Beautifully made from puff pastry. Recipes for express baking from ready-made puff pastry

Beautifully made from puff pastry.  Recipes for express baking from ready-made puff pastry
Beautifully made from puff pastry. Recipes for express baking from ready-made puff pastry

Puff pastries are delicious and quick. Products from puff pastry very popular all over the world: pastries and cakes have glorified Austrian cuisine; classic sweet pastries made from puff pastry are loved by the French; savory puff pastries with meat fillings are very popular in Germany. Puff pastry is a wonderful invention for making dozens of different desserts or quick snacks. For any puff pastry you only need the dough itself and the filling. Dishes made from puff pastry are prepared extremely quickly, they can be made even when it seems that there is absolutely no energy, time or desire for baking. Let's try to check?

We have two options: buy ready-made dough or make it yourself. The first option is suitable for those who are in a hurry or lazy, the second is ideal for those who love to cook. Both options have clear pros and cons.

The option is quick, store-bought. Puff pastry has been sold in stores for many years, and everyone has become accustomed to it as the only option. This is really convenient: you need to defrost the finished dough, roll it out, wrap the filling - and you can bake. It actually takes 10-15 minutes to prepare the dessert, and the oven bakes for another 10-15 minutes without our participation. Fast and easy.

A less fast option is homemade dough homemade.


500 g flour,
375 g butter,
250 ml water,
salt on the tip of a knife.

Sift the flour together with salt (you can take 1-2 teaspoons per 500 g), melt a piece in 75 g of butter. Let the rest of the oil remain in the refrigerator. Carefully pour water into the flour, then oil and knead the dough. Place on a floured surface and knead for 1-2 minutes. Wrap the dough in cling film and place in the refrigerator for 40 minutes. Break the cold butter with a rolling pin to a thickness of 1 cm. Make a cross-shaped deep cut in the dough and open it like a flower. Don’t touch the middle, but roll out the “petals” thinner. Place butter in the center and fold the “petals” into an envelope. The butter should be completely covered with dough. Dust the dough with flour, beat it a little with a rolling pin and roll it into a rectangle of equal thickness. Roll in one direction only! Fold the rectangle in three, beat it again, press the edges, dust with flour and roll out again in one direction. Then fold it 3 more times, beat it and roll it again. Wrap the dough in film and refrigerate for an hour. Repeat this operation 2 more times with a “rest” in the refrigerator for 1 hour. The finished dough can be made in bulk and frozen.

At this point you can consider the preparation complete and start creating. For convenience, we will divide all the puff pastries into sweet and savory (this is where the lack of sugar in the dough comes in handy). It’s easier to write what you can’t put in puff pastries than to list thousands of filling options. It can be any fruit, nuts, vegetables, cottage cheese, dried fruits, jams, meat, minced meat, chocolate, fish, mushrooms - whatever. There is only one rule, or rather a recommendation - the filling should not be too wet and there should not be too much of it.

It is not necessary to sweeten the dough itself, let it remain universal; you can sweeten the puff pastry on the outside by sprinkling with sugar or powdered sugar. There are really a lot of options for sweet puff pastries; a good puff pastry is crispy, airy, goes well with a sweet filling and is tasty even without it.

Let's start with a simple one, that is, puff pastries without fillings. The well-known “tongue” - a piece of puff pastry, brushed with egg yolk and sprinkled with sugar, goes amazingly with tea or coffee. Advice: try to make the “tongues” very tiny, “one bite size”, then it will be convenient to dip them in jam or honey and not use sugar. So let's get started. Don't forget to preheat the oven in advance. Roll out the dough, cut into small strips. Moisten the baking tray cold water and lay out the pieces of dough. Place the baking sheet in the refrigerator for 10-15 minutes, then immediately into a hot oven. Bake at 200 degrees for about 10 minutes. Cool and serve with tea. If there is no jam or anything sweet, after rolling, sprinkle the tongues greased with egg yolk with sugar.

It’s a little more complicated, but just as easy to make filled puff pastries. You have already noticed that for the best lamination effect, a temperature contrast is required, for which we keep the dough in the cold, and then quickly move it into a preheated oven. This maneuver allows you to achieve fluffiness and better separation of the dough into layers.

