Do-it-yourself furniture from chipboard drawings. Master class: how to make a shelf from chipboard with your own hands. Types of structures from chipboard

Do-it-yourself furniture from chipboard drawings.  Master class: how to make a shelf from chipboard with your own hands.  Types of structures from chipboard
Do-it-yourself furniture from chipboard drawings. Master class: how to make a shelf from chipboard with your own hands. Types of structures from chipboard

For furniture in the house, you need to choose not only beautiful, but strong and durable material. In addition, often pay attention to the environmental friendliness of the material. That is why plywood furniture is in demand and popularity. But it is not necessary to buy everything in the store, because home-made plywood furniture can also decorate the interior and make it beautiful and unique.

For the manufacture of cabinet furniture, different materials are used. Among the most popular are:

  • Plywood (moisture resistant, laminated, birch, coniferous)

All these types of plates are made of wood, and differ in both production technology and appearance. In addition, different types of materials have different applications and all of them can be used for the production of furniture.

For furniture, most often they use those types of wood-based panels that are already decorated at the production stage - this is laminated plywood, laminated chipboard. Thanks to this, the furniture looks beautiful. It is possible to apply a protective and decorative coating at home, but in this case its durability cannot be guaranteed, as it may begin to peel off.

What can be done at home

Everyone can make beautiful plywood crafts with their own hands, and for this it is not necessary to have a lot of tools or be a professional carpenter. The most important thing is to pick up ready-made drawings of furniture or draw it yourself, as this is the basis of any product. With the help of the scheme, you will not only be able to avoid mistakes in the work, but also easily calculate the required amount of material.

From the tool you will need a jigsaw, a screwdriver that can be used as a drill, tape measure, pencil and corner. A grinder, file or sandpaper will come in handy to slightly smooth the end parts of the furniture.

Not any plywood is suitable for work, because if you want your plywood products to be beautiful and durable, then the original material must also have the same properties. Therefore, you need to pay attention to the top coating and the gluing method that was used in the manufacture, since the strength and resistance of plywood to negative influences mainly depend on this. In addition, the thickness of the plywood must also be suitable for the planned product.

The main advantage of plywood furniture is that it is durable and lightweight. In addition, unlike wooden boards or shields, it can be easily bent and given almost any shape, so it is great for making designer furniture.

If you want to make plywood furniture with your own hands, then you do not need to start with complex products, it is best to start with a stool, shelf or flower stand. In this case, you will not need a lot of tools or special skills to work. You will simply get acquainted with the material and how plywood furniture is made. After you have more experience, you can start making intricate crafts that can decorate your interior.

Making furniture with your own hands from plywood is not difficult, you just need to show a little patience and diligence. The most important thing is not to rush, slowly but surely you will still ensure that your products become neat and practical.

Chipboard and MDF

In production, not only plywood is used, but also MDF and chipboard wood boards also occupy an honorable position. These materials differ from plywood in that they are made not from solid veneer, but from sawdust and crushed wood fibers by pressing. Therefore, they are even cheaper than plywood, and there are a lot of options for their external decor.

Making beautiful furniture with your own hands from chipboard is quite difficult, since working with it is different from working with plywood. First and most importantly, it is impossible to make tables, stools and other structures that have a large operational load from sheet materials of this type. Due to the structure of the plate, such products have low resistance to mechanical stress. But they make excellent bedside tables, cabinets or shelves, as their density makes it possible to cope with this task.

If you decide to make furniture from chipboard with your own hands, then it is best to use special furniture screws and dowels to connect the parts. The use of simple self-tapping screws is undesirable, as they can simply damage the plate. Even if you decide to limit yourself to simple self-tapping screws, before using them, do not forget to make mounting guide holes in the plate, both on the top and on the end.

If you have seen how cabinets or kitchens are assembled or did it yourself, then you already have the idea of ​​​​how to make furniture from MDF with your own hands. In principle, making furniture with your own hands from this material is a simple process, you just need to calculate everything correctly. Then your crafts will look like things made to order.

