Review and testing of browsers for PC: Chromium and Google Chrome. What are the advantages of Google Chrome?

Review and testing of browsers for PC: Chromium and Google Chrome.  What are the advantages of Google Chrome?
Review and testing of browsers for PC: Chromium and Google Chrome. What are the advantages of Google Chrome?

What are the main requirements for a modern, functional and user-friendly web navigator on Android? One of the browsers that meets all the main criteria for a high-class application will be discussed in this material. Gentlemen, meet Google Chrome for Android!

The Chrome browser is the default browser on many Android devices as well as Chromebooks. Not to mention that many users prefer Chrome on the desktop platform – PC and Mac. It is easy to conclude that today this browser is installed on a huge number of mobile devices and computers.

Rahul Roy-Chowdhury, vice president of product management at Google, said in a tweet that there are already 2 billion users who have made Chrome an active application, including mobile and desktop platforms. However, he did not specify what “active application” meant and for what period the statistics on installations were taken. However, the statistics can be trusted. If you believe StatCounter data for 2017, then the number of Chrome users is 300 million users, which is about 55% of the share of the entire browser market.

Why Google Chrome is the modern mobile browser

  • firstly, Chrome, like any high-quality web navigator for Android, complies with all the latest standards in the field of page layout: it correctly displays content written in HTML5, designed for graphics processing using WebGL and CSS 3/4, and correctly processes scripts in JavaScript
  • secondly, Chrome consumes optimal quantity smartphone hardware resources. To work in the most current versions of Android Lollipop and Marshmallow of the 5th and 6th generations, respectively, it is advisable to have a multi-core mobile ARM processor and at least 2 GB of RAM. The number of executing processes in the environment is growing, and the hardware must cope well with this increasing load
  • and thirdly, a current and popular mobile browser on Android cannot do without branded features unique to this particular navigator, which products competing with it on the market can only dream of. It is not surprising that the Google Chrome web navigator, which has occupied the top niche for mobile devices for quite some time, perfectly meets all these criteria.

Thanks to the reliable support of the project by the manufacturer, Google Chrome for Android is rightfully considered the best solution for surfing the web for smartphones based on the operating system from the same company.

Main features of the Google Chrome browser for Android

As for exclusive features, mobile Google Chrome stands out for its high-quality synchronization mechanism between all devices using this browser (tablet, smartphone, laptop and desktop PC), the ability to compress and control traffic, which can significantly reduce the load on the network during transmission and reception data. Another highlight of the Chrome browser is the integration of voice search “OK Google”. All requests can be entered using spoken commands, and the robotic voice analyzer quickly adapts to the characteristics of your pronunciation and speech.

Also, Chrome developers could not ignore the transfer from the desktop version of the multi-tab accessibility features for easy navigation between several websites and displaying tips generated based on the most popular search queries. By the way, you can restore a tab in the browser at any time using Chrome hotkey combinations.

For a snack, the Chrome developers left a confidential private surfing mode, convenient control and translation of foreign resources into the user’s native language, set as the main language in the OS settings. As for the stability and speed of the Chrome browser on Android, there are no freezes or lags when browsing the web and navigating settings even on a mid-level smartphone.

Panning and zooming is carried out without noticeable delays both on resources overloaded with graphics and animation, and on light sites with simple layout.

The only thing you can find fault with in Google Chrome on Android is that the interface is not too catchy and stands out from other products, but this feature is also characteristic of some other projects from Google, where usability and comfort in work are primarily valued.

It should be noted that in the latest builds of Chrome there are many pleasant innovations. This is both a download manager and offline pages. and support for Bluetooth API, Android Pay, etc. The latest version of Chrome was marked by a 15% acceleration for the Windows platform.

Summary. "Chrome for Android" is one of the best tools for everyday use on a smartphone for every owner mobile device. The undisputed leader in the mobile web surfing software sector, as evidenced by the number of downloads from Google Play, which has already exceeded 2 million, not counting the installation of the browser in the main software package for the active system, installed by default.

We hope that over time Google Chrome will reduce RAM consumption and further optimize the experience.

We can argue about browsers forever. Everyone has their own favorite browser, and it is very difficult to convince a person. In this review of Google Chrome, we will look at all the strengths of the browser from Google.

Google Chrome is the new king of browsers. Back in mid-2011, this browser bypassed Mozilla Firefox, which for a long time confidently occupied second place in. Now Google Chrome has taken the lead, leaving behind even Internet Explorer, the standard browser of the Windows operating system. Let's try to figure out why the Google Chrome browser managed to gain such popularity.

Statistics of popular browsers

Simplicity and convenience of the interface. Probably the main advantage of Google Chrome. After the first launch, the user sees only the address bar, forward and back arrows, the refresh button and the settings access button. Only what is really necessary and nothing unnecessary.

