csp is used. Cement particle board dimensions. Composition, technical characteristics and application. Weight of DSP boards

csp is used.  Cement particle board dimensions.  Composition, technical characteristics and application.  Weight of DSP boards
csp is used. Cement particle board dimensions. Composition, technical characteristics and application. Weight of DSP boards

Cement particle board (CSP) is a versatile building material suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. Moreover, in terms of the sum of its characteristics, it surpasses any wood-based sheet material (chipboard, OSB), because, in addition to high heat and sound insulating qualities, as well as enviable strength, the DSP board demonstrates acceptable fire resistance and the complete absence of warping or shrinkage. Thanks to this, DSP can be painted, plastered, finished with ceramics (tiles) or siding.

What are such plates made of - are additives needed

DSP is a multi-component sheet building material, in the manufacturing process of which Portland cement and wood shavings are used. In addition, the composition of the plate includes special chemical additives that allow the base materials to coexist without any problems. Indeed, under normal conditions, wood is not friendly with cement, which provokes excessive moisture and the associated warping and decay of the material.

The use of special additives (up to 2.5–3% of the total volume) eliminates the negative consequences of the proximity of wood and cement, giving CBPB such useful properties of the first and second components as heat resistance and fire resistance. Moreover, due to the percentage ratio - 24% of wood accounts for 65% of cement - the plate acquires other positive qualities: high strength, frost resistance, soundproofing properties, vapor permeability and complete disregard for the material by both insects and rodents.

In addition, at the same time, a wooden and cement board demonstrates such qualities as resistance to fungi, moisture resistance, resistance to temperature shrinkage and compatibility with most finishing materials, which is explained by enviable adhesion. At the same time, chemical additives in DSP do not belong to environmentally harmful materials, since they do not contain either asbestos or formaldehyde.

What are the specifications and sizes

Domestic enterprises have been producing the first DSP boards for floors and walls since the late 1980s. Now this composite building and finishing material is produced at six enterprises, adhering to the following size range:

  • Length - from 2.7 to 3.2 m. Moreover, the most popular plates are 3 meters long.
  • Width - exactly 1.25 m. This size is a kind of standard that determines the step of the crate when finishing the surfaces of the DSP.
  • Thickness - from 8 to 36 mm. Moreover, this parameter divides the range into 7 sizes, and the depth of the most popular sheets is 10, 16 and 20 mm.

The thickness and length of the sheet affect such a value as the weight of the DSP. Moreover, an 8-mm slab 2.7 meters long weighs the least - 36.45 kg, and a 36-mm slab 3.2 meters long - 194.4 kg will have the maximum weight.

Other technical characteristics typical for the DSP board are as follows:

  • Density - from 1.2 to 1.4 t / m 3. The difference in density depends on the level of humidity, which can be unstable (standards allow fluctuations within 3%).
  • Strength - bending 9-12 MPa, tensile - 0.4 MPa. As you can see, the plate reacts poorly to both bending and stretching. Another thing is longitudinal deformation. In this case, the resistance of the DSP is so great that it can be used to strengthen the load-bearing wall of the house.
  • Standard humidity is 9%. Moreover, after a daily stay in water, this indicator increases only to 16%, and the linear dimensions of the sheet change by 0.3% in length and 2% in thickness.
  • Vapor permeability - 0.03 mg / (m h Pa). Due to the porous structure, cement-bonded particle boards are classified as "breathable" materials, which, combined with the general environmental friendliness of the base, increases the attractiveness of this option in the eyes of builders of healthy dwellings.
  • Thermal conductivity coefficient - 0.26 W / (m K). Such a sheet cannot be compared with pure wood (0.15), but compared to brickwork (0.7), cement-bonded particle boards look very dignified, and compared to pure concrete (1.75), they are completely amazing.

However, no matter what the technical characteristics of the DSP plate demonstrate, the use of this material is associated with the solution of a narrow set of tasks that will be discussed below in the text.

Disadvantages of cement and chip slabs - what are they

After reviewing the characteristics, I would like to mention the disadvantages of the DSP. First of all, these include the significant weight of the sheet, which makes it difficult to transport the panel to the upper floors or roof. However, for the formation of a roofing cake, 10- or 16-mm sheets are usually used, the weight of which does not exceed 75-85 kilograms, which is quite acceptable for a roofing team of 3-4 people.

