From planting cucumbers to the appearance of the first fruits. How to germinate cucumber seeds - practical tips. Pre-sowing treatment techniques

From planting cucumbers to the appearance of the first fruits.  How to germinate cucumber seeds - practical tips.  Pre-sowing treatment techniques
From planting cucumbers to the appearance of the first fruits. How to germinate cucumber seeds - practical tips. Pre-sowing treatment techniques

Methods for planting cucumbers

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​disinfection of seed material​

​is a universal early ripening variety. It is perfect for both pickling and cooking. fresh salads.​

Seed preparation

- This is one of the fastest ripening varieties. The harvest can be harvested within 37-40 days after the appearance of the first shoots. The fruits are small and can be used in salads.​

For weakly branched plants - two-line with a distance between lines of at least 50 cm, and between plants in a row of 30 cm;

​When the seedlings appear, the temperature in the room should be reduced to 19 degrees, and as the seedlings grow, add soil under the seedlings. When sowing seeds for seedlings, you need to remember that the period from sowing to planting cucumbers in the ground lasts about 4 weeks, so there is no need to sow them earlier, since seedlings that are not planted in time do not take root well.

​Seeds grown at home need to be disinfected. For this procedure, prepare a solution: 1 gram of manganese is dissolved in 100 grams of water. The seeds intended for planting are placed in this solution and kept there for half an hour, and then washed well in running water.​

Growing seedlings


​Cucumber - heat-loving plant. The most comfortable temperature during the day it is 22-26 degrees, and at night it is desirable that it does not fall below 18-20 degrees. In cold weather, when the temperature drops to 10 degrees, plant growth slows down, vegetation stops, and with prolonged cold weather the plant may die. Low air temperature is one of the main reasons for failure when growing cucumbers in open ground. This feature applies to all heat-loving pumpkin plants.​
​Planting cucumbers requires preparing the beds in advance. It is recommended to prepare the soil for growing cucumbers in the fall in a lighted and warm place. The area should be dug up to a depth of 22-27 cm, then manure and humus should be added under the digging at the rate of a bucket per 1 sq.m. In the next 2-3 years, you should not apply organic fertilizers; then only mineral fertilizers are used.​

​Planting cucumbers can be done in two ways: sowing cucumber seeds directly into the garden bed or planting pre-grown seedlings. With any method of growing cucumbers in open ground They are planted when the soil is already warm enough to provide the plants with the necessary nutrients. For example, in central Russia, cucumbers are planted in late May-early June.​

​. It is this procedure that protects plants from viruses and bacteria. In most cases, a solution of potassium permanganate is used for disinfection. Cucumber seeds are placed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for an hour. After this, the seeds are carefully removed and dried.

Also popular among gardeners are varieties such as

​How dense the planting will be depends on the variety of cucumbers, but on average it is three plants per 1 m2.​

Watering plays an important role in growing cucumbers and seedlings. Watering should be moderate. There is no need to allow waterlogging, and even more so, stagnation of water. You need to water with warm, settled water at least 24 degrees. Full-lit plants are watered 2 times a day, and under-lit plants – once. Cold water cannot be used for these purposes. This can lead to the death of seedlings.​

Soil preparation

To speed up the formation of seedlings, it is advisable to germinate homemade seeds. Soaking allows you to increase the rate of seed germination.​

​– a variety selected by the Crimean Experimental Station for open ground. Bee-pollinated, mid-season. The most resistant variety to false powdery mildew. The greenery is about 10 cm long. The fruits quickly increase in size and become pot-bellied, but this does not affect the taste in any way. It has excellent taste and pickling qualities. Reliable, proven variety. Every year I definitely plant it.​

​Cucumber – moisture-loving plant, but you just need to water it warm water. When watering cold water Root rot, powdery mildew, and other diseases may appear. I have a barrel of water in the sun especially for such heat-loving plants. I water in the evening, the water is well heated by this time.​

The best predecessors of cucumbers are potatoes, tomatoes, onions, cabbage, peppers, and peas. But after legumes, despite the fact that after them the soil is enriched with nitrogen, experts do not recommend planting them. The reason is that both of these plants are affected by white rot.​

The bed should be sprayed with a solution of copper sulfate (for 10 liters of water, take 1 tablespoon of copper sulfate), spending 1 liter of solution per 1 sq.m of bed. Then you need to remove and burn all plant debris from the garden bed, including roots. Before digging the bed, add 2 tablespoons of superphosphate and 1 cup dolomite flour or ash per 1 sq.m. Dig the bed to a depth of 15 cm and leave it until spring. In the spring, 10 days before planting, add 1 bucket of manure humus, old sawdust, peat and 1 cup of ash per 1 sq.m of bed, then dig up to the depth of a bayonet shovel.​

​The third stage is​

Growing and care

​"Far Eastern"​​If you want to grow cucumbers on a loggia, balcony or veranda, then you should prepare boxes measuring about 100 cm x 50 cm x 20 cm or large pots and fill them with the same soil mixture as in the cups. It is advisable to place the containers in the corners to protect them from drafts and wind.​

​When planting seedlings in the ground, it is worth considering weather, air temperature and plant condition.​

​What to do.​


A good protection for cucumbers from diseases is abundant watering (1-2 times per season) on the leaves from above or spraying with a milk-iodine solution - 1 liter of real milk from a cow (not store-bought milk from bags) + 5 drops of iodine per bucket of water ( 10 l).​

​I keep my seeds warm in winter, but so that they do not dry out, this can then affect the germination energy.​

​Planting and caring for cucumbers require certain knowledge. Below we will discuss the basic rules for growing cucumbers and caring for them.​

​stimulation of seed growth​


Growing cucumbers in open ground - varieties, seeds, care

Water the soil before planting warm solution manganese (1 gram per bucket of water) or copper sulfate solution (teaspoon per bucket of water).​

When starting to plant cucumbers for seedlings, follow the deadlines.
​To do this, place cucumber seeds in a damp cloth and make sure that it does not dry out. The temperature for germination should be maintained around 28 degrees.​

​– a variety selected by the Crimean Experimental Station for open ground. Early ripening, bee-pollinated, begins to bear fruit in 45-50 days. Pickling. The fruits are 10-14 cm long, the stalk is very long - 5-7 cm. Valued for its resistance to downy mildew.​

​Cucumbers are very sensitive to disturbances in the water regime. When there is a lack or excess of moisture in the soil, plant development is disrupted: fruits are deformed, ovaries fall off, and yield decreases. It is better to water them less often, but abundantly, without allowing the soil to dry out.​

Before planting in open ground, I warm up the seeds: I put a plate on the radiator, put an open paper box with seeds on top, and keep them there for 5-6 hours. You just need to take into account that the temperature of the battery should not be higher than 60° C. The thermal effect is well reduced by placing several layers of newspaper or plywood under the box. It is believed that such warming promotes greater formation of female flowers.​