Integration with Google account. All Google Chrome settings, installed themes and extensions, bookmarks, and even saved data for authorization on sites can be saved in your Google account. This allows you to synchronize browsers on different computers. Moreover, after reinstalling the operating system, you only need to log in once using your Google account and your browser will be exactly the same as before the reinstallation.

Speed ​​of operation and high stability. Browser. The browser launches quickly and loads pages noticeably faster than its competitors. Each browser tab and each extension runs as a separate process. Thanks to this, freezes or crashes are extremely rare. In case of problems with any tab or extension, only the process that is responsible for it is closed. While the browser continues to work.

Convenient start screen (Quick Access Page) on a blank tab. Google Chrome displays maximum useful information in a new empty tab. Here you can view recently closed sites, most visited sites, installed applications, or go to the Google Chrome extension store. After a short period of getting used to this screen, it is simply impossible to refuse to use it.

A large number of extensions and programs that can be installed in Google Chrome. Historically, extensions have been the main benefit of the Mozilla Firefox browser. But now Google Chrome has also acquired a huge number for any occasion. With their help, you can easily add the features you need to your browser. Moreover, all extensions are installed without restarting the browser.

Regular updates without user intervention. Google Chrome updates “quietly” and is completely invisible to the user. Using Google Chrome, you can always be sure that you are using the latest version of the browser.

High level of security. Thanks to SandBox technology Google browser Chrome is well protected against hacking and infecting your computer through malicious pages.

Other features and functions of the Google Chrome browser

Let's continue our review of Google Chrome. This browser has a huge number of different “tricks” hidden from the average user. Let's look at the most interesting and useful of them.

Drag and drop items from the download list. Once you download a file using Google Chrome, you can copy it to your Desktop or any folder by simply dragging it from the download list.

Tools for web developers. Google Chrome allows you to view the source code of a page with syntax highlighting and line numbering. This browser is also equipped with an advanced tool for analyzing pages. It can be called using the key combination Ctrl+Shift+I or using the context menu. In addition, for Google Chrome there is a large number of various extensions that simplify the work of web developers.

Applications from any page. Quite an unusual feature for a browser. Google Chrome allows you to turn any page into an independent application. Such a page application will always load in a separate window and without a browser interface. There is only a window inside which contains a web page. A shortcut to such an application can be placed on the desktop or pinned to the Windows taskbar. To create an application from a page, use the Google Chrome menu and select “Tools – Create application shortcuts”.

Task Manager. Google Chrome has a built-in Task Manager that allows you to view resource consumption. You can launch the Task Manager using the Tools menu or the Shift+Esc key combination.

Advanced address bar. The Google Chrome address bar can do a lot. With it, you can search the Internet, look for pages that you previously visited, add pages to your favorites, and even count. When you enter simple mathematical expressions, a hint with the result appears in the address bar.

Pinned tabs. If you often work with the same pages, you can pin them as permanent tabs. To do this, open the page, right-click on this tab and select “Pin tab”. After this, this tab will take up much less space, and load when the browser starts.

Incognito mode. Google Chrome has a special operating mode called “Incognito Mode”. It can be launched using the menu. When this mode is enabled, no information about the pages visited is saved on the computer.

This review was not written all at once and not suddenly - it took several months. I really didn’t want to be biased towards one of the most famous and controversial browsers on the Internet. Known because Google has invested billions (!) of dollars in its advertising and created a whole layer of Google addicts who don’t even want to hear about anything other than Chrome as a browser and Google itself as an Internet search. Controversial because, along with outstanding innovation, it is a pure commercial product designed to bring the creator company millions of new advertisers and billions of potential advertising consumers, which is good for the company, but not so good for users, and also because, along with outstanding innovation, Google Chrome has obvious shortcomings.

However, first things first. The review turned out to be large and, it seems to me, comprehensive - for a thoughtful user. If you are too lazy to read it, go straight to - there is short description pros and cons, as well as a summary and my assessment.

I'll start with advantages and innovations.

First and foremost What we can thank Google for is the creation of Chromium, an open-source web browser developed by Google and designed, according to the developers, to provide users with fast, safe and reliable access to the Internet, on the basis of which The Google Chrome browser was created, as well as, subsequently, dozens of other browsers - by third-party companies, including Russian ones - Yandex, Rambler and, which today is advertised no less actively than Google Chrome at one time. Amigo, Chrome from Rambler - all these browsers are based on Chromium.

Second advantage is a store of applications and extensions Chrome Web Store, which today contains thousands of different applications and extensions with which you can significantly expand the functionality of the browser - both Google Chrome itself and all browsers created based on the Chromium engine, which (functionality) is so lacking in the browser itself.

Google Chrome was designed to be minimalist by definition. This was done in order to increase the speed of the browser, as well as cut off all unnecessary things that could interfere and distract. In the year the browser was created (2008), minimalism was generally in fashion, but Google Chrome, not without huge investments in hidden advertising, squared it and made it a global Internet trend.