The second serious disadvantage of DSP is its low bending strength. Such plates are not suitable for the construction of arches and other architectural forms with curved lines. However, if necessary, the same OSB sheet can replace the cement particle board.

The practice of application in outdoor work - where it is useful

Due to the high frost resistance and acceptable moisture resistance that any cement-bonded particle board has, the use of this material in outdoor work will be justified even if thin, 8 mm sheets are used. DSP is used in the construction of ventilated facades. In this case, lighthouses are stuffed onto the wall of the building, on top of which sheets of cement and shavings are laid. Further finishing depends on the degree of grinding of the outer side of the panel. Unpolished material can be covered with plaster, not forgetting the reinforcing mesh. The sanded sheet is usually painted or left as is.

In addition, due to the high moisture resistance of DSP, the use of this material is also possible in the context of the base for the assembly of removable or fixed formwork. High rigidity, minimal moisture warpage and virtually water tightness make this material the ideal formwork for reusable or single use. Moreover, the sheets are easily processed, allowing you to assemble structures of even very complex configurations. And as a fixed formwork, DSP has an additional advantage - the sheet will work as a waterproofing agent, simultaneously insulating the base.

Sandwich panels based on sheets of chips and cement are also very popular. Such building materials allow you to assemble a house in a matter of months. In this case, the main advantage of DSP is the thickness of the sheet, which reaches 3.6 centimeters and allows you to increase the overall rigidity of the structure. Therefore, from sandwiches based on such sheets, it is possible to build houses of virtually any number of storeys. True, a sandwich panel made of a heavy-duty sheet with a thickness of 36 mm weighs more than 400 kilograms, which somewhat complicates the construction process.

DSP boards are used not only for floors or attic floors. In this case, the panels are used as cladding, they are stuffed onto the frame racks with a preliminary vapor barrier. Moreover, from the outside, the slab is first primed, raising the adhesion of the surface, and then painted or plastered, obtaining an outwardly attractive facade. Well, for the thermal insulation in the frame house, the inner layer of mineral wool, located between the racks of the frame, will be responsible, so the heat resistance of the DSP in this case can be neglected.

Interior decoration and floor arrangement - for every taste

If you have a DSP board, the use of this material in interior work is limited only by your imagination. From the sheets, a high-quality rough sheathing for walls or a frame is obtained. Moreover, they can be covered with a layer of plaster or primer and wallpapered or tiled, so DSPs go to wet areas (bathrooms, showers, toilets, kitchens), and to ordinary rooms. Thick sheets can be used in the arrangement of interior partitions.

Moreover, 24- or 36-mm panels are used even without a frame. They are folded in 2 or 3 sheets, fixing to the ceiling and floor.

Such a move allows you to speed up the arrangement of the interior, and thanks to the wood base in the DSP, you can not only screw in self-tapping screws, but also hammer in nails, hanging pictures, mirrors, shelves or decor. DSP in the interior is valued for its high fire resistance. This material not only resists an open flame for 50 minutes, but also does not emit toxic combustion products. Therefore, such panels are classified as a low-combustible type of building materials G1 - under no circumstances will the DSP burn on its own.

However, the most common scope of such plates is interfloor, basement or attic floors. DSPs for floors or ceilings are more than willing to buy. This material can be used to insulate a concrete slab, strengthen the frame floor, and increase the moisture resistance of a wooden base. Installation of the floor (basement) based on DSP involves the following operations:

  • Waterproofing and soundproofing are laid on the supporting column.
  • A log (beam 5x8 centimeters) and cranial bars are laid on top. The placement step is 60 centimeters.
  • A boardwalk or a thin DSP slab is mounted on the bars - the use of thick slabs for a rough-type floor will be unjustified for practical reasons. After all, the draft floor holds only a heater.
  • A waterproofing membrane and a layer of insulation are laid on top of the flooring. Moreover, the thickness of this layer should be 2-3 centimeters less than the depth of the log - this space will go under the ventilation gap.
  • At the end, a DSP sheet is laid on the log and fixed to ordinary self-tapping screws with a countersunk head.

By acting in this way, it is possible to obtain a warm floor with excellent strength characteristics even with a 20 mm thick cement-bonded sheet. Panels with a thickness of 24-36 mm can be laid on sand-cement bedding or compacted clay, refusing to support posts. For residential buildings, this technology is not suitable, but for warehouses, a thick cement-bonded particle board, the technical characteristics of which indicate a readiness to withstand a large operational load, will come in handy.

