What types of yo-yos are there? The unknown history of the yo-yo: from Ancient Greece to outer space. Complete TOP of the best Yo-Yo for a beginner

What types of yo-yos are there?  The unknown history of the yo-yo: from Ancient Greece to outer space.  Complete TOP of the best Yo-Yo for a beginner
What types of yo-yos are there? The unknown history of the yo-yo: from Ancient Greece to outer space. Complete TOP of the best Yo-Yo for a beginner

Another dissertation about yo-yos - terminology, types of yo-yos and play styles, which yo-yo to choose... And in the end, a small review;-)

Hi all! I'm with you again with a review of a yo-yo, but this time for a more expensive and more expensive one. high-quality model. And yes, I don’t think that brevity is the sister of talent, so get ready for a lot of letters :)

A little more about Yoing in general.

The first part of my yo-yo guide, as well as a review of a simple plastic model.

About yo-yo styles and shapes.

Exists a large number of styles of play, but there are only 5, the most basic ones, in which official competitions are held:

1A (string) - the main and most popular style. There is a rope tied to the finger and a yo-yo on the rope. Most yo-yos fit this style. I play almost exclusively 1A and the reviews will be on yo-yos created for this style.

0A or 2A (looping) - a style almost entirely built on the same movement, turning a yo-yo around the hand, but it is much more difficult than it seems. One or two yo-yos (one on each hand) with high recoil of a special shape are used, something like this. One-handed is called 0A, two-handed - 2A.

3A (double string or cherry) - similar to a string, but uses two yo-yos, one on each hand. Captain Obvious warns that the style is complex and you shouldn’t learn to play it right away :)

4A (offstring) - The yo-yo is not attached to a rope, which completely changes the game. Usually they use a large (to make it easy to get on the rope) hard yo-yo, for example, but in fact you can play any yo-yo with a fairly large recoil if you are not afraid of breaking it :)

5A (freehand) - instead of a finger, a rope is tied to a counterweight. The yo-yo is used the same as for 1A. There are no counterweights in Chinese stores, but you can make your own by drilling a hole in a large dice or a small rubber ball. Well, or buy it in Russia for 50-100 rubles :)

All the videos, by the way, are from the recently completed Wold Yo-Yo Contest (World Yo-Yo Championship) and these are the performances of the winners.

Types of yo-yo.

Based on the material from which the yo-yo is made, there are three main types:
- Plastic - the cheapest and simplest yo-yos, usually made of polycarbonate or celcon (in Russia it is better known as “polyformaldehyde”). Suitable for beginners, as they cost little and are almost not damaged by impacts. The downside is the short rotation time due to b O Keeping the weight more concentrated in the center of the yo-yo rather than on the rims.
- Composite - average between plastic and metal yo-yos: the base is made of plastic, but there are aluminum rims. The slip (rotation time) is average, the price is average, you can take it if you already understand that plastic is not enough, but you are afraid to break the metal one or are sorry for the money.
- High ends (metal) - the most basic yo-yos on the market, made of aluminum. They are usually played by players with a high level of skill, although sometimes beginners also play them, which I highly do not recommend, since if you play carelessly it will quickly get scratched and this will negatively affect the game and the appearance (I know one person: I bought a high-end end for about 3000 rubles, I didn’t know how to play and in the end the rims were fully erased, which is why the yo-yo simply vibrated terribly and was barely suitable for play). Although if you still want to start right away with the high-end, you can buy it, but it’s better to play over a carpet or bed. Still, an aluminum yo-yo spins longer and generally plays better, so it’s up to you to choose which yo-yo to start with.

In fact, there are yo-yos made from other materials, for example: from derlin (a special type of plastic, but you can’t order such yo-yos from China), aluminum composite with copper rims (on TinyDeal there are also exactly the same ones in Russia, but with different colors, engravings and packaging they cost 4500-5000 rubles, 5 times more expensive), aluminum composite with steel or titanium rims (cost a lot, very rare, almost nowhere to be found), and perhaps something else, I don’t remember about that now.

Which yo-yo to choose.

