Lathing for ondulin. How to make lathing for ondulin yourself? Video lessons. Features of continuous lathing

Lathing for ondulin.  How to make lathing for ondulin yourself?  Video lessons.  Features of continuous lathing
Lathing for ondulin. How to make lathing for ondulin yourself? Video lessons. Features of continuous lathing

There are no trifles in the technology of roofing work, so the sheathing for ondulin or other material must be rigid and durable.

When a building is brought under the roof, it is considered that main part work completed.

After this you can start finishing works, install windows, install a heating system.

But if the sheathing on which it is attached roofing pie, will be assembled incorrectly, then the wind and others atmospheric phenomena V short time capable of compromising the integrity of the structure.

Ondulin, like roofing felt, must be mounted on a reliable base - on a sheathing, which is assembled in accordance with the relevant rules and regulations.

Lathing design

Roofing material is selected depending on the shape of the roof. Gable roofs are most widespread at those latitudes where large amounts of snow fall in winter.

Slate and metal tiles are suitable for such climatic conditions the best thing.

Assembling the sheathing for mounting slate sheets is done in a certain step. The sheathing for ondulin has similar dimensions and proportions.

Ondulin appeared on the market several years ago and quickly became widespread in the construction of individual houses.

Sometimes it is called Euroslate. This slate from Europe is highly durable and flexible.

The physical properties of the material (including thickness) are taken into account when assembling the lathing. Builders with extensive experience know how to lay roofing felt.

It serves for a long time and reliably when laid on a solid solid base.

Any, even minor, sagging leads to tearing of the material.

The sheathing for ondulin is assembled in such a way that the distance between the transverse boards is minimal. The size of the gap between the boards is determined by the angle of the roof slope.

If the slope has a slope of less than five degrees, then the sheathing is made continuous.

When the slope is within 10–15 degrees, the distance between the boards can be 40 cm.

If the roof slope is more than 15 degrees, then the distance between the boards increases to 60 cm.

When carrying out work, the pitch of the sheathing under the ondulin must be strictly maintained.

High-quality lumber helps to fulfill this condition.

Reliable fastening of ondulin is provided by:

  • timber measuring 5x5 or 5x6 cm;
  • edged board measuring 15x2.5 or 25x2.5 cm.

Even with the most severe budget deficit, it is not recommended to use a slab or unedged board when assembling the sheathing.

Before attaching ondulin, it is necessary to treat wooden surfaces antiseptic and anti-fire composition.

Features of lathing installation

In order to roofing material served for a long time and reliably, the sheathing under the ondulin should be installed without gross violations.

The dimensions and shape of the roof are taken into account when selecting materials and organizing work.

Steep slopes that are characteristic of gothic style, require the use of high-quality and high-cost materials.

Modern cottages have a complex roof configuration and the sheathing for ondulin may have typical differences in different areas.

In each specific case, specific materials and tools are used. The roofing of standard-built houses is carried out according to general rules.

Continuous sheathing

For long period for roofing outbuildings And residential buildings small size roofing felt was used.

Today, continuous lathing for ondulin is used more and more often. In practice, a continuous sheathing is “knocked together” from a block, unedged planks, or moisture-resistant plywood.

Boards and slabs can be fastened with a gap of up to 5 cm. The main thing to do in this case is to achieve flat surface, on which the ondulin will be placed.

Lathing in “special zones”

The roof configuration on many modern and ancient buildings has complex contours.

Even on gable roof it is necessary to carry out special calculations when laying roofing material around the chimney pipe.

Experts identify the following areas that require increased attention:

  • the junction of the roof and the wall;
  • around roof windows;
  • near the cornice.

In any case, lathing for ondulin must meet all the basic requirements for geometric parameters and fastening strength.

Installation sequence

The construction of any building is carried out according to a specific plan and in strict sequence. After the walls are erected, it is time for roofing work.

The first step is to install and fasten the rafters.

