How to cook egg noodles at home. How to cook homemade egg noodles? Homemade noodles with milk

How to cook egg noodles at home.  How to cook homemade egg noodles?  Homemade noodles with milk
How to cook egg noodles at home. How to cook homemade egg noodles? Homemade noodles with milk

Hello dear readers. Today we have a guest recipe for homemade egg noodles. It was prepared by our regular reader, Svetlana, and kindly provided the recipe with photos. We pass the floor to Svetlana.

Today, you can see various noodles on store shelves. These pasta can have both different lengths and shapes, as well as differ in composition. There are short noodles (this is used in the preparation of first courses), medium length, about 15-20 cm (mainly Asian dishes are prepared from it), long and ribbon (wide).

Also, it can vary in color. More often we see noodles of amber-yellow color. If spinach is added to the dough, then it turns out to be greenish in color, if beetroot juice is reddish in color. Tint the dough with paprika, tomatoes, cuttlefish ink, carrots.

Noodles were known as early as the 4th millennium BC. In its usual form, this product came from the east. The popularity of noodles increased significantly during the time of the Great Geographical Discoveries, when there was a need for a product that could be stored for a long time, retain its beneficial properties and at the same time be light in weight. Interestingly, a fork with tines was invented specifically for the convenience of eating noodles.

Noodles are present in the cuisines of many countries. Cooks appreciated not only the benefits of this product, but also the speed of preparation, the variety of serving options, and excellent taste properties.

Noodles go well with broth, vegetables, chicken, pork, veal, mushrooms, seafood, various sauces. More often it is prepared from durum wheat, there is also rice, oatmeal, buckwheat, bean, soy. Many types of noodles are low in calories. Rice, beans and buckwheat do not contain gluten.

Homemade noodles are much tastier than store-bought ones and are easy to make with few ingredients. It has a special taste and aroma. By making our own noodles, we do not use harmful chemical additives. Use homemade noodles both fresh and dried.

Dishes prepared from this product perfectly saturate the body, improve the functioning of metabolic processes, and have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails. If you do not use fatty sauces and additives, but cook, for example, with vegetables, then noodles are even recommended for dietary nutrition.

homemade egg noodles recipe

These are the products we need to make homemade egg noodles. Of course, noodles cooked with chicken eggs not from the store, but homemade, will be tastier, they have a beautiful yellow color.

  • Wheat flour - 220 g + for dusting
  • Chicken egg - 2 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.
  • Salt (finely ground) - 0.5 tsp

I sift the flour into a bowl. I add eggs, salt, vegetable oil. I grind the ingredients with my hands. At first, the dough will look like crumbs.

I put it in a bag and leave it to rest for about 10 minutes. Then carefully knead the dough until it becomes homogeneous. I use flour for dusting if necessary.

The dough will be pretty tough. Depending on the size of the eggs, the dough may vary in consistency. If it turns out very dry, then you can add a little water (up to 1 tablespoon).

I put the dough back in the bag and now I put it in the refrigerator for one hour. I take the dough out of the refrigerator, knead a little and divide it into 2 parts, one of which I put back into the bag.

I sprinkle the table with flour. Using a rolling pin, roll out the dough as thin as possible (about 1 mm thick). Before cutting, sometimes the rolled out dough is allowed to dry a little (15-20 minutes). There are many options for cutting noodles. I propose the following method. Using a pizza cutter, I cut off the edges, giving the dough the shape of a rectangle.

Then I cut it into strips about 4-5 cm wide. Sprinkle the dough strips well with flour and stack them on top of each other.

Using a pizza cutter, I cut the dough into strips of the desired width. In the same way, I roll out and cut the second part of the dough. Sprinkle the finished noodles with a little flour, shake lightly. This is done so that the noodles do not stick together.

Usually I cook a small amount of noodles and immediately boil them (it is cooked after boiling water or broth for about three to four minutes), then serve with boiled chicken and broth, sometimes I add half a boiled egg.

Enjoy your meal!

Do you want to please your loved ones with a delicious noodle soup? Knead it with your hands! The recipe for homemade egg noodles is incredibly simple, and what a pleasure the result is! Cook a couple of servings at once - the workpiece is perfectly stored and will be your lifesaver when you need to cook chicken soup, noodles with mushrooms, noodles in butter with herbs and many other goodies. Having tried real homemade noodles once, your family will ask for it again and again.

Homemade noodles are already good because they practically do not boil soft and retain their appearance, even if the soup cools down and stands. Another significant plus is the transparency of the broth in which it is boiled. You will learn about how to properly knead the dough for homemade noodles and how to cook a good and transparent, like a tear, soup with it below.

So, the classic recipe is a combination of eggs, water, salt and flour. Eggs give taste, color and combine all the components of the dough. Flour is a building material, it can be the most common, but sometimes, for the greater usefulness of the product, flour of the first, and not the highest grade, is put. Water makes the dough more pliable during rolling, and for the same purpose, a little vegetable oil is often added. Salt adds flavor, but many recipes don't contain salt at all. So this ingredient can not be used, but then you have to salt the broth well - the noodles will take part of the salt.

For one medium pot of soup, you will need about as much noodles as you get from this set of products:

  • 1 egg;
  • a couple of tablespoons of water;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 150 g flour.

With some skill, kneading the dough for homemade noodles is not difficult at all. All subsequent options described in the article will be performed according to the same kneading principle as this one, so we will tell in detail.

