Selection of biological material for molecular genetic examination. Forensic genetic examination. Hello, I would like to find out my haplogroup by analyzing the Y chromosome, is this possible?

Selection of biological material for molecular genetic examination.  Forensic genetic examination.  Hello, I would like to find out my haplogroup by analyzing the Y chromosome, is this possible?
Selection of biological material for molecular genetic examination. Forensic genetic examination. Hello, I would like to find out my haplogroup by analyzing the Y chromosome, is this possible?

In this article we will tell you how to correctly insert a SIM card into your phone yourself. New modern models are coming out with convenient slots in which cards the right size inserted without problems.

And all popular mobile operators produce unique constructors - SIM cards in three popular sizes: nano, micro and standard.

Types of SIM cards

SIM cards are a subscriber identification module of a telecom operator. Several decades have passed since their launch until the start of mass sales, and during this time their shape and size have improved. This process was forced. First, smartphones appeared on the mobile markets, and there was simply not enough space under the back cover for parts. Technologies have improved, user demands have increased, batteries are larger, phones are thinner, and there is less space.

This evolution of cards allowed them to be reduced by almost half, and modern retractable slots significantly freed up space for other parts.

Let's look at what types of sim there are, what their features are, and how to insert a sim:

  • Full-size (which many people didn’t even know was available) is the largest in the line, along the perimeter as bank card. Appeared in 1991 with the first wave of popularity cellular communications among ordinary residents. It is not used in modern phones; sometimes you can find cars with similar “innovations” a la the 90s.
  • Mini-SIM - still used for devices manufactured from the 2000s to the early 2010s, supports 2G and 3G.
  • Micro-SIM - appeared in 2003, but on this moment considered the most used generation of communication modules. Supported by all manufacturers modern gadgets with 3G and LTE.
  • The smallest is the Nano-SIM, which looks like its predecessor, but without the plastic edges. It appeared five years ago and is used in all models of the Apple brand and some other premium segment manufacturers.

All types of SIM cards are inserted the same way - into the designated slots in a smartphone or tablet. It is impossible to say exactly where the stand is located, since manufacturers reserve the right to place them anywhere, according to their design concept. Sometimes new phones have a sticker with step by step instructions, it can also be found in the User's Guide.

Installing a SIM card

Traditionally, manufacturers place card holders on the right side of the case (if the cover is not removable), or directly under the battery, if it is removable. The following instructions suitable for owners of the latest type of gadgets:

  1. Check if your phone is turned off.
  2. Detach the back panel.
  3. Locate the small indentation between the case and the battery.
  4. Remove the battery.
  5. There you will see SIM card slots. They are different types: separate and two-story. The side you want to hold up when inserting will be shown next to the holder. As a rule, it is inserted with the gold contacts facing down.
  6. Carefully insert the battery back. Check that it fits snugly.
  7. Return the lid until you hear a characteristic click. They will mean that the lid is in place.

In the video you can see how to deal with modern models for which the cover cannot be removed:

Here's another video with a useful life hack:


Modern smartphones and SIM cards do not require manual connection. When you first launch it on a new device, you will receive a package of free settings from your mobile operator for all types of cellular services.

For dual SIM cards mobile devices, the controls can be a little difficult for a beginner. You can choose a SIM for certain actions by default, or choose it yourself for every call and message.

Will a regular SIM card fit into the micro-sim slot?

You can cut a regular size card to micro-sim dimensions if the card is old. However, it is much easier and safer to contact service center, where you will be given a new SIM in the form of a transformer - all popular sizes.

If the module urgently needs to be replaced with a smaller one, you can cut it manually with ordinary sharp scissors.

What to do with a poorly cut SIM card

However, such experiments do not always end successfully. If the SIM card was cut incorrectly and was damaged in the process, you must contact the customer service points of your mobile operator. Replacing the card with another SIM while maintaining the balance, tariff plan and, directly, the number does not take long.

Insert a SIM that has mechanical damage, Not recommended.

SIM card malfunctions

Users guess about their malfunction when the OS does not see the module and does not indicate it with the corresponding icon. The reasons may be:

  • The SIM has expired and is not intended for further use.
  • It has mechanical damage - scratches, chips and breaks.
  • Failed trimming. We mentioned it above.
  • The phone's firmware is tailored for a specific buyer.
  • Problems with the slot.
  • Crashes in operating system and software.
  • The contacts were damaged during installation.
  • Dirt got on the card holder.

In most cases, the card needs to be replaced, or the phone needs to be sent to a technician for diagnostics, as these can be either hardware or system problems.


