Determining the causes of weak hood in the apartment and eliminating them. Checking ventilation. Cleaning the ventilation shaft in the apartment

Determining the causes of weak hood in the apartment and eliminating them.  Checking ventilation.  Cleaning the ventilation shaft in the apartment
Determining the causes of weak hood in the apartment and eliminating them. Checking ventilation. Cleaning the ventilation shaft in the apartment

Ventilation of an apartment building is a complex system ventilation ducts that permeate the entire building, entering each apartment. It is through this that air is removed from the premises. But over time, ventilation ducts and shafts become smaller in cross-section due to debris, fat and oil deposits, which leads to a weakening of the outflow of air masses. This means that the ventilation of the house begins to work incorrectly. That is, the time has come to think about the question of how to clean the ventilation in the house.

Why clean the ventilation?

It is necessary to maintain the correct operation of the ventilation system for purely hygienic reasons. After all, weakening the hood leads primarily to a decrease in air exchange, which is legal sanitary standards accommodation. The exhaust air released into the ventilation shaft takes with it dust particles, excess humidity, as well as various kinds of microorganisms that negatively affect human health.

Therefore, to clean the ventilation in the apartment special treatment. But, as practice shows, apartment owners practically do not deal with this. Rarely does anyone try to do anything to increase air flow. But this doesn’t help much either. Therefore, you need to understand the process of cleaning ventilation, and if possible, carry it out regularly. If not on your own, then call a specialist at least once every two to three years.

When to clean

It is clear that few people open ventilation grille to look into the building's ventilation duct. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to some signs that ventilation duct became smaller than its original size. Here are a few such signs that are very noticeable.

  1. Dust and dirt accumulate around the ventilation grille and on it, and cobwebs appear.
  2. After wet cleaning Dust immediately settles on the surface of the floor and furniture.
  3. In the summer, even when it’s hot, the apartment doesn’t get cool.
  4. If there are drafts at open windows or front door became significantly weaker or disappeared altogether.

It will definitely tell you that cleaning the ventilation in the apartment is necessary. Especially if it has been in use for many years. Holding a paper napkin to the ventilation opening will help determine the need. If the napkin remains near the ventilation duct, it means the ventilation is working well. If the napkin does not hold, then you need to sound the alarm. The duct is clogged and the ventilation is not working.

You can also check by placing a piece of toilet paper or newspaper paper against the opening. If it sticks to the grille, it means that the ventilation is working according to its parameters. If you fall, then the problem is serious, and it must be solved urgently.

In general, bring the ventilation system to such a state apartment building it is forbidden. After all, this network has several levels equal to the number of floors. And channels extend into each apartment from the vertical shaft. Therefore, a situation also happens when the horizontal channel from the apartment seems to be clean, but the air outflow is weak. The reason is that the vertical common channel is clogged. And here everyone will not be able to help themselves, because cleaning of the general ventilation shaft is required, for which the management company is responsible. And for her, exact standards have been established for how often to clean the ventilation of an apartment building, which, unfortunately, she does not comply with.

Causes of clogged ventilation ducts

The main cause of clogging is a large accumulation of dust, dirt and grease on the walls of channels and shafts. Unfortunately, this is how the ventilation of an apartment building is designed, and it is difficult to get into. These are narrow channels through which exhaust air from apartments, especially from the kitchen and bathroom, goes outside. Moving through the system, the particles located in it settle on the walls of the channels, increasing in thickness over the years in the form of a mud layer. Hence the reduction in the cross-section of the air ducts.

Another reason is the collapse brickwork, from which the ventilation shaft is constructed in many houses. Repairing masonry is very difficult, and sometimes possible, so you have to live with such incorrectly functioning ventilation.

The third reason is small animals and birds that got inside the ventilation and died. Some birds build nests in canals that cover part of the opening.

The fourth reason is established kitchen hood, the air duct of which is cut into the ventilation duct. The reason is quite serious, because the ventilation of an apartment building itself must ensure air exchange inside the apartment at the rate of 90 m³/hour. And this is 5-10 times less than the performance of modern hoods. That is, when turned on household appliance is formed in the ventilation shaft overpressure, which pushes the air in it through channels into neighboring apartments. That is, about ventilation apartment building there is no need to talk anymore.

