Who was born on the 21st. carries masculine energy

Who was born on the 21st.  carries masculine energy
Who was born on the 21st. carries masculine energy

Favorable numbers –10; 28; 12; 21; 2; 11; 3; 30; 1; 20; 29

Unfavorable Numbers –14; 23; 13; 3; 14; 5

Bad months– June, September, February

Success stone– pearl

your color– off-white and gray

Possible diseases: gastric

The numbers in number 21 reflect the Moon and the Sun. The moon means "woman" and the sun means "man". Romance, sensuality and emotions are confused in the number of the Moon. The sun, in turn, reflects ambition and success in a person.

The sum of the number 21 is equal to the 3rd. This number represents the person in which the dictator lives. So, in one person who born on the 21st, lives the personality of a sensitive dreamer with a rich imagination, as well as the personality of an ambitious and very strong leader. Whatever you say, the combination of such personalities is a good phenomenon. By the way, the dictatorship, which is inherent in the number 3, balances the number 2. Such people are usually successful in life. They know how to plan their future and turn ideas into reality.

Also, such people have some emotional characteristics. Their lives are full of emotions. Such people have qualities that are inherent in the number 2, and also have a great energy of the number 1.

At born on the 21st in the foreground is the need for spiritual and physical development. Such people are thirsty for physical satisfaction, since they are not strong, like the numbers 1 and 3. Sexually, they will be average people who have a tendency to romanticism.

It is important to note that such people make good lovers. These lovers always put in the first place not only the physical side of the partner, but also his spiritual world. People of this type have a "good appetite" for spiritual fellowship, but they are not too demanding. This, of course, makes them interesting conversationalists.

Born on the 21st a person gets along with the majority. At the same time, he is almost constantly overtaken by harmony in relationships. Such people have the magnetism and energy of the number 1, as well as the sensuality of the number 2.

Such a person will never offend another person. He's very smart. But his inherent pessimism can sometimes irritate others. Many may lose friends because of this.

If you look from the other side, these people may seem like dictators. They like everything to happen according to their plan. This all happens under the influence of the number 3. It is very important for such people to have friends and partners who will be a support. But in the married life of people born on the 21st, the second should feel the mood of the first, and properly respond to every negative situation.

From such people one cannot demand more than what they can give, especially in sexual life.

Each has its own shortcomings. So, the shortcomings of such people are precisely dictatorship and pessimism. These opposites can make a person very unhappy in life. The irascibility of such people usually strongly predominates. You can make a lot of enemies because of this. This can also lead to the disappointment of such a person. It is difficult for such a person to give advice and impose his opinion.

You need to heed the advice. Usually in people born on the 21st success always stands in the way in life. Such people are very lucky, the number 1 allows this. You should not impose your opinion on such a person. He has great energy and intelligence. Such a person constantly needs to develop self-confidence and willpower.

People with the number 21 need to eat more cucumbers, pumpkins and honey.

The concept of angelic numerology was first described by Doreen Virtue, an esotericist and philosopher. In her opinion, when we notice repeated figures of time on the screens of smartphones and computer monitors, on electronic watches, angels send us messages. Each combination of numbers has its own meaning, 21:21 on the clock is a message from higher powers that your hard work will soon be rewarded.

With the help of the coincidence of numbers on the clock, the guardian angel can warn his ward of imminent danger or indicate a chance to change life for the better. Many people make wishes when they see combinations of the same numbers on an electronic watch. But if a person specifically waits for the right time and tries to look at the clock in such a way as to see the desired combination of numbers, is engaged in fortune-telling by the clock, the wish will not come true. It is necessary to notice the repeating numbers by chance - and have time to formulate a desire before they change.

Since you are addressing an angel, it is important that the wish be kind. Do not wish others illnesses and troubles, it is better to ask the higher powers to help yourself or others.

In addition, often people have their own associations with numbers - for example, someone considers it a good sign to notice the numbers repeated in the date of birth. And some numbers are firmly connected in the mass consciousness with bad omens. The number 4 in Japan reminds of death, 13 in Europe and Russia is associated with devils and demons.

Even if you don't believe in the magical properties of numbers, the very fact that you often look at your watch indicates heightened anxiety. You are nervous - and constant meetings with repeated numbers that catch your eye can be a clue from the universe. The same mechanism of the psyche works when we see combinations of the same numbers in the numbers of cars and transport tickets. A person immersed in himself and busy with his thoughts will not even look at these figures, and if he does, he will not pay attention to curious coincidences.