Treatment of cucumber seeds before planting

​After this, level and pour hot (60°C) water (5-6 liters per 1 sq.m.). You can pour a solution (1 g per 10 liters of water) of potassium permanganate at the rate of 3-4 liters per 1 sq.m. or sodium humate (1 tablespoon of liquid sodium humate per 10 liters of water), 3-4 liters per 1 sq.m. Then cover the bed with clean film before sowing or planting cucumbers.​

The first method is to sow cucumbers directly into open ground. Growing cucumber seeds is painstaking work. The seeds must be large and full-bodied. First of all, you need to choose the highest quality seeds. To do this, treat them with a one percent solution of potassium permanganate, then keep in a warm place for 20 minutes. clean water. In this case, low-quality seeds should float, after which they can be easily removed. Remaining good seeds You can sow directly into open ground without germination, or you can germinate for about two days in wet sawdust or peat. If the seeds are pre-germinated, additional selection of low-quality seed material occurs.​

​. However, on at this stage many gardeners spend pre-treatment seeds with special growth stimulants. This allows you to increase the germination rate of plantings. If you don’t have such products at hand, you can use regular baking soda. To do this, dilute the solution: dilute five grams of soda per liter of water. In this solution, the seeds stand at room temperature(not lower than +20 degrees) during the day. Then the seeds are thoroughly dried and prepared for further processing.​

- blooms according to the female type. The variety is extremely unpretentious to conditions environment, so many people grow it in conditions middle zone Russia (is cold-resistant).​


Seedling care

​So, for example, if seeds are sown in a heated greenhouse no later than mid-April, then plant them in the same greenhouse at permanent place seedlings can be started already in the first ten days of May.

​Seeds can also be soaked in weak, pre-prepared solutions of fertilizers or growth stimulants. When the seeds hatch and the sprouts grow to 3 mm, place the damp cloth in the refrigerator for two days. The temperature should be about 0 degrees, and the napkin should not dry out. This will increase the cold resistance of the seeds. After this, the seeds can be sown.​

​Cucumbers are a tasty and healthy vegetable. In addition, this crop can easily be grown at home.​

​Good results are obtained if you arrange a shower using a watering can or sprayer. Cucumbers love these refreshing waterings, but they must be carried out so that the plants leave at night with completely dry leaves. The remaining drops on the leaves create favorable conditions for the development of fungal or bacterial diseases.​

I disinfect the heated seeds - treat them with a pink solution of potassium permanganate for 20-25 minutes, then put them in a fine strainer and rinse them with cold running water (under the tap). Nowadays, instead of potassium permanganate (disappeared from pharmacies), I use a 2-3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, which I preheat to a temperature of 38-40 degrees - leave for 7-8 minutes; or a solution of boric acid - ½ teaspoon of powder per 1 glass of water - kept for 2-3 hours at a temperature of 25-30 degrees. Then the seeds should also be washed under running cold water.​

​Cucumber seeds should be sown in the ground in such a way that the seedlings are not exposed to frost. Only dry cucumber seeds are sown early, since sprouted seeds can rot in insufficiently warmed soil.​

Now you know how to grow cucumber seedlings at home. We hope that our tips will help you grow strong and healthy seedlings cucumbers

​If you grow cucumbers under a film, then the seeds should be sown no later than the second ten days of April, and they should be transplanted to a permanent place after a month. Until comfortable weather arrives, the conditions of care and cultivation do not need to be changed.​

Watering cucumbers

​To speed up germination and increase the germination of seeds 6-8 years old, they should be bubbled for 18 days. To do this, place a canvas or gauze bag with seeds in a container with water, place an aquarium compressor there and turn it on. After this, the seeds must be sown immediately.

​Before you start growing cucumbers at home, you need to wisely choose varieties and hybrids. The most suitable hybrids are “Masha”, “Claudia F1”, “Bianka” and “Marinda F1”. All of them are self-pollinating. Barren flowers - they do not have male flowers. And only the female type of flowering is present. These hybrids are distinguished by good yield and tall growth. The fruits are tasty, and their size ranges from 15 to 25 cm.​

​Now about your own seeds. When planting several varieties of cucumbers, even if there are no other plantings around for a whole kilometer, it is still not recommended to collect seeds due to cross-pollination. All pumpkin plants are highly pollinated. If you still want to have your own seeds, then if it is not a hybrid (there is no F1 designation), you need to do this.​

​After disinfection, I dry the seeds until they flow - this makes them easier to sow.​

How to collect your seeds

​Basic care for cucumbers consists of timely watering, loosening the soil, weeding and fertilizing.​

​Immediately before planting, it is recommended to warm up and soak the seeds. The process of soaking the seeds is simple, it is carried out approximately 12 hours before planting the seeds. The warming up process will take a little more of your time. To warm the seeds, they need to be suspended in a gauze bag. It is advisable to hang it near the battery or in a room where the temperature does not drop below 20°C. Warming is necessary for plant resistance to various diseases. This process has a positive effect on the quality of the crop. Cucumber is a heat-loving plant. Seeds germinate at a temperature of 12-13°C.​

​The fourth stage is​

​"True Friends"​

Varieties and hybrids of cucumbers for open ground

​"Russian taste"​

​If the seedlings are transferred to the garden without any shelter, then sowing is done in early May, and planted in the garden in early June​ ​It is advisable to prepare the soil for future seedlings. Soil preparation is done as follows: combine peat, sand, humus, as well as turf soil and a little sawdust in equal parts. Then, add a glass for 10 kg of mixture wood ash and a teaspoon of urea and nitrophoska. Then mix it all thoroughly. This way you can provide the seedlings with food.​

​The variety “Room Rytova” is very popular among fans of growing cucumbers at home. It is well adapted to indoor conditions and has high taste.​ ​On the best plants pick the male flower (yellow unopened bud), tear off the corolla (yellow petals), and place the column of anthers on the stigma of the female flower (“anoint” it). Then wrap the female bud together with the anthers of the male flower thin layer cotton wool or a piece of gauze bandage so that the bees cannot reach the stigma, bring pollen from other plants. Attach a label to the stalk of the pollinated flower.​

I plant cucumbers in open ground after April 20 to a depth of 1.5-2 cm. It is not necessary to go deeper - it will be difficult for the seedlings to break through a thicker layer of soil. I put 4-5 seeds in the hole if the seeds are my own. But if the variety is new and there are few seeds, then I put one at a time, so as not to break through and lose valuable seed material.​ ​Feeding of cucumbers is carried out once every 10 days. For 10 liters of water, take 1 liter of thick mullein and 20-30 g of urea or ammonium nitrate. After the cucumbers bloom, they need to be fed with the same solution, adding superphosphate and potassium salt to it: 40-50 g each (at the beginning of fruiting, 50-60 g each). One liter of solution will be enough to water 4 plants.​

​The optimal depth for sowing cucumber seeds in the ground is a depth of 2 cm. When sowing, it is also necessary to take into account the fact that cucumbers can grow very large during the growth process, so you should not sow them too often. It is recommended to sow two seeds per hole (you can plant a little more seeds if you doubt the quality, since not all can sprout) at a distance of 8 to 10 cm. When sowing cucumbers in rows, the recommended distance in a row is 8-10 cm, between rows - 60 cm.​ ​seed germination​

​is an early hybrid variety of cucumbers. It bears fruit very quickly. With proper care, a gardener can get the first harvest of cucumbers a month after the first shoots appear.

