How to inflate balloons with helium at home. What are balloons inflated with? Balloons without helium to fly

How to inflate balloons with helium at home.  What are balloons inflated with?  Balloons without helium to fly
How to inflate balloons with helium at home. What are balloons inflated with? Balloons without helium to fly

Preparation for the holiday should be thorough, especially for events for children. Boys and girls are indescribably delighted when they see helium balloons pointing upwards. Such festive attributes give the atmosphere a special atmosphere, but it is not always possible to assemble a composition from balloons from professionals. In an emergency, look for alternative ways at home.

Table salt and copper sulfate

Prepare cool filtered water in advance, food foil, glass bottle, table salt and copper sulfate. Wear rubber gloves, a hooded gown and goggles to avoid skin damage.

  1. Unfold a sheet of foil and cut a 18*18 cm plate into thin lines of about 0.5 cm, then send the strips to a liter glass bottle. Then pour 75 gr. copper sulfate and 85 gr. crushed table salt. Immediately cover the neck with your hand to prevent a reaction due to the admission of oxygen.
  2. On the this stage you will need the help of a friend, because the procedure must be carried out quickly. Pour into a bottle of 430 ml. filtered water, quickly put a ball on the neck and hold it at the base. Keep in mind that the reaction will start instantly, you will know about it by the state of the mixture, it will go into the gaseous phase.
  3. Try not to release the mixture "for nothing", one such composition is enough for several balls. On average, one balloon will inflate for about 4 seconds, so don't hesitate.

Keep your face away from the mixture bottle to avoid damage to the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes. If the ball bursts or breaks off the neck, you can be seriously injured. Hold the vessel at arm's length.

When will it start chemical reaction, the bottle will become hot in short time. To avoid burns, you can dip it in cool water or squeeze it with an unnecessary cloth / towel.

Sodium hydroxide

The alkaline solution is dangerous for the skin, so be sure to wear gloves, a gown, goggles. Sodium hydroxide is a mixture of caustic soda and concentrated (caustic) sodium, which in itself is unsafe. Carry out the procedure away from children and pets, be sure to ventilate the room before and after inflating the balloons.

Prepare warm filtered water, sodium hydroxide (alkali), industrial or hookah foil (dense), a liter glass bottle.

  1. Type in a bottle of 450 ml. clean warm water.
  2. Take one sheet of foil measuring 20*20 cm. Divide it into thin lines or chop it into very small pieces, add to the water tank.
  3. Measure exactly 20 gr. sodium hydroxide and carefully pour it into the bottle, be sure to do this with gloves.
  4. Pull the base of the ball over the neck of the vessel, hold it tight so that the ball does not fly off.
  5. Shake the container, the foil should be completely immersed in the composition.
  6. You will see that the balloon will begin to inflate, do not try to get too much helium at a time, it is better to spread the composition over several steps.

This technique is considered the safest, because it does not include alkali or other industrial concentrates. However, precautions must be observed. Always use silicone or rubber gloves, goggles, and a gown.

Prepare a solution of vinegar (ordinary table vinegar), its concentration should not exceed 9%. Make sure you have baking soda handy.

  1. The peculiarity of the method is that the composition is poured not only into a bottle, but also into a ball. Pour into a vessel 45-55 ml. vinegar solution, pour 30 gr. baking soda, then put its base on the neck of the container.
  2. Gently turn the bowl over so that the soda spills into the vinegar. The reaction will take place instantly: the container will become warm, and the balloon will begin to inflate.
  3. To fill the next balls, clean the bottle cavity from the previous composition, wipe dry and repeat the manipulations. The container must be dry, otherwise moisture will suppress the reaction.

Electrodes and battery

To prepare the composition, you will need to acquire a 12-watt battery, an electrolyte (sulfuric acid or potassium hydroxide is suitable), graphite electrodes (not copper!). In addition to the main components, take care of the presence of two liter plastic bottles, a plastic basin for linen and clean filtered water. As in all previous methods, protect your skin and eyes (put on a gown, gloves, goggles).