A couple of years later, many began to understand that minimalism is, of course, good, but it is not always convenient, and it was then (namely on September 6, 2010) that the Chrome Web Store appeared, offering users to expand the minimalistic functionality of the browser with various themes , applications and extensions. This idea appealed to the masses, and today in this store you can already download applications not only for the browser, but also so-called desktop applications, in other words, ordinary programs.

After Google, such stores free applications appeared in both Mozilla Firefox and Maxthon, but Google, of course, was the first to propose such a solution to the problem - a very timely solution, otherwise, I believe, the browser’s audience would have been greatly reduced by today.

However, today Google Chrome (according to Wikipedia) is the most widespread browser in the world - it is used by more than 300 million people. It must be said that Chrome is the most popular browser in RuNet. Here are the traffic statistics for our project (section “browsers used”) from the service (sample for half a year):

What does this mean? About the fact that the browser is not bad, but also about the fact that it advertising campaign was successful. After all, in many ways, Chrome is like Coca-Cola - everyone knows that, to put it mildly, it is not very beneficial for the body, but everyone drinks it. This is how mass consciousness works - if everyone says it’s cool, then it’s cool. And everyone says so because they have been told about it a million times, everywhere possible - from an article by an unknown blogger, to the granddaughter of the writer Victoria Tokareva in a television advertisement on Channel One. I won’t try to convince you otherwise - I myself use Google Chrome quite actively, but there are facts that, I don’t know about you, but tell me that not everything is as good in Chrome as they say and write.

Yes, at the time of its introduction, Chrome was the most fast browser. However, during this time, the same Mozilla Firefox has achieved impressive results and today, according to research, it is ahead of Chrome in speed! Let's take a look at these studies from Tom's HARDWARE company, which cannot be suspected of being biased by Mozilla. In other words, these are truly independent studies and they say that Mozilla Firefox is today ahead of Chrome in speed. Naturally, we're talking about about milliseconds, but a fact is a fact!

And now another screenshot about memory consumption by browsers:

But even without these foreign studies, from my own experience, I can say that Mozilla with 40 open active tabs works without brakes, and Chrome with 10 tabs can already crash the system.

Now about the settings. If in FireFox even a novice user can customize almost everything, then in Chrome the available settings are poor and allow you to customize very little - the default search engine, home page, select a theme from the store - that's almost all. For example, setting appearance:

Not too much, right? I won’t give a screenshot of Mozilla’s settings so as not to turn the Chrome review into an article like Mozilla versus Chrome, I’ll just say that the settings there are much, much richer!

But it would be unfair not to mention the advanced settings of Chrome, which, however, few people know about, and even those who know do not always dare to delve into them - with superficial computer knowledge this is really not worth doing - you can do such things that It will simply be impossible to use the browser. But there are such settings and you can find them by typing in the Chrome address bar chrome://flags and press Enter. These are the so-called experimental browser functions, which, I repeat, should only be changed if you know exactly what you are doing. But by including some of these features, you can achieve some interesting results.

For example the command chrome://flags/#spellcheck-autocorrect automatically corrects typing errors, and the command chrome://flags/#enable-d3d11 Enables Direct 3D on systems where it is supported, which speeds up the browser...

Well, the biggest bonus for users of the Google Chrome browser, which is why I personally only use this browser, is the ability to install add-ons and extensions from the Chrome Web Store. Other browsers have similar stores today - Mozilla's Firefox Marketplace and Maxthon Cloud Browser's Extension Center, but Google was the first in this market and, moreover, is actively developing it, so the Chrome Web Store cannot be compared with the pathetic attempts to imitate competitors. Many applications from this store become ordinary desktop programs for Windows (for example, I already have 5 of them installed!), and in the future, if you look closely at Google’s ambitions and plans, there will be much, much more of them. Moreover, Google is turning its browser into a full-fledged operating system Chrome OS, which serious manufacturers are already installing on laptops, and recently the company has created an opportunity to test its operating system under Windows 8 in a clever way!

I already wrote about the Windows taskbar (which I actively use myself), but, as it turns out, this was only the beginning of Google’s penetration into the “enemy” system and “corrupting it from the inside” (this is a joke, if anything, although in every joke.. .)

The latest version of the Chrome browser has added the ability to run almost full-fledged ChromeOS under Windows 8. That is, using the Chrome browser, you can open applications from the Chrome Web Store in separate windows, resize them, minimize them, place them all on the screen at once, or use full screen regime.

This is no longer quite a browser, but also not quite an operating system. More precisely, this is not an operating system that is quite familiar to us. It only works when connected to the Internet, but it already replaces a lot of ordinary and familiar offline programs, Word type Excel, Power Point(all this is in the free online package Google.Drive (formerly Google Docs), as well as Photoshop, video and audio players, etc.

