The beauty of the world's national parks. Project "National Parks of the World"

The beauty of the world's national parks.  Project
The beauty of the world's national parks. Project "National Parks of the World"

Such parks can cover vast areas with impassable forests, islands, coastal waters, and even mountain ranges and volcanoes. Unlike nature reserves and reserves, the protection regime in natural parks is the least strict. And these parks are also a great opportunity for tourists to get acquainted with natural resources country or region. And here is a list of the most beautiful and impressive national parks in the world.

Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park, Japan

The park, located southwest of Tokyo, is one of Japan's most popular parks. The park contains the active Fuji volcano with its five lakes, the Izu Peninsula and islands near it, as well as waterfalls, hot springs and ancient temples. The volcano is especially beautiful with its most symmetrical shape, shrouded in clouds in spring and summer - its grandeur is immortalized in the works of many poets and artists.

Grand Canyon National Park, USA

This is probably the most famous national park in the world, and, as a result, the most photographed. The Grand Canyon in Arizona achieved national park status in 1919, three years after the founding of the US National Park Service. About five million people visit this park every year to see with their own eyes the amazing beauty of the canyon that the Colorado River has carved over millions of years. The southern edge of the canyon is the most visited; the most numerous observation platforms are located here. The northern edge of the canyon, located 300 meters higher, is much less crowded, but it is beautiful with its wild flowering meadows, spruce and aspen groves. The rest of the canyon is remote and difficult to access, although some areas are accessible via hiking trails and back roads.

Guilin National Park, China

Located in southeast China, the park is famous for its karst and limestone natural formations and beautiful hills with colorful names like “Elephant Trunk” and “Dragon Head”. The nature of the park has inspired many Chinese poets and artists, and some parts of the park have even been depicted on local banknotes. To see all the beauty of Guilin, it is best to take a 50-kilometer cruise along the Lijiang River, from Guilin to Yangshuo.

Banff National Park, Canada

It is Canada's oldest national park, created in 1885 in the Canadian Rockies. Lonely Planet describes Banff Park this way: “Mountains, high mountains, mountains everywhere. Fast rivers carry their waters between beautiful hills. Huge glaciers slide down from the peaks and practically touch the ground. Lakes with turquoise water shimmer in the sun - so rich that it seems as if the water has been tinted.”

Serengeti National Park, Tanzania

The oldest and most popular national park in Tanzania is a World Heritage Site. The Serengeti is known throughout the world for its annual migration of hundreds of thousands of wildebeest, zebras and gazelles, while buffalos, elephants, giraffes, topis, impalas, lions and leopards run between the amazing acacia trees. And here, probably, the most enchanting sunsets in the world.

Torres del Paine National Park, Chile

According to many, this is the most spectacular national park in South America. Situated on the edge of the continent, the park is known for its granite peaks and emerald forests, sparkling blue glaciers and azure lakes. Many tourists come here for walks and hikes.

Swiss National Park, Switzerland

Founded in 1914, the Swiss National Park is the oldest national park in the Alps and central Europe, as well as the only national park in the country. It is famous for its unique alpine plants- in particular, edelweiss, which grows only high in the mountains. This park is also home to alpine animals - chamois, deer and marmots. An 80-kilometer network of trails runs through the park, making the area a paradise for hikers.

Lake District National Park, England

The region, which inspired artist William Turner and writer Beatrix Potter, became a national park in 1951. The park consists of valleys with granite boulders and 16 strikingly beautiful lakes resting in the lowlands. These places are chosen by cyclists and lovers aquatic species sports - windsurfing, kayaking and fishing.

Fiordland National Park, New Zealand

Located in the South Island, the park is the country's largest national park. It spans rugged mountain ranges, 14 stunning fjords and world-famous waterfalls. Two of the park's most famous attractions are Milford Sound, which Rudyard Kipling called "the eighth wonder of the world", and Doubtful Sound, which can only be approached by boat. People come to the national park to watch birds, go boating, kayaking, mountain biking and hiking.

