How to get rid of wheatgrass from your plot and garden forever. Creeping wheatgrass - how to fight it and how to remove it from the site forever. Which plants does not like wheatgrass?

How to get rid of wheatgrass from your plot and garden forever.  Creeping wheatgrass - how to fight it and how to remove it from the site forever. Which plants does not like wheatgrass?
How to get rid of wheatgrass from your plot and garden forever. Creeping wheatgrass - how to fight it and how to remove it from the site forever. Which plants does not like wheatgrass?

It has always been difficult for gardeners to fight creeping wheatgrass, because this plant is endowed with a surprisingly tenacious root system - even a small root, when it gets into the ground, takes root and begins to grow in all directions, clogging plantings of cultivated plants with its roots.

How to get rid of wheatgrass in the garden is one of the pressing questions of those who have this type of weed in their plots and are not susceptible to methods of mechanical destruction.

Getting rid of wheatgrass using chemicals

Chemical industry released whole line products that can be used on plots before other crops have not yet been planted:

  • Hurricane Forte;
  • Glyphos;
  • Roundup;
  • Tornado;
  • Glyphosate, others.

A couple of weeks after treating wheatgrass with preparations, the weed begins to die, the components of the preparations, thanks to chemical reactions, disintegrate, and cease to be dangerous for other plants. You can start sowing seeds or planting seedlings.

It is also effective to apply herbicides after the crop is harvested, and weather allow new weed shoots to sprout. After it reaches a height of 20 cm, the wheatgrass should be treated with one of the listed drugs.

There are herbicides that can be used on growing grapes: “Fusilade Super”, “Nabu”. They act selectively, helping to remove wheatgrass from the garden without damaging or destroying the main crops.

It should be remembered that manufacturers warn about the norms for using the products - no more than once every 3 years, be sure to follow the instructions in the instructions. The approximate result after using them is about 75-80% destruction.

The use of agrotechnical means to combat wheatgrass in the garden

Gardeners often look for ways to do without herbicides. Multiple ways to get rid of wheatgrass in the garden are aimed at weakening its growth and reproduction intensity.

For example, wheatgrass does not tolerate shading: if the area where it grows freely is covered with a thick black film, a layer of earth, peat, and straw is poured on top so that its sprouts are further suppressed, by the fall this plot can be cleared of weeds.

Some plants help get rid of wheatgrass, next to which it simply cannot grow.

After plowing the area with wheatgrass and sowing it:

  • corn;
  • sunflower;

Sowing oats on a plot will help not only destroy wheatgrass in the garden, but also significantly fertilize the soil that it depletes:

The benefit of this method is that it helps populate areas with wheatgrass. You can try sowing oats with vetch or peas, which gives very good results.

Another one is used interesting method, allowing you to immediately use the plot where creeping wheatgrass is grown for planting. Moreover, the method is very simple:

  1. Cardboard is spread over the grown weed, and various plant debris that can be decomposed is poured on top - dry leaves, small branches from bushes and trees, etc.
  2. A layer is poured fertile soil, mixed with turf, leveled.
  3. At the edges of the plot, if desired, bricks, slate, and boards are installed. It turns out to be something like a garden bed or flowerbed on which you can plant seedlings of flowers or vegetables. The wheatgrass under such a bed will disappear forever.

Preventive weed control techniques

Preventing the growth of wheatgrass is the basic rule that helps prevent the site from becoming clogged with this weed.

The emerging wheatgrass sprouts are immediately removed, carefully clearing the ground of all roots found in it. Even a small shoot, about a centimeter in size, if it has a bud, can germinate.

Be careful when adding not completely rotted manure to the beds, which probably contains seeds and cuttings of wheatgrass roots.

Wheatgrass roots and spikelets with seeds should not be placed in compost heap. They retain their vitality even if they dry out and then find themselves in an environment comfortable for their germination.

Ridding a garden of wheatgrass is, of course, a troublesome task, but it is possible to defeat it. By frequently mowing, shading, suppressing, and covering with plant debris, gardeners will gradually be able to clear their plots of annoying malicious weeds.

Mulch as a way to combat creeping wheatgrass

A gardener talks about mulch - one of the ways to combat creeping wheatgrass without the use of chemicals:

Creeping wheatgrass is one of the most tenacious perennial weeds, a real gardener's nightmare. The roots of the plant reach 1.5 m in length and lie at a depth of 10–40 cm. In abandoned areas where wheatgrass is not controlled, the total length of the roots reaches 10 km per hundred square meters, and the weight is 40 kg. Every two to three centimeters there is a bud on the root, from where favorable conditions a shoot sprouts (the so-called awl).

