Beautiful furniture for bathrooms. Bathroom furniture. Bathrooms in Provence style

Beautiful furniture for bathrooms.  Bathroom furniture.  Bathrooms in Provence style
Beautiful furniture for bathrooms. Bathroom furniture. Bathrooms in Provence style

Bathroom furniture from Russian and European manufacturers will allow you to create a cozy and relaxing atmosphere in the bathroom. The Plumbing Room online store offers wide choose plumbing fixtures from leading domestic and European manufacturers.

The price of the presented products will please those who prefer to save money without losing quality. Our online store is one of the largest platforms where you can buy furniture sets and individual bathroom accessories in any style from various materials.

Choose bathroom furniture to suit your taste!

From us you can purchase products from manufacturers that are in great demand. Rave consumer reviews of products are one of the most reliable guarantees of quality.

The range of products presented includes models of the following brands: Aquaton, Aquanet, Roca, Aqwella, Dreja, Edelform, Edelform Am.Pm, Moidodyr, Laufen, Gorenje, Jacob Delafon. The products are represented by products with extensive functionality, durability and stylish appearance.

"Plumbing Room": bathroom furniture with any design!

We offer our clients not only the widest selection of furniture and bathroom accessories, but also the most convenient terms of cooperation:

  • all models are sold without extra charges and at the best prices;
  • online you can quickly select the models you are interested in and, if necessary, check with managers for any parameters and characteristics;
  • the order will be completed as quickly as possible short time;
  • We guarantee fast delivery in Moscow and other regions with the possibility of installing purchased furniture.

Among the products presented, you can choose bathroom furniture that fully matches your bathroom design: we offer furniture sets in strict classic style and extravagant sets with original and bright designs.

If you find it difficult to choose furniture, Plumbing Room consultants will promptly answer all your questions, offer solutions that suit you and help you decide on the style of furniture.

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Planning the design and choosing furniture for the bathroom is a creative process. By choosing a certain style, you can visually increase its parameters, because not every home has a bathroom large area. And it’s perfect for owners of large spaces functional furniture. It can be purchased at ready-made version or order by individual order. In any case, everything here should be selected for complete comfort and relaxation. When choosing, it is necessary to take into account a number of certain factors, such as style, number of family members, area and features of household appliances.

Which bathroom furniture to choose?

Bathroom furniture is offered for sale in a wide range from different manufacturers, both foreign and Russian. Bright colors, fancy shapes, interesting design decor, trapezoidal configurations are present in furniture collections. It is still better to consult with specialists about what furniture to choose for the bathroom so as not to miss all the subtleties. For example, if the floors in the bathroom are heated, then it would be more advisable to give preference to furniture with legs or hanging items.

Even if you choose the right furniture, as in the photo, without accessories it is impossible to stylishly decorate the interior. Besides, great importance has the appearance of the material from which the furniture is made, because it is intended for use where the air is always humid and elevated temperature. IN modern design There are models made of high-quality acrylic and ceramics. And recently, designers have begun to use natural materials, such as wood and marble.

The main thing is that the furniture has a water-repellent impregnation to allow long-term use and maintain functional qualities. The most popular and affordable are products made from chipboard and MDF, which fit perfectly into any bathroom design.


The interior of the bathroom should combine practicality and maximum comfort, with the presence of a stylish aesthetic appearance. Fashion exists not only for clothes, but also for bathroom furniture. Today, bright colored furniture, as in the photo, is at the peak of popularity. Therefore, choosing color scheme, you should not give up bright colors, as they very refresh the interior. It is important that all elements are selected in the same style, these are cabinets, cabinets with a sink, hanging cabinets, mirrors and accessories.

Multifunctionality of furniture

Manufacturers have taken care of the versatility of the furniture, equipping it with various amenities - soft-closing doors and anti-fog mirrors. It should be noted that thanks to modern technologies production, bathroom furniture is made using anti-corrosion coatings and materials that do not conduct electric current.