The manufacture of furniture from MDF has several stages, these are:

  • Cutting parts to the desired size
  • Hole preparation for stapling
  • Furniture assembly

Most importantly, at the first stage, do not mess up with the sizes, this is the most common mistake newcomers make in this business. If you are not sure about the calculations, then it is better to put the parts together, check the marks where the holes should be. Even the minimum tolerance during work can affect the final look of the homemade product, because the ends of MDF or chipboard blanks cannot be sanded.

What beginners should know

If you are just learning how to make furniture, then you have to learn a lot of interesting things, since this work has many nuances. And if you want the item you made to look beautiful, and it was not noticeable that you made it yourself, you will have to try a lot.
Making cabinet furniture is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

It is enough to have a little experience and good equipment. In addition, you, like manufacturers, can use a wide variety of decorative elements that will significantly improve the appearance of your homemade products and can hide some flaws in work, for example, the edges can be closed with a U-shaped, T-shaped overlay.

When working, try not to damage the laminated layer on the boards. Even when you buy material and if the plate is damaged, immediately ask for it to be replaced, because it is impossible to fix this defect at home. While the middle wood fiber layer in the board can be drilled or touched up a little if necessary, the protective and decorative coating cannot be repaired, since this is not a tree that can be finished by grinding.

If you want to decorate your interior with beautiful and durable furniture, then buy only high-quality materials for work. You also need to take into account the environmental factor, because even through the walls moisture gets into the room, so moisture resistance is a mandatory requirement for the material.

Do not rush and do not be upset if the result disappoints you a little the first time. To do everything beautifully and quickly you have to learn. Of course, this is not a matter of one day, but when you already have enough experience, you can make any interior elements from almost any material.

The most important thing is just not to rush and carefully consider each of your actions. And of course, do not forget about the safety rules, since carpentry work is always associated with some risk. But do not be afraid, if you are attentive and careful, then accidents can be avoided. Start simple and gradually move on to more complex tasks. Then you can become a real craftsman for whom decorating your interior will not be a problem.

A kitchen set is considered one of the easiest types of furniture to assemble with your own hands for inexperienced craftsmen.

The furnishings for the rest room and the hall, as a rule, need a professional approach, the use of extraordinary materials.

Today we’ll talk about how to assemble furniture with our own hands.

The use of chipboard as the main building material

Today, a natural array in its pure form is almost impossible to meet in an environment. After all, sets made of natural wood are considered expensive and rather elite pieces of furniture. Therefore, the array is replaced with an affordable material such as chipboard.

In most cases, the thickness of these plates reaches 16 mm. Also available in thicker sheets. The sawing of the material is carried out on machines.

You can do the work at home using an electric jigsaw, but bumps and chips cannot be avoided. After all, it is almost impossible to saw off chipboard at home with a jigsaw.


One of the weak points of this material is considered to be saw cut, since it is through it that moisture passes inside the easiest way. In this regard, due to poor-quality protection, swelling of the ends is not excluded. Therefore, it is preferable to cover the ends with edges, as in the photo of the furniture, which is made by hand below.

There are several types of edges on the market today:

  • Melamine. This is the most affordable edge of excellent quality in the price category. Its gluing is possible independently using a conventional iron.
  • PVC is an excellent edging choice. Its gluing is available exclusively on the machine.
  • ABS edging, similar to PVC edging, but made from natural material.


The front part and doors of the furnishings, including garden furniture with their own hands, are made of the best quality material.

The facade is considered a separate piece of furniture and, as a rule, is made to order.

In the case where the facades have unusual shapes, they can be produced over an extended period of time.

Facade types

Since the main function of the facade part is decorative, it is accordingly offered in a wide variety. The facade differs in material, as well as externally.

MDF laminated is a pressed and fairly moisture resistant material. Usually the surface is processed under a natural array.

However, for even the most durable film, after a certain period of time, the edges crack and also move away. The main advantage of this material is the affordable cost and speed of production.

