puts an assessment in the class journal and the student's diary. Intermediate final grades are given for a quarter at the I and II levels of education, for half a year - at the III level of education. Final grades are given at the end of the academic year. In case of disagreement of the student, his parents (legal representatives) with the annual assessment, the student is given the opportunity to take an exam in the relevant subject of the commission formed by the Pedagogical Council of the School and approved by the Director of the School.

Mastering general education programs of basic general, secondary (complete) general education ends with mandatory state (final) certification of students. The state (final) certification of students who have mastered general educational programs of secondary (complete) general education is carried out in the form of a unified state exam, and for students with disabilities who have mastered the educational programs of secondary (complete) general education in the form of a state final exam.

3.6. The results of the unified state exam are recognized by the School as the results of the state (final) certification.

Persons who have passed the unified state exam shall be issued a certificate of the results of the unified state exam. This certificate expires on 31 December of the year following the year in which it was issued. Persons who have passed the state (final) certification educational institutions Those with state accreditation issue state documents on the level of education, certified by the seal of the relevant educational institution.

Persons who have not completed the education of the appropriate level (basic general, secondary (complete) general), who have not passed the state (final) certification or who have received unsatisfactory results at the state (final) certification, are issued a certificate of the established form on training in an educational institution.

3.7. The development of annual educational programs in grades 2-8, 10 can be completed with an intermediate certification of students. The timing, procedure and form of certification are taken by the decision of the School's Pedagogical Council, approved by the Director of the School and brought to the attention of students and their parents no later than January of the current year. At intermediate certification students can establish the following grading system:

Grade 1 - unmarked system (qualitative assessment of the development and success of students)

2-9 grades - five-point assessment educational achievements and scoring of oversubject achievements of students' competencies;

Grades 10-11 - a five-point assessment of educational achievements and a point assessment of over-subject achievements of students' competencies, it is possible to introduce a credit system.

3.8. Students at the levels of primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education, who, at the end of the academic year, have an academic debt in one subject, are transferred to the next class conditionally. Students are required to eliminate academic debt during the next academic year, the School creates conditions for the elimination of this debt by students and ensures control over the timeliness of its elimination.

Students at the levels of primary general and basic general education who have not mastered the educational program of the academic year and have an academic debt in two or more subjects, or who are conditionally transferred to the next grade and have not eliminated their academic debt in one subject, at the discretion of their parents (legal representatives) are left on repeated training, are transferred to classes of compensatory education with a smaller number of students per teacher of an educational institution or continue to receive education in other forms.

Students at the level of secondary (complete) general education who have not mastered the educational program of the academic year in full-time education and have an academic debt in two or more subjects, or who are conditionally transferred to the next grade and have not eliminated their academic debt in one subject, continue to receive education in other forms.

The transfer of a student to the next class is carried out by decision of the Pedagogical Council of the School.

3.9. Students who have not mastered the educational program of the previous level are not allowed to study at the next level of general education.

3.10. Taking into account the needs and capabilities of the individual, educational programs are mastered (can be mastered) in the following forms: full-time, part-time (evening), part-time; in the form of family education, self-education, external studies.

A combination of various forms of education is allowed. The school may use remote educational technologies in all forms of education in the manner prescribed by Federal body executive power that performs the functions of generating public policy and legal regulation in the field of education.

For all forms of education within the framework of a specific basic general education program, the unified federal state educational standard or federal state requirements apply, with the exception of individual educational standards and requirements determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.11. The procedure for organizing education in the family is determined by the Regulations on the receipt of education in the family and this Charter.

3.12. The procedure for organizing the acquisition of general education in the form of an external study is determined by the Regulations on the receipt of general education in the form of an external study and this Charter.

3.13. The School provides lessons at home for students who need it in accordance with the medical report on the state of health and on the basis of an agreement concluded between the School and the parents (legal representatives) of the student. In accordance with the instructions of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, required amount teaching hours per week, a schedule is drawn up, the personal composition of teachers is determined by order, a journal of classes is kept. Parents (legal representatives) are obliged to create conditions for conducting classes at home.