  1. Take a 15 liter basin, fill it clean water half.
  2. Pour potassium hydroxide/sulfuric acid (electrolyte) into the first liter bottle, retreating from the edge of the neck by 3-4 cm.
  3. Take the ball and put the base on the opening of the vessel, then make small holes in the bottom of the vessel and insert the electrode. Observe the tightness, the holes should not be wide so that the device fits snugly into the vessel.
  4. Do the same with the second bottle, following the sequence. When everything is ready, move on to the next step.
  5. Place both bottles in the basin, place the battery next to it and connect the electrodes to it, observing the polarity (plus “+”, minus “-”).
  6. Connect the battery to a power source, watch for the start of the reaction.

An important feature this method is that only one ball, located on the side with negative polarity, can go up (it will be filled with hydrogen). The second ball will be saturated with oxygen, so there is little sense from it.

Make sure you have on hand necessary materials and tools, observe safety precautions. Complicated ways using electrodes and a battery, as well as sodium hydroxide, should be entrusted to a man. Women will be able to translate into reality the preparation of the composition of soda and vinegar, salt and blue vitriol.

Video: do-it-yourself flying ball without helium

Balloons - an essential paraphernalia solemn events. Therefore, in this material we tell you how to inflate a balloon without helium. To make it fly, you must use one of the methods below at home.

Ways to inflate a balloon without helium so that it flies

Since it is impossible to inflate a balloon with helium without a balloon, we advise you to choose an alternative. At home, it is quite simple to do this by considering our life hacks.

No. 1. Alkali

To carry out manipulations by the hydrogen method, you must take:

  • warm water;
  • flask;
  • foil;
  • a teaspoon;
  • alkali (for example, sodium hydroxide (caustic soda)).

1. Pour water into the flask to fill the container ½. Send inside the foil cut into small pieces.

2. Measure out 3 tablespoons of soda and pour. Now, without delay, pull the ball over the neck of the flask.

3. Shake the container to start the reaction of the foil with sodium hydroxide. Hold the ball by the rubber band, it should not come off.

4. When the foil pieces dissolve and the balloon is inflated to your needs, remove it and make a knot.

Now you know how to do gel ball at home.

No. 2. Battery with electrodes

Prepare the following:

  • plastic basin (volume 15 l.);
  • plastic bottles (2 pcs., 1 liter each);
  • purified water;
  • battery (12 watts);
  • electrolyte (sulfuric acid);
  • electrode (not strictly copper, but graphite).

Before inflating a balloon without helium, protect your eyes, breathing passages and skin. To make it fly better follow step by step instructions at home.

1. Pour water into the basin so that the liquid fills about ½ of the container. Now take a plastic bottle 1, fill it with electrolyte, stepping back from the neck by 3 cm.

2. Pull the ball over. Now make holes at the bottom of the bottle very tightly by inserting an electrode into them. The device must fit tightly enough so that the composition does not leak out.

3. Do the same with bottle 2. Now place these containers in the basin, put the battery nearby with electrodes connected to it (follow polarity +, -).

4. Connect the battery to the network, watch the process. A balloon stretched over a bottle with “-” polarity will be filled with hydrogen and rise, and the second one will be filled with oxygen, but will not fly.

Number 3. Copper sulfate with salt

Before inflating a balloon without helium, you need to prepare in advance:

  • cool purified water;
  • glass bottle;
  • foil;
  • table salt;
  • copper sulfate.

To make it fly, follow the simple instructions at home. Protect your hands with gloves and wear goggles for protection.

1. From a piece of foil 20 * 20 cm, you need to cut strips of about 5 mm. Send the finished ribbons to a glass bottle.

2. Pour 85 gr. into the same container. salt and 75 gr. vitriol. Close the neck immediately. A reaction will start due to the supply of oxygen.

3. You can't do without an assistant, so act quickly. Pour into a bottle of 0.45 liters. purified water. Put the balloon on the neck immediately.

4. Hold it, otherwise it will fly off. The reaction will start immediately. You will be able to inflate several balloons, so don't waste your gas.

Multi-colored balloons always give good mood. However helium balloons- an expensive pleasure, so the question of how to make a helium balloon at home is often relevant.

Helium is a non-toxic monatomic gas, which is the second number in periodic table Mendeleev. It is a colorless and odorless gas, much lighter than oxygen and carbon dioxide. Helium has a molecular weight of 4, while oxygen has 32 and carbon dioxide has 44. That's how light helium is! Therefore, balls filled with this monatomic gas can fly, while the mixture of oxygen and carbon dioxide makes the ball heavier, causing it to fall. The lighter the contents of the balloon, the more likely it is to take off.