At the same time, wheatgrass consumes twice more water And useful substances than most cultivated plants. Its roots release phenolic compounds into the soil, which slow down the growth of neighbors in the garden bed. The weed is frost-resistant and is not afraid of either drought or flood. There are cases when shoots sprouted from roots that had been under water for two months. But wheatgrass also reproduces by seeds, which remain viable for 5 years.

Wheatgrass and potatoes do not coexist peacefully in the same bed: the long thin roots of the weed pierce right through the young tubers. In addition, wheatgrass thickets attract worst enemy potatoes - wireworm.

Mechanical methods of destroying wheatgrass

The simplest, but very labor-intensive method of combating wheatgrass is ordinary weeding. The area is plowed or dug up, then the weed roots are removed from the ground with a pitchfork. True, with this method, many fragments of roots remain in the soil, from which young awls sprout. But if you weed the area regularly and carefully, then each time the weed sprouts will become weaker, until after 3-4 years they disappear completely. The extracted roots are burned and should not be thrown into the compost heap.

Treatment of the site taking into account the life cycles of wheatgrass

Wheatgrass gains strength in the fall, starting in late September. In spring, strong young shoots grow rapidly, but by mid-summer this process slows down. In addition, the weed does not like shade, and in June - July the potato tops are so spreading and thick that they completely shade the soil in the garden bed.

By August, the wheatgrass ear ripens and the plant weakens. It is during this period that it is best to destroy it. After harvesting the potatoes, the vacated soil is loosened, pulling out the wheatgrass roots. In small areas they use rakes and pitchforks. Large vegetable gardens are cultivated twice with disc cultivators: first along, then across. In dry weather, crushed wheatgrass roots remain on top and dry out. Once again, this procedure is recommended to be carried out in October, before snow falls: then most of the weed roots will appear on the surface and freeze.

If you have poultry on the farm, in the fall you can use a homemade “herbicide”: spray areas especially clogged with wheatgrass with a concentrated solution of droppings (approximately 1:4). Such a product can burn out any vegetation, and before spring it will decompose and turn into first-class fertilizer.

In the spring, the area is again traversed lengthwise and crosswise with a cultivator: young shoots of wheatgrass are easier to destroy. On small areas weed germination can be stimulated. To do this, immediately after the snow melts, future beds are covered with ash or peat and covered with a transparent film. The soil warms up and the wheatgrass begins to grow immediately. The seedlings are weeded out, and the procedure is repeated again a week later. By the time the potatoes are planted, the weed roots remaining in the ground have weakened and do not pose a serious danger. Subsequently, until the tops close in the row, weeding is recommended to be done with a flat cutter.

Areas completely free of weeds can be fenced off with dahlias: these flowers drown out the wheatgrass.

Planting green manure

One of the main rules organic farming: the land should not be empty. Immediately after the autumn harrowing, green manure is sown on the site. IN southern regions Before the snow, watercress, spinach, dill, and even carrots will still have time to sprout and ripen.

But if there is a lot of wheatgrass, then it is best to plant plants that can drown it out as green manure: rye or clover. In the spring, green manure is mowed and used for livestock feed or for mulching.


Good results can be achieved if you cover the loosened soil with black spunbond, cardboard or old linoleum. In the warmth, wheatgrass shoots will reach the surface, but without light and air they will begin to rot, and beneficial microorganisms and earthworms will join the process. Within a year, most of the weed roots will rot in the protected area.

Another option: cover the beds after loosening in the fall, and remove the covering material in the spring. Some of the wheatgrass roots will rot, and the remaining ones will be much easier to extract from soft soil.

When fighting wheatgrass on potatoes, mulching with straw, hay, sawdust, weeded and dried weeds also helps. Some experienced gardeners It is even advised not to loosen the soil deeply, but to periodically treat the beds with a trimmer, while mowing and chopping weed shoots. The roots of weeds, not receiving the products of photosynthesis, gradually weaken, and mulch is obtained from green crumbs.

