What is Tatyana's day January 25. Tatyana: angel's day, name day. Tatyana's day: customs and rituals

What is Tatyana's day January 25.  Tatyana: angel's day, name day.  Tatyana's day: customs and rituals
What is Tatyana's day January 25. Tatyana: angel's day, name day. Tatyana's day: customs and rituals

Underwood "Tatiana's Day"

Lev Leshchenko "Tatiana's Day"

Shevkun "Tanka juvenile"
Not a single name day enjoys such popularity and popular love as Tatyana's Day. Because this is a celebration of the universal student brotherhood, the thirst for knowledge, search and discovery. In addition, he sets a good tone for the holidays after the winter session. No wonder there is a popular sign: if Tatiana's session is passed, wait - there will be a scholarship.

But seriously, more than a century ago S.N. Trubetskoy wrote: "The past and present of enlightenment are connected with Tatyana's Day, in which we see the guarantee of a better future." And although after 1917 they tried to push the holiday of all students, introduced other red days of the calendar, they somehow did not take root. Tatyana's day is celebrated today.

I give you a university

There is such a wonderful day in winter when the sun is sure to peep out and it seems as if spring has already come. That day is January 25th. In the old days at this time they celebrated the holiday of "Tatyana Kreshchenskaya", or "Sun". It was believed that no matter how cold January was outside, the sun would always delight people with its rays.

The Holy Martyr Tatiana was the daughter of a Roman consul, who was a secret Christian and raised faith in God in his daughter. Having become an adult, Tatyana began to serve in one of the churches, caring for the sick and helping those in need. However, in 226, the girl was captured during the persecution of Christians. According to legend, Tatyana was brought to the temple of Apollo (according to another, it was in the temple of Zeus) in order to force her to sacrifice to the idol. But she began to pray to God, and then an earthquake began, which blew the idol to pieces and destroyed the temple. The pagans subjected the poor girl to torture, but Tatyana remained absolutely healthy, as if someone was deflecting blows from her, even the lions released from the cage meekly licked her legs. After all the torment, Tatyana was executed. From the year 235 they began to celebrate Tatiana's day, and the martyr Tatiana was canonized.

Why did Saint Tatiana become the patroness of a cheerful student tribe? The famous Russian historian Karamzin in his "History of the Russian State" explains it this way: "On this day in 1755, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna signed the "Decree on the establishment of a university in Moscow of two gymnasiums." Its father was Elizabeth's favorite, a 28-year-old handsome general adjutant Ivan Ivanovich Shuvalov, who was known as an enlightened patron of science and art, took under his care a project developed by Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov. The founding of the university was a gift not only to Russia, but also to Shuvalov's beloved mother, Tatyana Petrovna. "They say that Shuvalov deliberately chose this day to present the project to the empress; On January 12 (the day of the Holy Great Martyr Tatyana), his beloved mother, Tatyana Petrovna, was the birthday girl: he wanted to please her with his new appointment as curator of the first Russian university. "I give you a university," he said a phrase that later became winged. Tatyana in Greek means "founder, organizer."

Freedom for teachers and students!

"On Tatyana's day," Doroshevich wrote, "everything can be said!" V. Gilyarovsky confirms that “Moscow streets have never been as noisy as every year on this day. And the police,” she had such calculations and instructions from above, “didn’t arrest students that day. Spies were also ordered not to catch the eyes of students ".

A.P. Chekhov, in one of his early feuilletons of 1885, wrote about the Moscow student holiday: “Everything has been drunk this year except the Moskva River, and this is due to the fact that it has frozen ... It was so fun that one studious from an excess of feelings was bathed in a tank where sterlets swim..."

Even Catherine the Great issued a special decree relating to Tatyana's day. It said that students caught in an indecent (read - drunk, or even without trousers) form on Tatiana's Day should not be punished, and they should be escorted with all courtesy to a warm hut, where they should be laid on benches and covered with casings (so that , the poor, did not freeze, because a hangover is accompanied by a decrease in body temperature), and in the morning give a stack for a hangover and a snack, after which they let go with God.

But this is only on Tatyana's day. On the rest of the days, students caught in that very indecent form risked not only their health, but also their place in an educational institution, or they could shave their foreheads and - into soldiers, slurp cabbage soup with a wooden spoon for 25 years in a row.