According to their purpose, rafters are load-bearing structure, on which all other elements rest.

Then waterproofing and insulating materials are laid. After that, the sheathing for ondulin is assembled and attached.

Depending on how the sheathing is installed, the service life and appearance of the roof will be determined.

After attaching the sheathing, you need to check geometric dimensions designs. This can be done by measuring and comparing the length of the diagonals of the quadrilateral.

The figure must be strictly rectangular. Otherwise, the ondulin sheets will not be secured evenly.

At one time, when roofing felt was widely used, no special precision was required. But it also served much less than modern roofing material.

In order to achieve accuracy of geometric parameters, the bottom board or beam of the sheathing is secured last.

This element is used for final adjustment.

Tools and materials

Ondulin is a durable and technologically advanced roofing material. It is easy to work with even for roofers with minimal experience.

In some respects it resembles roofing felt. The reliability of a roof made of these materials depends on the precise implementation of instructions and practical recommendations.

Ondulin has a low specific gravity and is easily cut with a hacksaw or electric jigsaw. If necessary, it can be laid on an old slate roof.

This method allows you to complete the work quickly and at minimal cost.

The quality of the roof directly depends on the quality of the materials from which the sheathing is made.

If the beam or board has deviations in geometric parameters, then the base for laying ondulin will also be defective.

When laying roofing felt, small pebbles can cause damage to the integrity of the coating.

One of the problems that one has to face when preparing a roof for Euro slate is the distance between the boards in the sheathing for ondulin. Despite the manufacturer’s clear recommendations, there are a huge number of opinions on this matter. From completely ignoring the instructions of French specialists to blindly following advice and recommendations. As follows from practice, the situation with lathing under ondulin flooring is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Too unusual material.

Why do you need a lathing for ondulin

Euroslate, as they also call it roofing ondulin, is made from processed cellulose fiber by hot impregnation and further stamping under high pressure. The technology is in many ways similar to OSB production, but, unlike particle board, ondulin slate is flexible and at the same time durable.

What's wrong with ondulin

Laying ondulin on the sheathing can be compared in sensations to installation sheet roofing made of thick profiled rubber used for noise protection of metal hangars and boathouses.

Ondulin has two significant advantages:

  • Light weight, the weight of one eight-wave sheet is 6 kg;
  • Plasticity of the material. Ondulin will maintain the roof plane, even if the lathing is made deviating from the manufacturer’s recommendations.

For your information! Ondulin remains the only material that does not break or deform the sheathing in case of minor deviations from the norm. Although the sheets themselves can be easily damaged and even squeeze roofing nails out of wooden slats and boards.

Such softness of ondulin leads to the fact that many builders try to save money or simply do not pay attention to recommendations on the distance of sheathing for ondulin. It is clear that if the roof or sheathing plane is installed incorrectly, the service life is reduced significantly. Instead of the 15 years of service guaranteed by the manufacturer, an incorrectly assembled sheathing results in 5-6 years at best.

What is the lathing used for?

Sheathing slats or boards laid on the rafters are used to ensure two conditions for the normal functioning of the roofing covering:

  • The sheathing is a frame, thanks to which it is possible to maintain the plane of the roof under load, this ensures normal drainage of rain, melt and condensed water;
  • Wooden slats add rigidity to the roofing, which means that the roofing material will not tear in the wind like film.

For ondulin right choice The size of the sheathing, primarily the distance between the slats, means how viable and durable the roof will be. You can, of course, cover the surface completely with plywood or OSB panels, in some cases this is the only possible variant, but at the same time, the cost of installing the roof will double or triple, and the roof itself will be very heavy. Easier and cheaper to choose correct lathing under ondulin, it is not clear what to experiment with, for what purpose.

What kind of lathing should be done for ondulin

Due to the weakness and almost zero rigidity of ondulin slate, the sheathing has to be made as rigid as possible. General rule This is - the greater the probable deflection of wooden slats or boards, the denser the material should be packed.

