Conflicts at school - examples from life. School conflicts: types, solutions, techniques and examples

Conflicts at school - examples from life. School conflicts: types, solutions, techniques and examples

Conflicts at school must be prevented and resolved in a timely manner. Modern methods conflict prevention will allow you to solve the problem without consequences for the child’s psyche.

School conflict is an inevitable and multifaceted phenomenon. It can arise out of nothing: because of the slightest dispute, a difference in preferences, clothing, academic success.

This happens primarily because children tend to exaggerate, simplify everything, and prove their “maturity” and influence.

Types and features

Each conflict situation is unique. It has its own prerequisites, explicit and implicit, its participants and individual ways permissions.

In any educational institution There are several main actors: the teacher, the student, the student's parent and the administration representative. They can also act as participants in a conflict situation.

Conventionally, we can distinguish several types of conflicts occurring in the school environment:

  1. Conflicts between students at school. Most often they are expressed in the struggle for leadership in the class. Sometimes an “anti-leader” is chosen - a person for aggressive bullying. In some cases, conflict arises by accident.
  2. Conflicts between students and teachers. Most often, there is a mismatch of interests and pedagogical errors. Such conflicts manifest themselves in poor performance or failure to complete the tasks assigned to the student. Often such situations arise during the period of “acclimatization”, when a student comes to class. new student or teacher.
  3. Conflicts between a teacher and a student’s parent.
  4. Conflict involving the director of the establishment. It occurs quite rarely; most often, controversial situations are resolved within a certain group.
  5. Problematic situation involving outsiders.

This typology distributes conflicts according to their participants. In practice, most controversial situations fall into the first three groups.

Causes and ways to resolve conflicts at school

Conflict situations are inevitable. However, both negative and positive results can be drawn from each case. It all depends on how correctly the causes of the conflict are analyzed and what conclusions the parties came to.

In each case, a constructive and destructive way to resolve the conflict is possible:

  1. With constructive way the results of the conflict situation satisfied all interested participants.
  2. With destructive option, someone (perhaps everyone) remained dissatisfied.

Let us examine the main conflict situations in more detail.

Student - student

Conflicts between children, both intra- and inter-age, are commonplace. Teacher in in this case acts as an observer, he can also help in resolving a controversial situation.

Why do they arise?

  1. The first reason conflict situations between students is age. Aggression in junior school- This is the result of insufficient socialization. Children do not yet understand how to act towards other people, they do not understand the difference between “you can” and “you cannot.”
  2. Conflicts in high school- more aware. The student understands the difference between good and evil. Here a lot depends on upbringing, the authority of the teacher as an observing party. The immediate causes of disagreement are also becoming more complex. Along with the usual childhood grievances, there appears a struggle for leadership in the group, struggle between groups, and personal rivalry.
  3. One of the most dangerous species conflicts - social. Children from complete families children from incomplete families often conflict. The result can be either uncontrolled aggression on either side or an attempt to withdraw. It is very important to identify the problem in a timely manner and resolve it in the optimal way.
  4. Ethnic conflicts are also common when there are members of different ethnic groups in the classroom.


In some cases, a conflict situation is resolved within the group, without the intervention of outsiders. However, it is important to monitor, guide and control it:

  1. The role of the teacher. A competent teacher can resolve a conflict initial stage, excluding its further development. One of preventive measures– maximum cohesion children's group. Schools organize various events and competitions. It is important to ensure that inter-class conflict does not arise.
  2. Role of the parent. However, the teacher is not always modern school has sufficient authority among students. Parents also play a role in resolving conflict situations. The method of settlement in this case depends on the relationships in the family. For example, if the relationship between parents and children is strained, there is no need to have a heart-to-heart talk; the parents simply will not be able to force the child to be frank. In this case, it is better to choose an appropriate story “from life” and present it at the “appropriate moment”.

Student - teacher

The conflict situation between student and teacher is one of the most common in the school environment. Conventionally, such situations can be divided as follows:

  1. Conflicts arising from poor performance or the student’s poor academic performance, as well as when performing various extracurricular tasks. Most often it occurs due to student fatigue, too difficult material, or lack of help from the teacher. Today, such situations arise, among other things, because the teacher makes excessive demands on students and uses grades in the subject as a means of punishment.
  2. Teacher's reaction to violation students of certain rules of conduct in educational institution and beyond. Most often, the reason is the teacher’s inability to assess the current situation and correctly analyze the student’s behavior. As a result, incorrect conclusions about what happened. The student does not agree with such conclusions, and as a result, a conflict situation arises.
  3. Emotional and personality conflicts. Usually they are the result of insufficient qualifications of the teacher and incorrect resolution of previous pre-conflict situations. They are personal in nature and often last for years.

