Multidimensional human model. Energy-informational causes of diseases - download, read. What is bo-le-zn? Multidimensional human model Peichev and multidimensional human model

Multidimensional human model. Energy-informational causes of diseases - download, read. What is bo-le-zn? Multidimensional human model Peichev and multidimensional human model

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Nikolai Peichev
Multidimensional human model. Energy-informational causes of diseases

Who are you, man?

✓ Who created you and why?

✓ Who and why created this Universe?

✓ What laws bind you to the people around you and the world around you?

✓ Why are you sick?

✓ What is BO-LE-ZN?

✓ How to make sure that you never get sick at all?

✓ What is absolute health and how to achieve it in order to live a long and happy life?

These and many other questions worried me from early childhood. To say that I was often sick as a child would be an understatement. I literally lived in a hospital. Many times I was on the verge of life and death, when the temperature rose to forty degrees, and the blood began to clot. Doctors miraculously managed to save me, but the more drugs I took, the worse my health became.

But one day, my mother was recommended to go with me to one clairvoyant, folk healer. After several sessions with this woman, I simply stopped getting sick. The knowledge I received from her turned my life upside down.

At the age of ten, I read all the books that this healer had. But I did not stop there: magic, esotericism, religion, philosophy, psychology, parapsychology, occult sciences, Eastern philosophy - I began to absorb all this into myself with great speed, feed my brain, develop my consciousness and my abilities.

I realized, as a child, that the only thing that is valuable in this world is knowledge, practical knowledge that turns a person into a magician. When everything you want comes fast.

I know for sure from my own experience that when you get true practical knowledge, then you simply stop getting sick. You begin to understand the laws of this world, live according to them, stop violating the "rules of the road", and all troubles and misfortunes disappear from your life forever.

Bioenergetics, clairvoyance, esotericism, parapsychology and practical healing - this is what I was drawn to since childhood, but since I had no practical experience in these areas, I set myself the goal of mastering all these sciences to perfection and develop psychic abilities.

The goal was very clear and specific - to find a practical system for a quick and complete recovery of health, having learned which, a person should never get sick at all.

I traveled a lot, studied with the best esoteric practitioners, clairvoyants, folk healers. He lived in India, studied Ayurveda, Eastern philosophy, practiced mystical yoga. Then I returned to my homeland and began to conduct a reception, conduct seminars, classes.

To date, my healing system has been tested on a large number of people. It allows a person to very quickly get rid of almost all diseases, including those incurable by modern medicine. At the same time, the speed of recovery of patients is simply amazing, which has been repeatedly confirmed not only by their excellent health, but also by the conclusions of various doctors.


This book is a practical guide for helping yourself and those around you. Here are collected only practical developments in the field of energy-information therapy, having familiarized yourself with which, you will take a fresh look at the causes of various diseases and will be able to solve your health problems in a short time, as well as help your loved ones.

The book is based on expanding the understanding of the world around us, studying the mechanisms of the occurrence of diseases, research activities in the study of human biofield structures, philosophical understanding of the world, as well as my practical experience in the field of energy-informational diagnostics and therapy.

This book has a powerful healing effect. in contact with the human body, with water, as well as with other objects. This amazing property was revealed in the course of research on various diagnostic devices: the Kirlian apparatus, various bioresonance diagnostics, hemoscanning, etc.

It is enough to attach the book to the body for a few minutes, and immediately the human biofield begins to rapidly increase in size, energy centers and channels open, strength and flexibility appear in the body, and the body's recovery process starts.

If you put a glass of water on a book for 1-2 minutes, and then let the patient drink this water, then after 10-15 minutes his blood becomes liquid, saturated with oxygen, blood cells, red blood cells, unstick and begin to flow freely, delivering oxygen and nutrients to all body cells.

The unique properties of the book are explained simply - this book has a very powerful biofield. Take a pendulum or frame and use radiesthesia to check for yourself.

Every object in space carries information and also radiates energy. Reading any book, you are in contact with the author at the informational level, energy-information exchange begins. Just by reading this book, you are already starting to recover and get a huge boost of energy.

If you are not too lazy and conduct a complete examination of your health before and after reading this book, you will be very surprised at how much your health indicators have improved.

But the most important thing is to put the contents of this book in your head, accept the information at the level of consciousness, and not just constantly carry this book in the inner pocket of your jacket.

