How to fix a corner in an apartment getting wet. Why do the corners in the house become damp? The corners on the upper floors of the building are damp

How to fix a corner in an apartment getting wet.  Why do the corners in the house become damp?  The corners on the upper floors of the building are damp
How to fix a corner in an apartment getting wet. Why do the corners in the house become damp? The corners on the upper floors of the building are damp

Brick is an excellent material, ideal for the construction of various objects - garages, administrative buildings and, of course, private and apartment buildings. But sometimes after moving in, residents begin to notice that the wall is getting wet brick house. Black mold appears on the surface of the walls, the wallpaper peels off, and the plaster becomes damp.

Mold is a rather unpleasant gray microorganism that appears quite unexpectedly and is very difficult to eradicate, but not impossible.

Causes of dampness

The reasons for damp walls in a brick house may be the following factors:

  1. If the apartment is corner, the likelihood of dampness increases significantly, since unprotected walls will be subject to constant temperature changes and cooling.
  2. High humidity. IN brick house The dampness is most likely coming from the basement.
  3. If the wall is poorly insulated or its waterproofing is insufficient.

In any case, in order not to get wet anymore, it is necessary to insulate the wall, as well as increase its waterproofing.

This is a much simpler and less expensive way than buying a new, non-corner apartment.

The fight against dampness in the basement may not always be crowned with success, especially in old houses with sewage systems that have long since become obsolete.

Tools you will need: level, hammer, tape measure, pliers, knife and others.

To prevent this problem, use different types devices. This requires and various instruments. Depending on the method it is:

  • roulette;
  • level;
  • hammer;
  • hacksaw;
  • stapler and staples;
  • construction thread or twine;
  • trowel;
  • spatulas;
  • and others.

Thermal insulation materials

When choosing thermal insulation materials, which are available in abundance at construction markets and stores, you need to pay attention Special attention to the specifications specified by the manufacturer.

Some materials are intended for thermal insulation works from the outside of the house, others - for insulating walls with inside. For residents of a private house, it is better to insulate the wall from the outside; this will bring the greatest effect.

IN apartment building It is not possible to insulate the walls from the outside, so you need to limit yourself to internal wall treatment. At correct execution works from quality materials such processing will give the desired result.

  • Close attention should be paid to the water absorption coefficient. The ability of a thermal insulation material to absorb moisture directly depends on it. The lower the value of this indicator, the better its water-repellent properties, which is very important in a situation when the wall gets wet;
  • the thickness of the layer of material that will be used as insulation varies depending on the degree of density of the material and the coefficient of thermal conductivity;
  • thermal insulation with a low thermal conductivity coefficient will take up the least space.

The soundproofing properties of materials should be of interest to those who suffer from too much noisy neighbors or loud noises in the yard. If the thermal insulation material has a high noise absorption coefficient, you can significantly save both time and money without making additional repairs to install sound insulation.

The flammability class of the material is also important. The safest material is class G1, since this thermal insulation will not burn without an open flame.

There are several of the most popular thermal insulation materials:

  1. The most common insulation material due to its cost is mineral wool. However, if the wall gets wet, and you need to get rid of this problem first, and not just insulate the wall, then mineral wool is not the best choice. This material has too high a coefficient of water absorption.
  2. Polystyrene foam is used for both interior and exterior exterior finishing. It absorbs little moisture, but has low vapor permeability and does not allow air to circulate freely. When burned, it releases toxic substances into the atmosphere.
  3. “Warm plaster” is suitable for insulating walls, both internal and external outside. It has excellent sound insulation properties, does not absorb moisture, and has a low thermal conductivity coefficient. The disadvantages of this material include its large mass; a layer of such plaster, due to its heaviness, should not exceed 50 mm and requires a reinforced foundation for a private house.
  4. Cork insulation is used for interior works. Its thermal conductivity coefficient is even lower than that of " warm plaster", while cork insulation is lightweight. Convenient to use, excellent for wall insulation, but burns strongly.

External wall insulation

If the house is private, then better job to insulate a wet wall, carry it out from the outside, this will give best result. To carry out this work, it is recommended to use polystyrene foam and “warm” plaster.