Where can I get helium balloons

Helium is obtained by deep cooling natural gases. Helium balloons are sold in circuses and specialty stores. To inflate such a balloon at home, purchase a special helium balloon. You can find out about the cost of the balloon on the Internet. Unfortunately, it is impossible to obtain helium experimentally chemically at home, so you will have to spend an impressive amount. But with balls you can spend many others interesting experiences and at the same time gain new knowledge in chemistry.

Balloon inflated with baking soda and vinegar

Known chemical fact: the reaction of soda (NaHCO₃) and vinegar (CH₃COOH) is accompanied by an abundant release of carbon dioxide. The balloon with carbon dioxide, of course, will not fly because of its large atomic mass. But this experiment is very interesting, and desired solution can be cooked at home.

balloons filled with carbon dioxide

Show such a trick to children to instill in them a love of chemistry: by inflating a balloon with a bottle, they will show an interest in science, and perhaps little fidgets will make discoveries in the future.

What we need:

    acetic acid, which is in everyone's kitchen (there is different types vinegar, but almost any will do);

    baking soda;

    an empty bottle or flask with a volume of 1.5 liters;


Such a home trick is very easy to perform, even a child can do it. However, it is worth working with rubber gloves, since vinegar, especially strong vinegar, has an unpleasant effect on the skin: at best, a slight burn may occur. If nevertheless this happened, you need to know that treatment with soda or soap neutralizes acids. Therefore, all experiments with dangerous chemical It is better for children to carry out by calling an adult for help.

So, we need to add soda to the ball (2 teaspoons per 1 ball), and pour half a glass of acetic acid into the bottle. Don't rush to add too much soda. We put the ball on the bottle: the soda from the ball will pour into it, and a violent reaction will begin with an intense release of CO₂. Therefore, the balloon is inflated. If the reaction is weak and the balloon does not inflate, add more vinegar and soda, but do not shake the solution. This method is convenient for those who find it difficult to inflate balloons.

What experience will make a balloon take off without helium

This method will tell you how to make the balloon fly. The experiment works, but keep in mind that this simple experiment is a fire hazard, so conduct it outside. You will also need goggles, a gown and gloves.

For experience you will need:

    aluminium foil;

    water at room temperature;

  • pure sodium hydroxide;

    glass flask.

You may also need the help of a partner. You can find pure sodium hydroxide on the shelves of the hardware store. For example, the Mister Muscle pipe cleaner contains the substance needed for the experiment in pure form. Try to use other products with a similar composition.

First, take the foil and roll ten small balls out of it, which will pass into the hole in the flask. Pour the pipe cleaner into the flask and fill the substance with water. One sachet will require half a liter of water. Next, add all the balloons you've made to a container of water and detergent. Do not shake the resulting solution, because it will begin strong reaction. The balloon, of course, will inflate, but it will contain condensate from the evaporation of gas, which will make it heavier. Therefore, the ball will not fly.

If the solution is not shaken, the reaction will proceed quietly. You can also do this: wait an additional time for the condensate inside the ball to stack back into the flask. Therefore, in order for the experiment to succeed, attention and patience are needed. The result will not keep you waiting: your balloon will fly no worse than helium!

balloon filled with hydrogen

Thus, we will get the desired effect. The released substance from the resulting solution contains explosive hydrogen. Therefore, you need not only to do the experiment on the street, but also yourself air balloons it is dangerous to keep at home: if there is a spark nearby, hydrogen will explode. You can find out what experiments with hydrogen can be done at home. During the experiment, you also need to be careful: if you add a lot of foil and funds or start shaking the contents, you can burn yourself with a flask. Do not inhale escaping gas.

Able to decorate any birthday. Most people don't know how to make a gel balloon at home. Nevertheless, this skill will be very useful, because you never know where "air toys" will come in handy.

Every parent tries to make their child's birthday special. For this, a beautiful cake is baked or bought, gifts are prepared, friends are invited. How sometimes you want to decorate the room so that it matches the celebration! But parents often remember this on the eve of the holiday, when stores are closed and there is no way to purchase even elementary paper garlands. This is where knowledge of how to make gel balls at home comes in handy.

Ball inflation options

There are several ways to decorate a home. The first step is to inflate the balloons. This can be done using three algorithms:

1. If you are interested in how to make a gel balloon at home, then you can not reinvent the wheel, but use the proven method - buy helium. It is sold in special small bottles. For those who like to look for an alternative, we want to clarify: there are other ways.