Why do they arise?

Among common reasons conflicts can be distinguished:

  1. Lack of responsibility teacher for competent resolution of conflict situations.
  2. Different status and life experience participants in a problem situation, which determines their behavior.
  3. Inability to look at the conflict “from the outside”. One problem is seen differently through the eyes of a teacher and a student.


Most often, a conflict with a teacher is the result of his being wrong. The student is just beginning to socialize, the teacher has already passed a certain path:

  1. Raising your voice at students is not allowed.. This can only lead to an aggravation of the problem situation. It is necessary to react calmly to any reaction on the part of the student, controlling emotions.
  2. Serious psychological conversations need to be carefully thought through with students. If you need to punish someone, it must be done as correctly as possible, without making it look like it. If the source of the conflict is a problem student, he can be further stimulated, for example, by giving an important task.

Teacher - student's parent

The conflict situation between parents and teachers is a relatively new phenomenon, but is gaining momentum. It arises due to mutual distrust and different attitudes towards the child.

Why do they arise?

There are two views on the problem: teachers and parents. From a parent's point of view, the problem is this:

  1. Lack of teacher competence: teaches incorrectly, does not communicate with parents.
  2. The teacher does not know how to find an approach.
  3. Unreasonable underestimation of grades, excessive demands on the student.

The teacher makes his claims:

  1. Parents do not pay attention to the proper upbringing of their child.
  2. Unreasonable demands of parents on the teacher, often exceeding his official duties.

The immediate cause of the conflict can be anything: a careless remark, a bad grade, aggression, nagging.


In any case, the child will remain the injured party, so the conflict situation should be resolved quickly. If necessary, an informal leader is involved - every parent team has one.

First of all, it is necessary to recognize the existence of a conflict and the need to resolve it. Both sides must commit their views on the issue, completely consciously and voluntarily. Negotiations involve only the direct participants in the conflict plus a “judge,” a maximally detached person who develops resolution options.

There can be many immediate ways to resolve a conflict. Radical options are the teacher or student leaving school. Less radical ways involve finding compromises.

The teacher and parent should see each other not as competitors, but as comrades-in-arms and use the basic principle of family and school - “do no harm.”

Ways to prevent school disputes

In many cases, correct diagnosis of the situation will help prevent conflict. Each exacerbation of the problem is preceded by a pre-conflict situation, by working through which you can avoid aggression.

  1. One of the ways to prevent conflicts is to monitor students, search for common interests and goals. If students are united by some goal, many problems are simply removed.
  2. Other problems (jealousy, personal motives) are resolved individually. In some cases, just talking is enough, in others, the help of a professional child psychologist is needed.

In any case, it is very important not to miss the moment. If the conflict has entered an active stage, there is no point in taking measures to prevent it.

Video: Conflicts at school

Conflicts between children are a fairly common occurrence, an invariable attribute of their growing up and emotional development. Despite the fact that conflicts at school bring a lot of negative emotions to both the child himself and his parents, they are still useful, as they teach the teenager to solve problems and find mutual language with peers. Communication skills will definitely be useful to him in the future, not only for building, but also for productive cooperation at work, because modern business requires the ability to work harmoniously in a team, take responsibility for one’s responsibilities, and sometimes even be able to manage and organize the work process. So, children must be able to conflict. But how to do this correctly so as not to offend each other’s deep feelings? And how to get out of conflict situations?

Causes of conflicts at school

How younger child, the lower its level intellectual development, and the less in his arsenal of social skills for resolving disputes. As the child grows up, certain models of relationships with peers and adults are developed in the child’s mind. Such models social behavior persist for many years, and may undergo some changes only during adolescence.

And while children grow up, they are forced to learn to fight for their interests. Most often, conflict between children at school arises due to a struggle for authority. In each class there are several leaders who are forced to confront each other, involving other students in the conflict. Often this can be a confrontation between boys and girls, or, for example, one person and the whole class. School-age children tend to demonstrate their own superiority, sometimes even this can manifest itself in cynicism and cruelty towards others and especially towards weaker children.