3.14. The school year usually starts on September 1st. The duration of the academic year at the first, second and third stages of general education is at least 34 weeks, excluding state (final) certification, in the first grade - 33 weeks.

The duration of holidays during the academic year is at least 30 calendar days, in summer - at least 8 weeks. For first grade students, additional weekly holidays are established throughout the year.

3.15. The mode of study at the School is determined by the Governing Council and is established as follows:

a) the beginning of lessons in the first shift - not earlier than 8.00 am (established by order of the school director annually), the duration of the lesson - 45 minutes (with the exception of grade 1, in which the duration is regulated by the SanPin of the Russian Federation); the duration of the break between lessons is set annually by the orders of the Director of the School in accordance with the norms of the SanPiN of the Russian Federation.

b) if there are two-shift classes at the School, students of the 1st, 5th, 9th and 11th grades cannot study in the second shift.

c) the beginning of classes for extended-day groups in the 1st shift - not earlier than 8.00, in the 2nd shift - after the end of the last lesson of the first shift

d) Students eat according to the schedule approved by the Director of the School.

The educational weekly load is evenly distributed during the school week, while the volume of the maximum allowable load during the day should be:

For students of the 1st grade - should not exceed 4 lessons and 1 day a week - no more than 5 lessons, at the expense of a physical education lesson;

For students in grades 2-4 - no more than 5 lessons, and once a week 6 lessons at the expense of a physical education lesson with a 6-day school week;

For students in grades 5-6 - no more than 6 lessons;

For students in grades 7-11 - no more than 7 lessons.

The schedule of lessons is compiled separately for compulsory and optional classes. Extracurricular activities are scheduled on the days with the least number of compulsory lessons. Between the start of extracurricular activities and the last lesson, a break of at least 45 minutes is possible.

The volume of homework (in all subjects) should be such that the time spent on its completion does not exceed (in astronomical hours): in grades 2-3 - 1.5 hours, in grades 4-5 - 2 hours, in grades 6-8 - 2.5 hours, in grades 9-11 - up to 3.5 hours.

3.16. The number of classes in the School is determined depending on the number of applications submitted by citizens and the conditions for the implementation of the educational process, and taking into account the sanitary standards and control standards specified in the license. The occupancy of classes and after-school groups is set at 25 students, for rural institutions 14 people.

3.17. When conducting classes in a foreign language in grades 2-11, informatics and computer technology, labor training in grades 5-11, physical culture in grades 10-11, physics and chemistry (during practical classes) the classes are divided into two groups if there are 20 people in the class. (for urban 25)

If the School has the necessary funds, it is possible to divide into groups of classes with less occupancy when studying these subjects, as well as the first stage of general education when studying foreign language. Students undergo mandatory basic training military service in an educational institution of secondary (complete) education.

3.18. In the School, in agreement with the Department of Education and taking into account the interests of parents (legal representatives), classes of compensatory education may be opened.

The Department of Education, in agreement with the founder, may open special (correctional) classes at the School for students with disabilities.

The transfer (direction) of students to special (correctional) classes is carried out by the education department only with the consent of the parents (legal representatives) of the students upon the conclusion of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission.

3.19. Discipline in the School is maintained on the basis of respect for the human dignity of the participants in the educational process and all employees. The use of methods of physical and mental violence against students is not allowed.

3.20. The school may implement additional educational programs and provide additional educational services that are not included in the list of basic general education programs that determine its status on the basis of an agreement with the parents (legal representatives) of students:

Paid additional educational services include:
- study of academic disciplines in excess of hours and in excess of programs in this discipline, provided for by the curriculum, at the choice of students;
- classes on in-depth study of subjects;
- training in additional educational programs;
- courses to prepare for admission to secondary specialized and higher educational institutions;
- courses to prepare children for school;

Creation various groups under programs of additional education of children;
- organization of sections and groups to improve the health of students

Other paid educational services that do not contradict the law;

Paid educational services are provided on material base Schools in their free time from the main classes, according to the schedule.

