Ushinsky competitions new education. Competitions for teachers from the Ministry of Education. Topics of experimental activities

Ushinsky competitions new education.  Competitions for teachers from the Ministry of Education.  Topics of experimental activities
Ushinsky competitions new education. Competitions for teachers from the Ministry of Education. Topics of experimental activities

Dear Colleagues!!!

“Experimental work is a research activity with the aim of studying cause-and-effect relationships in pedagogical phenomena. It involves experimental modeling of a pedagogical phenomenon and the conditions for its occurrence, the active influence of the researcher on the pedagogical phenomenon, and measurement of the results of pedagogical influence and interaction.
The report on the experimental activity presents the goal, objectives, object and subject of the study, a reasonable hypothesis, a reasoned choice of the type of experimental work, a description of the stages of the experiment, the author's development at the stage of the formative experiment, fixed results (graphs, tables, etc.), conclusions and practical recommendations , options for possible continuation of work. The literacy of the work is also assessed (for example, correct citation, compliance with the norms of the literary language, spelling and punctuation literacy, design of the list of references, etc.).”

Registration in groups is carried out according to the group you have chosen (Name of groups on the site).

The cost of participation is:

500 rubles. (All-Russian level)

650 rubles (International level)

To do this, you need to send an application and a copy of the receipt to the email address

[email protected]

Contact person: head of the academic department:

Yurchenko Olga Sergeevna

Certificate sent: 72 hours

(The certificate will be sent immediately after registration)

Attention colleagues!!!

Before participating in an experimental activity, consult with the certification committee about the inclusion of your experimental work in the certification process.

Once registered in the group, funds are not refunded.

All participants in the experimental activity must prepare lesson notes in selected areas (new material, reinforcement of material, intermediate control) for agreement with scientific supervisor, testing and demonstrations at pedagogical departments. Materials are sent by email

[email protected]

1. Information (full name, TOPIC, full name of scientific supervisor)

2.Lesson notes and materials.

The period for implementing the experiment and issuing expert opinions is 12 months.

The K.D. Ushinsky CPI carries out activities on the basis of the organization’s charter - experimental and other activities are prescribed in the charter. all documents on


Stage I

To be included in a group of teachers working on a specific experimental topic, it is necessary to 06/04/2020 send to the organizing committee an application and a copy of the receipt of the paid registration fee (550 rubles or 650 rubles). After this, the participant who sent the application is attached to the group and begins to independently work on the topic of the selected experiment on the basis of his institution.

Stage II.

When the experiment is ready (at any time, but no later than 06/18/2020.) the participant draws up the final document in the form of a summary of one of the best classes on the chosen topic and sends it to the organizing committee for discussion and summing up the results of the experiment at the department. The final material can be made not only in the form of a summary, but also in the form of a description of work experience, in the form of an article, public speaking and so on.

Stage III.

All participants must sign an electronic certificate confirming participation in experimental work at the all-Russian level. The certificate is issued within 7-14 days from the date of receipt of the final material on the experiment and is uploaded for independent downloading on this page. The paper certificate is sent by Russian Post.


    Civil-patriotic formation of personality.

    System-activity approach to the formation of patriotic feelings.

    Social work on preventing and overcoming aggression in childhood.

    Features of the organization of specialized training.

    Differentiated approach to children of different levels of development

    Spiritual and moral education.

    Innovative approach to special education and education.

    An innovative approach to teaching individual subjects.

    The use of multimedia technologies in educational activities.

    Usage modern technologies in the educational process.

    Increased efficiency educational process.

    Organization of the educational process in the system of additional education.

    Increasing speech activity in children preschool age through play activities.

    Cognitive development of preschool children.

    Involving preschoolers in experimental and research activities.

    Involving schoolchildren in design and research activities.

    Design- research activities as a means of developing key competencies.

    Development of children's cognitive competence based on research activities

    Development of creative talent.

    Artistic development creativity children by means unconventional techniques drawing

    Modern forms of interaction with parents.

    Creating a health-saving educational environment in an educational institution.

    Prevention of bad habits.

    Development technologies critical thinking as a means for developing the mental activity of students.

    Successful socialization of a preschooler as one of the areas of a teacher’s work.

    P You can ignore the periodically appearing "Save to Disk" link

Attention!!! In order to receive a diploma good quality , when downloading a diploma, you must click on the word “Download” that appears on the screen.If you download via “Save as...” from the context menu, the diploma will be of low quality.


Dear Colleagues!!!

The K.D. Ushinsky Central Polytechnic Institute invites you to join our “College of Teachers”.

You can post your test materials and assignments for any subjects in any age category on our website.

If you have interesting tasks, we will be happy to publish them in the competitions and quizzes section.

Each teacher will be sent a diploma of a member of the College. We are waiting for your assignments.


1.Your Photo

2. Information: full name, position, educational institution, locality, category, e-mail

3.Material in WORD format. with keys to tasks.

(after sending the materials, the rights to use the materials are transferred to the Center for Research and Educational Institution and RO "New Century"offer agreement dated February 27, 2014)

All teachers who sent assignments will receive a Certificate of the established form.

Address for sending materials: [email protected]

Head of the expert commission, Ph.D. Kuzalov Andrey Vladimirovich

Compilers of our assignments:

Vlasova Ekaterina Alexandrovna

Senior teacher

MADOOU "DS No. 5", Pervouralsk

Leading specialist of the Department of Preschool Education

CPI and RO "New Century".