  1. Combine water, salt and egg, mix with a fork.
  2. Pour the resulting liquid into the flour and mix well. Then hide the finished composition under the film for an hour.
  3. After this time, the liquid is completely absorbed into the flour. It is very important to thoroughly knead the dough so that it becomes smooth and even, not rough at the break. A simple unleavened dough should rest in order for the flour gluten to swell completely - this gives the extensibility necessary for an unleavened dough.
  4. Put the dough on a dusted board or table and roll out, sprinkling with flour. Do not be afraid to make the dough too dense, the more difficult it is to roll out, the better and more indigestible the noodles will come out.
  5. It is necessary to roll out the sheet as thinly as possible, up to 0.5 mm thick and even less. Then the sheet should lie a little on the table. If you make a lot of dough, then you can hang the sheets to dry on the back of a chair, on the crossbar near the oven, etc. It is important to let the workpiece dry a little, then it will be easier to cut it.
  6. The dough is dry. Screw it on a rolling pin, take it out and flatten the resulting roll a little. You can cut it straight and obliquely. The latter method is good because it gives longer strings of noodles, as many people like. The better and stronger the noodles are mixed, the more it dries out, the easier it is to cut.
  7. It remains only to ruffle the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bproducts with your hands to disassemble the strips, after which they can be lowered into the broth.

Homemade egg noodles

Homemade noodles are a great alternative to store-bought pasta. If you've never tried it before, it's worth a try. Yes, the process is time-consuming, but the result is worth it. Noodles mixed with eggs are very tender and tasty, and they also have a pleasant yellow color and, mind you, without artificial colors. All natural. I recommend to try!


Prepare the necessary set of products. If you want to get beautiful yellow noodles, use homemade rather than store-bought eggs. Flour choose only the highest grade.

Break the eggs into a small bowl, add salt and water. Mix well until smooth.

Sift the flour into a bowl and make a well in the center. Pour the egg mixture into it.

Stir until the flour is as moist as possible. Then transfer the mass to a table sprinkled with flour, and continue to knead the dough with your hands.

It should be quite dense. Gather it into a ball and wrap it in cling film. Leave for 30 minutes at room temperature. Over time, it will become smoother, more elastic and supple.

For convenience, divide the dough into 3-4 parts. Roll each of them into a thin layer, generously sprinkle with flour and leave for 15 minutes. The dough should dry out a little.

Then wrap it in a tight roll and cut into circles of the desired thickness - it will determine the thickness of the future noodles. So cut the whole dough.

Unroll the resulting spirals and roll in flour, shake off the excess.

Homemade noodles are ready. It can be cooked immediately or prepared for future use.

It keeps well, but for this it needs to be dried well. Spread the noodles on parchment in a single layer or twist into portioned nests, leave to dry completely. Store homemade pasta in a sealed bag or container.

Boil the noodles in salted chicken broth and serve as a first course. Greens and fresh vegetables will be a great addition to it.

Recipe for homemade egg noodles for soup

First, let's make homemade noodles. To do this, take one egg and break it into a wide, deep dish. Add flour directly to the egg, about half a glass. And mix the flour and egg, first with a spoon. It turns out watery and very sticky dough. Gradually add flour to the dough, in small portions. When the dough begins to thicken, you can knead it with your hands.

Add flour until the dough stops sticking to your hands.
Knead the dough thoroughly so that it is homogeneous. When the dough for noodles is ready, it needs to be rolled into a thin cake. To do this, sprinkle the table with flour and roll out the dough with a rolling pin. The thickness of the "pancake" should be 1-1.5 mm. Now cut the noodles from the pancake. First, cut into wide strips. And then I cut each strip into thin noodles.

Sliced ​​homemade noodles need to be dried. To do this, sprinkle flour on a baking sheet.

And spread the noodles on a baking sheet in a thin layer. You can just leave it to dry in the kitchen. I dry my homemade noodles in the oven on fan mode without heat. At the same time, I open the door. As usual, noodles made from one egg are enough to feed 4 people with homemade chicken noodles.

Homemade chicken noodles.

To prepare homemade chicken noodles, you need to cook chicken broth. Pour the desired amount of ready-made chicken broth into a saucepan. When the broth boils, add a little salt to it. You need to salt less than usual, chicken broth is easily salted. And brew homemade noodles in the broth. You need to cook homemade noodles for 10-15 minutes. If you used only eggs in the noodle recipe, no water. The noodles won't boil. You don't need to add any spices. You can add chicken meat to the noodles. Bon appetit.

Noodles are pasta in the form of elongated flour strips. It is used in various dishes of many countries, as it is combined with many products. Noodles originated in northern China.

The benefits and harms of the dish

Egg noodles contain a large amount of vitamins (A, E, PP), macro- and microelements (manganese, iron, potassium), amino acids (threonine, histidine, lysine, cysteine, aspartic acid). It is well absorbed and can serve as a dish to restore the strength of an organism weakened for one reason or another.

  1. Cleansing the body of toxic compounds.
  2. Improvement of the stomach.
  3. Favorable effect on the brain.
  4. Help in the fight against depression.
  5. Increase the protective properties of the immune system.
  6. Help in the recovery of the body after suffering serious illnesses.
  7. Anti-inflammatory effect.
  8. Maintaining blood cholesterol levels.

Despite the many benefits, the product should not be abused. The dish is contraindicated in people with a slow metabolism and obesity. Also, do not use the product for people who have gluten intolerance.

Food preparation

It takes about an hour and a half to prepare. Most of the time is spent kneading the dough and resting it.

Noodles at home can be made in different shapes, for cooking you will need the main components: sifted wheat flour, egg, water, salt. The type of flour is not important. Eggs can be used not only chicken, but also quail, duck, turkey.

As for water, some recipes omit it or replace it with vegetable oil.

How to cook homemade egg noodles?

In order to make 7-8 servings of egg noodles at home, you should take:

  • 7-8 Art. spoons of flour (with a slide);
  • half a teaspoon of olive oil;
  • Art. l. water;
  • one egg;
  • a pinch of salt

Step by step cooking homemade noodles in the photo:

Nutritional value of 100 g of product:

  • proteins - 8 g;
  • carbohydrates - 55 g;
  • fat - 2 g;

Calorie content - 303 kcal.

cooking options

Egg noodles without water

To prepare the product without water, it is advisable to use homemade eggs, but store-bought ones are also suitable.