In the comments to the last review, many (the whole ONE person! :D) asked me which yo-yo is better to choose. I thought and thought, thought and thought, then took a break, then thought and thought again and realized that there was no clear answer here. The fact is that all yo-yos are different: big or small, wide or narrow, heavy or light, fast or slow, and everyone likes something different.
If you don’t know which yo-yo to choose for starters, then, if you have money, you can order 3-5 plastic yo-yos of as many different shapes and sizes as possible from some Chinese online store and, after playing with them, understand what you need, well, then you can write a comparative review “From a beginner for beginners” :) If you don’t want to choose anything yourself, you can just buy it, I personally tested it, and this yo-yo is popular in Russia too.
To be honest, I usually choose a yo-yo simply based on appearance. Yes, yes, I didn’t look at the characteristics at first and I don’t advise you, because when choosing the first or second yo-yo, they won’t give you anything. I made a serious mistake with my choice except for the first normal yo-yo (before that there were completely Chinese ones that could only be launched up and down). I was interested in the 2 Triple action yo-yo with a system for changing modes: either it returns immediately when it is completely untwisted, or it spins freely at the end of the rope, or it automatically returns when it starts to slow down. In words, this is an almost ideal yo-yo for a beginner, but in reality it is terribly heavy, narrow, does not spin well, hurts the hand every time it returns, and the impact often causes the setting of this mode change system to be lost.
But let's get back to choosing a yo-yo. When I choose any model in Russian/American stores (I didn’t know about Chinese online stores, well, and yet in China there are no seriously high-quality yo-yos produced in America, Canada or anywhere else) I’m just looking through the pictures different models, usually for the required amount there are at least 1-2 interesting-looking yo-yos. Then I try to find reviews for these models, usually on the forum of the site gyroscope.ru (one of the most popular Russian forums on yo-yos, although it has not been very active lately) and already from the reviews I understand how good a yo-yo it is. With Chinese yo-yos, such a banal method most likely will not work, because... they are not particularly popular in Russia.
In general, do not be afraid when choosing a yo-yo (especially from Chinese stores), since there are almost no bad ones, except maybe a couple of models that may not even be as bad in themselves as in comparison with others, so if If this is your first yo-yo, you won't find it so bad.
Well, something like this, I hope I explained it clearly :)


Hubstacks are small, wide plastic rings located on bearings secured inside the yo-yo halves with small rubber rings. You can grab them while the yo-yo is spinning and it will not stop, which allows you to do special and interesting tricks. This does not happen on all yo-yos; they usually put them on metal ones, but in Chinese stores there are also several plastic models with hubstacks. The downside is the added weight and the fact that this weight is in the center of the yo-yo, which significantly affects the play and usually not for the better.

In addition to the usual ones, there are two more types of hubstacks:
- Z-stacks - in the shape of large plates (I don’t know what else to call them), which is why it’s quite easy to grab onto them even when the yo-yo is in flight, but they weigh even more than regular hubstacks.

- mini Z-stacks - reduced Z-stacks.

Relatively many people (mostly beginners) like hubstacks, although in my opinion, this entertainment does not last long, as it quickly gets boring, and it is more difficult to play with them. But you can still buy at least one yo-yo with hubstacks just for fun, but for serious, or even not very serious, play, I advise you to remove them.

Finally, the review itself.

Today I will talk about a high-end product called Spirit from Ex-5. This model is quite unusual due to its shape, size and playing on it, but first things first.
Packaging and equipment.

The yo-yo arrived in a large cylinder-shaped package. The lower and upper bases are made of hard and thick plastic, but the walls are very thin and because of this they were greatly dented and torn during transportation. Interestingly, the bases are made in such a way that they can be placed on top of each other if there is more than one such package. There was nothing inside except the yo-yo itself and the string. Another little thing, on TinyDeal it is written that the brakes are rubber (which is bad, since they give strong feedback), but in fact they are ordinary silicone, but for some reason green rings.

Characteristics and form.

Diameter: 43.5mm
Width: 39.6mm
Weight: 68.3g
Color: black or pink(not available on TinyDeal)

The diameter is approximately 10mm smaller than usual, but the width is quite large relative to the diameter.
There are hubstacks, but they are very small, so if they get lost, I don’t think they can be found anywhere.
There are also double rims, which distribute the weight a little differently. Honestly, I don’t know what exactly they give, but lately they have been popular with famous manufacturers yo-yo.
The diameter is small, wide, heavy, with hubstacks, double rims... Yes, you won’t find this anywhere else...

A game.