In addition to blind-type facades, there are variants of a figured look for a stained-glass window. The glass part is fixed on a special overlay.

Wood facades will appeal to adherents of natural materials, but their cost is quite high. In addition, environmental friendliness is also controversial.


Painted front part under enamel. It has a significant minus - chips and deformations often appear on the surface.

It was once exploited because of its attractive catchy shade, but with the advent of shiny plastic, everything has changed radically.

Glass facades made of aluminum are suitable for high-tech style kitchen space. They look fashionable, but are quite problematic in production, as well as installation. For fastening, unusual fittings are used.


There are many methods for producing cabinets for headsets, as well as DIY pallet furniture. One of the simplest is the assembly around the perimeter using chipboard.

If it is necessary to create an original facade, it must be screwed onto the frame main part from the inside.

In addition, the facade is often mounted on eccentrics in the form of one of the walls of the box. In this case, the main task is not to assemble the necessary box, but to secure it correctly.



There are built-in wardrobes and freestanding ones. Internal filling is at the discretion of the owner, it is possible to carry out the restoration of furniture with your own hands.

The main element of each cabinet is a sliding door leaf. It is not recommended to save on this part, it is important to purchase good quality fittings.

Basically, the cabinet is equipped with several doors, consisting of a frame into which decoration elements are inserted. Door leaves can be assembled from several materials, separated by an aluminum profile.

The movement of the canvases is carried out along special guides, which are installed with your own hands, just like cardboard furniture is created with your own hands.


If you approach the issue of creating and installing pieces of furniture with all responsibility, then the situation will turn out not only to be of high quality, but also affordable, to differ in exclusivity and peculiarity.

DIY furniture photo


Today we will talk about how to make furniture from chipboard with your own hands. This material is useful not only for beginners who do not know anything about how this process takes place, but also for amateur craftsmen who want to try their hand at making furniture.

A bit of history

The world market of building materials is filled with a huge number of them. But special attention should be paid to chipboard, because it is the most popular material today for creating furniture products and one of the most popular in finishing work. Abroad, this material has been used for a very long time, and they call it a particle board or a board of small parts.

Chipboard is a chipboard, sheet composite material. They make it by hot pressing from the waste of different types of timber, for example, from sawdust, shavings and more. During production, binders are added there - most often, formaldehyde resins.

This material has been used for about a century. Such a plate is a budget option that is not inferior in characteristics to natural wood. The first industrial production of chipboard was built in Germany and Switzerland. And they came up with this material due to a catastrophic shortage of raw materials and the need for a more rational use of wood, including waste processing. Already in the 1950s, the production of plates became conveyor.

Material selection

Before proceeding with the creation of furniture, it is necessary to fully determine the type and dimensions of chipboard. Most often, cabinet furniture is made of chipboard 16 mm thick, and sheets 25 mm thick are used for countertops.

The surface of the chipboard sheet is of great importance. There are such types of chipboard for furniture:

  • LDSP - laminated, covered with a film
  • naked - without film.

Material not covered with a film can also be used to create pieces of furniture, because it has a smooth, sanded surface. It can be self-pasted with self-adhesive film. Preference should be given to films of German companies. They are thicker and more durable compared to Chinese and Russian counterparts, and as a result, mechanical damage is not so terrible for them. However, the ideal option, of course, must be called, but the cost of veneered boards will be about 40% higher.

Chipboard panels for furniture are presented in and the market in several classifications. The most popular can be called the division by assortment. It depends on the scope of the material. There are three varieties:

  • the first - meets the standards for finishing materials, has a flat surface and a homogeneous structure. This is the best variety
  • the second - has a rougher execution. Edges may be slightly different in size or chipped. In addition, there may be scratches.
  • bulk - it is used mainly in construction. Such plates are made from shavings of tree bark, they have a rough and heterogeneous texture.