On the other hand, on January 25, the students went for a walk ("Walk, so, walk! Waiter! Three crusts of bread!") with all their hearts. Cities shook from student shouts and student anthems. Mothers locked their daughters more securely: students - such a thing, you can’t keep track, you have to walk the wedding - worse than hussars, the right word. The papas sighed enviously, listening to the cries outside the window, and quietly pulled up the student anthems, remembering bygone times.
Church of Tatiana the Martyr at Moscow State University
In the 18th - first half of the 19th century, solemn acts to mark the end of the academic year became university, and therefore student holidays, they were attended by the public, awards were handed out, speeches were made. At the same time, the official university day, celebrated with a prayer service in the Church of Tatiana the Martyr (opened at Moscow University on Easter 1791), was January 12 (25). But then it was not called Tatyana's Day, but "the day of the founding of Moscow University." Then followed the Decree of Nicholas I, where he ordered to celebrate not the opening day of the university, but the signing of the act of its establishment. Thus, by the will of the monarch, a student holiday appeared - Tatiana's Day, and over time, popular rumor attributed patronage to students to this saint.

Alexander Polezhaev, being a student, at the behest of his superiors, wrote "Poems spoken in memory of the day of the founding of Moscow University, January 12, 1826":

Delight, delight, pets of the Muses!
Blessed this day
Science and happiness union
We celebrate sacred!

By the middle of the 19th century, Tatyana's Day had actually turned from a holiday for students and professors of Moscow University into a holiday for the entire Russian intelligentsia. They told how the same historian Klyuchevsky performed humorous couplets, and the famous lawyer Plevako performed improvisations on a theme commissioned by the public. And on this one day of the year, everyone was pleased to feel that they belonged to a large circle of people connected by common memories, a common spirit.

Tatyana's Day was celebrated on a grand scale at Moscow University in the 1890s-1910s, and the most vivid stories about it date back to this time. The celebration was divided into two parts: the first - official and the second - unofficial, which is remembered much more often than the first.

The rector of the university rolled out a barrel of mead (it was one of the most affordable drinks, cheap and easy to prepare) and personally stood at the bottling. Starting with mead, the students switched to wines at the Hermitage, but the farther into the glass, the higher the degrees, and vodka with beer was used (they say this is minimal money down the drain). Students traditionally did not have enough for snacks. Everyone drank, even teetotalers and ulcers. The excellent students drank - for a successful session (just in time for Tatiana's day the session ended), the unsuccessful ones drank, mourning the failures in the exams, the average students also drank - just like that, from young happiness to live.

This is how the writer of the early 20th century P. Ivanov describes them: "The Great Hall. Dark green tropical plants. Rows of chairs. Department. Lack of bright light. Important persons, stars, ribbons over the shoulder, uniforms, correct tailcoats, professorial corporation in full force. For blue collars of students' frock coats in columns. Serenely, sternly, imperturbably... Academic speech. Speech measured, viscous, without enthusiasm and without effects... Then the university report... Soon the end. Students begin to whisper. Distribution of medals. Touch. Zala serves signs of life, the national anthem, the timid cries of "Hurrah. The act is over. The important persons are leaving...

From somewhere behind separate voices are heard: - Gaudeamus! Gaudeamus!!! These screams are growing. Gradually fill the entire room. - Gaudeamus! Gaudeamus! Music plays Gaudeamus. - Hooray! Hooray! The roar rises. Unimaginable noise. The self-willed spirit comes into its own." Then, according to tradition, lunch at the "Hermitage" - in one of the most expensive and luxurious Moscow restaurants, which was located on the corner of Neglinnaya and Petrovsky Boulevard.
By 6 pm, the ordinary life of the streets stops, and Moscow turns into the realm of students. Only blue caps are visible everywhere. Students are striving for the "Hermitage" in fast, agitated streams. Tatyana's day is a democratic holiday, so the professorial corporation, which was in orders and uniforms in the morning, changes clothes before going to a restaurant.

Meanwhile, in the famous Moscow restaurant "Hermitage", the same one that the Frenchman Olivier kept, the same one that invented the "Olivier" salad, was also preparing for the student's "lunch". “Plants are being taken out of the hall, everything that is expensive, valuable, everything that can be taken out. Porcelain dishes are replaced by earthenware. The number of students is growing every minute ... - says P. Ivanov. - Lunch was accompanied by toasts, speeches, singing. Wine and appetizers disappear. Vodka and beer appear. An unimaginable commotion rises. Everyone is already drunk. Those who are not drunk want to show that they are drunk. Everyone goes crazy, intoxicates themselves with this madness ... Boundless freedom reigns." Yes, it was on January 25, Tatyana's Day, that the famous "Hermitage" began to look like a student canteen after an invasion of locusts. In the morning, the doormen signed the address on the backs of the young people with chalk, and their "surviving" comrades took them home. Since then, apparently, an anedot about "human footprints" has gone ...