Considering that online services have already replaced many conventional programs, and many of the latest developments work only in conjunction with Internet access (Evernote, Any.Do, TweetDesc, uTorrent, Skype), of course, the future lies with such operating systems - ONLINE OS.

Well, the last “little things” that I usually write about in browser reviews.

Smart search. Chrome was, if I'm not mistaken, the first browser to introduce the technology of typing a search query directly into the browser's address bar. Despite the fact that the development of this technology pursued very specific commercial goals of the developer company, it is, without a doubt, very convenient for users. According to the latest statistics, in 2013, already 37% of users in the world use this technology when searching on the Internet. In addition, the technology was adopted and implemented by Google's competitors, in particular, the Russian Yandex.

Google Chrome has the ability to import bookmarks from other browsers, there is a manager for these bookmarks - this is a plus.

The downside is a huge one - Google collects information about its users through its Chrome browser. This is done exclusively for commercial purposes - having information about what sites the user goes to, what operating system he uses, what queries he types in search engines, what he is interested in and, by and large, how he lives - the company optimally selects advertising, which it unobtrusively slips him on all of his services and websites. In principle, there is nothing wrong with this - for the advertiser such advertising works more efficiently, and we get what we are interested in.

But! All information about us is archived and stored on the company’s servers. Imagine that there is a file somewhere that contains the address of every web page you have visited in the last few years. It also contains information about what you have ever searched for on the Internet, every address you have viewed on Google Maps, every chat message you have, every YouTube video you watch, every email you send. Despite the fact that each entry contains a time stamp - what and when you did, down to the second.

If you use Google Docs (now Google Drive), then this file stores images of all your documents, files uploaded to disk, created surveys, forms, and your contacts with other users. And if you are still registered with Google+ or any professional Google service, for example, AdSence or AdWords, then this file contains your home address, telephone number, alternative mail address, data credit card, Your photos...

In general, if you put all your eggs in one basket, the USA has the most complete dossier on you that any intelligence agency in the world could dream of, and the US intelligence services can also use this dossier (this is not advertised, of course, but no company the world today cannot refuse the “unobtrusive offer of cooperation” coming from those who actually rule the world).

I won’t develop this into scary pictures of a dystopian future, as some bloggers like to do, but even without this it is clear that collecting information about you can possibly work against you at the most inopportune moment, whether you become a politician or other public figure, or simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

But there is also a plus - in Google Chrome you can open windows in incognito mode, in which you cannot use everything pre-installed applications from the store, but your web surfing is not saved in the browser history, and cookies are deleted after closing the window in incognito mode. In this case, you can simultaneously use normal mode and incognito mode in different simultaneously open windows.

Well now short summary for those who were too lazy to read the entire text.

Pros of the Google Chrome browser:

Quite fast (although not the fastest as before),
- a promising and actively developed browser by the manufacturer, which, without a doubt, will become more perfect and innovative every year,
- there is a Chrome Web Store, from which you can literally install a huge number of extensions, applications and themes to design the browser and expand its functionality with just one click and completely free of charge,
- smart search,
- ability to import bookmarks from other browsers,
- incognito mode for anonymous surfing without leaving traces on the computer.

Disadvantages of the Googel Chrome browser:

The browser is commercial, that is, created not by an independent community of developers (like, for example, Mozilla), but by a company to promote its commercial services,
- the browser collects detailed statistics about the user and transmits them to Google for storage and processing; the collection of these statistics cannot be disabled,
- poor settings.

RESULT. The browser is, without a doubt, an "A" - it deserves to be used. But you shouldn’t become a fan, without even considering other options. Direct and so far the only full-fledged competitor (Opera is dying, Internet Explorer died a long time ago, other good browsers, for example, Maxthon or Yandex.Browser, have not yet gained strength) - Mozilla browser Firefox, from an independent community of open source developers, is at least as good. Personally, I use both of these browsers almost equally and I don’t regret it at all.

Remember: fanaticism (no matter what kind - religious or browser-based (big smiley here)) is the lot of the poor in mind. Smart people they take all the best that nature and progress provides us with and use it ALL for their own benefit and pleasure. Use the Google Chrome browser - it's worth it. But you should not reject alternative options.

The recent past, 1993, the birth of the Internet in the form in which we now know it. At that time, only web pages existed on the World Wide Web, on which there was nothing except text.

And this is what one of the very first real browsers looked like - NCSA Mosaic developed by Marc Andreessen.

Old browsers do not support new web technologies: HTML5 and CSS, so our site will look like this in the Mosaic browser.

A year later, Robert McCool and Eric Bina joined Marc Andreessen, as a result of their collaboration, the legendary Netscape Navigator browser appeared and humanity rushed into world wide web!

