Scientific article on linguistics in English. List of inexpensive and free vac magazines

Scientific article on linguistics in English. List of inexpensive and free vac magazines

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Philology - the science of culture

Philology– a word translated from Greek as “love of the word” – used in modern science to denote two humanities: linguistics and literary criticism. They are united by one subject of study - the Word. In fact, philology studies the history and essence of the spiritual culture of mankind through linguistic and stylistic analysis of written texts. Averintsev S.S. said: “The text in the totality of its internal aspects and external connections is the original reality of philology.” Truly, philology is far from being one science, but a combination of them, and, as was said earlier, the subject of the study of philology is culture of the people, expressed in language and literary creativity. The importance of philology as a science V modern world, striving for globalization, when the boundaries between cultures and languages ​​of peoples are erased, has increased many times. The only way to preserve the originality of the language and culture that underlies the national self-awareness of the people is to turn to the language code generated over the centuries, expressed in its main component - the Word.

Philological journal “Language. Literature. Culture" – periodical peer-reviewed scientific publication

Scientific journal about problems and issues of modern philology

International scientific philological journal “Language. Literature. Culture" offers its readers and authors an extensive field for stating the results of research conducted in various areas of philological knowledge. Phonetics, grammar, syntax, phraseology, lexicology, lexicography, semasiology, onomastics, morphology, word formation, spelling, punctuation, stylistics, speech culture, etc. - all these special branches of linguistics form the basis scientific articles our authors. Linguists involved in psycholinguistics, applied and cognitive linguistics send their scientific manuscripts for publication. Archive of the philological journal- This is a treasure trove of interesting linguistic material. The entire world culture is reflected on the pages of the international scientific publication “Language. Literature. Culture".

Thematic issues of the journal on philology

The editors of the philological journal regularly prepare new themed rooms. You can participate in the next thematic issues of the magazine “Language. Literature. Culture". Information about the upcoming issue is always available on the official website of the publisher. You can familiarize yourself with already published thematic issues in the Archive of the Philological Journal.

Scientific publications for candidates and doctors of philological sciences, teachers of philological disciplines and students

We invite you to publish a scientific article on philology in the next issue of the journal “Language. Literature. Culture"

We invite philologists, linguists, linguists, literary scholars and other researchers of philological issues to become authors of our journal and publish your article on philology in the next issue. Fill out the order form and send your scientific article for internal review to the editors of the journal “Language. Literature. Culture".

Urgent publication of a scientific article on philology

If you need urgent publication on philology, your application must also be duplicated by telephone call. The publishing house "ANALYTICS RODIS" always meets halfway requirements for its clients and, as a rule, questions about the urgent publication of a scientific article are resolved promptly. In special cases, an article can be included in the issue already at the layout stage - we are always ready for cooperation and communication, call or write to us, and we will definitely find a way out of any situation together.

Assistance in obtaining an external review of an article on philology and other publishing services

In addition to assistance in organizing the urgent publication of a scientific article on philology, the editors of the journal help their clients at the stage of preparing the article for publication. The main difficulties facing an author editing his scientific manuscript are related to design of the article, which must be carried out according to international rules and requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation. With scientific text in the editorial office of the journal “Language. Literature. Culture”, in addition to the editors themselves, there are proofreaders and artists responsible for the illustrative material. The publishing house's translators ensure that the required blocks of text that must be presented in English have a certain volume and are written in competent scientific English. Formatting the English part of the article in accordance with international rules– a very important point that affects not only the prestige of a scientific publication, but also the professional status of the author of the article. To an article on philology submitted for publication in the journal “Language. Literature. Culture", an external review signed by a candidate or doctor of philological sciences must be attached. But by prior agreement an external review of the article can be prepared by the publishing house. Once again we urge you to cooperate closely and jointly solve emerging difficulties. For its part, the publishing house “ANALYTICS RODIS”, as an additional guarantee of providing the above services in full, can sign an Agreement at the request of the client. Also, if necessary, the author of a philological article accepted in a specific issue of the journal “Language. Literature. Culture”, a corresponding certificate is issued.

ISSN 2218-1393
Published since 2009.
Founder and publisher - Institution of the Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Linguistics RAS
The collection is published once a year.

The collection is registered as an electronic periodical in Federal service for supervision in the field of communications, information technology and mass communications (El No. FS77 - 38168 dated November 23, 2009), as well as as an electronic scientific publication in the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Scientific and Technical Center "Informregister" (state registration number 0421100134, registration certificate No. 408 dated October 14, 2010 of the year).

Editorial team:

To the authors of the collection

The Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences plans to publish in 2019 Oeleventh issue periodical collection of articles of the Institute of Linguistics « » . The collection is included in the Russian index scientific citation(RSCI). The executive secretary of the collection is Ph.D., senior researcher. ; E-mail address: [email protected](When sending a letter, be sure to indicate in the subject line: Collection of KYL).