Conflict between students can occur for the following reasons:

  • mutual insults and gossip
  • betrayal
  • love and sympathy for classmates who do not reciprocate
  • fighting for one guy or one girl
  • lack of mutual understanding between children
  • rejection of an individual by a group
  • rivalry and struggle for leadership
  • dislike of teachers' "favorites"
  • personal grievances

Most often, those children who do not have close friends and do not get into conflictsare interested in something outside of school.

Preventing conflicts at school

Although conflict helps develop children's social skills, parents should try to avoid frequent arguments and constant conflict with their children. After all, the conflict can be resolved quickly and calmly, without mutual humiliation and insults. You should not get into a conflict, especially if you feel that your child can cope with the situation on his own. Excessive care in this case will only do harm. But if it seems to you that the child cannot end the conflict on his own, you need to intervene in the situation very carefully. There is no need to put too much pressure on either your child or his opponent. There is no need to demand a public apology. You should not behave like an adult who has power and is able to radically influence the situation. You, of course, are wiser and smarter than your schoolchild, but, nevertheless, it is better to take on the role of a friend who simply tells you what to do, but does not personally participate in the showdown. This will be more natural and will allow children to learn how to get out of even the most difficult situations.

After the conflict is resolved, talk to your child. Tell him that there will be many more similar conflicts in his life, and now you need to take into account all your mistakes in order to prevent them in the future.

Very often, parents think about how to avoid conflict at school, even early stages when they just begin to notice their child’s tense relationships with classmates or friends in the yard. Try to create such an atmosphere of trust in the family so that the child does not hesitate to share his problems with you. In this case, your advice can help quickly correct the situation.

Be sure to find one for your child favorite hobby. This could be a creative circle or. Based on common interests, the child will be able to find close friends with whom he will not conflict. This will help him take his mind off stupid fights in the class for leadership, for the love of teachers, and sometimes even for no reason at all.

Modern life is impossible without conflicts. Therefore, children must learn to resolve them without hostility and aggression. After all, only constructive criticism can make it possible to make a well-founded, most correct and balanced decision. Only an open and straightforward dialogue helps to identify hidden problems and establish normal, trusting relationships. So there is nowhere without conflicts in our lives! But they must be resolved quickly, since hidden aggression and hidden grievances can negatively affect the mental and emotional condition person, develop complexes in him and lead to prolonged depression.

A child’s conflict behavior leads to distrust in his direction, hostility, and subsequently to the consolidation of stereotypes of conflict behavior in his mind. Be sure to monitor the relationships your child maintains at school, with classmates and teachers. Try to gently and carefully correct his behavior and attitude towards others.

Finding a common language with all your classmates at once is not so easy. Due to different upbringing, character, and different outlooks on life, conflicts often occur among students.

IN primary school Conflicts between students are very harmless. A boy pulled a girl's pigtail, someone shot a paper ball from a pen at his desk neighbor - children forget such disagreements instantly, and within a few minutes the warring parties can become true friends for each other.

As students grow up, their circle of interests expands; they begin to understand betrayal and friendship well, so they constantly evaluate each other’s spiritual qualities. Here the conflict can already gain serious momentum and even develop into a real brawl.

An example of a conflict situation between students can be clearly seen using the example of the famous feature film"Scarecrow." There main character becomes a real outcast of the class and is constantly subjected to severe persecution from his classmates. No matter what the girl does, the offensive nickname - scarecrow - is already firmly attached to her.

Unfortunately, similar situations occur quite often in real life. When one student becomes hated by the entire class, it becomes unbearable for him to continue to exist in such a group. The so-called outcasts prefer to change their place of study instead of trying to change anything about themselves.

The reason for hatred from classmates can be the child's denunciations to teachers. In almost every class there is a real sneak who, at the first opportunity, gladly pawns all his friends to the school authorities. The class must be a single team. What children value most in their friends is loyalty.

If one of the students is caught slandering, he is immediately added to the list of real traitors. Unfortunately, there are often cases when classmates use not only insults, but also fists against such informers. It seems necessary to the children to teach the sneak a lesson so that in future he will change his line of behavior. Teachers, of course, must suppress any assault in the classroom and beyond, because the school is directly responsible for the life and health of all students without exception.