​Send to your social network so as not to lose:​​. Despite the timing, this is done when the threat has passed spring frosts. In any case, the earth should warm up to 17 degrees, and the air temperature should be at least +20 degrees. In each individual case it all depends on climatic conditions your region.​

​When choosing a container for sowing seeds, you should not forget that cucumbers are very sensitive to transplantation, therefore, if you handle the earthen lump and roots carelessly, they become very sick, which has a detrimental effect on their development. In this regard, there is nothing better for cucumber seedlings than paper cups or peat pots. If you sow at the beginning of December, the fruits will ripen at the end of February. To get the first fruits at the end of March, you should sow the seeds no later than the first of February.​

Growing cucumbers at home and the most suitable varieties for growing cucumbers in winter

Pollination should be carried out in the early morning (up to 8 o’clock), when the male and female buds have not yet opened. If there are no male flowers on the plant, then they can be taken from other plants, but always of this variety.​

The best varieties for growing cucumbers at home

Of course, with the single-seed method, holes may fall out (emptiness). Cucumber seeds have the shortest germination period (3-5 days), so I replant them in the same place, only now with sprouted seeds.​

​. This procedure can be carried out using damp gauze or sawdust. You should carefully spread the seeds on a pre-moistened cloth or damp sawdust, and cover the seeds with another layer of cloth on top. In two to three days, the length of the root will reach half the length of the seed. This is optimal for sowing seeds in open ground.​

​Others are also widespread hybrid varieties cucumbers: “Antoshka”, “Emelya”, “Leader”, “Boyfriend”.​


​On the same topic​

When planting seedlings in open ground, observe crop rotation. It is forbidden to grow cucumbers in one place all the time. They feel very good where tomatoes, potatoes, cabbage, herbs and legumes.​

​Fill the containers with soil to 2/3 of the volume, and then, as the seedlings grow, add soil under them.

If all conditions are created for a cucumber, then it can produce three to four dozen fruits. Ripe vegetables must be collected in a timely manner. You should not keep the plant near an icy window or near hot battery. Better location- these are windows facing south and east side. Lighting is required from 6 a.m. to 12 p.m. Therefore, for comfortable cultivation of cucumbers in winter, additional lighting is required.

​This is very painstaking work. You can be proud of your own varietal seeds of the pumpkin family, if, of course, you are sure that pollination was done correctly and cross-pollination was not allowed.​

What fertilizers should be used when growing cucumbers all year round?

We plant cucumbers in open ground both without support and with support (on a trellis or next to a corn stalk). If this is a support-free method, then I place the rows at such a distance from each other that when harvesting the fruits there will be free place for movement - usually from 70 cm to 1 meter. By the way, there are also bush forms, they do not weave, so the distance between such plants is 50-60 cm.​

​At the beginning of flowering, cucumbers should be watered with liquid fertilizer, to which microfertilizers are added: 0.1 g of zinc sulfate, 0.3-0.4 g of manganese sulfate and 0.5 g of boric acid per 10 liters of water.​

Cucumbers can also be grown by planting cucumber seedlings. This method is good because the harvest can be harvested earlier, since the seedlings are grown at home even before the soil is ready. But there are difficulties in this method. Cucumbers have a very fragile root system and it is quite difficult to replant them without damaging the roots. Therefore, it is difficult to grow cucumbers from seedlings; there is a risk of getting a poor-quality harvest. But if you choose this method, then you should take into account that it is better to grow seedlings in peat pots.​

The second option for growing cucumbers is through seedlings. Today, there are many ways to obtain healthy and viable seedlings. However, they all boil down to one thing simple rule: the duration of the process of growing seedlings should not exceed thirty days.​

Seed selection

​After the gardener has decided on the variety of cucumbers, it is necessary to begin choosing a suitable plant for growing this crop.​



​7 Harvesting cucumbers​

Cucumbers love places with loose, light and fertile soil, open to the sun and not influenced by the north wind. The soil must be fertile, retain moisture well, have good air permeability and not form a hard crust on the surface. It’s good if the soil is neutral and contains humus.​

​Use either a nutrient medium or soil. Soil is the most accessible method. Since the fall, it is necessary to prepare a mixture of turf land and humus. Either in equal proportions, or three parts to one. To one bucket of the mixture add two glasses of wood ash, 5-6 grams of potash, phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizers and 20-60 grams of lime. Everything is mixed well and placed in plastic bags. The soil must be loose.​


​Varieties or hybrids should be chosen that are genetically free of bitterness. Fortunately, now seed manufacturers put information about this on the bags. Such varieties will not be bitter even at high summer temperatures.​

The soil

​The first thinning of cucumber seedlings (if several seeds are sown) is carried out when 1-2 true leaves appear, the next - 3-4 leaves, removing weakened or ugly plants. I usually leave one plant in the hole.​


It is better to fertilize cucumbers in the evening. It is necessary to avoid getting the solution on the leaves, as in sunny weather this can cause burns. The solution should be washed off the leaves with water from a watering can and strainer. After each watering and feeding of cucumbers, it is recommended to add fertile soil under them, thereby replacing loosening. The roots of cucumbers are located in the top layer of soil, so they can easily be damaged during normal loosening. The soil should be loosened only between the rows. Cups, bags of dairy products or boxes are often used as containers for cucumber seedlings. For seedlings, it is necessary to prepare a nutritious soil mixture. It can be purchased at flower shop or cook it yourself. For self-preparation, you should mix two parts of humus and peat, as well as one part of sawdust. One seed is sown in each pot. Watering is carried out approximately once a week, exclusively with warm water (not lower than +25 degrees). After a month, the seedlings will be ready for planting in open ground.​

​If with greenhouse plantings everything is more or less clear: where the greenhouse is located, that’s where we plant cucumbers, then when planting in open ground everything is somewhat more complicated. The gardener needs to take into account three factors: access to fresh air on the site, its illumination, as well as the history of previous plantings.​

​Hybrid varieties are often sown for open ground. They are able to bear fruit well even in conditions that are not the most favorable for this crop. However, in growing such hybrids (most often the packaging with seeds will be marked “F1”) there is one “but”: collecting seeds from such plants is useless. Next year, barren flowers will grow from them.​

