Orange color in the interior of the children's room. Orange mood: orange color in the interior

Orange color in the interior of the children's room.  Orange mood: orange color in the interior
Orange color in the interior of the children's room. Orange mood: orange color in the interior

Orange children's room can influence psychological condition child. The bright color interior evokes positive emotions.

Pastel shades resemble the sun, they have a calming effect on the baby like an antidepressant.

This shade is called the color of joy. Just look at the photo of the orange children's room to feel it.

Features of orange

From a strong exposure to a too bright shade, the heartbeat quickens, the pressure rises. Therefore, it is necessary to dilute the color with a neutral shade, for example, green.

Then the interior will resemble a sunny lawn.

This design option is more suitable for girls, because a cheerful atmosphere is very important for them. Boys tend to prefer when orange is combined with gray tones. For an easier perception of the orange color, the room is decorated so that this shade is not predominant.

Insofar as bright shade able to cheer up, a nursery in orange is recommended for babies who are too calm.

The key is moderation.

Orange tones affect the subconscious of children in such a way that they become more emotional and active. The constant overexcited state of the child devastates his nervous system.

Therefore, you should not decorate the room exclusively in orange.

If used bright wallpaper, they should occupy approximately 30% of the room. The rest must be decorated with neutral shades. You can combine orange with yellow, brown, purple and blue hues.

If the tone of the orange color is neutral and muted, 60% of the interior area is allowed for it. In this case, it is appropriate to choose furniture in soothing shades, with elements of green or brown.

For an active child, orange tones in the design of the room can not be used. There is a calming atmosphere here. Great option if the walls are blue, pink or green, and the children's furniture is orange.

Medicinal properties of orange

The orange color in the children's room is useful for the child if he is going through a difficult period. Under the influence of a shade, it is easier for a child to cope with problems, he will feel a surge of energy and strength necessary to overcome difficulties.

Thanks to the interior in orange, there is an energy that needs an outlet. At these moments, girls show good abilities in creativity.

For example, it could be dancing or drawing. Boys are better off throwing out energy with the help of physical activity. Therefore, a punching bag or a rope in his room would be appropriate.

It is very good that the orange color is able to awaken energy, but the main task parents to point her in the right direction.

Ideally, if a couple of weeks after the repair, the child begins to attend clubs and sports sections, take walks during the day, and set aside time to read books in the evening.

How to choose an interior

Nursery in orange tones requires right combination bright and calm colors. To create balance when decorating in orange, it is possible to use gray tones.


What girl doesn't like pink, purple or coral? It is perfect for the walls of the children's room. A gray-pink shade can be combined with pastel or orange tones.

The addition of the room will serve decorative items, beautiful curtains and furniture.


This color is considered neutral, it suits both boys and girls. green tint reminds children of summer, because it is associated with grass.

grayish blue

The colors of this option are more suitable for boys' rooms, especially with bright accents. Good for teenagers purple shades to help you focus on your studies.

Dividing the room into zones

Since orange wallpaper in the nursery is invigorating, it is not advisable to decorate the entire room with only this color. It is ideal to divide the nursery into two parts - for active activities and for relaxation.

The first option to issue bright color. It would be nice to separate the zones with a shelving or screen.

How to use space properly

If the room is small, it is necessary to highlight the background and accent part. When the walls are the background part, it is better to choose furniture in soothing shades.

With neutral walls, bright enough furniture will be appropriate.

What to choose - painting or wallpaper?

If the decision is made to make the room in orange tones, it should be borne in mind that at the end of the repair, the shade may seem too intense. Then there will be a desire to repaint the walls.

Therefore, for decorating a room using this shade, wallpaper for painting is best suited.

It is important to take into account the desire of the child

Before starting repairs, you need to find out if the child will like the chosen color. This is very important, because sometimes the orange tint causes rejection.

The correct use of orange will cause joy in the child, which means it will not negatively affect the child's psyche.

Photo of an orange children's room

Orange color in the children's room- This sunny mood, the energy of joy and the desire to create. If your child is not active enough, try decorating his room in orange.

But remember: overly mobile children can get overexcited from an excess of orange, so use it in doses. You don’t need to make an entire orange children’s room, one wall or closet - this is enough to create a positive mood and add optimism.

You can add orange to the interior decorative elements. In this case, they can be easily replaced if you notice that the color is tired or causes too much energy in the child, and he began to tire quickly.