I took it out of the package, put on a new string and threw it... For the first half hour, the Spirit seemed simply gorgeous, however, this happens with all new yo-yos, especially if you waited about a month for it to come from China. But then, somehow suddenly, I realized that everything was not as good as it seemed: it was terribly heavy, unstable, which is why it constantly falls to one side and, in general, it’s somehow bad to play on it. But, after getting used to it a little, most of the problems that are most likely related to size go away. The yo-yo still looks like a rock on a string, but it plays nicely.
The coverage is pleasant, the grinds are not bad, but it quickly falls off the finger. I can’t say anything about durability, because I almost never hit a yo-yo on the floor, but it seems strong.
The bearing is size C with a groove and, as is standard for China, is almost silent and without boots (rings on the side that protect the bearing from dust).
There is not enough stability, you need to hit the rope as accurately as possible, so I don’t recommend it as a first high-end.
But what Spirit is really good at is chopsticks, that is, tricks where a yo-yo flies between your fingers. I hope there is no need to explain why this is (hint from Captain Obvious: it has to do with the size of the yo-yo :))
WITH quick game There are also problems due to low stability, Spirit quickly collapses. With particularly long and complex tricks or combos, there are again problems, but this time due to the fault of the brakes. The yo-yo often chews on the string and either stops or returns to the hand.
Overall, the Ex-5 Spirit is not well suited for a basic yo-yo, much less for performances, but the size allows you to take it anywhere, interesting shape and the presence of hubstacks make the game unusual and therefore this yo-yo is only for a frivolous game, or for variety if you are already tired of ordinary yo-yos, or for a collection.
But still, I don’t know why, but I didn’t like the Spirit, well, it’s not worth $24 (if it had been sold for that much in Russia, then perhaps that price would have been even small, but this is China...), still for This kind of money can be found better. For example

Before starting the game, you need to determine the style in which the game will be played. There are many various styles games that are constantly updated, although there are only five officially recognized styles. Let's try to characterize each of them:

1A (String)- the most popular modern style of playing with a yo-yo, which consists in the fact that throughout the entire game the yo-yo long time spins at the end of a rope, and during this period of time the player manages to do a variety of interesting tricks.

2A,0A (Looping)- like the haircut style, it is also beautiful and interesting. This style does not require spinning the yo-yo at the end of the rope. In this style, the yo-yo that has been spun after being thrown, before it begins to spin in the opposite direction and should be caught, is again thrown forward in front of itself in a circular motion. As a result of such actions, the yo-yo constantly moves in its orbit.

3A (Double string\"Cherry")- one of the options in the string style, but using two yo-yos, for which it is often called a two-handed string or double handed string. This style is quite complex as it requires coordinating the movements and symmetry of two yo-yos.

4A (Off-string)- when playing string style there is always a constant touch between the yo-yo and the rope, but when playing off-style there is no such touch. The style is based on the fact that the yo-yo is in no way connected to a rope, as a result of which it can be easily thrown to considerable heights, accompanied by various exciting tricks.

5A (Freehand)- this style of play combines best moments string and off-string styles. Complex combinations are taken from the string style, and special entertainment is derived from the off-string style. The basis of this style is that the yo-yo, instead of being tied to the hand, is attached with the end of a rope to a cube or ball, which plays the role of a counterweight, using it throughout the game, which makes the tricks performed more spectacular.

How to choose the right one when purchasing it for the first time?

The main thing to remember when buying a yo-yo for the first time is that there is no yo-yo that is completely suitable for every playing style. When choosing a yo-yo, you always need to take into account the various technical indicators of the models that affect the behavior of the yo-yo during play. These indicators include:

  • yo-yo configuration
  • weight
  • magnitude
  • brake system
  • gap width
  • bearing size
  • the type of material the yo-yo is made from

Most sellers and professional yoyoers recommend Yo-Yo as your first one. We will take a closer look at some of the technical characteristics of the yo-yo and their parameters, which are necessary for successful play in various styles.

How to choose a yo-yo for playing in 1A style (string)?

The string playing style is the most common and popular among all other styles. Yo-yo models for playing in the string style may have some differences. Playing in the string style requires selecting a yo-yo with the following characteristics:

  • Shape: butterfly, n-profile.
  • Axle type: transaxle system, ball bearing.
  • Brake system: brake stickers, o-ring, starburst, filled silicone.

All these parameters are used when selecting a yo-yo for playing in other styles. One more tip to remember: an expensive yo-yo does not always have the best performance. Playing with any yo-yo requires, first of all, a lot of training and sufficient playing experience. Only in this case can you achieve high skill in this popular game.

Many people incorrectly believe that you can immediately take an expensive metal yo-yo, and not stop at plastic version. This opinion is due to the fact that it seems to be better and easier to learn with this type of yo-yo; a plastic yo-yo is short-lived and one day you will still have to buy a more expensive all-metal yo-yo. This opinion is erroneous, since it is indeed easier to perform certain tricks on a metal yo-yo, but learning to play well should initially be done on simpler models. When learning to play, it is impossible to avoid the yo-yo hitting various hard surfaces, which can easily lead to various damage in the form of scratches and various deformations. These damages cause further development of vibration during rotation, reducing the duration of the slip. The choice of plastic models is very large and initially it is better to select a simpler and cheaper model.