How to quickly and efficiently, but at the same time with a minimum waiting time, level the floors in an apartment or house? If it is the speed of work that is very important, and the creation of a conventional cement screed is impossible, then a DSP slab is perfect for this purpose. The use of this building material for the floor allows you to make surfaces even very quickly. At the same time, the coating will be durable and of high quality.

DSP slab - floor application

DSP is a cement-bonded particle board, and the name fully reflects the composition of this material. DSPs are made from a mixture, the components of which are wood chips and cement compositions.

The composition of the building material includes:

  • wood chips with fractions of various sizes - 24%;
  • water - 8.5%;
  • special additives - 2.5%;
  • Portland cement - 65%.

The production process is quite simple - DSP is done as follows.

  1. Special water solutions are loaded into special mixers, which include various salts, liquid glass and aluminum.
  2. Further, wood shavings with fractions of different sizes are gradually added to these solutions - mineralization of raw materials occurs.
  3. Cement is added to the resulting composition and a little more water is added.
  4. The mass is subjected to thorough mixing until a homogeneous mass and then goes under a powerful press.

GOST 26816-86. Cement particle boards. Specifications. Download file (click on the link to open the PDF file in a new window).

The result of this production chain is the finished cement particle board, which is quite thin and has a smooth surface. A large amount of cement in the composition allows you to create a fairly durable material. By the way, inside the plate, the chips have b about Larger dimensions than outside, due to which the smoothness of the surface of the finished material is achieved. DSP does not need to be further leveled after laying, making the material excellent for creating a rough floor covering for laminate, tile and other types of finishes. Also, voids are not formed inside the DSP during production.

On a note! Wood shavings are also used as a raw material in the production of chipboard, fiberboard and OSB boards. The technologies for the production of these materials are somewhat similar to the technology for producing CSP boards.

DSP boards are widely used in construction. They can be used to decorate the facade walls of houses, they are used to create various partitions inside the premises. The material is suitable for use in restoration purposes and for interior finishing work. At the same time, it is suitable for apartments and private houses.

DSP plate is distinguished by high environmental friendliness, as it is created from natural materials and practically does not contain additional chemical ingredients. That is why the stove is recommended for use both in residential premises and in production.

The use of cement particle board is an opportunity to abandon the laborious pouring of a cement screed to create a base. Building material allows you to reduce labor costs and spend less money from the budget planned for leveling the floors for laying the finish coating.

csp plates

Characteristics of DSP board

DSP is a material of a completely new category, characterized by significant strength, long service life, and a certain level of moisture resistance. It also has good soundproofing and heat-saving properties. All these features allowed DSP boards to take a strong place in the construction industry - they are used for various purposes.

Of course, this material is far from ideal, but still, due to its properties and characteristics, it can be used both outside and inside the building. DSP plate does not lose its qualities in a variety of climatic conditions.

On a note! Compared to the usual chipboard for many, the board based on cement and chips is 3 times stronger and has high resistance to various physical influences and loads.

Table. Key parameters of the DSP.

Length, mThickness, mmWidth, mArea, sq.m.The number of sheets in 1 cubic meter, pcs.
2,7 8 1,25 3,375 37
2,7 10 1,25 3,375 29
2,7 12 1,25 3,375 24
2,7 16 1,25 3,375 18
2,7 20 1,25 3,375 14
2,7 24 1,25 3,375 12
2,7 36 1,25 3,375 8
3,2 8 1,25 4 31
3,2 10 1,25 4 25
3,2 12 1,25 4 20
3,2 16 1,25 4 15
3,2 20 1,25 4 12
3,2 24 1,25 4 10
3,2 36 1,25 4 7

The density of one cubic meta CSP plate is quite high - about 1300-1400 kg / m 3. The moisture content of the material is 6-12%. By the way, the material is not 100% protected from the effects of water, however, swelling upon contact with liquid during a full day should not exceed 2%.

To the touch, the plate is rough, but smooth - often these indicators depend on the grinding method used. Sometimes the DSP does not need the latter - if the roughness level is not more than 80 microns. The plate is selected in accordance with the operating conditions, as well as the requirements for the final results. For example, indoors, smooth slabs are usually used, while rougher ones can be dispensed with outside.

On a note! The finishing of CSP boards is simple - any type of floor finish can be laid on them, and paint, varnish, plaster, etc. can be easily applied to the surface.