You can choose any shape for filled puff pastries. The easiest way is to use a square of dough folded into a triangle. It’s better not to overdo it with the filling, the edges should be well protected, and everything will turn out great. If the filling is sweet enough, you don't need to sprinkle the top with sugar. Contrast unleavened dough And sweet filling goes very well with unsweetened black tea. Another simple way to place the filling is to roll out the dough into a large square or rectangle 5-6 mm thick and place thin layer filling, such as jam or cheese. Leave a little space at the edge for pinching. Then roll up, cut and bake at 200 degrees for 10-15 minutes.

Puff pastry is used in classic Austrian desserts and in making Napoleon cake, but the traditional English upside-down Apple pie Those who love apple charlottes will surely like it.

250 g puff pastry,
100 g sugar,
1 egg,
3 apples,
20 g butter,
1 teaspoon milk,
½ teaspoon ground ginger,
ground almonds, vanilla or vanillin - to taste.

In a round ovenproof dish about 20cm in diameter, combine the sugar, vanilla and 100ml water. Bring to a boil and cook until caramel is formed (do not stir under any circumstances, otherwise the caramel will crystallize and burn firmly to the bottom of the pan). Cut the apples into slices, remove the seeds, transfer to a mold and carefully roll in caramel. Add oil and cook for a few more minutes. Sprinkle with ground almonds and remove from heat. Roll out the dough to a thickness of 3-4 mm and cut out a circle with a diameter larger than the diameter of the mold. Gently place the dough on top of the apples, tucking the edges in like a blanket. The surface of the dough can be greased with an egg-milk mixture. Bake at 190 degrees for about 20 minutes. When browned, remove, let cool slightly and turn onto a plate with the apples facing up (be careful, the caramel is very hot!). Serve hot.

By the way, about the thickness of the filling. It should be equal to or slightly less than the thickness of the dough. It is better to make many small puffs with a small amount of filling than one large one with the risk that the dough will not rise.

Puff pastry lovers will be surprised to learn that their favorite strudels were not always made from puff pastry, and the dish itself can be savory. Strudels are prepared in all German-speaking countries and even a little in neighboring ones, like the Czech Republic or Hungary. Most often, the dough in them is puff pastry, and the filling is fruit, but there are options made from sausages, sauerkraut, potatoes, fried vegetables, meat, liver and God knows what else. We will opt for apple strudel, this is the simplest and most familiar version of the famous Austrian dessert. Let's not forget that in the original strudel is prepared from simple yeast-free, but very thin dough, and puff pastry is an influence French cuisine, although it will be delicious in both cases.

250 g unsweetened puff pastry,
500 g sour apples,
100 g sugar,
50 g ground crackers,
50 g raisins,
1 teaspoon olive oil,
lemon, cinnamon, salt - to taste.

Peel and cut the apples very thinly, mix with raisins, cinnamon and sugar. Fry the crackers in olive oil until golden brown. Roll out the dough very thin, transfer to a towel, sprinkle lemon juice and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Spread the apple-raisin mixture over the surface, leaving a strip without filling to hold the layer together. Roll the dough into a log using a towel. Pin in the place where there was no filling, pinch the edges. Preheat the oven to 200˚C in advance. Bake on a pre-greased baking sheet for 30 minutes. The finished strudel is served warm, sprinkled with powdered sugar.

By the way, puff pastry is a “recent” invention and appeared in France in the 17th century. It is generally accepted that it was influenced by Greek cuisine and in particular the phyllo dough used in the production of baklava and other dishes where layering is important. Similar dough is also found in Middle Eastern and Maghreb cuisines, but it is made using a completely different method - the dough does not use oil, the layers are rolled out very thin, and the layering is ensured by mechanical folding of the rolled sheets of dough. The use of butter as an exfoliating force is a French invention and is in the tradition of pan-European culinary principles. To those uninitiated in the mystery of preparing Maghreb puff pastries, French puff pastries seem very complicated, but only until they see the process of preparing Arabic puff pastry.

Unsweetened puff pastries can be made with cheese, ham, meat and minced meat, fish, mushrooms and vegetables. In addition to the fact that you need to handle the filling just as carefully as in the case of sweet options, the filling should be prepared, taking into account that the puff pastry is baked for only about 10 minutes. All meat, fish, vegetable and other fillings that require processing must be half cooked. To play it safe, you can cook the meat until fully cooked and not give it any chance of being undercooked in the puff pastry. A classic dish made from unsweetened puff pastry is kulebyaka. By the way, this is an example of real Russian cuisine, successfully combined with French royal cooking (yes, kulebyaka, of course, was also originally prepared from yeast-free dough).

