Installation of a house made of timber: from foundation to painting. Technology for assembling a house from profiled timber: preparatory stage and work process House from timber assembly technology

Installation of a house made of timber: from foundation to painting.  Technology for assembling a house from profiled timber: preparatory stage and work process House from timber assembly technology
Installation of a house made of timber: from foundation to painting. Technology for assembling a house from profiled timber: preparatory stage and work process House from timber assembly technology

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Modern house made from profiled timber - this is very reliable structure with high performance characteristics. The naturalness of the material makes this option much more attractive than most others, and the possibility of realizing any plans will allow you to realize the most original ideas. In this review, we will look at what nuances should be taken into account during the assembly process and what criteria should be used when choosing a specific option.

Pros and cons of this option

First, let's figure out what advantages profiled timber has:

Environmental friendliness Wood – renewable natural material, which does not provide negative impact on human health and the environment. The property of the material to absorb moisture from the air and release it allows you to always maintain indoors optimal microclimate, therefore living in such a house has positive influence on the body
Budgeting Price of this material quite attractive, while the quality is much better than ordinary raw materials. Experts have calculated that the total cost of building a house from profiled timber will be lower than when using brick or other materials
Ease of operation Assembling a house from profiled timber with your own hands is quite possible, but it is important to take into account one recommendation - buy a ready-made kit for a particular project, then you will have instructions at hand, and with the help of several people you can cope with the work in a fairly short period of time
Attractiveness If you purchased high-quality processed material, then the interior decoration of a house made of profiled timber will consist only of applying a decorative and protective coating. You do not need to spend time and very substantial funds on purchasing finishing materials, which further increases the attractiveness of the project

Remember one simple recommendation: during the work process, handle the elements carefully, do not walk on them or place them on dirty surfaces, otherwise you will later have to remove all these contaminants using sandpaper.
It is much easier to be careful and not do unnecessary work.

Log house made of profiled timber: shrinkage, do-it-yourself assembly. A house built from profiled timber is more than a roof over your head. This is a place of endless comfort, which has attractive appearance and excellent characteristics.

This is due to the fact that they only use natural materials without glue and harmful impurities. Thanks to this, the house will unusual atmosphere, and you will always be comfortable in it.


  • Naturalness of the material.
  • Low thermal conductivity - thanks to this, even in the cold season the rooms will always be warm.
  • Reliability and durability.
  • Uniform and rapid shrinkage of the material.

Construction of a log house

Key stages of construction from profiled timber logs

Do-it-yourself construction of log cabins is a very complex and labor-intensive process that cannot be accomplished without special skills. The first stage of work where difficulties are encountered is the choice of material. The profiled bursa must have a cross-section of at least 200 mm. But if you are building a 7*7 log house, which will be used only in the summer, you can take material with a smaller cross-section.

Don't forget that when self-assembly Shrinkage should be taken into account, which will be from 10 to 15 cm. We will divide the process of assembling a log house from profiled 7*7 into five parts.


  1. Drawing up a diagram, design.
  2. Filling.
  3. work.
  4. and external works.

Main processes

We build walls

Creating and building walls is very important process which should be performed with extreme caution. We lay out the rows of timber very carefully. Each subsequent one must be fastened with the previous dowel. Thanks to this action, the beam will not move to the side. To install the dowels, you will need to drill holes that will be 40 mm in diameter. This is an ideal indicator for the dowels to easily fit into the hole.

Important: If you set out to build a house for year-round residence, do not forget about the seal. To do this, you will need to cut out a protrusion in one of the beams, and cut out a groove with similar dimensions in the other. Layers of timber can be alternated with grooves and tenons. Such a structure will make general design more reliable and stronger. You cannot make mistakes in installation, as you will have to disassemble everything and start over.

If the size of a log house made of profiled timber is larger than 7*7, at least one partition should be installed on the first floor. This will be a kind of support for the flooring on the second floor. Finally, when building the walls, you will need to cut out the window openings. Determine the location for the windows and cut out the openings. When drying the material, it is important that they are well ventilated. After shrinking the profiled frame, you can begin installing windows.

Last work when assembling the log house

This is the final stage of assembly. You only need to insulate the building and do the finishing, as well as roofing work. Once everything is done, construction will be officially considered complete. You can use mineral wool/glass wool as a material. For interior decoration or will work perfectly, but the first option will be much better.

