How to recognize superpowers in yourself - advice from scientists. Every person can develop unique superpowers.

How to recognize superpowers in yourself - advice from scientists.  Every person can develop unique superpowers.
How to recognize superpowers in yourself - advice from scientists. Every person can develop unique superpowers.

“How to reveal your own abilities?” This is a question often asked by people who are exposed to strange events: prophetic dreams, deja vu, good intuition. It is known that a person uses only four percent of his skills, and the rest, unfortunately, is in “sleep mode.” It turns out that most people live their lives without pleasure and joy, they do things they don’t like and put off their favorite activities for “later.”

After reading the instructions below, a person will be able to discover certain super abilities in himself, and if not immediately, then over time. It is important to catch in time the moment when there is a feeling of something more. Moments like these make it clear that life has meaning. A person strives to recognize this secret in himself and eventually opens up, begins to appreciate life and enjoy every day.

100% way to unleash your creative potential

Creative abilities are revealed in all those who seriously practice the Turbo-Suslik system, and often even superpowers. Why and how does this system unlock potential? The thing is that every person is endowed with abilities, but in the process of growing up people acquire so-called mental trash. Mental trash is:

  • negative emotions (fears, anxieties, jealousy, resentment, etc.)
  • complexes
  • limiting beliefs
  • dependencies, etc.

And all this leaves an imprint - a limitation of our capabilities and abilities. Turbo-Suslik eliminates the roots of problems, rather than masks them – and therefore eliminates them forever. But that's not all the beauty of the system. Also, the system uses the enormous computing power of the subconscious, which explains high speed troubleshooting and releasing creativity and inherent abilities. You can get the original copy of the book.

How to find your talent?

If you ask a person the question: “Who is “Talent” in the understanding?”, the answer is immediately pronounced: “Actor, singer, musician, artist.” But that's not always the case creative people! Each person has their own unique talents. Athletes, hairdressers, designers and even mechanics can have them! So how did they find and develop their super powers?

Childhood will help you understand and reveal your secret talents! First you need to remember the dreams that began in early childhood and continue to this day. You can keep a diary and take notes. After the dreams have been remembered and there is no blank page left in the diary, they begin to analyze it:

  1. Phrases and words that are related to the type of activity are underlined. From the category “What would you like to become in the future?”
  2. After reading slowly and with concentration, they remember whether such a situation occurred: in a movie, on TV, on the street, in a magazine or book. Perhaps certain actions gave rise to the idea that you want to do the same and be the same. The highlighted moments are recorded again.
  3. They remember their favorite activities, things that brought joy and pleasure. Write it down in your notebook again.

The results obtained are the treasures that were sought. Maybe now you will be able to find some Creative skills or athletic talent.

How to unlock your abilities?

After analyzing the diary entries, they begin to work on their abilities. It is better to be led by a teacher or mentor who will help you take your first steps in developing super abilities and guide you on the right path. Like any other skill, talent must be developed. It requires work and time. Undoubtedly, many talented people are born, but not many express themselves and do not try to find their talent. A mentor or teacher will teach you many secrets of super skills.

Below is a small instruction on how you can discover your abilities.

1. For any task, use both hands with equal load. They learn to write, eat, brush their teeth, wipe and get something, and comb their hair with both hands. It will be especially difficult to use your left hand with computer mouse. This is necessary for both hemispheres of the brain to work. Thanks to such simple actions, they will be loaded equally. And also, when a person works, the work is carried out by one hemisphere, and if both are involved, then new connections will begin to appear in the brain.

2. The following actions will help to identify creative abilities and not only creative ones:

  • Play "Blind Man's Bluff": you blindfold your eyes with a thick scarf or handkerchief, and search for an item or object using sound signals.
  • Cover your ears. They spend some time in this state.
  • Further, you can artificially turn off one of the senses.

The brain is temporarily deprived of some sense organs and seeks new ways of orientation in space. Abilities are developing.

3. Sharpen yours taste buds Chewing food for a long time will help. They try to fully experience the taste of the product: chocolate, ice cream, nuts, and so on.

4. Get creative! Any kind that exists, in a word, a person tries to find himself with the help of: music, modeling, drawing, embroidery, sewing, scrapbooking, photography and so on.