Chipboard furniture is recommended to be created only from raw materials of the first grade. It is these raw materials that are carefully checked and comply with all environmental standards. Such plates are safe for human health. Second-rate and unsorted slabs are more suitable for finishing non-residential premises.

Hardware stores offer a huge number of different manufacturers, but the most popular are foreign brands, for example, "Egger", "Kronospan" or "Cleaf".

According to the production method, the plates are:

  • flat-pressed, produced by pressing perpendicular to the plane of the entire plate
  • extrusion, which assume the direction of pressing parallel to the plate.

In addition, when choosing a material, you should pay attention to the emission class. This characteristic is responsible for the presence of formaldehyde resin in the material. There are three categories:

  • E1 is the safest raw material, contains the least amount of resin - up to 10 mg
  • E2 - not recommended for use in children's rooms
  • E3 - suitable for use only for technical purposes and non-residential premises.

This indicator is very important, so you should buy only certified products. The certificate always contains information about the class and characteristics of the plate.

Chipboard has excellent operational and technical characteristics. The material has a lot of advantages, the main ones are:

  • ease of processing. This material does not require special technological equipment.
  • moisture resistance, allowing the use of the material in wet rooms
  • high density guaranteeing high strength
  • resistance to high and low temperatures
  • affordable price
  • mechanical stability.

What is made from this material? Most of all, boxes are made from this material, because they are the basis of this type of furniture. For example, the basis of an expensive kitchen “made of wood” is very often made by craftsmen just a box of chipboard. In addition, such raw materials form the basis of expensive sliding wardrobes, with very attractive and non-standard sliding doors. Chipboard colors for furniture are distinguished by a variety of shades. Many shades imitate expensive wood species.

To create pieces of furniture, you need to purchase sheets of specific dimensions. Next, you need to cut them into parts that make up the future subject. Before proceeding with cutting sheets, experts recommend carrying out the so-called “overtaking” - 5-10 mm of material is cut off from the sheet along the perimeter. During transportation, the ends are very often subjected to mechanical stress, as a result of which the formation of chips can be observed, which, by this “overtaking”, are eliminated. It should be noted that, despite the high strength, chipboard sheets are characterized by fragility. For this reason, transportation must be taken very carefully.

In addition, when working with large parts (and the plates have a significant weight), care must be taken, because the end of the finished part can cut the skin. As a result of cutting on special cutting machines, the end becomes like a knife edge.

It should be noted that special equipment is required for high-quality cutting. Unfortunately, at home, when cutting with a jigsaw, the cut line will always contain chips. The PVC furniture edge is glued into separate parts in the same place where the cut is made. You can stick it yourself using an iron.

It is quite easy to assemble furniture from chipboard, using various fastening materials, for example, confirmations, corners, minifixes, nigels and others. The most popular are confirmations and minifixes. Products fastened with confirmations are highly durable, and fastened with minifixes do not have a hole on the front side.

As mentioned earlier, the disadvantages of this material include high fragility. If a piece of furniture will be assembled and disassembled several times, then it is worth using minifixes, because the confirmations will simply crumble the docking holes. As a result, the design, after the next analysis, will be simply unrealistic to assemble. In this case, it is necessary to drill holes in other places so that the structure holds.

In addition, another weak point of particle boards can be called the fastening of fittings, such as guides, hinges, handles. When you fix such parts once with a self-tapping screw, you can no longer unscrew them, because a similar process of material chipping is observed. After the second time, this fastener material will hang in the hole and there can be no talk of any strength.

In conclusion, we can say that modern chipboard furniture is of high quality, durability, ease of installation and environmental safety.

Furnishing an apartment is not cheap. And although today the furniture market is quite wide, it happens that it is not so easy to choose the necessary elements that match an existing design, or that meet all the requirements of sets.

And here a wide field of activity opens up for home craftsmen. At the same time, as practice shows, it is not necessary to have great skills as a cabinetmaker or carpenter.

You can make interesting objects yourself without any special material costs and difficulties: just pay attention to the simple things that surround us and see the possibilities of transforming them or using them to create new furniture elements.