In our article we propose to consider various photos furniture for the bathroom, and for sure this will help you decide on optimal view interior All these items should become an auxiliary element for raising energy and the opportunity to receive adequate water and hygiene procedures. This is where we start our day, so the interior of the bathroom should please the eye and lift the spirits of the household. The good thing is that the range of furniture items on sale allows you to make a choice according to different tastes and prices. Bathroom furniture involves considerable costs, however, you can always focus your attention on acceptable options. The main thing is that everything matches modern requirements and the overall design of the house, whether classic or modern style.

Photos of bathroom furniture

Beautiful and practical furniture For a bathroom, it is no less important than high-quality plumbing fixtures, fittings, and the decoration of the room itself. A competent choice of such furniture will provide not only functional convenience, but also coziness and comfort.

How to make a choice?

Making the right choice of bathroom furniture means finding optimal ratio such important parameters, How:

  • design compliance general style bathroom;
  • optimal dimensions;
  • functionality and practical convenience;
  • durability;
  • ease of surface care;
  • acquisition cost.

Another important parameter is color. Many people still prefer traditional white, but the owner's good taste may sway him towards a richer color scheme.

Taking into account the ambiguity of selection criteria and the apparent variety of proposals, buying furniture for the bathroom may seem like a difficult task.

Convenient purchasing options

Taking advantage traditional ways shopping, purchasing bathroom furniture inexpensively, quickly and with a guarantee of its quality is not too easy. Despite the seeming vastness of furniture showroom offerings, the selection process can take many hours. At the same time, prices in stores with a classical organization of the trading process are often unnecessarily high due to the significant costs of rent and maintenance retail space and staff remuneration. Our online store site provides an alternative opportunity to purchase any type of furniture for bathrooms and toilets. Our range of products includes the most traditional types, such as:

  • mirror shelves;
  • hanging cabinets;

From the list of proposals, corner furniture stands out, not only optimal for cramped spaces, but also distinguished by elegance and convenience.

In addition, you can find here an elegant “moidodyr”, stylish chest of drawers, mirrors of various shapes and sizes.

How we are working

Our main task is to ensure maximum wide range bathroom furniture for people who have good taste, who at the same time value their time and do not want to overpay for goods. The purchasing process in our online store is as simple and convenient as possible.

  1. All products are presented in catalogs with easy navigation and detailed information about every subject.
  2. I love it Additional information and advice can always be obtained from the manager, who can be contacted directly, or within a short time, waiting for a call from him after submitting an application on the site.
  3. Any payment options for goods are acceptable:

The delivery process is simplified as much as possible and takes minimal time, and, unlike many, we save our customers from the inconvenience of waiting for the order to arrive for a whole working day, stipulating exact time delivery.

If you are already on our site, is it worth wasting your precious time looking for an alternative? You can call or place an online order right now, and you are unlikely to regret your choice.

Bathroom design is rarely limited solely to plumbing fixtures. One way or another, you will definitely need furniture for your bathroom. Don't know what to choose? Get inspired by our photos!

The bathroom is the most intimate room in the entire apartment, because even in it you are probably with your loved ones, but all bathing procedures are usually performed alone. That is why the bathroom should be comfortable, so that the process of self-care brings joy, not irritation and difficulty.

It so happened that the bathroom in the post-Soviet space, firstly, is not very large (only owners of private houses, huge apartments in new buildings or combined apartments can boast of spacious rooms), and secondly, it is a place for storing items not only of personal hygiene, but also but also home (meaning household chemicals housing care). Whether this is good or bad is not for us to judge, but it is necessary to take it into account.

Despite the requirements that you personally will place on bathroom furniture, you can highlight minimum required who must be present:

  • Bathroom furniture must be designed to withstand the aggressive effects of a humid environment and be moisture resistant.
  • Bathroom furniture should be functional, so that even the tiniest and most miniature bathroom can store all the necessary things compactly and easily.
  • Bathroom furniture should be easy to wash and quickly clean, otherwise mold growing on its surface will not only spoil appearance furniture, but will also harm your health.
  • Bath furniture should be stylish and beautiful to please you and your loved ones. It is not recommended to be among ugly interior items, as your mood and psychological health directly depend on it.

