Which tomatoes are the most popular? Tomatoes: early low-growing varieties for open ground. Low-growing tomatoes without pinching

Which tomatoes are the most popular?  Tomatoes: early low-growing varieties for open ground.  Low-growing tomatoes without pinching
Which tomatoes are the most popular? Tomatoes: early low-growing varieties for open ground. Low-growing tomatoes without pinching

Many summer residents and owners of small plots of land are interested in what varieties of tomatoes are suitable for open ground It is better to choose for growing in your garden. You can't count the options on your fingers.

How to choose the optimal tomato?

Currently, there are many varieties of tomatoes. When choosing tomatoes for open ground, you should pay attention to the following qualities:

  • ripe fruit size;
  • ripening time;
  • size, branching and height of the bush;
  • size of the root system;
  • required soil composition;
  • climate of the region;
  • features of care;
  • method of preserving the harvest;
  • options for using ready-made fruits.

An important point when choosing tomatoes is the height of the bush. According to this criterion, tomatoes are divided into:

  • tall (indeterminate);
  • medium-sized (determinant);
  • short;
  • dwarf (superdeterminate).

Determinate varieties of tomatoes for open ground are very popular. These are high-yielding plants that are resistant to pests and diseases. Hybrids and varieties bred in Russia undergo special acclimatization to local weather conditions. Low-growing tomatoes for open ground are a very good option not only for your own garden, but also for mass production. The main thing is to choose the right specific variety for the growing region.

It is worth remembering that very large fruits of tomatoes for open ground are not a prerequisite for high yield. Large-fruited tomatoes are usually grown for home cooking. They are used to make salads, hot dishes, tomato sauces, juice, etc. Large-fruited tomatoes are planted as ornamental plants.

It is better to develop vegetable growing as a business using the best varieties with medium-sized fruits. The most effective will be the use of hybrids. This will allow you to get from 12 to 20 kg of tomatoes from 1 m² of land. Such tomatoes can be offered for sale in natural and/or canned form.

Productivity of different types of tomatoes

High yields will make tomato cultivation a profitable business. Tomato species bred in Holland are used for outdoor cultivation. You can also use new varieties obtained in Russia based on Dutch samples.

The high yield of such tomatoes is achieved due to large quantity fruits ripening on every bush. When stored properly, these tomatoes for a long time retain their presentation and pleasant aroma.

The main disadvantage of hybrids is the low percentage ascorbic acid and/or sugar. This directly affects the good taste of the product. Therefore, they are often grown for sale. For home cooking, it is better to use tomatoes with a high content of sucrose and vitamin C.

Resistant species

In regions with high humidity and cold spring (for example, in Siberia), you can grow tomatoes specially bred for such cases. Vegetable growers call such varieties extreme. Their main advantages:

  • resistance to various kinds pests;
  • immunity to diseases;
  • high productivity;
  • significant mass of fruits;
  • ability to grow and bear fruit in difficult weather conditions.

In the northern regions of Russia, especially in Siberia, extreme tomatoes are very popular due to their good taste. They are grown both for home cooking and for sale.

Ultra-early and large-fruited tomato varieties

Sales of fresh products at last season prices - reliable way making a good profit. This effect can be achieved by ultra-early ripening tomatoes. Ripe fruits appear at the end of July.

From the moment of planting in open ground until final ripening, such crops require no more than 65 days. Using seedlings makes it possible to harvest in 55 days.

Early ripening tomatoes do not require the use of additional fertilizers, growth accelerators and other chemicals. The fruits are tasty and completely safe for health.

The main thing is to ensure a stable temperature regime for ultra-early tomatoes. It is advisable to pre-harden the seedlings. This will increase the plants' resistance to temperature changes.

The main disadvantage of early-ripening tomatoes is the susceptibility of the foliage to Fusarium wilt and late blight. Therefore, plants must be treated with preparations with the required copper content (Medyan Extra, etc.), as well as Fundazol.

Early varieties of tomatoes

Early tomatoes are planted in open ground in May. The exact landing date depends on weather conditions. Favorable soil temperature at the time of planting is +17°C. After about 80 days you can harvest. In some species, the ripening period is extended to 100-115 days.

The productivity of early ripening varieties is high. Such tomatoes are more resistant to fungal and other diseases.

The harvest of early varieties ripens a little later than that of early ripening varieties. However, the safety of fruits, resistance to various types of pests, and the rate of increase in vegetative mass are noticeably higher than that of early-ripening varieties of tomatoes.

Large-fruited varieties are considered to be those that produce tomatoes weighing at least 600 g. Species of this group are bred through selection, so at the same time, such tomatoes develop resistance to weather conditions, pests and diseases.

Productivity is relatively low - no more than 7 fruits per bush. To prevent branches from breaking off under the weight of large tomatoes, be sure to tie them to a trellis.

Large-fruited varieties of tomatoes are grown, as a rule, for home cooking and garden decoration. From 1 tomato you can make a salad for fun company or make a decoration for the holiday table.

What determines the yield of tomatoes?

The best tomato varieties require a little more attention while growing them. With a large number of fruits, the plant requires abundant watering and a larger volume. nutrients.

For different regions Russian Federation You should select tomato varieties with ultra-early, early or medium ripening. Otherwise, the fruits may die due to autumn cooling.

Basic criteria for choosing tomatoes for open ground:

  • short-term growing season;
  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • immunity to diseases, including after special treatment;
  • acclimatization to the conditions of a particular region;
  • adaptability to growing and maturing in open ground conditions.

Hybrid tomatoes have high yields, but the taste is often better than varietal tomatoes.

On small area It is not advisable to grow many varieties of tomatoes. It is enough to select 6-8 varieties. A garden in which tomatoes with different fruit ripening periods are planted will be especially good. This will provide for the family fresh tomatoes for the whole season. When planting tomatoes that ripen at the same time, you can select varieties with different shapes, a wide range of fruit colors, different sizes bush, etc.