Problems of modern medicine or why doctors live 15–20 years less?

Dealing with issues of restoring human health and searching for the causes of diseases, I am always looking for the causes of their occurrence.

In order for the mechanism not to fail, it is necessary, at least, to know its structure and operating rules. Well, in the event of a breakdown, you need to contact an experienced specialist who will quickly fix it, explain the reasons for the breakdown and instruct how to avoid such situations in the future.

In our case, the mechanism is our body, and the specialist is a doctor who must have the skills to save a person from all his “malfunctions” in a short time and explain to the patient the rules for operating the mechanism, called the human body.

But the deeper medicine and science penetrate into the human body, the more diagnoses and drugs appear, which not only do not relieve a person of his illness, but also cause new, so-called "drug diseases".

All over the world, doctors live 15-20 years less than those they treat - the population of the planet, leading, in their opinion, an unhealthy lifestyle.

With their advice, they lead to horror, fear, torment and suffering, from which they themselves die prematurely.

The people whom the government has entrusted to protect the health of citizens, by the way, is called their main governing body - the Ministry of Health - in fact, they cannot do anything, first of all, for themselves. But get the right and license to treat other people.

Here, for example, is an excerpt from a medical journal: “Russia occupies one of the first places in the world in terms of the number of oncological diseases per capita. According to some data, there are more than 2.5 million cancer patients in the country. A third of cancer patients could be saved from death by identifying the disease at an early stage. But for the majority of Russians, high-tech diagnostic methods are not yet available.” Further, the article talks about modern diagnostic equipment, its parameters and cost. Nothing about cancer prevention.

We see that scientific medicine looks at any cause of aging as a way to make money, no matter what words it hides behind.

We also see the result in doctors: they live 15–20 years less than other people. The inability to resist stress, adapt to life takes 15-20 years of life from doctors.

Remember the common expression: "doctors fought for the life of the patient." Who did you fight? Illness, if perceived spiritually, is a blessing.

Official medicine, represented by its leaders, forbids self-treatment and has declared some strange and terrible monopoly on the health of other people that does not belong to it. If the patient suffers from pain, then they give him a pill, if the tumor grows, they offer radical methods, namely operations. Even if this does not help, then radio and chemotherapy are connected.

As before, the problem of medicine remains a lack of understanding of what a disease is, what are its causes and what needs to be done so that it does not arise.

Although, some thinking doctors who sincerely want to help the patient begin to look for alternative methods of healing. Today, interest in oriental medicine has increased, where treatment is focused specifically on the entire body, and not on a single organ, and physicians had to study such concepts as energy meridians and channels.

The idea of ​​the body not only as a physical, but also as an energy system, began to gradually enter into the understanding of every doctor.

Oriental medicine considers a person, first of all, as an energy system that interacts with the whole world.

The development of official medicine has led to the understanding that the cause of diseases lies in a decrease in immunity, and even oncological diseases are based on disorders of the immune system.

The immune system is closely connected with the energy of a person and depends on it, therefore, by increasing the energy of the body, we increase immunity.

Plan of the universe

Religions all over the world claim that God undoubtedly exists, and that, in essence, there is nothing but God, because He is the source and creator, the beginning and end of all things.

Nobel laureate Arthur Compton said: “It is not difficult for me to accept God, because where there is creation, there must be a plan. The universe was created according to some plan, therefore, there is someone who developed this plan.

All the great scientists came to the conclusion that they recognized the existence of the Creator. Darwin, the creator of the theory of evolution, at the end of his life doubted the correctness of his theory.

Everything that is in the Universe is also in every person. People are Universal beings created according to a certain program. But, materialists believe that humans are descended from monkeys; apparently, therefore, the way we behave is monkeyish.

Whether we like it or not, we are Universal beings controlled by this Universe, and each of us is the most powerful energy transducer in the Cosmos.

Human thought and word is a great force that can work both for good and for evil. The word can kill and resurrect.

Trinity of information energy and matter

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

Everything in the Universe is triune and consists (including, of course, material objects) of information, energy and matter.

This universal principle of the world order is reflected in the Christian Trinity.

These three main components of the Universe are in continuous interpenetration.

Did you know that there is enough energy in the human body to light up an ENTIRE CITY?

And for a whole week...

