How to lose 20 kg in 1 month. basic rules to help you lose weight quickly. Workout for body contouring after rapid weight loss

How to lose 20 kg in 1 month. basic rules to help you lose weight quickly. Workout for body contouring after rapid weight loss

Benefits of Slow Weight Loss

Before you say goodbye to extra pounds, you need to mentally prepare for many difficulties. And they will be encountered at every step, since the weight loss program is designed for six months. For some, it is much easier to give up their usual foods for a week, and then compensate for all the deprivations with their favorite harmful foods. However, most nutritionists and fitness trainers are confident that this is the most effective plan of action.

Compared to express diets designed for several weeks, six-month weight loss has a number of advantages, described below.

  • You can lose 20 kg in 6 months with a properly designed nutrition plan even without exercising. But for a more pronounced effect, it is advisable to visit the gym (the body becomes more resilient, the muscles become more prominent, the skin becomes elastic).
  • The achieved effect lasts for a long time. Nothing in life comes for free. In the case of the fight against excess weight, within a week or two, due to sharp calorie restriction, the body removes, first of all, excess fluid. And only after a two-week diet does high-quality weight loss begin (due to fat reserves). Research has established that the body can go without food for four to five days, since its own fat reserves fully cover the cost of basal metabolism.
  • In six months you can not only change your diet, but also make healthy eating lifestyle. Practice shows that it takes 21 days to form a new habit. During the first 7 days, the body is wary of what is happening to it. Within another 7 days it begins to get used to and adapt. Over the past week, structural changes have been occurring. Including in the brain (new connections appear between its parts, which affect the so-called saturation center).
  • The body receives the required amount nutrients. Most crash diets are based on eating one to five foods that are not enough to provide normal amounts of minerals and vitamins. If such a diet is designed for 7-10 days, the body will not feel significant damage (except for a decrease in performance). But over a longer period of time, chronic diseases may worsen, the condition of hair, nails and skin will worsen, digestion will be disrupted, insomnia and dizziness will appear.

Easily lost kilograms are returned just as easily and quickly (photo: Telo's Beauty)

Commentary from a nutritionist. The process of losing weight involves using your own body fat as the main source of fuel. To do this, you need to create a calorie deficit. There are two ways. The first is to move a lot so that the number of calories expended exceeds the number of calories consumed. The second is to reduce the diet by 500-700 Kcal. By the way, the second method is suitable for most people, since not everyone, due to the characteristics of the body, can, in principle, withstand physical activity. And even more so for those who suffer from third and fourth degree obesity. At the same time, it is worth remembering that physical exercise is not designed to lose weight, but to improve the general condition of the body. Individual systems function without failures only when they are actively used. So sport is as reliable an investment in your own health as a balanced diet.

Motivation is the first important step

Motivation is the main key to success. It can be different, ranging from dissatisfaction with the reflection in the mirror and ending with the desire to be healthy.

Before you lose weight, it is important to ask yourself some questions:

  • Why do you need to lose weight? It’s one thing when this need is dictated by health conditions (with a weight of 100 kg or more, there may be problems with bearing a fetus, so women are recommended to lose at least 10-15 kg). It's a completely different story when you need to fit into a dress.
  • How many kilograms do you need to lose? If we're talking about about health, the answer to the question should definitely be given by a specialist. If there is no such need, you can use one of the formulas.

Broca's formula:

Ideal weight for men = (height in centimeters – 100) x 1.15.

Ideal weight for women = (height in centimeters – 110) x 1.15.

Lorenz’s dream: a woman’s ideal weight = (height in centimeters – 100) – (height in centimeters – 150)/2.

  • What happens if you fail to lose the planned number of kilograms? In this case, the majority understands that the world will not turn upside down. So there is no point in making weight loss the meaning of life.
  • Is losing weight a way to please yourself or others? Psychologists are sure that all problems begin with the head, and the body is its continuation. You can weigh a hundredweight, but feel like a queen. Or you can achieve the coveted parameters of 90-60-90, but still remain unhappy.

And, of course, you need to believe that everything will work out. That you have enough willpower to give up your usual diet, not to give up halfway, and not to give up when the kilograms begin to fall by the teaspoon per year. And to prevent this from happening, you need an action plan.