Recipe for homemade egg noodles:

  1. First you need to sift the flour. Make a slide out of it, in the center of which make a recess, break an egg into it, salt a little.
  2. Mix ingredients. When the dough becomes thick, transfer to the table (previously sprinkled with flour), start kneading until a homogeneous, elastic and smooth mass appears.
  3. Next, cover the resulting mass and leave to infuse for half an hour.
  4. After the time has elapsed, divide the dough into several parts, roll each into layers about two mm thick.
  5. Then sprinkle the cakes with flour and roll in the form of a roll.
  6. After that, you can cut pieces of arbitrary width, which you need to expand and lightly sprinkle.
  7. In the event that the product is prepared for long-term storage, the pieces should be spread evenly on a surface sprinkled with flour and left to dry at room temperature.

Fold the finished product into a bag or container.

Homemade noodles with milk

For cooking you will need:

  • 80 ml of milk;
  • egg;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • a couple of st. l. rast. oils;
  • 150-200 g flour.

  1. Break the egg, liquid ingredients into a deep bowl, salt, stir. Gradually sprinkle in the sifted flour. Knead the dough, then wrap it in a bag or a clean towel, set aside for one hour.
  2. Sprinkle the table with flour, roll out the flour mass in a thin layer and leave until it dries completely (about 60 minutes).
  3. After the lapse of time, make strips of any width from the dried layer, then lay them in layers on top of each other and cut thinly.
  4. Mix carefully with your hands. Then lay out on a surface to dry (you can use a large board, tray or baking sheet). Leave for 24 hours at room temperature. From time to time, gently mix the product with your hands.

There is also the option of cooking pasta without drying.

egg noodle recipe for bread machine

  • a couple of chicken eggs;
  • 250 grams of flour;
  • 60 ml of warm water;
  • 10 gr. salt.
  1. The first step is to place all the ingredients in the bread machine. Select the mode for kneading the dough (each model has a different name for the mode).
  2. The flour mass in the bread machine is kneaded for about twenty minutes.
  3. The finished dough should be left for 25 minutes, before that cover with a film or towel.
  4. After the time has passed, the mass is divided into four parts, each of which is rolled into thin layers.
  5. Sprinkle each cake lightly with flour and leave to dry slightly.
  6. Then wrap each rolled layer in the form of a roll and cut into thin slices, which must be separated from each other and dried (you can use an oven heated to 70 degrees).

Arrange the finished product in storage containers or cook immediately.

Egg noodles with spinach

To make colored pasta at home, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 200 grams of flour and fresh spinach;
  • one egg;
  • salt and ½ teaspoon olive oil.

  1. First you need to rinse the spinach well, you can fill it with water and leave to soak for five minutes, then wash the leaves under the pressure of water.
  2. Boil water, salt (two liters - ½ tablespoon of table salt). Place the spinach in boiling water, cook for a couple of minutes (to give a more saturated color and softness of the greens). It is not worth keeping in boiling water longer, otherwise a swampy shade will appear.
  3. After the time has elapsed, transfer the spinach to a colander in order to drain the excess liquid from the glass, cool. The result is about 80 grams of boiled greens.
  4. Grind the spinach leaves together with the chicken egg in a blender to a pulp.
  5. Next, sift the flour, make a hill with a recess in which you need to shift the vegetable puree, mix thoroughly with a spoon.
  6. Then you need to pour in the oil and salt.
  7. Start kneading the dough until elastic and smooth. Leave at room temperature for 30 minutes in a bag or towel.
  8. After a while, you can roll out the cake, and then roll it up. Cut the folded layer into slices 1 cm wide, carefully unfold each.
  9. Lay out on a surface to dry.

It turns out homemade green noodles. The finished product can be prepared immediately.

Egg noodles with curry

  • 100 grams of flour;
  • one egg;
  • salt;
  • a third of a teaspoon of curry.

  1. Mix the sifted flour with the egg, add the rest of the ingredients. Start kneading the flour mass.
  2. Cover the kneaded dough until smooth with a film and leave to “rest”. Then roll out thinly, roll into a roll and cut into narrow strips.
  3. Unroll sliced ​​plates and place on a drying tray.

Dried curry product can also be left for long-term storage or cooked immediately.

Noodles on quail eggs

For cooking, you can use not only chicken eggs, but also quail or duck.

  • five quail eggs;
  • 300 gr. flour;
  • 100 ml of vegetable fat;
  • salt.
  1. Beat quail eggs in a bowl, mix with fat. Then gradually add the flour sifted through a sieve. Knead the dough.
  2. Then leave the flour mass to lie down, covered with a bowl or towel for 15-20 minutes.
  3. After the time has elapsed, roll into thin layers, each roll up and cut into plates.
  4. Put the pasta on the table, dry a little.

Noodles on duck eggs

  • 300-350 gr. flour;
  • three duck eggs;
  • a couple of st. l. warm boiled water;
  • 1.5 teaspoons of salt.
  1. Beat duck eggs with water and salt. Gradually add the sifted flour while stirring. Knead the dough.
  2. Leave the kneaded flour mass for a third of an hour, wrapped in a towel.
  3. After 20 minutes, roll out the dough into thin cakes. Roll each into a roll, then thinly slice.
  4. Carefully unroll the noodles, spread evenly on a floured surface. Leave to dry.

Store in containers or prepare immediately.

Depending on the thickness of the pasta, the cooking time varies from 7 to 12 minutes. It is recommended to add to the water, in addition to salt, a couple of tablespoons of olive oil. This will prevent sticking.