  • to start brick wall cleaned of debris, dust and dirt. Apply a layer of leveling plaster, then prime the surface. This results in a prepared base for insulation. Sheets of foam plastic can either be glued or fixed to the wall using dowels;
  • if glue is used, then each sheet of material is carefully treated with glue, then the sheet is placed against the wall and pressed. You need to start this work from the bottom, lay the sheets in a checkerboard pattern, moving each layer laid higher relative to the previous one. The specified position of the foam sheets will help increase the strength of the structure;
  • glue is also used when fastening sheets with dowels, only it is applied to the foam plastic pointwise, preferably along the perimeter. After lightly gluing the material to the wall, a hole is drilled in it into which the dowel is inserted;
  • After laying all the sheets in one way or another, the structure is fixed with reinforcing mesh and plastered. The insulation of the wall ends with decorative finishing by painting or applying decorative plaster.

The simplest option from the outside is to use “warm” plaster. After cleaning the surface to be treated, it is primed. A plaster mesh is attached to the wall and thermal insulation material is applied. After the “warm” plaster has dried, the wall is decorated with tiles and paint.

Internal wall insulation

This best option for residents apartment building in case the wall gets wet. Cork, mineral wool, polystyrene foam, and “warm” plaster are used as thermal insulation materials.

The material is selected depending on the size of the wall, the financial capabilities of the owners of the premises, and also based on safety considerations. From this point of view, using polystyrene foam to insulate a wall from the inside is undesirable due to its high fire hazard.

Insulation of walls from the inside can be divided into several stages:

  1. Removing wallpaper, cleaning walls from dirt.
  2. Impregnation of the wall with primer.
  3. Placing a frame made of metal or wooden slats. They should be placed at a distance of 40 to 60 cm from each other.
  4. Laying the selected material. If necessary, the sheets are cut so that they fit into the frame openings as much as possible.
  5. Covering the resulting structure with plasterboard, plaster and final decorative finishing walls (wallpaper, painting).

Waterproofing plaster

You can prevent the walls of your home from getting wet using special drying plasters. This is a relatively simple and cheap way to significantly increase the waterproofing of a wall. Drying plasters can be used for both interior and exterior decoration.

The drying plaster material, mainly silicates, has a microporous structure. This structure does not allow salts to penetrate into the plaster, but crystallize deep in the wall. Because of this, moisture does not rise above the level of the wall, but its natural evaporation is not blocked.

  • drying plaster can be applied to old plaster, directly to brick, building mixture. This material can be used at any stage of wall finishing - during initial plastering, leveling the wall, exclusively for waterproofing;
  • before installation waterproofing plaster need to remove the wet layer old plaster and about another 50 cm of dry base. The surface to be plastered must be smooth, without cracks or chips, delamination is not allowed.

The ideal base is clean and slightly rough. Before application, the surface is moistened with water or primed. Special plaster is installed in the same way as regular plaster. The thickness of the layer ranges from 2 to 4 cm.

A condition for using drying plaster must be the use of vapor-permeable decorative finishing materials, For example, paper wallpaper, silicate fabrics. The area being treated must have good ventilation.

Hello! Bought in the fall a private house, made of brick, the walls are covered with expanded clay. Now the temperature outside has dropped to 17, the corners are starting to get wet, we looked in the attic, everything is covered with slag, what should we do?

Galina, Kalachinsk.

Hello, Galina from Kalachinsk!

To answer your question, you should thoroughly examine the house and identify the root cause of dampness.

Most likely, your sellers - the owners of the house - have encountered this problem; it would be good to ask them about it, if, of course, this is possible.

There can be many reasons for the appearance of dampness. This is moisture penetration from the bottom of the walls, right down to the foundation due to insufficient waterproofing, or even the complete absence of it. /Between the surface of the foundation plinth and the bottom row of brickwork there must be a layer of roofing felt or its analogues./

These include leaks of rain moisture with its accumulation in the expanded clay backfill. And leaks can be through brickwork along loose seams, and from the roof of the house.

It is far from excluded that the walls of the house are not thick enough, which leads to their freezing and the formation of condensation with the appearance of water inside the house. /The so-called dew point./

There may be other reasons. But the above are usually the most likely.

What to do? The question is complex and depends on the identified reasons first of all.

If moisture penetrates through the bottom of the walls, you should try, which means installing waterproofing between the walls and the adjacent soil. In practice, this most often looks like digging a small trench of possible depth in this place (about 30 centimeters) and vertically installing a couple of layers of roofing material, or better yet, glass insulation. Coating the vertical surfaces of the base of the walls with a primer gives a good effect, bitumen mastic. Starting from the very bottom (from under the surface of the earth and with an elevation of several tens of centimeters above it.) This is done with material heated to the highest possible state (so that the same mastic in a metal container begins to bubble from the high temperature).