However, the students also sang other student anthems. On the streets, students deliberately sang loudly, thus demonstrating their freedom, replacing the classic student anthem Gaudeamus igitur with the politically unreliable "Dubinushka".

The patroness herself was praised:

“Long live Tatiana, Tatiana, Tatiana.
All our brothers are drunk, all drunk, all drunk...
On Tatiana's glorious day ...
- And who is to blame? Are we? asks one voice, and the chorus answers:
- Not! Tatyana!
And hundreds of voices pick up:
Long live Tatyana!
The rest of the verses are sung in the same way: the soloist begins, asks a question, and the choir answers.
Leo Tolstoy scolds us, scolds us
And he doesn’t order us to drink, he doesn’t order, he doesn’t order
And drunkenness exposes! ..
“And who is to blame? Are we?”
"Not! Tatyana!"
"Long live Tatyana!"
In a pocket without flaw, flaw, flaw
It can't be Tatiana, Tatiana, Tatiana.
All empty wallets
Hours set...
"Who's to blame?"

One of the traditions of Tatyana's Day was cat concerts under the windows of Moskovskie Vedomosti, and often these windows were simply beaten. At that time, this official newspaper was the first and only city newspaper edited by professors and printed by the university printing house.

But what is characteristic, having drunk themselves up to pink elephants in a micro-bikini on January 25, on January 26, students, suffering from a severe hangover, stretched in discordant rows to their native land, that is, to the university classrooms, where teachers, also suffering from a severe hangover syndrome, drew with a trembling hand on education formula boards. No one missed classes - it was not accepted, even indecent. And the more they drank and walked on Tatyana's day, the more it was required to appear the next day in the classroom in order to demonstrate their stamina. However, on this day, the long-awaited student vacation usually began ...

The holiday "in honor of the academic goddess" was canceled in 1923. The "archaic and meaningless Tatyana" was replaced in a directive manner by the Day of the Proletarian Students. The date has not changed, but, of course, the worker-peasant students did not celebrate this day in such a way that there would be something to remember later, so no evidence has been preserved. They probably sang "Our steam locomotive, fly ahead" with vodka and pickles and shared a bowl of porridge among 12 people.

Tatyana's Day was revived 70 years later, when the church of St. Tatiana was reopened and the First All-Church Congress of Orthodox Youth began its work. A considerable merit in this is its rector Viktor Antonovich Sadovnichy, who since 1992 resumed the celebration of the founding of the university and introduced the tradition of treating students to mead prepared according to an old monastery recipe.

Consecrated the University Church of St. Tatyana (having evicted the Student Theater, which had been located there since 1922), tried to reconnect the once cheerful and free holiday with serious things. The clergy are not very happy with this, but the students - the students just to note!

On January 25, 2005, the President of Russia issued a decree "On the Day of Russian Students", which officially approved the "professional" holiday of Russian students.

Signs of Tatyana's day

On Tatyana's day there are several ancient signs. Snow on this day portends a rainy summer. If the sun comes out early, this indicates an early arrival of birds. If it is a frosty and sunny day, then the harvest will be good. And the red sun at sunset reports a prickly wind.

There are other signs that relate to students. For example, if a student has to take an exam the day after Student's Day, then you need to go to take it after a good drink the day before, then the exam will be passed with ease. And in no case should you read notes on Tatyana's day, otherwise the exam will be very difficult.

Another funny sign is held in student dormitories. On Student's Day at midnight, you need to stick your record book out of the window and shout loudly three times: "Shara, come!" Such a sign is considered very good - in response to hear: "I'll come now. Put the kettle on." If all this is done, then all sessions until the next Student Day will give up without problems.

By the way, on Tatyana's day it was like this ancient custom- it was necessary to go to the highest place in the district and make wishes in the sun. What's stopping you from doing this this year? If this is your name day, then your wish will come true.

Back on Tatyana's day, they baked for the birthday girl bread loaf, with which a number of signs were also associated. So, for example, a mound in the middle of the loaf foreshadowed good luck and happiness. If the loaf turned out smooth, without flaws, then the year promised to be successful and calm. However, if the loaf cracked, it meant difficulties and hardships. And they rejoiced at the burnt loaf. The birthday girl had to eat the burnt crust so that she could readily accept everything from her fate. Please Tatyana this year with a loaf made with your own hands!

How to celebrate these holidays?