Also, most children do not like arrogance. Often the top students in the class put themselves above their peers and, when the opportunity arises, try to show the rest of the kids in their place. Such arrogant behavior of a child can result in a serious conflict, and the offender will certainly be punished. Moreover, there are always many more bad students than excellent students, and they are always very supportive of each other.

The eternal war between excellent students and poor students takes place in every class. Poor students, of course, feel envy of their more successful classmates. The conflict situation is also fueled by teachers, who publicly begin to praise some and shame others.

In addition, excellent students usually do not like to let them cheat, and, therefore, are automatically recorded as poor students in personal enemies. Some guys even manage to set up excellent students. For example, you can quietly replace test arrogant people or publicly ridicule him right in the middle of the lesson.

Various ridicule is also used - sticking a piece of paper with offensive words on the back, unexpectedly removing a chair right from under your enemy, placing a pie with jam on the seat - the list of various kinds of jokes is inexhaustible and depends only on the child’s wild imagination.

However, excellent students do not always become class outcasts. Some kids manage to study well and at the same time pay enough attention to their school friends. A poor student will always appreciate it if a classmate tries to help him pull up all the stops. Despite their young age, students are already well able to truly value devotion and good attitude to yourself.

If a conflict occurs right during a lesson, the teacher will always intervene in the situation and calm down the raging classmates. But what if the fight happens outside of school? The student may be seriously injured, and there will be no one to separate the fighting students. Most often, during such clashes, there is a tendency for classmates to not interfere.

That is, students will stand and silently watch the picture of their peers fighting. It is almost impossible for parents to keep an eye on their child all the time, especially if the student is already in high school. That is why it is necessary to invest in your child from early childhood correct concepts about life, teach him how to be friends and find a common language with his peers.

Student-student conflicts at school occur over anything. Someone looked askance, a classmate took the girl away or did not allow her to cheat during a test - the reasons for disagreements between students can be the same as in adult life. You can make enemies with some students at school, but you can also make friends for the rest of your life. The main thing is, no matter what, always remain human and try to help your classmates in difficult times.

Conflict between students is a fairly common occurrence. Parents must definitely teach their child how to get out of such situations with dignity, so as not to further aggravate the conflict.

The life of a schoolchild, like that of an adult, is never cloudless and conflict-free. There are always contradictions and disagreements in it. But for a child, a conflict with peers can be a strong shock and affect his entire future life. How should parents approach conflict situations in a child’s life - rush to save, protect, observe from the sidelines, say psychologists at the Architecture of the Future center Danil Parnikel and Alexandra Chernysheva.

For those preparing for the main school exam

1. Conflict situations happen to everyone

It is impossible to avoid conflicts: children quarrel with classmates, come into conflict with the teacher, and “collide” with high school students. A clash of opinions and interests is inevitable. Sometimes these situations are limited to " verbal altercations”, and can even lead to a fight, sometimes it’s a situational difference of opinion, and sometimes it’s a protracted confrontation. It is only important not to forget that any constructively resolved conflict is a step in the development of relationships and your own.

2. Helping a child does not mean resolving the conflict for him.

Of course, we want to help the child, support him, and minimize his worries. But by resolving the situation “for the child”, by negotiating with his offenders or teachers, we deprive him of invaluable experience and in the next clash of contradictions he will again find himself helpless. Parental help in this case consists of the ability to listen, discuss the situation with the child, look together for constructive ways out of it, but it is better for the child to resolve the conflict himself.

3. It is impossible to protect a child from everything.

The outside world is an unsafe place, and we cannot predict all the difficulties that a child will face. The worries and worries of parents can be understood; life experience allows us to predict the development of the situation and fear that the next time there is a fight, you may not get away with a lump. However, by protecting the interests of the child without his consent (and sometimes despite it), we deprive him of the opportunity to “train” the skills of confronting difficulties.

4. The conflict may not be as serious as adults think

Often, adults can put additional meaning into children’s quarrels, overestimating the complexity of the situation and adding their own anxieties, experiences, and often personal experience to it.

It's primarily about

  • peer interaction situations in which adults see a sexual context that children (and even adolescents) do not even think about;
  • consolidation of status (“the guys got into a fight and now they will always be enemies”);
  • “Intentional” self-harm (for example, “fighting” with pencils)

It is possible that the above particularly unpleasant interpretations of the situation have a right to exist, but before you panic yourself and scare the child, analyze the situation: did it seem to me?