​One of the brightest and most beloved representatives of the pumpkin family by many gardeners is the cucumber. The plant is a vine that roots at the base and grows along any supporting structures, be it a trellis, pegs, boards and other auxiliary materials. The culture is distinguished by large leaves, which are a kind of protection for ripening fruits. By the way, cucumbers themselves can reach up to sixty centimeters in length and up to ten centimeters in diameter. Modern gardeners and gardeners, experiencing a sincere affection for this culture, have learned to grow cucumbers in any conditions: at home, in a greenhouse and in open ground. Today we will talk about growing cucumbers in the garden.​

​Before planting seedlings in the garden, they must be hardened off. To do this, the seedlings are taken outside for several days. You should start with 10 minutes, constantly extending the hardening time. And the air temperature is reduced to 17 degrees and gradually brought to the street level.​

Sowing seeds

​Now we’ll tell you how to grow cucumber seedlings.​

For seedlings, the pots must be at least ten centimeters in diameter. The seeds are pre-germinated in a saucer. When the roots become 0.5 - 1 cm in size, they are planted in pairs in pots. Until the shoots emerge, the pots are covered with a bag or film. In this case, the air temperature must be at least 20 °C.​


​And now briefly about the varieties and hybrids of cucumbers that I grow in open ground.​

Additional lighting

​In vain, many people believe that leaving one plant, and not two, the harvest will drop by half. Practice has proven that this is not so. The cucumber, despite its poorly developed root system, sucks out of the ground a large number of nutrients. If two plants grow nearby, they fight with each other for a place in the sun, each gets less food, and they shade each other.​

Top dressing

​Water the cucumbers with warm water. To do this, it is recommended to keep a barrel near the cucumber bed and pour water into it in the evening or early in the morning so that it warms up during the day. Too much watering is harmful, as the vines begin to grow vigorously to the detriment of fruiting.

​Planting cucumber seedlings in boxes will help save space, but when transplanted into open ground, the fragile root system and the survival rate of plants will deteriorate.

​Preparing the soil for planting cucumbers can be done in spring or autumn. It all depends on the efforts of the gardener himself. If we're talking about about preparations in the fall, then experienced gardeners strive to enrich the soil with fertilizers. One of possible options is to apply at least seventy grams of classic mineral fertilizer – nitrophosk – per square meter. You should also add three buckets of manure and two to three glasses of wood ash. This nutrient mixture remains to winter until the onset of the spring thaw. In spring, the soil is dug up to a depth of twenty to thirty centimeters. Next, you can form beds for future plantings.​


​You should not plant cucumbers on the site of last year's plantings melons: watermelons and melons. Also, you should not overload the same area by growing cucumbers on it every year. It is best if legumes, cabbage or potatoes were grown in this place last year.


The most popular hybrid varieties for open ground

​Of course, not all varieties cucumber crop good for growing them in open ground.​

Sowing dates

​When the cucumber seedlings reach the age of 3-4 weeks and a height of about 30 cm, they can be transferred to the garden. The seedlings should have a thick, strong stem, short internodes, dark green leaves and well-developed roots. A few hours before planting, the seedlings are generously watered.

In a heated greenhouse

​Growing seedlings helps to get a cucumber harvest earlier, extends the fruiting time, and in cold regions guarantees a harvest.​

Under the film

​After the seeds have sprouted, you can ventilate the room. The temperature drops to 15-16 °C - this will prevent the sprouts from stretching. Seedlings are grown for 30-45 days. When the third true leaf appears, bee-pollinated varieties are pinched. For hybrids, this procedure is not necessary. When three to four full leaves appear, the seedlings are transplanted either into large pots or boxes. After planting, the plant must be watered abundantly.

No shelter

​Crane F1​​When doing thinning, it is very important to water the soil well and not pull out plants if another plant is growing nearby. These need to be cut off close to the ground. The fact is that the cucumber has a weak root system. The roots of closely growing plants intertwine with each other - you can inadvertently pull both out. In addition, by pulling out excess plants, we thereby damage the roots of the main plant. It remains in a state of shock for some time, delaying the growing season until the damaged area where the sucking root hair was torn off heals. Broken hairs are not restored. A new root must grow, hairs must appear on it, only then the nutrition of the plants is restored. That is, five days pass, sometimes a week, and this is bad. Since we want to get the fruits as early as possible, any delay is undesirable.​

Crop rotation

The soil

​It is not recommended to use bags and jars for these purposes. fermented milk products(ryazhenka, kefir, yogurt, sour cream). Lactic acid bacteria are enemies of the roots and can cause root disease in seedlings.​

How to harden

​If the gardener did not have time to prepare the land for planting cucumbers, then this can be done in the spring. Preparations begin approximately two weeks before planting begins. Manure is added to the soil. You need to wait until the soil is enriched with nutrients and then enrich the soil with organic fertilizers. Many gardeners recommend “warming up” the soil. It is believed that this will allow future plantings to quickly take root in a new location. Before you start forming beds for sowing cucumbers, it is recommended to pour a fifteen-centimeter layer on top fertile land. On the sides of the beds special borders for watering are formed. This completes the preparation of the soil. You can start planting cucumbers in open ground.

​If we are talking about the illumination of the area, then cucumbers simply adore the sun's rays. Therefore, it is better to plant the crop in a well-lit place. Although in some areas cucumbers grow well in partial shade. In addition to illumination, one should not forget about free air circulation.​

Landing in the ground

​If a gardener wants to enjoy cucumbers from his plot and does not want to wait a long time for results, it is recommended to choose early-ripening varieties of the crop. The most successful are:​

An hour before planting, the seedlings should be watered with lukewarm water (30 degrees), and then carefully transferred from the cups to a permanent place.

​Cucumber seedlings ready for planting in the ground should have developed roots, a well-developed stem with short internodes and dark green leaves.​

​If a plant has both male and female flowers, then in the absence of natural pollination, which is carried out by bees, it must be done manually. It is necessary to touch the stigma of the female flower at least twice with the anther of the male flower. You can repeat the procedure. You can also use a brush to transfer pollen from male to female flowers.​


​– a hybrid selection from the Crimean Experimental Station for open ground. I advise you to try it. Very productive. Each node has 4-5 fruits. Early ripening, bee pollinated. The cucumber is ellipsoidal, large-tubercular, 11-12 cm long, weighing 80-110 g. The taste of fresh and canned fruits is excellent, that is, the variety is considered universal. You will collect fruits until September. Resistant to powdery mildew, bacteriosis, moderately resistant to downy mildew. Copes well with downy mildew. There is no bitterness. I highly recommend that after thinning, even if you are sure that you have not damaged anything, spray the cucumbers with a solution of the natural growth stimulator HB-101 (1-2 drops per liter of water). This will strengthen and revitalize your plants, stimulate their further growth, and increase their resistance to strong wind, acid precipitation. The manufacturer's instructions advise treating with this drug at least once a week. Spraying will not be superfluous from the emergence of seedlings until the ripening of the fruits.​