  • What was happening in Russia at that time? Friends, without a doubt I have something to tell, of course I could tell you the whole history of the formation of the Russian Internet in 1990-1993, list the first Internet providers (in the city where I was born, my friend Vladimir Barmin created SimTel, I didn’t then it was 20 years ago), I could show you how the first browsers worked (I still have the installers), but this is a completely different matter interesting story and I’d better write a separate article about this.

After 1995, the Internet in Russia began to develop simply rapidly. In 1995, Internet Explorer and Opera browsers appeared, and other browsers also came and went. Until 2008, many novice users tried to find for themselves best browser on the Internet, and sometimes on such disks. From time immemorial I have a whole collection left.

And finally, in 2008, the Google Chrome browser appeared, this tool, this tool, it ideally combined the most important things for the user - simplicity, innovative technologies and most importantly - reliability. I'm sure many users will agree with me, but do we know everything about all kinds of Google settings Chrome, do we use the browser with maximum efficiency, is this what I wanted to talk about in this article?

Google Chrome is almost common noun. Created on the basis of the free Chromium browser and the Blink engine, Google Chrome is more of a software designer for advanced and personalized web surfing, rather than just a browser, a regular browser program for accessing the Internet.

The brainchild of the search giant is not so old project. The first stable version of this browser appeared in 2008. In any case, many other browsers appeared much earlier. Despite its youth, Google Chrome is today the No. 1 browser in the world. And it is used by about 300 million people in the world.

Google Chrome managed to gain such crazy popularity not only thanks to its minimalistic and simple design, implementation modern technologies, safety training, and fast work.

Google Chrome is the standard. Google created the free Chromium browser, and it became a kind of template for the emergence of a mass of “Chromium-like” clones.

Google also created the first clone of Chromium – Chrome. Such a competent strategy simply could not help but lead Google Chrome, and after it a lot of Google web services, to success and popularity.

The features of the Google Chrome browser will be discussed in this review.


Simplicity of design and arrangement only the necessary elements interface - a smart move by the Google Chrome developers so as not to scare away novice users. It was the Google Chrome developers who were the first to implement the idea of ​​removing the “File”, “View”, “Journal”, etc. menu sections from the browser interface.

And when the developers of other browsers realized why this was done, they couldn’t come up with anything better than to repeat the same idea in the interface of their creations. Opera Software, in order not to bother, closed the project altogether Opera browser on the Presto engine and transferred its product to the Chromium base. Thus, Google Chrome set a new standard for what a browser should be - simple for beginners, revealing its functional potential gradually so that they have something to do in the future, and with the necessary set of settings in the right place for experienced users.

The browser's home page is a full-screen Google search bar with a little story visual bookmarks visited sites, and at the top of the toolbar there is a convenient button for switching to shortcuts for Google web services applications.

The Chrome application launcher can later be replenished with shortcuts to the necessary web services. And for convenience, access to application shortcuts, in addition to the provided switch button, can also be implemented as a separate mini-panel in the form of a shortcut on the desktop or in the Windows taskbar.

At the top of the browser you can also see a hint for importing previously exported bookmarks from another browser.

Welcome page immediately after Google installations Chrome will prompt you to log in to your browser to further synchronize data. We’ll return to this browser functionality later.

In the Google Chrome browser, you will not see any built-in express panels for visual bookmarks or a local set of theme previews. Many even hastily, without understanding the situation, call the design of this browser poor. But that's not true.

Design themes, built-in visual bookmark panels, service widgets - all these things can be chosen to suit every taste from the Google Chrome extension store completely free of charge.


Taking care of the comfort of Internet users, Google Chrome developers have implemented the so-called Omnibox panel - this is both the address bar and the search bar in one field. If the address entered by the user does not comply with the rules for writing a URL, the omnibox redirects the entered query to the default search engine.

Moreover, the creators of the browser do not force users to use the pre-installed search engine always and only. In the browser settings, you can assign any other search engine to the omnibox.


Google Chrome is an automatically updated browser with built-in protection against phishing and malware installation.

If a threat occurs, the browser will display a warning about the danger.


Google Chrome is considered one of the fastest browsers. It starts up quickly on its own and loads web pages quickly. The latter is the result of the introduction of WebKit rendering technology.

Thanks to V8 - an advanced javascript engine, Google Chrome is able to instantly launch even the most complex web applications (Flash games and other web project pages overloaded with animation).

The fact that Google Chrome is not the fastest browser in the world, but one of the fastest, is said deliberately. Once upon a time, it truly was the fastest browser. But. Firstly, all "chrome-like" clones have the same performance as Google Chrome. Secondly, we can only talk about performance if the browser is not stuffed with a huge number of different extensions, because the latter are constantly active and consume computer resources, in particular RAM.

Thirdly, Google Chrome itself and many of its clones today are already inferior to the qualitatively evolved Internet Explorer. And although Opera Software has closed the project of its browser based on the Presto engine, many users of low-power computers still use the latest 12th version, because once upon a time it was a really fast and functional browser.