As for Tatyana, all the birthday girls want to spend this day in a special way. Therefore, friends, relatives, loved ones should think over congratulations for dear Tatyana in advance. After all, the most pleasant thing that relatives can do is to give us their care and attention. Invite your Tatyana to the cinema or for a walk, because the sun will warm you that day. Celebrate the holiday with friends or at home, relaxing and enjoying your favorite pastime (watching a romantic comedy, reading a book, taking care of yourself, etc.). Give Tatyana the bliss of "doing nothing" - pour a warm bath with essential oils, cook dinner (do not forget about the loaf!), Fulfill any of her whims.

Of course, today's students will find a way to celebrate their "professional" holiday. Usually the universities themselves organize parties for them. And what about those who have long graduated from high school? Student's Day is a great occasion for graduates to get together! You will get a lot of pleasure, remembering the stories that happened to you during your student days. The main condition for celebrating Student's Day is no talking about work, return your thoughts to the time of a carefree life!

Happy holiday, dear Tatyana and students!
Walk, have fun, but do not forget that, as in the time of Catherine the Great, an army can wait for a negligent student.

Tatyana suffered for a long time.
question on the exam
She got a very strange one:
Where was the island of Barbados?

at the Noble Institute
This subject has not been taught.
“The half-brother scurried
This university.

I'd rather get married
Now, answer."
There were no antennas on the roof
Internet didn't work.

Age of poets and lovers,
The nineteenth is coming.
And the professor is tired
Like a raven waiting for blood.

The hall is already empty, and here is Tatyana,
Clenched in a fist and spirit, and honor
Answer: Foreign
This island is somewhere.

Surrounded by the ocean
From four sides.
But with such a strange name,
I don't remember, where is he?

"Well, resourceful!" - Professor
She said: “I'll give you five.
I'm not the aggressor at all.
All people cannot know.

How old are you? Already twenty?
So teach, forget about laziness,
Since then, it has been noted
Tatyana's day in Russia.

© Copyright: Yuri Schmidt, 2009
Publication Certificate No. 1901224046

Bonus. Mead Recipe

"Mead is an alcoholic drink made from water, honey and yeast with various flavoring additives. In its modern form, the drink appeared in the 18th century. There is an opinion that mead was actually a sweet drink consisting of honey diluted in water, although such a drink usually called satiety." (Wikipedia)

Mead is made quite simply, you just need to know some of the subtleties of cooking.

Mandatory to do:
The foam formed during the cooking of honey must be removed
Before putting the yeast, the hot honey syrup must be cooled. The fact is that yeast dies at temperatures above 50 C.

Choice of honey

The taste of honey drink directly depends on the quality of honey. It must be very aromatic. Light varieties of honey are considered the best, and white honey is completely elite. But it's more of a tradition. For example, buckwheat honey - very dark, at the same time very fragrant, with bitterness, also has many fans. By the way, it contains a lot of iron, unlike light, linden.

Advice: If you are sold liquid, not candied honey in the spring, do not take it. This is either a sugar surrogate or honey heated in a water bath, which is also not very healthy. Better look for another seller.

How long does mead need to age?

Usually mead ferments in 5 days. The result is a frothy drink that looks like champagne, only cloudy. But sometimes mead is aged for 3 to 6 months. It becomes not so sparkling, more dense, fluid. And, of course, more fragrant. Yes, and the fortress is gaining a little. If you add berries to the drink, then over time the mead becomes more and more useful, while it is aged, the berries give it all the useful substances.


You can close the bottle with the future mead cloth, but it is better to make a gas outlet. To do this, a lid is put on the bottle or jar - it must be very tight, the container must be airtight. A hole is made in the lid, a thin hose is inserted into it, one end of it should be above the surface of the mead, and the other in a cup of water. Often a thick rubber glove is used instead of a cap, but you need to look at how well it fits to the neck.

To determine if the honey has fermented, you need to light a match and bring it to the liquid. If the fire does not flare up stronger, then the alcohol vapors from the mead do not come out and the fermentation is completed.

Fortress mead

Usually 5-6 degrees. Sometimes you can bring honey to a fortress of 10 degrees. But do not let a small number of degrees relax you. Medovukha is an insidious drink. It is instantly absorbed into the blood. Often there is an amazing effect, the head is completely sober and clear, and the legs are braided. But the boozy effect of the mead doesn't last very long. Unless, of course, you do not drink it in liters throughout the evening.

Attention! Heated honey should not fall on an open fire - it is highly flammable!

There are two traditional ways to prepare mead - without and with boiling.

1. Without boiling. To do this, you need to take boiled water (1 liter), honey and raisins (50 g each). Dissolve honey in water and add raisins washed in cold water. The addition of raisins is necessary for the growth of acidic bacteria and the start of the fermentation process. Next, cover the container with the future drink with a leaky lid or saucer and leave for two days at room temperature. Then filter the drink through gauze and pour into a bottle with a sealed cork. In order for the drink to infuse, it should be placed in a cool place (refrigerator or cellar) for 2-3 months. After this period, the drink is ready to drink.