How to clean the ventilation in an apartment with your own hands

Let's move on to the main question of the article, which has always been relevant, and today many owners of city apartments ask it: how to clean the ventilation in the apartment with your own hands. As mentioned above, if management companies fulfilled their duties exactly, then there would be no need to clean the ventilation yourself. But the situation is such that no one wants to deal with your apartments except you. Therefore, you will have to carry out all activities without a specialist.

Although it should be noted that cleaning the horizontal channel is an ineffective operation, because without cleaning the vertical riser, these are just cosmetic measures. But even they can slightly increase air draft. So what you need to do:

  • the ventilation grill is removed, which must be washed with a household detergent, because grease and oil deposits will clean or soapy water unlikely to leave;
  • remove the cobwebs with a broom or rag, try to do this by completely inserting them into the canal;
  • arm yourself with a spatula and scrape off dirt deposits from the walls of the canal; under no circumstances use chemicals, they won't help here;
  • take a long wire and insert it as far as possible, that is, this way the arm lengthens, additionally tie a pipe cleaner to it;
  • After this, you need to insert the hose from the vacuum cleaner into the channel and turn on the latter to remove accumulated and collected debris.

There are no other options to clean the ventilation duct from your apartment. Of course, if you don’t invite specialists armed special equipment. When carrying out this work, you must be careful. Caution in this matter comes first, because inside the ventilation passages there may be wasp nests, homes of lizards and other small rodents.

Where to go if you can’t clean it yourself

It should be noted right away that cleaning the ventilation in an apartment building is the responsibility of a special organization that has entered into an agreement with management company. It is prohibited to clean the vertical ventilation shaft yourself. And it is impossible to do this qualitatively with improvised tools and devices.

Therefore, you need to come to the office of the management company and leave a written statement, indicating the entrance number and house number. The thing is that one vertical ventilation shaft is often installed per entrance. Therefore, it will be easy to search for it if the entrance number is indicated.

Specialists who arrive on call must first take measurements of the air speed in the ventilation system. One froze from the side of the apartment, the other from inside the mineshaft. After which it is determined what activities will be carried out. By the way, in addition to cleaning, it is proposed to carry out disinfection or repair.

Please note that the question of who should clean precisely determines the responsibilities of the parties. That is, the management company does not do this itself. She simply monitors the requirements of the residents of the apartment building and their implementation by her employees or persons with whom there is an agreement to carry out certain events. But residents must demand the work be completed from the management company.

Let's start by giving the main advice - you cannot clean the ventilation in the apartment yourself. But if there is no other way out, then do not climb into the vertical riser. Your options are limited, so you can only clean the horizontal ventilation duct that connects the shaft to the apartment. Now you know how to do this.

Sometimes apartment owners themselves are to blame for the fact that internal air exchange is reduced or completely absent. During the repair process they are closed finishing materials ventilation openings. Firstly, this cannot be done. Secondly, if this does happen, then try to correct the situation and bring it back to normal. Otherwise high humidity, unpleasant odors, mold and fungi cannot be avoided.

If you decide to clean the air ducts yourself, then try to prepare thoroughly for this event. To do this, you will need the tools and accessories described above, as well as a reliable stepladder.

Optimal indoor conditions are created thanks to a properly organized ventilation system. It is important that the amount of air that enters and leaves the room is approximately equal. This will help avoid the formation of drafts. All necessary parameters of the air environment (temperature, humidity and air exchange rate) must be normal so that it is not only pleasant, but also useful to be in such a room. Cleaning the ventilation greatly contributes to this and normalizes the operation of the system.

Reasons for failure of ventilation systems

Even the most productive and efficient system may fail over time. You can determine the deterioration of air flow circulation if you pay attention to the lack of a sufficient amount of inflow fresh air, also the reason unpleasant odor there may be weak draft in the exhaust air ducts in the room, condensation in rooms with increased level humidity, the formation of fungus and mold. The main reasons that the ventilation system has reduced its functionality are the following factors:

  • blockage in the air duct;
  • depressurization of a section of the ventilation duct;
  • failure of equipment that maintains normal parameters using automatic control.