Meal plan for weight loss

Before you start losing weight, you need to:

  • Keep a diary. During the first two weeks, after the desire to get rid of fat reserves appears, write down all food and meal times (including snacks or “accidentally” eaten sweets) in a diary. At this stage, it will become approximately clear where the extra pounds came from.
  • Find time for nutritious meals. Problem modern man– total lack of time, including for food. Lack of diet is even worse than overeating, as the body goes into energy saving mode. In this case, every gram eaten is stored in case of total hunger strike. Breakfast, lunch and dinner should be around the same time every day. Snacks - when you feel hungry.
  • Get some boats. To avoid the temptation to eat extra candy, you should not go hungry. So a couple of containers in your bag is the best lifesaver when you don’t have enough time to go out to lunch. For even greater convenience, you can prepare food several days in advance and label the containers.
  • Dare to weigh yourself and take control measurements (bust, waist and hip measurements). Any goal requires constant monitoring of actions. Measurements will have to be taken every month to monitor the situation.
  • Calculate daily norm calories. How to help with this special programs or applications and formulas. The result of the calculations depends on gender, age, profession. For example, during sedentary work, the daily calorie intake is 1600-1800 kcal for women and 1800-2000 for men. For mild physical work the amount increases by 100-200 kcal.
  • Learn to drink water. Hunger is often confused with thirst. It’s easy to check what exactly your body wants. At the first feeling of hunger, drink two glasses of water and wait 15-20 minutes. If you still want to eat, it means you are still hungry.

And only from this moment can you begin to lose weight directly by changing your diet.

All products can be divided into three groups: those that need to be completely excluded; those that can be allowed no more than once a week; those that need to be consumed, but in limited quantities.

Eliminate completely Possible 1-2 times a week Possible in limited quantities (30-50 g per day)
  • fast food;
  • bakery products;
  • mayonnaise/sauces;
  • chips, crackers;
  • fried potatoes;
  • dumplings;
  • sausages;
  • smoked sausage;
  • glazed cheese curds;
  • sweet carbonated drinks;
  • cookies, cakes, pastries;
  • fatty meat combined with fried potatoes or bread
  • chocolate - no more than 30 g;
  • pancakes, pancakes;
  • alcohol (red is best) dry wine);
  • fat meat;
  • sunflower seeds - no more than 50 g per day;
  • cakes without cream, condensed milk, or any fillings;
  • coffee with milk/cream, hot chocolate;
  • yoghurt with fruit filling/pudding/marshmallows;
  • glazed flakes, chocolate balls
  • hard cheese;
  • dried fruits (dried apricots, dates, prunes, figs);
  • nuts;
  • raisin;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • apples, banana, peaches, apricots;
  • melon;
  • tangerines;
  • grape;
  • jelly;
  • canned fruits;
  • black, whole grain bread, with bran;
  • boiled/baked potatoes;
  • any porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat, pearl barley, corn);
  • butter;
  • sunflower oil;

Nutritionist advice. Very important point in proper nutrition - the distribution of food throughout the day. We should eat 4-6 times a day and at the same time fully: 3 main meals and 2-3 snacks. Breakfast usually accounts for 25% of the total calories per day, lunch - 30-35, dinner - 20-25 and snacks - 5-10. This means that in the first half of the day (breakfast, first snack and lunch) a person should eat 65-70% of his daily diet, and this is much more than half. The second snack and dinner account for only 30-35% of the total daily caloric intake. This means that it is better not to overeat in the evening and give preference to lean proteins and vegetables using unrefined oil. It is better to move carbohydrates to the first half of the day.

What is the plateau effect and how to deal with it

One of the difficulties that almost everyone who loses weight faces about a month and a half after starting a diet is the plateau effect. It manifests itself like this: during the first month, the kilograms quickly melted away, but suddenly the weight loss process slowed down sharply. And even if all dietary requirements are followed, the scale needle no longer moves, and sometimes even rushes forward.

During this period, it is important not to panic or break down. The fact is that the body systematically gets used to everything. And to a new diet. What was stressful for him at first and gave him an incentive to lose weight is no longer so. Plus, the weight has decreased, which means that the basal metabolism has also decreased. Now the body needs a little less energy to maintain normal functioning.

What to do if weight does not decrease:

  • Give yourself one or two days of relaxation (you can eat something forbidden, but before 16:00), and then return to proper nutrition.
  • Vary the number of calories throughout the day. For example, energy value the diet is 1700 kcal. For even numbers, eat this amount or even 100 kcal more, for odd numbers - 1500 kcal.
  • Vary the protein/fat/carbohydrate ratio. Normally it is 1.2:0.8:3.5. To shake up the body a little, in even numbers, double the amount of protein and halve the amount of carbohydrates (while the calorie content of the diet remains unchanged). For odd numbers, do the opposite.
  • Increase physical activity. If before this classes were held three times a week, add one more workout. Or increase the intensity of your training. Or radically change them - instead of aerobic exercise (running, swimming), do strength exercises (squats, push-ups, lunges) or alternate them during one session.

The most effective and safe diets

The most effective diet is one in which the body does not feel hunger. He doesn't need to stock up because he knows he'll be fed anyway.

Here's how to lose weight with the right diet:

One day a week should be a fasting day. It is worth experimenting with food combinations to understand how the body reacts to them. Menu for fasting day could be like this:

  • kg apples, 1.5 kg watermelon, kg zucchini;
  • 500-600 g cottage cheese + 500 g cucumbers;
  • 700-800 g baked or boiled pumpkin;
  • 700 g of boiled lean meat;
  • 400 g buckwheat + 2 liters of kefir or fermented baked milk;
  • 600 g of lean fish + vegetables in any form.