You need to start choosing a yo-yo based on your feelings and preferences. You should choose a yo-yo that fits comfortably in your hand, has a weight that suits you, and matches your taste in design. When choosing, do not forget about such the most important characteristics like brake system and bearing. Your entire game largely depends on them.

The return of the yo-yo and its return after the throw, the so-called response, is ensured special system braking. There are several different braking systems that have different purposes. The Brake Stickers and Filled Silicone system provide a low coefficient of friction between the yo-yo and the thread, which results in the yo-yo spinning well and for a long time, but it will be very difficult to return to the hand. This braking system can be used by fairly experienced players and is not suitable for beginners at the learning stage of the game. Starburst brake systems with plastic reliefs against which threads rub and rubber rings or o-rings are characterized by a more pronounced coefficient of friction. In addition, these systems provide great response, which is especially convenient at the stage of learning the game.

The various ball bearings in a yo-yo are designed to give it rotation as it is thrown. All ball bearings differ in size, material of manufacture, manufacturing company, profile type and number of balls. The bearing plays a vital role in the development of the yo-yo's rotation. Like an engine in a car - the main ball bearing driving force. Like a car engine, a ball bearing uses gasoline and oil, but the purpose of these substances is different. Using gasoline, remove dirt and traces of ball bearing grease. The oil is a bearing lubricant, which is designed to remove excess noise during bearing operation and protect it from corrosion and contamination. But which bearing should you choose during the initial stages of yo-yo play and learning? No choice required. The ball bearing that is present in one or another yo-yo model and installed by the manufacturer is used.

Yo-yos intended for training or entry-level play are equipped with a ball bearing that is already treated with lubricant, as a result of which even a new yo-yo easily returns to the hand during a throw, it has increased response and this allows you to learn all the basic tricks without additional lubrication of the bearing . Over time, the ball bearing must be periodically washed and lubricated, so that it will continue to provide long-term rotation of the yo-yo during play. There are bearings with a flat profile and with a profile that has a groove, that is, a small depression in the middle along the entire outer ring of the bearing. A bearing equipped with a groove is called grooved or konkave. This groove is concave in shape, somewhat reminiscent of English letter U, makes it possible to center the thread on the bearing, while eliminating its contact with the brakes and side parts.

Some yo-yo models do not have a ball bearing and have a transaxle type of axle. These models are played with in the same way as those equipped with bearings. The presence or absence of a bearing is only a characteristic feature of a particular model, and is not a sign of its low professionalism. Yo-yo models equipped with a transaxle axis return to the hand with a slight twitch and have a shorter spin time, but this is enough for many basic tricks. With such models you can easily play looping style, as well as perform various 1A tricks that are inaccessible without a strong response. The distance between the individual halves of a yo-yo is called a gap. The recoil and return of the yo-yo to the hand depends on the magnitude of this distance. Yo-yo models with a small distance (gap) are used on initial stages games as they are convenient for learning basic tricks. Increasing the gap width results in less rope friction and increased rotation time. The presence of a wide gap makes it possible to do more tricks and their combinations, with several turns of thread on the bearing at once.

How to choose a yo-yo for playing in the 2A/0A style (looping)?

For playing in the looping style, the most important factors are the shape of the yo-yo and its braking system. The preferred form is Imperial and Classic modified. You should choose the Pad or Starburst braking system. This style of play requires strong feedback and proper weight distribution. Aero's Atom and Factory's Loop 720 are ideal for looping.

How to choose a yo-yo for playing in the 3A style (double string\cherry)?

In this case, the choice is the same as the choice for style 1A (thong), but there must be two yo-yos at once. To ensure that they do not get confused or knocked down during the game, two identical models are required.

How to choose a yo-yo for playing in the 4A style (off-string)?

When choosing an off-string yo-yo, you need to pay attention to the size, shape, braking system and material from which the models are made. It is advisable to choose a large yo-yo with high response and made of impact-resistant plastic. This choice is due to the fact that this style of play is accompanied by various complex tricks, in which falls and blows are possible.

How to choose to play 5A (freehand) style.

This style of play is chosen by experienced players who know all the basic tricks. For such gaming professionals, the question of which model is suitable for a particular style is not important. They can use any model to play, improving it with a small counterweight at the opposite end of the string. But it is still more convenient to play in the freehead style with yo-yo models that have a narrow butterfly shape. When choosing a material, you should choose models made of impact-resistant plastic or a combination of plastic and metal from which the yo-yo rim is made. You can use more expensive all-metal models that are resistant to damage during impacts and do not have different patterns or coatings.

In conclusion, when choosing, we advise you to mainly focus on personal preferences, which depend on individual qualities - tactile perception, size of palms, mastery of certain tricks and skills. All this will help you choose the right model that is most suitable for you.