If you ask a quantum physicist what created the world, he will answer: "Energy". And if you ask to describe this energy, he will answer:

– This is an energy that cannot be created or destroyed, it has always been, is and will be, everything that has already been created has always existed, energy flows from one state to another, and so on.

If you ask a religious figure (theologian) about who created the world, the answer will be: "God." And if you ask to describe God, he will answer:

– God cannot be created or destroyed, He has always been, is and will be, everything that has already been created has always existed, his energy flows from one state to another, and so on.

All religions agree that man is created in the likeness and image of God. And this means that the abilities of each of us to create our own world are also unlimited.

But stop, if a person is created in the image and likeness of God, then it follows that he cannot get sick by definition!

Well, can we imagine God on sick leave?

Or with some diagnosis, which is nothing more than a product of the human mind, perverted by modern terminology, to intimidate the ignorant masses in order to further enslave them and turn them into regular consumers of pharmacy chains.

The principle of trinity and interpenetration of information (mental field), energy (astral field) and matter (atoms) in the process of creation is obvious.

First, our future creation appears in our head in the form of a three-dimensional hologram, then we fill our creation with emotional energy, and only then does it appear on the physical plane.

All our diseases first appear in our consciousness in the form of destructive programs: aggression, anger, violence (the mental field is deformed), then our feelings and emotions are connected to this process, which greatly enhances the destructive, destructive thought form (the astral field is deformed), and only then disease appears, but never vice versa.

What is bo-le-zn?

The word disease was invented by some people to manipulate others.

BO (g) - LE (chit) - ZN (aniem) b.


Illness is the measure of ignorance, they say in the East.

There is Divine consciousness and there is human consciousness.

There is a Divine picture of the world, and there is a human picture of world perception.

There is a Divine plan, a plan, and there is our own, personal - human.

And how far we have deviated from the Divine in our individual consciousness, so we will be forced to pay through the humiliation of the body (illness).

A person is a cell of a huge Universal Organism (body), and if this cell works for the benefit of the whole organism, then it receives everything necessary for its happy and healthy existence, and if it turns into a “cancer” cell and starts working only for itself, it harms others, then it must be destroyed, eliminated, cut out the tumor, give the disease to rethink one's way of thinking and behavior.

Violation in organs and tissues is a consequence. The causes of diseases lie in subtle bodies, and subtle bodies reflect a person's worldview: his thoughts, feelings, desires.

It follows from this that the voluntary bringing of one's worldview and attitude in accordance with the plan of the Creator is the fastest way to get rid of all diseases.

In this case, a very rapid recovery of subtle bodies occurs, and the disease loses its informational cause, but since the physical body is material, it will take more time to restore the tissues and organs of our body, depending on the degree of damage, but this is the only true and fastest path of recovery.

Multidimensional human model

Man is also a multidimensional entity that reflects the principle of the multidimensional pyramid of the Universe and consists of seven bodies of different vibration frequencies.

Our physical body is the base of the pyramid.

The etheric body or the etheric double of a person repeats the shape of the physical body. This is the densest energy shell.

The etheric body forms the so-called energy matrix of the human body, to which the organs of our physical body correspond.

The main task of the etheric body is to be a conductor of vital (bio) energy for the physical body.

People who have developed subtle inner vision see it protruding several centimeters beyond the limits of the physical body.

Each person can try to see the etheric body. To do this, in a state of relaxation, without fixing your eyes, look at your hands and after a certain time you will see, as it were, a haze around your fingers.

In the same body, there are various energy flows, including those very “wonderful meridians” that are affected during acupuncture and acupressure.

The next, the astral body (or body of emotions), consists of more subtle matter than the etheric.

The astral body is the body of desires, feelings, experiences. It has the shape of an egg, penetrating through the physical and etheric bodies, surrounding a person with a light cloud.

When a person falls asleep, the astral body leaves him and returns in the morning. Under the influence of anesthesia, the astral body is separated from the physical, and the person does not feel pain.

During sleep, the astral body moves about in the astral world and is sometimes capable of receiving impressions, visions, and prophetic dreams.

Under the influence of passions and desires, the astral body changes.

The third human body is called the mental. It is the body of man's thoughts and knowledge.

It consists of even more subtle energy - the energy of the mental plane.

There are also bundles of energies in the mental body that reflect our beliefs and persistent thoughts. These clusters are called thought forms.