Handmade furniture will decorate any apartment

No one will argue that it is possible to make a high-quality furniture set of a sufficient level of complexity at home, even without experience in such work. But it is quite possible to make simple comfortable and inexpensive furniture that will be comfortable and beautiful.

Do-it-yourself creation has a number of advantages that a home master will definitely take advantage of:

  • significant budget savings;
  • independent choice of the most suitable material at an affordable price;
  • the possibility of using items available in the household that can be used for the manufacture of new furniture elements;
  • colors in the required design solution.

You can order furniture parts for cutting according to the layout, and then assemble it yourself

Designing cabinet furniture, taking into account the interior of the room, allows you to create furniture that is suitable in size and design

Our apartments are furnished with items that reflect different style preferences and financial possibilities, however, the most acceptable option for arranging residential and office premises was the use of cabinet furniture:

  • it is relatively inexpensive;
  • has high functionality;
  • looks aesthetically pleasing;
  • compact and good capacity;
  • it is easy to install and keep clean.

The basis of cabinet furniture are boxes (boxes) of different sizes and configurations with or without doors, depending on the purpose, so home craftsmen most often make just such furniture elements on their own.

However, this is not a simple matter, and requires serious preparation of the necessary materials and components. Shelves that will be connected with fasteners will become the starting point for its manufacture.

Parts for assembling individual elements of cabinet furniture

To make cabinet furniture at home you will need:

  • plates of various sizes for shelves and drawers;
  • fasteners;
  • glue;
  • other materials.

Components for the creation of cabinet furniture are:

  • lifting mechanisms;
  • loops;
  • extension and guide structures;
  • separation systems;
  • special products and accessories.

Furniture fittings and components for creating home-made furniture

Lifting mechanisms are presented in several forms.

Furniture transformation mechanisms

Main material: chipboard

Chipboard panels have a wide range of colors

Laminate (chipboard) is considered the most affordable and inexpensive. It is widely used in the manufacture of furniture, and due to its low cost, it has almost completely replaced wood. It is also used for decorating structures.

The production of laminated chipboard is based on the use of wood processing waste, which is converted into boards by hot pressing. The components of the products are bonded with urea-formaldehyde resins.

Set of children's furniture made of laminated chipboard

The material is used for the manufacture of various types of furniture and individual parts, in particular, countertops, taking into account the properties that it has:

  • it withstands high temperatures;
  • some of its species have moisture resistance;
  • available in a wide range of colors and shades;
  • easy to process;
  • withstands heavy loads;
  • sold at an affordable price.

However, chipboard is not an ideal material and has disadvantages. It is not suitable for creating figured parts and has a negative attitude towards increased moisture: when water gets in, the non-moisture-resistant look swells and deforms.

In addition, it requires careful handling when sawing, otherwise the lacquer coating is damaged. A certain skill is also required when drilling a laminated surface.

Other materials

In addition to chipboard, other materials are also used to make furniture with their own hands. It can be:

Wood-fiber products are produced in the form of pressed sheets. Fiberboard is suitable for the manufacture of:

  • rear walls of cabinets and cabinets;
  • sofa shelves;
  • drawers;
  • various partitions.

Fiberboard has elasticity, so it can be used to make bent glued elements.

MDF is also made in slabs. In their production, a dry method is used, which is more modern and efficient.

For the production of veneer, you need solid wood; for its manufacture, a peeling or planing method is used. It is used for facing various surfaces or in the production of plywood.

What tools do you really need?

Tools you will need to make your own furniture

Depending on the chosen type of model, which will be done by hand, as well as the material, you may need a different set of tools. However, there is a list that cannot be dispensed with, no matter what type of furniture the home master undertakes. It includes:

  • screwdriver;
  • jigsaw;
  • roulette;
  • drill, screwdriver;
  • set of necessary fasteners.