Cooked homemade noodles must be thrown into a colander so that excess liquid can drain. If olive oil was not added during cooking, you can put a piece of butter after cooking.

What to serve with?

Noodles with beef and vegetables

To prepare the dish, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 300 gr. beef meat;
  • 200 gr. pasta;
  • carrot;
  • Bulgarian pepper;
  • a bunch of green onions;
  • a couple of sprigs of cilantro;
  • 2 - 3 garlic cloves;
  • ½ teaspoon of ginger;
  • 2 - 3 tbsp. l. soy sauce;
  • tsp sesame seeds;
  • table salt (to taste).

  1. Cut beef meat into slices, put on a frying pan heated with fat. Fry until light browned.
  2. Then add soy sauce, ginger, large pieces of garlic.
  3. Boil pasta in salted water.
  4. Place chopped onion, pepper, cilantro in the pan to the fried meat. Fry for ten minutes.
  5. Add sesame seeds and pepper, salt.
  6. Put boiled noodles into the prepared meat and vegetable preparation. Mix well. Cook for another five minutes.

with minced meat

  • 300 g of pork meat;
  • 4 heads of onions;
  • 200 gr. pasta;
  • 2/3 tsp ground pepper;
  • a couple of bay leaves;
  • Bulgarian pepper;
  • 6 art. l. tomato sauce / pasta / ketchup;
  • 4 tbsp. l. rast. fat;
  • salt.

  1. Cut pork and onion into large pieces, pass through a meat grinder.
  2. Fry in a frying pan heated with oil, then simmer for ten minutes under the lid. The components should be mixed periodically.
  3. Then add ground pepper, bay leaves, salt. Mix well, after 2 minutes turn off the heat.
  4. Boil noodles with a little rast. fat and salt. Place minced meat in a bowl with pasta, mix. Close the dish with a lid.
  5. At this time, chop the onion heads, put in a pan with onions. Pass until light golden.
  6. Then add the pepper cut into thin slices, salt, pepper, mix. Cook for about five minutes, then lay out the tomato sauce (you can use homemade lecho).
  7. Mix the ingredients, simmer for 3-5 minutes.
  8. Transfer the vegetable mass to the noodles with meat, stir well.

Put the finished dish on a plate, decorating with fresh herbs.

With mushrooms

  • 300 g of champignons;
  • 250 g egg noodles;
  • onion head;
  • carrot;
  • ½ cup cream;
  • salt, spices.


  1. Chop washed and peeled vegetables with mushrooms. Put on the pan. Fry, constantly stirring the mass.
  2. Pour in the cream, add spices, salt. Mix the ingredients. Leave to simmer for 5-7 minutes.
  3. Cook pasta with salt, then add a small amount of butterfat.
  4. Next, put the pasta to the vegetable preparation, warm up for a couple of minutes.

Sprinkle the finished dish with herbs.

With seafood

  • 400 g pasta;
  • 4-5 art. spoons and 1 tbsp. l. - butterfat and vegetable, respectively;
  • bulb;
  • a pair of garlic cloves;
  • 50 g of ginger root;
  • half a stalk of celery;
  • ½ st. dry white wine;
  • 3-4 tomatoes;
  • 250 g of seafood (you can use a frozen cocktail);
  • fresh greens;
  • salt (to taste);
  • bay leaf.

  1. Boil pasta until done.
  2. Melt butter, mix with pasta.
  3. Defrost seafood. Peel the shrimp, put on a separate plate.
  4. Fry in a pan with butter for about 1-2 minutes on each side of the scallop. Serve with shrimp.
  5. Peel and wash vegetables. Onion and garlic, chop the ginger into small pieces, cut the celery stalk into slices.
  6. To the butter remaining after frying the scallops, add vegetable oil, put the onion mass. Pass for 5 min.
  7. Then put the pieces of garlic, ginger and celery. Mix the ingredients, simmer for another 2-3 minutes.
  8. Pour in wine, add bay leaf, pepper, salt. Mix and boil.
  9. Next, lay out seafood (except shrimp and scallops). Cook 5-7 min.
  10. Peel tomatoes and seeds, cut into cubes. Place on the workpiece. Stir, bring to a boil. Cook on low heat for about 3 minutes.
  11. Then lay out the shrimp with scallops, chopped greens. Gently mix the ingredients, turn off the heat.
  12. Pour the pasta with the prepared preparation, mix.

With chicken

  • 400 g chicken fillet;
  • 500 g pasta;
  • 100 g of carrots and onions;
  • 75 g butter;
  • 75 ml soy sauce;
  • chicken egg;
  • a pinch of ground ginger and coriander;
  • salt, pepper (to taste).

  1. Chop the peeled carrot into large slices, onion into half rings.
  2. Cut the washed chicken meat into medium-sized pieces.
  3. Boil pasta in salted water. Add butterfat.
  4. In a separate bowl, beat the egg with the addition of soy sauce and pepper, then pour into a heated frying pan.
  5. Next, place the pieces of breast, carrot, ginger, onion, coriander. Cook for about ten minutes. with strong heating.
  6. After that, put pasta to the meat with vegetables, add soy sauce. Stir, simmer another 5 minutes.


Egg noodles can be served with various sauces.


  • a teaspoon of finely grated ginger and frozen oil;
  • 50 g of granulated sugar;
  • under Art. a spoonful of honey and wine vinegar;
  • 3 tsp starch;
  • garlic;
  • ½ st. dark soy sauce.

Combine all ingredients, mixing thoroughly. Pour into a small saucepan, bring to a boil. Simmer on low heat for about 5 minutes. Then pour into a container with a tight-fitting lid and set aside. Keep refrigerated.