5. They approach the development of super abilities with madness: they turn the world upside down. Existing principles and life rules are reversed. They dream without boundaries and frames, and realize all their old dreams.

6. Materialistic view of the world: learn logic, study scientific methods thinking, analysis, synthesis, solving riddles, crosswords, puzzles.

7. Play sports. A strong and slender body will help you realize all your plans! A trained body quickly copes with stress and ailments. Strong is important healthy sleep. When nothing hurts, and the body is full of strength, then spiritually a person is ready for achievements. This is necessary to develop another talent.

8. Develop a sense of humor. They try to look at the world through children's eyes.

9. Keep a diary and write down ideas and thoughts that come to mind. Thanks to this, some unrealistic plans are being realized.

10. Develop a sense of time and space. They look at the time, close their eyes and begin to count down the seconds, after a minute they open their eyes and look at the time. They try to calculate the period of time by feeling.

11. Never stop there! A person is capable of doing things that seem impossible at first glance.

With any development of the situation, the perception of the world changes completely, a person learns to develop not only creative abilities, but also sports ones. Acquires many skills, learns to think completely differently, and at the same time enjoy every day of life. If a person wants to realize himself as an individual in this world, add something new to his life, stop doing boring and monotonous activities, he should start developing his talent! To reach heights, you must first understand yourself, your emotions, your perception. This is collateral successful career, success in your personal life and a great sense of humor. Having found yourself now, in old age you can say that your life was not lived in vain.

How to develop clairvoyance? Does this require some special gift or innate ability? In fact, this is inherent in everyone! Unleash your potential!

Some amazing clairvoyant powers!

Clairvoyance¹ is a person’s extrasensory ability to see what is hidden from us, what is inaccessible in the normal range of perception; what we don’t see, don’t feel, don’t hear.

  • Vision of the biofield.

All living beings and objects have their own energy field, an aura. It also consists of matter that is at a different vibration frequency: therefore the aura is invisible to ordinary vision. Psychics are able to see this subtle matter and determine physiological and emotional condition person.

They can see through the body and observe the work internal organs; the aura itself, its colors and features, to see the character of a person, the causes of problems in his life.

Some people can develop clairvoyance to such an extent that they are able to read texts on sheets of paper hidden in envelopes, or observe objects in the next closed room.

  • Vision at a distance.

Clairvoyance also manifests itself in space: a psychic can see people, objects, places and incidents at a great distance.

One of the means of clairvoyance in space is the “astral tube”. It is like a telescope for which distance is not a hindrance. Thanks to the superpower of clairvoyance, a person creates a mental frame of a “pipe” through which he “sees clairvoyantly” Right place in another place: within the city, the country and the entire planet.

Also, a superpower allows you to look through a “pipe” into the past or future events.

In order to create an “astral pipe” you need developed willpower, thoughts and clairvoyance itself.

Thus, the possibilities of this extrasensory ability are enormous:

  • see the past;
  • foresee the future;
  • open secret knowledge and information hidden from you;
  • receive reliable information about events and people;
  • see other worlds;
  • see auras and high frequency energies.

Every person can develop clairvoyance, and now you have such an opportunity: on our website you can find many necessary techniques, and one of them is described below!

How to see the aura?

Exercise No. 1

It's actually simple. In order to develop clairvoyance and the ability to see the aura of objects and people, train in closely examining your eyelids and the outline of an object.

1. The practitioner takes a comfortable position, sitting or lying down, closes his eyes and relaxes the muscles of the body and face.

2. Soon this will bring him into a meditative state of consciousness, and the person begins to look into the darkness before his eyes.

This is actually called a "" or "psychic monitor" through which you can receive psychic information!

3. The practitioner observes what appears on the inner screen. He will see various figures, perhaps in color; These may be well-known forms, or they may be completely fantastic!

You need to watch this for 10 minutes. It is best to exercise in the morning, immediately after waking up, or before going to bed. The main thing is to remain aware and not fall asleep!

After 9 days of such classes, you can move on to the next exercise, with which you can develop clairvoyance.

Exercise No. 2

You need to study in twilight.