During the fasting day you need to drink a lot of water (2-2.5 l).

Don't know how to lose 20 kg? We will try to help! Most women at least once in their lives have thought about how to short term lose twenty extra pounds. At first glance, it may seem that losing so many extra pounds in just 20 days seems like an impossible task, because this is simply a huge number.

If you stick to a special diet, you will definitely succeed if you set such a goal for yourself.

To help you achieve positive results, there are many different incentives, such as a new dress, the beginning of the beach season, slimmer friends, meeting a new guy. For the sake of such incentives, you can say: “I want to lose twenty extra pounds!”

What can stop you from losing 20 kilograms?

Snacking too often throughout the day. We all love to have a snack with sandwiches and a cup of tea or coffee at home or at work.

At the same time, we do not think about adding several sandwiches, a sweet bun, a pastry or a slice of cake to one cup of tea. To quickly lose 20 kg. you should completely avoid such snacks. In addition, do not store chips, crackers, sweet cookies and buns at home; it will be much healthier if you eat fresh fruits or dried fruits instead of these products.

Too much sleep or vice versa, lack of sleep. Sleeping too much or, on the contrary, sleeping too little has a very bad effect on the body of every person. According to the results of recent studies, it has been proven that those women who spend less time sleeping are almost 20% more likely to become overweight and obese.

If you still decide to lose extra pounds, then you should sleep for the prescribed amount of time. Experts have proven that when a person sleeps, his body begins to produce a hormone such as melanin, which promotes the breakdown of fat. But in this case, there is one “but”: never eat before going to bed, because in this case the body will be busy digesting food, and not breaking down fats.

Basic diet rules

A diet to lose 20 kilograms includes several basic rules:

  1. You need to eat every three hours, for example, at 9.00, 12.00 and 15.00. Evening meals should take place no later than eight in the evening.
  2. Almost immediately after you finally wake up, drink one glass of regular purified water with added lemon juice a small amount of honey. This will help your stomach work much faster.
  3. The break between the first meal and the last should be about twelve hours, but in no case less than this time.
  4. To quickly lose weight, you need to completely exclude milk, potatoes, coffee with cream and pasta from your menu.
  5. You should definitely skip one meal every day. For example, on Monday you can skip a meal at 9.00, on Tuesday at 12.00, and on Wednesday at 15.00, and this should be done every day. It is not advisable to skip the same meal every day.

Diet plan for losing weight by 20 kilograms

For this diet, a special list of products was specially developed, which contain the least amount of calories.

This diet includes many natural vegetables and fruits, since they contain water, fiber and oxygen.

Fresh apples and fruits for weight loss

IN fresh apples contains approximately 25% oxygen. In addition, apples contain many useful vitamins and they are considered a dietary product because they do not contain fat at all. In order for apples to bring you much more benefits, it is advisable to consume them in fresh immediately before meals, rather than snacking on them after lunch.

In this case, the metabolism in your body will occur much faster, and you will also feel full earlier. Combining apples with dairy products can give you the best results for weight loss.

Apple-kefir days are very effective for unloading the entire body. Throughout the day, you need to replace all foods with apples, of which you need to eat five pieces a day, and wash them down with two liters of kefir per day.

Personal experience of losing 20 kilograms of weight

Eat one apple and after about twenty minutes drink half a glass of kefir; throughout the day you need to do five such meals. Spend such days no more than twice in one week. For such a diet, it is best to choose green apples, since they contain much less sugar than yellow or red apples, and much more vitamin C and iron.

Fresh vegetables such as radishes, cauliflower, kohlrabi, broccoli, lettuce, bell pepper green, carrots, celery, beets and spinach can be eaten in large quantities. To digest such fresh vegetables, our body spends much more calories than the amount they contain.

All these vegetables are very useful for those people who want to lose 20 kg in a short time. Vegetables contain a lot healthy fiber, which improves the functioning of the stomach and has a positive effect on cleansing the entire body of harmful toxins. Fresh cucumbers contain approximately 90% water, and their peel contains a lot useful substances. Broccoli contains the following vitamins: A, B2, C, E and PP, as well as calcium, iodine and iron.

Citrus fruits such as lemons, grapefruits, tangerines and oranges during this 20 kg weight loss diet. reduce total insulin and reduce appetite. Regular consumption of fresh grapefruits has a great effect on your figure, making it slimmer and more beautiful.

To lose extra pounds, you will need to completely eat grapefruit without peeling the film, which is very bitter. After recent studies, it was proven that grapefruit contains the flavonoid naringin, which is endowed with fat-burning properties. This component makes grapefruit bitter in taste, in addition, it normalizes liver function and has a choleretic effect. All of the above citrus fruits help cleanse the human body of harmful toxins.