Manuel Antonio National Park, Costa Rica

The first national park in the world, today it is one of the smallest national parks in Costa Rica. But, despite its size, it displays gorgeous nature to the world - lush tropical forests, beaches and rocky headlands. The jungle is home to sloths, iguanas and squirrel monkeys, colorful fish swim in the waters, bright butterflies flutter in the air - a real idyll!

National Park "Yugyd Va"

This national park, created in 1994, is protected by UNESCO. The Yugyd Va National Park is located on the western slopes of the Northern Urals, on the border between two parts of the world - Europe and Asia. total area territory - 1.8 million hectares. It is the largest national park in Russia. On its territory there is the largest natural forest in Europe, which has been practically unaffected by human influence.

More than 50% of the territory of the national park is forest. There are about 30 species of mammals in the national park, including: reindeer, elk, bear, wolf, wolverine and fox. The park is also home to more than 120 species of birds. The most common species are capercaillie, black grouse, hazel grouse and partridge. Some species of birds (for example, the gyrfalcon and the white-tailed eagle) are listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation. At the headwaters of the rivers located within the reserve, salmon breed.

Losiny Ostrov National Park

Losiny Ostrov National Park was organized on August 24, 1983 on the basis of the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR “On the creation of the Losiny Ostrov State Natural National Park.” Along with Sochi National Park, it is the oldest in Russia.

The area of ​​the Losiny Ostrov National Park is 128 square meters. km, of which 30 sq. km located within Moscow. Forests occupy 83% of the park's area, swamps - 5%, ponds - 2%.

Settlements on the territory of Losiny Island: the village of Mosvodokanal, Suponevo, Balashikha (Abramtsevo microdistrict), New World, Dolgoe Ledovo, Korolev (Torfopredpriyatie microdistrict, Pogonny, 12th Switch, Oboldino).

The national park has three functional areas:
– specially protected, closed to visitors, where natural complexes are preserved natural form. It serves as a refuge for large mammals and a nesting place for birds;
– educational excursion, open to visitors accompanied by a guide along ecological routes;
– recreational, intended for mass recreation.

The uniqueness of Losiny Ostrov is that on its territory, surrounded by a metropolis, a natural forest has been preserved, characterized by exceptional natural diversity. Part of the forests of Losiny Ostrov belongs to primary forests - a special type of ancient virgin forest that has been preserved throughout long period time and not affected by human activity.

The main feature of the nature of Losiny Ostrov is the great diversity and mosaic distribution of plant communities on its relatively small territory.

More than 600 species of higher plants, 36 species of lichens, about 90 species of fungi, and about 150 species of algae are found on the territory of Losiny Ostrov. Species included in the Red Books of Moscow and the Moscow region are presented.

In the forest area, surrounded on all sides by cities with millions of people, about 180 species of birds, up to 40 species of mammals (including elk, wild boar, sika deer), and at least 13 species of amphibians and reptiles live or appear during migration. About 15 species of fish live in the park’s reservoirs.

Sochi National Park

Sochi State Natural National Park is one of the first national parks in Russia. Area - 191 thousand hectares. Created by a Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR in May 1983 with the aim of preserving and restoring unique natural complexes in the territory along the Black Sea coast from the Shepsi River to the Psou River. But in the northeast, the park’s border runs along the watershed of the Main Caucasus Range. The territory of the national park is served by about 200 people from the state forest guard in 15 forest districts.

All villages and cities of Greater Sochi are located inside the national park.