1. The person also relaxes with the mindset of seeing the aura.

2. Now he begins to look intently, opening his eyes slightly: so that he can see both the internal screen and reality.

3. In the twilight, the practitioner concentrates on the contour small item, which is nearby.

4. With regular practice he will begin to see subtle outlines surrounding the object.

At first it will look like a transparent border along the contour of the object; it will gradually expand and become clearer and take on a color.

You will be able to remember this state that occurs when examining the aura and easily reproduce it. Later you will begin to notice the energy shells of people, the colors of the aura and the characteristics of each person!

Using the search bar, you can find other articles and techniques on developing aura vision on our website.

Many people doubt whether superpowers exist, while others successfully develop them in themselves. It is no secret that the human brain is not used to its maximum possible capacity. This is confirmed by the fact that in emergency situations, for example, when a person is being chased angry dog, an unsportsmanlike person can jump over a two-meter fence. That is why people who think about how to awaken superpowers in themselves often cope with this task quite successfully.

How to develop superpowers?

Today, no one will be surprised by a person who has the ability to clairvoyance or predict the future. In addition, superhearing, telekinesis, levitation, teleportation, and astral travel are possible. Let's look at how to develop some of them.

  1. In order to develop superhearing, start by cleaning your ears. To do this, buy cleaning candles at the pharmacy; 2-3 for each ear will be enough. After this, your hearing will improve on its own. To practice, you need to spend as much time as possible in silence and solitude. Go out into nature, visit quiet parks, sit down, close your eyes and listen to every rustle. This way you will get used to catching little things and echoes. You can then practice at home dark room– to do this, take a comfortable position, plug your ears with earplugs and relax. At first it will seem to you that you do not hear anything, but later it turns out that you are hearing echoes of something cosmic and unknown. Repeat the practice daily, and you will begin to hear more and more clearly what other people do not hear.
  2. If you are interested clairvoyance, then you will have to practice meditation, since this is one of the fastest and most proven methods. However, in India this is achieved even more successfully through the use of narcotic substances, but this method cannot be used. Just practice meditation, setting yourself, for example, to see the future in visions, and what at first seems like a fantasy will soon take on a more real form.
  3. Telekinesis is the ability to move objects without physical impact. IN in this case developing your abilities will be very simple: place a feather or other light object in front of you and imagine how it moves to the side. After several weeks of this practice, you can try to direct your gaze to the pen and try to move it with your mind, and, as they say, it will actually move.
  4. Levitation is the ability to soar above the ground, which is attributed to some enlightened individuals. It is believed that it is possible to change the polarity of one's own gravity, which will give the same effect as the repulsion of two magnets with the same pole. But for this they have not yet come up with another way other than the deepest spiritual enlightenment, which consists of an ascetic lifestyle, renunciation of worldly worries and endless meditation.

Each person has his own inclinations. Some write poetry easily, others have no problem understanding wisdom higher mathematics. Likewise, superpowers can be completely different, and if you are unsuccessful at something in one area for a long time, it is quite possible that your talents are in something else. The question of how to discover superpowers in yourself, or at least understand what area they come from, is very difficult, but if you want, you will definitely cope with this task.

How to try to gain superpowers: two ways

No matter how difficult the question of how to recognize in yourself may be, this can be achieved by reading a lot of literature on the topic and communicating with those who have already achieved success.

The easiest way to develop is to find yourself a teacher. In many cities, both organizations and individual specialists will offer you such services. Remember, real professionals will explain all the details to you in detail and take care of your safety.

You can try learning from books, using prayers, mantras or meditation. This is where, as a rule, any person begins to enter the world of the unknown.

In the “Encyclopedia of Absolute and Relative Knowledge” by Bernard Werber, with reference to Buddhism, the concept of the most serious human sin is formulated - the lack of craving for knowledge of the laws of development of the Universe. Of course, the entire Werber encyclopedia - piece of art, in which established facts are mixed in arbitrary proportions with the insights of a talented writer. And yet, the brilliant formulation reflects the spiritual purity of a person striving to break out of the boundaries of ordinary consciousness. The desire for knowledge of infinity or the Absolute and one’s place in the spiritual hierarchy of the universe, characteristic of part of humanity, is always encouraged by the highest entities of the Hierarchy of Light, who help, in response to perseverance, to open certain communication channels through which information is received in response to the student’s request.