How to lose 20 kilograms? Oatmeal to the rescue...

Oatmeal treats stomach diseases and prevents their occurrence, allowing you to good result reset excess weight. Cook oatmeal only in water and without adding sugar or salt, but you can eat it in large quantities.

Dairy products

Fermented milk products with a low fat content should be consumed every day in the form of organic yogurt, curdled milk, cottage cheese or kefir; you can reduce the fat content and lose weight very quickly.

Green tea to lose weight quickly by 20 kg

This healthy drink effectively affects the metabolism in our body and quickly removes harmful toxins. It is advisable to drink four cups of this tea per day. Imagine using green tea Your body burns about 80 calories.


Spices such as ginger, cinnamon, turmeric, hot peppers, garlic and onions will help you lose weight. Ginger can help your body improve its entire metabolism, which is very important when losing weight.

If you add a little ginger to regular tea, you will end up with an excellent drink that will help you fight those extra 20 kg. In addition, ginger can be added during cooking as it goes well with almost all foods.

Hot pepper for weight loss

All types of hot peppers are considered beneficial: white, red and black. Digestion of food occurs much faster, all metabolic processes in the body are enhanced and this happens very quickly, because when we eat hot peppers in food, we feel intense heat.

Hot peppers can be combined with almost all dishes. It is very important not to overdo it hot pepper, because you can seriously harm your stomach.



Experts consider turmeric to be a women's spice. Cosmetologists use it quite often; it is no less useful for reducing excess weight. Turmeric can be added to the preparation of meat and fish dishes, and to vegetables.

Fresh tomatoes

Fresh tomatoes help reduce appetite, and they also have low calorie content. Tomatoes will help you, get rid of excess weight, and help improve your health.

How to lose weight by 20 kg? RICE!…

To quickly lose weight, you cannot do without rice. Nutritionists especially recommend this cereal in the diet. If you decide to add rice to your diet, you will see the results effective result You'll get.

In combination with this diet, it is necessary to regularly apply simple physical exercises. For example, you can sign up for a swimming pool, run in the morning or jump rope, do side bends or squats. Don't forget about using special cosmetics for caring for your skin.

To prevent the skin on your body from losing its elasticity during weight loss, do not neglect a massage using a contrast shower. You can also take baths with the addition of sea ​​salt and essential oils.

If you do not take care of your body during the diet, your skin will lose its elasticity and firmness.

You may be able to lose 20 kilograms of weight, but maintaining elastic skin at the same time is very difficult. The most effective exercise are daily exercises with a special hoop called a hula hoop, which will help you tighten your waist, abdomen and hips; jumping in place and side lunges are considered no less effective.

Exfoliate yourself regularly using body scrubs. To prepare an effective scrub at home, mix one spoon of sour cream with coffee grounds, stir and apply thoroughly to your body, massage well and after a while the scrub can be washed off with water. When you cleanse your body, you can start wraps with blue clay to lose weight by 20 kg. Mix clay with water and apply to your body, wrap it with film on top, and after about 40 minutes, rinse with water.

Using massage mittens, massage your thighs and buttocks, but before doing this, the skin must first be lubricated with a special cosmetic oil. Thanks to this massage, you can tone your skin and also prevent the occurrence of “ orange peel" After completing all these procedures, it is advisable to apply any moisturizer to the body.

All ours are not difficult advice and recommendations will help you and your skin always be the most attractive and beautiful. And, if you combine all this with physical activity, then, believe me, the question of how to lose 20 kg will not bother you anymore... ;)

To understand how to lose 20 kg in a month, you need to consider several diets and choose the most suitable one. Don't forget that just adjusting your diet won't do it. At the same time, you need to lead an active lifestyle. For a high-protein, low-calorie, or any other diet to be effective, follow these recommendations:

  • try to increase your intake clean water up to 8-10 glasses per day;
  • stop overeating, because... people with increased body weight eat about 30-50% more than the body needs;
  • you should not set yourself strict prohibitions or strict restrictions;
  • start communicating with like-minded people so you have someone to share your results with;
  • start walking more, or even better, join a sports club.


If you need a simple but effective diet for a month minus 20 kg, then pay attention to the protein option. Following this nutritional system is much easier than others, but the main thing is to strictly adhere to a specific diet. Its main principles are the exclusion of all fat-containing foods and carbohydrates. It turns out that you need to remove bread, pasta, sweets (including sugar), potatoes, cereals, and store-bought drinks from your food. The diet should consist of:

  • fish;
  • lean meat, for example, chicken, turkey, rabbit;
  • dairy products with minimal fat content, for example, milk, kefir.

Low calorie

This method is aimed at burning excess fat in the body by reducing the consumption of high-calorie foods. The diet in this case is very extensive - neither meat nor dairy products are removed from it. True, this diet can aggravate chronic diseases, and it is fraught with dizziness, weakness, and irritability. Only completely healthy women and men can use it.