Ready-made timber frame - order or make it yourself?

A log house made of profiled timber is an excellent structure with a huge list of advantages. In order for it not to lose its wonderful qualities, it is recommended to order or buy a ready-made building, since when building it yourself, many errors and problems arise, due to which the final version of the home will not be comfortable.

When assembling it yourself, many questions will certainly arise, the answer to which not even every specialist will give. Many people, lacking experience, do serious mistakes, and this is a consequence of an error and a violation of the integrity of the structure as a whole. In this case, the old one works good saying: “The miser pays twice,” because you have to redo everything, hire a specialist and purchase additional material. To avoid such mistakes there is a share common sense order or buy a finished log house from a reputable company.

Ordering and purchasing - advantages and disadvantages

It is much easier to order a kit or buy a log house from a specialized company than to build a house yourself. This is due to the following reasons:

Well, the main advantage of ordering a log house from profiled timber is savings. Indeed, it will be much cheaper for you to buy a ready-made structure or place an order.

If you want to do the construction yourself, it will cost you more for several reasons:

  • The material will be purchased from specialized companies. But these same companies purchase timber at a cost several times lower than what they sell.
  • Material consumption. Do-it-yourself construction has never been without mistakes. A groove that you cut incorrectly or something else will lead to the purchase of new material. Experienced specialists are unlikely to make such mistakes.
  • It is impossible to assemble a log house alone or together, so you will have to hire a team. The handymen who will help you will also have to pay.

Such costs usually exceed the payment for ordering the same log from the company.

Additional advantages when ordering a log house made of profiled timber

The advantages mentioned above are not the last on the list. When ordering or purchasing a ready-made log house, you will save effort and time. Even if you succeed with the materials (which is unlikely), it will take you a lot of time to assemble, and you will also have to wait for the log house made of profiled timber to shrink. Contact the company - great option if you want to get a house in as soon as possible, and you want it to meet all quality parameters.

You will also not be able to engage in the construction of winter period. But this is not an obstacle for companies that even in winter collect production workshops gables, walls and partitions. Afterwards, they leave it to shrink and manage to complete both the interior and exterior decoration by the beginning of spring.

Construction from laminated timber has the following advantages:

  1. The material used is winter wood, and it has a dense structure.
  2. , built in winter time, has the advantage of freezing moisture from the walls.
  3. This will ventilate it much better, which will ensure good shrinkage.


The price for constructing a log house will depend on many factors, which include the quantity and quality of the timber, as well as its cross-section and complexity of construction.

Prices are approximate.


Do not forget that you should order kits only from well-known and time-tested companies. Do not forget that different companies have different prices for construction. So, an order from a popular company will be much more expensive than from a less popular company, but the quality of the work will be the same.

Do not forget, that when choosing a log house, you should carefully examine it and notice all the details. Before purchasing, study all the characteristics and evaluate the quality. Ready product can be placed and finishing work can begin immediately.

Profiled timber is one of the most reliable modern materials. Such a house looks presentable, beautiful and rich. Another advantage is the naturalness of the selected material. Thanks to high operational characteristics and the simplicity of processing profiled timber, you can easily bring any ideas to life.

You can watch the video to see how to assemble a house from profiled timber with your own hands. There's nothing complicated about it. The timber is manufactured in production and goes through certain stages of processing. Its surface is perfectly smooth. Also, the profiled timber has special grooves with which you can easily connect the elements together.

Assembling a house from profiled timber and its advantages

pros wooden house. In addition to environmental friendliness and beauty, there are several more important aspects, which make such housing affordable and of high quality.

Assembly stages. To do everything correctly, you must follow the instructions and follow all recommendations.

Assembling a house from profiled timber. Video. With my own hands. pros

As with any other material, when building a house from profiled timber, some nuances should be taken into account. It is especially worth studying carefully this question for those who are going to do this on their own for the first time.

Positive aspects of a house made of profiled timber:

  1. Attractive appearance.

High-quality profiled timber does not need additional processing and finishing. The entire process of decorating walls indoors will be reduced to a decorative and protective coating. This not only saves money, but also time. And on my own wooden house looks solid.

  1. Easy to assemble.

A very important factor, especially if you decided to do everything yourself. But it’s worth considering one recommendation: don’t skimp on the kit. The fact is that you can simply buy a profiled beam and try to assemble it according to your own design. But then it is better to seek help from specialists.