Articles are accepted until March 30, 2019 Graduate students must submit a review of their scientific supervisor. In addition, a recommendation from a doctor of science in the relevant specialty is desirable.

Materials are sent to the editor in the form of a file (its marking must contain the full name of the author and the title of the article) on electronic media or by e-mail ( [email protected] , [email protected]), as well as in printed form. Printed original article, signed by the author, and original review of the article can be sent by mail or transferred directly to the editorial office at the address: Moscow, B. Kislovsky lane, 1, p. 1, addressed to the executive editor of the collection.

The article must contain required elements, without which its publication is impossible:

  • abstract in Russian and English ( up to 600 printed signs, 1 paragraph);
  • Key words in Russian and English ( 3 - 7 words);
  • list of sources used;
  • information about the author (authors): last name, first name, patronymic, academic degree, academic title, full and abbreviated name of the scientific or educational institution, contact telephone number and E-mail address author.

Requirements for the format of the provided material and a sample format for the article

  • computer typesetting in A4 format, document format - .doc (text editor Microsoft Word 2003; when using Word 2007, the author must save the text as a Word 97-2003 document);
  • font Times New Roman, 11-point;
  • if the article gives examples written in a script other than Cyrillic or Latin (alphabets and quasi-alphabetic scripts, syllabic scripts, hieroglyphics), the author submits to the editor electronic file font;
  • line spacing - 2.0;
  • margins: top and bottom - 2.5 cm; left and right - 3 cm;
  • text alignment - width;
  • Page numbering is not maintained;
  • paragraph indent - 1.25 cm;
  • hyphenation is automatic;
  • The quotation marks used are French (“herringbones”), when using quotation marks inside quotes, “paws” are used (example: “in famous work“Aspects of the Theory of Syntax” N. Chomsky writes that<…>"); The use of typewritten or programmer quotation marks ("") is not allowed;
  • language examples are printed in italics, the meanings of words and expressions are given in single, or Marrian, quotation marks (example: English. to give sb. a fright‘to scare someone’);
  • using a hyphen instead of a dash is not allowed (an em dash “—” can be obtained by simultaneously pressing the buttons Ctrl, Alt, Num- on the PC keyboard); In examples in German and English (especially when listing), an en dash “-” is recommended (simultaneously pressing Ctrl, Num-);
  • first line - full name author, place of work or study (bold 11-point font; aligned to the right, with new line the text is repeated in English);
  • the second line is the title of the article (bold font, font size 11; centered, separated from the previous line by one space; the text is repeated from the next line in English);
  • third line - heading " annotation» (bold, 11-point font; centered);
  • next - the text of the annotation on a new line, aligned in width (then repeated on a new line in English);
  • heading " Keywords» (bold font size 11, centered);
  • then - keywords on a new line, aligned in width (then repeated on a new line in English);
  • next - the text of the article (separated from keywords by two intervals);
  • further, if required - List of abbreviations(heading font - bold 11 point, centered);
  • further, if required - Sources, Text corpora and dictionaries(heading font: 11-point bold; center alignment); example: MiM - Bulgakov M.A. Master and Margarita;
  • Further - Literature(heading font: 11-point bold; center alignment);
  • at the end of the article are provided About the author(heading font: 11-point bold; center alignment).

The list of sources used should be included at the end of the article. References to cited works must be framed within the text in square brackets, indicating the serial number of the cited work in the list of references and the page number. The page number is indicated separated by commas, for example: or . When citing multiple sources, links to them are separated by semicolons, for example: .

The literature referenced in the text is presented in alphabetical order - first in Cyrillic script, then in Latin and, if required, in other writing systems. Works by one author are given in chronological order, starting with the earliest, indicating the following imprint:

  • for books - surname, initials of the author, full title of the book, city (indication of the publisher is also allowed) and year of publication, for example:

Apresyan Yu.D. Lexical semantics. M., 1995.

Lakoff J. Women, fire and dangerous things: What the categories of language tell us about thinking. M.: Gnosis, 2011.

  • for articles - the surname and initials of the author, the full title of the article, the name of the collection (book, newspaper, magazine, etc.), where the article was published, city (for books), year and number of the newspaper, magazine, for example:

Amosova N.N. On some typical constructions in the English language // Bulletin of Leningrad State University, No. 8, 1959.

Grigoriev A.A., Klenskaya M.S. Problems of quantitative analysis in comparative studies of associative fields. // Ufimtseva N.V. (responsible editor). Linguistic consciousness and the image of the world. Digest of articles. M., 2000.

Article bibliographic lists are drawn up in a unified format (GOST R 7.0.5-2008).