2. Hydrogen. This chemical element lighter than air. Therefore, if you pump up an inflatable toy with it, it will soar under the ceiling. But where to get it? Let's remember the lessons of chemistry. A fairly simple reaction occurs if copper sulfate and aluminum are added to a test tube with water. For those who know the essence of this reaction, it will not be difficult to answer the question of how to make a gel ball. It is possible at home. Although in this case free hydrogen will be used instead of helium. So, for this experiment we need:


A plastic bottle with a cap;

Copper wire or thread;

Aluminum rod;

food salt;

Ordinary sealant;


We make a couple of holes in the lid: for the syringe and for the hose, which we insert and fix with sealant. Next, on the other side of this hose, insert the plug into the place where the ball is attached. We attach to the syringe piston to which we attach an aluminum wire. This will allow the piston to adjust the location of the reagent. Pour vitriol inside the bottle and edible salt, fill the mixture with water and wait for complete dissolution. We put a ball on the cork and close the cap on the bottle. At the same time, let's go inside. As a result of these actions, a reaction will occur and the balloon will begin to inflate.

Make sure that the bottle does not overheat: put it in a bowl of cold water.

Now you know how to make a gel balloon without helium. Another plus of such gas inside an inflatable toy is the ability to arrange a fire show. If you put a ball in a fire, it will ignite.

3. For those who want to go the simplest way, there are components that allow you to answer the question of how to make a gel ball. At home, this can be done with baking soda and vinegar. The violent reaction of these two substances is no secret to anyone. To do this, do the following:

Pour two teaspoons of soda inside the ball;

Pour a glass of vinegar into the bottle (approximately 200 grams);

As a result of the resulting effervescent mass, gas will be released and fill the ball.

Balloons are beautiful and amazing decoration of any celebration, it is always a holiday in the air of which childhood and carefree moments of joy are in the air. Light, bright balls attract attention, delight not only the eye, but also the soul, both in a child and in an adult. Today, balls have a wide variety of shapes, sizes, color scheme, there are with drawings, inscriptions, decorations, this makes them even more beautiful and original.

You can decorate the hall with balloons for any festive event, such decoration will always be relevant, in demand and universal, because they are suitable for any interior, and even more so for any significant celebration.

To date, light balloons filled with helium have gained particular popularity. But in order to fill them with this substance, one must have special equipment, which not everyone has. What to do in this case, how to make helium for balloons at home?

Ways to create helium yourself

How can you get helium at home, you ask. The answer is simple, make a little effort and then you can get a whole bunch of balloons.

There are a few simple ways which will help to quickly fill them with air.

  1. Soda and vinegar. A simple option with which you can quickly get a helium substance created at home on your own.

For this you need to take:

  • table vinegar;
  • simple soda, which is used in the kitchen;
  • spoon
  • empty two liter bottle.

To make the ball light, you need to fill half the bottle with vinegar. Pour soda into it with a spoon, carefully put the bottle on the neck. The balloon will begin to fill up, but it will not fly, because the reaction of soda and vinegar gives carbon dioxide, and it is heavier than air, however, this does not prevent it from being beautiful, light and airy.

  1. Hydrogen projectile. Another method that can quickly inflate balloons at home is using aluminum and lye.

For this you need to have:

  • a small flask;
  • measuring spoon;
  • foil or aluminum;
  • alkali (sodium hydroxide, caustic soda and caustic soda are suitable);
  • warm water.

So, to fill the jewelry with helium substance own production at home, you need to fill half the flask with water. Cut the foil into small pieces and place in a bowl. Add 3 tablespoons of alkali, put the ball itself on the neck of the flask, and shake well so that the foil begins to interact with the alkali. When aluminum and alkali interact, air will begin to flow into the ball. When the foil dissolves in the liquid, it must be carefully removed so that it does not begin to deflate and tie.

  1. Helium balloon. The third option, how to quickly inflate a balloon with helium at home, is
    using a simple balloon, inside of which there is a helium substance. A ball is put on the cylinder tube, while it is important that there is tightness. Next, you need to smoothly turn the cylinder valve, make sure that it does not fly off the tube. As inflated, carefully remove and tie. This method of inflating balloons is the easiest, the main thing is to find a balloon.

Thus, at home, you can easily and quickly fill balloons with air using improvised means that will replace helium.