How to plant walnuts from walnut trees. Planting and growing walnuts in the country is not at all difficult. How to properly plant a walnut as a grown seedling

How to plant walnuts from walnut trees.  Planting and growing walnuts in the country is not at all difficult.  How to properly plant a walnut as a grown seedling
How to plant walnuts from walnut trees. Planting and growing walnuts in the country is not at all difficult. How to properly plant a walnut as a grown seedling

Walnut is durable and very useful tree at the dacha, since based on its fruits you can prepare not only a lot of seasonings and dishes, but also many medications. Correct fit and growing walnuts is valuable knowledge that we will help you gain.

Walnuts are grown everywhere, and it is very difficult to find a plot in a country house or village where there is no walnut. But information about planting a nut and its cultivation is needed not only by the summer resident who does not have this tree on his territory own plot, but also to every owner of nuts, because correct agricultural technology is the basis for a serious harvest and the healing properties of the plant.

Today we invite you to spend just a little time and study the cultivation of walnuts in the Moscow region, Ukraine and Belarus, because in any region a tall and large-leaved tree will not only provide valuable fruits autumn period, but will also hide you under the shade of branches from the heat in summer.

What is a walnut tree?

This is a perennial and truly durable tree, whose age can be calculated in centuries. Walnut is a tall spreading tree with a very large leaves, light gray bark and world-famous fruits. The plant is dioecious and the nut buds are male and female. Thanks to this, the nut bears fruit every year, can accept pollen from other trees and becomes a pollinator for neighboring ones.

The plant is light-loving and heat-loving, recovers well from various injuries, and has high winter hardiness.

Where to plant walnuts?

It is very important to correctly determine the place for planting, because then the tree will grow in accordance with the standards, and therefore develop and produce valuable fruits.

It is advisable to choose a place for the nut that is free and ventilated, in the sun, where the nut will receive a lot of color. Moreover, far from other trees, the nut will have the opportunity to quickly develop and strengthen.

Walnut plantings with big amount trees on certain area- not the best good idea. In such plantings, development stops, the crowns become very sparse, the leaves wither and age, the tree dies out prematurely and practically does not bear fruit.

Most a good place for planting - behind the house or near a temporary shelter, where the tree will create shade, will not shade other trees and will not be harmed by mature trees already existing nearby. We know from our own experience that a completely normal distance between nuts is 5-7 meters or more, if, of course, you want to get fast-growing trees and good yields.

Humidity and soil content for nut

The nut grows well and shows truly significant yields on moderate soils, carbonate loams, where there is a low level of groundwater. At the same time, highly compacted and waterlogged soils are considered unsuitable for planting.

If you want to plant Walnut in acidic soil, it is necessary to carry out certain agro-reclamation enterprises. At the same time, evaluate the ground level, which should be no closer than 2 m.

Fertile soil and its constant supply of useful elements necessary for the quality growth of walnuts are factors high results at the end of each season. Truly fertilized and correct soil will make it possible to constantly show good harvest and develop.

It is a good idea to use fertilizers for nuts in the form of special complexes, but we can also recommend green manure, thanks to which the trees will always be provided with almost everything they need.

By planting these plants in the spring and incorporating them into the soil in the fall, you will ensure favorable conditions. Peas, oats, china, and lupine are suitable for their constant maintenance.

Walnut fertilizer

Fertilizers must be applied carefully, since the soil under the tree does not like loosening. Of course, not the soil itself, but root system nut, which summer period calmness is needed.

Nitrogen fertilizers are applied in small portions, preferably not during the fruiting period, especially if the nut is young. Nitrogenous fertilizers can then cause bacteriosis.

But phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are excellent for fertilizing, as they have a beneficial effect on the fruiting of the tree.

Watering a nut

Walnut loves moisture, especially in the warm season. Therefore, from mid-spring to the end of summer, do not skimp on water, water 2-3 times a week during drought.