The main thing is that all planted tomatoes can grow and bear fruit in the conditions of a particular region. The coincidence of the basic rules of cultivation will greatly facilitate the care of the crop. Over time, every vegetable grower will be able to personal experience choose the most delicious tomatoes for open ground to suit your taste.

Be sure to take into account the main purpose of growing tomatoes - for salads, juices, cocktails, home canned food, etc. With the widespread use of tomatoes in home kitchen It would be advisable to give preference to varieties of universal use.

Selected varieties of tomatoes

For canning, you can grow tomatoes of the variety ERK. The ripening period is no more than 110 days. The fruits are small, weighing about 100 g. The variety is high-yielding - about 100 tomatoes on each bush.

IN fresh variety of tomatoes are well preserved Washington. Each bush ripens many fruits weighing approximately 200 g. Washington tomatoes are popular due to their sweet taste and high density of fruits.

For therapeutic and dietary nutrition, tomatoes of the variety Pink flamingo. Tomatoes have a beautiful pink color. The taste is pleasant, with a reduced content of food acids. The specific weight of each fruit is 300-350 g. This is a tall variety with a bush height of up to 120 cm, so it is necessary to make a garter.

Tomato varieties Alpha ripen no longer than 3 months. The bushes are low-growing with a dense and thick stem. No pinching is required; you can immediately sow in open ground. The fruits are small - approximately 70-80 g. The color of a ripe tomato is rich red. Alpha tomatoes can be used fresh for salads and other dishes or pickled.

Tomato varieties Carotene belong to the mid-early cultures. The fruits contain a lot of acids and beta-carotene. Carotene tomato allows you to make very tasty canned food. Fruit weight is average - up to 150 g.

High yield varieties

Among the varieties with the best performance we can mention tomatoes Gina. The height of the bush is small - up to 80 cm. The branching is average. No tying or pinching is required. The fruit has a classic round shape and a rich red color. Specific gravity is approximately 250 g. The tomatoes are very meaty, juicy with a thick skin. From 1 m² you can harvest up to 10 kg of Gina tomatoes.

Tomatoes Budenovka have a weight of up to 0.5 kg, and do not crack. The fruit ripening period is up to 115 days. High resistance to pests and temperature changes. No special care required. From each bush it is possible to remove up to 8 kg of ripe heart-shaped fruits. The pulp is very fleshy and sweet.

Variety Crimson Giant was bred by hybridization, so these tomatoes are resistant to weather changes, pests and diseases. Determinate bushes grow up to 120 cm. Productivity is up to 20 kg per 1 m². Raspberry Giant is good fresh or for preparing various canned foods. The variety is very popular for mass cultivation.

A little about standard tomatoes

Standard tomatoes are one of the varieties of hybrids and determinate varieties. Tomatoes are usually early ripening. The bush is low due to a weak root system. There is no need to control the height of the plant.

The branching is small, so the bushes are very compact. This allows you to plant many plants on a small plot of land. Bushes can be planted very close to each other. The main disadvantage of standard varieties is weak immunity. The crops are not very resistant to diseases and pests. Required special processing.

The most popular standard varieties of tomatoes:

  • Domintor;
  • Standard Large-fruited;
  • Hartzfeuer.

Tomatoes of standard varieties are especially successfully cultivated in open ground. Such tomatoes can also be grown in greenhouses, especially in cold regions (for example, in Siberia).

Tomatoes are widely used for preparing various dishes and canning, so these vegetables are invariably in high demand. With proper business organization, growing tomatoes will bring good income.

The varieties and hybrids of tomatoes are so diverse that even an experienced vegetable grower sometimes finds it difficult to choose. Of course, everyone has their own priorities - some like large and fleshy tomatoes, some prefer small but sweet ones, and some are forced to select a variety taking into account the climate of their region. But in any case, every gardener tries to choose the most productive varieties of tomatoes for the garden, which also have excellent taste.

How to choose a variety

When choosing a tomato variety, it is necessary to take into account many factors that affect the yield of a vegetable crop. Firstly, you need to decide in advance on the place where the vegetables will be planted and purchase seeds taking into account the growing conditions. The process of growing tomatoes in open and protected soil has significant differences - even the highest-yielding varieties of tomatoes for garden beds will not produce high-quality fruits when planted in a greenhouse. And, conversely, greenhouse varieties will not give the expected yield when grown in the garden.

When purchasing tomato seeds, you should take into account the taste properties of each specific variety. Some tomatoes express their taste better immediately after picking from the bush, others reveal it after salting or canning, and some are very tasty when unripe, while when ripe they have a very ordinary and primitive taste.

It is also important to decide on the question - what tomatoes will be grown for what? If for pickling, then you should give preference to medium-sized fruits with sweet, dense pulp. If for preservation, it is better to choose small fruits with a dense, non-bursting skin. The choice of salad varieties is limitless - these are the tomatoes of the most different forms, color and taste. They are unsuitable for preparation, but have a very meaty structure and excellent taste.

The yield also depends to some extent on the shape and size of the bush. Low-growing varieties are less demanding in care, but they produce fewer fruits. The productivity of such species can only be increased by using a large number of beds. Tall varieties need tying and installation of supports, but they can also produce a higher yield. In addition, tall plants save space.

When choosing productive varieties of tomatoes for open ground, it is useful to take into account their ripening period. If you want with early spring and to have fresh homemade tomatoes on the table before winter, you will have to plant many different varieties with different terms maturation. Well, the most important factor influencing productivity is adaptation to climate. It is important to understand which tomato varieties can grow in which climates. So intended for the southern regions, it is very difficult to grow in northern latitudes- at best, the harvest will be minimal, and at worst, the plants will not be able to develop due to the cold, and the yield will be zero. Therefore, it is better to choose tomatoes for the northern regions Siberian selection, bred specifically for cold climates.

Video “Overview of many varieties of tomatoes”

Video review of popular fruit tomatoes.