Mobile communications and the Internet are available throughout the day thanks to smartphones and small card modules issued by cellular providers. That is why they need to be treated with care, monitored for their condition and serviceability. The more gadgets come out, the easier it becomes to use SIMs - their sizes decrease, and their capabilities increase. We hope this article was useful to you and you received available instructions about how to handle them in different situations.


29.03.2017 Frank 4 comments

Many modern phones are designed with a compromise - they accept two SIM cards or one and a MicroSD flash drive.

The Chinese and Koreans began to use this, although users did not successfully accept this trick, and there are reasons for this.

IN inexpensive smartphones There is very little memory, therefore, you have to increase the resource with SD flash drives.

Operators, in turn, have different tariffs: in some, calls are almost free within the country, in others, international calls.

Having two SIM cards is very convenient, but constantly changing them is extremely annoying, if, in addition, to open the slot you need a key, which you almost never have at hand at a crucial moment.

What should I do? There is a solution - to deplete the SIM card and MicroSD flash drive together into one object. But if you take on such a task, be careful - this is jewelry work.

NOTE! These lines were added a year later. Now there is a more reliable and quick way combine a SIM card and a flash drive in one slot. .

Instructions - how to simultaneously install a nano sim/microsd into a hybrid slot

The trick of SIM cards and flash drives in the same slot at the same time is not difficult to do. Below I will try to describe step by step and draw attention to the mistakes that others have already made.

A flash drive with a SIM card in one slot or sim + sd is available only for devices that have a hybrid slot - a universal nano sim+nano sim / sim+microsd slot.

For this purpose you need a nano SIM card, micro SD, scissors, glue, hot water or another heater and sandpaper.

The first step is to completely disassemble the SIM card using heating or hot water to detach the microchip from the plastic.

This is necessary for a little deception in order to insert a SIM card and micro SD at the same time. This is the only way to eliminate this drawback, which the manufacturer considers a convenience.

NOTE: The steps below may lead to irreparable damage to the SIM card, and such an operation is illegal and all the blame lies with you.

So, we start with a heat source - we warm up the SIM card, or rather its plastic. This material has a fairly low heat resistance and begins to deform quite quickly.

The only thing that is important to us is that the plastic “let go” of the chip, which is glued to the plastic case, so after heating, we carefully try to pull off the chip (you can use, for example, thin tweezers).

If the operation was successful, then you should have an item like the one below in the picture.

If you are met with failure, damage appears, then it’s time to run to the service for a new SIM card, and those who are doing well may consider that 50% of the work has already been done.

Then fine sandpaper lightly sand the removed material. This step is the most dangerous in the entire operation.

It needs to be made as thin as possible (otherwise there may be problems with opening the tray), but so as not to damage the chip and connections.

It becomes soft when exposed to temperature, but quickly hardens when cooled. Next, you need to determine the correct position of the chip. It should be the model of the second SIM card.

NOTE: when you glue (you can use double-sided tape) the chip onto a micro SD flash drive, make sure that their contacts do not touch (you can trim them minimally around 2 mm.)

The contacts can even be insulated, for example, with paint. The chip must be held securely; if it slides, the pairing may be broken.

If the attempt is successful, try inserting the “kit” into the phone, if you have not already done so, and check the functionality of both “objects”.

Happened! Are you happy with two SIM cards and an SD flash drive? If yes, then congratulations, just don’t forget to share this trick with your friends.

NOTE: you have the right to use your own methods for peeling off, adjusting and gluing the chip. There is no such thing as a manual from the manufacturer in nature - all these are the works of enthusiasts.

Perhaps you have your own successful experiment or method? Why not? There are a lot of smart people.

If yes, then continue this post in the comment form below. I’m sure many will thank you, just mention your name. Good luck.

New smartphones such as Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge or Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 have attractive design and high specifications. But they fail in a seemingly small area - the SIM card slot. The fact is that in many modern Android smartphones this slot is also used to accommodate a memory card.

For fans of new applications and games, as a rule, the existing built-in memory is not enough and they are forced to use MicroSD cards. But the catch is that the slot can accommodate either two SIM cards at the same time, or one SIM card and one memory card. In order to use two SIM cards and a MicroSD card at the same time, you will have to resort to a trick, or rather, surgical intervention.

Here are the risks awaiting you if you decide to use this hack:

  • Your Nano SIM card may be permanently damaged if care is not taken carefully.
  • Your MicroSD card will become part of the Nano SIM card, probably forever.
  • You may have to go to your nearest mobile operator office to get a replacement Nano Sim if it doesn't work or if you have a different card format.
  • If you don't do everything correctly, you may break the device.

You also need to decide which SIM card will be the main one, since the memory card will be glued to it.