It is also necessary to protect the soil under the tree from drying out, retaining moisture in it by mulching, especially if it is not possible to frequently and fully water the walnuts.

Planting a nut in the country

Initially, you need to prepare planting material and sort it. Walnut seedlings for planting on the site must be completely healthy and not wilted. If seedlings are to be transported, it is advisable to wrap them in a humid environment or saturate the root system with special products.

Most often, nut planting occurs in spring period, in autumn this is possible in warm regions. You should not store autumn seedlings until spring, as they can be seriously damaged during this time.

Growing technology walnuts is based on an initially correct fit, therefore, even correct sizes holes for seedlings. They should be on average 70x70x70 cm, but if the root system of the seedling occupies more space, the hole is also being dug large sizes(the planting hole should always be 20-30 cm deeper than the length of the nut roots).

A healthy seedling, the roots of which have been treated with special growth stimulants, is lowered into a hole half filled with humus and soil (1:1). Next, the roots are carefully straightened and sprinkled with earth, which is evenly compacted. In this case, the root collar of the seedling should remain at ground level after planting.

Now you can mulch the soil with sawdust or peat chips and provide care for the walnut as a full-fledged plant.

Walnut is known by other names: Voloshsky nut, royal walnut and Greek walnut. Is it possible to grow a walnut in your garden and how to plant a walnut seedling? Frequently asked questions by amateur gardeners, since the type of walnut is familiar to many with its healing properties and in it a large number of vitamins Healing qualities found wide application V folk medicine, cosmetology. Even . And with the help.

Walnuts can be grown in your garden if you follow the recommendations of professional gardeners. Biologists attribute deciduous tree to the nut family. The tree reaches a height of more than 25 meters, and the diameter in such cases is up to one and a half meters. Walnut - the most valuable breed wood, according to experts, can live more than five hundred years. To grow beautiful tree with a spreading crown, you need to know the planting conditions. Walnuts reproduce quite well by seeds and vegetatively.

How to plant a tree correctly? How to achieve a good harvest?

There is no reason to worry. Be sure to pay attention to a number of factors that will undoubtedly affect the yield of the “tree of life”.

  • correct choice of seedling;
  • determining the site for planting;
  • literate and proper care.

Choosing the right seedling

We decided to plant and grow the Volosh nut on personal plot, which means we must now not make a mistake in choosing a seedling. How to plant a walnut, and what features should you pay attention to when choosing? It is important to know that this type of tree first develops a powerful, strong root system, and then there is increased growth of the top. Therefore, this most important factor should not be overlooked and it is still recommended to buy seedlings in specialized markets, stores or from professionals.

Choose a young tree for planting that is strong, strong and without visible damage to the upper layer of bark. Such seedlings will easily tolerate transplantation, will take root and will not get sick for a long time. Next important point– try to buy a tree without leaves. Seedlings with leaves have difficulty establishing themselves and may die. If desired, you can grow a walnut seedling yourself or plant it directly in the selected area. You need to split the fruit and place it in a hole. In order to germinate, there are certain requirements for the planted nut fruit. Rotting roots and dryness on the bark of a seedling warn of the disease of the tree.

How to plant the “tree of life” in a permanent place

After purchasing a young tree, relevant questions arise: how to properly plant a walnut seedling on permanent place? Landing requires some preparation. A planting hole measuring fifty by fifty centimeters is prepared for them in advance, even 2 or 3 months in advance. The depth of the pit should reach up to 70 centimeters. The pit should be filled with loose earthy mass, overripe manure, limestone flour (1 kg is enough), mineral supplements with phosphorus and potassium. All fertilizers are mixed evenly with the soil. Feeding elements and the depth of the hole will help the development of the root system and adapt to new conditions. Planting should be done at temperatures not below zero.