Under contracts and jointly with enterprises, institutions, organizations. The school can conduct pre-professional and vocational training of students as additional (including paid) educational services in the presence of an appropriate license for the specified type of activity and implement additional educational services (including paid ones) under the programs of the following areas:
- artistic and aesthetic,

military patriotic

Tourist and local history,

Scientific and technical;
- ecological and biological,

Physical culture and sports;


natural science

3.20.1. State-financed organization has the right to carry out income-generating activities only to achieve the goals of its creation and in accordance with these goals, provided that such activities are indicated in its constituent documents. The income received from the said activities and the property acquired at the expense of these incomes shall be placed at the independent disposal of the budgetary institution.

The procedure for providing paid additional educational services:

· Income from the specified activities of the School is reinvested in the school. Such activities of the School are not entrepreneurial.

· Paid educational services cannot be provided instead of educational activities financed from the budget.

· The need for paid educational services is determined by studying the requests of students and parents (legal representatives).

· The list of provided paid educational services is determined by the Governing Council.

The school receives a license for additional paid services, which are accompanied by final certification and issuance of documents on education and (or) qualifications. Information about paid educational services and the procedure for their provision is provided to parents in full on the basis of the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of Consumer Rights", as well as in accordance with the requirements of the "Rules for the provision of paid educational services".

· The school provides paid additional educational services, sets prices and tariffs (approved by the Founder) for the provision of services and performance of work at the market level, taking into account the possibility of developing and improving the educational process and the material and technical base of the institution.
The Director of the School issues an order on the organization of paid additional educational services.

· The school has the right to engage organizations and individuals with licenses for educational activities to provide paid additional educational services.

3.22. The school bears responsibility in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation:

1) For failure to perform functions within the competence of the School.

2) For the implementation of incomplete educational programs in accordance with the curriculum and schedule educational process.

3) For the quality of education of their graduates.

4) For the life and health of students and employees of the School during the educational process.

5) For violation of the rights and freedoms of students and employees of the School.

6) For other actions provided for by law Russian Federation.
The school is responsible and carries out individual accounting of the results of mastering educational programs by students, as well as storing data on these results in archives on paper and (or) electronic media.

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test questions

1. Define the following concepts: education, educational process, content of education

2. List the main key positions within which the proposals of the Bologna process are considered and implemented

4. Name the documents reflecting the content of education

5. Describe the basic principles of learning

1. Definition of the following concepts: education, educational process, content of education

Education - in the narrow sense - a set of systematized knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by an individual in an educational institution or through self-education. In a broader social context, education is understood as a purposeful process of upbringing and education in the interests of a person, society and the state, the main goal of which is the formation of a free, educated, having a holistic view of the surrounding material and spiritual world, creative and moral personality.

The educational process is a synthesis of learning and teaching, education and self-education, development, maturation and socialization.

2. The main key positions within which the proposals of the Bologna process are considered and implemented

The proposals considered and implemented within the framework of the Bologna process are reduced to six main key positions.

1. Creation of a unified scheme for obtaining higher education

2. Improving the quality of higher education

3. Introduction of a unified system for accounting for the labor intensity of educational work.

4. Expanding mobility

5. Ensuring the employment of graduates

6. Ensuring the attractiveness of the European education system

3. Describe the goals, structure and content of vocational education

The goals of vocational education perform a system-forming function in pedagogical activity. The types of pedagogical goals are diverse.

Global level factors, on the basis of which education is divided into main branches and successive stages;

Factors that determine the structure of the content of general, polytechnical and special education taking into account their gradation into theoretical and practical parts;

Vocational schools, secondary and higher specialized educational institutions;

Factors that determine the content of individual training courses, certain types practices and educational projects.

It includes:

A set of concepts, laws, patterns, algorithms and modern theories that explain the phenomena that occur in nature, society, culture and technology;

The totality of knowledge about objects, tools and mechanisms used in the labor process;

Teaching methods of activity that guarantee the formation of professional competencies.