With such a nutrition system, the daily routine plays an important role. Frequent and small meals will relieve a strong feeling of hunger, which interferes with the process of getting rid of excess fat. If you decide to follow this system to lose weight, then do not eat fatty fish and meat, sugar, confectionery and bakery products made from flour premium grades. A daily intake of 1400-1600 kcal is required, and the most stringent option is 350-700 kcal.

Allowed to use:

  • no more than 200 lean meat (boiled, baked, steamed) per day;
  • 1-2 pieces of eggs (hard-boiled);
  • 150 g of wholemeal baked goods;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • coffee and green tea without sugar;
  • fruits, berries;
  • vegetable soups.


How to lose 20 kg in a month is a question that many people ask, especially ladies who want to make their figure beautiful and attractive at any cost. One of the ways is the citrus diet, which can be classified as a mono-diet. Its features:

  1. The diet, which will need to be followed for a month to achieve results, is very strict.
  2. If we talk about contraindications, this diet is not suitable for nursing mothers, pregnant women, the elderly and those who have hypotension and problems with the gastrointestinal tract and gall bladder.
  3. Healthy people are recommended to take calcium supplements.
  4. Excessive low-calorie intake and hunger can lead to dizziness, but with the help of citrus fruits you can give your body a break from preservatives and dyes.

Sample menu:

  • Breakfast: a glass of orange/grapefruit juice, a slice of black bread.
  • Lunch: grapefruit, 2 kiwis, 150 g vegetable soup/ boiled vegetables.
  • Dinner: 150 g rye bread, 2 boiled egg whites(or 120 g of lean meat), a glass of water with lemon.
  • If you have a very strong feeling of hunger before going to bed, you are allowed to drink water with lemon/tea without sugar.

Diet minus 20 kg per month

To lose a lot of weight in an extremely short period of time, you need to adhere to a strict eating regimen and give up constant snacking. For a diet that will help you lose 20 kg in a month, you need to eat broccoli, apples, white cabbage, chicken fillet. In addition, you can use the alternation rule, which involves giving up one of three meals. In this case, they need to be removed one by one.

Menu for weight loss

First, you need to exclude sugar, seasoning, and salt from the menu. You will need to drink at least 2 liters of water per day. While following this diet, it is recommended to avoid too much physical activity. If you feel a strong feeling of hunger, you are allowed to drink a little kefir. In addition, it is necessary to take vitamin and mineral complexes. Menu:

  • In the morning - a glass of kefir, a boiled chicken egg.
  • In the afternoon - 400-500 ml of chicken broth, boiled chicken pile (skin must be removed), a glass of kefir.
  • In the evening – 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese/a glass of kefir. If necessary, you can drink coffee without milk and sugar.

How to consolidate the result

It’s one thing to answer the question of how you can lose 20 kg in a month, another thing is how to consolidate the result. To do this, you need to play sports, especially since exercise will help you improve your health and motivate you to continue to eat healthy food. In addition, you will need:

  • completely give up alcohol;
  • forget about the word “additive”;
  • drink as much as possible more water;
  • adjust the process of eating, do not be distracted by TV and other factors.

The right way out of the diet

So that sudden weight loss and an immediate transition to a familiar diet do not lead to negative consequences For health, you need to exit your diet wisely. To do this, gradually add 1-2 products to your menu from the category of those that were excluded during the diet. Ideally, these are fruits and vegetables (for example, tomatoes), lean meat, and medium-fat dairy products. You should not eat fried and fatty foods! In addition, get involved in an active lifestyle - running, walking or dancing are best.

How to lose 20 kg in a month

First of all, take into account that not enough or too much sleep can make it more difficult to lose weight in a month. The fact is that during sleep (from 12 am to 4 am) the body produces 70% of melatonin, a hormone that helps break down fats. Regardless of the system you choose, give up snacking! You should not have any cookies or buns at home; instead, keep fresh fruits or dried fruits. Also, for a month, adhere to the following recommendations:

  • do not add fat to food in the form of sauces/oils;
  • cook vegetables in water, not broth;
  • drink more water, exercise:
  • follow your training and nutrition regimen;
  • You can satisfy a strong feeling of hunger with salad, cucumber (raw, not salted).

Calorie counting

To lose weight in a month, you should eat about 1000-1400 kcal per day. To calculate the nutritional balance that will help you lose weight, you need to determine the number of kcal per desired body weight. You should know that a man’s basic metabolism is 1 kcal/1 kg of body weight per hour, and a woman’s is 0.9 kcal/kg. It turns out that if your desired weight is 65 kg, then the main metabolism during the diet should be: 65 * 0.9 * 24 = 1404 kcal.