The infinity of knowledge is reflected in the multiplicity of paths, following which the seeker finds himself a little closer to the Truth. There are ways of knowledge through science, logic, philosophy, psychology, art, religion, mysticism, magic and esotericism. Through the first four paths laws are discovered physical world or the laws of existence and functioning of gross matter. The left (logical) hemisphere of the brain is responsible for their cognition. Its functioning ensures human adaptability to conditions external environment and its survivability.

The remaining paths lead into the world of subtle matters, invisible to the eye, but perceptible by those who have developed extrasensory perception, the degree of which is responsible for the right (creative) hemisphere of the brain. It allows you to expand the consciousness of the individual by receiving additional information through existing sense organs, the increased sensitivity of which is received from birth or acquired through persistent training. Activation of unused areas of the right hemisphere of the brain develops extrasensory perception. Supersensitivity exercises activate new areas of the brain. It turns out that once you have embarked on the path of understanding the subtle worlds and walking along it non-stop, the presence of results is simply inevitable.

Those who have already stepped on this path know that we ourselves and everything around us are sources of vibrations. Everything in a person emits vibrations - every cell, every organ, every thought, every emotion and every feeling. Bad thoughts negative emotions and negative feelings are sources of rough vibrations. As training progresses, a person learns to control thoughts and emotions, achieves inner harmony and a sense of unity with everything in the Universe, moving to a new level of consciousness and emitting increasingly subtle vibrations. To understand what gross and subtle vibrations are, you can turn to the analogy of music, comparing, for example, hard rock and “Hallelujah”.

Talking about vibrations in this context makes sense to answer the question: where exactly do people with supersensible perception? Some believe that they work with the forces of the elements (magicians), others refer to revelations sent to them directly from the Lord or through his prophets (religious mystics), others believe that they receive knowledge from their Higher Self or other entities located in the subtle worlds (psychics). All that remains is to figure out what our Higher Self is and what entities live in the subtle worlds.

For those who visit such sites, the multidimensionality of the human being is no secret. A person resides simultaneously on the physical and subtle (non-manifested) planes of existence, but he has lost his integrity, that is, the connection with his own Self, which exists in other dimensions and has its own level of vibration in each of them. By raising the level of vibrations of consciousness, we sooner or later fall into unison with our own higher-level Self, gaining access to the information known to it. We walk as if in computer game, from one level to another, merging with one’s selves more and more high levels, gaining knowledge and restoring one’s own integrity. But at the levels of existence open to us, our subtle essences are not the only inhabitants. By reaching the level of vibrations of the subtler planes, we can come into contact with any other entity that exists in the same wave range.

In the age of the Internet, everyone understands that communication channels are needed to access servers. A person is a transmitting and receiving device, just like a radio or a computer. To receive knowledge or energy in a supersensible way, he must give a signal of readiness (increase the level of vibration), contact the server (his Higher Self or another subtle entity) and open a channel for receiving a signal that simultaneously has information (meaning) and energy (frequency, length waves, power) components.

Our communication channels with higher worlds directly related to our senses. If a person has a more developed channel of visual perception, psychologists call him a visual person. He easily visualizes images and can achieve success in clairvoyance. Others perceive information better by hearing (auditory learners), and the development of this channel can lead to clairaudience. Even less common are people with developed tactile sensations, who are clairsentient. A very small number of people experience the world through smells or tastes, but these channels can also have supersensible development, and where one sees a picture, another hears sounds-signals or entire phrases, a third feels vibrations, and some distinguish hundreds of shades of taste or smell. Sometimes a person develops several channels at the same time or is not even aware of which channel he is using; it’s just that in response to his question, information pops up in his mind in the first few seconds, as if out of nowhere. These are sometimes called clairvoyants.