If you believe in guardian angels, this is a sign that your personal angel is with you at this moment. And if you are an atheist and believe only in science, keep in mind that you yourself pay attention to the repetition of matching numbers on the clock. Your subconscious tells you that you need a pause, fresh information from outside, or a break during which you can sit down, take a break and calmly think about the problems that make you worry and constantly look at the clock.

You may notice times on the clock consisting of the same numbers for several days in a row. If this is the same time, you should pay special attention to the numerological interpretation of these numbers. And if you have seen different combinations of repeating numbers, then this indicates a developed intuition and proximity to subtle matters.

The meaning of the number 21

In numerology

The number 1 is a sign of strength, energy, self-confidence. These qualities are necessary for self-development. If you often see units in the surrounding space, you may be too selfish and focused on yourself. Another interpretation is that you have stopped in your development, it is time for you to move on. It is time to listen to yourself and pay special attention to your true feelings and desires.

Number 2 in numerology - softness, restraint, moderation, internal contradictions, duality in feelings, actions and beliefs. This is a symbol of balance, the unity of male and female qualities in a person, diplomacy and the desire to find a compromise. If you often meet deuces, this may indicate difficulties in relations with a loved one or the need to look at a problem situation from different angles, take into account someone else's, opposite point of view.

The combination of these qualities makes a person's behavior harmonious. Ones and twos together report future success. You just need to not give up and wait a bit. Since the number 1 is the last in the number 21, it means a balanced state of mind - will, energy (number 1) is slowed down by the ability to look at both sides of the problem (number 2). This is the number of a leader, a purposeful and strong-willed person who is able to lead people along.

The number 21 itself has long been considered magical, sometimes it is called the number of the “magic crown”. This is the product of the numbers 3 and 7, which are closely related to mystical mysteries, spells, divine intervention in people's lives.

Traditionally, prayers and mantras are recited 3 or 7 times. The number 3 has a sacred meaning in theology - it is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The “Rule of Three” works effectively in all areas related to remembering information and attracting attention, 3 points are the easiest to remember. If you add up the numbers that make up the number 21, you get 3 again.

7 symbolizes the urgency - 7 days of creation, 7 days of the week, 7 phases of the moon. This number since ancient times means completeness, sufficiency, limit. Many proverbs and expressions show that 7 is a suitable number of repetitions for complete confidence in the result: “measure 7 times, cut 1 time”, “7 spans in the forehead”, “beyond 7 seas”.

In numerology, the number 21 is a symbol of the energy needed to change for the better. It is believed that it is responsible for relationships in the team. In China, this number is the sign of the brightest star on which one should make a wish. In popular culture, the number 21 is associated with good luck and gain. It is no coincidence that the popular card game is called "21", or "point". It is believed that it takes 21 days to repeat the same action to form a stable habit. 3 weeks is the minimum period for the emergence of new neural connections in the brain.

The influence of the vibrations of the number 21 on fate

21, unlike 20, carries an energy charge of continuous movement, people whose fate is affected by this number will always want more from life. Therefore, in order to make and implement decisions on which much depends, numerologists recommend waiting for the 21st day of the month.

People born on the 21st are energetic, ambitious, charismatic, have leadership qualities, but at the same time they are prone to daydreaming and a superficial approach to life. They are sociable and charming, easily infect everyone around with a good mood. These people easily manage to attract fans, do administrative work, organize others. They make good diplomats.

One of the most harmonious numbers, if you were born on the 21st day of the month, this means that you have accumulated positive karma in previous lives. And in the current rebirth, you also have a chance to succeed. You have more resilience than other people, and you deal with setbacks more easily. Balance, the ability to control yourself and plan for the future, confidence in your rightness - all these qualities will attract the right people to you who respect you and trust you.

Among other numbers, 21 creates the most favorable conditions for obtaining material benefits. A person born on the 21st will not miss his. He is talented in everything he undertakes, does the work efficiently and quickly, so he is not afraid of competitors. Changing jobs is no problem either.

But people born on the 21st also have disadvantages. Sometimes these people put the needs and desires of loved ones above their own, they tend to sacrifice time and effort for the sake of relatives. Voluntarily taking on extra responsibility, people living under the number 21 can instinctively begin to resist the bonds of marriage, cheat on their husband or wife. These are the people who need to enjoy freedom before starting a family. But after 30-35 years, they make the most faithful and devoted life partners.