Planting methods

​Sometimes on very hot days, watering alone is not enough, and then the leaves begin to wither. In this case, it is recommended to take a refreshing shower during the day with cool water over the leaves from a hose. This spraying should be done quickly, preferably at 17-18 hours, when there are fewer bees. A shower washes away dust from leaves, increases air and soil humidity, reduces high daytime temperatures, and improves photosynthesis.​

For tall people

​Therefore, the most optimal container for seedlings is peat (peat humus) pots. The porosity of their walls provides a comfortable water-air regime for the soil layer in which the roots are located. You can plant seedlings in the ground directly in such pots, avoiding the complicated transplanting process. When planted in the ground, the roots of the cucumbers will freely grow through the bottom and walls of the pot. The pots do not contain toxic substances or pathogens and have sufficient mechanical strength in both wet and dry conditions.​

For short people

The time for planting cucumber seeds in open ground occurs in the first half of May. Seedlings can be planted a little later. In the pre-dug bed, grooves are formed, the distance between which should be at least fifteen centimeters. The seeds themselves should be planted to a depth of no more than one and a half centimeters. The distance between plantings should be at least fifteen centimeters. If we are talking about seedlings, then the distance between plantings should be at least twenty centimeters. Young plants should under no circumstances shade each other. This completes the planting of cucumbers. But that's only half the battle. The most important component of success is the competent cultivation of cucumbers in the open ground.​

​After the gardener has decided on the choice of location and variety of cucumber crop, you can begin preparing the seeds for planting in open ground.​

Growing indoors

​Shortly before planting, you need to add compost or rotted manure to the ground at the rate of 1.5 buckets per 1m2.​

Cucumber seedlings do not require picking, as they are very tender and do not tolerate transplantation.

​In early June, the cucumber is taken out onto the balcony.​

​Nightingale F1​

​Sowing 4-5 varieties per bed gives very good results. This is especially true for female-type varieties, which in the first period of flowering do not have male flowers and cannot bear fruit without pollinating varieties.​

Growing cucumbers in open ground: varieties, planting and care features -

  • ​Wilting of cucumber leaves in hot weather indicates that there is not enough soil moisture. If water does not seep into the soil well when watering, carefully make punctures with a fork. If the soil is very dry, it should be watered in 2-3 steps: first water a little (1-2 watering cans per 1 sq.m.), and after a while increase watering, bringing its total volume to 8-10 liters per 1 square meter. At the end of summer, reduce watering, since waterlogging of cold soil contributes to rot infestation of the lower part of the stem and roots. During massive fruit growth, soil moisture should be maintained especially high, watering the cucumbers every 3-4 days or even every other day. To avoid stunting, disease and death of plants, it is recommended to water with warm water.​

What varieties of cucumbers are best to grow in open ground?

​If in greenhouse conditions a gardener can control the watering regime, then when growing in open ground conditions the situation is somewhat more complicated. If the summer is sunny and not too hot, but the normal watering regime is once every six days. If the summer months are rainy, then the plantings, on the contrary, need to be protected from waterlogging. Many gardeners form grooves around the perimeter of the site where excess water flows.​

​Like many other plants, cucumber can be grown in two ways: seedlings and non-seedlings.​

​"Brigantine"​ ​"Graceful"​ Before planting, you should dig holes about 15 cm deep and water them well at the rate of a bucket of water per hole.

​Dry or hatched seeds are sown 2 pieces in peat or plastic pots filled with nutritious soil and kept at a temperature of +25 degrees until sprouts appear. You can also use peat tablets about 5 mm in diameter. The crops should not be buried more than 1.5 cm. It is very important that the plants are kept warm and do not suffer from drafts. The balcony should be insulated. Growing cucumbers on the balcony itself is not difficult. The main problem is to create warm conditions. If there is not enough light, you will need to install additional lamps. The windows on the balcony should not be opened - drafts and cold air can cause great harm. It will be convenient to use long drawers on the balcony. Or plant the sprouted seeds in plastic bags. - selection of the Crimean Experimental Station for open ground. Can be grown under film. Early ripening, bee-pollinated, begins to bear fruit in 44-50 days. The shape of the cucumber is oval-cylindrical, I would say graceful. Color - bright green. Beautiful. Fruit length 8-11 cm, weight 70-95 g. Coarsely tuberous. The taste of fresh, canned, and pickled cucumbers is excellent. No bitterness. Resistant to true and downy mildew, angular spot, tobacco mosaic virus.​

​I once read that the cucumber plant itself regulates the number of fruits it produces, so many of the female flowers, of which there are usually many, fall off. But my observations do not confirm this. Perhaps because I always plant 5-7 varieties, and those like Phoenix-640, when they begin to bloom, produce predominantly only male flowers in abundance.​ ​​​Planting cucumber seedlings in the ground along with a pot ensures almost one hundred percent survival rate of the seedlings. The pot serves as fertilizer, decomposing in the ground. The seedlings take root well, which allows you to get good early harvest. Before sowing the seeds, the pots are filled with moistened nutrient soil, which must be moderately compacted. After sowing, the pots are placed on pallets, sand, plastic film, a layer of soil or gravel. Seedlings must be watered, keeping the soil moist. Peat pots should not be allowed to dry out. When dried out, the salts contained in the soil crystallize and, in concentrated form, can pose a danger to tender cucumber sprouts. As the seedlings grow, the pots should be spaced more freely to provide adequate lighting and prevent root tangling.​

​Cucumber plantings need to be fertilized regularly, starting from the very moment the plants are planted in open ground. This can be done using complex mineral fertilizers. There are a large number of different types of fertilizers on the market: “Agricola”, “Diammofoska”, “Ammofos”, “MASTER” and others. Plants are fed according to a specific schedule. The first feeding is applied fifteen days after planting, the second - at the beginning of flowering, the third - during the growing season and the fourth - during the period of mass fruiting. Approximately a month before harvesting the fruits, fertilizing should be stopped.​​With the seedless method, cucumber seeds are immediately planted in open ground. In this case, the seeds can be planted either dry or prepared. But still, many gardeners strongly recommend pre-germinating and hardening the seed material.​ ​– excellent for pickling. The variety is characterized by stable yield; the taste of the fruit can improve with proper care and timely application of mineral fertilizers to the soil.​​. Fully lives up to its name. This variety produces very neat fruits, each weighing no more than one hundred and twenty grams. This variety is very good for use in cooking (for preparing fresh salads and other dishes).​ ​You can choose the planting scheme at your discretion. Peat pots it should be placed in the hole so that the edges of the pot are at the same level with the soil and watered well (about 3 liters per plant). After the seeds are spread out, the soil in the pots must be well moistened and covered with a dark film. Shoots should appear in 4 days. Then the film should be removed, and the temperature should be maintained until the cotyledons unfold. During sunny periods, the plants should not be allowed to overheat. You can cover them with transparent curtains.​ ​Darling F1​​An important agrotechnical technique for growing cucumbers in open ground is to direct the vines “downwind.” If this is not done, then the wind blowing into the side of the lash or at the growing point can turn the lash over, and the cucumber leaves always stretch towards the sun. With an inverted lash, the leaves will strive to take their usual position, and for this they need additional energy, which they take from the growth and formation of hearths. Of course, it is necessary to correct the direction of the lashes in the direction of the wind at the very beginning of their formation. For example, in summer the most common wind direction in our country is southwest or west. This means that as the lashes grow, I periodically direct the growing end so that it grows to the northeast.​