For the carbonara sauce you will need the following ingredients:

  • 250 grams of ham;
  • 200 gr. hard cheese (preferably parmesan);
  • a glass of heavy cream (20%);
  • a couple of chicken eggs;
  • 4 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • a pair of garlic cloves;
  • pepper, salt (to taste).
  1. Lightly fry the garlic cloves, cut into slices. Add ham cut into small pieces.
  2. Mix chicken eggs with cream, salt, pepper, mix. Pour into a separate container. Next, add the grated cheese, heating the ingredients over minimal heat (so that the eggs do not curl).
  3. After thickening the cream, add garlic butter with ham. Mix ingredients.

Video recipe from Ilya Lazerson:


  • 150 g ham or bacon;
  • a glass of heavy cream;
  • 150 g of cheese;
  • 1 garlic clove;
  • salt, pepper (to taste);
  • ½ teaspoon grated nutmeg.

Put the bacon cut into small cubes into a preheated deep frying pan. After it is lightly fried, pour in a glass of cream, simmer for about 5-7 minutes. Then add the grated cheese, chopped garlic (with the help of a garlic press), spices, mix. After the cheese has melted, the sauce is ready.


  • 3 tbsp. l. olive and butter fat;
  • 30 gr. dried white mushrooms;
  • onion head;
  • pepper, salt (to taste);
  • 600 gr. tomatoes.
  1. Soak mushrooms in boiling water for 60 minutes. After the lapse of time, transfer them to a sieve so that the glass is excess liquid. Strain the resulting broth.
  2. Cut dried mushrooms into small pieces.
  3. Put the chopped onion into a heated frying pan with olive oil and butter. Pass until transparent.
  4. Then put the mashed tomatoes, mushrooms and broth into the pan, salt and pepper.
  5. Cook the sauce on low heat for 40-45 minutes, stirring constantly.


  • 150 grams of cheese;
  • a couple of teaspoons of flour and butter;
  • a glass of milk;
  • 0.5 tsp table salt.
  1. Melt the butter in a saucepan over medium heat. Then add flour. Mix the components until a homogeneous mass.
  2. Slowly pour in the milk, whisking constantly.
  3. Beat until the mass thickens.
  4. Then put the grated cheese into the pan. Cook until cheese melts, then remove from heat.


  • 200-220 grams of oysters, boiled or pickled;
  • 20 ml of water;
  • 50 ml, 15 ml - light and dark soy sauce, respectively;
  • a tablespoon (with a slide) of granulated sugar.
  1. Peel, wash the oysters, remove from the shells, cut into small pieces, place in a bowl for cooking.
  2. Pour them with the soy sauce mixture. Add water, sugar. Mix.
  3. Cook on low heat until liquid is reduced by 1/3.
  4. Beat the mass with a blender until a thicker consistency.


  • 100 grams of soybeans;
  • a couple of tablespoons of meat broth;
  • Art. l. flour;
  • salt (to taste);
  • 2 tbsp. l. butter.
  1. Boil the beans, grind into a puree.
  2. Add the rest of the ingredients to the resulting mass, salt. Mix thoroughly.
  3. Bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring constantly.

The recipe for a family dinner is simple: a pleasant company and caring hands of the hostess. What could be better than chicken noodles for such an occasion? Our answer is homemade noodles! Cooking it is not very difficult, and the slicing process can turn into an exciting activity if household members are involved in the help. After all, it is at such moments that the funniest stories are remembered, time flows unnoticed, and the matter is argued.

The secrets of successful homemade noodles are in the consistency of the dough, the thickness of the slices, even drying and, oddly enough, in the rolling pin. It is impossible to replace it with a glass bottle - the thickness of the dough must be uniform throughout the layer. You can dry the noodles in free air or in a special dryer. Shall we start?

Homemade egg noodles

Of course, if you have homemade chicken eggs, the noodles will turn out great in taste and bright in color. It does not matter if there are none in the refrigerator - a beautiful color can be given to pasta with a pinch of saffron or turmeric.


  • wheat flour - 350 grams
  • egg yolk - 8 pieces
  • olive oil - 30 grams
  • salt - a pinch
  • hot water (but not boiling) - 70 milliliters
  • saffron - pinch

Cooking method:

Sift the flour into a bowl, make a hole in it and pour the yolks separated from the proteins into it, add salt and saffron (turmeric). For kneading the dough, it is best to use a mixer and whisks for yeast dough. While kneading the dough, gradually pour in the water and olive oil. You should get an elastic lump that does not stick to your hands, but is soft enough, and the dimple made by your finger should be half leveled within 20-30 seconds. Cover the dough with cling film - let it rest for half an hour at room temperature.

The recipe has moved on to the next step - the formation of egg noodles. Sprinkle the work surface of the table with flour, cut the bun of dough in half and start rolling. Dusting liberally with flour, roll out one piece to a thickness of 1 mm. The dough is very pliable and obedient, it is not difficult to roll it out. Cut the resulting layer in half and sprinkle each half with flour. Roll into a loose roll and cut with a sharp knife into strips 4-10 mm wide. Cut the remaining dough in the same way. Noodles can be stacked on top of each other, sprinkling the layers well with flour. You can cut it shorter.

If you want to dry the noodles for future use, lay them out carefully on a baking sheet or other pallet and leave for a day (or more, depending on the thickness of the cut) in a ventilated dry room. If you have an electric fruit dryer, use it according to the instructions. But the taste of vermicelli will turn out to be more tender if it is cooked immediately. Short noodles can be put in a plastic container and frozen. Fold it as if pouring, do not tamp. As a result, after simple preparations, you get fresh egg noodles. Dried products are cooked for 10 minutes, frozen - 6 minutes, fresh - 5 minutes. Bon appetit!

Tender egg vermicelli

This recipe is different in that it does not contain water. This allows you to roll out the dough incredibly thin, until transparent.