Most often, system failure is the result of a blockage, in which case it is necessary to clean the ventilation. To avoid such consequences, it is recommended to perform regular preventive maintenance of the entire system. Measures that even the owner of a private home can take include organizing cleaning of the most difficult areas (elbows, entrances and exits of ventilation ducts). To do this, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of access to them when designing the system.

Consequences of dirty ventilation

Cleaning the air ducts of ventilation systems will avoid a number of problems that usually arise if the air has stopped circulating due to blockage:

  • breakdown of equipment, since if the performance of the system has not been reduced, but in one of the areas there are obstacles to the free movement of air, then the device will operate at maximum power values, which threatens overload and breakdown;
  • Irregular cleaning of ventilation systems causes deterioration in the well-being of people in the room;
  • a decrease in the efficiency of the system, along with its load, leads to a decrease in the service life of all ventilation;
  • the accumulation of various contaminants in air ducts, as well as layers of substances on their walls, poses a danger due to the possibility of fire.

Technique used

Special equipment for cleaning ventilation can greatly simplify the task. This saves time and effort, but the owners of private housing do not have specialized equipment, which means that to carry out such work it is necessary to attract professionals. Cleaning of industrial and industrial ventilation civil buildings has its own characteristics: the presence harmful substances V air environment, the likelihood of waste elements settling on the walls of the air ducts, the intensity and level of contamination of the air flow passing through the ventilation ducts, etc. It is often necessary to clean the ventilation from grease deposits, for example, this is necessary in establishments Catering or in residential buildings in the hood above the stove.

Exists whole line ways to remove contaminants accumulated in ventilation ducts. Here, a lot depends on the configuration of the system in the room, which allows you to use different equipment for cleaning ventilation:

  • Brush pneumatic machines.
  • Flexible shafts for cleaning ventilation grilles, valves and distributors of various kinds.
  • Vacuum type installations.

Self-cleaning ventilation from grease and other complex contaminants will require the use of brushes and detergents. If central ventilation systems are recommended to be serviced for preventive purposes several times a year, then local ventilation(exhaust hood above the grill, stove) ventilation ducts should be cleaned once a week, otherwise the build-up of fatty deposits can lead to a fire.

Maintenance Features

Technologies allow video inspection of the condition of the air duct. Thanks to these devices, a specialist analyzes the degree of contamination of the system. In order to determine the level of harmfulness of the circulated air due to the content of dust, bacteria and fungal spores in it, an additional chemical analysis. Cleaning the ventilation and air conditioning system also involves disinfection. This is explained by the design features of the air conditioner.

Condensation regularly falls on the surface of the evaporator (one of the main components of cooling technology), which causes constant moisture in the mechanism. Taking into account the fact that air flows of varying degrees of contamination pass through it, some of the dust from the air settles on the evaporator.

As a result, they are created favorable conditions to maintain the vital activity of various bacteria and fungal spores. In this case, the ventilation systems are cleaned and disinfected.

Additional for use special equipment Other methods are also used to clean ventilation ducts, such as using dry ice. This is the most gentle method, removing almost any contaminant. Dry ice can be used in systems with air ducts made of different materials, besides, after evaporation it does not leave condensation.

Ventilation cleaning in apartment buildings and other large objects is carried out using this method due to its effectiveness. Along with it, other cleaning equipment may be used in certain areas of particular complexity.

Cleaning the ventilation ducts of an apartment in an apartment building is not difficult. The main thing is to know what, how and where to look for the blockage.

The ventilation scheme for residential and utility rooms in a building is a complex and branched system of channels. You can do the cleaning of simple blockages yourself. To break through a large plug you will need special tool and equipment, therefore the work should be entrusted to specialists.

What is the ventilation scheme of an apartment building? You will get the answer to this question by reading the next chapter.

Features of the home ventilation system

The ventilation system is extensive and complex circuit location of ventilation shafts. The design of the ventilation circuit is influenced by many factors. The basis that influences the project being developed is the number of floors in the building.