Roll out two strips of puff pastry 15-30 cm long and 5 mm thick. One is 10 cm wide, the second is 20. Place small savory pancakes on the narrow one, on top of which place pieces of boiled fish in a layer 6-7 cm wide, and on top - pieces of smoked or lightly salted fish (smoked salmon or lightly salted salmon). Cover the filling with pancakes and then wide stripe puff pastry, which you crimp around the perimeter. Brush the surface with egg and make punctures to allow steam to escape. Place in the oven for 40-50 minutes at 190 degrees.

Puff pastries can also be vegetable. In this case, you can give them any taste - from sweet for dessert (for example, filled with zucchini or pumpkin), to neutral or bright taste, rich in the aromas of spices and seasonings. A typical example of a neutral puff pastry is a pie filled with potatoes with mushrooms and dill, and if you replace the potatoes with chicken and add bright Indian spices, the puff pastry turns into a completely different dish. The neutrality of the test in both cases is beneficial.

In any case, whatever the filling, maintain moderation in relation to the dough and do not be afraid to experiment - you can bake puff pastries with several filling options at one time, different sizes and forms. Delicious experiments to you!

Gone are the days when baked goods based on puff pastry had to be exclusively purchased by gourmands who were not familiar with the secret of its preparation. Today it is easy to find ready-made dough, even rolled out into layers. By adding your own filling option, you can get fresh, crispy baked goods. There can be any number of formation options. Knowing about them, you can quickly provide yourself with incomparable snacks or your favorite sweets, which on average will take no more than half an hour to bake.

Sun Pie

Nothing extra, just two round layers of dough with a layer. The selected filling option is placed on the bottom circle, everything is covered with a second circle on top. Having placed a glass in the center, the circle is cut into several equal parts-rays. Each ray should be turned twice.

Sausages in dough

There is nothing easier than cutting the dough into strips and wrapping them around the sausages in a spiral. You can also use trimmings for this purpose.


A universal forming option that allows you to get both a snack option and sweet pastries. The dough here is also cut into strips, and sausage or thinly sliced ​​apple can be used as petals. For lubrication, in the first case, ketchup is used, and in the second, jam or preserves. The strip filled with filling just needs to be rolled into a roll.


It’s easy to turn strips of dough into tubes. This can be done even in the absence of special molds. An alternative to them would be rolled up pieces of baking paper. The filling for the tubes can be not only cream, but also snacks.

Gossamer hemisphere

A hemisphere web will become a self-sufficient element of serving. It can be used for portioned salads or desserts. Just stretch the dough, cut into a mesh, slightly and place it on the apple wrapped in foil. During baking, the apple will become soft and shrink in size, making it easy to remove the decorative lattice.

Rolled layer cake

For such a pie you will need dough cut into thick, about 8 cm, strips. The filling is laid out along the strip. It can be: cheese, olives, mushrooms, ham, green beans, nuts, fruits, including jam, honey. We twist the rolled dough into a tube with the filling inside into a spiral. If desired, brush with egg and crush with sesame seeds.

Snack sticks

You can wrap olives, pieces of ham or fish in dough strips; you just need to make cuts in one of the dough strips that do not reach the edge by 1-2 mm and weave the filling into a braid.


Thanks to the unique ability of puff pastry to expand in volume, to form sides, simply make cuts along the perimeter along the edge and place the filling in the middle. The sides will grow on their own. Shape and filling option open pie can be anything.

Star puffs

To form such a puff pastry, you will need two squares of dough. In the middle of the bottom one we lay out a mound of filling, and in the middle of the top one we make through cuts in the shape of a snowflake. By superimposing one layer on another, we get a star. Now all that remains is to use a jar or bowl with a suitable diameter and, placing a puff pastry under it, trim off the excess dough, and then make a pattern along the edge using a fork. Using the same principle, you can make a large pie.

Puff pastries with filling

Cut the dough sheet into rectangles. Visually divide them in half. On one of the parts we make through notches in a checkerboard pattern. Place the filling in half without making any cuts, cover and press down on the edges.