According to forest zoning, the park territory is included in the Colchis province of subtropical forests.
The most widespread forest stand is dominated by beech - 41%. Beech forests, the only ones in Russia, amaze with their beauty and grandeur; silver-gray columns of trunks rise into the sky to a height of 50 meters.
Oak plantations occupy 25% of the forested area and are located mainly on the dry and warm southern slopes of the mountains.
But the share of chestnut trees falls to 13% of the forested area. Chestnut sowing is a representative of the tertiary flora and is classified as a relict species. This is the only place in Russia where it grows in natural conditions chestnut (European).
Hornbeam plantings occupy an area of ​​about 7%, alder - 3%, fir - 5%, boxwood - 1%.
The rest of the territory is occupied by plantations of maple, ash, aspen, linden, walnut, yew, pine, Himalayan cedar and other species.

In total, 165 species of wild woody plants grow here.

Boxwood plantations, newcomers of the Tertiary period, are of great scientific, educational and aesthetic interest. The delicate “lace” of small, black-green, glossy boxwood foliage and fluffy moss hanging everywhere from the trunks and branches, long, like the beards of fairy-tale characters, gives the forest fantastic view green kingdom.

The fauna of the national flock includes about 70 species of mammals: brown bear, badger, deer, lynx, Caucasian and European roe deer, marten, otter, jackal, wild cat, wild boar, hare, squirrel, etc.
Among the wide variety (about 120 species) of birds are the red-headed wren, the black-headed nuthatch, the eagle owl, and the jay. Migratory birds appear in the forest, on reservoirs in spring and autumn (great spotted woodpecker, geese, swans, pigeons, common quail). There are also 11 species of reptiles and 7 species of amphibians.

About 40 rivers and streams of the Black Sea basin flow through the territory of the national park, three of them have a length of over 50 km - Mzymta, Shakhe, Psou.

On rivers and streams there is a large number of waterfalls and canyons. Waterfalls are mainly located in the upper reaches big rivers, on second-order rivers and their tributaries: Bezymyanny (72 m) on the Psou River, Orekhovsky (33 m) on the right tributary of the river. Sochi at the confluence of the stream. Madness. Agur waterfalls and Eagle Rocks are a single natural complex located west of Mount Akhun. This complex, located near the sea, amazes with its grandeur. River bed The Agur river, cutting through the western slope of Akhun, formed a canyon-like gorge over 200 m deep. A picturesque Agur trail was laid along the river.

On the territory of the national park there are 48 republican routes that pass through numerous places of interest: Vorontsov caves, Dzykhrinsky gorge, Atskhu gorge, Krasnaya Polyana, Akhshtyrskaya cave and much more.
Safety mineral resources is largely determined by the state of the Black Sea mountain forests. Being unique natural formations, they perform water and soil protection functions. Matsesta waters, Lazarevskaya and Sochi springs mineral waters, iodine-bromine waters of Kudepsta and many others originate in the depths of the national park.

The economic activities of the national park are aimed at protecting green spaces from forest violations, fires and pests, and combating poaching.

Workers of the national park annually take care of the forest with an area of ​​1.5 thousand hectares, create recreational centers for tourists to visit them, put tourist routes in order, and look after 7 forest parks on an area of ​​about 5 thousand hectares.

The wood processed in the workshops of the national park is used but own needs in forest parks, during the construction and maintenance of forest guard offices and cordons and for the production of consumer goods.

The workers created hazelnut plantations - 150 hectares, cork and oak oak on an area of ​​120 hectares, plantations of noble laurel and mimosa. The national park has bee apiaries and plantings of garden and wild fruit crops.