The abbreviation BJU means the ratio of proteins/fats/carbohydrates in the daily diet. Knowing the daily requirement, you can easily achieve your previously set goal in a month. The ratio 1:1:4 is taken as the norm, but in reality it is not entirely correct. For drying the body and losing weight, the proportion 5:1:2/4:2:4 is more suitable. To burn fat in a month, it is better to opt for 2-2.5 / 0.8-1 / 1.2-2.


Regardless of whether you eat honey, ham, wholemeal bread, or drink herbal tea, without physical exercise (at least minimal) it is almost impossible to achieve your goal in a month. Before class, be sure to warm up in the form of swinging your legs and arms, turning your head, stretching, and bending. After that, proceed to the complex:

  • Press – 50 times.
  • Bends – duration 15 minutes.
  • Squats – 30 times.
  • Exercise “bicycle” – duration 4-5 minutes.
  • Run in place - raise your legs as high as possible. The duration of one approach should be about a minute.

Pros and cons of losing weight quickly

To understand how to lose 20 kg in a month and at the same time cleanse the large intestine, many try controversial methods. People use enemas, eat vegetable salads (like “Broom”), fruits, etc. Overall pros fast weight loss obvious, because it allows you to lose 10-20 kg in just 1 month. Thanks to special diets combined with slight physical activity, you can tighten your figure to the nearest summer season. The disadvantages are:

  • lack of body fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals;
  • from constant hunger the digestive system and stomach begin to suffer;
  • dizziness;
  • weakness;
  • nausea;
  • heartburn;
  • constipation;
  • poor brain function;
  • “circles” under the eyes;
  • vision problems.


Everyone knows that extra pounds are easy to gain, but quite difficult to lose. Few people want to lose weight for a long time, over a long period of time. People, especially women, dream that their weight “even today” would be at the desired level. And no one cares about the consequences that the body faces after “fasting”.

Losing weight is contraindicated for teenagers and young girls (under 18 years of age). Due to hormonal changes in the human body, you can achieve the opposite effect - gain weight. Nursing mothers and pregnant women should not eat low-calorie foods. Limiting the nutritional and vitamin diet will certainly lead to pathologies in the child.

How to bring a lot of weight back to normal “today”? How to lose 20 kg in a month at home? Let's try to answer.

Doctors say: “In order to lose fat mass and not cause much harm to the body, you should not delay the process of losing weight for more than one week.” But, if the question is about heavy weight and a relatively short period of time, it is better to use the diet described below.

So, the period for losing weight is 1 month. The number of kilograms that need to be removed is 20. Let’s call the diet “20 for 1.” Let’s get started.

Let's immediately make a reservation that this is a low-calorie diet. Therefore, it must be used with considerable caution.

Answering the question of how to quickly lose 20 kg in a month, first of all we will give the following recommendations:

  1. The day before the diet you need to do an enema. You can simply take a laxative.
  2. Drink water. If possible, do this more often. The more water you drink, the less constipation you will have. The body will begin to actively lose weight.
  3. Any alcohol and sweet foods are strictly prohibited.
  4. Be patient. The diet was well tolerated. The only difficulty is to survive the first few days. During this time, the body will be completely rebuilt and will easily tolerate the “gentle regime”. It will be easier to lose weight.

Diet rules

In order to lose 20 kg in a month, you must follow the following rules:

  1. It is strictly necessary to adhere to the choice of diet products, the sequence of days and the distribution of products among meals.
  2. The diet consists of 4 full weeks. The menu of the first, second and third weeks is the same. In the fourth week there are fundamental differences.
  3. One diet cycle is 4 days. Every day consists of different types of nutritious foods. On the first day, a minimum of food is consumed (the day is called “hungry”). In the second - protein foods (protein day). On the third - vegetables (vegetable day). The last day consists of a mixed diet, which is why it is called “special”.
  4. The diet menu completely “excludes white enemies”: sugar and salt. But it does include Dutch cheese. It cannot be replaced with processed product or white cheese.

Diet menu

The first day:

Breakfast is combined with lunch. During this period, you need to drink milk in small sips. Quantity - 1 liter. Dinner: black bread (100 grams), tomato juice(cup).

Second day:

  • lunch - meat (100 grams) and broth, Dutch cheese (100 grams), black bread (100 grams).
  • dinner - chicken eggs(2 pieces).

Day three:

  • breakfast - blocks (2 pieces). Instead of apples, you can eat peaches (2 pieces) or oranges (also 2 pieces);

Day four:

  • lunch - ham (100 grams), black bread (100 grams), boiled eggs (2 pieces).

Day five:

  • breakfast - black bread (100 grams), coffee whitened with milk, butter (20 grams), bee honey (1 dessert spoon);
  • lunch - meat (100 grams) and broth, Dutch cheese (100 grams), black bread (100 grams);
  • dinner - boiled eggs (2 pieces).

Day six:

  • breakfast - apples (2 pieces). Instead of apples, you can eat peaches (2 pieces) or oranges (also 2 pieces);
  • lunch - boiled vegetable soup (1 plate);
  • dinner - salad (3 tomatoes and 2 cucumbers, without oil), tea (1 glass) and honey (1 dessert spoon).