The content of education is the content of the process of progressive changes in the properties and qualities of the individual, necessary condition what is a special way organized activity.

4. Documents reflecting the content of education

1) Federal State educational standard higher professional education;

2) curricula;

3) curricula of individual disciplines;

4) textbooks, etc.

5. Characteristics of the basic principles of education

bolognese education vocational training

To organize the educational process, specific instructions are needed that are not contained in the laws of education. Practical guidance is contained in the principles and rules of training.

Didactic principles - a set of provisions that reflect the most appropriate and productive teaching methods, organizational specifics, content and standards corresponding to a specific level of development of society. The principles of learning are based on its laws and create a support base for building a competent and effective learning process. The principles of learning are a system of interrelated components. Many modern researchers of pedagogical theory and practice have been developing and substantiating the most important principles of education, after analyzing which it is possible to single out the most general basic principles for constructing a learning system.

1. The principle of consciousness and activity. This principle reflects the need to develop motivation for learning and stimulate learning activities. This principle is based on the understanding that without the efforts of the trainees, the learning process will not have results. Training should be conscious, meaningful, purposeful from the point of view of the student. On the part of the teacher, conditions must be created for this, that is, the material must be presented in a form that is understandable and accessible to the entire group of students, it is necessary to explain to the students the importance and practical value of the subject being studied, individual abilities and peculiarities of students' thinking, opportunities for teamwork are created and creative thinking is encouraged in every possible way.

2. The principle of visibility has been popular since ancient times and is quite effective, being intuitive. Using, where possible, visual material, the teacher opens another channel of perception for students - visual, which significantly increases the efficiency of assimilation of new information and contributes to the intensity of learning, as it allows short time present as much new material as possible. Considering this principle in the development of the pedagogical process, one should not forget that an excessive number of all kinds of illustrations and diagrams scatters attention and can lead to the opposite effect.

3. The principle of systematicity and consistency gives a systemic character to the learning process, which is a necessary condition for the effectiveness of any impact. As a result of training, a person should form a clear, clear and generally understandable picture of the world with its inherent system of interrelated patterns and concepts. The knowledge system should be created in a logical sequence and offered to students in the same sequence. The skills and abilities already acquired by a person in the learning process must be systematically applied in real or artificially created conditions, otherwise they begin to weaken. Self-learning abilities include the ability to think logically and draw logically sound conclusions and conclusions. underdevelopment logical thinking a person creates problems in his mental activity, which by no means contributes to the formation of systematized knowledge and makes a person incapable of replenishing them independently.

4. The principle of strength. The purpose of this principle is a strong and long-term assimilation of the acquired knowledge. This goal is achieved through the development of interest and a positive attitude of the student to the discipline being studied. To do this, the teacher should strive to establish positive emotional contact with students. After all, in many respects the attitude to the subject is determined by the attitude to the teacher who teaches it. Having aroused interest in the discipline being studied, the teacher greatly facilitates the students' assimilation of the material related to it. This is due to the fact that a person’s memory easily and permanently captures what causes active interest. The strength of knowledge is also facilitated by the consolidation of the material covered and the frequent repetition of the most important points, having understood which it is possible to restore the picture of a certain part of knowledge as a whole.

5. The principle of accessibility implies the development of the content of the learning process, taking into account the capabilities of the trainees. An important condition accessibility is the correct sequence of presentation educational material. To assimilate new information, the student must have the appropriate basic knowledge. It is necessary to correlate the complexity and volume of new knowledge with the age of students and their individual characteristics such as health status, learning ability, psychophysical condition. The teacher must accustom students to overcome difficulties in the process of understanding and mastering new knowledge, as well as build elements of educational material in order of increasing complexity.