Best tomatoes 2019

Tomatoes can be classified according to different parameters:

By yield

High-yielding tomato varieties are those from which you can harvest 5 or more kilograms of vegetables from one square meter landings. It should be said that many recently bred varieties of Dutch, as well as similar domestic selection, are capable of producing up to 20 kg per 1 m of planting, but these hybrids are grown mainly in greenhouses for commercial purposes. For high yields of tomatoes from open ground, it is better to plant varieties designed specifically for these conditions:

  • Waterfall– a tall tomato of early ripening with dense, oblong fruits of bright orange color, with proper care it can produce a harvest of 6-8 kg;
  • Anastasia– tall (100-130 cm), mid-ripening variety with bright red, sometimes burgundy, medium-sized fruits (170-200 g), when created necessary conditions you can harvest up to 12 kg of crop;
  • Crimson Giant– an early variety with very large (up to 500 g) pink fruits, due to which high yields are obtained, resistant to diseases and pests;
  • Wall F1– an early-ripening, tall (120-150 cm) hybrid with large (up to 300 g) red fleshy fruits, tolerates low temperatures and high humidity, is resistant to diseases, very high-yielding – 16-18 kg per 1 meter of planting;
  • Diabolic– compact and fairly tall bushes (100-120 cm) with red oblong fruits weighing (120-140 g), tomatoes are easily transported, suitable for harvesting, not susceptible to diseases, when grown for industrial purposes they give a yield of 400-600 kg per day hectares of area.

Experienced vegetable growers admit that extremely productive tomato varieties are not distinguished by high taste and aroma. This is due to the fact that all the forces of such plants are aimed at the formation of multiple fruits, and not at the concentration of sugars and nutritional fibers.

By bush type

According to the height of the bush, tomatoes are divided into:

  • determinant (short)– their height is 50-100 cm, they do not need to remove excess shoots and tie them up;
  • indeterminate (tall)– bushes of such tomatoes can grow up to 2 meters, often require the installation of supports and correction of the bush, in turn they are divided into standard types (with strong compact bushes) and non-standard (with thin stems that are prone to lodging and need support);
  • There are also medium-sized tomatoes, the height of which varies in the range of 80-110 cm.

The most productive and shortest varieties:

  • Sanka– ultra-early hybrid variety with compact bushes (30-40 cm) and round red fruits;
  • Rio Grande– a high-yielding tomato with powerful bushes up to 60 cm high, the fruits are smooth, elongated, medium-sized (100-120 g), universal purpose – suitable for canning and processing;
  • Bagheera F1– an early, low-growing hybrid with large (180-220 g) fruits, suitable for any processing and transportation.

Among the medium-ripening tomatoes, one can distinguish the high-yielding tomato “Volgogradsky 5/95”. This is a standard plant 70-120 cm high with smooth red fruits weighing 80-150 g. The fruits are well transported and stored for a long time. Among the tall, productive tomatoes, the following can be distinguished:

  • De Barao– this variety has many hybrids that differ in shape and color, but this variety of tomato is united by the invariable sweet taste of fleshy fruits, reaching a weight of 300-400 g, in which there are practically no seeds;
  • Tarasenko 2– a late-ripening hybrid, tall stems (up to 2 m) with multiple-fruited clusters containing many small (30-40 g) fruits with a total weight of up to 3 kg.

Many vegetable growers prefer standard types of tomatoes because they do not require tying and are less demanding in care.

To size

Based on the size of the fruit, tomatoes are divided into large (300-400 g), very large (up to 700-1000 g), medium, small, and very small - “cherry”. Large-fruited varieties are:

  • Wonder of the Earth– the fruits are elongated, heart-shaped, reaching a weight of 400-500 g, and have dense, sweetish pulp;
  • St. Andrew's surprise– a tall (up to 2 m) salad variety with very large (400-700 g) fruits, the color of the tomato is raspberry, the flesh is fleshy and juicy, there are practically no seeds;
  • Bull's heart – a medium-ripening tomato with very large (400-600 g) fruits with dense, sweetish pulp;
  • Crimson Giant– the fruits are large (600-800 g), flattened, with tender pulp, seeds are almost absent.

Small varieties include the following:

  • Wonder of the world– small fruits in shape and color resembling a lemon, the weight of tomatoes is 50-100 g, up to 50 pieces can be collected from one bush;
  • Black Moor– mid-season hybrid with small brownish fruits weighing 30-50 g, suitable for preservation;
  • Tarasenko 2– tall bushes with heavy clusters, on each of which more than 35 small (50-60 g) fruits ripen.

Decorative varieties of miniature tomatoes, known to us as “cherry,” have high taste properties. These tomatoes are successfully grown both in the garden and in pots on balconies. Among the most popular are: Noon, Green Pearl, Lemon (yellow), Amber, Honey Drop.

In terms of stability

When it comes to the resistance of tomatoes, most often what is meant is not disease, but endurance in low temperatures. What tomatoes can be grown in cold climates is a question that most interests residents of the northern regions. For such regions, you should choose varieties of Siberian selection, the seeds of which are adapted to these conditions.

The following tomato varieties are hardy:

  • Shuttle– a frost-resistant variety of Siberian selection, it is not afraid of pests, diseases and transportation, ripens in 80-100 days, the fruits are small (up to 60 g);
  • Hospitable– large-fruited (300-500 g) tomato, low bush – up to 80 cm, resistant to temperature changes;
  • destructive force– a high-yielding hybrid of Siberian selection, medium-sized fruits (up to 150 g), unpretentious in care, even at low temperatures produces a yield of 5-6 kg;
  • Triumphant– mid-season standard variety of Siberian selection, low-growing bushes (40-50 cm), small fruits – up to 100g;
  • Snow fairy tale- a unique hybrid of Siberian selection, the bush of which is literally strewn with small fruits, and the stems do not need to be tied up.