5. Share responsibility

If a conflict situation has reached such proportions that parents and teachers are involved in it, its solution is also possible only through the joint efforts of all interested parties. Each of them has its own area of ​​responsibility and leverage over other participants in the conflict.

The teacher is responsible for the safety of the participants educational process. His responsibility includes timely informing parents about emerging difficulties, organizing children’s dialogue, and disciplinary conflict regulation.

The parent is responsible for the life and health of his child, his level of education, ability to behave in the company of other people, and also acts as a representative of the child in the event of official proceedings.

The child is responsible for own actions(or learning to do so). However, he does not always have enough resources for this, especially if we're talking about about junior school. The constructive reaction of adults to violation of norms serves precisely to ensure that responsibility for one’s own actions is formed.

6. There is no such thing as too much information

Of course, it is important for a parent to be aware of what is happening with their child at school in order to have time to react to a potentially dangerous and serious situation. Before getting emotionally involved in the situation and fiercely defending (or punishing) the child, it is useful to collect as much information as possible about the incident: communication with the teacher (first of all, class teacher), parents of other children will help restore the picture of what happened. Please note: communication is for the purpose of obtaining information, not disassembly!

7. Be on your child's side

In most conflict situations, children will figure it out on their own, and the information simply will not reach their parents. But if the conflict turns out to be serious and other people become involved in the situation, it is important to remember that the child needs the support of the parent. This does not mean that a parent should take the position “my child is always right, but those around him are biased.” But all educational moments and discussion of the child’s behavior in conflict should not be carried out in public; it is better to postpone it until you come home.

A parent is the support and protection that everyone needs. It is important for an adult to remain calm, even when the child is wrong

The most important parental commandment: do not judge the child as a whole, evaluate a specific action. Otherwise, there is a risk of sowing doubts in parental love, which, as we know, is the key to trust in the world.

8. Dialogue or monologue? Emotions or facts?

Following the results of a conflict situation, especially if there is an active role of the child in it, it would be desirable (and useful) to conduct a “debriefing”. How can you express your position to your child without losing the desire to listen? The first impulse of a parent is often a long monologue, which includes all the fears, anxieties, as well as predictions of dangers that could or may yet happen. Main disadvantage Such a monologue is a “cyclical” speech, when the most correct thought (probably already spoken to the child more than once) sounds again and again. Because of this, the child stops responding to the parent’s words, perceiving his monologue as white noise.

The only way to avoid losing a child’s attention is through dialogue. In addition, in an equal discussion it is possible to gather more information, agree on further rules behavior, find out about the child’s thoughts and feelings about the situation and create a “background” for the future.

Conflicts at school: causes and methods of resolution

■ E. Zakharchenko

Conflicts that arise at school not only determine the character pedagogical process in general, but also have Negative influence both on the professional and personal well-being of the teacher, and on the psycho-emotional state of the student. Further relations between the teacher and students involved in the conflict largely depend on the nature of its course and result. School practice is rich in examples of conflict situations and options for resolving them.

Until recently, the topic of conflict situations in the education system was considered inappropriate for public discussion. Today, numerous media reports about all kinds of conflicts occurring in our schools no longer surprise anyone. Moreover, many adults, yesterday’s schoolchildren, know about them first-hand and can give their own examples of both teacher unprofessionalism and student aggression. Long-term observations indicate a close relationship between such phenomena. Any of them can act as both a cause and a consequence of a conflict situation. Moreover, each of the parties involved in the conflict tends, as a rule, to defend its position to the end. One is based on status and professional affiliation, the other is based on emotional and age relatedness.

The fruits of misunderstanding and alienation

Here's just one example. An elementary school teacher, in response to children's complaints about insults from a classmate, suggested punishing the offender in the following way.

    Children, raise your hands, whoever Misha offended. Who did he spit at and call him bad names?

Several hands went up in response.

    And you, Misha, will it be nice if everyone spits at you too?

The children spat at once in Misha’s direction. The power of the team worked.

    Go Misha, wash yourself and draw conclusions for the future,” said the teacher.

This child experienced nothing but humiliation and aggression against the teacher. (However, not only he, but also classmates who, by the will of the teacher, became participants in this massacre. It will remain in their memory for a long time, and where is the guarantee that the “successful” experience will not receive its further continuation and will not cause aggressive

It is interesting that modern children have long noticed this tendency towards personal centering of many teachers and successfully use it, building own relationships with the teacher or provoking protracted conversations in lessons on everyday topics to the detriment of curriculum.