  • 300 grams wheat flour
  • 3 eggs
  • salt - a large pinch
  • vegetable oil - 4-5 tablespoons

Cooking method:

Sift flour into a deep bowl, make a funnel in the center and pour eggs beaten with salt into it. Knead the dough, gradually pouring in vegetable oil. Form a lump, wrap it in cling film and set it aside for half an hour - the dough will be more pliable when rolled out. After the specified time, proceed to the main and painstaking part of the preparation - to cutting the vermicelli.

Sprinkle the working surface of the table with flour and roll out the whole lump of dough into a very thin layer. Dust the top layer with flour as well. Now roll the dough into a loose roll on one side and the other, leaving a distance of 1-2 centimeters between them. Carefully pry the resulting product from below and turn it over onto a cutting board. Cut the dough into thin strips with a sharp knife. Insert a long needle or wooden skewer through the center and lift the chopped vermicelli. Dry it for 10 minutes before cooking (or dry completely for storage). Boil for no more than 3-5 minutes in boiling salted water or broth. Bon appetit!

egg noodles


  • wheat flour - 1.5 cups
  • 3 tablespoons warm water
  • 3 chicken yolks

Cooking method:

Crack an egg into a bowl and separate 3 yolks, then beat the egg mass until light foam. Add cold water and a teaspoon of salt. Gradually add the flour and knead by hand into a firm but pliable dough. Wrap it in cling film and leave it at room temperature for half an hour. The egg noodle recipe has come to the slicing process.

Sprinkle a thin layer of flour on a cutting board, pinch off a third of the dough from a lump and roll it out to a thickness of 1 millimeter. Using a thin knife or pizza cutter, cut the vermicelli to your desired width. You can fold it in layers, sprinkling with flour. Boil pasta for 3-4 minutes in boiling salted water, adding a little vegetable oil to the water. Chopped greens and butter wonderfully complement the taste of boiled homemade noodles. Bon appetit!

Homemade noodles “Egg”


  • egg - 3 pieces
  • glass of water
  • flour (approximately 1 kilogram)
  • 1 teaspoon salt

Cooking method:

From the above components, knead the dough and leave it under the lid for a quarter of an hour. This will make the dough more pliable. Dust a work surface with flour and roll out the dough into an almost transparent layer. Leave it to dry for an hour and a half. If you don't have a noodle cutter and want to get perfectly even noodles, use a regular wooden ruler to cut strips of the desired width. Dry in a draft for at least a day and put in jars for storage. Boil in salted water for no more than 3 minutes. Bon appetit!

Milk and egg noodles “Gentle”

This recipe contains milk, so the vermicelli is especially tender and tasty. Its only caveat is that such pasta has a very short shelf life, so cook as much as you eat at a time.


  • 300 grams of premium flour
  • egg - 1 piece
  • 100 milliliters of milk
  • dried parsley or dill - optional

Cooking method:

This noodle recipe does not contain protein. This will make the pasta firmer and won't overcook. So, first separate the yolk. Then mix flour, yolk and, if desired, dry chopped herbs in a deep bowl. This will give the noodles an unusual taste and aroma. Add salt and pour in warm milk. Knead the dough with a mixer. Roll and cut the noodles in the usual way for you - as you can see, the recipe is very simple. Bon appetit!

Orange homemade noodles with carrot puree

Not all kids love eating carrots, but all toddlers love pasta! Combine business with pleasure and cook carrot vermicelli for little gourmets.


  • 200 grams carrots, washed
  • 3-4 cups wheat flour
  • 3 eggs
  • sugar and melted butter - 1 tablespoon each
  • a pinch of salt

Cooking method:

To make wonderful orange vermicelli, cut peeled carrots into chunks, boil until soft, and puree in a blender when the vegetable has cooled. Mix eggs, sugar, butter until smooth. Then, gradually adding flour, knead the tight dough and divide it into 4 parts. Roll each of them thinly and cut into noodles. Dry it until brittle. Season the boiled orange vermicelli with butter - bon appetit!

Homemade egg noodles

This noodle has a simple recipe and an interesting way of slicing.


  • wheat flour of the highest grade - 600 grams
  • chicken eggs - 6 pieces

Cooking method:

On a wide cutting board, sift the flour in the form of a slide. Crack the eggs into the well and knead into a stiff dough. This should be done for at least 30 minutes, adding flour if necessary. Wrap a ball of dough in cling film and leave it on the table for half an hour. Then divide the lump into 4 parts, roll out one of them, sprinkling the top layer with flour. Leave the dough sheet to dry on the counter for at least 30 minutes. When this time has passed, wrap the dough around the rolling pin and cut it lengthwise. Now cut the wide strip lengthwise into three narrow ones. Armed with a sharp thin knife, cut the spider web vermicelli and dry it on a flat dish, sprinkled with flour, for several hours. Store in a sealed container. Bon appetit!

Green egg noodles with spinach

This recipe gives not only an incredibly tasty, but also a very healthy product. After all, spinach is just a storehouse of vitamins A and C, which are preserved during heat treatment, since the vegetable is saturated with protein. The taste of such noodles practically does not differ from the usual one, but the usefulness of the dish increases significantly. If you can't find fresh spinach, you can use frozen spinach by warming it up to room temperature and squeezing it.


  • 450 grams of premium flour
  • 2 chicken eggs
  • 100 grams of fresh spinach leaves
  • a spoonful of salt (a teaspoon without a slide)
  • 15 grams of olive oil

For bedding:

  • 60 grams of flour

Cooking method:

Rinse the spinach thoroughly, shake off the water and simmer it for a couple of minutes in a small saucepan without water (only with those drops that remain on the leaves). Drain the liquid, and squeeze the spinach, let cool. Sift flour. For chopping, it is best to use a food processor, but if you do not have one, grind all the products one at a time in a blender. Load the flour, spinach, salt into the processor and grind everything until smooth. Add a little beaten eggs, olive oil and mix everything again. Take out the finished dough, cover it with a damp towel and let it rest for at least half an hour.