There is another way in which you do not have to form each puff separately. Roll out a layer of dough that matches the size of the baking sheet. Conventionally divide the dough into rectangles. To do this, apply the markings with a beaten egg. Place the filling in the middle of each rectangle, leaving the greased areas empty. Roll out another layer of dough, cover the sheet with the filling with it, and make punctures with a fork. In between, press with your fingers and then cut.

Every woman strives to pamper her family with various pies and buns. It is by baking that you can determine the level of skill of the housewife. After all, you need to be creative when choosing not only the filling, but also the shape of future products. Not everyone knows how to make a beautiful pie.

What types of pies are there?

Baking is an art. Recipes for various pies have been passed down from generation to generation for many centuries. On this moment There are many ways to prepare them. What types of pies are there? Baking can be:

  1. Main course. Most often these are pies with meat or fish filling.
  2. Snack. To prepare such pies, mushroom or vegetable filling is used.
  3. Dessert. These are, as a rule, sweet pastries with various fruit or dairy fillings.

It is worth noting that the menu of many foreign restaurants includes pies and pies. The uniqueness of the baked goods lies not only in the filling, but also in the choice of dough. It could be:

  1. Yeast - butter, used for pies and buns.
  2. Yeast-free - custard and puff pastry.

However, not every housewife can make beautiful pies, the photos of which are presented below. can be absolutely anything:

  1. Round.
  2. Oval.
  3. Triangular.
  4. Square and so on.

It is best to prepare pies and buns from yeast dough, as during the cooking process it becomes more fluffy and airy.

Making oval pies

How to beautifully make oval-shaped pies? It is worth noting that this option allows you to use almost any filling. That is why the oval shape is considered the most popular. To make original pies, you need:

  1. Divide the dough into small pieces and roll into balls.
  2. Such blanks should be rolled into flagella and then cut into cubes (about 4 centimeters each).
  3. Each piece must be rolled into an oval shape. The thickness of the dough should be no more than 5 millimeters.
  4. You need to put a little filling in the middle of the workpiece. After this, one edge of the cake needs to be thrown over the second and pinched. The result should be a crescent moon.

That's all. The oval-shaped pie is ready. When baking or frying, the workpiece should be placed seam side down.

Original round pies

How to make beautiful pies correctly round shape? It's actually not difficult. It is worth noting that this form is ideal for baking with fruit filling. To make the products exactly round, you need:

  1. Divide the yeast dough into pieces and then roll it out so that you end up with neat flat cakes no more than 5 millimeters thick.
  2. Place the filling in the center of the round piece.
  3. Carefully gather the edges of the cake in the center and seal carefully. The result should be a bag.

When baking, these pies need to be placed with the clamp down. Otherwise, the baked goods will spread.

Cute squares

How to make a beautiful pie from yeast dough? If the filling consists of dry products, for example, potatoes or minced meat, then it is best to bake square shape. It takes a little time. It is worth noting that the fruit or vegetable filling may leak out of such pies. To prepare square-shaped products you need:

  1. Roll out the dough into flat cakes, preferably medium in size.
  2. Place in the middle of each piece required amount fillings.
  3. Carefully lift the corners of the dough and pinch them together.

Place these pies on a baking sheet or in a frying pan with the seam side up. This way the baked goods will not spread.

Triangular pastries

How to make beautiful pies from yeast dough festive table? In this case, a triangular shape is ideal. The pies are made very quickly and easily. This form is suitable for baking with open filling. To make triangular pies, you need:

  1. Roll out the dough to form a neat triangle.
  2. Place the filling in the center of the resulting workpiece.
  3. Fold the two edges to form an arrow.
  4. Fold the remaining edges up.

Secrets of making pies from yeast dough

  1. To prevent the dough from sticking to your fingers during the modeling process, you need to lubricate your hands with sunflower oil.
  2. To ensure that the edges of the cakes stick together well, craftsmen advise brushing them with water.
  3. Before baking, the workpiece should be covered. cling film, pre-lubricated vegetable oil. IN in this case It's better to use corn. The pies should stand under the film for about 15 minutes. As a result, the baked goods will turn out more fluffy.
  4. The tops of the pies should be brushed with beaten egg or milk. Thanks to this, during the baking process the products will acquire an appetizing crust.

If the dough is yeast-free

If you don’t want to bother with yeast, you can use regular dough, puff pastry or choux pastry. In this case, you can make pies:

  1. From circles.
  2. From bundles.
  3. With original relief outlines.

In this case, it can be used as for yeast dough.