Biological products against wheatgrass

To completely destroy the roots of wheatgrass in a potato bed, the soil under the layer organic mulch or spunbond is spilled with a solution of the drug “Baikal-EM1”. The effective microorganisms contained in it perceive any damaged plant as a nutrient medium. Therefore, the product is used immediately after loosening the soil with a disk cultivator, when wheatgrass roots appear on the surface. If the garden is heavily infested with wheatgrass, at least 2 liters of solution at a concentration of 1:500 is needed per 1 m² (a 40 ml bottle is designed to treat an area of ​​10 acres).

“Baikal-EM1” is especially effective in cases where potatoes are planted in virgin soil. Cut from the beds thin layer turf, folded in layers with grass side down, watered with a solution of the drug and covered with polyethylene. Bare areas of soil are dug up and planted with potatoes. Within a few months, the removed turf decomposes into compost.

"Baikal-EM1" is best used in the fall. Even if you simply water the loosened soil with the product and do not cover it with mulch, microorganisms will still process the damaged wheatgrass roots. In spring, the product in this concentration can be used no later than 15 days before planting potatoes. "Baikal-EM 1" can be replaced with the drug "Tamir".

Herbicides against wheatgrass on potatoes

Large plantations require the use of pesticides. The most famous of the herbicides for wheatgrass on potatoes is Roundup (the active ingredient is glyphosate). This systemic drug destroys all vegetation, but quickly decomposes in the soil. It is used either in the fall, after harvesting, or in the spring, 3–4 weeks before planting potatoes.

The drug is most effective at a time when the height of wheatgrass shoots reaches 10–15 cm: the plants begin to bloom, and the outflow of photosynthesis products to the rhizomes increases. To achieve mass seedlings, the area is harrowed shallowly (up to 5 cm). Grown wheatgrass is sprayed with Roundup (for 1 hundred square meters a solution of 10–25 g of the drug in 10 liters of water is required). According to the famous domestic theorist of organic farming N.I. Kurdyumov, with such a dose of pesticide, beneficial soil bacteria are almost not affected.

The treatment is carried out in calm weather, the beds with cultivated plants are covered with film, trees and bushes are fenced off with boards or sheets of corrugated sheets. Glyphosate, getting on the wheatgrass leaf, penetrates deep and reaches the roots through the vessels. After 8–10 days the weed dies.

It is prohibited to use Roundup or other herbicides containing glyphosate (Smersh, Hurricane, Tornado) in the fall to “dry” potato tops, since in this case the active substance gets into the tubers.

There are also specialized herbicides for the destruction of cereal weeds, including wheatgrass on potatoes:

  • “Antipyreum” (active ingredient – ​​hizalofop-P-tefuryl) – applied once per season;
  • “Lazurit Super” (active ingredient – ​​metribuzin) – can be used once per season, when the potatoes have already sprouted, but the height of the shoots does not exceed 5 cm;
  • “Centurion” (a.v. – clethodim) – one-time use is allowed at any time;
  • "Titus" (a.v. - rimsulfuron) - intended for processing potato beds after hilling;
  • “Fusilad Super” (a.v. – fluazifop-P-butyl) – is used in any phase of potato development.

All these drugs must be used strictly according to the instructions. When processing potato plantings, be sure to wear a protective suit, gloves, goggles and a respirator.

Every gardener knows firsthand how difficult it can sometimes be to get rid of weeds. They literally fill the entire garden plot. Weeds do not allow decorative and fruit and vegetable crops. Their danger lies in the fact that they take part nutrients, reduce soil fertility and waste most of the water.

Wheatgrass weed causes enormous damage to gardening and vegetable growing. Weed vegetation is considered an indicator of the level of farming culture. The fewer there are, the higher the quality of your site. Weed control measures should be taken immediately. Under no circumstances should this be delayed. How to remove wheatgrass from the garden?

Plant characteristics

Wheatgrass (Elytrígia) is a perennial herbaceous plant, which belongs to the cereal family. Includes more than 1000 thousand species. It has a long rhizome with trailing roots. The stems of the cereal are straight and reach 40 cm to 1.5 m in height. Because of this, it causes a lot of harm. light-loving plants, darkening them. The leaves are long and bright green. The inflorescences are very small and inconspicuous. They are collected in small spikelets from 7 to 15 cm. Wheatgrass blooms in May-June, and begins to bear fruit in September.

Popularly it has several names: grass worm, plover, dandur and zhitets.

Weed damage

Wheatgrass is a plant that significantly interferes with the development of gardening and vegetable growing. It is rightfully considered the most harmful among all other types of plant pests. It causes enormous damage to agricultural crops. Wheatgrass reproduces very quickly and easily, making it very difficult to control. It practically does not reproduce by seeds. He doesn't need it. At vegetative propagation it is capable of spreading over large areas.