The manuscript must be carefully proofread and submitted without typos. Manuscripts submitted without meeting these requirements will not be considered. The following must be attached to the manuscript: a) information about the author (last name, first name, patronymic, academic degree, title, place of work, position, home address, post office code, office and home phone numbers, if available - email address); b) a floppy disk containing a file of copyright material written in text Word editor; fonts, if any, were used for Greek or other characters, indicating their names. The recommended length of the article manuscript is 40 pages, the summary is 0.5 pages.

Sample The design of the article can be viewed at .

Procedure for reviewing articles

  1. The author submits an article to the editor in accordance with the “Instructions for Authors” for submitting scientific articles for publication in the journal
  2. Scientific articles submitted for publication are accepted and registered executive Secretary collection.
  3. All manuscripts submitted to the journal are sent according to the scientific research profile for review by one of the members of the editorial board or an independent expert on the recommendation of a member of the Editorial Board.
  4. The reviewer reflects in the review the relevance and compliance of the article with the topic of the collection, the scientific level of the article, identified shortcomings and recommendations for making changes to the text of the article. If the review of an article indicates the need for correction, the article is sent to the author for revision. In this case, the date of receipt by the editor is considered to be the date of return of the revised article.
  5. Reviewers are notified that the manuscripts sent to them are the private property of the authors and are classified as confidential information. Reviewers are not permitted to make copies of articles for their own needs.
  6. Reviews are conducted confidentially. The author of the work under review is given the opportunity to familiarize himself with the text of the review if he disagrees with the reviewer’s conclusions.
  7. The editors inform the author by email of the results of the review.
  8. In case of disagreement with the reviewer's opinion, the author of the article has the right to provide a reasoned response to the editors of the journal. The article can be sent for re-review or for approval by the editorial board.
  9. The decision on the advisability of publication after review is made by the editor-in-chief, and, if necessary, by the editorial board as a whole.
Linguistics may be defined as the scientific study of language. This definition, unexceptionable as far as it goes, is one that will be found in a large number of textbooks and popular introductions to the subject. The term "linguistics" was first used in the middle of the nineteenth century; and there are many scholars currently engaged in research or teaching in the field of linguistics who would say that the subject itself is not much older than the term "linguistics". They would claim that earlier linguistic research (in Europe at least) was amateurish and unscientific. Now it is a matter of legitimate dispute just how far back one should go in tracing the history of what we would recognize today as "linguistics". We-.shall not go into this question here. But one point should be appreciated. The investigation of language, like the investigation of many other phenomena (including those that fall within the scope of what are commonly called the "physical" sciences), has been subject to various changes in the interpretation of the words "science" and "scientific" ", not only in the distant past, but also more recently.<...>
One topic that commonly finds a place in discussions of the status of linguistics as a science is its "autonomy", or independence of other disciplines. Linguists have tended to be somewhat insistent on the need for autonomy, because they have felt that, in the past, the study of language was usually subservient to and distorted by the standards of other studies such as logic, philosophy and literary criticism. For this reason the editors of Saussure's posthumous Cours de linguistique generate (the publication of which is often taken to mark the beginning of "modern linguistics") added to the text of the master its programmatic concluding sentence, to the effect that linguistics should study language "for its own sake" or "as an end in itself" (Saussure, 1916).
Whatever might be the precise meaning of the phrase "language as an end in itself, the principle of "autonomy", as it has been applied in linguistics over the last fifty years, has led to a more general conception of the nature and function of language than was possible in the earlier periods of linguistic scholarship. An equally, if not more, important consequence of the principle of "autonomy" is that it promoted the study of language as a formal system.<...>
Now that linguistics has established its credentials as a nature academic discipline with its own methodology and criteria of relevance (and one can reasonably claim that this is the case), there is no longer the same need to insist upon the principle of "autonomy". The last few years have seen an increased interest among philosophers, psychologists, anthropologists, literary critics and representatives of other disciplines in linguistic theory and methodology. Some scholars consider that the time may be ripe for the incorporation of the theory of language into a more embracing synthesis of science and philosophy.<...>
Synchronic and diachronic. Throughout the nineteenth century linguistic research, was very strongly historical in character. One of the principal aims of the subject was to group languages ​​into "families" (of which the Indo-European family is the best known) on the basis of their independent development from a common source. The description of particular languages ​​was made subsidiary to this general aim; and there was little interest in the study of the language of a given community without reference to historical considerations.
Saussure's distinction between the diachronic and the synchronic investigations of language is a distinction between these two opposing viewpoints. Diachronic (or historical) linguistics studies the development of languages ​​through time: for example, the way in which French and Italian have "evolved" from Latin. Synchronic linguistics (sometimes referred to rather inappropriately as "descriptive" linguistics) investigates the way people speak in a given speech community at a given point in time. It is now generally agreed that (due attention having been given to the definition of "speech community") the history of a language is in principle irrelevant to its synchronic description: but this fact was not generally appreciated by earlier linguists.
(From "New Horizons in Linguistics" edited by John Lyons)