The following bodies of a person belong to his immortal component and pass from life to life of a person during his reincarnations.

Centers of psychic energy

The most important energy centers in the human body are the seven chakras located along the spine.

Chakra literally means "circle", "wheel" or "disk" in Sanskrit.

In the context of yogic practices, this word is often translated as a "whirlwind", which reflects the idea of ​​the chakras as whirlwinds of psychic energy - prana.

Being the centers of vital bioenergy - (prana) chakras determine the state of the physical body and the whole organism.

Any disturbances in the work of the chakras lead to a weakening of the human biofield and cause various diseases.

Each chakra is shaped like a cone with a round base facing the front of the body and a vertex located on the spine.

All seven main chakras are connected by nutrient channels (nadis) through which vital energy circulates in the body.

The main nadi is the spinal canal (Sushumna), the other two (Ida and Pingala) run parallel to the spine, connecting the outer center of the physical body from the sixth chakra to the lowest (Muladhara), located at the coccyx.

Chakra is a bridge between the subtle world and the physical body.

Each chakra is associated with a specific system of human organs.

All diseases of the endocrine system are the result of blocking the corresponding chakra, which closes on this gland.

Each chakra is associated with certain desires, emotions and feelings of a person. In esoteric literature, the chakras are described as the seven minds in man.

If the chakra is blocked, then in this place the qi energy ceases to flow normally through the channels of nadia, the endocrine system fails, the energy of the body decreases, which leads to a decrease in immunity and the appearance of various diseases.

When the chakras are opened, a person feels a surge of energy, pains in the spine and throughout the body go away (even those that have tormented a person for many years); illnesses lose their informational cause and a person recovers very quickly, even from the most complex (including incurable by modern medicine) diseases, which has been repeatedly confirmed not only by the good health of people who have undergone energy-information correction, but also by medical diagnostics data.

If all the chakras of a person work normally, and the field shell does not have deformations, then there can be no illness by definition.

Diagnostics of energy centers

Muladhara - root chakra

LOCATION OF THE CHAKRA: in the region of the coccyx.

INNER ASPECT: survival instinct, will to live.


ENDOCRINE SYSTEM: adrenal glands.

NERVOUS SYSTEM: coccygeal plexus.

PARTS OF THE BODY: legs, bones, large intestine.

DISEASES: constipation, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, obesity, sciatica.

REASONS: fear and its varieties: anxiety, worries, uncertainty, fear of loss, tendency to excessive accumulation.

Fear is distrust of the world in which you live.

On the physical plane, fear causes blockage of the root chakra - muladhara, which leads to the release of adrenaline into the blood, the blood thickens and blood pressure rises.

Fear is one of the most destructive emotions.

If people are kept in fear, they can be easily manipulated. So negative news, action films, horror films are played around the clock on TV in order to make people afraid.

Thoughts of fear, constantly scrolling in my head, literally attract such situations. The fear of getting sick literally attracts the disease.

When we are afraid of something, we paint a terrible picture of what can happen. We feed this picture with bad feelings, and then we wonder why this picture comes to life.

Many people constantly expect something bad from the world around them. And they get it - after all, everything in our life happens in accordance with our expectations.

Trust is a product of faith. No faith, no trust. Start trusting God, yourself, people, and fear will disappear. Only then will you feel completely safe. A true believer knows no fear.

Remember - you create your own world. And this world is the safest place in the universe. Take responsibility for your life. Your world depends on your thoughts. Feel like the most protected being in the universe.

As soon as you get rid of old negative thoughts and learn to send love to people and everything in this world, all fears will disappear. You will stop attracting violence into your life, and your world will become the most peaceful place in the universe.

Another reason for fear is clinging to earthly things and values. You can also stick to people, to power, to knowledge, to a husband or wife, etc. The more a person sticks with his mind, the more he is afraid of losing it.

Our mind is so arranged, it literally permeates everything it comes into contact with. If the driver of a car is hit from behind at an intersection, what will he say? - They hit me. But they didn't hit him, but his car. But since the mind "impregnated" the car, the person identified himself with the car. Each blow to his car will be tantamount to a blow to the heart.

Mom imbued her children with her mind, the wife - her husband, the husband - his wife. The mind is afraid to lose what it is used to, what gives it pleasure.