Learning to make furniture

Any home craftsman can learn how to make various pieces of furniture on their own. However, do not expect that this work will be easy, and everything will work out the first time. Failures are possible, but to prevent this from happening, you need to know how to make furniture with your own hands. And you need to start with the simplest: benches, small tables, you can make a cabinet, the design of which is quite simple.

Table and benches for the gazebo, made by hand

The process begins with a sketch and a drawing, which must be carried out taking into account the place where the home-made furniture will be located, and the parameters of the room and the product itself.

Then you need to decide on the material from which the furniture will be made. Experts say that it is better to take chipboard for these purposes - the cheapest and most affordable.

Do-it-yourself open white cabinet made of laminated chipboard

The next step is to prepare the tool that will be needed to complete the work.

When the preparation is completed, you can proceed directly to the manufacture:

  • prepare parts according to the specified dimensions (cut);
  • to assemble the elements by connecting them with fasteners;
  • check the assembled structure for strength;
  • install in the chosen location.

If you wish, you can decorate by decorating the finished product, in accordance with your aesthetic preferences.

Despite the fact that chipboard is an affordable and cheap material, this does not mean at all that it does not have its own characteristics that must be taken into account when using it. If they are ignored, then mistakes and failures cannot be avoided.

The main difficulty in working with chipboard is sawing sheets. Usually it is produced on special machines, which home craftsmen, most often, do not have access to. It will be a great success if it will be possible to agree at an enterprise that has such equipment so that the material is sawn to the required dimensions.

Cutting chipboard and chipboard sheets requires special equipment

But at home, most likely, this work will be done with a jigsaw, which will inevitably lead to chips and wavy bumps. The resulting "open wound" is exposed to moisture. And, if it is not eliminated in a timely manner, the material will absorb moisture and very soon begin to swell and lose its shape.

To avoid these troubles, you need to use a special edge that will cover the saw cut. Today on the market you can find several types of it:

The cheapest is the melamine edge. It can be glued with an iron without any problems. True, it does not differ in quality.

Advice. A PVC edge would be the best option, but it can only be glued on special equipment. Therefore, if there is such an opportunity, it is done immediately when cutting the material into parts.

ABS edging is very similar to the previous one and has the same technical characteristics, but is made of the best materials that do not have hazardous or toxic components.

The use of a T-shaped mortise profile, which is inserted into the groove made by the cutter, is a rather rare phenomenon.

Convenient in the work of the home master consignment note P-profile. It is easy to stick on liquid nails. The only negative is that the edges will protrude by a few millimeters, so dirt gets clogged under it, which means that you need to monitor the cleanliness of the edges and clean them in a timely manner. But such a profile can hide a poor-quality cut.

Features of the assembly of natural wood

Do-it-yourself wooden pine products

Wooden furniture is durable, reliable, durable, environmentally friendly. If preference is given to her, it is worth remembering that when assembling, you need to take into account the features of the material:

  • assembly is carried out strictly according to the drawings;
  • for self-production, it is better to choose such species as pine, birch, spruce, linden: their wood is softer and easier to process and assemble, but it is important to consider that conifers must be well dried in order to stop resin emission;
  • before installation, it is necessary to treat the structural parts with compounds that prevent decay.

Features of wicker options

Furniture can be made not only from wood or wood-shaving materials. Durable and beautiful products made by weaving have long been known, they are used for:

  • twigs of willow, willow, willow and other plants;
  • coniferous tree roots;
  • birch bark (birch bark), used for weaving decorative elements;
  • rattan - shoots of rattan palm;
  • bamboo;
  • bast - linden bark
  • and any climbing plants with a sufficiently dense and flexible base.

Beautiful wicker furniture for home and street

Weaving can be used for furniture:

  • completely made from vegetable raw materials by weaving various types;
  • wooden, for decorating a decorative braid;
  • combined, where various materials and furniture elements made from them are used.

With the help of weaving, various items are made: from chairs and stools to cabinets and chests of drawers.

DIY frameless furniture

Recently, frameless products have gained particular popularity. They are very comfortable and able to provide comfort and coziness. At the same time, they are easy to make with your own hands, even if there are no skills in work.