Perhaps everyone, at least once, has picked up this slightly strange object on a string and tried to rotate it, throwing it out of his hand, and then returning it back. And what “pretzels” the professionals make with this toy! And at the same time, few people know that this toy is one of the oldest in the world. This toy appeared in ancient times and has been modernized in our time.

The origins of the yo-yo are still a source of debate, but the first historical mention of it occurs in Greece in 500 BC. Some historians believe that the yo-yo probably originated in China, where there was a toy of almost the same design called a diabolo.

Throughout history, many countries have claimed to be the inventor of the yo-yo, but have not provided convincing documentary evidence. Additionally, some scholars suggest that the toy was adapted from an early type of weapon that may have originally been used for hunting animals.

There is a popular story that the yo-yo is a centuries-old weapon originating from the Philippines. Historical evidence suggests that 16th-century hunters in the Philippines hid in trees with yo-yos, waiting for prey to pass under the tree. These yo-yos were very heavy and were made of stones tied together with a long cord. Today, the yo-yo is a very popular toy in the Philippines, but there is no documented evidence that it was ever used as a weapon.

The yo-yo as we know it today was invented in 1928 by Pedro Flores, who opened the Yo-Yo Manufacturing Company in Santa Barbara, California. A year later, Donald F. Duncan became interested in the potential of this toy and bought Yo-Yo Corporation from Flores.

As a trademark, the name "yo-yo" was first registered in 1932. In 1946, Duncan Toys Company opened a yo-yo manufacturing plant in Wisconsin.

Since the toy became very popular, changes were made to its design whole line innovation in the 1970s and 1980s. In 1978, Tom Kuhn patented the No Jive 3-in-1 yo-yo, the world's first variable-spacing yo-yo. Kuhn also produced the world's largest yo-yo, which earned him a place in the Guinness Book of Records in 1981.

There are many various forms yo-yo. The two most famous are the modern "traditional" shape and the butterfly shape.

On April 12, 1985, the yo-yo first appeared in space. As a "Toys in Space" experiment, astronaut David Griggs took this toy into orbit and played with it in zero gravity.

And this is how they play with yo-yos on the ground these days. Just relax and enjoy.

And in continuation of the topic about another popular toy -.

Yo-yo or yo-yo (yo-yo) is a wonderful way to relieve stress after sitting at the computer for a long time. This is an ancient toy consisting of two disks of plastic, wood or metal of equal size and weight, connected to an axle with a rope tied around it (the axle). First gaining popularity in the 1920s, the term "Yo-Yoing" is still widely used by children and adults.

The modern yo-yo is no longer a plastic disk on a string, but an equally high-tech product and fashionable attribute youth culture like roller skates or a snowboard, with no less complex production technologies, various models for various tricks and skill levels of the “yoer” (from the English yo-er - a person playing a yo-yo). Yo-yos differ in shape, weight, axle mounting device, features of the mechanism for returning the yo-yo to the hand, etc.

On the video on the right: Recording from the 2007 World Yo-Yo Championship. Yuuki Specer, who took 1st place, performs!


The Chinese may have used yo-yos around 1000 AD. The earliest surviving yo-yos date back to 500 BC. and were produced using clay discs. A Greek vase from this period shows a boy playing with a yo-yo. Greek records from this time indicate that toys were made from wood, metal, and colored clay. Philippine historical records indicate that 16th century hunters hiding in trees used a rock tied to a cord up to 20 feet long to throw at wild animals below them - if the attempt failed, the cord would return the rock. Conventional wisdom suggests that this was the basis of the yo-yo, but Valerie Oliver, one yo-yo enthusiast who did not provide any factual basis for her claim, argued that the yo-yo traveled from China to Greece and ended up in the Philippines.

Description of the toy

The yo-yo is based on the mechanical inertia of the rotation of the reels and their interaction with the rope and among themselves. When thrown, the yo-yo, having unwinded the entire rope, begins to return along it to the player’s hand. As the yo-yo rotates rapidly, there is gyroscopic stabilization of its rotation axis, which allows the player to perform a number of tricks. At the beginning of the 20th century, they began to not only tie the rope to the axle, but also make a loop, thanks to which it became possible to send the yo-yo into a “sleep” state, in which the toy rotates for some time at the end of a completely unwound rope. Thanks to this, playing styles with the active interaction of the yo-yo with the rope became possible - other than in the classic “looping” - a technique based on multiple and frequent releases of the yo-yo. In the 1990s, the first yo-yos with a bearing on the axle were created, which dramatically increased the “slip” time of such a yo-yo.