It is necessary to understand that nothing in this world belongs to me. Everything I have, sooner or later I will lose. But if nothing belongs to me, then I have nothing to lose, and if so, then the fear immediately disappears.

At the reception, a woman complains of severe pain in the coccyx; walks with difficulty, in addition - varicose veins and hemorrhoids.

Massage sessions with various specialists do not help, you have to constantly drink painkillers, while the doctors can’t really say anything.

My diagnostics immediately shows a complete blockage of the 1st center.

You constantly live in fear, constantly worry about something: for your health, for your children, for the situation in the country, am I right?

Yes, right. I am very worried about my health, that I will not be able to recover, and there is no one to take care of me, you understand?

First, you must realize that as long as you experience fear and anxiety, you have no chance of recovery.

Change your attitude towards your illness, think about why it was given to you, what should you learn in this situation? And you must learn to be calm.

Have you heard the expression: “To a truly believing person, fear is unknown”?

Fear is distrust of the world in which you live.

When we start to be afraid of something or worry about someone, this event is recorded on its information fields. In addition, every time we experience fear, we feed this destructive program with our energy.

Through fear, we program our future - we give direct consent to our own negative thought forms being implemented in practice.

Anxiety is a destructive program, a thought-form directed to the future, which sooner or later materializes in the form of various troubles and illnesses.

The root of all fears is a misunderstanding of the law of reincarnation (reincarnation of the soul), when a person is too afraid of death and is strongly attached to the body.

But if a person understands that death as such does not exist, that death is a change of measure, a transition to another dimension, and that it is inevitable, and there is no need to be afraid of it, then he automatically loses all fears.

After the woman realized that the cause of her health problems was fear and anxiety, and voluntarily eliminated these programs from her consciousness, she immediately lost the severe pain in her tailbone, which had tormented her for six months.

Another interesting case about the 1st center. At the reception, a man whose legs are constantly cold and numb, and his knees hurt.

The diagnostic also shows blockage of muladhara.

“What are you afraid of?” I ask.

- Like what? I am now unemployed, there is not enough money for my family, my wife demands that I get at least some kind of job, but I don’t want to work for a penny, I only want a well-paid job. And in general, to be honest, I'm tired of working for my family, I don't see the point in life. I used to work from morning to evening, I was tired like ..., but there was no gratitude in return, I was tired.

The will to live is an important quality in a person. You gave up, fell into despair, lost your goal, and as a result - fear, a sense of hopelessness, loss of the meaning of life, a block of the 1st center and a “bouquet” of diseases.

Is this how a real man should be? You are now playing the role of the victim. Maybe you should change your attitude to life, set a very high goal and move towards it?

If a person does not have his own goal, then he works for the goals of other people. The goal gives energy, enthusiasm, creativity, health, in the end.

After the correction and the opening of the 1st center, the man's legs instantly warmed up, there was a rush of blood and energy to the limbs, his knees stopped hurting.

In almost all people suffering from arthritis and arthrosis of the knee joints, the 1st center is blocked.

The reason is fear, anxiety, worry about something. At the same time, energy gradually ceases to flow normally along the meridians and channels, and problems with the lower extremities appear.

The issue of excess weight is now of interest to a large number of people, and as a health specialist, I am interested in the energy-informational reasons for “accumulation of extra pounds”.

The cause of obesity is the blocking of muladhara, namely the tendency to excessive accumulation, greed and fear of parting with accumulated property or anything.

Medicine and science have come to the conclusion that one of the main causes of diabetes is obesity. Specialists in energy-informational medicine know that diabetes is a strong sticking of a person to material things.

A generous person will never get diabetes. Greedy and greedy - most likely, yes.

In his mind, a person creates a deficit program: “There won’t be enough for everyone, you have to save up, you can’t give it away, it’s a pity to throw away old things, let them lie behind a wardrobe, maybe someday they will come in handy, etc.”

Our mind determines our physique, therefore it is necessary to remove the program of excessive accumulation in your mind and set up the program of the Universal abundance: “Enough for everyone, as much as I give, so much I receive!”

In my practice, there are hundreds of cases when patients, after realizing the destructive effect of fear and greed programs, voluntarily changed them to the opposite ones (which automatically leads to the opening of the muladhara chakra), and without any diets very quickly began to lose extra pounds.