There are also several varieties that were developed by Ukraine, but these seeds are also adapted to the conditions of the north or middle zone: Priusadny, Gospodar, Sonyachne kolo and others.

According to the duration of ripening

According to the ripening period, tomatoes are early-ripening, mid-ripening and late-ripening, but recently many hybrids have been developed, which are called “early-early”. Early ripening are called tomato varieties whose ripening period is up to 100 days. These include: Oak, White filling, Alpha, Amur standard, Valentina, Don Juan - the ripening period of these varieties is 95-98 days.

Mid-season tomatoes include those that reach full maturity in 105-115 days: Pink Elephant, Hybrid 35, Volgogradsky, Gigant 5, Akulina, Tsarevna and many others. It should be said that most tomatoes are mid-season, and when choosing seeds, gardeners often encounter just such varieties. Late-ripening tomatoes are considered to be tomatoes that require 117 to 130 days to ripen. These include: De Barao, Wonder of the World, Titan, Brown Sugar and others. Late species tomatoes are not very popular, but unlike the early ones, they last longer.

The most popular varieties are the early ones, the ripening period of which is sometimes limited to 70 days. The seeds of these tomatoes are adapted to low temperatures and tolerate even light frosts well. These include: Sanka, Far North, Little Red Riding Hood, Nevsky and many others.

By storage duration

Only certain varieties of tomatoes can be preserved for a long time, in which there is a special gene that inhibits the ripening of fruits. As a rule, these are late-ripening hybrids, bred specifically for the purpose of preservation. These tomatoes are harvested at the initial stage of ripeness (when they just begin to turn brown) and their full ripening occurs later at a temperature of 18 ° C.

Such hybrids are:

  • Radical, Lazarus, Dominator– the fruits of these varieties are stored for more than 1 month;
  • Khutorskoy salting, Giraffe– fruits are stored for up to 4 months;
  • Long Keeper, Lounger, New Year's– perfectly retain their taste until the New Year.

It is fair to note that long-lasting hybrids have fairly thick skin and a not very pronounced taste and aroma, since they are ripened under artificial conditions. But, in spite of everything, this is the only way to get fresh homemade tomatoes in the winter.

Video “Selection of the most popular varieties”

A video selection of the most popular tomatoes that will help you make your choice.

Evgeniy Sedov

When your hands grow from the right place, life is more fun :)

Mar 29 2018


Growing vegetables yourself has a number of significant advantages over buying them in a store. This is control of the quantity and quality of fertilizers, personal choice of a variety that may not be available on the market, the possibility of regular harvesting during the season after a one-time investment. The tomato, along with the potato, remains one of the most popular vegetables grown in their own garden plots.

What are tomatoes for open ground?

Tomatoes that are grown outdoors are mostly low- and medium-sized varieties. Moreover, their yield is often higher than that of greenhouse (tall) varieties. This is due to the fact that gardeners plant a smaller volume of bushes in open ground, but at the same time control growth more effectively. In greenhouses, yields are lower due to conditions where specific species are required, and the ecosystem is controlled automatically.

Tomatoes for open ground often have larger size combined with the small height of the bush. Such plants require less maintenance, since varieties and hybrids are bred to withstand possible harsh weather conditions (unlike greenhouse varieties). There are a huge number of types of such tomatoes. They differ in ripening time, fruiting period, organoleptic properties and size.


When comparing varieties for open ground and greenhouse varieties, the former confidently win. At least in terms of financial costs. In this sense, the specific type is not even important, because tomatoes with similar taste qualities are present in both groups. The advantages of different types of ground tomatoes are obvious for private farms. With minimal physical and financial costs, gardeners receive the following:

  1. High planting density. Most low- and medium-growing varieties take up less space, both in width and height, compared to tall varieties. This guarantees a larger yield on a specific area of ​​soil.
  2. There is no need to equip a greenhouse, which eliminates significant financial costs.
  3. Initial resistance to fungal diseases, viruses, gray, apical and root rot.
  4. Plant resistance to temperature changes, sudden changes in weather, spring frosts, droughts, high degree of recovery after damage.
  5. High fruitfulness, early first harvest for most species, long period of harvest from one bush.

The best varieties of tomatoes for open ground

The choice of the ideal plant for personal farming directly depends on the preferences of the gardener, climatic conditions, and soil quality. The subsequent use of tomatoes is also important: canning, selling, eating raw or in dishes. Below are some of the most productive varieties of tomatoes for different types of open ground.

Low growing tomatoes

These tomatoes are considered one of the most unpretentious. They do not require garter, have a wide variety of fruits (from cherry to large type Bison) do not require constant active care and tolerate cold weather well. The compactness of the bush will allow you to plant more units on the site than tall varieties. Low-growing varieties of tomatoes for open ground:



First generation hybrid tomato with high yield, resistant to cold. The plant forms a compact bush and is resistant to late blight and pests. Small-sized vegetables are ripened in clusters of 5-8 pieces. The tomato is round, sweet, with thin skin and elastic flesh.

Snow Leopard

A tomato that produces large fruits and has a relatively long ripening period. Fertile fertilized soil is preferable for the plant. The weight of the fruit is about 130 grams, the color is bright, red-orange, the taste is sweet and sour. In the northern regions, bushes need to be covered with film at night.

Dwarf variety(the bushes do not exceed half a meter in height). The plant is rarely affected by diseases or pests. The vegetable is medium-sized, distinctly sweet, and dark red when fully ripe. Tomatoes have a thick skin, which allows them to be successfully used for preservation.

Bushes about 45 cm tall with a small number of leaves. The fruits grow up to 150 g, have an even red color, and have a sweet taste. Compared to other types they give more early harvest(time from seed to fruiting – 2.5 months).


These tomatoes have unlimited stem growth, so they are classified as tall. Stepchildren must be plucked off, which contributes to the full formation of the bush. Flowering and fruit set begin after the appearance of 8-10 leaves. The bush requires mandatory support or a rigid garter. Approximately every 3 leaves, clusters of fruit will appear.