An open information channel operates simultaneously in several directions, not only receiving information, but also transmitting it to other people or entities. One can transmit a picture or thought form (telepathy), another can put an energy charge into a thought that can move objects (telekinesis), and a third can use the information and energy received to heal the sick. Someone runs to the computer and starts typing texts about things that they have no idea about, but would like to know (channeling or automatic writing). In any case, you should never forget that everything unusual abilities is not only the merit of a persistent student, but also the result of his interaction with invisible helpers from the subtle worlds .

What are the ways to develop supersensible perception? First of all, various spiritual practices: prayers, relaxation, meditation, self-hypnosis, breathing techniques, some types of yoga and other energy gymnastics. Everyone chooses the path that is suitable for him, all directions are different, but most of them use an altered state of consciousness as a tool. Many have noticed that perception is heightened in those who love and in women during pregnancy, because these two states completely change a person’s consciousness. Exercises that make it easy to get into trance or a meditative state of consciousness, are covered on this site in detail and clearly.

In addition to spiritual practices, simple training in the sensitivity of the organs of perception is necessary for the rapid development of abilities. Firstly, the impetus for discovering abilities can be a sharp change in lifestyle. There are cases where people deprived of vision have an increased sense of touch or hearing, allowing them to survive and navigate the world around them. If you spend some time every day tightly blindfolded, doing the usual homework, paying attention to the sensations in your hands from contact with various items, you can develop the ability to visualize perceived objects. The impetus can be a change in sleep and wakefulness, diet, living environment, habitual behavior patterns and much more. Some of the exercises, which are carried out in a normal state of consciousness, are designed to develop the skills of sensing the passage of energy, and some are intended for development of hand sensitivity, primarily the palms and fingers, although the entire skin of the body as a whole can be involved in the process of perception.

The question may arise: what does this have to do with development of finger sensitivity to clairvoyance, that is, to the perception of information through pictures? The most direct thing. Clairvoyants are said to have an open third eye. This metaphor means that they have a pineal gland that is dormant in others, which translates signals coming from outside (for example, through vibrations) into visual images, that is, transforms information from one type to another.

The need to train the sensitivity of the palms is due to the fact that the most sensitive areas of human skin are located on the pads of the upper phalanges of the fingers and at their very ends. To activate or “reveal” these points, there are several techniques. According to one of them, activation is carried out using a knife with a long narrow blade and a sharp end, which is brought as close as possible to the point to be opened. The knife rotates clockwise until a sensation of a pinprick appears, after which it gradually moves away along an expanding spiral orbit to a distance at which the sensation of the thread connecting the open point and the knife ends. The exercise is repeated for both points of each finger, first of one and then of the other hand until the points are fully opened, or five minutes for each finger.

There are many exercises for developing sensory perception, and discovery of superpowers there is largely a question of perseverance, self-confidence and faith that somewhere out there, in other dimensions of existence, there will always be someone who will appreciate the efforts and help in the process of finding oneself and the Truth.

Supernatural abilities can not only be inherited at birth, but also developed independently. Many psychics confirm this information with their own example. For everyone to understand whether they have it, they just need to try a few existing practices. According to existing information, every person has such a gift, it is just located at different stages development.

How to discover your superpowers?

To achieve results, you need to train regularly and intensely, performing different exercises. We suggest focusing on several proven options.

How to discover your superpowers and potential:

  1. Exercise for perceiving the aura. Sit on a chair and keep your back straight. Relax and get rid of all extraneous thoughts. Spread your arms out to the sides so that there is about 30 cm between your palms. Then slowly bring your hands together until they touch each other. Then separate them again and bring them together. Do several reps. After some time, a feeling of warmth and elasticity will arise between the palms.
  2. An exercise to develop the power of your gaze. To identify superpowers in yourself, you need to develop the power of your gaze, since it is a person’s eyes that allow you to learn a lot of information about him. Take a sheet of paper and draw a circle on it with a diameter of 3 cm. Attach it to the wall at a distance of 90 cm from eye level. Look at the circle for a minute, and then move it 90 cm to the left and right, and repeat the process. Gradually, the fixation time should be increased to 5 minutes, which will allow you to influence others with your gaze. To subjugate a person, increase the fixation time to 15 minutes.
  3. Exercise for prophetic dreams. People with superpowers can predict the future through dreams. When going to bed you need to tune in to what you will see at night