Programs that open muladhara:

1. I live in an abundant universe that gives me as much as I need for my existence.

2. Nothing belongs to me, I have nothing to lose, so why should I be afraid?

3. I enter into a harmonious energy exchange with all people and with the entire Universe.

4. I am aware that anxiety and fear are destructive programs that I neutralize and replace with peace and trust in the world in which I live.

5. I apologize to all the people affected by my fears.

6. I realize that a true believer knows no fear.

7. I am not afraid of death, I am aware that a person does not die, but only passes into another dimension.

8. I realize the meaning of life, my purpose, set a lofty goal that gives me the energy to move forward.

9. The 1st energy center opens in the coccyx area, the energy channels in the knees are cleared.

✓ Who created you and why?

✓ Who and why created this Universe?

✓ What laws bind you to the people around you and the world around you?

✓ Why are you sick?

✓ What is BO-LE-ZN?

✓ How to make sure that you never get sick at all?

✓ What is absolute health and how to achieve it in order to live a long and happy life?

These and many other questions worried me from early childhood. To say that I was often sick as a child would be an understatement. I literally lived in a hospital. Many times I was on the verge of life and death, when the temperature rose to forty degrees, and the blood began to clot. Doctors miraculously managed to save me, but the more drugs I took, the worse my health became.

But one day, my mother was recommended to go with me to one clairvoyant, folk healer. After several sessions with this woman, I simply stopped getting sick. The knowledge I received from her turned my life upside down.

At the age of ten, I read all the books that this healer had. But I did not stop there: magic, esotericism, religion, philosophy, psychology, parapsychology, occult sciences, Eastern philosophy - I began to absorb all this into myself with great speed, feed my brain, develop my consciousness and my abilities.

I realized, as a child, that the only thing that is valuable in this world is knowledge, practical knowledge that turns a person into a magician. When everything you want comes fast.

I know for sure from my own experience that when you get true practical knowledge, then you simply stop getting sick. You begin to understand the laws of this world, live according to them, stop violating the "rules of the road", and all troubles and misfortunes disappear from your life forever.

Bioenergetics, clairvoyance, esotericism, parapsychology and practical healing - this is what I was drawn to since childhood, but since I had no practical experience in these areas, I set myself the goal of mastering all these sciences to perfection and develop psychic abilities.

The goal was very clear and specific - to find a practical system for a quick and complete recovery of health, having learned which, a person should never get sick at all.

I traveled a lot, studied with the best esoteric practitioners, clairvoyants, folk healers. He lived in India, studied Ayurveda, Eastern philosophy, practiced mystical yoga. Then I returned to my homeland and began to conduct a reception, conduct seminars, classes.

To date, my healing system has been tested on a large number of people. It allows a person to very quickly get rid of almost all diseases, including those incurable by modern medicine. At the same time, the speed of recovery of patients is simply amazing, which has been repeatedly confirmed not only by their excellent health, but also by the conclusions of various doctors.


This book is a practical guide for helping yourself and those around you. Here are collected only practical developments in the field of energy-information therapy, having familiarized yourself with which, you will take a fresh look at the causes of various diseases and will be able to solve your health problems in a short time, as well as help your loved ones.

The book is based on expanding the understanding of the world around us, studying the mechanisms of the occurrence of diseases, research activities in the study of human biofield structures, philosophical understanding of the world, as well as my practical experience in the field of energy-informational diagnostics and therapy.

This book has a powerful healing effect. in contact with the human body, with water, as well as with other objects. This amazing property was revealed in the course of research on various diagnostic devices: the Kirlian apparatus, various bioresonance diagnostics, hemoscanning, etc.

It is enough to attach the book to the body for a few minutes, and immediately the human biofield begins to rapidly increase in size, energy centers and channels open, strength and flexibility appear in the body, and the body's recovery process starts.

If you put a glass of water on a book for 1-2 minutes, and then let the patient drink this water, then after 10-15 minutes his blood becomes liquid, saturated with oxygen, blood cells, red blood cells, unstick and begin to flow freely, delivering oxygen and nutrients to all body cells.

The unique properties of the book are explained simply - this book has a very powerful biofield. Take a pendulum or frame and use radiesthesia to check for yourself.

Every object in space carries information and also radiates energy. Reading any book, you are in contact with the author at the informational level, energy-information exchange begins. Just by reading this book, you are already starting to recover and get a huge boost of energy.