For self-built It is better to purchase a ready-made kit, which will come with instructions. Thus, at any time you can find answers to your questions and, in the company of several assistants, you will cope very quickly.

  1. Low cost.

The price of profiled timber is much lower than, for example, brick. At the same time, it is easier to work with. The costs of building such a house are much lower. In addition, you can do without interior or exterior decoration.

  1. Environmentally friendly material.

Wood is a natural material; it has no synthetic impurities. Therefore it poses no threat environment or human health. In addition, inside the house will always be preserved pleasant microclimate, which has a positive effect on the body as a whole. Wood also absorbs excess moisture and retains heat well, this is very important especially during the cold season.

When working with such material, you should be careful to maintain an attractive appearance. Wood absorbs dirt very easily and quickly, subsequently it is difficult to remove it from the surface, you have to use sandpaper. It's best to prepare separate place, where it will be relatively clean and the material can be placed.

Carrying out the work of assembling a house from profiled timber with your own hands. Video

Building a house is not an easy task, but choosing the right material this can be done quickly and efficiently even without the involvement of a team of workers. The fact is that profiled timber has relatively light weight and can be easily processed in any way. For those who ordered the kit, the work becomes twice as easy, because they have a description of the work in all details and in a certain sequence. It is important not to deviate from it. You can also watch a video on the Internet that explains how to handle timber and how to lay it.

  1. Preparatory stage.

This process begins with you deciding on a project or creating one yourself. Many companies offer ready plans, according to which the client can independently collect ready house from profiled timber. In the catalogs you can find a wide variety of projects for every taste and taking into account all the nuances.

  • You should decide on the area of ​​the house.

If it is a country house or garden house, then you can choose small option, which will fit perfectly on the site. If you decide to live in it permanently with your family, it is better to choose spacious options. It can be one-story or two, the main thing is that everyone is in it necessary premises. Also, the size largely depends on total area plot.

  • Select a suitable project.

It turns out it's not that simple. Sometimes, due to certain circumstances, it is not possible to realize our plans. The fact is that in addition to desire, it is also necessary to take into account the placement of communications. But the most important factor is convenience and comfort. Finished projects quite thoughtful and offer a lot of options. You can create your own based on several.

It must be remembered that when choosing timber you should take into account its thickness. For a residential building, it is better to choose a material of 200x200 or more. Elements with less thickness will freeze in winter.

  • Calculate the amount of material needed.

Most best option This is to contact a company where they will help you do this. You can also use online calculator on one of the sites. If you have construction skills, you should try to do everything yourself.

  • Preparation of necessary documents.

This procedure may take some time, but construction cannot begin without obtaining permission and approval of the plan.

  1. Main job.
  • Foundation.

Assembling a house from profiled timber with your own hands according to the video begins with the foundation. Since the weight of the structure is small, you can get by with a strip or pile base. It is important to take into account the depth of soil freezing and the foundation must go into solid layers. In the area where The groundwater close to the surface, a slab base is used that can withstand active soil movement. For concrete to be strong it must be left for at least 4 weeks. To avoid getting hit excess moisture in the lower part of the house, the upper end is treated with bitumen mastic, and then roofing material is laid on it.

  • Lower crown.

For this part, the strongest elements are chosen, often of greater thickness. They must be treated with an antiseptic several times and dried. Lay with an indentation of 25-30 centimeters wooden slats, which reduce the contact of the profiled beam with the foundation. Recommended for lower crown use larch.

  • Wooden frame.
  • Interior decoration.

Usually it is not necessary. Wooden beam simply treated with a special solution. The interior is different from brick house simplicity and comfort. All necessary communications are also carried out.

Assembling a house from profiled timber using a video with your own hands is very convenient option. This process will not take much time. A wooden house is economical option.

Environmental friendliness and high quality characteristics are inherent in wooden housing construction. Our grandfathers assembled entire towers from round timber, the beauty of which still inspires admiration. And thanks to modern antiseptics and neomid wooden frame not afraid of fires and fungus. When installing on your own, it is easier to use timber of the correct shape. How to make a log house from timber with your own hands, the main stages of installation, rules and recommendations of specialists can be found in this article.