It has high survivability. Not afraid low temperatures and tolerates drought well. This is what makes him so invulnerable. Its growing area is quite wide. These are mainly European countries and Russia.

If you have started your garden and it is overgrown with weeds, it will be very difficult to get rid of it. It is almost impossible to negotiate with wheatgrass. If he has already settled in your garden, then he can stay there for a very long time.

Potatoes especially suffer from its effects. It interferes with the full development of the vegetable. The main danger of wheatgrass lies in the fact that it can “gnaw” potato tubers with its roots and suck out all the nutrients from them. Thanks to its powerful root system, it can absorb huge amounts of water, which contributes to its rapid growth.

As a result, it forms dense thickets, they overshadow cultivated plants and deprive them sunlight. All this leads to a significant reduction in yield. Sometimes the damage is much more serious, because the crop may even die.

But it’s not just the crop that’s damaged by this weed. Harvesting machines are also affected. Harvesting machines become clogged with leaves, which leads to significant loss of productivity. And also to the quality of the harvest. In hot weather they become the culprits of fires.

Safe ways

Folk remedies are more safe way combating wheatgrass as opposed to using chemicals. They are very environmentally friendly and do not have a negative impact on the environment.

How to permanently get rid of wheatgrass on your property using folk remedies?

  • Elimination of rhizomes

This is the longest and hardest path. But also the most primitive. If you prefer this method, it is better to use a pitchfork rather than a garden shovel. A shovel will be useless because with its help you can only cut off the root, and its particles will remain in the soil and continue to multiply.

The bush is picked up with a fork and then pulled out of the soil, while it is important not to damage the root system. Shake the roots to get rid of excess soil and throw away from garden plot, or destroy them completely. This method, although quite labor-intensive, is very effective.

  • Cutting young plants

The essence of this method is to constantly cut off young foliage. It is cut at the root, going a little deeper into the ground. After the leaves begin to grow a little, the procedure is repeated. And such actions are carried out until the plant weakens. You starve it out and gradually it will “go away” from your site.

  • Cultivator

The essence of use this method is that you crush the root as much as possible with a cultivator, thereby greatly weakening root system. After such actions, the grass is easier to pull out and does not remain on the site.

  • Blackout

Wheatgrass, like many other plants, loves sunlight. And with its deficiency, it withers and gradually stops its growth.

To control the weed, you can place a dark film on your site, and sprinkle plenty of peat or straw on top of it. When using this method, you can also use rubber slate if you do not have a dark film. This method guarantees the complete disappearance of weeds.

  • Sowing the garden with legumes

Wheatgrass simply cannot tolerate the proximity of legumes. Sow on your personal plot peas, corn, radishes or sunflowers. These plants have the ability to “absorb” wheatgrass rhizomes, thereby ridding you of it.

  • Sowing oats

Another plant crop that wheatgrass does not tolerate. Make many furrows and sow oats in them. When the oats begin to grow, they mow them down without allowing the seeds to ripen. We lay the cut greens in a board and plant the oats again. After three such sowings, you are guaranteed complete freedom from wheatgrass.

  • Soda solution

How to get rid of wheatgrass using soda? Prepare a strong soda solution and pour it over weed. Soda is very aggressive in fighting them. It will quickly help you get rid of wheatgrass.

Another home remedy to combat wheatgrass is salt. Sprinkle it over weeds and around planted crops. Then water everything. Water will dissolve salt crystals, which will inhibit the growth of weeds.

  • Blowtorch

Very extreme method, when using which you need to be extremely careful. You are simply burning the young grass. The disadvantage of this method is that you only get rid of the foliage, while the roots remain intact.

  • Using Transparency Film

As with many plants, aggressive Sun rays are destructive to wheatgrass. This method is the exact opposite of darkening. you are covering transparent film weed, the so-called “magnifying glass effect” is triggered. Complete removal of the weed will occur in a couple of weeks.

  • Using ethyl alcohol

Fighting wheatgrass with ethyl alcohol - this method comes from America. Many American farmers note that when using ethyl alcohol, weed control occurs throughout the entire sowing season.

Ethyl alcohol must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. The soil is treated with this solution for 30 days before sowing.