2. With boiling. This recipe is designed for a large amount of the finished product and for its preparation you need honey (5.5 kg), water (19 l.), Lemon (1 pc.) And yeast (100 g.). Dissolve honey in six liters of water, pour in lemon juice and boil. Boiling must be carried out for 15 minutes on low heat, stirring constantly and removing the resulting foam. The mixture should be cooled to room temperature, pour in the remaining water and add half the serving of yeast. For a complete fermentation process, the drink is left for a month in an airtight container with an air outlet tube lowered into the water, then the remaining yeast is added and allowed to brew for another month. The finished drink should be filtered, poured into sealed bottles and insisted for 4-6 months in a cool place.

It is best to use mead as an aperitif 10-15 minutes before meals. This will wake up the appetite, and the beneficial substances will be absorbed into the blood as much as possible.

Due to the presence of natural honey in the recipe, this drink has a whole bunch of useful properties. For example, mead enhances pulmonary ventilation and therefore helps well with bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia and other respiratory diseases. Mead warms and disinfects the nasopharynx, and is also an antipyretic. Therefore, the cold season is the best time to get acquainted with mead.

January 25 is the favorite date of all Russian students and women who were given this beautiful name by their parents. Tatyana's Day is a church holiday honoring the Roman martyr Tatiana, a girl who gave her life for her faith in Christ.

In 1755, on Tatiana's Day, Empress Elizabeth put her imperial signature under the decree on the founding of the very first Moscow University. In 1791, a student house church of St. Tatiana was opened in a small outbuilding of the educational institution. A combination of random circumstances led to the fact that January 25 first became the Foundation Day of the University, and a little later - celebrated on a grand scale in the capital.

Congratulations on Tatyana's Day!
I wish you protection.
Angel keep you
From worries and from insults.

Happiness, good health,
Joy, goodness with love,
Only the right roads
Live always so that without worries!

Guardian angel, save Tatyana.
In the vain world, take care of her,
Embrace your tender wings,
Reward her with warmth and care.

On the way, do not leave and save from troubles,
Show the path with an invisible hand.
Happy angel day, Tanya, believe in miracles,
And then the angel will not leave you.

May your guardian angel never leave you. I wish that his presence creates in your soul a feeling of happiness, warmth and security. I wish harmony, peace of mind and well-being in everything. Happy holiday!

Winter day, cold, snowy,
All trees are in silver.
Tatyana's Day - sweet, gentle -
We celebrate in January.

On this day we wish you
Happiness, joy, warmth,
Fulfillment of dreams.
The ones you've been waiting for.

Let the holiday be your favorite
This day of the calendar.
Because you, Tatyana,
January queen.

On Tatyana's day I want to wish you
Love with your soul, shine with a smile,
Angel Day - it is so bright, clean,
Let the selfless people surround you!
May all your dreams come true
And there will be a lot of kindness in life!

Today is not an easy day.
He is Tatyana, he is a saint!
Let Tatiana protect
Gently hugging

Wings of her guardian,
Snow-white celestial.
Happy holiday to you, Tanya!
No sorrows, cold

Let it not settle on the heart.
Open the door for a miracle!
Let the soul sing with happiness
Even in storms and bad weather.

Let dreams come true
Everything that you so desire.
Today is only yours
Kind, joyful, dear!

Congratulations on Tatiana's day!
And I want to be lucky.
Be healthy, have fun
So that life was in openwork!

Always be charismatic
Charming, practical.
Happiness and love to you.
Be always on top!

Beautiful name Tatyana
Was named from birth.
I congratulate you today!
May your life be full

Health, happiness and luck,
Cheerful, bright mood!
May everything you want come true
The dream is coming true!

Tatyana's day has come today,
Let health bring
Let it give a lot of happiness
And take away all the problems!

Let it give you a mood
And protect you from evil.
Let everything be always in order.
And I congratulate you!

Congratulations on Tatyana's Day!
Happiness will be permanent
And let success come
Building a joy route.

Let there be light in the soul
At home - clear and warm,
On the shoulder - any business,
To make the heart sing more often.

Luck will knock on the door -
You can safely believe her
Fate does not cast a shadow.
So meet Tatyana's day!