What should you especially pay attention to? The root collar or part of the seedling between the main trunk and the main root should be 5 centimeters above the soil. Then, the young tree is carefully buried with the remaining soil. The soil must be carefully trampled down, watering the seedling abundantly and avoiding damage to the rhizome. One seedling requires 2 buckets of water. To prevent the soil around the seedling from cracking, it is necessary to add organic waste: sawdust, dry grass, chopped dry branches. Overall for one square meter

there is one bucket. Walnut seedlings must be protected from strong gusts of wind and bad weather; for these purposes they are tied to stakes that are installed next to them. The peg promotes rapid growth

and rooting of the tree.

Walnut fans who want to grow a real fruit-bearing tree are interested in the planting conditions in the spring. Transplanting walnuts in spring is the optimal time for growth. A one or two year old seedling is planted in a permanent place in a prepared hole. It happens that an amateur gardener buries several nuts in the ground in the fall, and in the spring those who have sprouted are checked and selected. The better and stronger the fruit, the greater the likelihood of developing a fruit-bearing tree.

According to some professionals, planting seeds in the fall has a number of disadvantages. These include contamination of nuts, because the fruit splits and microorganisms, worms, and especially rodents have access to it. The main advantage of the fall planting method is considered to be the endurance of future seedlings, which will have time to take root over the winter. They can also propagate by seeds in the spring, but at this time they will not have time to become well established before winter, because the seeds will sprout late. At home, when planting seeds, you can check the germination of seeds as follows: specially selected nuts are placed in a container of water. If the nuts immediately sink to the bottom of the dish, they have a solid kernel and are more likely to germinate. Then these seeds are planted in spring time undergo stratification, that is, they undergo a process of simulating the influence of winter natural conditions

to speed up their germination. Transplanting a walnut in spring requires special attention in choise the best site so that the place is suitable for the walnut and does not crowd other trees in the neighborhood. A spreading and beautiful crown is formed in trees that develop when exposed to constant. If you plant several seedlings, the distance between them should be at least five meters. Exceptions include those cases when they are planted on slopes. It is also necessary to calculate that water flowing on the upper layers of the earth (groundwater) should not flow close to the tree.

How to replant a walnut in the spring? The best seedlings As already mentioned, young trees aged 1-2 years are considered for replanting. For optimal growth, the roots of the seedling are cut off a little, and the length of the root system should not be shortened below thirty centimeters. Some gardeners recommend putting rusty nails and metal cans into a hole for a walnut so that the tree does not dry out and produces a rich harvest. The Tree of Life does not tolerate waterlogged or compacted soil.

Estimated planting time: autumn

Some amateur gardeners recommend planting walnut seedlings in the fall. Based on the fact that autumn is the time when nuts fully ripen and fall to the ground. The fruit whose shell breaks when it hits the ground is considered viable.

Autumn is the time when plants slow down the movement of water and dissolved nutrients and the seedling goes into peace and rest, calmly awaiting the onset of spring. During this time young tree will be sufficiently strengthened and spring days will grow quickly.

Walnut care

For normal and painless development of the tree, proper care is required, the first three years are especially important. After planting, daily heavy watering is recommended to compact the soil around the tree, then a slow transition to once every seven days. Hot and dry days naturally increase watering and do not carry out daytime days. Big trees, more than four meters high, do not particularly need watering.

Whenever possible, trees are fed twice a year - in spring and autumn. To increase productivity, nitrogen-containing substances are introduced, and in the fall mineral supplements containing potassium and phosphorus. In the autumn, seedlings are prepared for winter.

When should you collect nut fruits? The first harvest after planting a seedling will have to wait more than 6-7 years. Ripe nuts are identified by their green pericarps: they have begun to crack, which means it is time to harvest. Be sure to wear gloves to prevent your hands from turning black. The green peel is rich in iodine. The washed fruits are dried in the sun.

Walnut grafting

Walnut is an easy to propagate tree but takes a long time to grow. To harvest fruits faster, walnuts are grafted. When propagated by seeds future harvest They wait from eight to ten years, and vaccination greatly shortens this period.