  • Lemon acid

Usage citric acid similar to using baking soda. In one liter hot water dissolve 3 tablespoons of citric acid. Then use this solution to weed the weeds in sunny weather.

  • Mulching

The essence of mulching is to minimize access to sunlight and air to the weed. The following materials can be used:

  1. 1. Sawdust;
  2. 2. Expanded clay;
  3. 3. Gravel;
  4. 4. Crushed bark;
  5. 5. Mown grass.

The disadvantage of mulching is its duration. It will take 3-4 months to see results, especially if the wheatgrass infestation is large enough.

  1. 1. Mark the beds for sowing;
  2. 2. The surface of the earth is tightly covered with any material;
  3. 3. You can add a layer of grass or sawdust on top.
  4. 4. After a few months, the cover can be removed. It is advisable to use this method in early spring.
  • Using Vinegar

How to fight wheatgrass with vinegar? You will need 15-20% vinegar, table salt and any detergent. All ingredients are mixed. The resulting solution is sprayed onto the weeds.

However, this method only helps to get rid of foliage, while the roots of the plant remain intact.

How to kill a weed with chemicals?

Chemicals are excellent in controlling weeds. They are distinguished not only by high efficiency, but also by the speed of impact, unlike folk ways. Chemical reagents penetrate deeply into the entire plant during spraying and kill it.

To destroy grass between paving slabs or on the path, continuous chemicals are used. On large areas– selective chemicals for various types weeds. So how to remove wheatgrass with their help?

Attention! Don't forget that if you decide to use chemicals To combat green pests, protective measures must be taken: glasses, gloves and clothing that do not allow products to come into contact with the skin of the body.

  • Roundup

This hybridicide has become widespread in the fight against weeds, especially in the fight against creeping wheatgrass. The new generation chemical has rightfully earned respect among gardeners.

It will completely rid you of weeds. He's got enough high efficiency. It is virtually harmless to people and the environment when used correctly.

Roundup has a very low toxic effect, thanks to this characteristic it is included in the list of chemicals that are approved by the Ministry of Ecology, as well as the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

It contains glyphosate. Due to its presence in the composition, the chemical can penetrate into all parts of the weed and reach the root system itself. All this usually takes 60-70 days.

  • Hurricane

Chemical substance of continuous action. Having in its composition active substance– glyphosate, considered an analogue of Roundup. Available in packaging of various sizes. This is very convenient when you have to process areas of different sizes.

Dilute 20-40 ml of the substance with three to four liters of water. This will be enough to process 1 hectare of your plot. As a rule, it is used in early spring, before planting, and also in autumn, after harvesting.

Its action is similar to that of Roundup. It also penetrates into all parts of the plant. Effective in the fight against creeping wheatgrass.

For greater effectiveness, you can add 100-150 g to the solution. urea per liter of aqueous solution of the chemical.

Sowing sederat plants

Another method of control is sowing seeded plants. This is a natural way to help get rid of wheatgrass in your garden. Doesn't get dirty when used environment. This method also promotes soil aeration and improves physical characteristics land cover.

The most popular sederats:

  • Mustard;
  • Common lupine;
  • Phacelia;
  • Peas;
  • Clover;
  • Rye;
  • Rape;
  • Buckwheat;
  • Alfalfa;
  • Ledvenets.

Sowed with sederats land a month before planting, or immediately after harvesting. They grow and displace weeds, preventing their root system from filling the entire space. In addition, grass clippings can be used as fertilizer. It helps increase fertility and fills the soil with useful substances.

In conclusion, we can say that, despite the fact that creeping wheatgrass is a very annoying and tenacious weed, it is still possible to get rid of it forever. With just a little effort, you can definitely get rid of it. Remember that it has the ability to multiply quickly. If it overruns your garden, it will be very difficult to remove it.

If you are faced with the question of how to get rid of wheatgrass, numerous books on gardening and vegetable growing, which describe various techniques, can help you find the answer.

One of the most common and difficult to grow in the garden is wheatgrass. Many gardeners have been fighting it for years and no longer know how to remove wheatgrass from the garden. In this article we will look at various ways how to deal with wheatgrass.

What does creeping wheatgrass weed look like?