6. The principle of scientific character lies in the careful selection of information that constitutes the content of training that meets the following requirements: students should be offered for assimilation only firmly established, scientifically based knowledge, methods of presenting this knowledge should correspond to the specific scientific field to which they belong. A person needs to be instilled with an understanding that science is becoming increasingly important in the life and daily activities of a person, and not only is a necessity for the implementation professional activity. Students must understand and understand scientific picture world, the interconnection of all scientific fields, their general focus on improving the quality of human life in this world.

7. The principle of connection between theory and practice is based on the central concept of philosophy: practice is the main material for cognition. Practical activity plays an undeniably large role in pedagogical science. To practical side pedagogy includes the experience of ancestors, observations of teachers, experimental pedagogical activity etc. Practically acquired knowledge is the most reliable source of information. However, by itself, the information obtained in the course of practical activities cannot be an engine pedagogical science and has no value. Ability to use the results teaching practice carries out their thorough processing, which includes systematization, research and analysis, conclusions and the creation of pedagogical calculations and theories on their basis, which, subject to further successful research, will be included in the system of pedagogical scientific knowledge. Theory does not always emerge from practice. Many scientists develop new methods of pedagogical influence based on the synthesis of various theoretical knowledge of pedagogical science, put forward hypotheses and assumptions that require a mandatory practical experiment in order to identify their truth, effectiveness and applicability.

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Education as a process

Education is a purposeful process of upbringing and education in the interests of a person, society, state, accompanied by a statement of the achievement by a citizen (student) of educational levels (educational qualifications) established by the state. The level of general and special education is determined by the requirements of production, the state of science, technology and culture, as well as social relations.

Education is the process and result of the assimilation of systematized knowledge, skills and abilities.

In the process of education, there is a transfer from generation to generation of knowledge of all those spiritual riches that mankind has developed.

In the ordinary sense, education, among other things, implies and is mainly limited to the teaching of students by a teacher. It may consist of teaching reading, writing, mathematics, history and other sciences.

Teachers in narrow specialties such as astrophysics, law or zoology can only teach this subject, usually at universities and other institutions of higher education.

There is also the teaching of professional skills, such as driving.

In addition to education in special institutions there is also self-education, for example through the Internet, reading, visiting museums or personal experience.

Under the educational process we will understand the totality of educational and self-educational processes aimed at solving the problems of education, upbringing and development of the individual in accordance with the state educational standard.

Thus, within the educational process, two components can be distinguished, each of which is a process: training and education.

These processes (training and education) have both common and special. The commonality of the processes of education and upbringing in the real educational process lies in the fact that the learning process performs the function of education, and the process of education is impossible without the education of the students. Both processes affect the consciousness, behavior, emotions of the individual and lead to its development. The specifics of the processes of training and education are as follows. The content of training is mainly scientific knowledge about the world. The content of education is dominated by norms, rules, values, ideals. Education affects mainly the intellect, education - on behavior, the need-motivational sphere of the individual.

The educational process reflects the properties characteristic of both training and education:

Bilateral interaction between teacher and student;

The focus of the whole process on a comprehensive and harmonious development personality;

Unity of substantive and procedural (technological) aspects;

The interconnection of all structural elements: goals - the content of education and the means to achieve educational objectives - the result of education;

Implementation of three functions: development, training and education of a person.

The development of any field of scientific knowledge is connected with the development of concepts, which, on the one hand, point to a certain class of essential and unified phenomena, and, on the other hand, construct the subject of this science. In the system of concepts of a particular science, one, central, concept can be distinguished, which designates the entire field of study and distinguishes it from the subject areas of other sciences. The remaining concepts of the system of a particular science reflect the original, pivotal concept.

For pedagogy, the role of the core concept is played by the pedagogical process. On the one hand, it denotes the whole complex of phenomena that are studied by pedagogy, and on the other hand, it expresses the essence of these phenomena. An analysis of the concept of "pedagogical process" therefore reveals the essential features of education as a pedagogical process, in contrast to other related phenomena.