Experienced amateur gardeners suggest that walnut grafting in the spring is carried out for early yield of the fruit-bearing tree. However, not all climatic conditions favor and the scions do not acclimatize very well. In cases where walnut grafting is carried out in the summer - at the beginning of June, the chances of adaptation of the cuttings are about 80 percent.

How to vaccinate in winter

Cuttings are prepared until late autumn. For these purposes, cuttings from one-year-old shoots 10-14 centimeters long are cut. Then they are placed in a container with wet sawdust (can be replaced with wet sand) and kept in a room where the temperature is kept from 0 to 5 degrees. Of course, you need to periodically check their condition. If necessary, the cuttings should be wetted and stored until spring.

Rootstocks - on which walnuts can be grafted - are also harvested in the fall, before the onset of severe frosts. Wrapped in a plastic bag, stored in the same conditions as the cuttings.

Winter vaccination is carried out at the end of February or at the beginning of March. The day before the procedure, to warm up the rootstocks and cuttings, leave them at a temperature of 15 degrees, but no more. If desired, before vaccination, you can place it in special solutions - growth stimulants. Most effective method vaccinations in in this case there will be a method of simple and improved copulation.

Wrap the grafted tree in a plastic bag and leave containers with wet sand and leave at a temperature of at least twenty degrees for two weeks. Then the permanent storage location until the beginning of real spring will be conditions with an air temperature of three to five degrees.

When the soil temperature warms up - this is mid-April - the grafted trees are transplanted to a permanent location. In terms of grafting methods, walnuts are no different from other types of trees, but you need to pay attention to all the subtleties.

Grafting an adult walnut tree with cuttings

I’ll tell you the secret of longevity: eat walnuts at least several times a week! But know the limit - no more than seven a day. And it’s better in the first half of the day, - this is how Vladimir KOROL began the story about his favorite plant.

I’ll soon be in my eighties, and I still feel great!

Add to this a sound mind, and I have memory - God forbid everyone! I’m sure this is the merit of the walnut - it’s not for nothing that its shape resembles human brain, Vladimir Pavlovich jokes.

And more seriously he adds that he has been growing valuable nut crops on his plot for over 20 years. Today there are 10 trees in his garden different ages(in the photo - a 15-year-old walnut in the yard of the house). At seed propagation trees of ordinary and large-fruited varieties produce a harvest in the 8th year of life. The gardener has the same plant varieties Samokhvalovichsky-2 early-bearing - they begin to bear fruit already in the 3rd year.

How to plant a walnut correctly

When propagating by seeds, it is important to properly place the nut in the ground, and not throw it away as necessary.

I planted my first nut so that the root began to grow upward. Now I do the following: in the fall I collect well-ripened fruits, peel them from the pericarp and dry them in the sun for 2-3 days. I plant it in the ground in October. But first, I lower the nuts into a container of water - whichever side will sink to the bottom, I plant it in the ground (to a depth of 10 cm).

I prepare the area in advance: for digging per 1 sq.m I add 10-15 kg of humus, 100-120 g of double superphosphate, 40-60 g of potassium chloride.

The right place to land

For walnuts you need to select in advance right place. The culture is photophilous. Therefore, it is advisable to give her sunny plot. In shade, the yield decreases. Another important point: mature tree can grow to a height of 16 m. In the center of the site, such a giant will interfere with other plants. - I planted one tree right under high voltage lines power transmission

I realized my mistake when the top of the crown almost reached the electrical wires. Now I regularly restrain the growth of the tree by pruning. It is better to plant walnuts near the fence, near the walls of agricultural buildings at a distance of 2 m.

Walnut care

I don’t feed the plants for the first few years. I regularly water the already grown seedlings, loosen the tree trunks, and weed the weeds. After leaf fall, I make sure to remove the leaves and burn them so that the area is not a breeding ground for infection and pests. Sometimes, for prevention, I treat the plants and the soil under them with a 3% solution of Azophos or Bordeaux mixture.