To arrange the premises of an apartment building, 2 main schemes are used:

  • Each room in the apartment has its own channel exhaust ventilation. It goes directly to the roof and ventilation pipe. This scheme has been established before. In multi-storey construction, it is not used. This is influenced by a large area of ​​intra-house cubic space for arranging the ventilation installation.

For this reason, in modern construction conditions, this type of air ventilation system is not installed.

  • Ventilation is carried out using exhaust openings from each room, which are connected to a common horizontal box. Here, all air flows are connected and discharged into the attic using a common channel. Air from each hood system, for one entrance, enters a common ventilation duct and is exhausted into the atmosphere.

This scheme began to be used in the Khrushchev era; it is also used in modern construction. This apartment ventilation scheme is considered the most inexpensive and reliable.

The principle of operation of the ventilation system

The installation of the system is carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 30494 - 11. According to the standards, the quality level of air masses in the room should not exceed the carbon dioxide level and the humidity of the living room should not exceed 60%, with an air speed of less than 0.2 m/sec.

Previously used natural system ventilation. Special gaps were made above the doors of the rooms for the entry of air masses, wooden windows allowed a sufficient amount to pass through, even in the closed position. Vents were installed on the windows to provide clean air.

New buildings, upon installation plastic windows, are equipped with a forced ventilation system. Supply air outlets are being installed, exhaust circuits with installation of fans. These devices allow you to maintain normal levels of humidity and carbon dioxide in your apartment.

But the operating principle of the main ventilation system remains unchanged. The main thing is to carry out routine maintenance on time and remove blockages.

Important. Checking ventilation in apartment buildings should be carried out at least 2 times a year. It is usually carried out in the summer and winter time. But when the first signs of blockages occur, you need to call specialists from the management company.

Signs of a faulty ventilation system in an apartment

Many residential property owners do not take this problem seriously, considering this situation not hazardous to health. It is in vain to believe that the dust and blockage of a mine or canal will “resolve” on its own and you will not get anything for it. There will be a fire due to greasy dust, which ignites instantly and the gas, when burned, will cause injury to the respiratory system. And even without a fire, no one wants to live in a damp room and breathe stale air.

Important. It is necessary to clean the ventilation ducts efficiently, responsibly, and most importantly – regularly.

The main job of flow-out channels is to remove invisible fungal spores, various allergens and microbes from living spaces. Accumulating on a bed of dust, they, when reverse thrust, penetrate into adjacent premises, people inhale a dangerous air mixture.

The following “symptoms” indicate that the canals are being cleaned:

  • a large layer of dust and cobwebs on and next to the ventilation grille;
  • stuffy and humid indoor atmosphere in summer;
  • After wet cleaning, a layer of dust settles on the floor and furniture within a day;
  • Condensation forms on the windows;

If one of the listed items occurs in an apartment, you need to urgently address the critical blockage of the ventilation duct or repair equipment forced ventilation. Checking ventilation in an apartment by a management company includes air quality measurements and an audit of the air duct system. Preventive inspections must be carried out at least once per quarter.

Who should clean the ventilation in an apartment building - there is no clear answer to this question. If the ventilation grille becomes overgrown with dust, you can perform simple repairs yourself. And here serious problems with the system channels can only be fixed by specialists with professional tool and equipment.

Carrying out work by professionals

Using special tools, professionals from a management company or specialized company will quickly and reliably eliminate malfunctions and severe clogging of the ventilation system. Diagnostics is carried out using a video camera, which will show the location of a garbage plug or a section of a destroyed channel.

After the inspection, using a pneumatic brush machine, remove any dirt or debris from the canal. The brush is launched into the air duct. Under the influence of air pressure, it passes through the pipe and destroys the plug. The brush cleans the channel and, at the same time, using a special liquid, disinfects the ventilation air duct system.

By using any open flame source, you can detect the problem without the use of technology. Bring a burning candle or lighter to the ventilation grille. Pay attention to the position of the fire. If the light deviates towards the channel, this means the draft is good and there is no blockage. At vertical position fire - it is necessary to eliminate the malfunction.