Sometimes children themselves create situations in which the teacher’s behavioral reaction can manifest themselves, and by his reaction they determine the nature of the teacher’s internal mood not only towards the pedagogical process, the class team as a whole, but also towards individual students.

In high school, during a history lesson, one of the students threw a grenade on the floor shouting, “Get down!” The young history teacher fell to the floor and covered the grenade with his body, saving his students from the explosion. None of the students moved. Everyone knew it was a joke. They just wanted to see the teacher's reaction. Some students approved of the teacher’s action, while others considered him a “sucker.”

Feel the child and understand

responsibility for his fate

For those who have linked their destiny with school, the significance of conflict situations lies in the fact that when they are lived, assessed and resolved, not only the goals, objectives and functions of the pedagogical process are updated, but also the teacher himself becomes a professional.

Under the influence of a particular situation, the pedagogical process ceases to be a reflection of the abstract imagination of the teacher, but turns into a really tangible phenomenon and acquires interpersonal meaning.

It is significant that conflicting pedagogical situations arise not only in the pedagogical process, but also in everyday life. In my parenting practice, there was a case when my own eight-year-old child, in a fit of disagreement with the demands of family life, declared that he could no longer live in such an environment and wanted to leave home. Contrary to his expectations, there was no persuasion on my part. I just offered to help him pack his things, and then volunteered to take him on the “long journey.” The situation did not defuse immediately, but gradually. The first signs of warming relations began to appear when packing for the trip. This was especially evident during assembly travel bag. I offered to take this or that thing or toy with me. The son condescendingly approved or resolutely refused. On the way to the trolleybus stop, in conversation we quietly touched upon the reasons for the conflict that had arisen between us and found out that they were not at all worth such a drastic action. The conflict was settled, and no further attempts to leave home were repeated. This was my first intuitive experience of getting out of a conflict pedagogical situation.

Pedagogical science and practice have accumulated sufficient material that allows not only to recognize, analyze and classify school situations, but also to determine possible options ways to resolve them. The behavioral choice of a teacher cannot be reduced to the assimilation of action algorithms according to a clearly developed scheme. Here it is not enough to know the age characteristics and methods of influencing the student, you need to “feel the child”, understand your responsibility for his fate, for the development of his individuality. Real reality will always require the teacher to make a certain adjustment to the child’s personality, to the essence of the moment, to the level of pedagogical creativity.

A deep and comprehensive analysis of the pedagogical situation excludes the possibility of applying pedagogical recipes in pure form. This is not an easy task, but it is necessary to strive for it. The content and methods of organizing the pedagogical process will always be determined by the characteristics of situations that arise regardless of the will and consciousness of the teacher. At the same time, the occurrence of some of them can be predicted (if the teacher has studied the child’s inner world deeply enough) or modeled (if the interests of organizing the educational process require this). Moreover, the course of many pedagogical situations can be controlled by inviting students to jointly search for acceptable options for resolving them.

Such an opportunity can present itself to a teacher in any lesson. The main thing is not to ignore what could be the cause of a conflict, to give an objective assessment of what is happening in a timely manner, to strive to discuss problems, and not to hush them up. This will help reduce the emerging distance between the teacher and students, and therefore prevent the deterioration of relations. It’s no secret that the result of a joint search for ways to get out of difficult situations, as a rule, is an improvement in the relationships and mutual understanding of the participants.

Many years of experience working in schools convinces me that conflict situations should not be considered an unexpected and annoying obstacle. They have always been and will be, therefore one should understand and accept the inevitability of meeting them, learn to identify the real causes, see the difficulties of resolving them and realize the need to master ways to prevent them.

Simple and complex situations

For the convenience of recognizing and analyzing conflict situations, we suggest dividing them into simple and complex. The first ones, as a rule, are resolved by the teacher safely without resistance from the students through the reasonable organization of their behavior. In resolving difficult situations, a large role is played by the emotional state of the teacher and the student, the nature of the relationship between them, the influence of the school- (

I would like to introduce readers to the conditional i characteristics of the main phases of development; conflict situation. The first phase is initiated by an unforeseen beginning that disrupts the usual course of the educational process or the style of established relationships. The second phase is due to the presence of a response from one of the participants. The further development of events depends on the nature of this reaction. The third phase is characterized by the method of resolving the conflict. It causes consequences, changes in the course of the pedagogical process, improvement or deterioration of previously established relationships.