Designing your home

Before assembling a house from timber, you need to choose the right project. Log houses are assembled according to standard or individual projects, may differ in architectural complexity or have simple shapes. If you plan to assemble a ready-made factory log house, we recommend choosing standard project, which has advantages:

  1. The log house has already been tested in operation, and the manufacturer has eliminated the main shortcomings.
  2. The material used for production is used as economically as possible, so the price is ready box cheaper.
  3. Easier to choose finishing material and roofing, as you can see several finished houses and chat with the owners.

When choosing individual design the timber is the same suitable material. He has correct form and can be adjusted to any size. Therefore, with the advent of this lumber, it became possible to collect wooden boxes the most complex and unusual form.

By choosing a beam of the required section, any project can easily be adjusted to any region with different average temperature and climate. For garden or country house suitable material with a small cross-section: 100x50 mm, 100x100 mm. For permanent residence timber with a cross section of 150x150, 150x200, 200x100 mm is taken. The simplest option is a square section - 150x150 mm. Square shape allows you to quickly assemble walls without selecting the technical and external sides. But provided that the timber is simple. In this case, the section 150x150 mm must be insulated.

One of the economical options is profiled material. The tenon and groove on the technical sides of the beam are firmly connected during installation and create a reliable barrier to the wind. The walls are insulated using tape insulation directly during assembly. And if the front and back sides are additionally sanded, then after assembling the box you only need to walk along the walls paint and varnish material and the house is ready to move in.

A separate group is the log house made of laminated lumber. This beam consists of lamellas that are connected to each other under the influence of a press and glue. But scientists are still arguing about the environmental friendliness of laminated lumber. The positives stand out: high strength of the walls and increased thermal insulation properties. So, for the construction of a residential building from glued material, a section of 100x100 mm is suitable, with winter temperature down to -15 degrees, additional wall insulation is not required.

When choosing a project, it is worth considering what type of timber the walls will be assembled from. Since further Finishing work, which means additional material investments.

Where to start?

When the project is selected, the assembly of the log house begins. The foundation of the house is being prepared - the foundation. Because light material then any type of foundation will do:

  1. Columnar;
  2. Tape-grillage;
  3. Tape.

We do not recommend monolithic, as this is the most expensive option, which will only be profitable if the soil is moving and very crumbling. For loose soil high lying groundwater pile or columnar foundation. How to build a house if the soil is swampy and mobile? Use wisely screw piles. They are easy to install with your own hands, and the log house will be less likely to “walk” in the future. But, choosing columnar or pile foundation, it is worth understanding that in the future the basement of the house will have to be additionally surrounded by a frame and insulated. Otherwise, there will be no basement or cellar in the house, and heat loss after insulating the basement will be reduced by 15%.

One of the most popular types of foundation for a wooden frame is strip foundation. It got its name from its resemblance to a concrete strip rolled out on the ground. The height of the foundation is selected individually and is related to the characteristics of groundwater.

At high level groundwater occurrence and freezing in winter by more than 1.2 m, a strip-grillage option can be used. The design combines a concrete strip, but on piles every 1.5 - 2 m. Moreover, the piles are poured first, then the formwork is made for the strip. Before pouring, it is recommended to calculate the cubic capacity of the foundation; this will reduce the cost of concrete.

The detailed technology for assembling a strip-grillage foundation is disclosed in one of the previous articles.

Lego for adults

The manufacturer will deliver the finished log house to the site in a sealed package, making it easier to assemble it yourself. From solid timber It’s difficult to assemble your own house without experience and skills, as it requires correct connection corners But more on that below.


Before laying the first crown, it is necessary to waterproof the foundation. The tree is hermetically sealed, and through microcracks in the foundation, moisture will get to the first crown and over time it will begin to rot. For work you will need materials: bitumen mastic(price from 350 rub.) and roofing felt (price from 220 rub.)

Waterproofing is performed as follows:

  1. The top of the foundation is coated with hot bitumen mastic.
  2. The first layer of roofing material is rolled out on top. When joining, the material is overlapped.
  3. The roofing material is again coated with bitumen mastic.
  4. The finishing layer of roofing material is rolled out.

The width of the roofing felt should exceed the width of the foundation by 15–20 cm. The remaining ends of the roofing felt can later be hidden under the sheathing of the base.

First crown

The first crown of the log house is laid level on the dried waterproofing. The cross-section of the first crown is larger than the others in the box. This will increase the stability of the structure.

The first crown of a log house is the most important in the structure, so to increase durability it is worth paying more for larch or aspen. They are less susceptible to moisture, and over time they acquire a hardness comparable to iron. But we do not recommend using aspen from the Volga region. The tree has a fragile core and in 90% of cases is not suitable for construction.