​Cucumbers are harvested when the fruits reach ripeness. The interval between the first harvests is 3-5 days, and during the period of mass fruiting - no more than 2 days. Try to remove the fruits so that the stalk remains on the vines. At the same time, remove yellow and diseased fruits so that they do not contribute to weakening of the plants and do not delay the formation of new ovaries.​

Before planting in open ground, cucumber seedlings must have the following characteristics: plants must be at least 25 cm in height and have 5 or more leaves. It is very important that the seedlings are positioned vertically. For these purposes, plants must be tied up. Do not forget about regular weed control. Cucumber plantings really don’t like it when they have to share their supply of nutrients with other plants. Therefore, plantings should be weeded regularly, saving young plants from unwanted proximity to weeds.​

​Preparation of seed material for planting in open ground includes several stages.​ ​2.​ ​2.​

​Standard plants are planted vertically in the hole, and overexposed plants are planted inclined. The bottom of the stem should be covered with earth. Root collars should be sprinkled river sand to avoid root rot. After the cotyledons have unfolded, we reduce the air temperature to + 16 degrees for several days. This is done to prevent young seedlings from stretching out and wilting. Afterwards the temperature is kept at + 18 degrees, and at night it is 5 degrees lower. If the seedlings are stretched, this means that they receive little light or are very hot. When the buds appear, fertilize them with wood ash. For 10 liters of water use one glass of ash.​

- a hybrid of the Crimean experimental station. This is an improved Nightingale, repeats all its qualities and properties, but to an even greater extent. A turned or inverted whip is a shock, a crisis for the plant. This should be taken into account when collecting fruits; if possible, avoid damaging the vines and leaves.​ ​The harvest directly depends on good care. Cucumbers should be removed in the morning or evening. To prevent the fruits from wilting, cover them with burlap, tarpaulin or matting. If you follow the rules described above, you will reap an excellent harvest.​

​Ready cucumber seedlings should be planted only when the soil has warmed up well enough in the sun.​

​Loosening is one of the most important components proper care for cucumber plantings. This procedure is recommended to be performed after rain or regular watering. There are situations when cucumber plantings roots appear on the surface. In this case, it is necessary to add two to three centimeters of fertile soil. Total during the growing period additional layer fertile land is brought in two or even three times. ​The first stage is​​"Fair Cucumber"​

​"Universal"​ In the first days after planting, cucumbers need to be well watered and shaded. Therefore, if there is a lack of light, additional illumination of the seedlings should be provided. In general, supplementary lighting should always be used to obtain high-quality seedlings and speed up the onset of fruiting. Lamps are used for this daylight or energy saving. As soon as the seeds sprout, the lamps are placed 5 cm above the seedlings and gradually raised as they grow. The backlight is turned on in the morning and turned off after 7 hours.​

During the fruiting period, 50-100 grams of garden mixture or 15-25 grams of complex mineral fertilizer should be diluted in ten liters of water. Consumption is a quarter to half a liter per plant. Fertilizing is carried out alternating mineral and organic. At intervals of 10-12 days.​

​Levina F1​

Choosing a place to grow cucumbers in open ground

​Weeds should be destroyed as they grow. Those who claim that weeds protect cucumber plants from burning pests are wrong. sun rays. No, weeds are a favorable environment for the development of pests, fungal and bacterial diseases. In addition, weeds take some of the nutrients from the soil.​

​Cucumbers belong to the pumpkin family and are grown almost everywhere. In Kuban they grow well both in a greenhouse and under the sun. If growing cucumbers in open ground is the only way for you to get a good harvest, then success will depend on what seeds you bought, what variety was chosen, as well as on plant care and cultivation techniques, which have their own secrets. Planting cucumbers in open ground can be done on a trellis or on a trellis.

​Cucumbers can be grown in almost all types of soil that have sufficient aeration and drainage, but it is better to use light soils rich in humus.​

​As the cucumbers form, you can begin to slowly collect them. It is not worth keeping the fruits on the plant too long, as this leads to a decrease in the yield of cucumber plantings. The fact is that such a seed fruit consumes a lot of nutrients. This supply would be enough to form at least three, or even four new fruits. You need to pick cucumbers carefully so as not to damage the new ovaries. For pickling, it is preferable to use medium and small greens.

Preparing to plant cucumbers in open ground

​selection of quality seeds​

​– this is one of the sweetest varieties of cucumber culture, it differs early dates planting (beginning of May - for seedlings, beginning of June - in open ground).​

​. This variety is suitable for pickling and for eating fresh cucumbers. The fruits are finely tuberous and will delight you with a mild taste.​

​. If the air temperature after planting drops to +15 degrees or even lower, then it is necessary to install arcs over the bed and stretch the film.​ ​Cucumber seedlings are grown for about a month. During this time, she needs to be fed twice.​If growing cucumbers at home is carried out not on the balcony, but in the room, then you need to put nets or gauze on the windows. To avoid insects from entering. The room must be kept clean.​

​– a hybrid selection from the Crimean Experimental Station. Cucumber XXI centuries! Greens like gherkins, without bitterness. The taste of fresh, canned, and salted fruits is excellent. Resistant to downy and true powdery mildew, fungal and bacterial diseases. Loosening is usually combined with weeding. While the cucumber plant is upright, when loosening it is necessary to do a little hilling. According to scientists, the cucumber does not have high nutritional value. But it is a very valuable dietary vegetable. After all, you’ve probably noticed more than once that a salad with fresh or pickled cucumber improves your appetite. And doctors believe that metabolism improves with regular consumption of food that includes cucumber. If you eat only cucumbers from your garden for 4 days - only cucumbers and nothing more, then you will completely renew all the blood in your body.​

​Growing cucumbers in open ground is a troublesome, but also very interesting activity.​​. It is easy to do by placing all the seeds in a saline solution. Seeds that float to the surface of the solution can be discarded. Next you need to cook those that remain at the bottom of the vessel.​

​3.​In the process of growing cucumbers, two planting methods should be used:​The first time fertilizing is done half a month after the emergence of seedlings. A teaspoon of urea should be dissolved in 3 liters of water. This solution is applied to each plant, one glass.