Google Chrome is a really fast and productive browser, but over time its speed can noticeably decrease, since its system profile grows with various data as it works, and the browser has to constantly access the hard drive.

Working with Tabs

Convenience of working with tabs is no longer an advantage of this or that browser, but a standard that developers, if desired, can surpass by coming up with something ornate. Google Chrome has standard options for working with tabs.

By the way, few people use the option to pin tabs in browsers, since there are a lot of different functional alternatives to avoid losing the site you like. But in vain. A tab of an interesting site can be pinned using the corresponding option in the context menu, which is called up on the tab itself.

The pinned page will take the form of a small icon and will appear in the same place where it was pinned every time you launch it.

Data synchronization

If you have several devices - for example, a computer, tablet and smartphone, if you often reinstall Windows, the creators of Google Chrome have provided that the entire process of setting up the browser to its former state will take literally a couple of seconds - while you log in.

After logging into your Google account on any device, the browser synchronizes all your data - themes, bookmarks, extensions, logins and passwords for services where you are logged in.

Data synchronization can be configured, for example, by excluding certain data from the list of saves. You can also use the password encryption feature if you don’t trust Google services.

Google Chrome Extension Store

Google Chrome has the largest store of various extensions, which no other browser can boast of - not Mozilla Firefox, not Opera, and certainly not Internet Explorer.

Install a beautiful design theme, look for interesting informers for social networks, various ad blockers or extensions to improve the functionality of popular web services - all this can be done in huge assortment Google Chrome Store.

The Google Chrome extension store is also a kind of catalog of various web services. So, if a web service or online game has grown to the point of being represented by a separate extension or application, you can spend time on such a resource and visit it.

Installation of extensions is carried out in two clicks - a button to add the selected extension and confirmation of the action.

In addition to installed extension you can install another one - similar in theme or specificity - from the selection in the “Similar” tab.

Google Chrome tricks hidden from ordinary users

Some Google Chrome features are rarely used for the simple reason that they are not right in front of your nose. I repeat, the creators of the browser had to hide the functions for experienced users away in order to present beginners with a simple and understandable solution for web surfing. So, what are these Google Chrome features?

Drag and drop downloaded files

You can drag the downloaded files directly from the Google Chrome download list with the mouse to any place convenient for work, for example, to the desktop. The file will be copied to Right place, and its first version will continue to be stored in browser downloads.

Incognito mode

The special “Incognito” mode of the Google Chrome browser will allow you to surf the web, if necessary, without traces of authorization on websites. This is a private browser browsing mode, during which no browsing history is kept, and all cookies are deleted immediately after closing the browser window.

Task Manager

Google Chrome has its own task manager, similar to the one implemented in Windows system. Using the Chrome Task Manager, you can track the processes that consume the most computer resources, if you need to free them up, and close unnecessary tabs or deactivate unused extensions.

A shortcut to such a web application can be placed on the desktop, pinned to the Windows taskbar, or on the Windows 8/8.1 Metro start screen.

To turn any page of the site into a separate web application, while on the same page, you need to open the menu “ Additional tools", and in it - select the command "Create application shortcuts".

And you can visit your favorite sites in the windows of individual applications.

Metro version for Windows 8/8.1

Google Chrome can switch to the Metro interface mode of Windows 8/8.1 and back to desktop mode.

However, this is unlikely to bring comfort to the use of the browser for owners of Windows tablets and laptops with a touch screen small size. The Metro version of Google Chrome is just a copy of the desktop version, only in the Metro interface style. And here are the same small web elements that are not convenient to touch with your finger, unlike, for example, the Metro version, which is more adapted to work on small screens Internet browser Explorer.

By the way, restart the Google Chrome browser in Windows mode 8 can be used to visualize what the Google Chrome OS operating system is. The browser window that opens full screen in Metro interface mode imitates the operating system of Chromebooks.

Multiplayer mode

Google Chrome, like operating systems, provides for work not only in single user mode. Any family member can create a separate account for themselves in Google Chrome and switch to it for web surfing.

Friends, have you ever thought that if there was no browser, how would you get on the Internet?

Just recently, a friend came up to me at work and said:

You don't have an article on your website about your favorite browser. G o o g l e Chrome, you simply must write an article about him.

Why is it my favorite and what should I write about it, a browser is a browser, downloaded, installed and launched, I muttered.

I didn’t just download it and launch it, because this is the tool that you use almost all day - she didn’t lag behind. You come to work, turn on your computer, and the first thing you do is always launch your browser. You installed Google Chrome in 2008, that is, as soon as it appeared and since then you have not parted with it, there are reasons for this and it is worth writing to people about them, especially since in the comments you are constantly asked about browsers.

And in fact, I spend more time in the browser than anywhere else. I work in the browser, search for the necessary information, write articles, communicate via email, and much more. Friends, do you know how the first browser appeared?