The use of orange in the children's room - latest trend interior fashion. Psychologists welcome this fashion - after all, orange, in addition to the ability to cheer up and increase vitality, has the rarest quality - it encourages creativity.

This color evokes pleasant associations: the sun, tangerines in New Year's celebration, juicy oranges on a summer day... Just as a child can develop diathesis from a large number of oranges, a large amount of orange can be irritating, especially if it is a bright shade.

An orange children's room will delight only if a rich orange color is used as an accent. Softer tones can be applied on larger planes - for example, walls can be painted with a light orange-peach or apricot shade. In this case, the accent elements should be in other tones.

Most often, juicy orange color in the children's room is used as an accent in the interior. Good looking pieces of furniture, painted in orange, red armchairs, pillows, table lamps.

Accessories of such a bright tone are very demanding in terms of placement, because they immediately catch the eye, so you need to distribute them in the interior very thoughtfully, observing the laws of harmony. In the orange children's room, you can use various combinations colors. Orange and white look best together, as well as gray.

Of the contrasting combinations, orange with blue-green hues looks most impressive. For example, against the background of light blue or green walls, orange-colored furniture looks great.

Do you want to create a sense of celebration in the children's room and add energy and activity to the interior? Then use the power of orange. Just don't get carried away. One orange wall or a few pieces of furniture and accessories in peach and apricot color will be quite enough.

Orange color continues to be in the line color trends. It is relevant for both fashion and interior fashion. Therefore, it will be correct and reasonable to use it in decorating an apartment. It would also be wise to work with this color in the interior of the children's room. It is this active color that will help to bring children's interior positive charge of energy and creativity. This is recommended not only by decorators, but also by psychologists. In their opinion, orange has a very good effect on the child's psyche, improves tone, stimulates positive emotions, and develops imagination. In addition, the orange color is simply pleasant to look at, it amuses and fascinates. After all, this is the color of the sun, as well as your favorite fruits and vegetables: from carrots and pumpkins to oranges and tangerines. In a word, the color orange is useful and pleasant in every way. However, with useful things it is necessary to comply with the measure. A lot of orange in the interior is also problematic. It is no coincidence that this strong active color is used mainly as an accent color. You should not paint all the walls orange, but to make one of them the color of orange - great idea. Moreover, you can use active orange for this, that is, apply a saturated color, or you can find a softer shade, for example, take peach or apricot paint. These shades will create a warm range with a pleasant atmosphere. And yet, the active orange color is most suitable for accenting the interior. Moreover, in this capacity it is used in a very diverse way. You can take orange furniture, for example, a bed with an orange headboard, a wardrobe or shelves for books, as well as a funny pouffe bag. And you can limit yourself exclusively to accessories and cheer up the interior with bright pillows, a lamp and a vase the color of a juicy tangerine. And do not forget that an orange object immediately attracts attention, so the distribution of colorful spots should be thoughtful and even. As for color combinations, you can confidently combine orange with blue and blue, as well as with green, creating a natural natural range. It is no coincidence that the combination of orange, blue and green is so common in Asian textiles: ornamental carpets and embroideries. Orange looks very good in combination with white and gray. Therefore, these two colors will be the best background for bright orange things and accessories. So, create and create your own positive orange world! Examples of orange children's rooms are offered in our photo selection.

"> Project author: Angle

The children's room is located in country house and all finishes are made of light wood. Furniture has been added to the golden wood composition white color: a table and a sofa, the background for which was wall panel bright orange.


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Orange color is able to improve mood, invigorate, tune in to communication and even to solve mathematical problems. It is no coincidence that in the most cheerful children's song, everything - from mother to camels - was orange in the eyes of the child. And let in real life“Painting the whole world” with this paint will not work, but the children's room is easy! And our design tips and a selection of inspiring photos will help you with this.

general characteristics

Psychological impact: tones, stimulates the brain and causes a feeling of joy, while not overexciting the child like shades of red. However, in large arrays, it can be tiring and interfere with sleep.

Features of interaction with space: visually brings furniture and surfaces (eg, walls or ceiling) closer, increases their size, but does not make them heavier.

Good for decorating:

  • General nursery;
  • game room or corner;
  • Study room or corner;
  • A spacious nursery that lacks intimacy;
  • Downside bedrooms natural light, as well as facing north.

Tip 1. The optimal shade for wall decoration is peach

The orange color, although not as aggressive as its “parent” red, can still become annoying and quickly get bored as a background.

  • Therefore, for finishing walls, floors or ceilings, you should choose wallpaper / paint of a light shade - peach, apricot, coral.