Previously, yo-yos were made from a single piece of wood or clay. Currently, yo-yos are made of plastic or various metals: aluminum alloys, steel or titanium (high-end yo-yo). There are also composite yo-yos (plastic yo-yos with metal rims). The latter stand between plastic (for beginners) and high-end (for professionals). Modern yo-yos have bearings to increase the slip time, as well as a variety of halves shapes, brake systems and methods of producing the ropes themselves. It is worth noting that not all high-end yo-yos are metal (such as the high-end "Born Crucial Milk" and "Silk" yo-yos), they are made from a special plastic - derlin. In such yo-yos, as in metal ones, the weight is distributed over the rims, which gives greater “slip” and stability when performing complex game combinations.

Basic modern styles of yo-yo play

Looping(English loop - loop) - a style of play in which the player uses hand movements to direct the yo-yo along an elliptical path around the hand; The main task of performing looping tricks is to perform them for a long time without returning the yo-yo to your hand. Yo-yos for performing looping tricks can be standard or modified (rims in the form of flat disks).

String(English string - rope, thread) - a style of play based on performing tricks during a "slip".

  • Mounts (English mount - support, stand) - a rope is wrapped around the fingers, after which a yo-yo is caught on one of the resulting segments. The simplest “mount” is the “trapezoid” - after being thrown to the side, the yo-yo spins around the finger of the hand that did not throw (the “free hand”) and lands on the rope.
  • Laceration (English laceration - rupture, laceration) - after being thrown to the side, the yo-yo is left hanging freely, after which the yo-yo is thrown up, a rope is passed under it and caught in the “mount”. The category is named after the Laceration trick, where a yo-yo was caught on a trapeze in this way.
  • Hops (English hop - jump) - after performing a “mount”, the player sharply increases the tension of the rope (in rare cases, by giving momentum with his body, but such a “hop” is considered incorrect), forcing the yo-yo to fly up, after which he is caught either to the same or to a different piece of rope used in the “mount”. Classic example- "Eli Hops" - trapeze hops.
  • Whips (English whip - whip, blow with a whip) - the player grabs a rope in some place, and then throws the resulting loop onto the yo-yo with a twisting motion. Almost the only type of tricks whose representatives can be performed with one hand.
  • Suicide (English: suicide) - a yo-yo is caught in a “mount”, after which the yo-yo is thrown around the hand that made the throw while simultaneously throwing off the loops from the hand that did not throw, and then caught in the same or a modified “mount” ". The category got its name from the “Suicide” trick, where this throwing is performed from a “trapeze”.
  • Slack (English slack - sagging rope) - after the “mount”, any part of the rope is grabbed, after which the yo-yo and the resulting loop are thrown around the place of capture.
  • Hooks (English hook - hook) are a subtype of "laserization", which also requires the "slack" technique. The loop wraps around your finger, hooking the yo-yo at the same time. The main trick is "Hidemasa Hook".
  • Grinds (English grind - grinding) - the name of this type of tricks is taken from modern extreme sports, when an athlete slides on a skateboard, bmx, etc. along the edge of an obstacle, while making a characteristic grinding noise. In a yo-yo, of course, there is nothing so characteristic of grinding, but the name is attached to this type of trick. While performing “grind” tricks, the yo-yo “stands” on the hand or finger, while remaining in vertical position and continuing to rotate. A variation of the "grind" tricks are the so-called "thumb grinds" (English thumb - thumb), in which the yo-yo rotates on thumb hand inserted into the space under the rim of the yo-yo. To successfully perform "grind" tricks, you need a yo-yo with a matte ("satin") surface to reduce friction on the surface of the hand/finger. Thumb grinds, in turn, require a small groove under the rim of the yo-yo.
  • Chopsticks (English: chopsticks) - performing these tricks is similar to “mounts”, but involves throwing and catching a yo-yo on ropes between the fingers of one hand. This type of trick is quite complicated and, if you are not a pianist, then learning the chopstick technique is easier on small yo-yos. However, players who are proficient in the technique of these tricks can perform them on a yo-yo of almost any diameter.

The "string" style is also divided into "front-style", when tricks are performed after throwing in front of you, and "side-style", when the yo-yo is thrown to the side, parallel to the body. The goal of the string style game is to perform a trick or a bunch of tricks and then return the yo-yo to your hand. Yo-yos for string tricks have a wide shape: butterfly, H-shape, stealth shape.