Before laying, the first crown is covered protective compounds(Sanezh, Belinka Bio, Tikkurila, Neomid 440 and Valtti Aquacolor (price from 120 rubles/l). The first crown is laid on laid out slats or a backing board. The slats are laid in increments of 30–40 cm across the foundation strip, the boards are sewn to the base using metal pins, the slats are 10 mm thick and create an additional gap between the foundation and the frame, which creates additional ventilation. Wooden harness attached to the foundation using metal anchors. But only lightweight structures attach the box to the base. Big houses several floors is quite heavy and will not move from the base without additional fasteners.

Folding the box

Build a log house from ready-made kit It’s not difficult, but with a solid beam you’ll have to tinker. There are several options corner connections timber with remainder and smooth:

  1. Assembly in paw. Spikes and nests for them are cut out at the ends of the timber. It has disadvantages: it is blown out, over time the material will dry out and serious insulation will be required.
  2. In the dovetail. The option is similar to the previous one, but has a special cut at an angle. The downside is that it's difficult to drink.
  3. Into the bowl. In each beam, a bowl is made from below for the upper link. The upper crown goes into the bowl and creates hermetic connection. Cons: you will need skill and a special cup cutter.
  4. Half a tree. Half of the section is cut out in each end part. The upper crown is placed in the resulting nest. Disadvantages: airflow and unreliable connection. To increase adhesion, a wood key is made to connect the ends.

A corner connection with a remainder is considered warmer and more reliable. The corners and timber are additionally connected to each other using dowels. Dowels are used wooden or metal. Last option more reliable, but when the log house dries, cracks form in the walls, and metal pins spoil the appearance of the house. Wooden dowels You can make it yourself from leftover lumber or birch. The dowels will give the structure additional strength and will prevent the timber from twisting when drying. Dowels are attached to every two crowns, skipping one, with a step of at least 150 cm.

Between each beam, jute insulation is rolled out (price from 110 rubles). If the material is profiled, then between the tenons and grooves there is a special groove for laying strip insulation. If beam connections along the length are needed, then a joint in the main tenon is used. The essence of the connection is in the tenon and groove cuts, which are securely connected and additionally secured with dowels.

The internal partitions in the log house do not need to be assembled immediately. They are made of a material with a smaller cross-section and are attached to the main walls. But if you are planning a two-story log house with your own hands, then at least one partition is assembled immediately. It serves as additional support.

Subfloors can be laid immediately. They subsequently serve as the basis for the warm “pie” of the finished floor. Mineral wool or ecowool, polystyrene foam can serve as floor insulation. Most inexpensive option use polystyrene foam, it will provide additional sound insulation between floors.

It is not recommended to cut out window and door openings in a log house right away. The building must stand. Even chamber drying during the first three months will shrink at least 3%, natural humidity at least 10%. Before inserting the frames, a socket is made, which will give the structure greater strength and prevent distortions from occurring during ground movement.

Choosing a roof and roofing

The rough roof is erected until complete shrinkage. If the timber is kiln-dried or glued, then the shrinkage is insignificant and you can start finishing the roof. Any material is suitable for roofing: corrugated sheeting, ondulin, soft tiles. The most economical option for garden houses- roofing felt or slate. The pitch of the sheathing will depend on the choice of roofing. How softer roof and the higher the roof, the more often the sheathing is done. For example, under soft tiles and the base is made of thin plywood.

The roof structure is selected individually. But the fewer bends and angles in the structure, the more reliable it will be. The simplest option is pitched roof or gable, they are assembled with their own hands.

Going to rafter system from laying ceiling joists. A beam with a cross section of 100x50 mm is suitable for work. Technical side will be 50 mm. The front and frame of the rafter system are assembled from material with a section of 150x100 mm. They are attached to the Mauerlat, which is laid on the top of the wall. A beam with a cross section of 150x150 mm is used as a Mauerlat. The most difficult part of the installation is installing the first rafters and matrix. The rafter system can be secured to the walls using metal brackets or anchor bolts. The logs and the Mauerlat are connected to each other using a tongue-and-groove lock. Readers can read more in the article on roof installation.