​Fontanelle F1​

Preparing the soil for planting cucumber seeds in open ground

I advise you to plant this vegetable in summer, for example, after harvesting onions. The space has become free, but the cold weather is still far away - it can be filled with cucumbers. My summer sowing works out just as well as my spring sowing. Varieties such as Stork, Nightingale, Rodnichok, and Golubchik have proven themselves well in summer planting.

​Cucumber juice can quickly reduce stomach acidity. You can even bring down the patient’s temperature by giving him a fresh cucumber to eat or drink cucumber juice, as it has diuretic properties. Cosmetologists readily use it to prepare whitening, refreshing, and rejuvenating masks.​

Planting cucumbers in open ground

​Ideally, you need to choose a place where pumpkin crops (cucumbers, squash, zucchini, pumpkin) did not grow even in the previous year. These measures are necessary to avoid the accumulation of diseases and pests. But a change of place every 5 years is also allowed. When grown, cucumbers require an even and constant supply of nutrients. These plants respond well to the application of organic fertilizers that improve soil structure.​

Proper care of plantings in open ground


​The work of the gardener will be rewarded with sweet and juicy cucumbers for dining table, as well as delicious preparations for the winter.​

Top dressing

​The second stage is​

Weeding and loosening



Harvesting cucumbers

For tall hybrids - single-row with a distance between rows of at least one meter, and between plants in a row of 40 cm;

The next time the seedlings are fed seven days after the first feeding. To do this, dissolve a teaspoon of nitrophoska and two teaspoons of wood ash in 3 liters of water. Consumption is the same as in the first feeding.​

​First, let's discard the seeds. To do this, make a saline solution - 3 grams of salt are dissolved in 100 grams of room water. The salt should dissolve completely. Seeds are placed in this solution: hollow ones will float, and good full seeds will end up at the bottom.

​– a hybrid selected by the Transnistrian Research Institute of Agriculture for open ground and spring film greenhouses, bee-pollinated, mid-season, begins to bear fruit in 50-55 days. Reliable variety. Never let me down. Zelentsy cylindrical, 9-10 cm long, weighing 80-100 g. High taste, without bitterness. Pickling. Resistant to anthracnose, bacteriosis, olive spot.​

Cucumber seeds name

For optimal growth and development cucumbers And tomatoes temperature required is 25 (plus or minus 7 ) degrees. Seedlings are planted in open ground after the last spring frosts have passed, which in the middle zone occur in 13 -15 June. In the conditions of the middle zone, it is impossible to obtain a tomato crop by direct sowing in open ground, but cucumber seeds can be planted in open ground starting from the third ten days of May or in the first ten days of June, then the seedlings will not be subject to frost. The first harvest can be expected in 40-45 days after emergence. Seedling method growing cucumbers has not been discussed for a long time, but polycarbonate greenhouses and greenhouses have thoroughly settled on our summer cottages. Who doesn't want to harvest as early as possible?


As a rule, plants are monoecious, i.e., female flowers and male flowers (empty flowers) are formed on the same plant. There are also bisexual (hermaphroditic) flowers that have a stigma and anthers, but self-pollination cannot occur even in this case, since the stigma and pollen ripen at different times. Receipt good harvest in bee-pollinated varieties it is not possible without pollination. However there is whole line varieties and hybrids of cucumber (parthenocarpic varieties) that form fruit without pollination.

The temperature regime of the soil and air has a great influence on fruiting. In cucumber, growth processes stop at temperatures below 14 degrees and above 42 degrees. Normal temperature for the growth and development of cucumber in sunny weather 25 - 30 degrees, in cloudy 18 - 20 degrees, at night time 17 degrees, demotion to minus 1 leads to the death of plants.

In hot summers, overheating the soil is very harmful to cucumbers. Therefore, mulching will help to avoid it. sawdust or straw. The number of male flowers increases when the air temperature rises above 25 degrees, and the number of female flowers increases when the air temperature drops below 20 degrees. Knowing these features, you can regulate the temperature in the greenhouse and significantly increase the yield of cucumbers. It is important not to forget that the cucumber plant reacts negatively to drafts, therefore, when ventilating the greenhouse, you need to open the windows only on one side or only the door.

Cucumber fruits, depending on the purpose of the product, are collected daily or every 2-3 days. The stages of fruit ripeness are divided into 4 groups:
PICKLES- ovaries 2-3 days old, 3-5 cm long
GERKICHONS- 4-5 day ovaries; gherkins of the first group are 5, 1-7 cm long, the second are 7, 1-9 cm
ZELENTSY— 8-12-day ovaries from 5 to 12 cm long or more, no more than 5 cm in diameter

Watering cucumbers

Cucumber fruits contain 93-97% water, so they are very sensitive to lack of moisture. In sunny weather, daily watering is necessary.

You cannot water cucumbers with cold water, especially in sunny weather, as this leads to “physiological dryness.” This means that cooled roots are not able to absorb cold water from the soil, even with its abundant quantity, the plants wither (appears root rot, the yield is significantly reduced), wither and eventually die. When growing this crop, there should be regular watering with warm water at 25-30 degrees.

Only in isolated cases can you water with cold water (if there is a lack of warm water). This should be done in the evening after sunset. The simple fact is that at night the water temperature equalizes the soil temperature, and in daytime The plant roots will begin to absorb it.

When visiting a dacha on short visits, for example, once a week, upon arrival, you need to harvest the crop and water the cucumbers generously: 30-50 l. per 1 sq. m. This watering rate will saturate the soil to a depth. 50 cm and even more, and the plants will use the resulting water supply within a week. Especially for those whose dacha is located far away and visits are limited only to weekends, there is an excellent method of growing cucumbers, proven over the years.

Watering in small portions only wets upper layer to depth 5-10 cm, which dries out instantly, leading to the death of small suction roots.

When cucumbers are planted densely, the plants receive little light and are therefore susceptible to various diseases. In a greenhouse, the distance between plants should be 30-40 cm. After planting, the cucumbers must be tied with twine, without pulling the plant too much and do not forget to twist it during the process so that they do not intertwine with each other.


Cucumber, like all pumpkin plants, grows best in well-cultivated, humus-rich, light to medium soils with a high nutrient content. Young cucumbers are demanding of nitrogen nutrition, since during this period leaf growth and intensive development of the root system occur, which will subsequently ensure a good education fruits Excellent results are obtained by fertilizing with a solution of fermented cow dung based on 4 l. manure on 10 l. water with added 30 g superphosphate and 30 g potassium sulfate.

Subsequent feedings are recommended every two weeks. Fertilizing with complex fertilizers at the rate of 30-50 g per sq. m.., it is better to apply them in dissolved form. You can replace complex fertilizer with the following: nitrogen - 20 g, phosphorus - 30 g, potassium - 30 g on 10 l. water. Before fertilizing, it is advisable to water the plants with warm water for better distribution of the solution.