It consists of two bags that are easy to sew by sewing the fabric of the desired size on a typewriter. Filler is poured into one of them; usually it is expanded polystyrene in granules of a round shape, which easily restores its shape after exposure to a load. The second bag is used as a cover. It is made from various dense fabrics of different colors, natural or artificial leather, or combined from different materials. To make it more convenient to fill the bag with filler, a strong “lightning” is sewn into the side of the cover.

DIY frameless chair from old jeans

It is very convenient for children, as it does not have sharp and hard surfaces, and it also easily restores its shape. It is used during various holidays, parties, if there are clearly not enough chairs.

Attention! For the manufacture of frameless furniture, special reinforced threads will be required.

How to make furniture from chipboard with your own hands

Home craftsmen who have even minimal experience in making furniture say that making furniture from chipboard is not so difficult.

The simplest option in this case is to order, according to the drawing, the company to cut the material into the necessary elements, then purchase a finishing edge in the store, then connect the parts in a convenient way (using fasteners or special glue) and glue it.

If the professionals cannot cut the blanks, you will have to do it yourself.

How to avoid mistakes in the manufacture of furniture

The main problems when making furniture with your own hands arise in the following cases:

  • the dimensions of the parts are incorrectly determined;
  • incorrectly selected material;
  • dimensions and set of fasteners do not match the parameters of the furniture.

To avoid unpleasant surprises, it is important to consider these features.

The final stage - decoration

When the furniture “masterpieces”, made by hand, are completely ready, the final touch remains - decoration. And here - full scope of imagination! Depending on the material from which the furniture is made, it can be decorated:

  • painted with acrylic paints;
  • mosaic panels;
  • decals, varnished;
  • carry out artificial "aging" by the craquelure method;
  • take advantage of decoupage

and other ways to decorate products.

Video: DIY furniture

Self-manufacturing a cabinet will help not only save money, but also get a piece of furniture that will match the interior of the room and personal preferences.

Chipboard - common and inexpensive. In addition, it allows you to adjust to any color scheme, so the experience of working with it will come in handy more than once.

So let's get started!

Schemes and drawings

The first task is to decide where the cabinet will stand. Take into account the width, height, depth of the product, the location of the shelves and other design features. It is necessary to think over the purpose of the piece of furniture.

Reference. Each product has its own characteristic features. For example, wardrobes made of chipboard for clothes are equipped with sections for storing wardrobe items, drawers.

There are various types of cabinets:

  • swing;
  • sliding;
  • coupe.

For small spaces, the last two options are ideal. A free-standing cabinet cabinet is suitable for different rooms. It can be disassembled and carried anywhere. Built-in wardrobes have a significant disadvantage: attachment to one place.

Before drawing up the drawing, the design is planned, the dimensions of the product are calculated based on the parameters of the room. The drawing is made according to pre-planned plans and schemes. You can use special computer programs.

The layout shows:

  • parameters, number and location of shelves;
  • dimensions of sliding elements;
  • the depth and height of the shelves, the order of their placement;
  • cabinet bottom dimensions.

Attention! All data must be clear. The final result depends on how accurately the drawing of the product is made. The sawing of materials is carried out by transferring the drawing to the chipboard.

Materials and accessories

When choosing chipboard, it is advisable to pay attention not only to the marking, but also to the manufacturer. Raw materials of German and Austrian manufacturers are considered to be of high quality. There are two types of chipboard on sale: E1 and E2. The first option is the most eco-friendly. Chipboards come with laminated or non-sanded surfaces.

Before sawing, you need to purchase accessories. It should be in the same style with the future product.

To perform work on the manufacture of a cabinet from chipboard, you will need:

  • wood screws;
  • plastic plugs to match the color of the material;
  • guides;
  • handles, hooks and other accessories.

To hide the roughness on the exposed elements of the product, you will need end furniture decorative tape.