This minimizes the possibility of ground moisture entering the bottom of the walls.

Other questions on the topic of condensation formation in premises.

Apartment owners quite often encounter such a problem as a wet wall in the apartment. Trouble often arises in winter period when the temperature difference between outside and inside the room is very large and condensation begins to settle on the walls of the building. The question automatically arises, what to do if the wall in the apartment is wet and how to get rid of this problem. If you neglect to correct the situation and leave everything as is, then it is quite possible that black mold will subsequently form on the walls, which is extremely dangerous to human health and provokes diseases respiratory tract and causes serious complications.

In this article, readers will be able to find out why there are wet walls in the apartment and if the wall in the apartment becomes damp, what to do and what actions to take first.

Reasons why apartment walls become damp

Before you begin to solve the problem, you should answer the question why the walls in the apartment get wet and at what stage the damage is. If the degree of moisture in the wall is very high, then you will need to make a radical decision and, without delay, correct the situation as quickly as possible.

The first sign that indicates that the walls in the apartment are getting wet is that its surface becomes damp, the wallpaper begins to peel off and the plaster crumbles, and at the final stage the wall is covered with a layer of black mold. If such a phenomenon occurs, then it is extremely important to first determine why the walls in the apartment are damp. In the future, this will allow you to choose correct method remedy the situation, including the necessary equipment and materials that will be used. The main reasons why the walls in an apartment become very wet are the following:

  1. Insufficient wall insulation or low waterproofing often leads to the walls of the apartment getting wet. As a rule, this is observed in old houses and in apartments located at the top or most lower floors. It should be noted that wet walls in the apartment are top floor or at first appear in the autumn-spring period, and not in winter, as in other cases.
  2. In the room or at the location of the home there is high humidity. If we're talking about about a brick structure, then a large amount of moisture rises from the basement, resulting in wet and ugly wall in the apartment.
  3. Insufficient ventilation can also be the reason why the walls in the apartment become damp. For the same reason, indoor windows fog up.
  4. Quite often the wall gets damp in corner apartment What to do in such a situation worries many owners. This is due precisely to the inconvenient location of the living space and the fact that the walls of such a dwelling are exposed to negative factors much more than in other apartments.
  5. The premises have recently been renovated. This reason, which explains why the walls in the apartment become damp, is the only one in which such a consequence is considered natural. As a rule, during repairs a large number of materials are used that contain water and after the necessary work is completed, moisture remains in the walls, especially if the room is poorly ventilated. In such a situation, you shouldn’t worry and worry about what to do when the walls in your apartment get wet, but it’s better to wait a little time and the moisture will dry out on its own.

What to do if the wall in your apartment gets wet?

Having figured out why the wall in the apartment gets wet, we found out that there can be several reasons for the occurrence and development of such a situation. Accordingly, to answer the question of what to do if the wall in the apartment is damp, it is possible only if the cause of the problem is precisely determined.

For example, if a wall in a renovated apartment becomes damp, no special manipulations will be required. It is enough to ventilate the apartment well and keep the windows open for a while. If repair work is carried out in winter, it is worth providing heat in the apartment so that the moisture remaining after the repair evaporates. If the heating is good, then batteries are sufficient for this purpose, but if they cannot cope, then you will need to turn on the heater.

If there are problems with ventilation, if the wall in the apartment is damp, only an experienced craftsman will tell you what to do, although initial stage can be dealt with difficult situation on one's own. It is enough to remove objects that interfere high-quality ventilation air. For example, if moisture accumulates on small area behind the curtains, then it is quite possible to raise or remove the curtain altogether, and move the furniture away. In this case, if the wall in the apartment gets wet, such actions can quickly deal with the problem. In general, the problem of what to do when the walls in an apartment become damp in the absence of good ventilation can be solved comprehensively. You will need to check everything ventilation holes, which are located inside the apartment and ventilate the room more often. Additionally, it is worth installing a hood in the kitchen so that excess moisture stretched out.

As we have already noted, the reason why a wall in an apartment gets wet may be the lack high-quality waterproofing. This problem It’s already more serious and it’s not easy to cope with it. There can only be one solution here - to sufficiently insulate the wall surface. As a rule, if the walls of an apartment become wet, it means that the seams on the outside of the building have become unusable. What to do when the walls in your apartment get wet? in this case, only a specialist can advise. This will require serious intervention, since ordinary ventilation cannot solve the problem.