Made of wood

Wooden bathroom furniture – traditional version, because from time immemorial, interior items were made exclusively from this material. Wooden furniture will give your bathroom the charm of naturalness, naturalness, and harmony. Wood furniture can be painted, however modern designers Interiors give preference to the natural appearance of wood. Most often used light trees breeds:

  • Birch
  • Ash

But you can choose darker wood (cherry, walnut) and make custom-made furniture.

Wooden bathroom furniture must be specially treated and impregnated with moisture-repellent compounds. Otherwise, it will become unusable within a few years.

Made of metal

Metal furniture is perfect for creating a high-tech or minimalist style. And if you use stylish wrought iron bookcases, you will get an excellent furniture ensemble in country or Provence style. In any case, metal furniture is quite durable, and modern processes metal processing will allow it to last for a long time.

Please note that o metal case it's quite painful to hit, so try to choose metal furniture streamlined shapes and position it so that the likelihood of collision and impact is minimal.

From glass

Glass bathroom furniture is incredibly stylish. Resembling a frozen surface of water, it is like a continuation of streams of water that are specially frozen for your comfort and coziness. Glass furniture makes the entire bathroom seem weightless, and the reflections spilling over its surface and the bizarre play of light allow you to perceive it differently every time, especially. In addition, such furniture will go perfectly with the shower stall, creating a harmonious ensemble.

At first glance, it may seem that glass furniture is quite fragile and unsafe, but modern manufacturers (for example, Ikea) use ultra-modern technology to create it. strained glass, which is almost impossible to break.

The only one significant drawback glass furniture is a necessity special care for her. Since a lot of water remains on glass surfaces limescale, it is better to wipe off the water regularly with a dry cloth. To ensure that the glass continues to look shiny in every sense, use it when cleaning. special means glass care.

You don’t always want to display personal hygiene items. Therefore, it is better to choose cabinets in which these items will be stored from frosted or opaque glass.

Made of plastic

Plastic furniture is very convenient in terms of cleaning. Such furniture does not deteriorate from exposure to water and retains its appearance for a long time. In addition, in comparison with furniture made from other materials, it has a fairly reasonable price. However, plastic furniture may not look very cozy and elegant, and sometimes even be associated with sick leave. In addition, if you need to make additional holes in a cabinet with a sink for pipes, this will be more problematic with plastic than, for example, with wooden furniture.

Made from MDF/chipboard

Furniture made from MDF or chipboard looks no less stylish than wood, but costs much less. But such furniture also deteriorates much faster from water. This is especially true in places where special cuts have to be made, for example for pipes. To prevent MDF/chipboard furniture from falling apart, the slots must be treated with sealant.

Deciding on the style of bathroom furniture


Classic style in the interior is the height of sophistication and elegance. The peculiarity of the classic style is that it does not go out of fashion for years. Even after twenty years, your bathroom will look, if not ultra-fashionable and ultra-modern, but relevant (unless it would be better to replace the plumbing with newer ones). For a classic-style bathroom interior, it is appropriate to give preference to natural pastel shades - beige, sand, olive, gray, blue. within the framework of this style it should be quite light, but the furniture can be chosen darker.



Combining incompatible things is the key leitmotif of the fusion style. Within this style, it is simply necessary to use a variety of textures, textured materials, rich color palettes. This style will appeal to free, creative, expressive individuals. In the online store Leroy Merlin you can choose the brightest, most extraordinary, stylish Construction Materials to decorate your bathroom.


This style originated in Western Europe at the beginning of the last century, when mass migrants from rural areas and villages arranged urban dwellings as close as possible to their native homes. Gradually this style came into fashion and today is one of the most popular (especially in the production of kitchen furniture). Country style involves exclusively natural materials:

  • Tree
  • Stone
  • Wrought iron

To create a country-style interior in the bathroom, purchase brass plumbing fixtures stylized at the beginning of the last century.


The ethnic style has many similarities with the country style, but it distinctive feature- stylization of certain national dwellings inherent in a particular people. Japanese, Arabic, cowboy, Indian or other motifs can be chosen as the basis.