  • For roofs with a slope of up to 10°, a continuous sheathing is used; you can use waterproof plywood or any other material with similar characteristics;
  • On slopes with a slope of up to 15°, plywood can be replaced with 60x60 mm timber or unedged board - forty;
  • On steeper roofs, from 15° and above, it is recommended to assemble the lathing from 30 mm boards, with the pitch selected depending on the roof structure and the location of the roof covering.

For your information! In any roof there are a lot of areas that fall out of general recommendations. For example, roof overhangs, junctions with stove and ventilation pipes, valleys, built-in windows and ventilation hatches.

In these areas, the pitch of the sheathing is reduced, additional slats and bars are added, or sheathed problem areas plywood sheets. Therefore, you should not be surprised if the roof sheathing appearance differs from the usual “ladder” used under slate or metal tiles.

What is the pitch of the sheathing for ondulin

Professional roofers working with ondulin traditionally choose the sheathing pitch based on two main criteria. Firstly, the lathing frame must be sufficiently rigid. A sheet of ondulin laid on boards must withstand the average weight of an adult without tearing or lifting the edges.

Secondly, it is necessary to take into account the design rafter frame and possible behavior of the roof under snow load maximum thickness. If the first criterion remains quite subjective and largely depends on the experience of the roofer, then the second condition must be treated with maximum attention. If, under the pressure of snow, the edges rise on the overlap of sheets, for example, on overhangs, then all the melt water will rush into the resulting gap.

Lathing for flat roofing coverings

Ondulin, as a roofing material, is poorly suited for protection from snow. It was originally created for warm climates, for conditions in which most of the precipitation falls in the form of rain. Moisture quickly leaves the slope and does not create excessive high pressure, both on the sheathing and on the ondulin sheet.

For your information! In theory, ondulin can provide reliable protection on a slope with an inclination angle of 7-10 o, but this is for ideal conditions. For cold and snowy climates, the sheathing for ondulin should be built at angles of 13-15 o and above.

Therefore, if you plan to build a roof with sloping slopes, then the sheathing frame needs to be made as rigid as possible. In this case, the recommended frame parameters for a gentle slope will look like this:

  • It is recommended to choose the distance between the rafters 200 mm less than the width of the ondulin sheet. Thus, it is possible to ensure the longitudinal rigidity of the roof covering;
  • The lower half of the slopes is covered with sheathing made of unedged boards 30 mm thick, with a gap between the edges of no more than 20 mm. The result is a fairly durable flooring. To check, you can even walk along it; the deflection of the board will not exceed 20 mm, which means that lifting the edge of the ondulin sheet under snow or in a gust of wind will not lead to the opening of the overlap at the joint;
  • The upper half can be sewn up with a regular edged board of the same thickness; the sheathing pitch for ondulin is selected within 40-45 cm.

The different approaches to arranging the sheathing are due to the fact that the lower parts of the slopes, and especially the roof overhangs, are in more unfavorable conditions. Most of the snow and frozen water accumulates at the bottom, so the load is higher, and the sheathing itself must be stiffer. The upper part of the roof is always warmer, so ondulin is preserved better.

For overhangs, you can use waterproof plywood, but it is better to lay unedged board. This decision was dictated by the fact that on gentle slopes the ventilation of the under-roof space is very weak, and the presence of gaps between the boards will improve the escape of condensate.

High roof sheathing frame

For roofs with a slope above 15-18 o, sheathing can be made in the classic way, from timber 60x60 mm or edged board 200x25 mm. The higher the angle of inclination, the more favorable conditions are created for ondulin. This is due to a decrease in pressure on roof covering, improved ventilation and more quick removal condensed or rain water.

For the lower half of the slope, the sheathing pitch is selected within 45 cm, the upper part of the sheathing frame can be hammered at a distance of 50 cm or even 60 cm. If the angle of inclination is more than 25-30 o, then the entire sheathing can be laid at intervals of 60 cm.