Alanya National Park

Alania State Park in North Ossetia is located surrounded by mountain ranges, at an altitude of 800 to 4645 m (Uilpata) in the Urukh River basin. Glaciers, mountains and talus make up a large part of the entire parkland. The main waterway of the park is the Urukh River, created by the confluence of two rivers Kharesidon and Karaugomdon. There are about 70 substantial streams and rivers flowing through the park. In the lower part of the slopes of the Vodorazdelny and Bokovoy ridges and at their foot, you can see areas of the community of mountain xerophytes and mountain steppes; subalpine meadows occupy the upper areas. The vegetation of Alanya Park is quite diverse. Its terrain shows pine-birch forests, mountain pine forests, broad-leaved beech-hornbeam forests, juniper woodlands, as well as alpine and subalpine meadows. Forests in the park cover a fifth of its entire area. The area of ​​the state park is rich in medicinal, edible, melliferous and ornamental plants. Among these plant species you can see grandiflora capitol, larkspur bract, valley saffron, lily, angustifolia snowdrop, Caucasian scabiosa, Olympic columbine, and so on. Distinctive agents of the animal world living in the park are the pine marten, stone marten, pine marten, chamois boar, roe deer, ermine and others. Many historical monuments have been preserved in the park. On the Rocky Ridge there are quite a few caves, rock grottoes and shelters that have been used by humans as camp sites since ancient times. The Alan catacomb burial grounds in Kumbulta and Donifars are very famous. In addition, the park organizes trips to the Tana glacier and to the largest mountain swamp in the Main Caucasus, Chifandzar. Unforgettable memories can be obtained from visiting Galdoridon waterfalls, medieval towers, old crypts, tombs and sanctuaries.

National Park "Shushensky Bor"

The national park was founded in 1995. Its location is South Krasnoyarsk Territory, territory of the Shushensky district, the junction of the Western Sayan mountain system and the Minusinsk foothill basin. This is the center of the Asian continent. This park includes two plots, the area of ​​which is 34.8 thousand hectares and 4.4 thousand hectares; these plots directly belong to the national park.
The motive that prompted the creation of the park was the need for an agreement between certain parties to the activity. These are: protecting the unusual landscape of the area; current economic work; use of this nature for recreation. It became necessary to balance all these aspects. It was also necessary to preserve the exclusivity of natural ecological systems that have one specific zone.

The northern half of the park has a very beautiful landscape consisting of pine forests, colorful meadows, and grassy plains. Southern half It is distinguished by its mountainous terrain and taiga landscape, and coniferous forests grow in front of the mountains. In addition to coniferous trees, there are also forests with trees of different types: cedar, pine, aspen. Black taiga - most of the area is occupied by fir, dark coniferous taiga - spruce and fir. At the highest point of the area there are subalpine meadows with perennial herbaceous plants.

Everyone knows what a nature reserve and national parks are. Perhaps they just don’t quite clearly understand the difference between one concept and another. Let's try to figure this out.

What are national parks

To understand what a nature reserve and national parks are, you need to know precise definition these concepts. So, national parks are special natural areas on land or water where human activity is completely or partially prohibited. The main goal is security environment, i.e. preservation of valuable natural complexes, flora and fauna. These places are open to free visits by nature lovers and tourists.

In addition to their environmental purposes, they are research institutions and also perform an environmental and educational role. It is important to understand that the territories and individual real estate objects that belong to these natural complexes are of special environmental, aesthetic and historical value for the state. In addition, these are excellent places to organize international regulated tourism.

All national parks in our country are property Russian Federation. Historical and cultural real estate objects are assigned to them with the right of operational management. The territory of national parks is limited to a protected zone with an orderly regime of environmental management and visits.

What are nature reserves

Nature reserves are distinguished by the fact that on their territories not only any kind of economic activity, but also the presence of people there. According to the law of the Russian Federation, these territories are transferred to nature reserves for indefinite use. It is our country that is famous big amount state protected areas, while there are only a few of them in the world.

Nature reserves and national parks of Russia exist in almost all regions, and therefore are distinguished by their specific landscape, unique representatives of flora and fauna, most of which are listed in the Red Book and are carefully protected by the state.