Required tools:

  • Lighter
  • Sharp scissors
  • Double-sided tape or superglue
  • MicroSD Card.
  • Nano Sim card (must be Nano Sim because they are easier to cut)

Let us remind you that everything described below is done at your own peril and risk.

1.Make sure you know correct placement SIM into slot 2. There is a cut on the SIM card to tell you which part will be facing up and down.

2.In this step we will remove the important chip from the Nano SIM. To do this, you need to warm up the Nano Sim (plastic part) for 30 seconds to 1 minute, and then use scissors to cut the chip to fit the MicroSD card. If this fails, it's time to go to the nearest mobile operator office for a replacement.

3. If you do not want to tightly glue two cards to each other, you can secure them with double-sided tape. Look at the picture below to understand how they should be positioned relative to each other. After this you can use duct tape or glue.

4.The final step - all you have to do is insert your homemade hybrid SIM-MicroSD card along with the second SIM card back into the slot and install it into the smartphone.

That's it, you can wipe the cold sweat from your forehead and enjoy the fruits of your hard work.

How to use the universal slot to its fullest? Make a combined SIM card with a built-in memory card! A hybrid slot that allows you to install either 2 SIMs or a SIM and a flash drive is the scourge of our time. Separate slots are steadily appearing in smartphones of the lower price segment. Most popular worthy of attention models are forced to use flash drives connected via OTG. Or purchase a device with more memory. The manufacturers' policy is clear - to profit as much as possible by offering a smartphone with an increased amount of internal memory for much more than the cost of the memory itself. Why is this necessary? Smartphones with a minimum amount of internal memory usually cost much less than their counterparts with larger storage. Applications and content are perfectly placed on the card, so almost all brands retain the ability to install it (with the exception of some overly “principled” ones) Chinese brands). Typically, in a “paired” tray, the contacts of the microSD memory card and the second SIM card are in different places. If desired, they can be combined - and nothing prevents them from working simultaneously. There are no software restrictions. For which smartphones can a hybrid SIM+microSD be made? For almost any smartphone that has a slot design similar to the one shown in the picture above. Yes, the contacts of the flash drive and SIM card are directed in the same direction. However, they use different sets of contacts with different heights. Some companies deliberately reduce the thickness of the slot, or change the direction of the elements in the tray. In such cases, you first need to turn to specialized communities dedicated to discussing the relevant smartphone. In addition, it is worth considering that the tray and its slot are not designed for increased thickness of elements. Therefore, problems are observed in certain models with hybrid “microSD+SIM”. Only a thematic forum can provide accurate information. ATTENTION! You carry out all the manipulations described below at your own peril and risk. We do not accept any responsibility for any damage you may cause to your device. The chances of damaging the SIM card are greatest. To a lesser extent - a map MicroSD memory. Manufacturing instructions Determining the correct position of the elements First you will need to determine correct position SIM cards in the tray. Cards different operators may have different contact configurations. It makes sense to outline the outline that will fit into the slot - this will make it easier to trim. It is also necessary to estimate the maximum allowable thickness of the SIM card. SIM manufacturing After we have decided on the size, it is necessary to separate the SIM card itself (chip) from the plastic base. Two methods are used for this:

1. Heating the SIM card plastic side at a temperature of about 200 degrees for 30-60 seconds to 1 minute. Plastic in in this case separated from the chip using a knife or blade.
2. Chemically dissolving the plastic substrate using dichloroethane (POISON! Use only in a ventilated area!), acetone or a similar solvent - for example, 646. The separated chip will require additional processing. First you need to get rid of any remaining glue on the back side using a knife or solvent - carefully so as not to damage the contacts. Then you will need to carefully trim the contact pad of the SIM card to place it on the microSD in accordance with the first point. It will take 1-2 mm on each side. Connecting SIM and microSD After preparing the SIM card, you need to check whether there are any interferences during installation on the side of the flash drive itself. In some cases, it is necessary to file off the tubercle on the reverse side using a small (jeweler's) file. Typically, instructions recommend attaching the SIM to the memory card using double sided tape. In fact, it is better to carry out the following manipulations: - make sure that the combination will lie flush in the slot or barely stick out;
- glue the elements to each other using cyanoacrylate-based superglue (“Moment Superglue Gel”), carefully gluing the SIM card around the edges. If necessary, cyanoacrylate is easily destroyed using specialized compounds from the store or nail polish remover without acetone (isopropyl alcohol).
Checking the work Finally, you need to check that all actions have been performed correctly. If everything is done correctly, then simultaneous work will look like this: If the memory card is not visible, you need to tin the contacts of the memory card with a soldering iron, or stick a strip of electrical tape with reverse side so that the contacts become a little higher.
Precautionary measures The thickness of the elements should be minimal. There should be no gaps between the SIM card and the flash drive. Gluing along the edge is required - if the SIM card sticks out even a little, there is a chance that when you pull out the slot, you will leave it in it. It is recommended not to remove the tray after manufacturing and installation. Therefore, you should be concerned about the volume microSD cards- and don’t skimp on cards with a large capacity. As practice shows, the chance of ruining a SIM card is much greater - it is the one that gets stuck. In addition, before manufacturing, you should contact the specialized community for information: are there any problems with using hybrid microSD+SIM. Especially when making it for the first time. Many brands have problematic smartphone models: for example, Meizu M2 Note. Taken from