DIY air duct cleaning

How to clean the ventilation in an apartment building yourself is very simple. This work involves performing simple techniques:

  • remove and clean the ventilation grille, then wash it in a disinfectant;
  • If there is a blockage near the channel opening, it can be easily cleaned with a vacuum cleaner or a broom.

Advice! Before carrying out work, remember the safety rules. Be sure to wear safety glasses, gloves and a respirator.

There are situations when the system is working properly, but humidity and dust interfere with normal life. In such cases, you need to think about purchasing and installing supply valves and exhaust fans. These devices will eliminate the nuisance, and installing them is quite easy and simple. The main thing is to know how and where.

In conclusion, some advice from experts.

Old houses and overgrown ventilation ducts do not always allow the problem to be eliminated by simple mechanical cleaning. There are several simple ways to deal with this situation.

When replacing windows, choose metal-plastic products with double-glazed windows equipped with micro-ventilation. If the windows are already installed, they can be equipped with these devices additionally and for not very much money. Plus, you can install them yourself. The simplest ventilation valve will allow fresh air from the street to enter the apartment.

Check the proper functioning of the ventilation at least once every 3 months, and the grille should be cleaned immediately after a small deposit of dust forms on it. Monitor the humidity in the room. If it increases sharply, it is necessary to call specialists to carry out repair work.

To ensure that the air in the room is always clean and updated in a timely manner, it is necessary to periodically clean the ventilation ducts.

Now we are not talking about chimneys that become contaminated with soot - the conventional ventilation system (both supply and exhaust) also needs to be cleaned.

Why and how does the air duct become dirty?

There are always small particles of debris in the air around us that can get into the ventilation duct. For the exhaust duct it is:

    fat (which is removed through the kitchen hood during cooking);

    chemical compounds formed during use household chemicals(detergents, washing powder) and smoking;

    to a lesser extent - other small particles that may enter the ventilation.

Since the air in the apartment is usually clean, the exhaust ventilation duct becomes polluted relatively more slowly than the supply air duct.

If we're talking about about supply ventilation (coming from the street to the room) - then the pollution rate will be noticeably higher. The reason is that street air is much dirtier than indoor air (if we are talking about the city).

In addition to dust, it contains:

  • pollen;
  • harmful compounds from exhaust emissions cars, emissions from industrial enterprises.

In addition, channels supply ventilation can become clogged with larger debris: leaves, poplar fluff, small insects. Of course, if there is a ventilation grill at the entrance to the air duct, this can be avoided, but air with a lot of impurities will still pass through and pollute the system.

Separately, it should be said about natural ventilation and forced ventilation. In the first case (when air flows through the duct without the use of fans), pollution will occur more slowly. In the second case, when more air passes through the system, it will also become polluted faster.

What exactly gets dirty the fastest?

WITH The flow of air ducts - even in small private buildings - is quite large, so on straight sections, although pollution occurs, it is very slow.

Places where small particles have something to “catch onto”:

  • branching of ventilation ducts;

    diameter differences;

    filters (this does not mean the filter element itself, but the areas near it where the filter housing built into the ventilation system);

  • fans;

    heat exchangers, heaters, coolers, humidifiers, dehumidifiers;

    grilles, anemostats, diffusers.

Dirt accumulates most quickly around these places. Later, when a decent layer of pollution has already formed in the “problem” areas, it begins to expand further along the air duct.

What are the dangers of air duct contamination?

Ventilation contamination is dangerous for several reasons:

    The internal cross-section of the ventilation duct is reduced. As a result, less air passes through the duct.

    Further accumulation of dust in the air duct accelerates. If small particles are able to get caught somewhere, deposits will grow faster and faster in this place.

    The load on the fans increases, which means their wear accelerates.

    The microclimate in the room worsens: the humidity level rises, harmful compounds may be present in the air that cannot be quickly removed, and the room becomes hotter and stuffier. As a result, this harms both the human body and the room itself (the risk of fungus and mold appears increases).

    The risk of proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms, for which a dirty environment is favorable, increases. The most common consequence in humans is an exacerbation of allergies.