Cement particle board - transportation

Advantages and disadvantages

What are the main advantages and disadvantages of plates over other similar materials? Let's consider the answer to this question in more detail.

DSP Advantages:

  • environmental friendliness of the material, as it is made from natural ingredients. DSP does not contain asbestos- and formaldehyde-containing substances;
  • fungus and mold do not settle on the plates;
  • the material is not hygroscopic - this is its main advantage over chipboard;
  • DSP does not suffer from temperature fluctuations, does not lose its operational qualities;
  • 100% incombustibility of DSP plates allows them to be used in any premises. The material can resist fire for 50 minutes;
  • reasonable price, allowing you to purchase material even in the case of a small budget;
  • significant strength due to the multi-layer material. Excellent performance is noted at pressure both from the end of the plate, and from any of the other sides;
  • the plate does not require work on additional leveling of surfaces;
  • the material is not afraid of chemical influences;
  • cement-bonded particle board perfectly resists decay processes;
  • relative impermeability to water - during the day, the DSP is able to absorb a maximum of 16% of the liquid;
  • high soundproofing and heat-insulating qualities;
  • ease of installation.

On a note! DSP boards are recommended for use when installing a water heated floor system. In this case, it will be possible to create an additional air gap between the heating and the finish coating, which will significantly improve the result of the work done.

The disadvantages of plates are as follows:

  • a large mass of material, which makes it difficult to work with it;
  • during processing, the DSP generates a lot of dust. If you have to cut the plates, then you should wear a respirator and goggles so as not to harm the organs of vision and breathing.

However, the advantages of the material are much greater than the disadvantages, which determines its popularity in construction, including for leveling floors. Usually DSP boards are laid on logs - this is the best option for using the material in this area. More often DSP is laid under laminate, carpet, linoleum, ceramic tiles.

In general, it can be noted that DSP boards are superior to drywall, chipboard and fiberboard in most indicators, which makes them one of the best building materials. Also, the DSP will save a lot of money if a choice is made in their favor.

DSP in insulation works

Most often, DSP is used in the field of insulation of buildings and structures. Usually the building is sheathed with material from the outside. Fixing is done with screws or nails.

But, since DSP is an environmentally friendly material, wall and floor cladding can also be made from inside the room. The sheathing process is similar to what is done outside: the material is attached to a wooden or metal crate using nails or self-tapping screws. Sometimes adhesive mastics can also be used. After the installation of the plates, the finishing is carried out.

floor application

DSP is often used to create a subfloor. Most often, the material is laid on the basis that in the future ceramic tiles will be glued to it - this is the most demanding coating for evenness of the base. DSPs are also suitable for pouring and for installing soft floor coverings.

DSP slabs can be mounted on logs, as well as laid on a flat concrete or wooden base. The material serves for many years and at the same time is able to withstand significant loads, subject to proper installation.

DSP slabs for the floor - photo

The choice of cement sheets for the floor

The choice of DSP boards is carried out in accordance with the conditions in which the material will be used, as well as the technology by which it will be installed. For laying on logs, plates with a thickness of 20-26 mm are used - they will perfectly cope with their function as a rough base. If the installation is carried out directly on the ground, then plates of 24-26 mm are used. In general, almost any DSP boards can be used for floor leveling.

On a note! DSP boards can be laid even in cold weather. It does not matter if outside the window the air temperature drops below zero.

Requirements for DSP boards used for floor installation:

  • humidity - from 6 to 12%;
  • density - more than 1300 kg / m 3;
  • tensile strength - 0.4 MPa;
  • surface roughness - 80 microns;
  • moisture absorption level - 16%.

Preparing for DSP Coating

Before starting work on arranging a rough coating from DSP, the subfloor must be properly prepared. For example, in the case of laying material on a wooden base, old or rotten boards must be dismantled and replaced with new ones. It is important to close all the cracks with putty, and the wooden base is primed for better adhesion to the glue, on which the slab coating will be mounted.

If the installation will be carried out on a concrete base, then it should also be carefully inspected for damage and repaired if necessary. Also, if there are strong horizontal deviations, cement mixtures are leveled. In the case of laying DSP on the ground, a preliminary leveling of the surface is necessarily carried out - this can be done by pouring a sand-gravel mixture 20 cm thick on the ground and ramming it.

The best option is to lay DSP boards on logs. In this case, if it is planned to install the base directly above the ground, the supports for the logs are installed on the ground, and hydro and thermal insulation is laid. The distance between the supports can vary from 0.5 to 1 m - this figure depends on the thickness of the timber used for the logs.