Such a background will not reduce space, it will create a backlight effect from sun rays and will not unnecessarily tone the baby.

Below are photo examples of the design of children's rooms for boys and girls c orange walls(swipe!).

Tip 2. An accent wall can be very bright, but in order for it not to interfere with sleep, you need ...

... paint the wall behind the head of the bed, which the child will hardly see before going to bed (example in the photo below).

  • Better yet, hang a canopy over the bed, then even the carrot-colored ceiling will not interfere with the baby’s rest.

When choosing orange for walls, floors or ceilings, remember to dilute it with a large dose of a neutral color: white, beige, light gray, blue-gray, greenish blue, pale green or cream.

For example, orange wallpaper on one wall should be combined with painting the rest of the walls in a calmer shade. And the orange ceiling is acceptable only if the interior is designed mainly in neutral tones. For examples of the design of a children's room with an orange ceiling, see the following selection of photos.

Tip 4. Win-win technique - use orange only in accents

Using orange in large arrays is a pretty bold idea. Much less risky is the use of orange only as accents. Bright curtains, linens, carpet, headboard, armchair, lamp, a couple of pillows or paintings on the walls will enliven the interior without overloading it. In addition, this way you will have the opportunity to easily modify the interior, updating only the decor, which is especially important if you want to decorate a children's room for growth.

  • Remember that the more colorful decor in the children's room, the calmer the background should be.

In this selection of photos, you can see several examples of decorating a children's room with orange curtains.

And here are examples of orange decor in the interior of a boy's room.

If you don’t know what colors to complement the orange background or accents, then feel free to choose blue, cyan or turquoise. These cold shades will “cool down” the ardor of orange colors, make them noble and less intrusive. Photo examples of such a combination are presented below.

By the way, if orange can be combined with any shades of blue and blue in a boy’s room, then its combination with blue will be more appropriate in a girl’s room. Take a look at how fresh and spectacular orange curtains look against the background of white and blue wallpaper in the interior of a girl's bedroom.

  • And all the related colors go well with orange - yellow, red, brown, the "neighbor" in the spectrum - green, and, of course, white and black.

Tip 6. Orange is perfect for a country-style nursery, and also ...

... for, pop art, for and any ethnic interior.

  • Hint: it is better to choose light, muted or deep shades (for example, terracotta) for modern ones, and bright and juicy ones (for example, orange).

Examples of decorating a children's room in the Scandinavian style

Interior of a newborn girl's bedroom in country style

Examples of decorating a children's room in the art deco style

And the orange color is simply created for the thematic design of a nursery in the western style, in the theme of basketball, circus or, say, a safari park.

Tip 7. Consider the age of the child when choosing the main shade and choosing companion colors for it.

  • To design a children's room for a baby under 7 years old, it is better to choose light shades- peach, coral, apricot, salmon. They will not interfere with the child's sleep. You can also use rich orange in small amounts, such as wall decor, lamps and rugs.
  • In an older child's room, orange can be presented in brighter colors and in a slightly more. For example, it can be curtains, furniture or accent wall orange color.

  • In a teenager's room, any shades and combinations of colors are acceptable, including contrasting (orange + black and white) and complex (for example, orange + pink). On the other hand, teenagers will also like almost adult interior solutions, for example, combinations of orange with beige, gray, blue, gray-blue, brown.

  • Shades with pink are not suitable for decorating a boy’s room, but all other tones are perfect, including autumn ones - ocher, terracotta, rusty, etc. The main shade of orange can be combined with almost any color - blue, light blue, green, yellow, gray, beige, brown and black.
  • Any shades of orange are suitable for decorating the interior of a girl’s bedroom, but especially peach, salmon and coral, that is, tones close to pink. The following companions are suitable for the main color: blue, turquoise, light green, yellow, lilac and, with caution, pink (suitable for a nursery in pop art style).

Colors play an important role in interior design. The main color of the environment in the room can perform several practical functions at once. With it, you can visually change the parameters of a limited space, adjust the quality of visible light. Thus, it is able to directly influence the mood of the owner. To achieve the desired effect, you need to know the basic color combinations. Harmonious shades will create a comfortable environment for staying or living in this room. One of the brightest trends of recent times is the orange color in the interior. The adaptation of a positive, but at the same time somewhat aggressive color to the conditions of the room is enough challenging task. To deal with it, you should familiarize yourself with it. physical characteristics and psychology of human impact.