The recent past, 1993, the birth of the Internet in the form in which we now know it. At that time, only web pages existed on the World Wide Web, on which there was nothing except text.

And this is what one of the very first real browsers looked like - NCSA Mosaic designedMarc Andreessen.

Old browsers do not support new web technologies: HTML5 and CSS, so our site will look like this in the Mosaic browser.

In a year to Marc Andresen Robert McCool and Eric Bina joined, and as a result of their collaboration, the legendary browser appeared Netscape Navigator and humanity rushed to the World Wide Web!

  • What was happening in Russia at that time? Friends, without a doubt I have something to tell, of course I could tell you the whole history of the formation of the Russian Internet in 1990-1993, list the first Internet providers (in the city where I was born, my friend Vladimir Barmin created SimTel, I didn’t then it was 20 years), I could show you how the first browsers worked (I still have the installers), but this is a completely different interesting story and I’d better write a separate article about it.

After 1995, the Internet in Russia began to develop simply rapidly and in the same year the Internet Explorer and Opera browsers appeared, and other browsers also appeared and disappeared. Until 2008, many novice users tried to find for themselvesthe best browser on the Internet, and sometimes on such disks. From time immemorial I have a whole collection left.

And finally, in 2008, the Google Chrome browser appeared, this tool, this tool, it ideally combined the most important things for the user - simplicity, innovative technologies and most importantly - reliability. I’m sure many users will agree with me, but do we know everything about the various settings of Google Chrome, do we use the browser with maximum efficiency, that’s what I wanted to talk about in this article?

Google Chrome is almost a household name. Created on the basis of the free Chromium browser and the Blink engine, Google Chrome is more of a software designer for advanced and personalized web surfing, rather than just a browser, a regular browser program for accessing the Internet.

The brainchild of the search giant is not such an old project. The first stable version of this browser appeared in 2008. In any case, many other browsers appeared much earlier. Despite its youth, Google Chrome is today the No. 1 browser in the world. And it is used by about 300 million people in the world.

Google Chrome was able to gain such crazy popularity not only thanks to its minimalistic and simple design, the introduction of modern technologies, security development, and fast operation.

Google Chrome is the standard. Google created the free Chromium browser, and it became a kind of template for the emergence of a mass of “Chromium-like” clones.

Google also created the first clone of Chromium – Chrome. Such a competent strategy simply could not help but lead Google Chrome, and after it a lot of Google web services, to success and popularity.

The features of the Google Chrome browser will be discussed in this review.


The simplicity of the design and the provision of only the necessary interface elements is a smart move by the Google Chrome developers so as not to scare away novice users. It was the Google Chrome developers who were the first to implement the idea of ​​removing the “File”, “View”, “Journal”, etc. menu sections from the browser interface.

And when the developers of other browsers realized why this was done, they couldn’t come up with anything better than to repeat the same idea in the interface of their creations. The Opera Software company, in order not to bother at all, closed the Opera browser project on the Presto engine and transferred its product to the Chromium base. Thus, Google Chrome set a new standard for what a browser should be - simple for beginners, revealing its functional potential gradually so that they have something to do in the future, and with the necessary set of settings in the right place for experienced users.

The browser's home page is a full-screen Google search bar with a small history of visual bookmarks of visited sites, and at the top of the toolbar there is a convenient button for switching to shortcuts for Google web service applications.

The Chrome application launcher can later be replenished with shortcuts to the necessary web services. And for convenience, access to application shortcuts, in addition to the provided switch button, can also be implemented as a separate mini-panel in the form of a shortcut on the desktop or in the Windows taskbar.

At the top of the browser you can also see a hint for importing previously exported bookmarks from another browser.

The welcome page immediately after installing Google Chrome will ask you to log in to the browser for further data synchronization. We’ll return to this browser functionality later.

In the Google Chrome browser, you will not see any built-in express panels for visual bookmarks or a local set of theme previews. Many even hastily, without understanding the situation, call the design of this browser poor. But that's not true.

Design themes, built-in visual bookmark panels, service widgets - all these things can be chosen to suit every taste from the Google Chrome extension store completely free of charge.


Taking care of the comfort of Internet users, Google Chrome developers have implemented the so-called Omnibox panel - this is both the address bar and the search bar in one field. If the address entered by the user does not comply with the rules for writing a URL, the omnibox redirects the entered query to the default search engine.

Moreover, the creators of the browser do not force users to use the pre-installed search engine always and only. In the browser settings, you can assign any other search engine to the omnibox.


Google Chrome is an automatically updated browser with built-in protection against phishing and malware installation.

If a threat occurs, the browser will display a warning about the danger.


Google Chrome is considered one of the fastest browsers. It starts up quickly on its own and loads web pages quickly. The latter is the result of the introduction of WebKit rendering technology.