Objectives of the reserve

Nature reserves are objects of federal significance, so funds are allocated annually from the country's budget for their maintenance. and national parks can be understood based on the main tasks they perform. Thus, the objectives of the reserve are:

  • acceptance of all necessary measures to preserve and enhance the biological diversity of protected natural complexes, maintaining them in their natural state in protected areas;
  • conducting research work;
  • conducting environmental monitoring, as well as environmental education of the population;
  • providing assistance in training specialists on environmental issues natural environment;
  • participation in environmental state examination when designing the location of economic and other activities.

The territories of Russian nature reserves exclude the use of subsoil, water, plants and hunting of animals, since they are of particular value for world science. They are examples of wildlife, typical for a particular region, and contribute to the preservation of the genetic pool of rare representatives of flora and fauna.

Main tasks of national parks

The main objectives of national parks are:

  • preserving the integrity and uniqueness of natural areas and historical and cultural sites located within them;
  • restoration of damaged historical, cultural and natural sites;
  • Creation optimal conditions for regulated tourism and cultural recreation of citizens;
  • practical use of new ones in the field of nature conservation;
  • environmental education.

Nature reserves and national parks are objects of federal significance, financed from funds allocated from the federal budget.

Natural parks

What a reserve and national parks are is clear. How do so-called natural parks differ from them? The fact is that in their status and tasks they are similar to national ones. The main difference is that they do not have federal status and are under the jurisdiction of the republic, territory or region in which they are located. Accordingly, financing is provided from the local budget. For example, in the Urals, Taganay is a national park, and the Chusovaya River and Olenyi Ruchii are already unique natural parks.

National parks of Russia

Currently, there are more than 40 national parks in Russia, each of which is distinguished by special natural attractions, be it animals, birds, unique plants or historic properties.

The championship in the number of national parks rightfully belongs to the Northwestern federal district Russia, especially Karelia and the Arkhangelsk region. There are unique parks here: Vodlozersky, Kenozersky, Kalevalsky, Russian Arctic, Valdai and many others.

Reserves and national parks of the world

More than 38 nature reserves occupy vast, many-kilometer territories of Russia. These include: Altai, Baikal, Bashkir, Barguzin, Darvinsky, Zavidovsky, Kandalaksha, Ilmensky, Komsomolsky, "Kedrovaya Pad", Kronotsky, Pechora-Ilychsky, Sayano-Shushensky, Caucasian and many others.

Of these, there are nature reserves and national tundra parks: Kandalaksha, Pechora-Ilych, Taimyr, Big Arctic, Yugyd Va, Lapland. Scientists are studying typical tundra ecological systems, as well as observing rare birds (arctic partridge, peregrine falcon), a unique population of wild reindeer, arctic fox and representatives of aquatic fauna (whitefish, salmon, etc.).

In Siberia, the tundra stretches along a narrow coastal strip and reaches maximum width— 500 km (from the northeast of Russia to the south, to the northern part of Kamchatka). The large northern part of Sweden is also occupied by the tundra strip of Swedish Lapland. Small areas tundras are found in the territories of Finland, Norway, and Iceland. Therefore, controlled environmental facilities were also created here.

Famous nature reserves and national parks of the world that protect the flora and fauna of tundra ecosystems: Urho-Kekkonen and Lemmenjoki, belonging to Finland; "Abisko", referring to Sweden; Norwegian "Hardangervidda".

So, the basis of the system of specially protected natural areas in our country are nature reserves. However, the presence on their territory of citizens who are not employees of the reserves is strictly prohibited. Therefore, in addition to protected areas, state national parks were created. In addition, despite the universal recognition of the importance of specially protected natural areas, there is a need to obtain an economic effect from their functioning. The creation of a state network of national parks is aimed at solving this problem.

National natural park(according to the Law of Ukraine “On the Natural Reserve Fund of Ukraine”) - these are environmental, recreational, cultural, educational, scientific and research institutions of national importance, which are created for the purpose of conservation, restoration and effective use natural complexes and objects that have special environmental, health, historical, cultural, scientific, educational and aesthetic value.