Wonder of the world

Non-standard tomatoes, which are sometimes called “lemon creeper”. The fruits grow bright yellow, lemon-shaped. The weight of one tomato ranges from 50 to 100 g. They are often pickled or canned. The average yield reaches 60-70 tomatoes.

Tarasenko 2

The tomatoes are tasty, light in weight (about 60 grams) with thick skin, soft and sweet flesh, and a characteristic spout at the bottom of the vegetable. Color - from orange to reddish. The fruits are well stored, so they tolerate long-term transportation well.

De Barao Yellow

A medium-late ripening species (4 months from seed planting), which produces small tomatoes (up to 60 g) orange color almost perfect round shape. In terms of storage characteristics, it is not inferior to Tarasenko 2.

Mandarin duck

An early ripening plant (up to 90 days before the first harvest), which is characterized by intensive growth and a powerful trunk. The fruits ripen on clusters of up to 10 pieces, weighing up to 100 g, with a bright orange peel. Tomatoes set even in difficult unfavorable conditions.

Mid-season fruitful

These varieties of tomatoes differ in ripening time - about 4-5 months. Most species produce large fruits with a distinctly sweet taste and a long shelf life. The crops tolerate harsh climatic conditions well and are successfully cultivated on nutrient-poor soils. These tomatoes are suitable for canning and for eating raw from the garden. Yield varieties of tomatoes for open ground:



Hybrid look with not too quick results which gives big harvest with high resistance to external influences. Each brush brings up to 20 tomatoes. The plum-shaped fruits (80-100 grams of weight) are dark red in color with elastic and aromatic pulp. Great for canning.

The crop is suitable for cultivation in the southern regions, although in middle lane brings high yields. The fruits are large, pink in color, and shaped like a slightly flattened ball.

Pink honey

Tomatoes resemble a heart in shape with pronounced ribs in place of the internal jumpers. The pulp is juicy, soft, without the presence of sourness. Weight can reach 1 kg. An important disadvantage of the plant is the bushes’ extreme susceptibility to disease.

El Dorado

At the moment of ripeness, tomatoes acquire a yellow-golden color and an ovoid shape. Unlike the previous variety, this crop actively resists pests and fusarium. The weight of the fruit is small - up to 120 grams (2-3 vegetables on one cluster).


In fact, all tomatoes are self-pollinating plants. Breeders have placed into a separate category of productive plants the bred hybrids, which, when growing and bearing fruit, are well resistant to heat, temperature changes, and too low importance. Almost all varieties are marked "F1" in the name. Hybrids differ greatly in appearance, weight and taste characteristics.



Arletta F1

The culture resists shade and disease well. The fruits ripen densely, the peel does not burst if watering standards are observed. The color of the vegetables is red, and the pulp is sweet and dense.

Emerald gem F1

A peculiar variety of green color in a state of biological ripeness. The pulp is with pronounced sourness, very dense. The fruits are small (about 40 g), elongated in shape, excellent for pickling.

Fighter (Brawler)

Compact bushes do not exceed 40 cm in height. They bear stable fruit. The variety does not need to be stepsoned. The fruits are oval, elongated, bright red, weighing from 50 to 190 grams. The taste is sweet without acid.

Garden pearl pink

The culture looks decorative, but grows well in open ground. The bushes are about 20 cm high. The fruits are richly sweet, weighing up to 20 grams, and look like berries.

Ultra-early ripening

The first harvest of such tomatoes can be obtained extremely quickly. Some varieties bear fruit within 75-80 days. These crops are excellent for the northern regions of the Russian Federation, where the growing season is extremely short. Most bushes do not require staking or support. Seeds can be placed directly into the soil under the film without seedlings.



Amur standard

It bears fruit weighing 80 grams after 90 days. The hybrid grows approximately 50 centimeters even in cold conditions. Vegetables are distinguished by dense pulp with a sweet taste.

Brings harvest even up to 87 days. The fruits are small in size, but have a large amount of juice, sweet taste, and good transportability.

Leningrad chill

Determinate hybrid up to 40 cm high. B good conditions The harvest is harvested after 85 days. The bush is located on the ground and forms four fruiting clusters. Tomatoes weigh up to 70 g and have a slight sour taste. The downside is that the entire yield per square meter is about 3.4 kg.

Ultra early ripening

The culture is the leader in terms of ripening speed. The fruits are harvested after 70 days. The bushes grow up to 60 cm. The variety has strong immunity. The yield per square meter reaches 15 kg, with the sweet fruit weighing about 100 g.


Tomatoes are considered by some nutritionists to be a universal dietary product. There are pink varieties that have a characteristic sweet-sour or sugary taste. They are considered the most suitable varieties for salads and other dishes. Most of the fruits are large in size and have fleshy pulp with a small juice content.



Figs pink

The bushes of this variety require support because they grow up to 1.5 meters. The first harvest is harvested after 100 days. Vegetables are large (up to half a kilogram) with tender, juicy pulp.

Pink giant

The average weight is 300 g, but some specimens reach 1 kg. The bush must be tied up and formed into a single stem. There is a danger of peel cracking due to wrong mode glaze. The Pink Elephant variety has the same characteristics.

Pink flamingo

In most cases, tomatoes are consumed fresh due to their size (from 200 to 700 grams). The growth time of the bush before fruiting is 100-115 days. Specifications may vary significantly depending on the manufacturer.

The first harvest is harvested 85-100 days after germination. The bush can reach 2 meters, so it requires rigid fixation or garter. Tomatoes are sugary, with tender flesh, weigh about 300 g. The approximate yield from one bush is 6 kg.


Tomatoes from 150 g are considered large, with not too juicy, but tender pulp and a pronounced tomato taste. Such crops are conventionally classified as beef tomatoes. They are used for salads and fresh consumption, because they are difficult to preserve in the usual way. Large varieties Tomatoes for open ground differ greatly in the shape of the fruit, color, and height of the bushes.