Materials and tools that need to be prepared for working with DSP:

  • timber for lags (section 150x100 or 50x100 mm);
  • DSP boards in the required quantity;
  • antiseptic solution for timber;
  • sawing tool (for example, a hacksaw);
  • materials for waterproofing and insulation;
  • measuring instruments (tape measure, pencil);
  • fixing material;
  • drill.

Arrangement of the floor with the help of DSP

Let's consider the arrangement of the floor from the DSP on the logs using the example of a balcony.

Step 1. A layer of insulation is laid under the logs. Logs are installed parallel to the walls at a distance of about 30-40 cm from each other.

Step 2 Cross bars are installed, crates are being created. Between themselves, wooden bars are connected using metal corners and self-tapping screws.

Step 3 The space between the lags is filled with insulating material.

Step 4 DSP slabs of the required dimensions are laid across the longitudinal logs. The width of the piece of material should be slightly less than the width of the balcony (by 5-10 mm).

Step 5 The plates are fastened with self-tapping screws on the logs. The gaps between the DSP boards are sealed with adhesive.

Video - Laying tiles on the DSP

DSP floors: laying nuances

In general, the installation of DSP boards is carried out in exactly the same way as the laying of OSB boards. During the work, it is important to follow a few rules, and then the base of the floor will turn out to be of the highest quality:

  • a wooden beam for a log must be treated with compounds that prevent rotting. Special compositions can be replaced with engine oil;

  • when installing plates on a concrete screed for a log, you can use a beam of a smaller section - up to 50x50 mm. This will save usable space;
  • when installing the log, you should monitor their level - it must be strictly horizontal;
  • before installation, DSP boards are laid out on logs - this will allow you to determine which of them need to be trimmed if necessary;
  • glue must be well mixed before use;
  • Compensation gaps along the walls will allow avoiding deformation of the DSP base.

DSP - the material is not bad enough, if you use it to create an even base. It is not difficult to work with him, but due to the large mass of sheets, it is better to get an assistant.

Sheet building materials are used in many types of construction work, which are commonly called "dry". One of these materials is the DSP board. This is a durable material that can be used in the construction of frame houses and outbuildings, for interior and exterior finishing work.

What is a DSP board

Cement-bonded particle board (DSP) is a leafy building material made from high-quality cement (Portland cement) mixed with thin long wood chips (according to GOST 26816, chip thickness is 0.2-0.3 mm, length is from 10 mm to 30 mm) . Aluminum sulfate and liquid glass are added to the composition. When kneading, water is added (about 8% of the total mass). The resulting substance is molded in the form of plates, pressed.

DSP plate - sheet building material for interior and exterior work

Some manufacturers of DSP boards are made from several layers. They separately knead compositions with smaller and larger chips. A mixture with large chips is used for the inner layers, giving greater strength. Outer layers are formed from the composition with finer chips, which makes its surface smoother. The folded "pie" enters the press, resulting in the formation of a monolithic DSP slab with improved characteristics.

It is also worth mentioning that there are polished and unpolished DSP boards. Sanded can be used for interior or exterior decoration in those works, after which finishing work can immediately follow. There are also DSP finishing slabs, on one of the surfaces of which a finishing layer is formed in the form of stone or brickwork, decorative plaster, etc.

Application area

DSP is mainly used in dry mounting technologies. They are good for the construction of frame houses, as they do not emit harmful substances, have high strength, low combustibility, emit a small amount of smoke during a fire, and do not spread fire. Having high mechanical strength, they increase the rigidity of frame structures. All this makes frame houses sheathed with DSP safer and more reliable.

Objects to use DSP

Sheet DSP can be used in the construction of the following facilities:

  • Frame houses up to 3 floors inclusive.
  • Industrial, office buildings.
  • Hotel complexes.
  • Kindergartens, schools.
  • Medical institutions.
  • Sport halls.
  • Warehouses, hangars.

Disadvantage: DSP slab has a significant mass (several times heavier), which increases the requirements for the foundation. Solid weight also becomes a problem when climbing to the second floor - you need helpers and or lifting equipment (at least a winch). Another disadvantage of DSP is its low resistance to bending loads. This limits their scope - they are placed on the base, in places with a small bending load, or must be mounted vertically.