In addition, those born on the 21st day of the month are prone to sudden mood swings. If there are no clear plans for the future, and beliefs have not yet been fully formed, these people can radically change their minds on any issue. Changing jobs, lack of long-term attachments, quick disappointment in ideas and hobbies - all this leads to loneliness, as others begin to consider a person unreliable and windy.

What does the time 21-21 on the clock mean in angelic numerology

The combination of 21:21 has several interpretations. Sometimes this is a sign that higher powers are on your side now. The more often it catches your eye, the more actively the angels are trying to reach out to you and convey their message. A person chooses whether to listen to messages from the subtle world, but if you see the same combinations of numbers for several days in a row, it may be worth figuring out what the guardian angel wants to convey to you.

Do not be afraid of important decisions, feel free to change what you see fit. Believe in your luck and listen to your intuition, this is the only way you will be able to change your life for the better. But do not make decisions too quickly, give yourself an evening to think about the situation.

In addition, this time on the clock may indicate an upcoming love adventure. A passionate and dynamically developing romance awaits you, which has every chance of turning into a long-term relationship. But the number 2 reminds you that you should not forget about the voice of reason, so as not to regret anything later. It is important to make sure that you are confident in your actions, otherwise the result may disappoint you greatly. A good period is coming for you to establish personal relationships, improve your married life.

There is also an interpretation according to which a person who often sees a combination of numbers 21 hours and 21 minutes on the dial is waiting for a meeting with someone from a half-forgotten past. This may be an old acquaintance or school friend.

How to use tips from angels

Remember that the guardian angel cannot wish you harm. From birth, he invisibly follows you, protecting and protecting you. Prophetic dreams, unexpected insights, accidentally heard phrases, various coincidences in trifles - all these are the angel's clues. You just need to be careful and notice these signs in time.

Try to listen to yourself and understand what the numbers you see mean for you personally, whether this is a favorable sign or a bad one. If the magic number 21 evokes only bad associations in you, for example, many tragic events in life happened on the 21st, or one of your relatives died when he was 21, these numbers that constantly catch your eye do not bode well. Be careful and attentive.

But for most people, the realization “I see it on the clock at 21:21 is not the first day” does not carry disturbing associations. There is even such a sign - the numbers 12 or 21 on electronic devices are striking for unexpected luck or a meeting with an interesting person.

A girl in love who notices the matching numbers on the clock should say the name of the young man she wants to attract. So she herself will formulate a message for the angels, because the numbers 21:21 portend imminent changes in her personal life.

Have you ever wondered what the magic of the number 21 is? Find out what it affects, what is its energy, impact on the life and destiny of a person born on the twenty-first day of any month. It is quite possible to correct the negative aspects of your character, to improve energy with the help of this figure.

In the article:

Number 21 magic - activity and purposefulness

The number 21 in numerology is closely associated with action. Her element is an active influence on the world, swift decisions and sudden moves, improvisation and building a line of behavior on the go without much thought. The number twenty-one is masculine, attached to Yang energy. This is a bright, warm, sunny energy, focused on physical and mental work, without long expectations and rational planning. Impulse, suddenness - that's what message it carries in itself.

Also, the number twenty-one speaks of leadership, of a purposeful, strong-willed person, able to solve his problems and lead people to a common goal. Of those who are able to bear the heavy burden of power, such a person as a man born under the sign of twenty-one, especially endures all difficulties and hardships. Diligence, a sharp mind, a serious approach to business, unsurpassed intuition - this is what the magic of the number 21 brings people. This allows them to achieve great career heights in life.

Its magic is made up of the number two, which speaks of making rational, balanced decisions and one. The latter is essentially an impulse of pure energy. Submitting to the will of the one, the two follows the path of intuitive decisions. This represents the perfect balance: controlling your thoughts through willpower.

The third meaning of this number is mentoring, spiritual leadership, passing along the path of self-development of one's soul. To do this, you need to work hard and overcome many obstacles. But the result is harmony with oneself, the world around a person, a tight connection between body and soul, which only grows stronger with time. Such harmony allows you to establish an energy balance and improve the aura. This allows you to harmonize the exchange of power between the physical and subtle body, which improves a person’s health and strengthens his psyche.

The meaning of 21 in numerology

What does 21 mean in numerology? First of all - positive energy aimed at doing good deeds. This energy bestows stamina, strength of mind, but only to those who are hardworking and ready to sweat before reaching their goal. Unlike its antagonist, the number twenty, the value of 21 in numerology - continuous movement. Twenty is passive, speaks of reduced demands and needs. Those born on the twenty-first day of any month will never be satisfied with little and will always strive for something more.