Wonder of the earth

Bred about 10 years ago in Russia. The average weight of a vegetable is 500 g (but there are plants that produce tomatoes of about 1 kilo). In the southern regions, the yield per square meter reaches 20 kg. The commercial share of the crop is up to 83%, which is a very high figure for beef tomatoes.

The bush grows up to 80 cm, so it does not require thorough fixation. The first harvested tomatoes often weigh 700-800 g, and the usual weight of a vegetable is 300 g. Even in the northern regions, the yield reaches 7-10 kg/m2.

Black elephant

Indeterminate variety with large leaves. These beef tomatoes have a characteristic red-brown color and unusual taste. Standard weight vegetables - 300 g. In the southern regions, fruitfulness decreases sharply, rapid withering occurs even before the autumn cold.

King of Siberia

A yellow-fruited species that requires pinching and removal of excess peduncles. The crop is mid-season, with fruits weighing 300-400 g. The color of the tomatoes is deep orange. The crop can easily be transported.

New varieties of tomatoes for open ground

Regular selection does not stop at developing new varieties of tomatoes. This is required due to climate change, weather conditions in specific regions, the emergence of new diseases, and the desire to obtain new species. Some of the plants are being adapted as hybrids for extreme regions, while others are trying to obtain new flavor aspects or increase yield.



Big Mama

Early ripening variety from the Gavrish company (85 days of ripening). The pulp of the fruit is very fleshy, as for quickly ripening species; the tomatoes themselves weigh 200-250 g, juicy, sweetish, smooth, with a bright red color.

Pink stele

A mid-early crop that requires seedlings. The bushes grow up to half a meter. The first harvested tomatoes weigh up to 300 g, the rest of the harvest until the end of the season is 120-200 g. The fruits are pink-raspberry with a fleshy consistency and a small number of seeds.


The culture combines a tall bush (150 cm) with high yield and early results (growing season - 90 days). A long growth period is combined with a high number of tomatoes (up to 10 kg/m2). The vegetable is intended mainly for salads.

Which varieties are the most delicious and productive?

Many types of tomatoes on the market have similar taste, smell and firmness of the pulp. Professional gardeners identify some plants that are characterized by bright taste characteristics at the same time as high yields per square meter. In this case, the varieties belong to different categories from the above.



Bull's heart

The famous variety, the fruits of which can reach 1 kilogram, has a specific astringent taste and fleshy pulp. Great for salads or eating fresh. On the ground, the yield per bush is about 7 kg.

Japanese truffle

The tomato has the shape of a light bulb or pear and is dark burgundy in color, turning purple at the stalk. The weight of the fruit is about 100 g, the taste is sweet with pronounced sourness. Productivity is approximately 4 kg per bush.

Striped chocolate

The culture produces the sweetest fruits, which have an original color (alternating dark red and green spots). The weight of a tomato reaches half a kilogram. Initially, the crop was bred for greenhouses, but over time it was adapted for open ground.

How to grow tomatoes outdoors

It is believed that tomatoes are planted exclusively from seedlings that are prepared independently or purchased. Some varieties of ground tomatoes can be planted from seeds immediately after the snow melts on the ridges (they are resistant hybrids). If you do not pay attention to this nuance, then care different varieties no different:

  1. First you need to decide on the variety of tomato you are going to grow. At this stage, everything depends on the personal preferences of the gardener and regional characteristics.
  2. Growing seedlings for specific species. This happens approximately 2 months before landing in spring soil. The rules for growing seedlings vary depending on the characteristics of the crop, so the method needs to be clarified for each type.
  3. After the snow melts and the soil thaws, the beds are dug up and fertilized with fertilizer.
  4. Seedlings or seeds are planted at an average distance of 60 cm from each other (may vary depending on the variety).
  5. You should regularly pinch off excess leaves, loosen the soil and water it (soil moisture is individual for each crop and growing region).
  6. After 2 weeks, the roots are earthed up, the stepsons are removed, and treatment is carried out against late blight.
  7. For different plants there are different rules for the formation of trunks. If you don’t adhere to them, then instead of productive tomatoes you will only get a bush with large tops.
  8. Tall tomatoes will require staking. This happens either to a separate support, which is driven deep near the trunk of the bush, or a frame is formed around the plant, which will prevent it from falling and support the side shoots.

Tomatoes in the open ground! Review of popular varieties of Russia. Found an error in the text? Select it, press Ctrl + Enter and we will fix everything!

Seeds of low-growing tomatoes are leaders in garden plots. The reason is that they are much easier to care for than tall bushes. Small tomatoes do not require tying or pinching; they ripen early and the tomatoes do not have time to contract late blight. Let's consider the most good varieties tomato for open ground.

Among the variety of varieties and hybrids, every gardener who grows tomatoes chooses his favorite variety according to his preferences. To understand the varieties Here is a description of just some varieties.

Abakan pink large-fruited

The large-fruited tomato belongs to the mid-late varieties, since it takes 120 days from the first shoots for the fruits to fully ripen. The salad purpose and harvest period are extended in time, which is suitable for planting it for consumption in summer vitamin salads.

The bushes are determinate, growing to a height of up to 80 cm and do not require tying to stakes, as they have a strong stem. The variety is grown with two stems. The yield is 5 kg. with 1m 2.

The fruits of the Abakan tomato, which appear during the growth process, are pink in color and the weight of a single specimen is 300 grams, the pulp is fleshy and sugary.

The fruits ripen gradually, having a long fruiting period.

The fruits ripen 98-100 days after the appearance of the first shoots. The variety has a simultaneous yield. It grows quite compact to a height of 45 cm. It has average resistance to diseases.

The berries are red, round in shape and light in weight. The largest fruits reach only 110 grams. Their taste is sweet and the flesh is fleshy. Possess long shelf life and are easily transported to the point of sale.

They have the peculiarity of simultaneous ripening of fruits in one cluster.