Multifunctionality is inherent in national parks to a much greater extent than other types of protected natural areas. However, the main purpose of the national park is to create conditions for recreation, which implies the presence of economic areas, the only limitation of which is the prohibition of any activity that could cause harm to natural complexes and cultural and historical sites. Therefore, not all national parks can be called corners of untouched nature.

Functions of the national park:

Preservation of valuable natural, historical and cultural complexes and objects;

Creation of conditions for organized tourism, recreation and other types of recreational activities in natural conditions in compliance with the regime of protection of protected natural complexes and objects;

Conducting scientific research on natural complexes and their changes in conditions of recreational use, developing scientific recommendations on issues of environmental protection and effective use natural resources;

Carrying out environmental educational work.

It is no coincidence that the task of preserving nature comes first. This puts the national park in a number of specially protected natural areas of the second rank after the reserve and indicates its purpose - from resource conservation (preservation and enrichment of natural and recreational resources) to a reference reserve. After all, national parks are designed to preserve unique examples of nature and show them to people. Actually, based on these considerations, the idea of ​​their creation developed. Today, among the unique creations of nature, not only geographical phenomena are distinguished - high mountains, deep lakes, glaciers, impressive waterfalls and canyons, but also representatives of the flora and fauna. Due to the active expansion of anthropogenic landscapes, traditional ideas of perpetuating natural and historical memorials in national parks began to lose ground to another, no less urgent goal - the organization environmental education resting person (stimulating interest in wildlife). Understanding of personal responsibility for its preservation and increase. This is the recreational value of the national park.

On the territory of national natural parks, taking into account the environmental, health, scientific, recreational, historical, cultural and other values ​​of natural complexes and objects, a differentiated (mixed) regime of their protection is established according to functional zoning:

protected area – intended for the protection and restoration of the most valuable natural complexes, the regime of which is determined in accordance with the requirements established for natural reserves;

regulated recreation area– within its borders, short-term recreation and health improvement of the population, inspection of picturesque and memorable places is carried out; in this zone it is allowed to develop tourist routes and ecological trails; logging of main use forests, commercial fishing, etc. are prohibited;

stationary recreation area– designed to accommodate hotels, campsites and other facilities serving park visitors;

economic zone – within its borders economic activity is carried out, there are settlements, public utility facilities of the park, etc. However, the construction of roads, power and communication lines, traffic movement outside the established ones, etc. is prohibited.

Zoning of the territory of each national park, recreational and other activities on its territory are carried out in accordance with the “Regulations on the National Natural Park and the Project for Organizing the Territory of the National Natural Park”. Today there are 15 national natural parks in Ukraine:

Carpathian (Ivano-Frankivsk region, created in 1980)

Shatsky (Volynskaya, 1983)

Synevyr (Zakarpatskaya, 1989)

Azovo - Sivashsky (Kherson, 1993)

Vizhnitsky (Chernovetskaya, 1995)

Podolsk Tovtry (Khmelnytskyi, 1996)

Holy Mountains (Donetsk, 1997)

Yavorovsky (Lviv, 1998)

Desnyansko-Starogutsky (Sumskaya, 1999)

Skolov Beskydy (Lviv, 1999)

Uzhansky (Zakarpattia, 1999)

Hutsulshchyna (Ivano-Frankivsk, 2002)

Ichnyansky (Chernigov, 2004)

Galitsky (Ivano-Frankivsk, 2004)

Gomelshan forests (Kharkovskaya, 2004).

And the oldest national parks in the world are Yosemite (1864) and Yellowstone (1872) national parks (USA).

Yosemite National Park located in the USA, California, in the Sierra Nevada mountains, the country's first protected landscape since 1864, a national park since 1890. Area 304 thousand hectares. Coniferous forests (thousand-year-old giant sequoia dendron trees) and about 80 species of mammals are subject to protection.