Orange is characterized by its assertiveness, defiant look. He demands attention and actively influences everyone without exception, even if he does it in different ways. Depending on the purpose of the room (be it a bedroom or a kitchen), its shades should vary. Since priority should not be given so much to the creation fashionable interior how much to provide the premises with an atmosphere of comfort.

In the color spectrum, orange is the most warm shade, and is located between red and yellow flowers. This largely determines its symbolic component, which can be described as life-affirming, sensual, dynamic. Mixing the meanings of the two surrounding colors here does not seem random, rather it accumulates their common energy.

Associations with strength, speed, youth, some pampering only complement the image of a charismatic color. They help to cope with negative trends in a person’s life, cleanse themselves of filth and just a dull mood. His presence can symbolize imminent changes, the opening of new horizons.

Features of orange

These include the following points:

  • Orange color excludes cold shades, only warmth is inherent in it;
  • It has a beneficial effect on the human body, stimulating the improvement of the most significant organs (brain, stomach);
  • Favorably affects the mood, creates a feeling of happiness. Giving joy is one of its main functions;
  • The ability to activate the forces of a person and excite his energy went to orange from a red neighbor. At the same time, there is no negative aggression or a sense of anxiety inherent in the red color;
  • The orange color in the interior is able to visually expand the space and increase the volume of objects;
  • Its effect on surrounding objects can be characterized by a change in the purity of their immediate color. He makes them softer;
  • The presence of orange in the interior is a motivating factor that encourages trusting human communication. His sensuality and emotionality can even go off scale.

Orange has the whole universe various shades, depending on the degree of approximation to the red or yellow neighbor in the spectrum. It is also able to absorb other colors (pink, gray), while forming completely new tones. For example, light shades include cream, pale peach or light apricot shades.

Bright, even fiery shades include tangerine, coral or amber, which are in perfect harmony with other colors, forming a rich range. The muted ones include those that contain discreet shades of beige, and are not provocative in nature (terracotta, ocher). Often they are used as the main color in the design of living rooms.

The role of orange in the interior

The choice of this dynamic color is typical for optimists bursting with health and positive. Their conviction in their own ability to cope with life's difficulties is admirable. The demonstration of superiority, the warmth coming from them eloquently testifies to the absence of even a hint of a cloudy mood.

Stable associations with the sun, sea sand and oranges simply cannot act otherwise. Wise men ancient East strongly associated with church bells that have a beneficial effect on the spiritual side of human life. Sailors and conquerors mountain peaks This color has long been used as a symbol of salvation, visible even at a great distance.

All these properties also carry over to the creation comfortable interior in home. Orange shades are used in a variety of styles suitable for rooms of any purpose. The universality of color does not make a difference between who exactly lives in a given room - a man or a woman, a boy or a girl. Therefore orange is the best choice for decorating a child's room.

The unique ability of the orange color in the interior also lies in the fact that it brings the surrounding objects closer - be it a furniture set or walls. This necessitates a competent approach to design design, since abuse can lead to a visual reduction in space. In addition to approximation, it also visually increases their volume. Carpets in orange shades appear somewhat larger than their counterparts in a different color.

In interior design, the most commonly used shades are peach, pumpkin and terracotta, because they are subconsciously perceived better than bright aggressive tones.

Options for using orange in the interior of the house

  1. Combination with pastel shades. essence this method is to create a concrete impression: in order for orange to appear only barely noticeable, it must be drowned in neutral, restrained colors. These are pastel mint and delicate cream tones that do not allow the active color to clear up. It is intended only to revive a boring interior, while drowning in a common light range.

For example, if the owner of the house has purchased a bright orange sofa that attracts too much attention, its catchy upholstery can be partially covered with a light cape. Such a technique will allow you to level out an overly poisonous shade, but at the same time leave its solar essence visible.

  1. Cooling of the color spectrum. To calm the riot of a bright fiery color, it is enough to recall the restraining influence of blue. The cool palette of shades of the latter is able to neutralize the tangerine madness of the former. It is recommended to use these two colors in equal proportions to balance the impression. You should also pay attention to the harmony of their combination. For example, discreet terracotta will look good with steely shades of blue (cobalt as an option). Brighter, carrot or orange, should be combined with such cool shades as turquoise or azure.

  1. Show the courage of imagination. Here we mean the psychological moment. It doesn’t take much to decorate a room with orange, but using it correctly will make the interior more soulful. For example, saturated should not be used in small space, it is much more suitable for a spacious room. Otherwise, a bright shade will cause anxiety in a person. An important point is also the selection of a suitable furniture set. It should create a certain contrast with an extraordinary shade of orange. For this, it is recommended to use light colors.