What to do if wet walls appear in your apartment in winter? This question concerns many home owners who are faced with such a problem. Moreover, if you take independent actions V in this case, you can only make the situation worse. Many people do not have the opportunity to perform additional insulation on the outside of the building and, by laying insulation from the inside, they only worsen the situation by shifting the dew point. As a result, a wet wall in an apartment will become even wetter in winter, and later moisture will begin to accumulate under the insulation into a puddle. It is extremely important to understand here that even if the owner of the apartment is an experienced climber and builder, you should not carry out insulation work yourself, but it is best to trust experienced craftsmen and who will do all the work to the highest possible quality.

For a more complete idea of ​​what to do when a wall in an apartment gets wet, it is worth deciding what tools and materials are needed to carry out such work, as well as what technologies are most suitable for solving the current problem.

Tools required for work

If the walls in your apartment are damp, what should you do? We try to figure it out in this article. Several options for correcting the situation have already been proposed, however, the most correct thing would be to contact specialists who can certainly fix the problem. If, however, it is possible to produce renovation work to eliminate the reason why there are wet walls in the apartment, it is worth preparing in advance necessary tools. The list of mandatory items includes the following names:

  • roulette;
  • level;
  • hammer;
  • hacksaw;
  • stapler and staples;
  • construction thread or twine;
  • trowel;
  • spatulas.

At this point, the list is not complete. It is likely that other devices and tools will be required to carry out special works. Here, each performer determines the tools independently, taking into account the specifics of solving the problem. In addition to the tools, you need to take care of the purchase special materials which are presented on construction market. Next, we will consider some of the nuances of insulation and waterproofing.

How is thermal insulation carried out in rooms where the wall is damp?

To answer the question of what to do when the walls in the apartment get wet, we can suggest strengthening the existing thermal insulation. This will eliminate the penetration of moisture and cold from the outside and will give the greatest effect. It is important that insulation is carried out both outside and inside.

Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to carry out such work on your own. This option is suitable for free-standing buildings, first floors, as well as buildings where there is no need to climb to a significant height to complete the finishing.

It is extremely important to choose the right thermal insulation materials, which are presented on the construction market in large quantities. To carry out the work, it is best to choose trusted manufacturers who pay attention to the high quality characteristics of materials. It is important to remember here that even if wet walls appear in the apartment on the top floor, then it is worth insulating the area from the outside, and not from the inside.

If we are talking about an apartment building, then insulating the walls in this case is almost impossible, so you will have to limit yourself to the interior decoration of the walls, which, if the work is carried out correctly, will give a guaranteed high-quality result. In this case, it is worth paying attention to two important parameters:

  • when a wall in an apartment gets wet, you must first determine the water absorption coefficient of the material used. The speed and degree of moisture removal from the apartment depends on this indicator. The lower the indicator, the better the water-repellent properties of the material. This will make it possible to eliminate such problems as a wet wall in an apartment in winter;
  • To determine what to do when the walls of the apartment get wet, it is worth insulating the walls, but at the same time taking into account the thickness of the layer purchased for finishing the material. Here it is important to make such a density that there will be a sufficient thermal conductivity coefficient. If the coefficient is small, then the layer will need to be made thin.

Only by taking into account all these points can you achieve a significant reduction in humidity in the apartment and return the wall to its original appearance. To answer the question why there are wet walls in the apartment and what to do if the wall in the apartment gets wet, just study theoretical aspects this issue and contact a specialist for practical advice.

How to insulate the foundation if the wall in the apartment is damp?

What to do if the walls in the apartment are wet in winter and the apartment is located on the first floor of the house? In fact, the problem here can be solved quite easily. You only need to insulate the foundation. This action is especially relevant for those who are interested in giving their home increased sound insulation. This will not only solve the problem of a wet wall indoors in the apartment in winter, but will also get rid of noise and unpleasant sounds.