The recipe moved to the second stage - to rolling and slicing. Roll out the dough into a circle about 25 centimeters in diameter. Wrap half a circle on the rolling pin and roll out the layer more thinly. Rotate the rolling pin 30 degrees and repeat the procedure a few more times until the layer is less than 1 millimeter thick. Leave the green dough to dry in a draft for at least half an hour.

From the resulting layers, roll loose rolls and cut into noodles of the desired width. Do not forget to turn over and sprinkle with flour the mass, leaving it to dry. You can also cut sheets for lasagna verde - they can be dried or frozen. It is better to use noodles within a week: the longer it is stored, the less useful substances and vitamins will remain in it.

Egg noodles garlic with curry

The recipe for noodles with garlic is prepared according to your usual method. Such pasta will be especially savory, being a side dish for meat dishes and an independent dish with bechamel sauce. Vermicelli with curry turns out to be a rich orange color with a pleasant spicy smell. Be sure to try both types of noodles - they will bring a nice variety to the usual menu.


  • 2 eggs
  • flour - 2-3 cups
  • sunflower oil - 50 milliliters
  • salt - teaspoon
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • curry - 1/2 teaspoon

Cooking method:

Crack an egg into a cup, salt and pour in sunflower oil, mix everything with a fork. Finely chop the garlic and add it to the mixture. In another bowl, make a similar butter-egg mixture and add curry to it instead of garlic. Then take 2 deep bowls and add the same amount of flour, knead the curry and garlic dough as above (Homemade Egg Spider Web Noodle recipe). Cut the noodles or vermicelli as you wish. Dry and prepare the dish by choosing your favorite recipe. Bon appetit!

As it turned out, for a delicious homemade dinner, it is enough to have a minimum set of products - flour and eggs. With a little diversification of the composition and a little diligence, you will get a chic dish for a dinner party for friends and family. Homemade egg noodles will surpass store-bought pasta in taste, because such a dish is prepared with love and care for the health of the family. In addition, scientists have already proven that noodles made from durum wheat do not put on weight. And choosing a recipe with carrots or spinach, you will get a dish rich in vitamins and nutrients. Cook with inspiration and benefit!

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How often do you buy pasta? Our family loves pasta, especially the kids. But much tastier than store-bought horns and vermicelli, it turns out homemade noodles on eggs: yellow, like the sun; rich, tender, it just melts in your mouth!

And what a delicious chicken soup with homemade egg noodles turns out - you will lick your fingers! If you cook it in a rich, golden broth, put circles of orange carrots, sprinkle with bright, fresh parsley ... you won’t drag children from such a first course by the ears! And adults too, by the way. They will eat for breakfast, lunch and ask for more.

And how to make noodles on eggs at home, and without ingenious devices like a noodle cutter, I will tell you now! Very simple: a minimum of ingredients, a rolling pin and a knife - that's all we need to cook it. A decent portion is obtained from 100 g of flour - enough for two soups in a three-liter saucepan. The first batch of noodles can be cooked immediately, and the second batch can be dried and stored perfectly for several days.


  • For every 100 g of flour -
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • ½ teaspoon vegetable oil;
  • ¼ teaspoon salt.

If you take eggs from a homemade chicken, with a bright, orange yolk, then the noodles will be as fun as a dandelion! The egg you need is not small - otherwise the wet ingredients may not be enough, and you will have to add more oil to the flour; - and not less than medium, closer to large.

Chicken for soup with noodles is also better to take at home, and not a broiler - firstly, it is more useful, especially for children; secondly, much tastier. Let the homemade chicken cook for a very long time, compared to the purchased one - but the broth is excellent. Try it for comparison. But, of course, it is better to buy a bird from trusted sellers. Or in the store from the poultry farm, there are soup chickens, and these are suitable for us. They look sinewy and slender, compared to well-fed broilers, but if you cook for two hours, you get soft meat and tasty broth.

Now let's cook the noodles!

Recipe for homemade noodles:

Sift the flour on the table. You can cover its surface with a sheet of confectionery parchment so that you do not wash it later :) Or cook the dough in a spacious bowl. Salt the flour a little.

At the top of the hill, make a recess and break the egg into it. Of course, after thoroughly washing the shell.

After mixing with a spoon, we continue to knead the dough with our hands, and so that it does not stick to them, grease with a little vegetable oil.

It takes quite a long time to knead the dough for noodles, as well as for strudel: five minutes, and preferably all 10: with prolonged kneading, gluten forms in the dough, so it becomes possible to roll it thinly without tearing.

The dough is not homogeneous, you need to knead more

And, since the dough comes out quite steep, kneading it is a wonderful workout for the hands! A dozen push-ups and heel pull-ups will definitely replace! It takes some effort to knead the noodle dough properly, but it's a lot of fun :) At first it will be uneven and stubborn, but then you will notice that the dough becomes elastic and smooth. Aha, so it's done! Now we wrap it in a food bag or film and put it in heat “rest for 15-20 minutes.

And now it is homogeneous, well mixed

After a while, we start rolling out the dough - another exercise for arm strength! A hard-boiled egg dough will tend to shrink as it rolls out, like rubber. But don't worry - the noodles won't be like that! On the contrary, if you try and roll it out thinly, so that the pattern on the table shines through the dough, the noodles will be tender and very tasty!

If the dough is a little sticky, you can lightly dust the table with flour. But not much, so that the dough, absorbing flour, does not become even cooler :)

Having rolled out a thin, luminous layer, leave the dough for ten minutes to dry. Well, these are not dumplings, which, having rolled out a little, must be urgently sculpted until they are dry and molded! Noodles, on the contrary, are more convenient to make from dried dough, then it does not stick together.