The finished roof is insulated and waterproofed. This is necessary to reduce heat loss in the house. Next we proceed to additional insulation and finishing. A wooden house will shrink completely after three years. At this time, it is not recommended to carry out grandiose designer finishing work, but you can already live in the house.

How much?

As you know, the one who walks can master the road, but the owner’s hands are not always trained to construction works, or work eats up everything free time. Specialists will assemble the log house in a few weeks, and the quality of work will be high. The installation price will depend on what work needs to be done. There are two types of standard services for the installation of log cabins:

  1. Full construction.
  2. Easy assembly.

The service differs in the list of works. Turnkey installation includes: foundation (pouring, formwork), box assembly, rafter system, roofing, subfloors and ceiling, installation of windows and doorways, All internal partitions. Simple assembly may include individual works. For example, the foundation is made with your own hands, and the frame and rafter system are assembled by specialists.

To build a house from timber, certain carpentry skills are required. The process of building a house is carried out in several stages. Laying of profiled timber must be carried out according to the developed technology in order to achieve best result. It is important to carry out appropriate calculations and select quality materials. The work carried out by specialists will help to build a house in the shortest possible time and save costs.

Laying profiled timber the right technology will ensure high quality construction Source

Foundation preparation

To build a house optimal foundation considered tape. To arrange it, stones and vegetation are removed, mounds and holes are leveled. When the site is leveled, the territory is marked. After this, a trench is dug, the depth of which depends on the height of the building and the soil, the width is at least 25 cm. The profiled beam is quite light, so for one-story building You can use a shallow foundation.

For multi-story construction or construction on unstable soil, the foundation must correspond to the freezing level of the soil. On average, this figure reaches 1.2-1.5 m.

The following materials are needed for the foundation:

    concrete, sand, crushed stone;


    reinforcing rods.

Any home begins with preparing the foundation Source

The trench is filled with sand and crushed stone, and a mesh is laid with rods to reinforce the foundation. It is recommended to use tying wire rather than welding to connect the rods. The formwork is laid out, and then everything is filled with concrete. For the manufacture of concrete mortar Cement, sand and crushed stone are used - all components are thoroughly mixed. The ratio of materials is 1:3:4, cement grade is at least 400. The foundation stands for about 2 weeks.

Laying the first row

For construction, only smooth and intact beams that have no visible defects are used. The laying of timber must meet all technological standards. Only light and dry materials are used; if gray sections or spots are found on it, then they cannot be used. During the construction process, roofing felt, bitumen, dowels and antiseptic are additionally laid.

For structural strength, dowels are used to fasten the beams Source

The dried foundation is covered with bitumen, roofing material on top, its width is at least 20 cm larger than the foundation, the edges hang evenly on both sides. Such waterproofing will protect the future structure from moisture. At all joints, roofing material is laid with an overlap of 10 cm, coated well with bitumen and pressed. Before assembly, you need to determine the type of connection at the corners. The cutout at the top beam of the lower part is considered advantageous, and vice versa at the bottom. This fastening option allows you to save on material, and the ends will not extend beyond the corners of the building.

All work on assembling the structure begins with marking and further cutting of the prepared material. Before assembly, the wood is treated with an antiseptic, dried, and only then holes are drilled in it every 50 cm along the beam. Two beams are laid on both sides, and on top, grooves are made in them at the ends. The row is leveled, the corners are adjusted, the protrusions are corrected with a plane.


After securing the first row, assembling a house from timber involves installing the floor covering, as well as the base of the walls. Beams of 15x10 cm are used. Grooves of 40 cm are cut into the beams inside(it is recommended to use “T”-shaped grooves), the ends of the beams must be trimmed. This insertion method increases the strength of the connections. After installing the beams, they are aligned horizontally so that they are in the same plane.

Marking timber

    1 – joints;

    A, C/D, B – longitudinal/transverse walls;

    E – partitions.

Walls can be erected from solid timber and extensions, partitions/transverses - from solid timber. An overlap of 15 cm to the floor is made in the longitudinal wall. To obtain the most accurate and identical dimensions and cutouts, it is best to use templates that will help you quickly carry out the process and transfer the contours to the timber.

All markings on the uneven bars are made using the same template Source

Joining the frame, drilling holes, insulation

Dowels made of wood or metal are used to connect each crown. From the end of the beam they are located at a distance of at least 25 cm, and then every 0.9-1.5 m. For any part, even the smallest, at least two dowels should be used, the length of which is at least one and a half times more timber. The dowels must be buried several centimeters into the tree.