As early as the end of the 19th century, P.F. Kapterev noted that “the educational process is not only the transfer of something from one to another, it is not only an intermediary between generations; it is inconvenient to imagine it as a tube through which culture flows from one generation to another ... The essence of the educational process from the inside lies in the self-development of the organism; the transfer of the most important cultural acquisitions and the teaching of the older generation to the younger is only outer side this process, covering its very essence.

Consideration of education as a process presupposes, firstly, the distinction between its two sides: teaching and learning.

Secondly, on the part of the educator, the educational process always represents, voluntarily or involuntarily, the unity of training and education. Thirdly, the process of nurturing education itself includes, from the perspective of the student, the acquisition of knowledge, practical actions, the fulfillment of educational cognitive tasks, as well as personal and communicative training, which contributes to its comprehensive development.

Consideration of the pedagogical process as an integrity is possible from the standpoint of systems approach, which allows you to see in it, first of all, a system - a pedagogical system.

The pedagogical system should be understood as a set of interconnected structural components united by a single educational goal of personality development and functioning in a holistic pedagogical process. Pedagogical process Thus, it is a specially organized interaction of teachers and pupils regarding the content of education using the means of training and education (pedagogical means) in order to solve the problems of education aimed at meeting the needs of both society and the individual himself in his development and self-development.

Any process is a successive change from one state to another. In the pedagogical process, it is the result of pedagogical interaction. That is why pedagogical interaction is an essential characteristic of the pedagogical process.

It, unlike any other interaction, is a deliberate contact (long-term or temporary) between the teacher and pupils, which results in mutual changes in their behavior, activities and relationships.

Pedagogical interaction includes in unity the pedagogical influence, its active perception and assimilation by the pupil and the latter's own activity, manifested in the response of direct or indirect influences on the teacher and on himself (self-education). Such an understanding of pedagogical interaction makes it possible to single out two most important components in the structure of both the pedagogical process and the pedagogical system - teachers and pupils, who are their most active elements.

The pedagogical process is carried out in specially organized conditions, which are associated primarily with the content and technology of pedagogical interaction. Thus, two more components of the pedagogical process and system are distinguished: the content of education and the means of education (material and technical and pedagogical - forms, methods, techniques).

The interconnections of such components of the system as teachers and pupils, the content of education and its means, give rise to a real pedagogical process as dynamic system. They are sufficient and necessary for the emergence of any pedagogical system.

The methods of functioning of the pedagogical system in the pedagogical process are training and education, on which those internal changes that occur both in the pedagogical system itself and in its subjects - teachers and pupils depend.

The relationship between the concepts of "education" and "upbringing" is the subject of many discussions. The use of the words “education” and “upbringing”, which is often found in the literature, as denoting opposite sides of the pedagogical process, is not correct. Education as a purposeful process of socialization in any case includes upbringing.

Consequently, education is a specially organized activity of teachers and pupils for the realization of the goals of education in the conditions of the pedagogical process. Education is a specific way of education aimed at developing the personality by organizing the assimilation of scientific knowledge and methods of activity by students.

Being integral part education, training differs from it in the degree of regulation of the pedagogical process by normative prescriptions, both in terms of content and organizational and technical.

For example, in the learning process, the state standard of the content of education must be implemented, learning is also limited by time frames (academic year, lesson), requires certain technical and visual teaching aids, electronic and verbal-sign media (textbooks, computers).

Upbringing and training, as ways of implementing the pedagogical process, thus constitute educational technologies, in which expedient and optimal steps, stages, stages of achieving the proposed goals of education are fixed. Pedagogical technology- this is a consistent, interdependent system of teacher actions associated with the use of a particular set of upbringing and training methods carried out in the pedagogical process in order to solve various pedagogical problems: transforming the content of education into educational material; choice of methods, means and organizational forms pedagogical process.

The pedagogical task is an elementary unit of the pedagogical process, for the solution of which pedagogical interaction is organized at each specific stage.

Pedagogical activity within the framework of any pedagogical system, in turn, can be represented as an interconnected sequence of solving an innumerable set of tasks of different levels of complexity, in which pupils are inevitably included in interaction with teachers.