Twenty is the patron of those who are ready to spend their whole lives in a low-paid position, where there is no great responsibility. Twenty-one is a symbol of people who do not like orders and prefer to win the highest possible position with sweat and blood in order to be the master of the situation themselves. In numerology, for making fateful decisions that can turn a person’s whole life, it is this number, active and businesslike, that is advised.

But, if a person is an executor of someone else's will and someone else's orders, the number twenty is advised, as a conductor of energy, and not its creator. Also, one should not forget that one of these numbers is Yang, and the other is Yin, and they are in eternal opposition to each other in all aspects of human life. Including at the spiritual level, not only at the everyday level.

The influence of the number 21 on character

It should not be thought that all women have the number twenty, and all men have twenty-one. This is by no means the case, since in every person the feminine and masculine principles are combined. It’s just that someone has more developed feminine qualities and character traits, while someone has masculine qualities.

Often, a woman born on the twenty-first day has a strong will, great stubbornness and ambition, and a man who was born, on the contrary, is more passive, modest, ready to be content with little. Very strong and successful alliances can be created between such opposite people if each of the partners realizes what role he will play in the future family, and agrees with this. Otherwise, the relationship or marriage is doomed in advance.

The number 21 in numerology is also responsible for interaction with society, the team. Possessing everything necessary for full functioning and well-being among people with a set of features, such people get along well in any team, becoming its full member in a matter of days. They perfectly unite people among themselves, generate original ideas, know how to understand and support jokes, resolve conflicts - often, this is the fruit of their excellent organizational skills.

It should be noted that such a person, although striving for all the best, is more of an altruist than an egoist. It is natural for him to take care and fuss about the weaker ones, but at the same time not give his allegiance to anyone. These are windy persons who, in their youth, strive to try everything that the world offers them, often change partners and do not seek to entangle themselves in marriage.

They can stay with a person and trust him only with full confidence in the strength of feelings, the strength of the formed union. Satisfied with freedom, such people are glad to find a safe haven and no longer indulge in adventures. Closer to the third or fourth ten, excellent family men, caring mothers and attentive fathers come out of them.

On the twenty-first day of the month, more than half a century ago, the world's first nuclear powered boat was launched. It was a huge event for all of science, giving impetus to the ever-accelerating development of technology. In ancient China, the number twenty-one was associated with the North Star, as the brightest and most powerful of all. People born under the sign of twenty-one are strong, self-confident, strong-willed. Having found their true purpose, they can change, if not the world, then the fate of the people around them for sure.

The digits of this number represent the Moon and the Sun. The moon is a woman and the sun is a man. The Moon is romance, emotions, sensitivity, and the Sun is ambition and success. The sum of these numbers is 3, which represents an even greater dictator than the number 1. Thus, on the one hand, a dreamer with a rich imagination, sensitivity and artistry, and on the other, a leader, ambitious and strong. In all respects, this is a good combination. The weak qualities of the number 2 are balanced by the positive numbers 1, and the dictatorial qualities of the number 3 are softened by the number 2. These people are usually successful in life, as they have the power of thought, imagination and the ability to plan, and unlike the numbers 2 and 20, they are able to put their ideas into practice .

Emotional Features. Their emotional life is saturated, as they fully possess the qualities of the number 2 and the energy of the number 1. They need spiritual and physical communication. Although they are not as strong as the numbers 1 and 3, they are stronger than the number 2, and they also need physical satisfaction. Sexually, these are average people with a great inclination towards romance. This makes them good lovers, as they respond to both the spiritual and physical sides of the partner, and if the partner is not very sexual, they can satisfy him both spiritually and physically. They have a fairly good appetite without being overly demanding, and their ability to communicate spiritually makes them even more interesting.

Harmonious Relations. The number 21 gets along quite well with most people, having the magnetism and energy of the number 1 and the sensitivity of the number 2. Such people are reasonable and try not to offend others, but their pessimism can be annoying, and they can lose friends if they rely on them too much. On the other hand, they have a tendency to be dictatorial under the influence of the number 3 and like to have everything done as they want. Their partners and followers should be the backbone.

This in itself is a contradiction, and the spouses of such people should feel their mood and respond to it accordingly. You can not demand too much from them in sex.

lucky numbers – 2, 11, 20, 29; 1, 10, 28; 3, 12, 21, 30.