How to make a beautiful pie from yeast-free dough? The manufacturing technology is quite simple:

  1. First you need to roll out the dough into a fairly thin layer. The thickness must exceed 5 millimeters.
  2. The dough should be cut into round shapes, preferably of the same diameter.
  3. Place the filling in the center of the tortilla and then cover with the second tortilla. The edges of the workpieces must be carefully pinched.

Place the finished pies on a baking sheet or in a frying pan.

Flagella cakes

This is another one original way making pies from yeast-free dough. This type of baking is very easy to prepare. To do this you need:

  1. Roll out the dough and cut out small rectangles. It is worth making cuts at each corner.
  2. Place the filling in the center of the dough.
  3. After this, each edge must be lifted and folded crosswise. The edges must be sealed.

The pies prepared in this way must be placed on a baking sheet.

Embossed pies

Do you want to make a beautiful pie? Photos of finished baked goods, lovingly prepared by the hands of skilled culinary experts, are simply mesmerizing, arousing appetite and a burning desire to try at least a piece of such a delicacy! However, getting embossed pies is not that difficult. The main thing is to maintain consistency. To make original baked goods, not much is required:

  1. The dough should be rolled out to form oval-shaped layers.
  2. Place sausage-shaped filling in the middle of each piece.
  3. Fold the bottom and top of the cake about a quarter.
  4. Fold the corners along the wide edge twice crosswise.

All that remains is to bake the pies in the oven.

Rules for modeling from yeast-free dough

Yeast-free dough is much denser than baked goods. You can use it to make lean pies with a variety of fillings. To make the finished baked goods look appetizing, you should adhere to certain rules:

  1. If you want to get pies with an appetizing and golden-brown crust, then brush it with egg white before baking.
  2. If you bake everything in the oven, you should only preheat it to 100 degrees. The temperature must be increased gradually during cooking to the required level.
  3. To ensure that the pies come out of the oven airy and soft, you need to sprinkle them with water immediately after baking.

In conclusion

Now you know how to beautifully make yeast or custard. The technology is quite simple. If necessary, you can master several sculpting methods. This will make the baked goods not only tasty, but also original. Do not forget that a certain filling requires its own form of baking. For example, square or square pies are not suitable for liquid filling. triangular shape. In this case, it is better to make the products round or oval. The main thing is to adhere to the rules and recommendations of professionals.

You have made dough for buns, pies and pretzels, but you don’t know how to cut the dough so that the baked goods turn out beautiful - see step-by-step photos.

Beautiful buns

Cutting "Orchid": roll out, cut out a square, fold into a triangle, make cuts along the sides, leave a section of dough without a cut, unfold the square, connect the cut strips in the center.

Cutting "Peony": roll out, cut out a square, fold into a triangle, make cuts along the sides, leave a section of dough without a cut, unfold the square, fold the triangle with other corners, make cuts. Unfold the square and connect the cut strips in the center. Place the filling into the flower petals.

Cutting "Curls": roll out the layer, season with filling, roll into rolls on both sides, cut across.

Baking cutter “Rose”: roll a bun, roll out a circle, make 4 cuts at equal intervals, put the filling in the middle, roll the rose petals one by one.

Butter “Bows”: roll into koloboks, roll out circles, fold the circle in half, make 4 external and 3 internal cuts.

A simple flower made from yeast dough: roll the sausages, connect them into rings, put the filling on the two walls inside the ring, connect them in the center, as shown in the photo.

Beautiful puff pastry Kalach: roll a bun out of it, roll out a circle, grease with filling, roll into a roll, cut the roll lengthwise, twist two puff ribbons together, connect the ends to make a roll.

How to make “Piglets” from rich yeast dough. Roll out the circle, make a small cut on top, bend the corners - ears. We sculpt the piglet's piglet at the bottom, bending the edge and flattening it a little. The piglets' eyes are made of raisins.

Butter "Mushrooms": A circle is rolled out, which is then cut into pieces (see photo) and laid out in the shape of mushrooms.

"Croissants". Roll out the circle and cut it into triangles, cutting from the center to the outer edge. Outer side A cut is made in the middle of the triangle and the filling is laid out at its end. The croissant is rolled up from the outer edge to the center.