We don’t remember who invented the combined slots, but there is reason to believe that the author of this horror is a Chinese company with a name starting with the letter H. However, it shouldn’t be blamed for the popularization of this strange solution: the idea was quickly picked up by dozens of other manufacturers, and now a large Some smartphones do not allow you to use two SIM cards and a memory card at the same time.

Manufacturers can be understood: combined slots (SIM+SIM or SIM+MicroSD to choose from) are cheaper to produce, and they also take up less space in the case than three separate sockets at once. What’s important: we’ll save on the extra slot by installing a slightly more capacious battery.

In general, it is possible to understand them, but it is unlikely to forgive them. Because combination slots are extremely inconvenient. Especially if the device does not have 64 or 128 GB of memory, like flagships, but only 16. Of these, another 3-4 are consumed by the system, and the user who needs two SIM cards is left with a measly 10-plus “gigs” . Well, where is this good? That's right, nowhere. And that’s why we’ve collected several smartphones in this review. different classes, offering just separate slots for two SIM cards and a MicroSD flash drive.

(27,990 rubles)

An interesting upper-middle class smartphone in a glass case, with USB port Type-C, high-quality AMOLED screen and a good camera. A little expensive, of course, compared to analogues, if you compare the characteristics “on paper”. However high price justified by some pleasant aspects, for example, the presence of protection against water and dust according to the IP68 standard and those separate slots. If you still want to save money, look towards the Galaxy A5 2017 - it is a little simpler and cheaper. But on the Galaxy A3 2017, if you need exactly three slots, you shouldn’t look: there are two of them.

(12,990 rubles)

A mid-level device from Nokia, revived this year. Pros: of course, the right slots, as well as "" Android with guaranteed updates for several years and a pleasant metal case. The model does not have very striking features, but overall it is not bad workhorse for those who still believe in Nokia. And yes, you can consider it as an alternative - this device is simpler in all respects, but it still has three card slots.

(12,990 rubles)

Motorola employs the right people: that they are in an embrace with the G5 Plus, that the Moto E series devices use separate slots for SIM cards and MicroSD. We included the Moto E Plus in this review, since this device, in addition to everything else, also has a powerful battery - 5000 mAh. The case is metal, the chipset... But with the chipset everything is complicated: a simpler version with the MediaTek platform is supplied to Russia, while a more powerful version with the Qualcomm chipset is supplied to some other countries. If you are visiting the USA, buy Moto E Plus there.

(16,990 rubles)

A middle-class frameless phone with an 18:9 aspect ratio, reminiscent of two flagship smartphones of the Korean company - V30 and G6. This is what makes him interesting, being otherwise quite simple solution. There isn't even an NFC chip. However, for those who want to get NFC and larger volume random access memory(3 instead of 2 GB) there is a slightly more expensive option.

(21,990 rubles)

Previously, Sony used the correct “three-card” layout in almost all of its models, but recently the Japanese have relaxed somewhat. However, the Xperia XA1 is a pleasant exception; there are exactly three slots. The smartphone also has a 2300 mAh battery, a 23-megapixel camera, a 5-inch HD screen and mediocre MediaTek chipset. But the main thing, of course, is the so-called “Sony style”: the design of the Xperia XA1 really differs from smartphones from other manufacturers, which can often be confused with each other.

(9,990 rubles)

IN last years Xiaomi stubbornly followed the “SIM+SIM or SIM+MicroSD” rule, but made an exception with the Redmi Note 5A model. A simple version of this device is supplied to Russia, that is, without a fingerprint scanner, with cameras of average quality and 16 GB of internal memory. But it is quite cheap, being one of the most affordable smartphones in the Xiaomi line.

(13,900 rubles) /

And again, a device with a 5000 mAh battery - that is, “long-lasting”. On the one hand, this is one of the most simple devices Zenfone 4 family, on the other hand, it has a lot of interesting things. Here you have the mentioned battery, and three slots, and a double rear camera. The principle of its operation is approximately the same as that of LG models - one wide-angle lens, which allows you to capture large objects from a short distance.