  1. Create an orange composition. It can be several items in the style of which an orange accent will stand out. It is bold to use a deep shade of rust or tangerine, as its texture will invariably divert all attention to itself. The remaining shades of orange will somewhat give in to his pressure, emphasize the dominant position.

At the same time, it is important not to allow the abuse of color. To do this, the space around the composition should be made as neutral as possible, white, sand or dark gray.

  1. Orange accent on unusual objects. To feel the completeness of the interior, there is often not enough “fire”, a catchy element. Any component of a furniture set can act as such - dressing table or orange ends on all items. Much will depend on the owner himself. Only he knows which object should become central. There are no rules or exceptions here, everything is at the mercy of the person himself. Courage and determination must accompany the right choice.

  1. Ornament with orange small decorative elements. It is the most accurate and careful technique. Allows you to quickly organize bright accent in the interior, which can always be removed later. With orange shades, this is all the more true, since a person’s mood is not constant, it can often change. In addition, one should not discount the various fashion trends in designing. An example is the use of bright textiles, whether it's a throw in the bedroom or a patterned tablecloth in the kitchen. You can also make a flashy kitchen utensils. There are actually a lot of options here.

Which room and style is most suitable for orange

Most designers agree that the use of bright orange shades is appropriate in the kitchen (where it will encourage a friendly conversation), in the nursery (children simply need a symbol of the sun and happiness), in the office (it is very important to think positively), and also in the dining room ( because it stimulates the appetite).

And on the contrary, you should not use bright color in the rest rooms, because then you will not be able to completely relax, something will distract. Also, a tangerine shade can negate all the romance of the bedroom.

The use of fiery orange in sunny areas is strictly contraindicated. And so the hot space will be red-hot. A similar effect must be avoided, neutralized with other shades.

As for the style, the most popular here are retro (this style includes the 60s), mexican style, country. Orange is also used in the more modern pop art, minimalist designs of the east. But such classic styles like Empire or Rococo they try to avoid it, only occasionally combining it with brown.

In the interior of the living room

Its use in the living room is primarily due to the factor of friendliness, sociability of color. However, you should use pastel shades that do not strain your eyes. The actual use of orange can make the living room exit to the north side.

Then you just need to use orange inserts to warm it up in this way. It can be orange curtains combined with a bright sofa of the same shade. Or textile accessories on light objects.

Painting the entire space of the room with solid orange is not at all worth it. For a general harmony in the perception of orange inserts, it is recommended to use a combination with colors such as blue, gray, and also snow-white.

Some designers, on the contrary, recommend that in the living room you show courage and give free rein to your imagination. For example, paint the ceiling orange. This guarantees warmth and excellent mood to all guests. Just remember that pure orange should be preferred peach shades or the same ocher.

In the interior of the kitchen

Since scientists have long confirmed the beneficial effects of color on the digestive tract, its use in the kitchen is almost the best move.

Warm peach tones significantly increase appetite. It can be not only wallpaper or tiles on the walls, but also napkins, kitchen accessories, dishes in a characteristic orange color. If we are talking about furniture, it is good to combine it with the gloss of facades.

The main condition for this will be the cleanliness of the selected surface, since a dirty orange tile will negate the entire comfortable effect.

In the interior of the bathroom

To relax in a warm room, it is enough to use colorful pieces of furniture, a variety of lockers.

Matching black and gray colors and orange

Their reflection in the mirror will contribute to the fact that the person's face will appear somewhat fresher and younger. Skin color will acquire a beautiful natural shade.

To put yourself in order, such a feeling is simply necessary. Thus, intimate space can warm the inner world.

In the interior of the nursery

For children, this color is distinguished by the feeling of cheerfulness, active life.

Given that harmonious combination with celestial hues, from white to deep blue, its presence will significantly affect general development positive child.

Do not forget that it is orange that is responsible for cheerfulness, happiness and fun. Why, even the color of a child's surprise can make parents laugh.

In the interior of the bedroom

This is not to say that it is too often used in the bedroom, however pastel shades orange will contribute to a feeling of calm, warmth in the soul.

You can choose wallpaper as an orange decor element, or choose cozy textiles.


A more cheerful and optimistic color simply does not exist. It is characterized by its warmth and ability to have a beneficial effect on human health. However, one should remember the sense of proportion, since too much orange will not lead to anything good.