Thanks to V8 - an advanced javascript engine, Google Chrome is able to instantly launch even the most complex web applications (Flash games and other web project pages overloaded with animation).

The fact that Google Chrome is not the fastest browser in the world, but one of the fastest, is said deliberately. Once upon a time, it truly was the fastest browser. But. Firstly, all "chrome-like" clones have the same performance as Google Chrome. Secondly, we can only talk about performance if the browser is not stuffed with a huge number of different extensions, because the latter are constantly active and consume computer resources, in particular, RAM.

Thirdly, Google Chrome itself and many of its clones today are already inferior to the qualitatively evolved Internet Explorer. And although Opera Software has closed the project of its browser based on the Presto engine, many users of low-power computers still use the latest 12th version, because once upon a time it was a really fast and functional browser.

Google Chrome is a really fast and productive browser, but over time its speed can noticeably decrease, since its system profile grows with various data as it works, and the browser has to constantly access the hard drive.

Working with Tabs

Convenience of working with tabs is no longer an advantage of this or that browser, but a standard that developers, if desired, can surpass by coming up with something ornate. Google Chrome has standard options for working with tabs.

By the way, few people use the option to pin tabs in browsers, since there are a lot of different functional alternatives to avoid losing the site you like. But in vain. A tab of an interesting site can be pinned using the corresponding option in the context menu, which is called up on the tab itself.

The pinned page will take the form of a small icon and will appear in the same place where it was pinned every time you launch it.

Data synchronization

If you have several devices - for example, a computer, tablet and smartphone, if you often reinstall Windows, the creators of Google Chrome have provided that the entire process of setting up the browser to its former state will take literally a couple of seconds - while you log in.

After logging into your Google account on any device, the browser synchronizes all your data - themes, bookmarks, extensions, logins and passwords for services where you are logged in.

Data synchronization can be configured, for example, by excluding certain data from the list of saves. You can also use the password encryption feature if you don’t trust Google services.

Google Chrome Extension Store

Google Chrome has the largest store of various extensions, which no other browser can boast of - not Mozilla Firefox, not Opera, and certainly not Internet Explorer.

The Google Chrome extension store is also a kind of catalog of various web services. So, if a web service or online game has grown to the point of being represented by a separate extension or application, you can spend time on such a resource and visit it.

Installation of extensions is carried out in two clicks - a button to add the selected extension and confirmation of the action.

In addition to the installed extension, you can install another one - similar in theme or specificity - from the selection in the “Similar” tab.

Google Chrome tricks hidden from ordinary users

Some Google Chrome features are rarely used for the simple reason that they are not right in front of your nose. I repeat, the creators of the browser had to hide the functions for experienced users away in order to present beginners with a simple and understandable solution for web surfing. So, what are these Google Chrome features?

Drag and drop downloaded files

You can drag the downloaded files directly from the Google Chrome download list with the mouse to any place convenient for work, for example, to the desktop. The file will be copied to the desired location, and its first version will still be stored in the browser downloads.

Incognito mode

The special “Incognito” mode of the Google Chrome browser will allow you to surf the web, if necessary, without traces of authorization on websites. This is a private browser browsing mode, during which no browsing history is kept, and all cookies are deleted immediately after closing the browser window.

Task Manager

Google Chrome comes with its own task manager, similar to the one found in Windows. Using the Chrome Task Manager, you can track the processes that consume the most computer resources, if you need to free them up, and close unnecessary tabs or deactivate unused extensions.

Separate web applications for any site

Google Chrome is equipped with the function of turning any website into a separate web application based on this browser. Such a web application will run in a separate window without the usual browser menu and toolbar. In the format of individual web applications, it is very convenient to use media web projects where browser settings or extension functionality are not required.

However, this is unlikely to bring comfort to the use of the browser for owners of Windows tablets and laptops with small touch screens. The Metro version of Google Chrome is just a copy of the desktop version, only in the Metro interface style. And here are the same small web elements that are not convenient to touch with your finger, unlike, for example, the Metro version of the Internet Explorer browser, which is more adapted for working on small screens.

By the way, you can restart the Google Chrome browser in Windows 8 mode to visualize what the Google Chrome OS operating system is. The browser window that opens full screen in Metro interface mode imitates the operating system of Chromebooks.

Multiplayer mode

To sum it up...

What can we say to sum up the number 1 browser in the world? Google Chrome is the #1 browser in the world. It is fast, it is functional, it is promising, it is convenient, it is customizable, it has a huge extension store, it has a data synchronization system. And since Chrome has no obvious and large-scale shortcomings, we will find fault with the little things.

So, Google Chrome developers could work on the engine so that it uses RAM more economically. It would be a good idea to take care of choosing more readable text for the browser interface. And the built-in file downloader could be made more functional so that downloaded files can be opened inside the browser almost in a full-fledged file manager.