Winner of the All-Russian professional skills competition in the category "Development of preschool education in Russian Federation"2016

Topic: “Designing the activities of a preschool teacher

education in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education",

SAOU DPO SO "Institute for Educational Development"

Shmalenyuk Tatyana Anatolevna

mathematic teacher

Winner of the city competition "Teacher of the Year 2018"

Winner of the District competition "Teacher of the Year 2018" Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

Laureate All-Russian competition"Russian Teacher of the Year" - 2018 St. Petersburg

Kasymova Elena Anantolievna

Deputy Principal for Primary School

Teacher primary classes

MBOU Secondary School No. 7, Gubkinsky, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

Bronnikov Ivan Alexandrovich

mathematic teacher

member of the Association of Teachers and Teachers

mathematicians Tyumen region

State Autonomous Educational Institution of the Tyumen Region "Physics and Mathematics School"


Bikkinina Zulfiya Talgatovna,

teacher of the first qualification category

Surgut, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra

Plotnikova Marina Vasilievna

Teacher of the first qualification category

MBDOU kindergarten No. 44 “Siberian”

Surgut, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra

Abdurazakova Asiyat



MBDOU kindergarten "Snezhinka"

n.. Nizhnesortymsky, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra

Zabornaya Maria Mikhailovna

Primary school teacher, head of RMO

MKOU GSOSH, Gaz-Sale village, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

Kovaleva Vera Petrovna
English teacher
MBOU Secondary School No. 7
Salsk, Rostov region

Krivtsova Anastasia Olegovna,


MKOU Toguchinsky district "Bugotakskaya secondary school",

Novosibirsk region village. Bugotak

This article is intended to summarize and structure the information published on the website of the Ministry of Education on competitions for teachers for 2019-2020. Here we consider not only the structure of the events, approved by the Ministry education, but also the procedures for preparing documents, the procedure for participation and awards. We will also partially touch upon the issues of training participants in professional skills competitions.

Competitions for teachers 2019-2020 of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

So, for 2019-2020, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, as well as the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the rules for holding a competition for teachers and educators to receive monetary incentives were approved. The competition is held in order to stimulate teaching and educational activities teachers, development of their creative and professional potential. Based on the results of the competition, 1 thousand cash incentives are paid in the amount of 200 thousand rubles each. The competition is held by the Ministry of Education on the basis of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 324 “On monetary incentives for the best teachers.”

Experienced teachers are eligible to participate in the competition. pedagogical activity at least three years, whose main place of work is educational organizations, implementing educational programs primary general, basic general and secondary general education. A teacher who has received a monetary incentive has the right to re-participate in the competition no earlier than five years later.

The rules for conducting the competition are established in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. The number of monetary incentives for each subject of the Russian Federation is determined annually by the Ministry of Education.

To conduct a competition, a competition commission is created by an executive authority in each subject of the Russian Federation.

Participation in a competition for teachers from the Ministry of Education

Nomination of a teacher to participate in the competition is carried out with his consent by the collegial governing body educational institution where the teacher works. After which the competition commission registers the competition participants on the basis of:

Copies of the decision of the collegial governing body of the educational institution on the nomination of a teacher;

A copy of the document on the appropriate level of professional education;

Extract from the work book;

Information about the teacher’s professional achievements;

Information about the presentation of the results of teaching activities.

The selection of winners of the competition for teachers conducted by the Ministry of Education is carried out according to the following criteria:

Having your own methodological development in the taught subject, which has a positive conclusion based on the results of testing in the professional community;

High results of educational achievements of students with their positive dynamics over the past three years;

High results extracurricular activities students in an academic subject;

Creation by the teacher of conditions for students to acquire positive social experience, formation of civic position;

Creation by the teacher of conditions for targeted work with various categories of students (gifted children, children from socially disadvantaged families, children in difficult situations) life situations, children from migrant families, orphans and children without parental care, disabled children and children with disabilities health, children with deviant (socially dangerous) behavior);

Security High Quality organization of the educational process based on effective use various educational technologies, including distance educational technologies or e-learning;

Continuity professional development teachers.

The competition commission assigns a certain number of points for each of the above criteria and forms a rating of participants. After which the list is sent for consideration to executive agency formation of a subject of the Russian Federation. Based on the submitted lists, the Ministry of Education issues an order approving the winners of the competition.

Questions regarding the preparation of participants for the competition from the Ministry of Education.

Winning a competition for teachers is not so difficult - for this purpose you need to set a goal in advance. To determine the time to prepare for the competition held by the Ministry of Education, look at the “Protocol of the results of the examination according to the selection criteria”: the conduct of clubs and sections is considered for three years, the dissemination of teaching experience - for five years, the activity of participation in professional competitions - for three years, etc. etc., there is no point in listing everything here.

However, the list of requirements is not endless and is divided into six categories. If you properly organize your activities according to these criteria and do not scatter yourself with everything, then in 3 years it is quite possible for any teacher to put together an excellent portfolio for receiving a grant and show a decent result based on the results of participation in the competition of the Ministry of Education.

For example, you should not get carried away by the number of public events held on the subject. Only positive dynamics over 3 years is enough, as required by the Criteria. Thanks to these little tricks, you can optimize your preparation process to win the Ministry of Education competition.