Congratulations to Tatyana!
She is flawless:
Sultry, a little obstinate
Yes, very beautiful.
Risk loves and appreciates
And most importantly, believe
In myself and in luck.
Oh, Tanechka, then
You will be cool in life
... and you will get happiness!
Records, dreams,
Good luck on Tatyana's day.

Congratulations: 296 in verse, 110 in prose.

Happy Tatiana's Day

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On January 25, Russia celebrates Tatyana's Day and the Day of Russian Students. They pray to the Martyr Tatiana in difficult teaching and enlightenment, on this day they also light candles for academic success.

The history of Tatyana's Day

At the beginning of the third century in Rome, a daughter was born into the family of a publicly known and fairly wealthy man. Her father hid his faith in God, but he raised his daughter in Christian traditions, writes beautyhalf.ru.

The little girl prayed a lot. Having reached adulthood, Tatiana became a servant in one of the Roman churches. She helped the sick, prisoners and others in need.

At this time, a new wave of persecution against Christians arose in Rome. Angry pagans seized Tatyana, who refused to worship idols, and subjected them to terrible tortures.

Tatyana prayed that the Lord would come to reason with the people who were torturing her. At the same moment, the executioners saw the angels and heard the voice of God. Frightened, they threw themselves on their knees in front of Tatyana, began to ask for forgiveness.

The next day, the evil pagans found Tatyana not only without signs of torture, but even more beautiful. Then the executioners tormented the tormented girl with spears all day long, and she only prayed even harder.

The angels protected Tatyana, most of the attackers lost their strength, some even fell dead. It was decided to leave her in the dungeon. And the next morning, the executioners who came again found her healthy. They tortured and tormented her for a whole day, but in the morning Tatyana was beautiful again. This went on again and again until her head was cut off.

For her deep faith, Tatyana was canonized as a saint.

January 25 - student holiday

On January 12 (23), 1755, the Russian Empress Elizaveta Petrovna approved Ivan Shuvalov's petition and signed a decree on the opening of Moscow University, which became one of the centers of advanced Russian culture and social thought in Russia.

The favorite of the Empress Ivan Shuvalov wanted to give something unusual to his mother Tatyana for her name day. He prepared a petition for the establishment of a higher educational institution in Moscow. So students appeared in Russia, and the name day of all Tatyanas became a student holiday.

The celebration of the student's day consisted of two parts. The official part began with a prayer service to St. Tatiana, then especially successful students were awarded in the university building. And then there were already fun festivities almost until the morning.

Students arranged noisy feasts, walked in large groups along the streets with songs, jokes and even fireworks, sledding.

The symbolism of the holiday as a student holiday is emphasized by the coincidence with the academic calendar. January 25 is also the last day of the 21st academic week, the traditional end of the examination session of the first semester, after which the winter student holidays come.

Traditions, sayings and signs

According to Wikipedia, on the day of Tatyana Kreshchenskaya, candles are lit for academic success. They pray to the Martyr Tatiana in difficult teaching and enlightenment; they pray to St. Savva for various ailments; the icon of the Mother of God "Mammary" they pray for help during childbirth, for breastfeeding, with a lack of mother's milk, as well as for the health of babies. It was believed that the lists from the Akathist icon protect the house from fire.

The frost was used to judge the weather in spring and summer. On this day, women twisted balls of yarn as tight and as large as possible so that the cabbages were born tight and large.

The villagers believed that a woman born on this day would be a good housewife: “Tatyana bakes a loaf, and beats rugs along the river, and leads a round dance.”

There are also the following signs:

Early sun, early birds.

The sun will peep at Tatyana early - by the early arrival of birds.

If Tatyana is frosty and clear, there will be a good harvest; heat and blizzard - to crop failure.

It was on January 25, back in 1755, that an imperial decree was signed on the creation of the first university in Russia, which was named Moscow University.

The people call this holiday Tatyana's Day or Student's Day, and all women who bear the name Tatyana celebrate name days. The ancient name "Tatiana" in Greek means "organizer".


Saint Tatiana, an early Christian martyr, suffered for her faith in the 3rd century AD under the Roman emperor Alexander Severus. She was one of the first true Christians for whom faith was the meaning of life.

The future Saint was born into a noble Roman family - her father was elected consul three times. He was a secret Christian and raised a daughter devoted to God and the Church.

Having reached adulthood, Tatyana did not marry and served God in one of the temples, caring for the sick in fasting and prayer and helping those in need. In 226, the girl was captured during the next persecution of Christians.

At first, the pagans gave her a chance to change her faith by making sacrifices to their god, but Tatyana was adamant. After terrible torment, Tatyana appeared before her executioners and judges even more beautiful than before.