Before installation, it is necessary to check once again the correctness of the drawings and the availability of materials. To make a cabinet from chipboard at home, you need a whole set tools:

  • circular saw or electric jigsaw;
  • wood drill and drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • Phillips and flat screwdriver;
  • roulette;
  • screws and dowels;
  • a hammer;
  • level;
  • perforator;
  • Ruler and pencil;
  • hacksaw for wood and metal.

Before assembling the product, sawing of chipboards is performed: parts are cut out according to the designed drawings. The blanks are laid out so that the longitudinal cuts are along the entire length.

Attention! If it is not possible to cut chipboard sheets on your own due to lack of skills or the necessary tools, it is better to contact a carpentry workshop.

On the ends of the prepared parts, the edge is glued with an iron. It is included on ¾ of maximum power, applied to the tape and run over it several times. To make the edge pressed tighter, iron it with a dry cloth.

How to do?

Work begins with the assembly of the frame of the product. Assemble the frame under the bottom. Legs are not required for wardrobes.. In other cases, plastic devices are used for adjustment. Assembly is carried out in a certain order:

  1. Using a drill, prepare holes for the docking joints, observing their accuracy and symmetry. Holes are also taken into account for shelves, partitions, hangers.
  2. Connect the bottom, sides and top of the product using screws and a screwdriver. First, lay the bottom of the cabinet and, in turn, attach the side walls. The upper partition is laid on the U-shaped structure.
  3. The installation of supports for shelves, hooks, furniture drawers and other elements is carried out at the base of the cabinet. To check the correct installation, use the level. Opposite fasteners must be horizontal.

At the final stage, the door mechanism is fixed. For cabinets of sliding models, guides are fixed from below and from above. For swing systems, door hinges are screwed on the sides. Upon completion of the work, the installation of accessories is carried out: hooks, crossbars, handles.


Before implementing a plan for decorative finishing, you need to clearly decide on the style of a new piece of furniture, determine the way it is clad. There are several methods for decorating cabinets made of chipboard. Consider painting and pasting with a film.


The most reliable and capital method of finishing is painting. It's very easy to do and inexpensive. Chipboards are treated with acrylic, alkyd, spray or ordinary wood paint.

Reference. Acrylic spray paint lays down on a surface better, than usual. The treated surfaces are evenly painted and smooth.

Chipboard staining is carried out in stages:

  1. Level and dust the work surface.
  2. Degrease and apply a primer.
  3. Existing chips are filled with putty and overwritten.
  4. Apply one or two more coats of primer.
  5. Paint the surfaces with the selected paint.

You can decorate the cabinet under the stencil with fancy multi-colored or plain patterns, symbols.

Paste over with a film

Self-adhesive film will give the cabinet originality and the desired style. The film should harmoniously fit into the interior design. But such a coating will not last long.

To complete the work you will need:

  • primer;
  • solvent;
  • soft fabric;
  • knife and scissors;
  • roller;
  • sanding paper.

Chipboard pasting with a film is carried out according to a given algorithm:

  1. Taking measurements.
  2. Cutting the material in the required quantity to decorate the surface.
  3. Removing the protective layer from the film.
  4. Pasting the furniture panel with a prepared cut.

Important! In the process of using a self-adhesive film, the surfaces of the product are treated with a primer to improve the adhesion of both planes.

To avoid wrinkles, the plane is smoothed roller. Start from the edge on which the material is applied.

For processing large areas, you can use a different method of pasting with a film. The basis is a solution of water and soap. Remove the protective layer from the material and place it on the floor. sprayer a soap solution is applied to the adhesive layer of the film and applied to the surface. If desired, you can do gluing with a film together with painting.

Upon completion of the work, the final design of the cabinet is carried out - mirrors are installed, lighting and other functional elements are equipped.

Useful video


Thus, a cabinet made of chipboard, made and decorated with your own hands, will become a unique element in interior design. With the right approach, the product will be durable and stable. And the cost will be much lower than the prices for similar models of chipboard cabinets in stores.

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