It’s not always easy to find stylized ethnic bathroom furniture, so it’s better to make an ethnic bathroom cabinet or bathroom pencil case according to custom sizes to order.

Choosing a sink

Regular sink

A sink without a cabinet can be mounted as a console, that is, using special brackets on which it is hung, or as a “tulip”, when the base of the sink is a special leg on which it is installed.

Small sinks are very compact, but there is a chance that all the splashes during use will end up on the floor.

If there is more than enough space in the bathroom, then you can install a large or even double sink. However, in the second case, in order for two people to use it at the same time, the distance between the central points must be at least ninety centimeters.

The height at which the sink is mounted is of great importance. For tall men it should be higher, and for women and children lower. Footrests or cabinets limit the ability to adjust this height, but brackets will allow you to fix the sink at an optimal height for all family members.

To prevent water from accumulating on the sink, it must be installed under small angle. However, this angle should be minimal, otherwise everything that stands on the sink will fall off it.

Sink with cabinet

A sink with a cabinet can be built-in, when it is installed in a special niche in the cabinet itself, or the sink can be made in the form of a bowl, which is simply installed on top of the tabletop of the cabinet.

It is not possible to adjust the height of such a sink, since it is determined by the height of the cabinet. However, from a functionality point of view, this option is very convenient, because everything you need will be kept at hand. Having a cabinet under the sink is critical for tiny bathrooms where every square centimeter counts.

To save space, you can purchase a sink with a built-in washing machine. However, such models are quite expensive.

Choosing a storage system


Bathroom cabinets – a good place for storing something that does not need to be taken out often. These could be towels or household chemicals. But keep in mind that the cabinet should not interfere with movement around the bathroom. In addition, there must be enough space for it to open normally, without obstacles. Very convenient from this point of view drawers, which allow you to immediately take in all their contents.

Hanging cabinets

Hanging cabinets are usually at eye level. In the bathroom, it is better to use cabinets that are not very wide so that all the contents can be placed in one row. It's not very roomy, but everything you need will always be at hand. At the same time, all personal hygiene items will be hidden from prying eyes.

An alternative to hanging cabinets can be open hanging shelves. But in this case, everything that will be stored on them must also perform an aesthetic function, that is, be beautiful to look at.

Very convenient to make small corner shelves in the bathtub or shower stall, then you won’t have to constantly lean outside the bathroom while bathing to get shampoo or shower gel. And there will be less foam and water on the floor, and there will be less chance of slipping and falling.

Pencil cases

Most best option for storing things in the bathroom - this is a pencil case. It allows you to make full use of the bathroom footage and store everything as compactly as possible. Moreover, pencil cases combine both drawers, and lockers. The only drawback is that it won’t fit in every bathroom.

Bath or shower?


Advantages of using a bath:

  • You can bask in clouds of foam
  • Convenient for bathing children
  • It is possible to carry out medical procedures
  • Better removes dirt from the body

Disadvantages of using a bath:

  • Requires a lot of space
  • Takes a long time to wash
  • Significant water consumption

Shower cabin

  • Takes up less space
  • Economical water consumption
  • Due to running water more hygienic than a bath
  • Quick swim
  • The closed cabins have many extras (steam generator, aromatherapy, radio)

Disadvantages of using a shower stall:

  • You can't relax like you do while taking a bath.
  • Not suitable for bathing small children

A compromise option could be a bath combined with a shower.

  1. If the bathroom has heated floors, it is better to use furniture with legs.
  2. You should not place furniture close together, like a bathroom, otherwise it will deteriorate faster from constant direct exposure to water.
  3. It is better to use cabinets with sliding doors and wall cabinets.

Custom bathroom furniture

Bathroom furniture that fits perfectly and matches each other perfectly will most likely take a very long time to find. To save time and effort, you can order its production from craftsmen. And so that the furniture does not quickly fall into disrepair, be sure to indicate exactly where it is being created. In this case, the wood will be specially treated with moisture-repellent compounds, and metal elements– anti-corrosion agents. In the manufacture of custom-made bathroom furniture there are very important dignity– it will be specially adjusted to all the ledges and pipes in the bathroom.