Here it is worth giving preference to materials that have a high noise absorption coefficient, since this will save time on repairs and installation of sound insulation. The flammability class of materials is extremely important to eliminate the possibility of sudden fire. The best option may become a G1 class material, since thermal insulation, even during combustion, does not provoke the appearance of a source open flame. It is worth highlighting several of the most common insulation materials and at the same time soundproofing materials. The list of the most famous includes the following:

  • mineral wool is a very common material that has low cost and excellent specifications. When the walls in an apartment get wet, an experienced craftsman can advise what to do and most likely, he will say that, despite good performance indicators, mineral wool for insulation is not the best a good choice. The thing is that the material has a high coefficient of water absorption;
  • polystyrene foam is great choice, if you don’t know what to do if a wall in your apartment gets wet. The material is suitable for interior and exterior decoration, and it practically does not absorb moisture. The disadvantage is the low steam transmission ability. This does not allow air to circulate freely. In addition, when ignited, the foam begins to release toxins;
  • “warm” plaster, which is used to insulate walls from the inside and outside. The use of such material is especially relevant if wet walls appear in the apartment on the top floor. This is due to the fact that the material is not a traditional insulation and does not absorb moisture. In addition, this plaster has excellent sound insulation properties. The disadvantage is that the coating is too heavy. The material is not suitable for private houses, as it requires a reinforced foundation;
  • cork insulation is used when interior decoration. If you have no idea what to do when the wall in your apartment gets wet, then you should pay attention to this material, which has low thermal conductivity, but at the same time has light weight. The disadvantage of the coating is considered to be increased flammability.

Surface insulation scheme if the wall in the apartment gets wet

Many apartment owners are interested in the question of where to go if there is a wet wall in the apartment and what to do in such cases. In fact, there can be only one solution - to visit construction company, which provides similar services. This will immediately provide several advantages. On the one hand, you will decide what to do when the wall in the apartment gets wet, and on the other hand, you will receive high-quality work that will not require rework in the future. Another important point is that the master has an idea of ​​what to do if there is a wet wall in the apartment, which means he will do everything necessary work strictly according to technology. For example, we can give the following algorithm for finishing a section of a wall.

  1. The work site is prepared, namely, it is cleared of dust and debris, after which leveling plaster and primer are applied to it. Reason for carrying out further work it’s ready and now you need to glue the foam onto it, and then secure it with special dowels.
  2. Each sheet must be treated with an adhesive composition, and then pressed onto the prepared surface and pressed well. It is best to place the sheets in a checkerboard pattern, thereby increasing the strength of the structure.
  3. Fastening with dowels is carried out around the perimeter, and holes will have to be drilled in the material.
  4. After gluing and fixing the sheets, finished finishing covered with reinforcing mesh and general design plastered. The walls are decorated with paint, and a layer of decorative plaster is applied to it.

Most simple option wall insulation, which determines what to do when the wall in the apartment becomes damp is to insulate the surface from the outside using special “warm” plaster. The material is applied to plaster mesh and then decorated.

Insulation of walls from the inside if the wall in the apartment is damp

This option remains the only one when the homeowner does not know what to do when the wall in the corner apartment becomes very damp and where to turn if there is a wet wall in the apartment. In fact, if it is not possible to insulate the structure from the outside, then it is important to consider the procedure for insulating the walls from the inside. Experts recommend using any of the above materials in this case, however, you should choose insulation taking into account custom sizes walls, as well as from the financial capabilities of the owners of the premises. From this point of view, it is still not worth using polystyrene foam, since it can easily ignite and thereby threaten the lives of residents.

The entire insulation process takes place in several stages. Each stage is extremely important for the overall result, since it allows the finishing to be completed with the highest possible quality and with the expectation of long-term use in the future. The algorithm of actions in this case is as follows:

  1. The walls should be pre-prepared by cleaning them from dirt and old wallpaper.
  2. Impregnate the surface with a primer.
  3. Assemble the frame from metal profile or wooden blocks. The fastening pitch should be 40–60 cm.
  4. The insulation is placed in cells; if necessary, the sheets can be cut.
  5. Subsequently, the covering is covered with plasterboard and finished with plaster.


If you have no idea what to come up with when the wall in your apartment gets wet, then we recommend that you contact experienced craftsmen who will as soon as possible will do everything Finishing work and will save you from this problem.

Freezing of the corners of a house is a nuisance that residents of either a panel Khrushchev or brick new building, so country house, be it even wooden or stone. Fortunately, this serious problem you can decide on your own on our own. Let's talk about how to properly get rid of freezing in the corners of your house.

Why do corners freeze?

Because of cold bridges, corners are the most vulnerable part of almost any home. These areas building structure have increased thermal conductivity. Any vertical or horizontal angle is a geometric bridge of cold. If there is a construction defect - poorly sealed seams, through voids in concrete, insufficient mortar layer between bricks, lack of necessary insulation, - problems cannot be avoided. Where there are cold bridges, the wall surface temperature in winter can drop below the dew point (to approximately 9 ° C and 50% humidity) while maintaining room temperature indoors. It is in such places that due to temperature differences, condensation forms, which leads to the formation of mold, and when frozen it turns into ice crystals.