Alright, now let's get to the fun part! You can call the helpers of the children. We turn the dough into a roll, not very tightly. And cut it into rings, 3-4 mm wide.

And then we take each spiral roll and shake it over the table so that it turns around! Doesn't want to turn around? Gently help with your hands, carefully so that the tender long noodles do not tear.

Long strips of dough are obtained - here homemade noodles are ready! Loosely scatter the strips of dough on the table or on a large board so that they do not stick together. Now you can dry them well in the air - or add them to the soup.

And how to cook soup with chicken noodles, I will also share with you now.

So, first of all, we prepare and cook the chicken. Immerse in cold water; when it boils, wait a minute and drain the first water. Having typed a new one, cook until the meat becomes soft (we try with the tip of a knife). In the meantime, the chicken is being cooked, you can peel the little things three potatoes (although you can cook noodles without potatoes), one medium carrot, a small onion. Let the greens be dipped in cold water in advance, let the earth soak from the branches.

Add potato cubes, carrot circles, finely chopped onion to the pan (or you can put and boil a whole onion for taste if your family doesn’t like it when pieces of onion come across in the soup) - and cook further, for about 10 minutes, until the vegetables begin to become soft .

Now you can salt the soup (for 3 liters - an incomplete tablespoon of salt or to taste), and pour the noodles into the boiling broth. Stir immediately so that it does not stick together into a dumpling. We also put 1-2 bay leaves and chopped fresh parsley in the soup - the aroma and taste will be delicious! After adding the noodles and herbs, the soup needs to be cooked in just a couple of minutes. It will boil for 2-3 minutes, and you're done: tender homemade noodles are cooked very quickly.

Pour hot soup with chicken noodles into plates and invite the household to the table!

To cook noodles, you will need a large amount of boiling water or broth. Pour the entire amount of noodles into the boiled liquid at once and mix immediately so as not to stick together. Boil - depending on the size and thickness of the noodles. Boil egg noodles faster than usual, 3-4 minutes.

How easy it is to cook noodles

How to cook shrimp noodles

Noodles - 50 grams
Shrimps peeled - 200 grams
Parsley - 1 small bunch
Sweet bell pepper - 1 piece
Lemon - half
Canned green peas - 3 tablespoons
Salt and pepper - to taste

How to cook shrimp noodles
1. Boil 1 liter of water.
2. Pour noodles into boiled water, cook for 5-7 minutes, transfer to a colander and rinse under running water.
3. Boil 1 cup of water in a saucepan, put in the shrimp and cook for 3 minutes after boiling.
4. Cool the shrimp a little and peel them from the shell.
5. Wash the bell pepper, cut the stalk, remove the seeds and cut into thin half rings.
6. Heat a frying pan over medium heat, pour in the oil, put the noodles and fry for 2 minutes, stirring occasionally.
7. Put the shrimps, peppers, green peas and mix, fry for another 2 minutes.
8. Wash parsley and chop finely.

Serve noodles with shrimp, sprinkled with chopped herbs on top.


Historically, in Russia, noodles are what they "hang on their ears." Long, round or flat pasta, sometimes quite thick. Therefore, it is quite difficult to confuse noodles with vermicelli - small and thin pasta, which is why it is also called "cobweb". In fact, manufacturers and sellers everywhere call noodles vermicelli, and even "instant noodles" (Doshirak or Rollton), and pasta in general, but a specific product is originally meant by classic noodles. This is important, because real noodles must be cooked, and not for 1-2 minutes, like vermicelli, but for at least 5. If mixed up, the dish will be spoiled.

One type of noodle - fettuccine flat pasta

Noodles are thin and thick. Thin is usually sold in stores in dry form, thick for lagman - chilled or frozen. The general rule is that the thicker the noodles, the longer they cook, but the length and width of these pasta does not affect the cooking time: if the thickest place is cooked to softness, then the noodles are completely ready. To make sure that it is ready, catch 1 noodles in the pan with a fork, blow on it and try it. If there is no hint of stiffness, then the noodles are cooked.

The most delicious side dish noodles are made from durum wheat without the addition of eggs. Such noodles will serve as a crumbly side dish, will not stick together during cooking and will complement any dishes, especially with sauce. But sometimes noodles are taken to be slightly boiled and absorb the tastes of other products of the dish - then you can buy cheaper noodles, with eggs, it will be softer than first-class, but it will be combined organically with other products.

noodle soup recipe

Noodles - 50 grams
Bean curd Tofu - 100 grams
Ginger - 2 pieces
Fresh cilantro - 2 stalks
Chili pepper - 1 piece
Garlic - 1 prong
Vegetable broth - 1 liter
Soy sauce - 2 tablespoons
Champignon mushrooms - 100 grams
Carrots - 2 medium
Lemon juice - from a quarter of a lemon

How to cook Thai noodle soup
1. Pour vegetable broth into a saucepan and put on fire.
2. Add cilantro, pepper, garlic and ginger.
3. Bring the broth to a boil and cook for 25 minutes over low heat, covered with a lid.
4. Cut the tofu cheese, put it in a bowl, pour over soy sauce and leave for half an hour.
5. Pour water into the pan, bring to a boil, put the noodles.
6. Boil the noodles for 5-7 minutes, then put in a colander, drain the water and arrange on plates.
7. Strain the vegetable broth, return to the fire.
8. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, wash the mushrooms and cut into slices.
9. Add Tofu with soy sauce, carrots and mushrooms to the vegetable broth, cook for 5 minutes.
10. Pour the noodles with the resulting mixture, sprinkle with lemon juice.
Serve Thai soup with wheat noodles and garnish with cilantro leaves.
Author/editor - Lydia Ivanova

Reading time - 5 min.