Creeping wheatgrass is a perennial herbaceous plant of the grass family, can reach a height of 50 to 120 cm, has a very long creeping and knotty rhizome that penetrates the soil to a depth of 1 m. It can be recognized by its erect, smooth, hairless, with small flat leaves green or bluish-green stem, at the end of which there is a spike containing up to ten thousand seeds that remain viable for 12 years. Its flowering begins in early to mid-summer, after which the fruits ripen. It reproduces by seeds and rhizomes; shoots can even produce root pieces 5 cm long, so the problem of how to get rid of wheatgrass is always relevant. It loves moisture very much and grows well during the rainy season, but during the drought it produces weak vegetation or dies out completely.

Ways to combat wheatgrass in the garden

These methods relate to agrotechnical extermination measures.

  1. When digging the soil, it is good to select the roots, not leaving even small pieces; for greater efficiency, you need to clear the soil in parts. To protect already cleared areas, the edges of the wheatgrass garden can be sprayed with vinegar.
  2. After cleaning the soil, to reduce the viability of the rhizomes remaining in the ground, corn, zucchini, alfalfa, oats, winter rye, vetch with oats, peas with oats, buckwheat should be planted, increasing the sowing rate by 10-15%. The roots of oats are excellent at killing the roots of weeds, so you can dig up the soil with unselected wheatgrass half a shovel deep and, making a furrow across it, plant oats. The well-known ones work in the same way, by planting several dahlia bushes at random and part of the area will be cleared without your intervention.
  3. Use cardboard: without digging, cover part of the area with wheatgrass in the spring, pour a small layer of soil on top and sow plants with a small root system, for example, greens. Due to lack of light, the wheatgrass roots themselves will rot in the ground.
  4. Trim the green mass of the weed with a Fokin flat cutter or any other weeder at a depth of no more than 2 cm, without damaging the rhizomes. This must be done every 5-6 days, then the roots do not receive nutrition and die.
  5. Use soil compaction (do not dig it up); in this case, the roots do not have enough air and the wheatgrass disappears on its own.

Herbicides against wheatgrass

In the fight against this weed, you should first apply all of the listed methods to get rid of wheatgrass, and only if they do not help prevent its appearance in your garden, then you can start using continuous herbicides. Glyphosate-containing preparations have the best effect on wheatgrass: Glyphosate, Glyphos, Roundup, Glysol, Hurricane Forte, Tornado, etc. The most favorable period For effective application herbicides is the time from the beginning of tillering to the heading of the weed, when it begins to grow intensively. But, according to scientists, such drugs should be used no more than once every 3 years.

Wheatgrass represents perennial from the herbaceous family. This is a weed that grows almost everywhere: in the garden, in the vegetable garden, in the field, along the road. The most common type of plant is a creeping one. It got its name because its roots grow quite quickly in the soil and occupy large areas.

This grass is considered the most malicious weed that inhabits gardens and plots of land. It is difficult to eradicate; the root system is long and powerful.

The secretions it produces have a depressing effect on soil fertility and the growth of other crops, depriving them of moisture and light, and preventing normal growth.

Simple ways to control creeping weeds that work well with other weeds will cause them to grow even larger. Weeds are tenacious plants, even a small cutting of a root can give life to another, and the chain will continue. Of course, you can dig up your garden every spring and fall with a pitchfork and pick out all the roots, but it’s easier to apply measures that take into account biological features this weed.

Features of wheatgrass

The weed loves loose, moist soils where there is a lot of humus, where it thrives and multiplies quickly, especially during the period of autumn rains and wet spring. IN summer period When there is drought and heat, reproduction stops until conditions favorable for this reappear.

The roots are located at a depth of up to 6 cm. If the soil is compacted, their development is slightly reduced and the rhizomes die. If the soil is constantly in this state, the weeds will stop growing and gradually disappear. But there are other ways to deal with wheatgrass.

Measures to combat the harmful weed - creeping wheatgrass: effective methods

  1. Sowing rye. Sowing rye can be used in places where weeds grow in large quantities.
    quantity. When the rye turns green, it should be mowed and the area should be plowed and left to rest for a month. Then sow again and do the same steps several times in a row. If you carry out such procedures for two years in a row, the soil will clear, become fertile and loose;

Where there is weed grass, you can plant potatoes; the potatoes themselves do not affect them, however, constant loosening and watering have an adverse effect, the reproduction process becomes slow, and the seeds stop ripening.

But if weeds appear on the lawn, then this method of control is not suitable. If there are bald spots on the lawn, it is necessary to sow grass crops so that there is a good planting density. In this case, it is necessary to use seed without admixture of weeds.