It’s a good idea to use bird droppings that are bred for feeding cucumbers. 1:20 (fresh litter is bred 1:10 )

Fresh cow manure is used in concentration 1:10 . It is also added to a barrel of water and during fermentation it releases carbon dioxide into the air, which is so necessary for cucumbers. Just don’t throw weeds in there (as some summer residents do), as a very unpleasant smell begins to be released.

When growing bee-pollinated varieties and hybrids, you need to take care of pollination. To do this, the greenhouse is opened only on one side to prevent drafts and the plants are sprayed with sugar syrup to attract bees and bumblebees. Unpollinated cucumbers turn yellow and fall off after flowering.

The most common varieties:

Parthenocarpic hybrids produce excellent yields in film buttonholes: Alliance Plus, Bogatyr Power, Zozulenok, Gunnar, Kassandra, Emerald City, Temp, Ritam.

From bee-pollinated Acorn, True Friends, Vigora

Spinach from planting to harvest Cabbage: growing, about seedlings, forks, fertilizers, pests, harvesting Radishes - growing and harvesting seeds Cucumbers in tires

To speed up the emergence of seedlings, increase the resistance of plants to various weather adversities and diseases, and also increase productivity, it is very important to know how to prepare cucumber seeds for planting and how to germinate cucumber seeds. But at the same time, it is equally important to understand whether it is always necessary to use germinated seeds, and what seed material needs pre-treatment.

It all starts with seeds

A lot depends on getting a good harvest on quality cucumber seeds. Today, purchasing them is not a problem. There are both Russian and foreign famous companies engaged in selection work and seed production. New varieties and hybrids go on sale every year. They can be bought in company stores and representative offices of seed farms, ordered by mail, or in online stores. But it’s better to refuse to purchase it from your own hands. It is unlikely that you can buy a valuable one planting material from random sellers.

There is only one obstacle - branded seeds are often expensive, and some varieties are simply not available during the season. Therefore, gardeners often ask the question - how to get theirs? Their germination rate is often even better than that of store-bought counterparts; in addition, if you follow the growing rules, they are guaranteed not to let you down.

Growing cucumber seeds is not difficult, but there are certain rules:

  1. For this purpose, the fruits of hybrid (F1) cucumbers are never used, but only varietal ones.
  2. Take a closer look at the fruits and choose only female ones (tetrahedral), they bear fruit better, unlike triangular ones (male ones). The remaining cucumbers should be smooth, not diseased, and correspond to the varietal characteristics. They are marked with ribbons and left until frost.
  3. When the cucumbers become overripe and turn brown, covered small cracks, they are picked and left to ripen for a couple of weeks in a warm place until they finally soften.
  4. Ripe fruits are cut, separating the seeds with partitions, and placed in a jar to ferment for several (2-3) days. Do not forget close it with a lid.
  5. Then the fermented contents are washed well and sent for drying at 35-40 degrees Celsius. At the same time, the seeds need to be mixed so as not to sour.
  6. The dried material is placed in calico bags and the label is signed, indicating the variety and year of cultivation.

The experience of obtaining seeds only from the front part of the fruit is interesting; it was noticed that future cucumbers will not be bitter.

Pre-sowing treatment techniques

If you want to get powerful shoots, early production with a significant harvest, it is necessary to prepare cucumber seeds for sowing, and in some cases, their germination. Therefore, you will have to work hard. First of all, select seed material for planting 2-3 years ago, it produces the most female inflorescences.

Please note that treatment of cucumber seeds before planting is usually only necessary for your own seed.

Branded varieties and hybrids do not need it, since they are sold already specially processed, which is usually marked on the bags. They can only be soaked and sprouted if necessary. But yeasted seeds do not need such operations; they are sown directly into the soil.


It is believed that a heated seed will germinate better, the plants will get sick less and produce more female flowers. To do this, bags with material are placed (2 months before sowing) near indoor radiators, with temperature conditions from +20-25°C. You can warm up already sorted seeds by putting them in a thermos with hot water(+50°C), 2-3 hours before landing. Warming cucumber seeds also disinfects them from diseases.


Sorting will be required to separate frail, dried, injured specimens. If there are few of them, then this can be done manually. Also used salt solution(take 30-45 g per 1 liter of water), where the planting material is lowered. After 10-15 minutes, the surfaced ones are removed from the seeds, and those that have settled to the bottom are washed to remove salt residues and dried.


To protect against diseases, seeds can be treated in saturated potassium permanganate(10-15 minutes), then rinse thoroughly with running water. Some gardeners resort to using garlic pulp at home, keeping the seeds for one hour in a tightly closed jar with a solution of garlic pulp (30 g per 100 g of water), then they are also washed.


Soaking cucumber seeds before planting is necessary for the friendly emergence of seedlings and their rapid growth. They are placed in gauze bags and immersed in nutritional mixtures - from 3 to 24 hours. Recipes for solutions can be very diverse, for example:

If the seeds are soaked, then before sowing it is recommended to dry them until they flow and only then plant them. This is done if further germination of cucumber seeds is not carried out before planting.


If it is expected early sowing cucumbers for seedlings, especially in greenhouses, then pre-sowing hardening of the seeds will be required, that is getting them used to the cold. To do this, immediately after the soaking procedure, they are cooled for 1-2 days in the refrigerator chamber (from -2 to + 2 ° C), wrapped in cloth. Always make sure that the fabric is damp, while preventing the cucumber seeds from sprouting. It can also be hardened at variable temperatures for a week, keeping it in the daytime room conditions, and at night placing it in the cold. After hardening, they are slightly dried and prepared for planting.

The soil for treated, especially wet and germinated seeds should be sufficiently warmed and moistened. When sown in dry, cold or waterlogged soil, they may die.

For greater clarity, watch a video with examples of processing cucumber seeds before sowing.


It is known that dry, soaked and germinated cucumber seeds can be sown.

Gardeners often face the question: is it necessary to germinate planting material at all? In what cases is it advisable to germinate cucumber seeds before planting? It all depends on how many days later you want to get seedlings.

Dry seeds have the longest time from sowing to the appearance of the first shoots. They are usually sown in the ground when there is a risk of return frosts, this method is used and For late varieties . Swollen and sprouted cucumber seeds germinate much faster, so they are used when growing early products using the seedless method or when obtaining cucumber seedlings. Of course, how long it takes for the first shoots to germinate depends on both the variety and the conditions, but initial treatment reduces these times to 17-35%.

An interesting method for early production is when dry, swollen and germinated seeds are sown in the ground at the same time. If the earliest seedlings die from low temperatures, they will be replaced by later ones, obtained from swollen and dry seeds.

To quickly germinate cucumber seeds, they are pre-swelled:

In a couple of days the swollen seeds will hatch small spine tip. Try to prevent its further growth; do not delay sowing, as seedlings that are too long may break off. If there is no time to start planting, and the roots have already sprouted, then the germinated material can be stored in a moistened state in the refrigerator for several days (but not more than a week).