For your information! For high roofs with long rafters there is one significant drawback. After 5-7 years of operation, the central or middle part of the roof usually sag and receives a concavity or negative curvature of the surface.

This means that due to deformation of the sheathing, the ondulin may be torn off from the fastening. Therefore, in the middle line, the rafters are reinforced with struts, and the sheathing frame can be additionally hemmed with slats. Of course, for broken roofs with ondulin coating there are no such problems, and the lathing is done in increments of 45 cm over the entire roof surface.

Lumber calculation

For arrangement load-bearing frame You will need to make a preliminary calculation of the required amount of material. Strength calculation load-bearing elements There is no point in making a lathing frame. Even to a first approximation, it is clear that the strength of a plywood sheet, 12-15 mm thick, is sufficient to withstand a load from snow cover of up to 20 cm. If you use an unedged board 30 mm thick, of proper quality, for lathing, the safety margin will practically not change .

For roofs with a slope angle of 15-25 o per linear meter The sheathing will require two beams, with a cross-section of 60x60 mm. With a rafter pitch of 50 cm, the structure can withstand pressure up to 250 kg/m2. This is more than enough for ondulin.

The amount of material is calculated depending on the square footage of the roof. For example, for pitched roof 6x10 m with an angle of 20 o will require 25 m 2 of plywood and 70 m of timber.

How to make a lathing for ondulin with your own hands

A fairly simple arrangement of the lathing frame for laying the ondulin coating allows most of the work to be completed on our own. If there is not enough experience in performing such work, then you can look at the diagram recommended by the manufacturer, or get acquainted with a practical course in assembling sheathing for ondulin, as in the video:

There is nothing complicated, you just need to select the material and lay it correctly on the rafters.

Preparing lumber for laying

The first thing you need to do before laying the sheathing is to sort the boards or timber by caliber; the thickness of the lumber must be the same across the entire roof plane, otherwise gaps will appear between the ondulin sheets.

The harvested material is treated twice with impregnations to prevent rotting processes and reduce water absorption of water vapor. The processed material is dried and placed in bags under pressure so that the boards or planks remain as even and straight as before processing.

With plywood sheets everything is simpler; to prepare, you just need to saturate the surface with drying oil or waterproof varnish and dry it in a bag under pressure.

Advice! You should not leave timber and boards prepared for laying under ondulin to dry in the air or under a canopy. In this case, the material warps and bends in an arc, so the quality of the sheathing sharply decreases.

Since it will take enough a large number of material, then for wooden frame Usually softwood is purchased. Croaker and young wood are definitely not suitable; it is best to buy a sawn-off sawn-off shotgun at a sawmill longitudinal sawing logs and dismantle it for a small fee on a circular saw.

Plywood stuffing

Of all existing options Solid plywood sheathing provides the best strength and rigidity of the base for ondulin. If you have doubts about how to make the sheathing in order to support the roof and strengthen the rafters, then it is best to opt for plywood boards.

The sheets have to be lifted onto the roof along two parallel beams placed against the wall. Since the geometry of plywood has always been precise and right angles, you don’t have to pull the cords for installation, which greatly simplifies the work.

The first row of plywood sheathing is aligned along the starting thread and nailed to the rafters. Since plywood is a layered material, before hitting a nail with a screwdriver or drill, an oblique hole is drilled, and only after that can you work with a hammer.

Plywood is laid with joints spaced apart, in a checkerboard pattern, always with a gap of 2-3 mm. This will not affect the strength of the sheathing, but the cracks will be very useful for removing water vapor.

Solid plank sheathing for ondulin

Using plywood is considered a good, but very expensive option for building a frame. It is much easier to build a lathed base from ordinary shalevki or calibrated boards.

As in the previous case, before starting work you need to stretch the starting thread or cord along the cornice. The first board will be aligned with them, the position of the remaining elements will be aligned according to the template. Usually this L-shaped tool, shot down from wooden slats, the thickness of which is chosen equal to the vertical pitch between the beams and boards.

There is one peculiarity in filling the base of the boards: no matter how hard the craftsmen try to make the supporting surface of the sheathing as flat as possible, this is almost never possible. Usually the quality of the frame and the presence of protrusions are checked with a long calibrated rod.

For those areas where a hump more than 3 mm high has formed, marks are made and trimmed with an electric planer. A similar procedure is usually performed on a base made entirely of boards; for conventional types of sheathing in increments of 40-60 cm, adjustment of the surface can be neglected.

Arrangement of a classic grille for ondulin

The principle of laying a wooden frame is no different from the scheme for arranging a continuous plank flooring. In some ways it’s even simpler, since you have to stuff less material onto the rafters, and there’s no need to monitor the plane of the sheathing.

As a template tool, a two- to three-meter beam with pieces 45-60 mm long nailed to the ends is usually used. For very long roofs, the boards have to be leveled on each rafter beam separately; for this, a short template block is used.

Construction of a lathing frame on old slate

One of the most popular types of roof repair involves laying sheathing directly over the old asbestos-cement slate roofing. In this case, the first step is to lay vertical beams counter battens, section 75x50 mm. The material is leveled along the depressions and nailed at least in two points to the old frame at the place where the rafter beams are attached.

The second step is to fill the horizontal cross members of the frame, with a cross-section of 75x38 mm, they are laid with the standard pitch used in laying ondulin.

Unlike solid plank flooring, classic sheathing is laid in large increments, which means that if the slats are filled incorrectly, there will be nowhere to hammer the nails for fixing the ondulin.

It is not for nothing that the manufacturer recommended two types of pitch - 45 cm and 61 cm. This is the distance between the center lines of each horizontal beam. It is according to these dimensions that templates need to be made, otherwise it will not be possible to properly fix the ondulin sheet.

In addition, nails are driven into the sheathing slats only at a large angle. This solution protects against extrusion of fasteners under impacts air flow and frees up space for hammering in a nail for ondulin.

Sometimes the work of laying long and not very even lathing slats causes difficulties, you have to tear off the material and reinstall it on the rafters. In this case, it would be correct to drill a hole in the center of the beam and screw in a carpentry screw 40-50 mm long. The beam can be temporarily grabbed with self-tapping screws, and after final alignment, nailed to the rafter beam.

A good way to fix the nail in the body of the board is to coat it with glue or overcooked old drying oil. If oily liquid Boil for half an hour, you will get a viscous substance, like fuel oil. This is where the nail is immersed before hammering it into the timber or sheathing board. The drying oil layer acts as a lubricant and prevents the wood from splitting, even if it is hard wood. The thick mass tightly seals the inlet hole, protecting the metal from corrosion and the wood from swelling.

After about three days, the drying oil dries, tightly gripping the fasteners in the body of the sheathing board. Ondulin sheets are also attached in the same way. True, it will not be easy to pull out and remove a nail hammered in this way from the sheathing.


Choosing the correct distance between the boards in the sheathing for ondulin is not a particular problem if you strictly follow the manufacturer’s recommendations. If sheets are used to lay the roof covering custom size, then the step between the beams will have to be reduced in the same proportion, or an additional board hemming will be used to fasten the sheets.

Ondulin can easily be called a new generation product. The components from which the roof is made belong to ecologically clean materials . This is one of the main advantages that you need to pay attention to when choosing a roof covering.

Ondulin has four constituent components:

  • mineral fillers;
  • thermosetting resin;
  • cellulose fiber;
  • distilled bitumen.

Roofing material is produced at special equipment, using latest technologies and developments. There are two types of this coating - glossy and matte. They are produced using different manufacturing techniques.

What advantages does ondulin have, and does it have any disadvantages?

Thanks to the materials from which ondulin is produced, it has many advantages. These include, of course, excellent qualities waterproofing, flexibility, which is important when working on roofing, impact resistance, good resistance to pests such as mold and mildew, environmental friendliness of the material, and low cost.

If the material is laid correctly, on a pre-prepared sheathing, it will withstand any bad weather.

Due to the fact that ondulin is a fairly light weight material, it can be laid on an old roof covering, for example, slate. We will tell you how this is done further.

Much has been said about the advantages of ondulin, but, for the sake of objectivity, it is worth mentioning its shortcomings. The buyer should be aware of what pitfalls await him during the operation of the material.

  1. First drawback– this is the flammability of the material, since this is what organic matter, included in ondulin.
  2. Second drawback- this is the instability of the color to weather factors; over time, it loses its original color, fading under the sun.

We found out what it is New Product modern technologies, now it’s time to talk about how ondulin is mounted and on what. It was said above that lathing is required to install the material. Let's figure out what it is, how it is made and what it is made of.

How to make a roof sheathing for ondulin?

Lathing- this is the basis for attaching ondulin sheets; it can be continuous or step-by-step. Let's look at both options and in what cases they are used.

Continuous sheathing is done if you decide to completely change the roofing material or if you are laying a roof in a new house. In this case base for ondulin Can be 10 mm plywood or 20-25 mm boards. When installing the sheathing, it is necessary to take into account the slope of the roof.

If the slope angle is 7-12 degrees, then this is the right place for continuous sheathing. In this case, the rows of ondulin sheets should overlap the next row by approximately 100 - 150 mm; with lateral overlap, the overlap is equal to two waves.

If the roof slope is 12-15 degrees, the sheathing is installed from timber, transverse to the sheets, i.e. parallel to the cornice. The size of the timber should be 40×50 mm. The timber installation step will be approximately 400 - 450 mm. The overlying sheets of ondulin should be located on the next row by 100-150 mm, the side overlaps - by one wave.

The sheathing is made from timber of the same section, only the pitch is 600 mm if the roof slope is more than 15 degrees. In this case, the top row is placed with an overlap of at least 170 mm. In a side overlap, one sheet should fit onto the other in one wave.

The beam is attached to the rafters long screws, in case you need to correct any unevenness.

Additional bars are installed where the ridge and valley are installed, and a 55x100 mm board is installed in places where roofing sheets overlap.

What kind of lathing for ondulin is installed on an old roof?

The advantages of ondulin are that it lightweight material (the weight of the sheet is no more than six kilograms), so it can be installed on top of an old covering, for example, a slate roof.

For the work to be successful, you first need to carefully inspect the old coating. If there is damage on it, it is necessary to make repairs so that the installation of new material is of high quality.

To install sheathing with additional insulation roofs, you need to take into account the nuances of calculating the step of strengthening the beam. The beam must be prepared with the same size in cross-section as the width of the wave of the old slate, on top of which it will be installed new roof. It usually has a size of 75 x40 or 50 x40 millimeters. Additional sheathing is usually installed if you need to secure the valley and ridge.

In addition, if you plan to insulate the roof, you must purchase vapor barrier film, which is strengthened immediately after laying the insulation between the sheathing beams. The film is attached to them before laying the ondulin.

Lathing pitch for ondulin on an old roof. Video

Separately, it is worth talking a little about the step of the sheathing for ondulin, which is installed on top old roof. Step length selection directly depends on the pitch of the roof, as well as on the width of the insulating material, if its installation is planned. The beam is installed in bottom part waves of old slate.

A drilling procedure may be required as old slate may crack from blows with a hammer, so the timber will have to be secured with self-tapping screws. Boards are fixed on top of the timber parallel to the cornice. The pitch of the sheathing with boards should be equal to length sheet of ondulin with the calculation of overlap of one row onto another by at least 150 mm.

In general, if you make accurate calculations and stock up on everything necessary material, then carefully study the instructions for working with this material, the work will go smoothly and easily. Seeing the results of your labor, you will be proud of your craftsmanship!

The roofing of the roof is always carried out on a prepared and pre-designed sheathing. Before you start building the sheathing you need to choose a material for the roof.

Depending on the properties of the material and will depend future design. So depending on roofing sheet The sheathing pitch changes.

So, we will define all the rules sheathing structures for ondulin.

After installation is complete, before attaching ondulin sheets, all beams and boards should be treated with an antiseptic and fire-fighting agent.

Before installation, the battens are first secured waterproofing membranes. They are attached to the rafters with a stapler. Then they begin to install the sheathing.

The lathing is the base for fastening the ondulin. It can be done in two versions: continuous and step-by-step. Solid sheathing is used when covering the entire roof or during the construction of a new house. For continuous sheathing, use plywood 1 cm thick or boards 2 - 2.5 cm thick.

Lathing for ondulin performed in the following sequence:

  1. Decorating the cornice. The first board is attached at the very eaves, and the next one is 30 cm higher. The steps for subsequent boards are increased by several centimeters. It is also necessary to take into account that the first board must have protrusions on both sides.
  2. Special nails attach the remaining parallel boards. Nails should be chosen longer so that existing unevenness can be leveled out.
  3. Attaching the wind board. The distance should not exceed 4 cm above the sheathing itself.
  4. The ridge and valley strip are equipped with additional bars.

Care must be taken during installation in order to achieve coating integrity. Therefore, the end sides of the boards should fit snugly against each other and have no difference in height.

Sh ag battens for ondulin

Important aspect, which must be addressed close attention and take into account during installation - this is the slope of the roof.

There are several rules to consider here:

  1. If roof slope less than 12 degrees, it is better to use a continuous sheathing. Ondulin sheets are attached with an overlap: the side overlap is two waves, and the rows are about 15 cm.
  2. When roof slope more than 12, but does not exceed 15 degrees, the lathing is used step by step. Beams measuring 4 x 5 cm begin to be attached parallel to the cornice. The step should not exceed 45 cm. Ondulin is also overlapped on the sides in one wave, and in rows - not exceeding 15 cm.
  3. When the level roof slopes greater than 15 degrees, the sheathing begins to be installed according to the same principle as indicated above. Only in this case, the pitch of the beams increases to 60 cm. The lateral overlap of the ondulin does not exceed one wave, and the overlap in the rows is increased to 17 cm.

Much has been said about the step in installing the sheathing. If we consider the question of the size of the sheathing, then it is impossible to give an exact answer. Each roof is individual, everyone has completely different sizes.

IN this issueyou can only parse the calculations necessary materials.

Let's calculate the materials for continuous and step-by-step lathing.

  1. Continuous sheathing. Calculations are carried out in cubic capacity. First, calculate the plane of the entire roof. Then the resulting value must be divided by the area of ​​the board. We get total boards To find out the cubic capacity, the number of boards is multiplied by the thickness of the board intended to be used.
  2. Step-by-step lathing. First, divide the length of the roof slope by the required pitch. This value is multiplied by the number of slopes. This gives the number of boards that will be needed for installation.

And also watch a video on how to install ondulin:

Ondulin, or bitumen slate, is quite comfortable material with good operational and visual characteristics. Compared to other materials, this one stands out primarily due to its low weight, which allows reducing the costs of arranging the rafter system.

In addition, ondulin has a long service life, but it can only be realized if the roofing covering is mounted on a high-quality sheathing. This article will discuss how to properly make a sheathing for ondulin.

Lathing material and pitch

The following materials can be used to install the sheathing:

  • Boards;
  • Moisture-resistant plywood;
  • OSB boards;
  • Unedged cut

Dependence of dimensions on roof slope

Ondulin is suitable for roofing roofs with slope angles of 5 degrees or more, and the dependence of the sheathing pitch on the roof slope angle is as follows:

  1. Slope from 5 to 10 degrees. With such a slope of the roof, continuous sheathing will be required. Ondulin in in this case should be laid with a 300 mm overlap, and the side overlap should be two waves.
  2. Slope from 10 to 15 degrees. In this case, the distance of the sheathing under the ondulin should be about 40-45 cm. The overlap of sheets with such a slope can be reduced to 200 mm, and the side overlap - to one wave.
  3. Slope more than 15 degrees. It makes sense to increase the pitch of the sheathing under ondulin with a slope of more than 15 degrees to 60 cm, but only with an average level of precipitation. If in winter time If there is a lot of snow in the region, it would be better to reduce the distance between the sheathing elements to 45 cm. In this case, Ondulin is laid with an overlap of about 170 mm, and the sheets overlap on the sides in one wave.

To install the sheathing on a large roof slope, bars with a cross section of 40x50, 50x50 or 50x60 mm are used. The dimensions of the sheathing for ondulin are calculated only after precise measurement roof slopes. Knowing the dimensions of the sheathing and the installation pitch of its elements, you can calculate required amount materials. In addition to calculating the lathing, you also need to determine the amount of materials required for installing the counter-lattice.

A separate point is the calculation of the amount of material for installing continuous sheathing at the following points:

  • Connections between the roof and the walls;
  • Around chimneys and dormer windows;
  • Near the eaves overhangs;
  • Near the ridge;
  • Under the valleys.

Having completed the calculations, you need to increase the final value by 10% - there will definitely be trimming during installation, and the increase will compensate for them.

How to make a continuous sheathing correctly

A continuous sheathing for ondulin, strictly speaking, is often not continuous. You can fasten the sheathing elements not end-to-end, but at a short distance, about 2-5 cm - for strength finished design This will not affect it, but it will give you the opportunity to save a little on materials.

To maximize savings, the sheathing must be made from unedged planks. A prerequisite is that there should be no wane on the plank, which always interferes with the installation of the sheathing under the bitumen slate. When using planks, it is recommended to lay the elements so that their directions alternate.

Selection of materials for lathing

Lathing for ondulin with your own hands is most often arranged using coniferous species wood This is due to the fact that pine lumber contains a large amount of resin - and this extends the life of the wood, preventing its premature rotting. Besides, coniferous materials are of low cost.

To arrange the base under ondulin, they are usually used edged boards or bars with a section of 50x40, 50x50 or 50x60 mm. All boards must meet certain standards: the thickness of the product cannot be less than 25 mm, and the width - from 100 to 150 mm.

Use materials different thicknesses extremely undesirable - bitumen slate at the joints of the boards will deteriorate much faster than when using identical products. The sheathing must be level so that the roof covering does not deform.

Before making a lattice for ondulin, you need to check all lumber for various defects. If the boards are damaged, then, of course, they cannot be used - this will reduce the reliability and durability of the roof. Good products must be soaked before installation protective compounds, which will prevent their combustion and biological destruction.

Do-it-yourself technology for installing sheathing under ondulin

Installation of the sheathing is carried out after the waterproofing and counter battens have been laid. First of all, you need to do eaves overhangs, and the thickness of the cornice boards should exceed the thickness of the sheathing. The second sheathing board should be installed at a distance of about 300 mm from the eaves, and they should be parallel. All other sheathing elements are installed in accordance with the project.

The elements are fastened using nails or self-tapping screws, and the choice of materials is carried out as follows:

  • If the rafters are installed at the same level, then nails can be used to fix the sheathing;
  • In the event that the rafters are located on different heights, then to align the sheathing elements it is better to choose self-tapping screws.

When installation is completed, it is necessary to check the alignment of the sheathing. The technology of this process is very simple: using a cord, both diagonals of the slope are measured, and if they do not correspond to each other, then the structure will have to be redone. After checking the sheathing, all that remains is to install the wind and ridge boards.


Reliable sheathing is required element any roof, allowing for high-quality installation of roofing. A well-designed and assembled sheathing for ondulin will allow this coating to fully realize its advantages.