The pedagogical task is a materialized situation of upbringing and learning, characterized by the interaction of teachers and pupils with a specific goal.

Education as a process reflects the stages and specifics of the development of the educational system as a change in its state over a specific time period. This dynamic characteristic of education is connected with the process of achieving the goal, the methods of obtaining the result, the efforts expended at the same time, the conditions and forms of organizing training and education, the effectiveness of training and education as the degree of compliance with the required and undesirable changes in a person. In this process, teaching and upbringing, the activities of the teacher and the activities of the student interact. An important factor here is the atmosphere and environment in which the educational process is carried out: good relations between all subjects of the educational process, a constant example of conscientiousness and creative efforts on the part of the teacher, his help and goodwill towards all students and at the same time rational effective organization teachings, creating an atmosphere of creative search and hard work, stimulating independence and constant support of interest in learning, etc.

In Russia, from 1917 to the present, education has undergone a number of changes: from a system that ensures the literacy of every citizen of Soviet Russia, to a system of compulsory primary education, eight years and, finally, compulsory secondary education and further up to the reforms of 1980-90. Since 1991, in Russia, within the framework of the law "On Education", a compulsory nine-year education has been adopted, and since 1998, Russia has been moving to a 12-year education system. During this period, the school education system was carried out within the framework of a uniform school in all cities and villages. Soviet Union. The educational process was organized according to unified curricula and programs for the implementation of common goals and objectives.

Since 1991, gymnasiums, lyceums, private schools began to revive in Russia and new ones appeared. educational systems- schools-laboratories, centers of creativity, additional educational institutions, colleges, etc. In this regard, different schools and universities work today according to different curricula and programs, set and solve different educational tasks, provide various educational services, including paid ones.

In the process of education, a person masters cultural values ​​(the historical heritage of art, architecture). Since the achievements of a cognitive nature are a combination of the material and spiritual heritage of mankind, insofar as the development of the initial scientific statements is also the acquisition of cultural values. As a result, a didactic concept of culture was formulated - training and education of the younger generation by means of culture.

“Now “education” is closely connected with the concept of culture and ultimately designates a specific human way transformation of natural inclinations and possibilities”.

Education is the process of transferring knowledge and cultural values ​​accumulated by generations. The content of education is drawn and replenished from the consequences of culture and science, as well as from the life and practice of a person. That is, education is a sociocultural phenomenon and performs sociocultural functions.

Therefore, education becomes a necessary and important factor in the development of both individual areas (economy, politics, culture) and the whole society.

The full intellectual, social and moral development of a person is the result of the implementation of all the functions of the educational process in their unity.

So, the full intellectual, social and moral development of a person is the result of the implementation of all the functions of the educational process in their unity.

Upbringing and training determine the qualitative characteristics of education - the results of the pedagogical process, reflecting the degree of realization of the goals of education. The results of education are determined by the degree of appropriation of values ​​that are born in the pedagogical process, which are so important for the economic, moral, intellectual state of all "consumers" of the educational sphere - the state, society, and every person. In turn, the results of education as a pedagogical process are associated with strategies for the development of education that are oriented towards the future.

Throughout the educational process, the main task is the development and self-development of a person as a person in the process of learning. Education as a process does not stop until the end of a person's conscious life. It is constantly changing in terms of goals, content, forms. The continuity of education at the present time, characterizing its procedural side, acts as the main feature.

Educational process- this is training, communication, in the process of which controlled cognition takes place, the assimilation of socio-historical experience, reproduction, mastery of one or another specific activity that underlies the formation of personality. The meaning of learning is that the teacher and the student interact with each other, in other words, this process is two-way.

Thanks to training, the educational process and educational impact are realized. The influence of the teacher stimulates the activity of the student, while achieving a certain, predetermined goal, and control this activity. The educational process includes a set of tools that create the necessary and sufficient conditions for students to be active. The educational process is a combination of the didactic process, the motivation of students to learn, the educational and cognitive activity of the student and the teacher's activity in managing learning.