The holes are slightly smaller in diameter so they fit snugly. The depth of the hole is several centimeters greater than the dowels used. For drilling, use a drill with a limiter so that all dimensions are the same. The seal is carried out with a special insulation tape. The tape is stretched over the entire surface of the beam in several layers and secured with staples. On the outside, if the wall is not sheathed, the gasket is made at a distance of several centimeters so that it does not get wet.

The beams are laid overlapping each other, the edges are secured with dowels Source


A log house can be tied in several ways:

The dowels used can be made of wood or metal. Standard sizes height 12-15 cm, thickness 2.5 cm, the holes for them should be several centimeters deeper. The laid row is adjusted in the corners, the insulation is laid and the next crown of logs is placed on top, then the dowels are driven in. The insulation can be tow, felt or jute. The materials are fixed with a stapler. When several rows have been assembled, openings for windows and doors are cut out, and holes are made on the cuts to ensure air exchange. On the last two rows, grooves are made for the ceiling.

At a sufficient level of timber laying, openings for windows and doors are cut Source

When assembling walls, one must take into account the fact that virtually all the beams will differ by millimeters from each other, which can negatively affect the result. Therefore, you can make a flat side only from the inside or outside. Sometimes you will come across a bent or twisted beam. It is recommended to cut the former into small pieces, and use the latter for various outbuildings on the site, bathhouses, or use for other purposes. A beam curved in one plane cannot be used for walls, expecting that it will level out under the weight of other materials - this will not happen. Curved timber can be laid into a wall only by leveling it horizontally and sequentially fixing it with dowels.

During operation, the assembly is constantly checked and the following parameters are monitored. If any deviations are found further work stop until the problems are resolved. Special attention paid to the height of the corners and verticality. In case of problems with verticality, the problem is eliminated until the beams are replaced. In this case, the height of the corners can be adjusted by spacers between the rims.

All corners in the house, vertical and horizontal, must be 90° Source

Assembly timber house can be carried out in two ways of laying timber - with or without residue. In the first case, you can get a warmer and more stable house with the simplest possible construction scheme. However, the material will be consumed with big amount waste, increased installation cost and smaller building area. In addition, such a house is very difficult to insulate or cover with siding. In the second case, there will be no convex walls, so additional finishing and insulation can be carried out; the interior increases common space. But it is very important to adhere to all the technology so that the house is not blown out.

Openings for doors and windows

The formation of a doorway begins with the 2nd crown, the height to the window is at least 70 cm. The formation of openings can be carried out in two ways. “Rough” opening in preparation for creating the opening. The opening itself is prepared for installation after the timber shrinks. The assembly of the structure is accelerated; beams are installed in the openings to secure the walls.


In the second option, they immediately prepare for installation, installing decks that connect the beams and act as slopes. If installation will be carried out metal-plastic windows, then you don’t have to place the decks. A vertical groove is made at the ends along the opening into which the rail is inserted. The slats/blocks are made 5-7 cm smaller than the opening so that it does not interfere with shrinkage.

Installation of windows and doors with a “rough” opening is carried out by cutting it to the appropriate dimensions. The joints are sealed using insulation; it must be nailed at an angle. Then the window frame is inserted, fixed to the deck with self-tapping screws, there is a gap on top for shrinkage, it is filled with soft insulation.

When installing a window frame, be sure to leave gaps for shrinkage Source

Roof assembly

The beams are laid at a distance of 90-110 cm from each other, if the attic is used as a living space, then 15-20 cm beams are used, non-residential beams - 10-15 cm. Afterwards, fastening is carried out support posts and rafters. For the lathing, boards approximately 15 cm wide and a maximum thickness of 2 cm are used. The distance between the rafters depends entirely on the weight of the ceiling, the standard is 1.2 cm, fastening is carried out with self-tapping screws or nails. Maximum attention is paid to the fasteners of the support posts. Waterproofing is applied to the sheathing, and then the roofing covering.

Video description

Briefly, the process of building a house from timber is shown in this video:

On our website you can find contacts construction companies who offer turnkey construction of houses from profiled timber. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.


Laying profiled timber requires certain knowledge and skills. It is very important to prepare quality material and follow all construction technology. Only in this case can you get a good, warm and durable house, bathhouse or other building. Profiled timber is different favorable price and light weight, so it allows you to further save on the foundation.