Day seven:

  • breakfast - Dutch cheese (100 grams), coffee, whitened with milk;
  • lunch - ham (100 grams), black bread (100 grams), eggs (2 pieces);
  • dinner - low-fat kefir (glass).

By repeating the second and third weeks in the same way as the first, you can urgently lose 20 kg in a month. The main loss of body weight occurs during weeks 1 and 4 of the “20 for 1” diet. The last week's menu involves dividing the indicated products into 6 meals.

So, the menu for the last week of the “20 for 1” diet:

  1. The first day. Green apples (1.5 kilograms).
  2. Second day. Boiled chicken (1 kilogram).
  3. Day three. Cucumbers and tomatoes (all together 1.5 kilograms).
  4. Day four. Boiled meat (1 kilogram).
  5. Day five. Dutch cheese (500 grams), mineral water(1 bottle).
  6. Day six. Low-fat kefir (1 liter), boiled sea fish (1 piece), eggs (2 pieces).
  7. Day seven. Red wine (1 glass), Dutch cheese (300 grams).

Quitting the diet

Having tried the “20 for 1” diet on yourself, you will check for yourself how to lose 20 kg in a month. Having felt relief throughout the body, do not rush to eat cookies, sweets, rolls and other unhealthy foods. Start quitting your diet gradually. Add meat soups to your diet first, then porridge, and eventually switch to proper nutrition. You can repeat the above diet after 3 calendar months.

Other diets that can reduce weight by 20 kg

Striving for the desired figure, women also use other effective diets to lose weight by 20 kg per month. You need to eat the foods listed in these diets throughout the day. Let's list them:

  1. Apple diet. Diet: apples (2 kilograms), kefir (1 liter), water (unlimited quantity).
  2. Cottage cheese diet. Diet: kefir (1 liter), cottage cheese (600 grams), green tea (unlimited quantity). Dairy products should be low-fat.
  3. Protein diet. Diet: for breakfast - low-fat kefir (100 ml), egg (1 piece); for lunch - kefir (100 ml.), chicken fillet (200 grams), chicken broth (0.5 liters); for an afternoon snack - kefir (200 ml.); for dinner: kefir (200 ml.), cottage cheese (200 grams).
  4. Combination diet:
  • first day diet: black bread (1 piece), tomato juice (unlimited quantity). Juice can be replaced with low-fat kefir.
  • second day diet: black bread (1 piece), tomato juice (unlimited quantity).
  • third day diet: boiled meat (200 grams), meat broth, boiled eggs (no more than 3), cheese.
  • diet fourth day: boiled meat (200 grams), meat broth, boiled eggs (no more than 3), cheese.
  • fifth day diet: vegetables, herbs and fruits (unlimited quantities).
  • sixth day diet: vegetables, herbs and fruits (unlimited quantities).

During a combination diet, bananas and grapes should not be eaten as fruits.

  1. Next diet. The month is divided into 4 weeks. Each day's menu differs in diet. Let's describe the diet:
  • Monday. Diet: apples (unlimited quantity), water (unlimited quantity).
  • Tuesday. Diet: eggs (6 pieces).
  • Wednesday. Diet: cottage cheese (unlimited quantity), water (unlimited quantity).
  • Thursday. Diet: carrots (unlimited quantity).
  • Friday. Diet: chicken broth (unlimited quantity).
  • Saturday. Diet: oatmeal (400 grams).
  • Sunday: Diet: green tea (unlimited quantity).
  1. Intermittent diet. The author of periodic nutrition is unknown. But the principle is clear. The body gets rid of fat faster by maintaining intervals between meals. You should know that during an intermittent diet, muscles burn.

The principle of an intermittent diet:

  • Days 1-4 - exclude the evening meal, dinner.
  • Days 5-8 - exclude the daytime meal, lunch.
  • Days 9-12 - we give up morning breakfast.

Meal times are not specified in the diet. The main thing is to be sure to eat the following foods twice:

  1. Apples.
  2. Fructose (minor amount).
  3. All vegetables (potatoes and sweet potatoes are not allowed).
  4. Green beans and green pea.
  5. Protein products (chicken breasts, cottage cheese, fish, milk).
  6. Buckwheat.
  7. Oatmeal.

Intermittent diet menu:

Day one (the second, third and fourth days are the same in diet):

Breakfast. Diet: cottage cheese (300 grams), apples (300 grams or 4 pieces).

Dinner. Diet: chicken breasts (200 grams), boiled rice (100 grams), greens in the form of salad.

There is no dinner.

Day five (the sixth, seventh and eighth days are the same in diet).

Breakfast. Diet: vegetable salad.

There is no lunch.

Dinner. Diet: chicken fillet (200 grams), boiled beans (100 grams).