Freehand(English free hand - free hand) - a playing style similar to the "string" style, but with more ample opportunities performing tricks due to the fact that the rope is not attached to the hand. Instead, a counterweight in the form of a small ball, cube or figure is attached to the rope and held in the hand. The yo-yo for the "freehand" style does not have a special shape; the yo-yo for the "string" style is used. The tricks of this style involve a lot of throwing of both the counterweight and the yo-yo itself around some axis. Loss of control can cause the yo-yo and counterweight to fall out of your hands, so plastic yo-yos are usually used for this style, as metal ones are more sensitive to falls.

Offstring(eng. offstring - outside the rope) - a style of play in which the yo-yo axle is not attached to the rope. This style of trick usually uses large yo-yos to make it easier to catch on a rope, but a sufficiently trained player can perform this style with almost any yo-yo.

Some of the yo-yo tricks were transferred to the Astrojax toy - three balls on a string, which is gradually gaining popularity in all countries of the world.

Every person who is passionate about any hobby gradually joins the subculture corresponding to this hobby. Whatever hobby you choose for yourself, you will first face several questions:

  • What I need?
  • What should I choose from what is on the market?

It is these two small, but very difficult for some people, questions that this article will answer.

What do you need to get started?

First, you should decide on the style in which you want to play. New styles are emerging with enviable popularity, but there are not many officially recognized ones, let’s list them and understand a little about each:

1A (String)– The most popular style of playing with a yo-yo today, the basis of this style is that during the game the yo-yo rotates at the end of the rope for a considerable time, during which the player can manage to perform many beautiful tricks. For example, you can view short video.
2A,0A (Looping)– No less beautiful and fascinating style of play than 1A, the principle of play in this style is based on the fact that the yo-yo does not rotate at the end of the rope. After you throw the yo-yo, it should begin to spin back, but at the moment before the yo-yo should be caught by the hand, in a circular motion the yo-yo is thrown out in front of itself again, so the yo-yo is constantly moving in orbit . For a more accurate perception, we recommend watching a short video.
4A (Off-string)– If playing string means constant contact between the yo-yo and the rope, then as you might guess, off-string implies the absence of this contact. This style is based on the fact that the yo-yo is not connected to a rope in any way, which allows you to throw it to great heights and come up with very spectacular tricks. We also recommend that you watch the video materials.
5A (Freehand)– A playing style that absorbed the best from 1A and 4A, complex combinations were borrowed from the first, and incredible entertainment from the second. The basis of this style is that the yo-yo is not tied to your hand; instead, the end of the rope is attached to a small counterweight (a cube or ball) that you can use during the game, giving your tricks additional effect. We advise you to visually familiarize yourself with with this style of play in the video provided.
Now you are familiar with all the main playing styles and should determine what is closer to you. Have you decided? Well, in that case, let's continue.

What should I choose from what is on the market?

Remember the most important rule when buying your first yo-yo! There is no yo-yo that is suitable for absolutely every playing style!

When choosing a yo-yo, you need to take into account many technical parameters of the model that affect the behavior of the yo-yo when playing, such as:

  • Yo-yo shape
  • Dimensions
  • Brake system
  • Gap width
  • Bearing size
  • The material from which the yo-yo is made

As the story progresses, we will dwell in more detail on technical specifications yo-yos and what they should be like to play in a particular style.

Choosing a yo-yo for playing in 1A style (string)

This style of play is the most popular of the existing ones and there are a lot of differences among the yo-yo models created for this style of play.

To fully play in the string style, the following set of characteristics is required.

  • Shape: butterfly, n-profile.
  • Axle type: transaxle system, ball bearing.
  • Brake system: brake stickers, o-ring, starburst, filled silicone.
  • We will also use these three parameters when choosing a yo-yo for other playing styles.

Remember, an expensive yo-yo does not mean the best! No matter what yo-yo you play on, without training and experience, not a single yo-yo will make you a true master of your craft.

Now many people believe that it is better to immediately buy an expensive all-metal yo-yo rather than a plastic one. They say that it’s easier to learn to play with such a yo-yo, but anyway, sooner or later you’ll have to buy an expensive yo-yo. This is not true, it is easier to do some tricks on such a yo-yo, but to really learn how to play, not a single yo-yo will help you. In addition, during the training process, no one can do without hitting the yo-yo on asphalt or other abrasive surfaces, which can cause damage to your yo-yo (from chips and scratches on the surface of the yo-yo to vibrations during rotation, and a decrease in slipping time). Therefore, it is still worth paying attention to inexpensive plastic models yo-yos, the range of which is quite wide and varied.

You should start your choice based on your needs and preferences. Depending on your tastes, you choose the yo-yo that fits comfortably in your hand, satisfies you with its weight and, of course, you like with its design. But don't forget about these important elements like Brake System and Bearing. Your game depends on these characteristics.