During the torture, many miracles happened: either the executioners, for whose enlightenment the Saint prayed, believed in Christ, then the angels deflected blows from the martyr, then milk flowed from her wounds instead of blood, and fragrance poured into the air.

Icon "Saint Tatiana" in the Novodevichy Convent

Three times Tatyana destroyed churches with the power of her word and faith. She was thrown into the fire, but he did not hurt the martyr, into the arena with a lion, but the predator only licked the Saint's feet. The pagans despaired of breaking the faith of the sufferer and executed her. Together with Tatyana, her father was also executed.

As history testifies, Tatyana's day was special among the Moscow patronal holidays.

Student's day

On January 25, 1755, Ivan Shuvalov, the patron of Russian science and culture, chamber junker Ivan Shuvalov, gave the decree on the founding of Moscow University to Empress Elizaveta Petrovna for signature.

Shuvalov's choice fell on this date not by chance. This decree was an unusual gift from his mother, Tatyana, on her name day.

The project of the new university was developed by Ivan Shuvalov together with the outstanding Russian scientist and encyclopedist Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov.

© photo: Sputnik / RIA Novosti

In 1791, the church of Moscow University was also consecrated in the name of the Holy Martyr Tatiana. Since then, St. Tatiana has been considered the patroness of students and teachers. The parishioners of this church in different years were Fonvizin, Griboedov, Turgenev, Timiryazev, Pirogov, Klyuchevsky, the Aksakov brothers and many others.

In 1918 the temple was closed. At first, a club was located in its premises, and from 1958 to 1994 - the student theater of Moscow State University. In January 1995 the building was returned to the church.

From the middle of the 19th century, Tatyana's Day became a student holiday. For the first time, the birthday of Moscow State University was celebrated only on its centenary, in 1855, after which the celebration became a tradition.

For many years, the official part of the celebrations included a mass in the university cafeteria, a lecture by the rector, and awards to teachers who excelled in the sciences. Toward evening, student festivities began.

From Moscow, the holiday tradition first spread to the capital St. Petersburg, and then to other university cities, and in fact turned into a holiday for the entire Russian intelligentsia.

© photo: Sputnik / Sergey Pyatakov

With the advent of Soviet power, all celebrations for Tatyana were canceled. The tradition was revived only after the collapse of the USSR, in 1992, at the initiative of the rector of Moscow State University Viktor Sadovnichy.

In 1995, a temple in honor of the martyr Tatiana began to operate at Moscow University again, and Tatiana's day began to be celebrated again.

The Day of Russian Students has been officially celebrated since 2005 in accordance with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation. And in 2007, a federal law was signed, according to which the Day of Russian Students became one of the memorable dates in Russia.

Traditions and signs

By tradition, students accept congratulations in a solemn atmosphere from teachers and leaders of the university. Particularly distinguished students are awarded certificates and gifts, and the best students receive presidential congratulations.

The informal part of the celebration begins after the formal part is over. Classmates traditionally gather in noisy companies to celebrate the student holiday on a grand scale.

On this day, students traditionally arrange mass festivities. Russian students, as in the distant 19th century, drink vodka, arrange fireworks and have fun until you drop.

© photo: Sputnik / Vyacheslav Bobkov

Copy of Nikolai Pavlovich Chekhov's illustration for Anton Pavlovich Chekhov's story "Tatiana's Day"

Students are quite superstitious, so their main holiday is associated with numerous signs. In addition, most students fall on January 25 for the winter session, respectively, the signs are devoted to its successful delivery.

The most famous comic sign is associated with the call of "freebies". The student needs to loudly shout out the window or from the balcony "freebie, come!", And if the answer is "I'm already running", it is considered that the session will be passed successfully.

Many believe that the key to success in all winter exams will be a fun-filled student day. Most importantly, before passing, do not touch notes and textbooks, so as not to frighten off luck.

© photo: Sputnik / Ilya Pitalev

Those who have an exam scheduled for the 26th are advised not to worry and calmly celebrate on January 25th. According to the sign, after a good celebration it is impossible to get a bad mark.

Customs and rituals

On Tatyana's day, they go to church to pray for successful study and enlightenment and light a candle for the repose of the Roman great martyr. Be sure to carry out general cleaning in the house.

At the end of January, as you know, the day is already becoming noticeably longer, therefore, in the Slavic tradition, Tatyana's day is called the Sun, and sometimes Babi Kut (a place near the stove for women's work).

The older women in the family bake a loaf, which is a symbol of the sun, as if inviting him to return to people as soon as possible. Such carpets were eaten by the whole family, so that everyone got a piece of the "star".