In order for the educational process to be effective, it is necessary to distinguish between the moment of organization of activity and the moment of learning in the organization of activity. The organization of the second component is the immediate task of the teacher. The effectiveness of the educational process will depend on how the process of interaction between the student and the teacher for the assimilation of any knowledge and information will be built. The subject of the student's activity in the educational process is the actions performed by him to achieve the expected result of the activity, prompted by one or another motive. Here, the most important qualities of this activity are independence, readiness to overcome difficulties associated with perseverance and will, and efficiency, which involves a correct understanding of the tasks facing the student and the choice of the desired action and the pace of its solution.

Given the dynamism of our modern life, we can say that knowledge, skills and abilities are also unstable phenomena that are subject to change. Therefore, the educational process should be built taking into account updates in the information space. Thus, the content of the educational process is not only the need to acquire knowledge, skills and abilities, but also the development of the mental processes of the individual, the formation of moral and legal beliefs and actions.

An important characteristic of the educational process is its cyclicality. Here the cycle is a set of certain acts of the educational process. The main indicators of each cycle: goals (global and subject), means and result (associated with the level of mastering the educational material, the degree of upbringing of students). There are four cycles.

initial cycle. Purpose: students' awareness and understanding of the main idea and practical significance of the material being studied, and the development of ways to reproduce the studied knowledge and the method of their use in practice.

Second cycle. Purpose: concretization, extended reproduction of the studied knowledge and their explicit awareness.

Third cycle. Purpose: systematization, generalization of concepts, use of what has been studied in life practice.

Final cycle. Purpose: checking and accounting for the results of previous cycles through control and self-control.

LECTURE No. 6. Essence, contradictions and logic

educational process

With regard to the structure of the educational process, the following questions can be raised.

1. What activity and what information is deployed in each fragment?

2. What activity is cultivated in each fragment?

3. Do they mean each other?

4. How exactly do these fragments imply each other?

With regard to the analysis of the real educational process, the principles put forward raise the following questions:

1) to what extent the educational process is an introduction to activity, and to what extent it is an introduction to information (and, consequently, to what extent its organization is based on the internal logic of the archive - scientific, theoretical theses);

2) to what extent the educational process is a process of introduction into a holistic activity, i.e., to what extent the components of the educational process together represent a functional whole;

3) even if the educational process is a functional whole of its parts, then how realistic is the functionalization of information corresponding to these parts.

Typical temptations for the educational process in this regard are:

1) the desire to follow the archival organization of knowledge and turn the educational process into an introduction to “knowledge”, and not into activity. On the one hand, there is no normal cultivation of activity, since this strategy disorients the student. On the other hand, there is no functionalization of information, and therefore it does not turn into knowledge;

2) the temptation not to conform with each other different parts of the educational process as a whole;

3) the desire of each fragment of the process to carry out exclusively its own logic in the cultivation of activity and, accordingly, the presentation of information, not in accordance with how it is connected with other parts;

4) the temptation to disregard the extent to which the functionalization of information is actually carried out, whether it turns into knowledge or remains information.

Another perspective of the problem of knowledge functionality is the problem of the functional integrity of knowledge in the process of its deployment during the educational process as a whole - the problem of knowledge functionality reproduction. Since knowledge remains knowledge as long as its real functionality is preserved in the activity structure of consciousness, then, consequently, once functionalized knowledge requires constant reproduction of its functionality in order to remain knowledge. For the analysis of the real educational process, this raises the question of which elements of knowledge retain their functionality throughout the entire process and how their functionality changes.

The main temptation for the educational process here is the desire to divide information into large functional blocks (for example, logic, systematics, etc.) and give these blocks at once in their entirety, but:

1) the magnitude of the volume and homogeneity of information will not allow functionalizing it entirely, and, consequently, the predominant part of it will not turn into knowledge;

2) the same desire will not make it possible to unfold the depth of this information, such a method of unfolding will be doomed to superficiality.