The braking system provides you with the necessary response (recoil, return of the yo-yo after being thrown back into your hand). Systems like Brake Stickers and Filled Silicone will provide you with a low coefficient of friction on the string and will allow your yo-yo to spin longer, but will be harder to return to your hand, which can be awkward in the early stages of learning how to play a yo-yo. And the Starburst systems (plastic convexities against which the thread rubs) and Rubber rings (o-rings) have higher coefficient friction, but in turn they give greater response, which has a beneficial effect on the learning process.
Touching on the topic of ball bearings, it is worth noting that with all their diversity (they are divided by manufacturer, size, material of manufacture, number of balls and type of profile), each of the bearings performs one most important function - it makes the yo-yo rotate when thrown. A bearing in a yo-yo is like an engine in a car, but unlike an engine, it is less demanding. It is also “powered by gasoline” and lubricated by “oil”, but these processes are slightly different from the automotive theme. Here, dirt and residual bearing lubricant are washed with gasoline, and the role of oil is played by a special bearing lubricant, which removes excess noise from the bearing and protects it from corrosion and contamination.
So which bearing should you choose when first playing with a yo-yo? And you don’t have to choose it! The bearing supplied by the manufacturer to this or that yo-yo model is what you need! Typically, entry-level yo-yos come with a pre-lubricated bearing, which allows the new yo-yo to easily return to your hand when thrown (that is, it has increased response) - thereby you can learn all the basic tricks. Further, as your skills grow, you just wash and care for your bearing, and it will give you longer slip (rotation time).
The bearing can have either a flat profile or a profile with a “groove”, recessed inward along the outer ring of the bearing. A bearing with such a groove is called grooved or konkave, it has concave shape(resembling a splayed letter U) and allows you to center the thread on the bearing, avoiding unnecessary contact with the brakes and sidewalls.
What to do with a yo-yo if it does not have a bearing installed, i.e. does it have transaxle axle type? The answer is simple - the same as with a yo-yo that has a bearing - namely, play! The absence of a bearing in a yo-yo is not a sign of “unprofessionalism” of this model, but a sign of its peculiarity. Yo-yos that have a transaxle axis easily return to the hand with a twitch, have a short slip (rotation time), which is enough for most basic tricks. With such a yo-yo you can play looping style (you read more about it above) and do many 1A tricks that cannot be performed without strong response (Stop and go tricks, UFO, etc.).
The paragraphs above touched on the word “gap” and its width. So, the gap is the distance between the halves of the yo-yo. The smaller it is, the higher the response (recoil) of the yo-yo and the easier it is to return it to the hand, which is good when learning initial tricks. The wider the gap, the less friction of the rope on the brakes and on the halves of the yo-yo, the longer the slip (rotation time) and the more possibilities when playing (you can do various combinations of tricks/combos when there may be several turns of thread on the bearing).

Choosing a yo-yo for playing in the 2A/0A style (looping)
As already written above, in the description of the choice of a yo-yo for a string, in the looping style, no less important factors are the shape of the yo-yo (in the vast majority of cases, a yo-yo for looping has an Imperial or Classic modified shape) and its braking system ( Pads and Starbursts are preferable here). What is important is strong response (recoil, return of the yo-yo to the hand) and weight distribution.

Choosing a yo-yo for playing in the 4A style (off-string)
An off-string yo-yo differs from a string-style yo-yo only in a few factors - size and shape (they are larger to make them easier and more convenient to catch with a thread during various throws and somersaults), the braking system (as a rule, in off-string yo-yos). string yo-yo - high response/recoil and they easily return back to the hand) and materials of manufacture (durable, shock-resistant plastic, because when playing off-string, the yo-yo is very susceptible to falls and impacts).
Therefore, when choosing a yo-yo for an off-string style, pay attention to these 3 characteristics and choose the most suitable one for yourself.

Choosing a yo-yo for playing in the 5A style (freehand)
For a player who confidently plays with a yo-yo and has mastered the entire basics of string tricks, questions rarely arise - which yo-yo should I buy for freehanding? He will use any string yoyo for this style, hanging a counterweight on the opposite end of the thread.
But even here, nuances will await him, the player. It is more convenient to play freehand style with yo-yos that have a narrower butterfly shape. And if the player is still a beginner or has just started conquering freehand tricks, then he will definitely face the problem of falling and getting hit by the yo-yo while performing tricks. And here such a characteristic of a yo-yo comes to the rescue as the material of manufacture (preference is given to impact-resistant plastic or a composite combination of plastic and metal, where the rims of the yo-yo are made of metal. The use of an all-metal material, resistant to impacts and does not have expensive coating\painting\drawings, etc.).