© photo: Sputnik / Maxim Bogodvid

Girls at the "Student Winter Games for the Cup of Tatyana" in the Gorky Park in Kazan

In the villages, early in the morning, girls, dressed up, went to the river, where they beat and washed rugs. According to tradition, the girl carried the rug back along with the guy who looked after her. Then the rugs were hung to dry on the fences, and its owner was judged by the cleanliness and beauty of the rug.

On January 25, women made tight and large skeins of yarn so that cabbage heads would also be dense and large.

People believed that a girl born on January 25 would be a good housewife. There was a saying on this score: "Tatyana bakes a loaf, and beats rugs on the river, and leads a round dance."

© photo: Sputnik / Ruslan Krivobok

On Tatiana's Day, they also guessed - the girls made small panicles from rags and feathers. It was believed that if such a panicle was imperceptibly placed in a woman's kut in the house of a desired guy, then the guy would definitely marry her, and their life together would be long and happy.

Many signs are related to the weather.

Sunrise on Tatyana's day personified early spring, the imminent arrival of birds and the early spawning of fish.

If it is frosty and clear on Tatiana, there will be a good harvest, warmth and a snowstorm - to a crop failure.

© photo: Sputnik / Ilya Pitalev

The material was prepared on the basis of open sources.

In 1791, the church of Moscow University was also consecrated in the name of the holy martyr Tatiana. Since then, Saint Tatiana has been considered the patroness of students and teachers.

In 1918 the temple was closed. At first, a club was located in its premises, and from 1958 to 1994 - the student theater of Moscow State University. In January 1995 the building was returned to the church.

According to the descriptions of contemporaries, before the revolution, the celebration of Tatiana's Day as a university holiday was a real event for all of Moscow.

It began with an official ceremony in the assembly hall of the university, where professors, teachers, students and graduates who came from all over Russia gathered. After the prayer service, the academic report and the rector's speech, everyone stood up and sang "God Save the Tsar!" Then the unofficial part began, often lasting until the morning, the festivities. University graduates celebrated the holiday in their own circle, among whom were professors and officials, doctors and lawyers, industrialists and businessmen. Toward evening, many gathered in the hall of the Big Moscow tavern in the city center, where speeches and toasts were made, after which they rode in troikas to the Yar restaurant, which that day served only the university public.

In modern Russia, students traditionally organize mass celebrations on this day.

On January 25, 2016, the All-Russian action "Tatiana's ice" will be held for all students of the country. Holiday programs will be organized on ice rinks in the capital and regions of Russia. The central platform will be the GUM Skating Rink on Red Square.

The Russian Orthodox Church remembers on this day the holy martyr Tatiana, who is considered the patroness of all Russian students. On this day, all women bearing the name Tatyana celebrate their name days (the ancient name "Tatiana" in Greek means "organizer").

According to church tradition, Saint Tatiana lived in Rome at the turn of the 2nd-3rd centuries, during the time of cruel persecution of Christians. Her father, a noble Roman, secretly professed Christianity and raised his daughter in a Christian spirit. Tatiana did not marry and gave all her strength to the service of God. At that time, all power in Rome was concentrated in the hands of the persecutor of Christians, Ulpian. They seized Tatiana and tried to force her to sacrifice to the idol. But in the temple of Apollo, where she was brought, according to legend, the maiden offered up a prayer to Christ - and an earthquake occurred: the pagan idol broke into pieces, and the fragments of the temple buried the priests under them.

The pagans tortured Tatiana. During the torture, many miracles happened: either the executioners, for whose enlightenment the saint prayed, believed in Christ, then the angels deflected blows from the martyr, then milk flowed from her wounds instead of blood, and fragrance poured into the air. After terrible torment, Tatiana appeared before her executioners and judges even more beautiful than before. The pagans despaired of breaking the faith of the sufferer and executed her. Together with Tatiana, her father was also executed.

In recent years, there have been primordial traditions in Russia of celebrating St. Tatyana's Day, based on the common prayer of the Russian Church and higher education.

Traditionally, the center of church celebrations on the Day of Russian Students, which is also the day of memory of the patroness of higher education in Russia - the martyr Tatyana, became the temple in honor of this saint at Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov on Mokhovaya street.

Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill, on the day of Russian students, celebrated the Divine Liturgy for the first time in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. The service was attended by Moscow State University rector Viktor Sadovnichy, MGIMO rector Anatoly Torkunov, GITIS rector Karina Melik-Pashaeva, as well as professors, teachers and students of secular and ecclesiastical universities in Moscow, student delegations from other regions of Russia. At the end of the liturgy, the young students continued their fellowship at student festivities near the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources