Treating trees against pests and diseases in the spring. Spring cultivation of the garden before buds open

Treating trees against pests and diseases in the spring.  Spring cultivation of the garden before buds open
Treating trees against pests and diseases in the spring. Spring cultivation of the garden before buds open

- weeding the garden. Despite the fact that many recommend using this option, it is worth noting that it is quite complex. And all because weeding does not guarantee complete removal of weeds - perennials have the ability to germinate even from a small piece of root. In addition, weeding the garden is very hard labour, which takes a lot of time.

There is another option - mulching the ground around plants and crops. To do this, we cover the ground with dark soil, which prevents crops from growing and developing. However, recently, many summer residents have begun to use another means to remove weeds - herbicides. These are solutions that are applied to the surface of the weeds and kill them.

Undoubtedly, herbicides are an excellent remedy against weeds, but to get results you need to familiarize yourself with how to use them correctly. And now we will look at what herbicides are and how to use them to kill weeds.

Herbicides for weeds - what types are there?

Weed killers in the garden at the dacha chemical composition are divided into:

  • Organic;
  • Inorganic.

Based on their effects, they are divided into:

    • Selective effects that can destroy certain types of weeds ( Lapis lazuli, Lontrel-300);
    • General (continuous) impact that destroys absolutely all plants ( Arsenal, Tornado).

On sale you can find complex fertilizers that contain herbicides - it is advisable to use such preparations for treating lawns.

Weed killer: rules for using herbicides

  • Consider the type of harmful grass, time of application and dose of the drug;
  • When choosing a weed killer, check the label for the active (main) ingredient, since many products with identical compositions have different names;
  • For quick absorption, it is necessary to water the beds in advance.;
  • It is better to treat young weeds, since such work will be much more effective;
  • Do not use herbicides if the nighttime temperature drops below -5 °C
  • Herbicides are diluted only in clean water.

Treating garden soil against weeds: traditional methods

But do not forget that herbicides are chemicals, which means they remain toxic to the environment, posing a danger to bees and beneficial insects, pets.

As an alternative, you can prepare the solution yourself - this will require a little time and simple means at hand. There are several options for home panacea.

  1. Making a spray. To do this, mix 400 ml of white vinegar in a container, three spoons lemon juice, as well as 30-40 ml of alcohol and two tablespoons of regular detergent. After this, pour the prepared mixture into a plastic bottle with a sprayer and treat the soil. The main thing is to try not to let the prepared mixture fall on useful plants and culture.
  2. Can be used regular salt. The only note is that it can only be used where you do not plan to plant anything in the next few years. Salt has the ability to destroy weeds, while being absorbed into the ground, preventing any plants from growing.

Carrying out partial and full special processing, sanitary treatment of personnel

1. Carrying out partial and complete special processing

1.1. Partial special processing

Partial CO is organized at the direction of unit commanders (battalion, company) when the enemy uses weapons of mass destruction and is carried out directly in areas of infection without stopping the performance of combat missions in order to:
- reducing losses and preventing secondary injuries to personnel of OV, RV or BS;
- creating the possibility of conducting combat operations without insulating skin PPE;
- provision safe reception means of emergency prevention;
- ensuring the entry of personnel into manned compartments of weapons and military equipment and closed-type fortifications (dugouts, shelters).

Partial CO is most effective when carried out in the shortest possible time.

It consists of:
- in the neutralization (degassing or removal) of chemical agents in open areas of the body, individual areas of uniforms and personal protective equipment, as well as on the surface small arms using individual anti-chemical and decontamination packages, as well as in the decontamination of individual areas of the surface of an weapons and military equipment facility with which personnel come into contact when performing a combat mission;
- in removing radioactive substances (decontamination) from open areas of the body, uniforms, personal protective equipment and small arms by washing, wiping or shaking out;
- in the neutralization (disinfection) of BS on open areas of the body by wiping or irrigating with a disinfectant solution (in the absence of a solution - by washing clean water with soap), and before taking emergency preventive measures - in additional disinfection of an individual first aid kit, a flask with water, hands, gloves, and the front part of a gas mask.

To conduct partial assessment of personnel and military facilities, units have and can use the following technical means:
- individual anti-chemical packages (IPP-8, IPP-8a, IPP-10 or IPP-11) - for decontamination of open areas of the human body, adjacent areas of uniform and the front part of the gas mask;
- group degassing kit (IDP-S, IDPS-69), including 10 individual degassing packages (IDP, IDP-1) - for degassing small arms and 10 silica gel degassing packages (DPS, DPS-1) - for degassing uniforms;
- degassing powder package (DPP-M) - for degassing uniforms and equipment;
- on-board kits: tank degassing kit (TDP), autonomous on-board unit (ABP), on-board special treatment kit (BKSO), vehicle kit for special treatment military equipment(DK-4), individual kit for motor vehicle equipment (IDK-1) - for degassing weapons and military equipment.

In addition, the units of the branches of the Ground Forces have the following technical means of communication:
- set of SO equipment and sanitization personnel (DK-5) - for decontamination of weapons and military equipment facilities, as well as sanitary treatment of personnel of the Airborne Forces (Airborne Forces);
- special degassing kits (DK-1 and DK3) - for degassing rocketry and ground equipment using washing-neutralization machines, fuel tankers, water-oil tankers and mechanized tank trucks. The DK3 degassing kit can also be used for sanitary treatment of personnel.

When organizing and conducting partial SO, unit commanders must be guided by the following principles.

Partial CO should be carried out:
- personnel - as early as possible after infection and not to the detriment of the combat mission;
- weapons and military equipment facilities - in strict sequence and taking into account their significance (importance and necessity) on the battlefield, without disturbing the combat formations of troops, with high quality, while maximizing the combat effectiveness of the unit.

In this case, unit commanders must take into account:
- the importance of the combat mission being performed;
- availability of time to conduct assessment;
- the degree of concealment of equipment and protection of personnel, as well as the danger of infections affecting the combat effectiveness of the unit as a whole;
- the length of possible time for personnel to stay in PPE and their debilitating effect on the physical condition of military personnel, as well as a decrease in the combat effectiveness of the unit as a whole;
- availability in the department of standard on-board TSSO and the necessary solutions (formulations).

When hitting open areas aerosols or drops of chemical agents (Vi-Ex, soman, mustard gas) on the skin of the human body must be immediately (within 1-2 minutes) degassed using an individual anti-chemical package IPP-8 (IPP-8a, IPP-10), otherwise In this case, later treatment (within 3-5 minutes after infection) does not completely prevent the lesion, but only reduces its severity. At the same time, the neutralization of chemical agents on the front part of the gas mask and, especially, on the uniform is a mandatory measure at a later date.

The use of the IPP-10 package, the formulation of which, when applied to the skin in advance, provides preventive protection of skin-resorptive lesions of personnel infected with droplet-liquid agents of the Vi-Ex type, soman and mustard gas, for a period of from several minutes to several hours, respectively.

It should be borne in mind that the degassing formulations of all modifications of individual anti-chemical packages do not have decontaminating and disinfecting properties.

If radioactive substances come into contact with open areas of the body, they are decontaminated by washing with clean water and soap.

Disinfection of open areas of the body, as well as the front part of a gas mask, gloves, the outer surfaces of an individual first aid kit and a flask for the safe administration of emergency prophylaxis means, should be carried out by wiping twice with one of the disinfecting solutions.

If aerosols and droplets of persistent chemical agents contaminate the uniform of a combined arms integrated protective suit and shoes, unit commanders must organize decontamination on time.

It should be taken into account that decontamination of uniforms using individual means of CO should be carried out in a gas mask and protective gloves and within the first hour after infection. Particular attention is paid to degassing areas of uniform adjacent directly to the body (collars, sleeve cuffs).

Uniforms contaminated with soman vapors must be degassed using powder formulations of the DPS-1 degassing package or the DPP-M degassing package; contaminated with an OM aerosol - DPP-M package for the purpose of being able to remove a gas mask and enter the habitable compartments of weapons and military equipment facilities or closed fortifications.

When cotton uniforms are contaminated with radioactive substances, their decontamination is carried out by shaking out (knocking out), which makes it possible to reduce contamination with radioactive substances by 2-20 times.

Partial assessment of small arms (machine guns, machine guns, grenade launchers) is carried out after processing the uniform and includes its degassing and decontamination.

Partial decontamination of small arms is carried out using an individual decontamination package IDP-1. In this case, about half of the recipe is spent on thoroughly processing the canvas belt (until it is completely wet), with which the personnel will constantly be in contact with unprotected hands.

Pistols and ammunition stored in leather holsters and canvas bags, respectively, are usually not exposed to contamination and do not require CO. However, holsters and canvas bags must be decontaminated using IDP-1 packages or other standard CO means.

Partial decontamination of small arms is carried out with an aqueous solution of SF-2U powder by wiping with damp swabs (rags).

Partial assessment of weapons and military equipment facilities is carried out by their crews (crews) using standard on-board kits or improvised means.

In this case, partial degassing of armored vehicles is carried out using TDP tank degassing kits when the crew (crew) is forced to leave.

Partial decontamination of automotive vehicles is carried out using standard on-board kits such as ABP, DK-4, BKSO, IDK-1 or DK-5 (depending on the type of base chassis), as a rule, directly in contamination zones.

Partial degassing of PPE is carried out last and includes treatment of the front part of the gas mask and individual areas of insulating type skin protective equipment (OZK, L-1) using IPP.

Partial decontamination of these types of PPE contaminated with radioactive substances is carried out with aqueous solutions of SF-2U powder by washing or wiping them with a moistened rag.

IN winter conditions Insulating skin PPE can be treated by wiping with uncontaminated snow.

1.2. Full special treatment

Full operational assessment of military installations is organized by the headquarters of formations (units) based on the commander’s decision to conduct it, as a rule, after completing combat missions and leaving the units (units) from combat to the second echelon or reserve.

The headquarters of the formation (unit) organizes the conduct of a complete investigation in subordinate units (units) together with the head of the division (regiment) NBC protection service, as a rule, as part of a battalion (division). The order to conduct a full assessment specifies:
- areas (areas of terrain) for the deployment of military PuSO forces and means of battalions (divisions);
- scope of work and sequence of full assessment;
- deadlines for implementation of JI activities;
- the need to replace contaminated uniforms and carry out complete sanitary treatment of personnel;
- procedure for coordinating activities officials formations (units) in the interests of providing CO troops.

A complete assessment of units (units) that have been infected is carried out in military training units deployed on their own with the aim of ensuring that personnel are able to operate without PPE.

The deployment of military PuSOs, as a rule, is carried out on the routes of troop movement from areas of infection or before they enter newly designated concentration areas.

Military PuSOs are deployed in uncontaminated areas with natural shelters and near open sources of water. Optional equipment No military training is carried out.

A full CO on military PuSO is carried out by personnel means of the CO and includes:
- complete decontamination, decontamination or disinfection of weapons and military equipment, small arms and personal protective equipment;
- replacement of contaminated uniforms;
- complete sanitization of personnel.

A complete investigation of contaminated weapons and military equipment facilities of tank and motorized rifle (infantry fighting vehicles) units equipped with on-board TDP kits, as well as units with large-sized equipment, is carried out by the forces and means of the NBC protection troops in the Russian North Ossetia, which, as a rule, are deployed in advance on troop movement routes.

2. Carrying out sanitary treatment of personnel

Sanitation involves the removal of radioactive substances, the neutralization or removal of toxic substances, toxic substances and bacterial agents. Depending on the conditions and time, sanitary treatment can be partial or complete.

Partial sanitary treatment is carried out independently by each person or in the form of mutual assistance at the source of infection (infection) or immediately after leaving them.

Partial sanitary treatment consists of removing radioactive substances, neutralizing or removing chemical agents, pathogenic microbes and their toxins that have come into contact with exposed skin, clothing, shoes and products. personal protection.

If personnel of radioactive formations are infected, partial treatment is carried out within the first hour after infection directly in the radioactive contamination zone and is repeated after leaving the contamination zone. If the contamination is caused by a secondary dust generator, for example during rescue work in the affected area, then even then the earliest possible partial sanitary treatment of the uninfected area (territory) is necessary. If formation personnel are infected with droplet-liquid agents, partial sanitization must be carried out immediately (no later than 10-15 minutes from the moment of infection).

When infected with BS, it is advisable to carry out partial treatment immediately. The order to carry out partial sanitary treatment is given by the head of the civil defense of the facility; its direct supervision is carried out by the commanders of the formations.

Procedure for partial sanitization
a) When infected with RV.

First, partial decontamination of clothing, shoes, and personal protective equipment is carried out, for which the clothes are removed and shaken out. Shoes are wiped with a damp cloth, snow or swept with a broom. Next, remove the gas mask bag and shake it out, withdrawn funds personal protective equipment is wiped with a rag moistened with water or a decontaminating solution. Only after this the gas mask and gloves (respirator or cotton-gauze bandage) are removed.

The front part and filter-absorbing box of the gas mask are wiped with a dry cloth and placed in a gas mask bag (the respirator is knocked out, and the cotton-gauze bandages are destroyed). Next, partial sanitization of exposed areas of the body is carried out.

The sequence of sanitization if the personnel of the formations is wearing a gas mask (respirator).
- shake off (sweep, knock out) clothes and gas mask bag.
- wipe or wipe equipment and shoes with a rag dampened with water.
- wash the exposed areas of the arms, neck, and then the front part of the gas mask with clean water, for example, from a flask (mug).
- remove the gas mask and thoroughly wash your face, neck and hands with clean water.
- rinse your mouth and throat with water from the flask (mug), without touching the neck of the flask or the edges of the mug with your lips.
- formation and report of the flight (group) commander on the completion of processing.

If personnel are wearing skin protection.

At the command “Proceed with partial sanitization,” the personnel of the formations:
- wipes equipment, personal protective equipment, shoes and a gas mask with a decontaminating solution (water);
- collects and buries used rags;

Removes skin protection products in the prescribed sequence:
- unfastens the tails of the OP-1 raincoat;
- lower and middle straps of protective stockings;
- takes off his coat and gloves;
- takes 10 steps forward, turns around, with his back to the wind;
- unties the straps of the stockings and unfastens the top strap of the protective stockings, removes the protective stockings and the gas mask.
- thoroughly washes hands, neck and face with clean water;
- rinses your mouth and throat with clean water;
- construction and report on the completion of special processing.

The means of partial sanitization in case of RV infection are any container with water (decontamination solution), rags (tampons), brooms, brushes, and punches.

If there is a lack of water, treatment of open skin and the front part of the gas mask is carried out by wiping them with a damp towel, swabs or a handkerchief, and wiping is carried out in one direction.

In winter, uniforms, equipment and shoes can be treated by wiping them with uncontaminated snow.

b) When infected with OV.

The standard means of partial sanitization is the individual anti-chemical package IPP-8 (IPP-10 or others)

If personnel are infected with droplet-liquid agents, it is necessary, without removing the gas mask, to immediately treat exposed skin, contaminated areas of clothing, shoes, the front part of the gas mask and equipment using IPP-8 (IPP-10 or others).

The procedure for using IPP-8 (IPP-10 or others) depends on the time of putting on the gas mask.

For example, with a gas mask put on in advance, the procedure for using IPP-8 is as follows: open the package, generously moisten the swab with the recipe and wipe the skin of the neck and hands, moisten the swab again, wipe the collar of the jacket (coat), sleeve cuffs (grab the outer and inner surface tissue), the outer surface of the front part of the gas mask, use a dry swab to remove excess formulation from the skin of the neck and arms, close and remove the bottle.

The procedure for using IPP-9 is as follows: remove the lid of the package and put it on this part body, press the punch all the way in, turn the bag over with the tampon (fungus) down and shake sharply 2-3 times until the tampon is moistened; wipe the neck, hands, collar, cuffs, outer surface of the front side of the gas mask with a swab, dry the skin of the neck and arms with a dry cloth, pull the punch up until it stops; close the housing with the lid and remove the bag.

The procedure for using packages in case of sudden application in an openly located composition.
- put on a gas mask and a cape-like raincoat (take shelter in a structure);
- immediately open the package and pour the recipe (squeeze from the tampon (fungus) into your right hand;
- hold your breath, close your eyes, and use your left hand to grab the valve box to remove the front part from your chin;
- right hand quickly wipe the skin of the face under a gas mask, especially the areas adjacent to the nose, mouth, chin and the inner surface of the face (the eyelids should be tightly closed during the entire time of treatment of the face);
- use a dry swab (napkin) to remove excess formulation (start from the skin of the eye area), put on the front part and exhale sharply, open your eyes;
- wipe the neck, arms, collar, cuff, outer surface of the front part. When the first signs of damage appear, administer the antidote from the personal first aid kit (AI-2).

If the personnel were wearing skin protective equipment, degassing of equipment and coca protective equipment is carried out using degassing solutions (1-1.5% DTS-GK solution or degassing solutions No. 1 and No. 2bshch (ash) from IDK-1, DK- 4).

The infected side is irrigated 2-3 times. The consumption of DTS-GK solution per set is 3-5 l, degassing solution No. 1 and No. 2bshch (ash) - 1-1.5 l. Processing time for 4-6 people - 10-20 minutes. Collect used tampons and burn them.

Remove skin protective equipment in the established sequence, except for the gas mask, and move 10 steps away in a non-windy direction. Using PPI, the front part of the gas mask, neck, hands are treated, and the gas mask is removed.

c) In case of infection with bacterial agents (BS), it is necessary:
- without removing the gas mask, thoroughly sweep or brush off with brooms your clothes, shoes, equipment and gas mask bag,
- if the situation allows, equipment and clothing are removed, clothing is shaken out, and the equipment is thoroughly wiped with improvised means using disinfectant solutions. After putting on outer clothing and equipment, wipe your neck, hands, front part of the gas mask, and filter-absorbing box with the IPP solution. When processing in contaminated areas, outerwear cannot be removed. If BS is used in a liquid state (form), then you must first remove visible drops from open areas of the skin, and then treat with IPP-8 (IPP-10 or others).

d) In case of simultaneous infection of personnel with RV, OV, BS.

Partial special treatment begins with the neutralization of chemical agents that have come into contact with the skin and clothing, and then the actions required for infection with radioactive substances and BS are carried out.

Under no circumstances should solvents (DCA, gasoline, kerosene, alcohol) be used for partial sanitization of the skin, as this may aggravate the severity of the lesion (the agents dissolve in the solvent) and are distributed over large area and penetrate the skin much more easily. Partial sanitary treatment does not provide a reliable guarantee against damage from radioactive substances, agents, and BS. Therefore, as soon as the situation allows, complete sanitization is carried out.

Full sanitization is carried out in all cases of infection of military personnel and the population with bacterial agents. The personnel of the formations and the population located in the area affected by the BS are subject to treatment, regardless of whether protective equipment was used or whether partial sanitization was carried out.

Complete sanitization in this case consists of disinfecting exposed areas of the body with disinfectant solutions, followed by washing people warm water with soap and a change of underwear. Along with washing, clothes and shoes must be disinfected or replaced.

When infected with radioactive substances, personnel are subjected to full sanitary treatment (PST) if, after partial sanitary treatment (PST), contamination of the skin and clothing remains above acceptable standards. Treatment of military personnel and the population should be carried out, if possible, no later than 3-5 hours from the moment of infection. Carrying it out after 10-12 hours after infection is practically ineffective. Clothing must be replaced if, after shaking it out and knocking it out, residual radioactive contamination is higher than permissible levels,

If personnel of formations and the population are infected with droplet-liquid agents and their aerosols, it is necessary to immediately treat them with a PPI. open spaces(areas) of the skin and adjacent areas of clothing.

Subsequent washing with warm water and soap will not protect against chemical damage, and there is no need for it. Contaminated clothing should be replaced as soon as possible.

Full sanitary treatment is carried out in stationary sanitary points, baths, shower pavilions, sanitary checkpoints or Pu60 with used, mobile vehicles such as DDA-53A, (B), DDA-2 or DDA-60, DDA (disinfection-shower vehicle). Persons subject to sanitary treatment, before entering the locker room, remove personal protective equipment on the site. In the dressing room, remove clothes and a gas mask (if they are contaminated with chemical agents or BS, the gas mask is removed in the washing department). Documents and valuables are surrendered. When people are infected with RV, there should be dosimetrists in the dressing room, and one should be placed at the exit from the washing room.

The duration of complete sanitization is no more than 35 minutes. When people are infected with BS, before entering the dressing room, their clothes are irrigated with a 0.5% solution of chloramine (dichloramine). Soap consumption for complete sanitization is 30 g, water - 30-35 liters heated to 38-40°C. In the dressing department, those who have undergone sanitary treatment receive clean linen, clothes, shoes (their own disinfected ones or from the exchange fund), as well as submitted documents and valuables.

Complete sanitization of military personnel and the population is carried out at sanitary washing points (SOP).

Sanitary washing stations are deployed as independent facilities or as part of special treatment points. SOPs can be permanent or temporary (field).

Stationary SOPs are created on the basis of public utility facilities (baths, bath-laundry plants, sanitary checkpoints, etc.), shower departments at production workshops, sports facilities, livestock complexes and farms.

Field sanitary and washing points are organized using mobile equipment (disinfection showers and shower units of the DDA-53, DDA-66, DDP, DDA-2, KSNV-3, PDU, etc.), sanitary checkpoints on ships, sanitary checkpoint cars, bath and laundry trains. SOP for deployment in field conditions provided with medical tents (USB - 1 pc. and UST - 2 pcs.).

Count on high yield This is only possible if you care for the garden properly. Therefore, owners who are aware of this treat the garden annually. The success of this event depends on the quality of its implementation in spring period. After all, it is at this moment that it is decided whether the plantings will be well protected from pests and diseases.

When spring warmth begins to be felt in the air, many people have a desire to be closer to nature. At these moments, the soul wants to enjoy the variety of colors that various plantings in our summer cottages give us. And to bring this moment closer, gardeners are trying to more thoroughly prepare the garden before fruiting begins.

To determine the scope of upcoming work, first of all need to see the garden. Based on its results, it will be clear what you will have to do. After a long and cold winter, there are sure to be many damaged branches that must be removed. However, the spring treatment of the garden is not limited to this, because it also includes a lot of other important measures that are designed to protect the plants from pests and diseases.

Why and when is the best time to treat the garden?

To reduce the harm that diseases and pests can cause, many gardeners use chemical and organic methods to combat them. However, the final result largely depends on the experience of the gardener. This in turn determines what the harvest will be like at the end of the season. The effectiveness of all planned work can only be improved if it is carried out at the right time. Therefore, as soon as the last cold weather passes and fruit ovaries begin to form on the trees, you need to immediately begin work.

Stages of garden processing in spring

If you trust the experience of experienced summer residents, then it is better to treat the garden before 10 o'clock or after sunset- after about 6 hours. This choice is not accidental, since it is during these hours that the sun’s activity is minimal, and therefore the risk of leaves being burned is extremely low. As part of spring garden processing, the following main stages can be distinguished:

  • in early spring;
  • before buds open;
  • before and after flowering;
  • during the formation of ovaries.

Spraying the garden in early spring

One of the traditional garden processing activities is whitewashing tree trunks. However, it is better to carry it out before the cold weather. Therefore, it is recommended to plan it in the fall. As a result of this operation you can protect trees from damage by rodents, therefore, the remaining intact bark will not crack as a result of exposure to frosty winds. In the spring you will only need to examine it to understand whether it survived the winter well, and correct it if the need arises.

The first treatment of the garden must be carried out in early March, before the buds begin to bloom. After waiting for the snow to melt, you can prepare the plantings for processing. To do this, tidy up the area summer cottage, remove insulation from protected trunks, as well as branches that have not survived the winter. After this, spring treatment is carried out to protect trees and shrubs from insects.

On initial stage It is necessary to inspect the tree trunks and remove any fungi found from the surface. After that on the bark apply lime mortar. The process of preparing it will look like this:

  • you need to take 2 kg of lime and mix it with 10 liters of water;
  • then into this mixture you need to add 1 kg of clay and 330-350 g of copper sulfate;
  • All components must be thoroughly mixed until smooth;
  • Now the solution is ready, it can be applied to the trunks and bases of branches.

As a result of such treatment, eggs and larvae of insects, which can often be found on the bark and cracks of the trunk, will be removed.

However, today gardeners have access to more modern and effective drugs. Although they are a little more expensive, they can be used to process trees much faster and with less labor, preventing insects from causing much harm to the plantings. Many of them contain a fungicide, which increase the plant's resistance to many diseases. They have similar properties the following means:

  • acrylic whitewash;
  • acrylic paints;
  • lime pastes containing copper sulfate.

Not only copper sulfate, but also diesel fuel can help protect trees and shrubs from pests. After processing the plantings, a protective oily film will appear on them, which can protect trees and shrubs from annoying insects. If insects try to lay larvae and eggs on trunks and branches, they will die under a ball of diesel fuel. In this case, all open flower stalks and blooming leaves will remain intact and unharmed.

Spring cultivation of the garden before buds open

Then comes the next stage - treatment fruit trees before the kidneys awaken. The main goal of these measures is to prevent insects that hatch from larvae, as well as pathogens of various diseases, from infecting trees and shrubs. The greatest damage to the garden can be caused by diseases such as scab, black cancer, coccomycosis, etc.

However, regardless of whether you intend to use copper sulfate or another modern drug, it is recommended to read the instructions for use before using it. The fact is that in stores there are preparations that are initially designed to treat only certain types of fruit trees. To ensure that such treatment meets your expectations, you can carry it out with a solution of insecticides and fungicides contact action. The effectiveness of this measure will increase many times over, as it will help not only rid the plantings of pests and diseases, but also prevent their occurrence in the future.

If you want to minimize the harm that your plantings will receive as a result of chemical treatment, you can use a safer mixture prepared based on herbs, tobacco and orange peel. The process of its preparation is as follows:

  • Take a 3 liter jar and fill it with 200 g of crushed tobacco;
  • then you need to put a handful of garlic peels and the same amount of onions, pine needles and orange peels;
  • after that, water heated to 70 degrees is poured into this mixture;
  • the jar needs to be hermetically sealed and a warm place must be found for it, where it should stand for a week;
  • when the time comes, the finished tincture should be diluted with warm water in an amount of 10 liters;
  • then the composition must be thoroughly mixed and 100 g of crushed tar soap added to it in small parts;
  • Now the product is ready and can be used to treat the garden. If necessary, it can be repeated after 10-12 days. However, this can only be done before flowering.

Garden treatment in spring before and during the flowering process

You can treat shrub trees until the buds begin to bloom. This will help not only prevent the codling moth caterpillars from harming them, but also reduce risk of scab and spotting. To prepare the solution, you can use Carbofox. To do this, take 70 g of the drug and dilute it in 10 liters of water. room temperature. However, if trees and shrubs have already begun to bloom, then such processing cannot be done.

Repeated treatment of fruit trees can be carried out after the flowering period has ended. It is necessary to reduce the likelihood of infection of trees and shrubs in the next season, as well as to increase the resistance of plantings to diseases.

Typically, the inflorescences bloom at the moment when mites appear, having successfully survived the winter. It can help you deal with them colloidal sulfur: to prepare the solution you need to take 80 grams of 70% of the drug and dilute it in 10 liters soapy water. It is very important that this treatment is carried out in a timely manner, otherwise all your crops will suffer as a result of the mite infestation.

Spring treatment of the garden from pests and diseases during the appearance of ovaries

When conducting final stage In spring processing, the main task that must be solved is to ensure the protection of the fruits of the new harvest from putrefactive diseases and pests that have managed to survive. However, it is first recommended to inspect the plantings to determine whether there are visible enemies on the trees and shrubs. After all, if you use chemicals, which have a strong effect, then in addition to killing insects, significant harm can also be caused to the ovaries.

As a preparation for spraying fruit trees, you can choose copper oxychloride, Bordeaux mixture, urea. It is also allowed to use combination drugs that have a universal scope of application. However, the treatment must be carried out at optimal air humidity. Otherwise, there is a possibility that the leaves will suffer serious burns after spraying.

Spring treatment does not involve a garden strict rules on its implementation. However there is important nuances, taking into account which you can most effectively perform this work.

Spraying order. If you want to completely destroy pests and diseases, then you should treat with a working solution, for example, copper sulfate, every part of trees and bushes. Usually this work begins with the crown, then moves to the branches, and finally the trunk and soil in the root zone are processed.

Time and conditions of work. It is best to do spring gardening early in the morning. It is advisable to choose a dry, windless day for this work, during which no precipitation is expected. In this case, after treatment, the solution can be immediately absorbed and will act quickly. As a result, you will be sure that the leaves and inflorescences will not be damaged.

Calculation of the amount of solution. The results of spring garden cultivation may vary. If it is important for you not only to destroy pests and diseases, but also not to harm trees and shrubs, then you need to correctly determine the application rate of the drug. You can find out if you look at the instructions for a specific product. Knowing this, it will be easy for you to understand exactly how much of certain chemicals you will need.

  • it takes approximately 1.5 liters of solution to treat one young tree;
  • for an adult – 5.5 liters.

Spraying bushes may require different amounts of solution - from 0.6 to 1.5 liters. You can more accurately say how much liquid is required by knowing the dimensions of the crown.


Experienced gardeners know how to get good harvest. To do this, they regularly cultivate the garden. Moreover, they begin to engage in this business in the spring. The importance of this event is difficult to overestimate, because it directly determines how well the trees and shrubs will be protected from pests and diseases. Knowing which preparations are best to use and when, even a novice summer resident can count on the fact that at the end of the season the garden will give him a lot of tasty and healthy fruits.

HOW and WHAT to process beer lines.

At first glance, everything is banally simple.

The main method is chemical treatment of beer lines. The main tendency is to pump in the chemical, pump out the chemical, rinse with water - and the job is done.

But this is a very superficial and unprofessional view of the problem.

Step one.

Firstly, you can’t do a chemical wash right away. Because the chemical will only wash away upper layer deposits, exhausting themselves and leaving the primary layer.

Therefore, to begin with, it is necessary to THOROUGHLY flush the system running water . Preferably warm. The water will wash away the top, fresh and loose layer, leaving the chemical to do the most difficult work.

By the way, sanitary rules Germany, Czech Republic, Belgium and Great Britain REQUIRE water rinsing daily at the end of each shift. And in Germany, besides, after the end of each keg.

Eat The “Four Pillars” of Successful Chemical Sanitation– temperature, concentration, time and the possibility of mechanical impact.

Temperature. The higher the temperature of a chemical solution, the greater its effect on environment. We remember this from school.

But there is one problem. A beer cooler is a heat exchanger that very significantly reduces the temperature, and, consequently, the degree of exposure to chemicals.

Concentration of chemicals.

Attention : There is one more thing to consider when washing with an alkali solution: the acid neutralizes the alkali. Thus, if during sanitation we use equipment as “ driving force» carbon dioxide from a standard cylinder, then the concentration of the cleaning solution must be selected higher.

However, we should not think that if we make a concentration of 30%, the processing efficiency will be higher.With increasing concentrationabove a certain value efficiency, on the contrary, starts to decline.And the chemical can be considered irrationally used.

In practice, the most effective concentration is 1%

Time (duration) of sanitization

Sanitation is divided into three stages - pre-wash, chemical wash and rinsing (washing off the chemical)

The first stage - pre-washing - is often skipped, which is unacceptable, since the quality of cleaning sharply decreases

Pre-wash time with clean running water (see p.How and with what to treat beer lines) is determined by legislation (as I wrote earlier - in Germany they wash with running water after finishing each keg), the frequency of washing and sales. Typically, pre-washing takes no more than 5 minutes.

The main, chemical washing is carried out by pumping a chemical into a line, partially pumping it through the system, holding it and draining the chemical.

After pumping the chemical, while the solution is kept in the lines, the solution supply source is turned off and the taps and filling heads are dismantled and washed. After they are installed in place, the chemical is drained, creating hydraulic shocks by opening and closing beer taps.

The average chemical treatment time is from 10 to 60 minutes. In general, application conditions depend on the type and volume of contamination, as well as sales factors, types of hoses and equipment installed.

The optimal operating time of the chemical is 20 minutes

Mechanical impact.There are several methods of mechanical cleaning - the well-known orange balls and special devices to create artificial flow turbulence

    Elastic, porous Balls.This is an excellent cleaning method.

And there are only two interesting moments that need to be taken into account:

    If the pipeline from the keg to the tap is different diameters, then the cleaning efficiency will sharply decrease. And the ball, shrinking after the next expansion, can “throw off” some of the previously purified yeast and bacteria from its body. And it’s not a fact that they will all come out. Moreover, if the pipeline has fitting connections, or (even worse) pipe-to-pipe connections (which some particularly “advanced” technicians do), then a piece may come off the ball. Uncontrolled foaming of the product will begin and you will have to disassemble the entire pipeline in search of foreign inclusions. Otherwise, the ball itself may get stuck if it is too narrow.That. for flushing with elastic porous balls, the pipeline must be laid in one line without fitting connections (only John Guest connections can be used) and the internal diameter of the pipeline must be the same along the entire length of the line.

    And the second - the ball can be used just one time . Otherwise, the process of bacterial growth after such washing may become uncontrollable.

Devices for creating artificial flow turbulence.

Low effect

Laminar flow - constant speed flow< 2 м/сек.

Good effect

Turbulent flow - flow of constant speed > 2 m/sec.

    In the center - maximum speed

    The speed along the walls is very low, mechanical cleaning is not effective

    High speed along the walls

    Effective mechanical cleaning

Special BUBBLECRAFT® devices are designed to provide this effect, which increase turbulence due to the formation of balloons in the flow of the washing solution. The effect is excellent. Only the cost of this wonderful device is more than 500 Euros.

Cleaning products



Nature of impact

Basic elements

Main chemicals on the Russian market


serve to soften and bleach organic contaminants (protein, fat, sugar, polysaccharides).


Sodium hydroxide

Potassium hydroxide

Lerades C-178

Ansep CIP

Divo SIP


Sodium (Potassium) Hypochlorite


Sodium hydroxide

Lerapur 283

Tarmo F-47


serve to remove mineral, inorganic deposits (lime, rust)

Washing and disinfection

Phosphoric acid

Nitric acid

Over acetic acid

Almost unclaimed on the Russian market


used for manual cleaning

Washing external parts of equipment


Basic chemicals, used in Russia – detergents and detergents-disinfectants.

It should be kept in mind that when using cleaning solutions "no chlorine smell"we are losing essential element impact on microorganisms – an element of disinfection.

In most cases only cleaning effect not enough for effective sanitation.

International practice advises using alkaline and acidic agents alternately (5:1). This does not cause “addiction” to one type of product and dramatically enhances the effect of washing.

Step three.

Cleaners and disinfectants are washed off from the surfaces being treated with drinking water.

The volume of water when rinsing is at least 3 volumes of the chemical used.

The date, time and nature of the product used for sanitization must be entered in the sanitization log, which must be located at each outlet that sells draft beer.

Herbicides are chemicals that are used to kill weeds. They are divided into two types: contact and system. Herbicide treatment of areas can be carried out in different time years, depending on the crops grown on them.

Many people ask the question: what herbicides are used on crops?

Ideal option in in this case are:

  • Fatrin.
  • Aquarin.
  • Aurorex.

Note. Their price is quite low, which makes them accessible to every summer resident and gardener. They are characterized by fairly low consumption and high efficiency.

Areas of application of herbicides


  • Chemicals can be used for foliar feeding.
  • Winter wheat is treated with herbicides to combat diseases.
  • With the help of herbicides, the maximum possible quality elimination various weeds.

Benefits of using a chemical

If you treat fields for annual dicotyledonous plants with pesticides before the first two leaves appear, then they will not grow in the fields until the end of the season.

Herbicides are characterized by high penetrating ability, which ensures high quality processing:

  • Majority chemical substances aimed at eliminating several hundred species of weeds.
  • Herbicide treatment is a fairly safe procedure if it is used in crop rotation.
  • Thanks to universal composition chemicals they have a positive effect on stimulating plant growth and increasing their productivity.
  • Herbicide treatment in the fall can be carried out to eliminate the possibility of weeds and plant diseases in spring time.
  • Also this type processing is widely used for winter crops. Treatment of the garden and vegetable garden in the spring with pesticides is carried out to combat garden pests and diseases.
  • The main active components of herbicides penetrate the weed several hours after the procedure.

Pesticides and biodiversity may last for different times

On average, the preparations are completely decomposed within a month after treatment. plant cultivated plants on treated areas it is possible within a few days after the procedure.

Treatment with herbicides, for which a contract must be drawn up, is a highly effective procedure that has a positive effect on the level of productivity.

Processing instructions

First of all, you need to know how the pesticide treatment time is determined:

  • Soil moisture. If the soil is moist enough, this leads to active growth and development of weeds.
  • That is why it is necessary to carry out treatment immediately.
  • If there is a need to carry out the procedure in dry weather, then it would be best to do it in the morning or evening.
  • If heavy dew is observed or rain is forecast, then treatment should not be carried out.
  • Otherwise it will be ineffective. This is because moisture will collect on plant leaves, which will dilute the concentration of herbicides and significantly reduce their effectiveness.
  • If there is a lot of dust on the leaves of the weed, they will not absorb the herbicide well. That is why the procedure must be performed after rains.

Note. To ensure the highest possible effect of the chemical on perennials after soil treatment, it is necessary to cultivate the area no earlier than a week later.

This time will be enough for the weed to die from the roots.

Precautionary measures

During the treatment of areas, it is necessary to adhere to the dosage as accurately as possible.

Note. If the herbicide concentration is insufficient, this will not lead to the death of the plant, but if it is excessive, there will be a risk of death of crops or garden crops.

The areas must be processed in accordance with the above rules. For getting additional information you can watch the video in this article.

Procedure technique

Spring-autumn processing

To prevent the development of weeds processing is carried out in spring. Also during this period, a procedure can be carried out to prepare the soil for planting a winter crop.

The main treatment of areas with herbicides should be carried out in the autumn:

  • In early spring, after the appearance of weeds, it is also necessary to treat the soil.
  • Soybeans, cabbage, beets, flax, sunflower, and corn should be planted 3-4 days after spraying.
  • If other crops are planted on the site, treatment can be carried out immediately after planting.
  • Handling pesticides and agrochemicals should be as careful as possible.
  • In this case, an overdose of chemicals is not allowed.

When weeds appear before the main crop emerges, it is necessary to use herbicides that have a selective basis.

Post-harvest treatment

After harvesting, it is necessary to remove straw, tops and other plant debris from the area. After spraying, the area must be left. Further processing is allowed only after a week.

Treatment of an abandoned site

To eliminate weeds in abandoned areas, it is necessary to treat them in autumn period. The weeds are first crushed. They must be evenly scattered throughout the area.

The second preparation option is plowing the soil. In the autumn, treatment is carried out twice: after preparation and after weed germination.

Cultivation of land fallow

Fallow land also needs to be weeded. They are processed in summer period. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the height of the weeds is no more than ten centimeters. If the site is dominated by annual weeds, then it is necessary to cultivate the soil.

Processing the vineyard and garden

Before carrying out the procedure, it is necessary to trim the branches that spread along the ground:

  • The drug has a negative effect on horticultural crops and grapes, so there is no need to process in windy weather.
  • Spraying areas can be done manually or using special equipment. After contact of herbicides with weeds, they die. Many people ask: do you need to remove wood lice after treating it with pesticides? After death, it is necessary to remove not only woodlice from the site, but also all other weeds.

If the procedure for treating a plot with herbicides is carried out correctly and at the right time, this will have a positive effect on the growth and development of the main crops.

Types of herbicide treatments


This is a fairly rare method of applying herbicides. This is due to the insufficient effectiveness of the drugs during such treatment. Most often, pollination is carried out using calcium cynamide.

Application of drugs in granules

This method is progressive, as it eliminates weeds quite effectively and is safe for the main plants. Granular herbicides are characterized by a gradual transition to an active state.

Spraying, which can be conventional or fine spraying Agriculture and small personal plots, large plantations are in most cases treated using conventional spraying:

  • It is carried out using suspensions, emulsions and undiluted liquid preparations.
  • With the help of fine spraying, grain processing is carried out by agricultural producers.
  • If necessary to process large areas flax in agriculture, then large-droplet spraying is used.
  • Treating areas with herbicides is a fairly important procedure, since it helps eliminate weeds.
  • Also, thanks to chemicals, the highest quality control of diseases and pests of the main plants is carried out.

Treatment of areas can be carried out in various ways, the choice of which depends on the capabilities of the person. Handling agrochemicals and pesticides should be as careful as possible so as not to harm not only the main plant, but also human health. That is why during the event it is necessary to adhere to the rules.