In the fall, once every 2-3 years I add rotted manure (3-6 kg), phosphorus (5-10 g) and potassium (3-8 g) fertilizers - I embed them in the soil to a depth of 10-20 cm. In June and early In July I can feed the trees with mullein solution (1:10; bucket per plant).

In spring and summer, young walnut trees need a lot of water, so I water the plants 2-3 times a month - 3 buckets of water for each. Mature trees have a powerful root system - they no longer need as much.

I don’t cover trees for the winter. Only in the nursery can I sketch in trunk circle humus of seedlings.

Formation of a walnut crown

From the second year I begin to form a crown in the form of a bowl on a trunk 90-100 cm high. I lay 3-4 skeletal branches of the first order in the crown (I do not immediately cut out the leader to speed up fruiting). Next year I will already plant 8-12 skeletal branches of the second order. And when I get the first harvest, I cut the leader-top down to the first skeletal side branch.

After the trees begin to bear fruit, I prune them minimally - in early spring I only remove branches that thicken the crown, broken and diseased branches.


The nuts ripen in September. They need to be removed as they ripen - as the green shell (pericarp) begins to crack. You cannot delay cleaning, otherwise they may rot, especially in rainy weather, or birds will peck at them. Nuts need to be cleaned from the pericarp. Fresh kernels are tasteless, even bitter. Everything changes after drying: Vladimir Pavlovich scatters nuts thin layer on a baking sheet and keep in a dry, warm place (near the radiator) for about a month. The harvest is stored for 2 years.

Walnut for atherosclerosis

Vladimir Pavlovich recalls: “Once upon a time I read how the French relieve vascular spasms. For this internal partitions walnuts need to be infused with vodka (1:10) for two weeks. IN medicinal purposes drink on an empty stomach 6 drops along with 2 tbsp. warm water. The course is from a month to three (depending on the state of health).”

Walnut trees are scattered throughout the amateur gardener's plot ( varieties Pinsky, Pamyat Minova, Samokhvalovichsky-1, Ideal, Kocherzhenko) and hazelnut bushes ( varieties Moscow ruby, Barcelona, ​​Moscow early, Kvachevsky No. 1, Rimsky). Care is the same as for other fruits. But Sergei dwelled on some points in more detail.

Landing - on the “correct” edge

I grow walnuts from dried fruits. But I don’t stratify them. In mid-April, I soak the nuts for 3-4 days in melt or rain water, which I change every day. And then I put it on edge in a box with river sand. If planted immediately in open ground, the nut germinates slowly. It is also important to choose the “right” rib: I throw the nut from a height of 40 cm into the water and, just as it floats, I place it in the sand. I keep the box in the garden outside all summer. But I make sure to cover it with a net so that crows don’t get to the seedlings. For the winter I transfer the plants to a cold cellar, and then next spring, at the end of April, I plant it with a clod of earth in the open fertile soil to a permanent place. First harvest from plants early-fruiting varieties I get it in the 5th-6th year.

There is also a disadvantage to the method without stratification - the seeds do not germinate at the same time. To make seedlings more friendly, in January you can put the nuts in damp sand and store them in a cool place for 50-70 days.

Minimal trim

In March, when I prune orchard, I avoid walnuts. At this time, these trees have abundant sap, so pruning has a bad effect on the further development of the plants. If I trim broken or dried branches, I leave stumps about 50 cm high. I completely remove them along with other excess branches in June-July. In general, I try to immediately break out young unnecessary shoots in May-early June, so that later pruning is minimal.

Don't forget about care!

Care walnut trees minimum. But he is! Once I shared seedlings with summer residents. A few years later they complain to me: the trees don’t bear fruit. I looked into their area and was horrified: the bark on the trunks was swollen. It turned out that the plants were injured by the trimmer when the grass was cut. To feed, once every 2-3 years in October, I mulch the tree trunk circle with rotted manure. And during the season I put cut grass under the nuts. I water young plants in the spring and summer (2 times a month) - about 3 buckets of water per 1 sq.m. I water mature trees only during drought.