This is an ultra-early ripening variety of tomatoes that can be grown in small containers on the balcony and window sills. Height is only 40 cm. No need for stepson.

Fruiting is continuous from July until the first frost. The fruits are small, 25 grams each. yellow color. They have a good sweet taste. Used both in salads and in canning.

Can be grown in containers- this is suitable for city residents.

This is a mid-early hybrid, from the moment of germination it takes 105 days until the fruits ripen. Bushes of determinant type are standard. It has a high yield and can be planted in open ground or in a greenhouse. Height is only 60 cm.

The fruits are pink in color and oblong in shape. The weight of an individual tomato reaches an average of 90 grams, the tomato skin is matte and dense. The purpose of the fruit is universal.

Ballerina tomatoes are well transported long distances and are subject to long-term storage. Hybrid is good resists fungal infections, which can appear on tomato bushes.

Balcony miracle

As the name suggests, tomatoes do well when grown on the balcony. The tomato is self-pollinating, the ripening period is mid-season, since 90 days pass from the moment of seed germination to the ripening of the fruit. The bushes are standard and reach a height of 40 cm.

The fruits are small, only 30 grams. round in shape and red or yellow in color, it depends on the subspecies. The taste is sweet and the flesh is aromatic. The yield is quite high and can be harvested up to 2 kg. from one bush

With a minimum of space You can get a tomato harvest suitable for canning.

The variety has bushes of a determinate type, and they reach 80 cm in height. The leaf blades are tomato-type and green in color. Does not require pinching and is not susceptible to tomato-type diseases.

The fruits have an elongated shape and yellow color. The fruits are set in clusters, each containing up to 10 pieces of ripening tomatoes. The average weight of one tomato is 75 grams. The yield from one bush is up to 5 kg. tomato aligned by color.

Variety has good productivity and tolerates transportation well.

White filling – good early ripening

The bushes are low 50 cm. They have early ripening; for full ripening the variety needs 80-95 days. Does not suffer from tomato-type diseases and does not require pinching. Has high productivity in good year harvest up to 7 kg. with 1m 2.

They are round, red in color, but immediately after formation they are milky in color, which is why the variety got its name. Each individual tomato weighs in the range of 80-125 grams. transports well to different distances.

The fruits do not crack.

This ultra early ripening type of tomatoes, because ripening occurs on the 95th day from the moment of seedling germination. It is grown without seedlings, and it does not require pinching or tying, since its bushes are 40 cm high and belong to the determinate type. Not subject to late blight.

The tomatoes are round in shape and red in color. The weight of the fruit reaches 120 g. The taste is above average, the flesh is sweet and meaty.

Well grown in areas of unsustainable agriculture.

Rich house

Belongs to the determinant type, standard, height is 45 cm. Productivity is 8 kg. with 1m 2. The ripening period is 100 days from the moment of seed germination when growing seedlings. Variety resistant not only to late blight, but also to other tomato-type diseases.

The fruits, when ripe, become red in color and weigh up to 70 grams. They have a well-defined tomato taste with a slight sourness. They tolerate transportation well.

Due to its compact size, this type of tomato can be grown in containers on balconies or in courtyards where the area of ​​land is covered with asphalt.

Low, only 25 cm, so it can be cultivated in pots on the balcony. The yield from such a bush will be up to 3.5 kg. Ripening times vary depending on weather conditions - 105-114 days.

Round and red when fully ripe. Tomatoes weigh 30 grams. dense and sweet in taste. All ripen at the same time on a bush.

Suitable for fresh consumption.


It is an early superdeterminate hybrid with good disease resistance and grows well in risky farming areas. For tomatoes to fully ripen, it takes 103 days from the start of seed growth. The height of the bush is 55 cm.

Large up to 250 gr. red and round in shape. Universal purpose.

The Explosion variety produces a consistently large harvest in any weather and on any soil with any chemical composition.

This type of tomato has a friendly, vulnerable harvest. Determinate type, strong and stocky, height does not exceed 100 cm, but can be up to 50 cm in height.

Fruit clusters begin to form above the 4th leaf plate, and each subsequent one after one leaf. Productivity from one bush is up to 5 kg. aligned to the size and shape of pink tomatoes. The average weight of the fruit is 100 g.

The fruits are not subject to cracking.

The indeterminate type grows to a height of 2 m. Early ripening periods take 100 days for the tomatoes to fully ripen. When cultivated, it is formed into three stems.

The fruits are collected on the bush in long clusters, each containing up to 30 fruits. She's hers appearance resembles a bunch of grapes, for which the variety got its name. The fruits are round, the size of large red cherries and weighing up to 15 grams.

Can be used in conservation.

The variety tolerates bad weather well weather, early ripening, since the fruits begin to ripen 95 days after germination of seedlings. The bushes belong to the determinant type, grow compactly and are no more than 55 cm in height. The yield is 3 kg. with 1m 2.

Red, oval-shaped with smooth skin. The pulp is dense and sweet. The average weight of an individual tomato is 60 grams. They tolerate transportation well and have a long shelf life.

Fruits are universal and when canned as a whole, the skin does not crack.

An early-ripening type of determinate type tomato with a long fruiting period. Resists well against various tomato-type diseases.

They have a bright crimson hue, have excellent taste and excellent presentation. Tomato weight 200 gr.

Fruits picked at milk ripeness are stored for a long time.

Ultra-early ripening variety, ripening 85 days after emergence. The growth is dwarf only 30 cm. The bushes are standard, determinate type. This type of tomato does not require pinching. The yield is small, only 250 grams. from one bush.

The fruits differ in their yellow tint, the skin is smooth and thin, the weight of an individual tomato does not exceed 20 grams. The taste of tomatoes is sweet and sour.

Suitable for growing in containers on the balcony.

A determinate type variety with a large thick trunk. The bush itself is compact, growing to a height of 50 cm. has ultra-early maturity. It takes 83 days for a plant to grow good tomatoes. Excellent disease resistance. Productivity 7 kg. with 1m 2.