Hostile Numbers – 4, 13, 31; 5, 14, 23.

lucky dates – 2, 11, 20; 3, 12, 21, 30.

bad months- February, June, September.

lucky colors– gray and off-white.

lucky stones- pearls.

Diseases- stomach.

disadvantages. The number 21 has two sides: the pessimist and the dictator. They are opposite and can make him unhappy. They are usually short-tempered and make enemies. Because of the tendency to dream, they lose good opportunities in life, and this can lead to despondency and disappointment.

In contrast, the dictator in them demands that everything be as he wants, while he rejects any advice and imposes his will.

Recommendations. These people are usually lucky, as they have a happy combination, which includes the number 1. They should be warned against negative thinking and imposing their opinions. If they manage to do this, they will achieve great success, because they have intelligence and energy. The only thing they need is to develop willpower and confidence.

Birthday on the 21st means a sharp mind, outstanding creativity, imagination, perseverance and charisma. These qualities allow you to live a vibrant, eventful life and greatly influence the worldview and destinies of the people you encounter.

Your Strengths

Your creative prowess is something many people admire. Your wide and vivid imagination works to your advantage. At the same time, other people like to communicate with you. You can also come up with better ideas. Your social skills set you apart from others. Many people love working with you. You think very fast. You are success oriented. People who were born on the 21st know how to balance their physical and mental aspects.

A person who was born on the 21st has a talent for writing - from essays to novels and news. You may consider a career as an editor or writer. Public speaking is a piece of cake for you given your excellent oral skills. When you speak, you inspire others and inspire them to live. They never get bored with you. Gatherings and parties will be boring without you.

You love deeply and passionately. With your charismatic personality, it's no surprise that you get love most of the time. Many are drawn to you because of your charms.

your weaknesses

While you may have many gifts and talents, there are some things you need to be reminded of. You cannot be a jack of all trades. You must learn to direct your efforts and energy to a certain area so that you can master it. Take the time to develop your talents so you can achieve outstanding results.

There are times when you become paranoid. Your nervousness can also envelop you. This is the lack of a very broad imagination.

Emotions and sex

The emotional life of the 21st is full because they have number 2 tendencies and number 1 energy. They need both mental and physical stimulation. Although they are not as strong as the numbers 1 and 3, they are stronger than the numbers 2 and need physical satisfaction. This makes them satisfying lovers because they respond to their partner both mentally and physically.

Harmonious Relations

The number 21 is relatively well understood by most people because there is the magnetism and energy of the number 1, as well as the sensitivity of the number 2. They try not to hurt other people's feelings because they themselves are sensitive and know that they are hurt. However, constant pessimism can be annoying and put them in danger of losing their friends if they rely on them too much. The number is controversial, and partners 21 must be able to sense your mood and respond correctly.


The numbers 21 usually do well due to the lucky combination of the number 1 in them. But they need to avoid negative thinking and impose their opinions on others. If they succeed, they achieve great success because they have the energy they need, as well as intelligence. They need only develop their will and confidence and strive to curb their tendency to arrogance.


Those born on this day suffer from intestinal disorders.


Regular diet should include cucumbers and pumpkin. They need to eat a lot honey.

A gemstone that brings happiness

Metals that bring happiness

Any combination of metals for those born under this number is successful.

Colors that bring happiness

The color that brings happiness to the number 21 is grey.

Favorable numbers

The numbers, in greatest harmony with the number 21, are:

  • prime numbers 21 and 3.
  • Composite numbers 11, 29 and 30.
  • Composite numbers 1.10 and 28.
  • Composite numbers 3, 12, 21 and 30.

Unfavorable Numbers

Numbers in total disharmony with number 21:

  • Number 4 . This is a very pessimistic number and only reinforces the pessimistic tendencies of the number 21.
  • Composite numbers 4, 13 and 21.
  • simple number 5 . This number uses the number 21.
  • Composite numbers 5, 14 and 23.

auspicious dates

Good dates for those born under the influence of the 21st - 2, 11, 20, 3, 21 and 30 month.

Unfavorable dates

Unfavorable dates for those born under the influence of the 21st are 5, 6, 13, 23.

auspicious days

Good days for number 21 - Monday and Thursday.

bad days

Unfavorable days for those born under the influence of the 21st - Tuesday and Saturday.

Favorable months

Auspicious months for those born under the influence of the 21st - March, August and December.

Unfavorable months

Those born on the 21st should keep their health in February, June and September.