If we are talking about ventilation not in an apartment or house, but in some industrial facility, then dust deposits in the air duct are also a fire hazard. After all, dust easily flares up, which means that in the event of a fire, the air duct can easily become one of the ways fire spreads throughout the building.

Such a fire can become especially dangerous at facilities where work area there are some flammable substances present (which means they will be deposited in the ventilation system). Please note that dust can ignite not only from an open fire: it can also be caused by a spark arising from a static charge that has accumulated in the air duct.

How do you know when cleaning is needed?

H To understand that it’s time to clean the air duct, you don’t have to look into it regularly.

There are several signs by which you can determine that the system requires cleaning:

    The room became stuffy and hot if other conditions (weather, operation of ventilation and climate control devices) - did not change.

    Dust accumulates on the floor and furniture very quickly.

    Cobwebs accumulate on and around the ventilation grille (both exhaust and supply).

    Drafts that previously occurred when windows or doors were opened have now become weaker or disappeared altogether.

In addition to the “signs” listed above, there is also practical way functionality checks ventilation shaft:

    Remove the ventilation grille from the vent.

    Clean the grate.

    Reinstall the grille. If the grate is not too dirty, you can skip the first 2 points.

    Open a window or window.

    Attach a sheet of paper to the ventilation grille. If it is “pulled” to the bars, it means there is traction, and the traction is good. Note: thick paper- will not work, since even good traction will not always be able to “pull” a heavy leaf. It is better to use half a notebook sheet, a piece toilet paper or a piece of newspaper.

How to check the condition of the air duct and determine the degree of contamination?

If you notice the “symptoms” listed above, it’s time to check the condition of the air duct.

This is done visually: inner surface ventilation ducts are inspected and the amount of deposits is determined.

You can conduct an inspection in the following ways:

    Through a special hole there is a hatch. An inspection hatch in ventilation systems must be designed when laying air ducts. However, the hatches are usually located far from each other, so they allow you to inspect only a small part of the system.

  1. By removing the ventilation grille (especially important if there is no inspection hatch). This inspection option allows you to see a small part of the air duct, but does not require special equipment. This is relevant if you need to check the condition, but there is no hatch in the system (or there is one, but in another part of the system).
  2. Remotely, using special video equipment. This option allows you to evaluate any, even the narrowest or geometrically complex section of the air duct.

If the inspection is carried out by specialists, they may have video inspection equipment at their disposal. This can be an endoscope with a camera and backlight that transmits video to the screen, allowing you to evaluate all areas of the ventilation system.

Method of inspecting a ventilation shaft using video equipment (video)

How often should the ventilation system be cleaned?

In practice, it happens that in many buildings the ventilation systems are not cleaned for years (and in ordinary apartment buildings - even for decades).

In fact, strict inspection and cleaning periods exist only on some industrial enterprises. First of all, this applies to buildings in which manufacturing process leads to rapid pollution systems. For example, this is relevant in Food Industry- hoods at such enterprises draw in fat and flour particles. For such systems, inspections and cleanings can be carried out frequently - several times a year.

In residential complexes with management companies, as well as in commercial real estate, in which there are no factors that accelerate ventilation contamination, regular inspection periods can be established, usually once every six months to a year. Such work is carried out by employees of the management company (or specialists who act on behalf of the management company - if it does not have “its own” employees of this profile on its staff).

It is recommended to carry out an independent inspection of the ventilation ducts in your houses and apartments periodically, also about once a year. Cleaning is carried out as necessary.

Cleaning methods and technologies

WITH Air duct cleaning methods based on the principle of impact on deposits can be divided into:




Dry cleaning intended for removing fatty deposits (which mechanically almost impossible to remove completely).

The principle is to spray over the entire surface of the ventilation ducts special staff, which eats away plaque. After this, the exfoliated deposits are carried out along with the air,or sucked out with a vacuum cleaner. This method of cleaning It is usually used in the kitchens of restaurants, bars, cafes, canteens, and other catering establishments.

Mechanical cleaning (simply scraping plaque from the canal walls)can be performed using a variety of equipment:

    Wire brushon a cable (essentially, it operates on the same principle as a cable for cleaning sewers). To increase efficiency, the cable can be electrically driven. Suitable for less severe contamination as long as there is not a large amount of fat in the deposits.