The most logical solution in this case seems to be laying insulation from the inside along the walls. But any such material is essentially a heat insulator, which equally insulates the wall from heat and cold. The use of insulation may even worsen the situation, as it will shift the dew point (the place where the cold and warm air) on the inner surface of the wall. As a result cold air from the street it will freeze the wall right through, since the heat from the apartment will not be able to penetrate through the layer of thermal insulation. Wetting and freezing will continue, the insulation will become unusable and cease to perform its functions. In addition, ice crystals will continue to destroy wall material, contributing to a further increase in cold bridges.

When purchasing a country house or an expensive apartment, you can use the services of companies offering thermal imaging. Specialists will help you detect all heat leaks and draw a conclusion whether it is possible to correct the builders’ mistakes. This can save owners from many troubles associated with the operation of the house and will save significant money.

Getting rid of freezing corners

The ideal way to solve the problem is to insulate the entire facade from the outside and reliably seal the seams. Own Vacation home it is quite possible to repair, but in apartment building will have to ask for help management company. But don't despair. And in a separate apartment you can get a good result.

First of all, you need to remove the wallpaper. If there are no visible cracks, then the walls are tapped with a hammer - where there are voids, the sound will be dull. Next, remove the plaster over the detected cavities and thoroughly dry the corner. If there is mold, be sure to treat it with special antifungal agents. Sometimes the mold damage is so extensive that the use of acid or fire is necessary. blowtorch or surface milling. All the cracks and voids are filled polyurethane foam or liquid foam. This will prevent moisture from entering the room even if there are cracks in the external wall. Finally, the remaining foam is cleaned off and the corner is plastered. It is best to carry out work in the warm season in order to completely get rid of dampness and mold indoors.

If very large voids are found, do not fill them mineral wool or tow, as these materials contribute to the accumulation of moisture. It's better to use the same one. It is resistant to moisture, not susceptible to rotting and mold, has high adhesive properties, and does not lose quality when frozen.

Insulation of the entire façade from the outside

Today, manufacturers offer a variety of materials that greatly facilitate the repair process and bring it to high quality. new level. For example, special heat-insulating (“warm”) - light mixtures in which microscopic polystyrene foam granules or lightweight natural fillers are used instead of sand. This plaster is several times lighter than regular plaster, it applies and sets well. Due to the presence of air pores, warm mixtures have high vapor permeability, regulate condensation and provide healthy microclimate indoors. A 50 mm layer of warm plaster has a thermal insulating effect equivalent to one and a half to two bricks or a two-centimeter layer of polystyrene foam.

Not so long ago, new materials appeared on the market, produced by different manufacturers under different trademarks, but united common name"liquid thermal insulation". It is indispensable for problem areas such as freezing corners. The insulating suspension, reminiscent of paint, consists of hollow microspheres (ceramic, glass, silicone or polyurethane) that effectively reflect thermal radiation. Microspheres are suspended in a binding composition of synthetic rubber or acrylic polymers, antifungal and anti-corrosion additives and coloring pigments. This composition gives liquid thermal insulation properties of waterproofness, flexibility, lightness and strength. The thermal conductivity of liquid heat insulators is significantly lower than that of conventional insulation. Several layers of such paint can replace 5 - 10 cm of polyurethane foam or mineral wool.

True, all this is only from the words of manufacturers and sellers; many practical tests have proven the ineffectiveness of such paint as insulation. Its main task is to reduce heat loss on main pipes hot water and boilers.

Application of liquid insulation

The problem of corner freezing can be prevented even at the stage of building a house or renovating a new building. According to the laws of physics, temperature inner surface corner is always lower than the temperature of the walls that form this corner. Experienced designers say that ideally the corners of walls, both external and internal, should be rounded or beveled. Rounding or chamfering only internal corner(wall material or heat-insulating plaster) can reduce the temperature difference between the walls and the corner by 25-30%. The same role is played by pilasters on the outer corners of the building. This is not only a well-known architectural technique, but also a method of additional insulation.

You can use interesting design solutions. For example, mount in the corner of the ceiling plasterboard box illuminated by conventional incandescent lamps. Working lamps will heat the air inside the structure, thereby moving the dew point inside the wall.