Bun “Bird”: Roll a sausage, wrap one edge around index finger and thread it into the resulting ring. Using a small pinch, press the dough into a beak shape. The tail needs to be flattened and cuts made, giving the appearance of feathers. The eyes are the highlight.

And here simple options beautiful buns made from sausages. By the way, even a child can make such forms. Involve the little ones in this fun baking process. At the same time you will develop fine motor skills and imagination.

How to decorate pies

Flower cake decoration: Roll out the layer into a round shape, place a bun of filling in the center. Carefully distribute the rest of the filling around the circle, leaving space from the edges and the central bun. Cover the top with another layer of dough. Using a small bowl or tea cup, press the edges around the center filling. Trim the outer edges with an openwork knife. Then evenly cut the dough with the filling that goes along the outer ring. Turn each “petal” slightly so that the filling is facing up.

Cutting a loaf of bread. Roll up the flagella - sausages and weave them into a loaf, as shown in step by step instructions on the picture.

Here are the options for decorating the edge of the pie.

Cutting the dough “Pigtail” or “Spikelet”

The simplest version of “Pigtails”. A rectangle is cut out of the rolled out dough layer and a longitudinal cut is made in the center. Then, one edge is threaded through the resulting hole several times. This way the edges curl into a spiral. The filling is placed in the center.

"Pigtail with sausage". Three sausages are connected at the top edges. Then a slice of sausage is placed between them. Intertwined like a braid. The right harness is placed between the left and the center, then the left is placed between the right (which is now on the left) and the center (which is on the right). Again, a slice of sausage is placed and the braiding continues.

Sausage in “Pigtail” dough. This delicacy is sometimes called “Obzhorka” in culinary shops. The sausage is placed in the center of the dough cake. Then the edges are stuck to each other, and the sausage wrapped in dough is cut in equal parts. Each polka is turned sausage side up and placed one at a time. to different parties from the middle. Place in the oven when half cooked. Sprinkle cheese, herbs on top, grease with mayonnaise or ketchup (optional). And finish baking until ready.

Beautiful bun “Spikelet”. This type of baking is simple to make and looks very beautiful. Roll out a thin layer, grease with vegetable oil or egg, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon (poppy seeds). We roll the roll, which we then cut with scissors slightly obliquely, as shown in the photo. We put the resulting “spikelets” into one large beautiful bun.

And this is a simple pigtail with poppy seeds. The sausage is covered with poppy seeds and cut with scissors, placing the petals on different sides.

Every woman strives to pamper her family with various pies and buns. It is by baking that you can determine the level of skill of the housewife. After all, you need to be creative when choosing not only the filling, but also the shape of future products. Not everyone knows how to make a beautiful pie.

Baking is an art. Recipes for various pies have been passed down from generation to generation for many centuries. At the moment, there are many ways to prepare them. What types of pies are there? Baking can be:

It is worth noting that the menu of many foreign restaurants includes pies and pies. The uniqueness of the baked goods lies not only in the filling, but also in the choice of dough. It could be:

  1. Yeast - butter, used for pies and buns.
  2. Yeast-free - custard and puff pastry.

However, not every housewife can make beautiful pies, the photos of which are presented below. The baking form can be absolutely any:

  1. Round.
  2. Oval.
  3. Triangular.
  4. Square and so on.

It is best to prepare pies and buns from yeast dough, as during the cooking process it becomes more fluffy and airy.

Making oval pies

How to beautifully make oval-shaped pies? It is worth noting that this option allows you to use almost any filling. That is why the oval shape is considered the most popular. To make original pies, you need:

  1. Divide the dough into small pieces and roll into balls.
  2. Such blanks should be rolled into flagella and then cut into cubes (about 4 centimeters each).
  3. Each piece must be rolled into an oval shape. The thickness of the dough should be no more than 5 millimeters.
  4. You need to put a little filling in the middle of the workpiece. After this, one edge of the cake needs to be thrown over the second and pinched. The result should be a crescent moon.

That's all. The oval-shaped pie is ready. When baking or frying, the workpiece should be placed seam side down.

Original round pies

How to properly sculpt beautiful round pies? It's actually not difficult. It is worth noting that this form is ideal for baking with fruit filling. To make the products exactly round, you need:

  1. Divide the yeast dough into pieces and then roll it out so that you end up with neat flat cakes no more than 5 millimeters thick.
  2. Place the filling in the center of the round piece.
  3. Carefully gather the edges of the cake in the center and seal carefully. The result should be a bag.