If you are not too lazy and conduct a complete examination of your health before and after reading this book, you will be very surprised at how much your health indicators have improved.

But the most important thing is to put the contents of this book in your head, accept the information at the level of consciousness, and not just constantly carry this book in the inner pocket of your jacket.

Problems of modern medicine or why doctors live 15–20 years less?

Dealing with issues of restoring human health and searching for the causes of diseases, I am always looking for the causes of their occurrence.

In order for the mechanism not to fail, it is necessary, at least, to know its structure and operating rules. Well, in the event of a breakdown, you need to contact an experienced specialist who will quickly fix it, explain the reasons for the breakdown and instruct how to avoid such situations in the future.

In our case, the mechanism is our body, and the specialist is a doctor who must have the skills to save a person from all his “malfunctions” in a short time and explain to the patient the rules for operating the mechanism, called the human body.

But the deeper medicine and science penetrate into the human body, the more diagnoses and drugs appear, which not only do not relieve a person of his illness, but also cause new, so-called "drug diseases".

All over the world, doctors live 15-20 years less than those they treat - the population of the planet, leading, in their opinion, an unhealthy lifestyle.

With their advice, they lead to horror, fear, torment and suffering, from which they themselves die prematurely.

The people whom the government has entrusted to protect the health of citizens, by the way, is called their main governing body - the Ministry of Health - in fact, they cannot do anything, first of all, for themselves. But get the right and license to treat other people.

Here, for example, is an excerpt from a medical journal: “Russia occupies one of the first places in the world in terms of the number of oncological diseases per capita. According to some data, there are more than 2.5 million cancer patients in the country. A third of cancer patients could be saved from death by identifying the disease at an early stage. But for the majority of Russians, high-tech diagnostic methods are not yet available.” Further, the article talks about modern diagnostic equipment, its parameters and cost. Nothing about cancer prevention.

We see that scientific medicine looks at any cause of aging as a way to make money, no matter what words it hides behind.

Multidimensional human model. Energy-informational causes of diseases Peychev Nikolay

Multidimensional human model

Multidimensional human model

Man is also a multidimensional entity that reflects the principle of the multidimensional pyramid of the Universe and consists of seven bodies of different vibration frequencies.

Our physical body is the base of the pyramid.

The etheric body or the etheric double of a person repeats the shape of the physical body. This is the densest energy shell.

The etheric body forms the so-called energy matrix of the human body, to which the organs of our physical body correspond.

The main task of the etheric body is to be a conductor of vital (bio) energy for the physical body.

People who have developed subtle inner vision see it protruding several centimeters beyond the limits of the physical body.

Each person can try to see the etheric body. To do this, in a state of relaxation, without fixing your eyes, look at your hands and after a certain time you will see, as it were, a haze around your fingers.

In the same body, there are various energy flows, including those very “wonderful meridians” that are affected during acupuncture and acupressure.

The next, the astral body (or body of emotions), consists of more subtle matter than the etheric.

The astral body is the body of desires, feelings, experiences. It has the shape of an egg, penetrating through the physical and etheric bodies, surrounding a person with a light cloud.

When a person falls asleep, the astral body leaves him and returns in the morning. Under the influence of anesthesia, the astral body is separated from the physical, and the person does not feel pain.

During sleep, the astral body moves about in the astral world and is sometimes capable of receiving impressions, visions, and prophetic dreams.

Under the influence of passions and desires, the astral body changes.

The third human body is called the mental. It is the body of man's thoughts and knowledge.

It consists of even more subtle energy - the energy of the mental plane.

There are also bundles of energies in the mental body that reflect our beliefs and persistent thoughts. These clusters are called thought forms.

The following bodies of a person belong to his immortal component and pass from life to life of a person during his reincarnations.

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I realized as a child that the only thing that is valuable in this world is knowledge, it is practical knowledge that turns a person into a magician. When everything you want - quickly comes true.

I know for sure from my own experience that when you get true, practical knowledge, then you simply stop getting sick. You begin to understand the laws of this world, live according to them, stop violating the "rules of the road" and all troubles and misfortunes disappear from your life forever.

Bioenergetics, clairvoyance, esotericism, parapsychology and practical healing - this is what I was drawn to from childhood, but because I didn’t have practical experience in these areas, then I set myself the goal of mastering all these sciences to perfection and developing extrasensory abilities in myself.

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