Red in color, perfect round shape and weighing 90 grams. They have excellent taste and tolerate transportation well.

Transfers when growing easy shading.

Determinate type, 45 cm high. The variety tolerates drought well, but suffers from late blight during rainy periods. Ripening occurs on the 107th day. Has high productivity at 8 kg. with 1m 2.

They are colored orange, turning into red, have the shape of cream and a tomato weight of 110 grams. The taste is good.

To protect Kyiv tomato bushes from late blight, they must be treated with chemicals and not planted densely in a row.

This is a fairly early variety with a high yield; 2 kg are harvested from the bush. tomatoes aligned according to weight and shape. Fruit ripening period is 95 days. Determinate type bushes up to 70 cm high. There is no need to tie them to a support, since the variety has a thick stem.

The fruits are set in bunches of up to 5 tomatoes each. Tomatoes have a small mass of 70 grams., which is well suited for preservation in its entirety. The color is red, the pulp is sugary, juicy with a small amount of seeds.

Due to the high content of sugars and amino acids, it is suitable for baby food.

The variety has an average ripening period of 115 days, bushes of determinate type up to 100 cm high. The yield per bush is 4 kg. tomatoes.

Elongated shape reminiscent of cream. The color of the tomato is pink, the pulp is fleshy, good for salads. The weight of an individual tomato is 200 grams.

A variety with an average ripening period of tomatoes of 100 days from the first shoots when growing seedlings. It's surprising that when good care Up to 40 kg are collected from a bush. tomato. Bushes only 100 cm high. Determinate type.

The orange-colored, oval-shaped fruits have a sweet taste. It is better to grow in a greenhouse.

The average ripening period is 110 days. The yield is 4.5 kg. with 1m 2. The bush requires pinching of the indeterminate type.

The fruits are cylindrical in red color, the weight of the fruit is 90 g.

Resistant to cracking.

An ultra-early tomato variety that requires 87 days to ripen the fruit. The height of the bush is only 35 cm and it can be cultivated in pots and hanging flower pots. Fruiting is long lasting.

With good care, one bush can produce up to 300 pieces. fruits aligned in shape and color.

The pink fruits are small in size, only 20 grams each. There is a possibility of balcony culture.

Low-growing bushes 50 cm tall, determinate type, tolerate bad weather conditions. Resistant to various tomato-type diseases. Productivity is excellent 15 kg. per square meter.

Red color and round shape, 80 gr. each tomato weighs. The taste is slightly sour.

Suitable for growing in large areas.


Bushes no more than 60 cm high. Determinate type have early and friendly fruit ripening. The variety is resistant to diseases inherent in tomatoes.

The tomatoes are round in shape and red in color, even in size and tolerate transportation well.

Sibiriada is good for its resistance to bad weather - suitable for cultivation in northern regions Russia.

Bushes of determinate type, 50 cm high, standard. The first inflorescence forms near the 9th leaf, the subsequent ones will appear every two leaf blades. The average ripening period is 110 days. The yield is 5 kg. from one plant.

Tomatoes are red and cylindrical in shape. The skin is dense, but chews well; the weight of an individual tomato is 250 grams.

Even when ripe, it is well stored in a place with a low temperature.

Siberian Garden

Low-growing bushes of determinate type grow to a height of 50 cm. Good resists diseases and has high productivity. Large tomatoes weighing up to 350 g.

Suitable for planting in the northern regions of Russia.

This dwarf type of tomato is well cultivated in hanging pots. Its branches do not exceed a length of 100 cm. The fruits ripen very quickly, 85 days after germination.

Long-term fruiting with small red tomatoes weighing 20 grams. They have a sweet taste.

Suitable for growing in hanging pots.

Determinant type has early dates ripening fruits The height of the bush is 65 cm. If the temperature in the region rises to 40 degrees, then it is necessary frequent watering and shading from the scorching sun.

The red fruits grow in the shape of a heart and weigh 600 grams. The pulp is fleshy and sugary. Universal use.

Needs tying up large fruits.

It has early ripening, bushes of indeterminate and determinate types.

The fruits cover the bush heavily, as they are formed in large clusters, they are red and not large in size, only 15 grams each. They have a strong aroma and a very sweet taste.

Can be grown in 5 liter pots.


An early variety that needs only 102 days to fully ripen the fruit. Bushes of determinate type and standard, grow up to 55 cm in height. The species is well resistant to various diseases that appear on tomato bushes. The yield of the variety is 2 kg. s m2.

The fruits are orange in color with a nose reminiscent of a duckling’s nose, which is how the variety got its name. The fruits gain weight up to 80 grams. They have excellent presentation and sweet taste.

Possesses long shelf life.

First of all, this variety is self-pollinating and short-growing, so it can be planted in containers. The height of an adult bush is 35 cm. With good care, however, the yield is record-breaking and amounts to 10 kg. s m2.

Round red tomatoes have smooth, dense skin and good pulp density. A single tomato weighs 90 grams.

Absolutely Ephemeral variety not subject to late blight, which is a huge plus.

Comparison table for tomato varieties

Variety Without stepson For the Urals For Siberia Dutch variety Ultra-soon-ripe Early Pink Standard Mid-ripe Indeterminate Determinant
+ +
+ + + + +
+ + +
Balcony miracle + +
+ + +
+ + + +
Rich house +
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Explosion + +
+ + +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + +
+ + + +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + +
Sibiriada + + +
+ +
Siberian Garden + + +
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+ +
+ + + +
Duckling + +
+ + +

Tomatoes up to 100 cm tall are always popular with gardeners, since almost all varieties do not require pinching

The tomatoes described above are a godsend not only for beginning gardeners, but also for people with extensive experience in cultivating tomatoes. Because tomatoes are planted on large areas with greater yield and less care, since tying and pinning takes a lot of time, farmers prefer varieties with small growth.