When baking, these pies need to be placed with the clamp down. Otherwise, the baked goods will spread.

Cute squares

How to make a beautiful pie from yeast dough? If the filling consists of dry products, for example, potatoes or minced meat, then it is best to make square-shaped baked goods. It takes a little time. It is worth noting that the fruit or vegetable filling may leak out of such pies. To prepare square-shaped products you need:

  1. Roll out the dough into flat cakes, preferably medium in size.
  2. Place the required amount of filling in the middle of each piece.
  3. Carefully lift the corners of the dough and pinch them together.

Place these pies on a baking sheet or in a frying pan with the seam side up. This way the baked goods will not spread.

Triangular pastries

How to make beautiful pies from yeast dough for the holiday table? In this case, a triangular shape is ideal. The pies are made very quickly and easily. This form is suitable for baking with open filling. To make triangular pies, you need:

  1. Roll out the dough to form a neat triangle.
  2. Place the filling in the center of the resulting workpiece.
  3. Fold the two edges to form an arrow.
  4. Fold the remaining edges up.

Secrets of making pies from yeast dough

  1. To prevent the dough from sticking to your fingers during the modeling process, you need to lubricate your hands with sunflower oil.
  2. To ensure that the edges of the cakes stick together well, craftsmen advise brushing them with water.
  3. Before baking, the workpiece should be covered with cling film, pre-greased with vegetable oil. In this case, it is better to use corn. The pies should stand under the film for about 15 minutes. As a result, the baked goods will turn out more fluffy.
  4. The tops of the pies should be brushed with beaten egg or milk. Thanks to this, during the baking process the products will acquire an appetizing crust.

If the dough is yeast-free

If you don’t want to bother with yeast, you can use regular dough, puff pastry or choux pastry. In this case, you can make pies:

  1. From circles.
  2. From bundles.
  3. With original relief outlines.

In this case, you can use modeling options, as for yeast dough.


How to make a beautiful pie from yeast-free dough? The manufacturing technology is quite simple:

  1. First you need to roll out the dough into a fairly thin layer. The thickness must exceed 5 millimeters.
  2. The dough should be cut into round shapes, preferably of the same diameter.
  3. Place the filling in the center of the tortilla and then cover with the second tortilla. The edges of the workpieces must be carefully pinched.

Place the finished pies on a baking sheet or in a frying pan.

Flagella cakes

This is another original way of making pies from yeast-free dough. This type of baking is very easy to prepare. To do this you need:

  1. Roll out the dough and cut out small rectangles. It is worth making cuts at each corner.
  2. Place the filling in the center of the dough.
  3. After this, each edge must be lifted and folded crosswise. The edges must be sealed.

The pies prepared in this way must be placed on a baking sheet.

Embossed pies

Do you want to make a beautiful pie? Photos of finished baked goods, lovingly prepared by the hands of skilled culinary experts, are simply mesmerizing, arousing appetite and a burning desire to try at least a piece of such a delicacy! However, getting embossed pies is not that difficult. The main thing is to maintain consistency. To make original baked goods, not much is required:

  1. The dough should be rolled out to form oval-shaped layers.
  2. Place sausage-shaped filling in the middle of each piece.
  3. Fold the bottom and top of the cake about a quarter.
  4. Fold the corners along the wide edge twice crosswise.

All that remains is to bake the pies in the oven.

Rules for modeling from yeast-free dough

Yeast-free dough is much denser than baked goods. You can use it to make lean pies with a variety of fillings. To make the finished baked goods look appetizing, you should adhere to certain rules:

  1. If you want to get pies with an appetizing and golden-brown crust, then brush it with egg white before baking.
  2. If you bake everything in the oven, you should only preheat it to 100 degrees. The temperature must be increased gradually during cooking to the required level.
  3. To ensure that the pies come out of the oven airy and soft, you need to sprinkle them with water immediately after baking.

In conclusion

Now you know how to beautifully make pies from puff pastry, yeast or custard. The technology is quite simple. If necessary, you can master several sculpting methods. This will make the baked goods not only tasty, but also original. Do not forget that a certain filling requires its own form of baking. For example, square or triangular shaped pies are not suitable for liquid filling. In this case, it is better to make the products round or oval. The main thing is to adhere to the rules and recommendations of professionals.