Basic basis conflict situations can be represented by a number of cumulative causes. Our observations revealed some of them. Among them:

    limited opportunity teachers predict the behavior of students in the classroom;

    unexpected actions of students, often disrupting the planned course of the lesson;

    the teacher’s assessment not of the student’s individual actions, but of his personality; excessive severity of the teacher towards the student, an attempt to connect a negative act with the actions of his parents or the way of life of the family as a whole;

    alienation of the teacher from the child’s personal problems.

The cause of many conflict situations is also low level communication between individual teachers. Such teachers, as a rule, do not restrain their negative emotions, allowing themselves harsh words towards their students. When characterizing a student, they try to emphasize the negative qualities of him or his parents. They make fun of the student in front of his peers.

Teachers often encounter conflict situations that are provoked by their own formal unpreparedness for work (being late for their own lessons, poor knowledge of program material, inadequate response to external stimuli, etc.). Today, among the reasons that give rise to conflicting pedagogical situations, one should also include such a paradoxical state of affairs in which a teacher has to teach children something that he himself has not been taught. First of all, this is due to the introduction of new information technologies into the educational process. As a consequence, the sources of information available to children often do not come to the attention of the teacher or are sustainable and are ignored. As a result, the teacher loses his previous position as the only carrier educational information and additional causal factors are: the situational mood of the teacher, his life troubles, the state of the general climate that has developed in the teaching staff.

In addition, in pursuit of results, many teachers are excessively harsh towards children and are unable to overcome difficulties in communicating with parents and work colleagues. All this also entails the emergence of conflicts.

It is no coincidence that most of the methods being developed today are addressed to the best manifestations of personality and help the teacher achieve possible self-realization not through violence and self-affirmation, but through cooperation and self-determination.

Recently, the problem of developing a teacher’s ability to communicate as an integral personality trait, the main professional quality. Only in conditions of close contact with the child does it become possible to predict the course of the pedagogical process, and therefore, prevent the emergence of conflict situations that can slow it down.

No ready-made recipes, but there is different ways

The experience of studying school conflicts convinces us that there are no recipes that can consistently guarantee their positive resolution. The method we propose for resolving conflicting pedagogical situations is aimed at organizing the teacher’s independent search for options that have a positive beginning, and therefore are capable of ensuring a positive course of events. This search is based on familiarity. young teacher with pedagogical commandments and maxims developed by famous scientists and humanist teachers. In classes with students pedagogical university As a practical exercise, we invite them to use a set of conflict situations that are most often found in modern schools, determine a way out and model the further course of events. To do this, we use the following questionnaire.

“Put yourself in the shoes of each of the participants in the conflict and try to give objective answers to the questions:

    How did the outcome of the situation affect the teacher’s well-being?

    How did the outcome of the situation affect the student’s well-being?

    How did the witnesses to the conflict (students, other teachers) behave?

    What did the students involved in the conflict tell their parents?

    What did the students who witnessed the conflict tell their peers?

    What is the reaction of the parents of the students involved in the conflict?

    What is the position of the parents of students who are witnesses to the conflict?

    What has changed in the student's attitude towards the teacher?

    What has changed in the teacher's attitude towards the student?

    What has changed in the attitude of parents towards the teacher?

    Whose side did the school administration take in what was happening?

    How did the outcome of the situation affect the course of the pedagogical process? And etc.

To practice independent choice skills in pedagogical situations, the method of role-playing may also be useful. Students accept this type of conditions with great enthusiasm. practical work. We suggest using humanistic principles as guidelines for teacher behavior. Following these principles can, in our opinion, prevent the occurrence of conflicts or help find the optimal solution. Here are some of them: be honest; be fair; put yourself in the child’s place; know how to forgive; do not compare children with each other; admit that in some situations students turn out to be smarter than you; present to the student requirements that correspond to the real level of his development; Never do to a student what you would not wish for yourself.

And Zakharchenko Evgeniy Yurievich, candidate pedagogical sciences, Honored Teacher of Russia, Director of Secondary secondary school No. 4, Rostov-on-Don, Associate Professor, Department of Pedagogy, Rostov State pedagogical university

Magazine "School Director" No. 1/2008