    U installation consisting of a mechanical cleaning device and vacuum cleaner . In this case, the brushes of the cleaning device scrape off plaque, and vacuum cleaner - immediately sucks him off. This method allowsclear away more serious contamination.

    A robot equipped with a video camera and brushes. Allows you to work not “blindly”, but to control the process on the monitor.

Scheme mechanical cleaning using vacuum machine(vacuum cleaner)

WITH cleaned deposits can be removed either naturally (carried away with the air flow) or using a vacuum unit (essentially a powerful vacuum cleaner). It connects to the air duct and sucks in all the dirt.

Cryogenic blasting - The method is relatively new, being the most gentle and “clean”. Cleansing in this case, it is carried out using “dry ice”, which is supplied to the ventilation duct from a special installation.

In contact with the walls of the air duct, dry ice granules instantly evaporate, creating micro-explosions. They are the ones who remove all plaque from the surface without damaging the walls themselves. During a micro-explosion, only carbon dioxide remains from the granule, which is removed through the ventilation duct.

After this procedure, the cleaned deposits are either removed from the air duct naturally (carried away along with air sweat) or removed using a vacuum cleaner.

Cleaning ventilation mechanically (video)

For residents of apartment buildings: how to clean and what can you clean yourself?

WITH once about the basic rule: residents apartment buildings can clean themselvesonly a section of the ventilation duct running from the apartment to the “common” shaft. The mine is a common property, and only employees of the management company or housing office can clean it.

If you notice that the ventilation in the apartment has worsened, you can first try to clean “your” section of the ventilation duct.For work it is recommended to use products personal protection- gloves, glasses, petal respirator.

The stages are:

    Remove the ventilation grille.It needs to be cleaned and washed.

    Clear some space around the vent.

    It is better to cover the floor around the hole with something, since dust and other deposits may fall out of it.

    Use a flashlight to visually inspect the area as best you can. If you have a monopod and an action camera at home, these gadgets can seriously help during inspection. Start video recording And insert the camera on the monopod inside the ventilation duct.

    Manually (with gloves, of course) remove large debris from the channel - if there is any. You should work carefully: inside the ventilation duct there may be nails, glass, or protruding sharp parts of stone or frozen mortar.

    Use a wire brush to scrape deposits from the entire surface of the duct.

    Use a broom to sweep away the trash.

    Using a vacuum cleaner, clean the channel from fine dust.

    Replace the grill.

    Check to see if traction has improved.

Usually, if the draft in the air duct of an apartment has worsened, cleaning “your” area can help in rare cases. Therefore, after you have cleaned the ventilation duct leading to the common house shaft, it is better to call specialists who will clean it.

Disinfection of the ventilation system: why and how to do it?

In addition to cleaning the surface from deposits, disinfection must also be carried out - neutralizing microorganisms that could multiply in the ventilation system.

To do this, after cleaning, another procedure is performed - spraying inside the system with products based on hydrogen peroxide, peracetic acid or other reagents that kill bacteria. Such procedures can only be performed by specialists; they cannot be carried out independently.

Nobody pays attention to ventilation if it functions properly. Usually, exhaust openings installed in the kitchen, bathroom and toilet. Air currents arise due to the difference in temperature inside the building and outside. In this case, an influx of fresh air is necessary to ventilate the premises.

In the event of malfunctions, ventilation must be checked.


In this room, food is prepared and products of combustion of gas and specific odors. If there is a malfunction in the hood, they spread to all rooms and remain there for a long time. In addition, soot generated from gas combustion will be deposited on all surfaces. Most of it stays in the kitchen.


Poor ventilation in the bathroom leads to increased humidity. At the same time, in the corners, on the walls and ceiling, dark spots mold, which is harmful to health.

High humidity is immediately felt by a person, and in this case it is necessary to check the ventilation.


If the hood in the toilet is clogged, being in it becomes unpleasant, and odors from the bathrooms will spread throughout all the rooms of the apartment.