Yellowstone National Park is located in the USA, the states of Wyoming, Montana, Idaho. Area 898.3 thousand hectares. The park is part of an area of ​​active volcanic activity, where rare natural phenomena- geysers, of which there are about 200. The most famous of them is Old Feyiful, which operates almost every hour for 5 minutes and emits a stream hot water and steam into the air to a height of 30 - 45 m. The following are subject to protection: hot springs, petrified trees, coniferous forests, mountain meadows, as well as such species of animals as: black-tailed deer, bears (baribal, grizzly), etc.; bald eagle nesting site.

Following Yellowstone Park, national parks began to be created in Canada, Africa, and Australia. Currently, national parks abroad are allocated the main role in nature conservation in a broad sense. Today there are 2,300 national parks in the world.

In the former USSR, national parks began to be included in the system of specially protected natural areas in the 70s. Now there are about 20 national natural parks in Ukraine.

As you can guess from the title, National Park Snowdonia is located in the Snowdon mountains. The elevation of 3,560 feet offers scenic views of the park. Lakes and rivers are set against a background of trees and rocks, making a park ideal place for relaxation and taking photographs. Within the boundaries of Snowdonia Park, visitors can also admire ancient castles. History is the realm of legends and tales, which makes the park an even more fascinating place to visit. Sleep music is easy and relaxing to listen to

Grand Canyon, USA

Over hundreds of years, the Colorado River created this amazingly complex Grand Canyon. Every year, tourists flock to this place to admire its beauty, travel to the bottom of the canyon and set up camp. The Grand Canyon is one of the natural wonders of the world and has also been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Grand Canyon extends over 1,200,000 acres.

Kruger National Park, South Africa

One of the biggest national parks in the world, the Kruger Park covers millions of acres of land. It is home to a huge number of African animal species, including elephants, giraffes and many more. You can observe these animals from observation towers scattered throughout the park. The Kruger National Park also offers 9 different routes, including at night.

Deosai, Pakistan

Every spring, thousands of flowers and butterflies begin to bloom in Deosai National Park, forming a living carpet, and this riot of colors makes this place fabulously beautiful. Of course, it is advisable to visit the park in the spring, although it is beautiful all year round.

Kakadu National Park, Australia

The Australian government and Aboriginal people work together to care for such a beautiful national park Cockatoo. The park is a World Heritage Site and its stunning views attract tourists all year round. One of the most interesting attractions of the park is the Aboriginal rock art that can be found in the area. It is also home to a range of animals, including the saltwater crocodile.

Hortobagy, Hungary

Hortobagy became the first national park in Hungary. It was declared as a national park in 1973. In 1999, the park was included in the list of World Heritage Sites. Home to wild horses and a range of endangered birds, Hortobagy Park is home to over 342 bird species and is a true birdwatcher's paradise.

Plitvice Lakes, Croatia

This area of ​​Croatia is ideal for holidays and hiking, with stunning mountainous terrain dotted with lakes and streams. The uniqueness of the reservoirs of this park is that the water contains travertine. This gives the water perfect clarity as well as a very vibrant blue-green hue.

Madain Saley National Historical Park, Saudi Arabia

While many parks have dense vegetation, Madain Salei consists almost entirely of desert and rocks. The amazing oases and attractions of the park will blow your mind. The ancient burial ground in the park is also beautiful. More than 125 graves and facades were carved into the rock sometime between 500 BC. and 100 AD. They are still in excellent condition and are certainly worth a visit if you are in the area.

Sagarmatha National Park, Nepal

Here you can admire Everest, as well as its adjacent mountains, monasteries and villages. National Park serves as a home for mountain goats, which balance perfectly while climbing dangerous sheer cliffs.

Iguazu National Park, Argentina and Brazil

National Park Iguazu is located in Argentina and Brazil. Iguazu Falls is actually made up of hundreds of waterfalls in a circle of curved rock. The park is home to a wide range of wildlife, including howler monkeys, jaguars, tapirs and caimans.