Day nine (days ten to twelfth are also the same in diet).

There is no breakfast.

Dinner. Diet: egg (1 piece), cod (200 grams), buckwheat (100 grams).

Dinner. Diet: green leaf salad.

When eating the above diets, you need to remember that 20 kg is a huge weight. Losing it in a short period of time (1 month), the skin sags and takes on a flabby appearance. To maintain the beauty of the body, it is necessary to perform physical activity.

Now you know how to lose 20 kg at home in a month.

Losing 20 kg in three months is not easy, especially if those 20 kg separate you from your ideal weight. However, this is possible if you approach this goal with all seriousness, willpower and discipline. See Step 1 to learn how you can start losing weight.


Part 1

Understand calories and develop an action plan

    Understand what calories are. If you want to lose 20 kg in such a short period of time, you must understand how calories work. Simply put, calories are units of energy; in the language of nutrition, they are units of measurement of the amount of energy that human body Gained from food and lost through physical activity.

    Find out how many calories you need to consume every day. The amount of calories each person needs depends on their age, weight, height, level of daily physical activity, etc. You can find a wide variety of counting calculators on the Internet. required quantity calories. Click here to find out how many calories you should be eating each day.

    Determine how much you need to cut your calories to start losing weight. To lose about 0.5 kg per week, you should create a daily deficit of 500 calories (35,000 calories per week). To lose 20 kg in three months, your weekly calorie deficit must be at least 14,000 calories, i.e. you should lose about 2 kg per week. This means you will have to set a daily deficit of 2,000 calories.

    • In terms of kilograms, to lose 20 kg in 3 months, you will need to lose about 6 - 7 kg every month (over three months), that is, about 2 kg every week (over 12 weeks).
  1. Develop an action plan. The first thing you will need is a diet and exercise plan. Without such a plan, you will not be able to monitor your progress. Your action plan should:

    • Be specific and measurable: This means that your weight loss plan should be personalized (specific). Each person has a different physique, taste preferences and physical capabilities. This is why your plan should be tailored to suit your capabilities and goals.
    • Have a time frame and be broken down into steps: Break down your final goal into several smaller steps and track them over three months to know you're on the right track. It is recommended to make each stage a week long.
  2. Avoid processed, high-calorie foods. These products include food instant cooking, processed canned foods, desserts and foods high in saturated fat and/or sugar. Even the smallest portions of these foods contain huge amounts of calories.

    Avoid unhealthy snacks. Unhealthy snacks can harm your daily calorie intake when you're trying to lose weight. If you eat a lot of junk food or drink a lot of soda or alcohol, you will need to get rid of these bad habits. These products contain a large number of empty calories and do not nourish the body. Avoid these foods completely and try to replace them with healthy, whole foods.

    • Instead of snacking on a bag of chips, stock up on your favorite vegetables and fruits and snack on them when you get hungry.
  3. Stop drinking your calories. Carbonated drinks, smoothies and all drinks containing sugar should be eliminated from your diet. Learn to consume fewer calories by limiting your intake of these high-calorie drinks. Choose plain water, unsweetened lemonade and black coffee (possibly with low-fat milk).

    Keep a diet diary where you write down everything you eat and count how many calories you consume each day. The easiest way to do this is through special application

for smartphone; There are a wide variety of apps (paid and free) that allow you to record everything you eat throughout the day and then automatically calculate your total calorie intake. Always be diligent in keeping this diary so as not to overeat.

Part 3

    Play sports Get active in sports. Aim for 5 - 7 hours of training per week to lose about 2 kg weekly. Each workout (lasting 1 hour) should burn 400 - 600 calories. Your results will also depend on the type physical activity

  1. , which you will resort to, but, as a rule, aerobic exercise is an integral part of training designed to burn calories. Create an aerobic workout plan.

    • Aerobic exercises are those exercises that speed up your heart rate and increase blood circulation throughout your body. These exercises include running, cycling, elliptical training and swimming. Through exercise, you should burn 1,500 calories per day to lose 2 kg per week.
    • If you only have a couple of hours to exercise, you'll have to turn to high-intensity exercise, which burns 750 to 800 calories per hour. Such exercises include spinning, high-intensity Zumba, high-intensity interval training, kickboxing and running at high speeds.
  2. If you think that you are not ready to start serious training right away, you can start with easier activities such as swimming, brisk walking (6 - 8 km per hour), aerobics for beginners, etc., but in this case , you should study for three hours, not two. While aerobic exercise is great for burning calories, it also has disadvantages. Aerobic training can lead to not only fat loss, but also muscle loss, which is not what you want. Your body needs muscle to maintain an optimal metabolic rate and to give your body a healthy, toned appearance. To support your muscle mass when doing intense aerobic training, you should include moderate power training three times a week.


    • Don't try to starve yourself to lose weight. This can be dangerous to your health and will not help you keep the weight off long-term once you start eating normally again.