How to check for traction in a simple way

Ventilation is checked periodically as soon as dust appears on the grilles. To do this, they are removed and washed from dirt. After the grilles are installed back, the transom or window is opened slightly in the kitchen or in the room nearby. If the check is carried out in the bathroom or toilet, leave open doors to create air flow. To check the efficiency of the hood, a sheet of paper is applied to it. He should be “attracted” to her, which is a signal of the presence of traction. The piece of toilet paper should be able to hold itself on the grate. Another way to check the presence of draft is by deflecting the flame of a lighter or candle. The procedure is repeated in all areas. Cleaning the ventilation is required if the sheet is not attracted to the grille.

You need to know that in hot weather the draft in the ventilation duct is deteriorating and it is useless to check it. It depends on the temperature difference between indoors and outdoors. In this case, forced ventilation is turned on.

How to properly organize ventilation in an apartment

The lack of fresh air flow into the apartment can also be the cause of poor air circulation. This became especially noticeable with the replacement of windows with plastic ones, which are distinguished by their tightness. In this case, residents need to resolve this issue on their own. Ventilation is improved as follows:

  • frequent ventilation of premises;
  • Installation of air conditioner;
  • use of supply valves;
  • use of supply and exhaust forced ventilation.

The reason for the lack of draft may be due to residents living upstairs, or when the system is overloaded from an enterprise built on the ground floor, for example, a store or cafe. It even requires checking the ventilation, since foreign odors appear in the apartment. In both cases, you must contact the Housing Office for help.

Rules for cleaning ventilation ducts

Cleaning the ventilation with your own hands is prohibited, since the shaft is serviced by specialists from the management company on the roof or technical floors. People usually come to her with complaints about lack of traction. When calling specialists, you should warn your neighbors about this, since when cleaning the mine through ventilation holes Dust may fall into the apartments.

When doing an independent ventilation check, you are only allowed to clean the duct leading from the apartment to the main shaft. To do this, you need to perform the following operations.

  1. Move the furniture, cover the floor and cover the wall in the work area.
  2. Remove, clean and replace the grille if necessary.
  3. Wearing gloves on your hands, carefully remove debris from the ventilation duct and remove the remaining residue using a vacuum cleaner. It is better to remove debris with a tool such as a spatula to avoid injury from sharp fragments.
  4. Reinstall the grille and check for draft by opening the window.

Additional ventilation device

When the ventilation of the house is working properly, but there is not enough fresh air, the following measures need to be taken to improve the microclimate.

  1. Plastic windows are sealed, but it is advisable to purchase window systems with micro-ventilation function.
  2. The supply of fresh air can be ensured using valves, grilles, filters, air heaters and forced supply fans.
  3. An air conditioner will partially help by refreshing and drying the air.
  4. Install

When choosing a method for ventilating rooms, you should determine its effectiveness and which devices are already working. Exhaust ventilation must first be checked and the need for installation must be identified. additional equipment, improving the quality of its work.

No matter how efficiently the hood works, an influx of fresh air is necessary. To do this, valves are installed behind the batteries. The diameter of the holes facing the street is 6-10 cm. A plug is installed in them, which can be manually or automatic control. The incoming air can be cleaned using filter elements installed in the valves.

Ventilation is classified according to the following criteria:

  • forced or natural movement of indoor air;
  • exhaust or supply type of device;
  • what type of service is provided: local or general;
  • the presence of channels for air transmission;
  • stacked or monoblock design.

The choice depends on the area and purpose of the premises, the amount of equipment and people in it, and the type of their activity. In all cases, preference is given to natural exhaust, since this is the most economical option.

How to check ventilation systems

Ventilation systems are subject to inspection, which can be emergency or scheduled. Their operation is checked using an anemometer. It is introduced into the ventilation duct, thereby ensuring air flow into the room.

In the shaft branches, the air speed must be at least 3 m/s.

The measurement results must be recorded.

They are recorded by instruments, and then a ventilation inspection report is drawn up. It should provide data on how efficiently the system operates and whether it complies with design standards.


Checking the ventilation in an apartment is a simple operation that needs to be done to maintain an optimal microclimate.

In the event of violations in its operation, you need to know what the owner of the home can do and in what cases he should contact the management company.