Recorded by Victoria GULKO

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Walnut - a symbol of longevity and a source heroic strength. Its fruits contain many vitamins and beneficial microelements. If earlier this product could only be found on store shelves, now, thanks to breeders, frost-resistant varieties. They are able to grow and bear fruit well in the harsh climate of most of Russia. Grow exotic plant will not be difficult even for summer cottage, if you know how to plant a walnut and care for it properly.

To grow a healthy, strong tree, you need to consider a number of important factors:

  • seedling quality,
  • place and time of landing,
  • quality and consistent care.

Most suitable varieties for Russian summer residents: “Ideal”, “Osipov”, “Elite”. These are cold-resistant, hardy plants, with a thin shell and a pleasant sweetish taste of the kernel.

Selection of seedlings

It is best to buy a grown seedling in a specialized nursery, this reduces the risk of buying a sick, old plant. It’s good when the seedling is 1-2 years old, at this age the tree has already developed a root system, and planting a nut will not be difficult. It is advisable to buy 2 or 3 trees at once; cross-pollination occurs much better in a group and, as a result, high yields.

An important point when choosing is the root system. The seedling must have a strong main root that is not damaged. Otherwise, the plant may be sick for a long time, or even not take root in the area and die. You should also carefully examine the plant for the integrity of the bark and general condition.

The most favorable time for planting walnuts

Experts recommend planting the crop in the fall, immediately after harvesting, justifying this by the fact that in nature the tree grows from nuts that have fallen to the ground and cracked. This is partly true, but the region in which the planting will take place should be taken into account. In the southern regions, seedlings are rarely planted in the spring, because lack of moisture and the scorching spring sun can lead to burns and death of the plant. IN northern regions undesirable autumn planting, many gardeners are sure that the seedling is simply not able to take root before the onset of frost and will certainly die. However, in the fall, all life processes slow down, and the tree is dormant. This “hibernation” will help you survive the winter, gain strength, and begin to grow in the spring.

Experienced gardeners know another way to plant walnuts in the fall. You need to bury several good, non-wormy nuts in the ground, after cracking them. In the spring, see which seedlings have begun to grow and select the strongest and most robust plants to transplant to a permanent place. Very young seedlings may be sick for a long time, but those that survive over the summer will gain strength and will be ready to brave the upcoming winter cold.

How to choose a suitable place for a seedling?

Many people wonder how to plant a walnut and what conditions need to be provided for the tree to bear fruit as quickly as possible. First you need to choose a well-lit place on the site. Don't forget that wild plant distributed in hot countries: India, China, Transcaucasia. In this regard, the nut needs warmth and does not tolerate cold winds and drafts. It would be good to plant it along the wall of the house on the southeast or southwest side.

Too much wet soil should be avoided, this can lead to rotting of the roots, but at the same time the tree needs regular watering. Considering that the fruits contain large amounts of iron and other minerals, the plant needs constant nutrition. In addition to applying fertilizer, it is recommended to place a large number of crushed nails in the hole with the seedling. tin cans or other scrap metal. This will serve as an additional source of microelements.

Planting walnuts correctly

The most common way is to plant a nut using a seedling. Work for garden plot will consist of several stages.

  1. Dig planting pits 60–70 cm deep and at least 1.0 m in diameter.
  2. Add a mixture consisting of 10–15 kg of humus, potassium and phosphorus fertilizers (20–35 g) and 0.8–1.0 kg of lime into each hole.
  3. Plant the seedling; its root collar should be 3–4 cm above the soil.
  4. Compact the soil around the plant and water. You can mulch the ground with peat or sawdust.
  5. It is advisable to drive a peg next to the tree and carefully tie the trunk to it, this will protect it from gusts of wind

Proper planting of the nut and subsequent care is the key to good survival and resistance to various diseases and pests. Well developed healthy plant within 5–7 years it will be able to bear fruit and delight with delicious exotic fruits every year.

Video of planting a walnut tree