The fight against persistent wheatgrass on the lawn can also be carried out through regular mowing. He does not like a short mow, in which case the roots become thin and soon disappear from the lawn. If its height reaches 6 cm, then the lawn must be mowed immediately; as a rule, the procedure is carried out weekly.

  1. Planting plants that suppress weeds. This method is considered an environmental control method. If it appears in flower beds, in a group of perennials, you can plant dahlias, they have thick roots and large flowers;
  2. Removing seedlings in spring. Weed seedlings appear much faster than other perennials because they are more winter-hardy. In the spring, when seedlings appear, they must be removed immediately, because the roots appear only after several months, then removing them is much more difficult;
  3. Strangulation. The area with the noxious weed is well plowed with a disc implement. The rhizomes are thoroughly crushed and buried at a depth of 30 cm, then the buds will not be able to grow. Another option is to lay out plant residues in large quantities at the dacha. The bottom layer is filled with tops and rough stems, the top with softer ones. It's poured on top wood ash and earth with a layer of 10 cm;
  4. Mulching. The fight against wheatgrass can be carried out using mulching material - cardboard. To do this, in the spring, cardboard is laid on the young shoots, and earth or peat is poured on top. You can use black plastic film or roofing felt. The roots are trimmed with a flat cutter, the beds are treated with a solution of a biological product, which contains bacteria that feed on plant debris. As a result of lack of light, the rhizomes will begin to rot along with the cardboard. If some shoots break through, they should be sprayed with vinegar. By autumn, the malicious annoying weeds will disappear;
  5. Sowing oats. Oats are sown where weeds grow. It can be mixed with peas and vetch. Oat roots destroy rhizomes, greens enrich the soil with nitrogen, thereby improving fertility;
  6. Usage chemical substances – use of various glyphosate-based herbicides. The substance contains glycine amino acids, which have a detrimental effect on the weed. The substance is used when active growth is observed, that is, the plant has more than three leaves. Herbicides are not selective, and therefore must be used very carefully so as not to harm others cultivated plants. In the beds with potatoes, beets, grapes, melons it is necessary to use anti-cereal herbicides, for example, “Nabu”, “Targa Super”, “Fusilade Super”. You can spray over growing beds, but the height of the weed should not be more than 20 cm.

How to deal with wheatgrass in the garden, practical advice:

  • regular mowing, once every 7 days;
  • planting dahlias in large quantities;
  • digging with a pitchfork, removing rhizomes;
  • pouring boiling water;
  • mulching and spraying shoots with vinegar;
  • sowing cereal green manures - oats, rye;
  • digging in boards and slate to a depth of 35 cm if weeds are creeping from a neighboring area.

How else can you fight wheatgrass in your dacha, you ask. There is another interesting way.

It is important to know that the weed grows heavily from the depths, and this can be taken advantage of. It is necessary to remove a layer of soil of 20 cm, lay the green mass down. You can lay another layer of weeds, sprinkle soil on top, you will get a bed up to 1.5 m in height. You can plant other crops on top of it, for example, corn, beans, radishes, peas, sunflowers, lettuce; wheatgrass just doesn’t like them, it will begin to rot inside.

Useful properties of weed

In nature, any plant has its own value, and weeds are no exception; they can also be beneficial. The weed is used in folk medicine, especially juice and rhizomes. The roots are collected in the fall or early spring, dried, and in the summer they are made from grass. healthy juice. About useful and medicinal properties weeds were known back in ancient times. The rhizomes were collected, dried, made into flour and baked into flat cakes and bread.

It contains glycides, polysaccharides, malic acid, fructose, levulose, vitamin C, carotene, etc.

  • Decoctions of rhizomes are used as a good diuretic, diaphoretic, and expectorant. It helps remove gallstones, treats diseases of the liver, stomach, intestines, lungs, cystitis, rheumatism;
  • Freshly squeezed juice is suitable for the treatment of skin diseases, osteochondrosis, colds, pneumonia, bronchitis;
  • The infusion helps cleanse toxins and waste, normalizes metabolic processes within the body, ultimately correcting weight, and the skin becomes clearer;
  • Baths with it help with hemorrhoids, rickets, diarrhea;
  • Has a beneficial effect on the food digestion system in animals, dogs and cats;
  • Livestock feed on it.

Preventive action

Effective fight against creeping wheatgrass should be, first of all, that it should not be allowed to spread further. When weeding, the selected roots of the plant cannot be thrown into a common heap, because even in a dried state they can sprout if they fall into wet soil with the required temperature.