Resistance to weathering and high humidity, fungi and bacterial infections, allows the use of cement-bonded sheets in the construction of outbuildings: sheds, garages, cellars.

For finishing exterior and interior works

Another area of ​​application of cement particle boards is the leveling of floors and walls. Compared to other materials, the DSP board has the best soundproofing characteristics, is not affected by fungi, and is well tolerated by climatic influences. Therefore, they are often used to create ventilated facades.

For interior decoration, DSP boards can be used for the following works:

  • Soundproof and fireproof partitions and walls.
  • Interior lining of premises for any purpose (residential and non-residential, including those with high humidity).
  • Window sills.
  • Draft floor.
  • Ceilings.

The positive point is that there are cement-bonded particle boards, polished and unpolished. Polished have an absolutely smooth surface. When using them, you can only seal the seams and then paint, wallpaper, use other finishing methods.

Characteristics and properties

DSP slab is a relatively new material, not yet widely used in private construction. All because not everyone understands how he behaves in the long run. To understand whether it is good or not for your purposes, you need to know about all the properties.

Density and Mass

Density of DSP is 1100-1400 kg/m³. High density gives frame structures an increased level of rigidity. If this material is used for interior decoration, such walls have sufficient load-bearing capacity to hold shelves, cabinets and other fairly heavy items.

The material is quite thick and heavy. One sheet with a height of 2700 mm - depending on the thickness - weighs from 37 kg to 164 kg. This makes the lining of the second floor and above inconvenient. This can be considered a disadvantage.

Thermal and moisture expansion

For construction, such a characteristic as linear expansion with changes in humidity and temperature is also important. For the DSP board, it is present, but it is small. When the plates are located one next to the other, it is recommended to leave a gap of 2-3 mm between them. When installing the second row (in height), the recommended gap is 8-10 mm.

  • Normal humidity at the sale is 9% (±3%).
  • Low water absorption allows the use of this type of material for exterior decoration, for wall cladding in a room with high humidity. When in water for 24 hours, the limit of thickness increase is no more than 1.5%. That is, when wet, they almost do not change size.

What else is worth knowing: when immersed in water, the dimensions change slightly - 2% in thickness and 3% in length. If the material is made according to technology, then even with a long stay on the street under the open sky, it does not change for years.

Strength indicators and installation features

Cement particle boards do not tolerate bending deformations well, but have very high strength under longitudinal loads. Therefore, they are used for mounting on vertical surfaces. Manufacturers do not recommend putting them on logs, but when laying on a subfloor or a rough screed, the material behaves stably. Since the DSP plate is not afraid of water ingress, it can be laid on the floor in rooms with high humidity.

Elastic modulus:

  • in compression and bending 2500 MPa;
  • for tension - 3000 MPa;
  • in shear - 1200 MPa.

If the DSP is mounted on a frame, a crate is required with a step of at least 60 cm. During installation, fasteners are installed in increments of 20 cm. We install self-tapping screws not only along the perimeter, but also along the intermediate rivers of the crate. In this case, tiles can be glued onto the DSP board (primer, after it dries, tiles can be laid without adhesive composition).

Fire and frost resistance

The DSP plate belongs to slow-burning materials; fire does not spread over the surface; toxic or harmful gases are not emitted during combustion. Fire resistance limit (ability to contain fire) - 50 min. This means that the material will break down after 50 minutes of exposure to fire.

High frost resistance - a decrease in strength after 50 freeze / thaw cycles is not more than 10%, which allows the material to be used for building houses even in the Far North. The service life of this material on the street is 50 years.

It is these properties that make DSP the preferred material in. The structure is more reliable in terms of fire safety.

Soundproofing properties

The DSP plate has good soundproofing characteristics and can be used for sheathing exterior or interior walls:

  • reduction in the level of airborne noise for a plate with a thickness of 10 mm - about 30 dB, for 12 mm - 31 dB;
  • reduction in the level of impact noise for slabs laid on reinforced concrete floors - with a thickness of 20 mm is 16 dB, with a thickness of 24 mm - 17 dB;

When using additional intermediate layers, impact noise becomes quieter by another 9-10 dB. That is, frame walls sheathed with DSP boards retain enough sounds to keep the house quiet.

The best combination is a combination of cement particle board and mineral wool. Mineral wool also serves as a heater, because due to the uniformity of the CBPB it has a small thermal resistance (it is not a heat-insulating material).

Performance characteristics

DSP boards are characterized by high vapor permeability - 0.03 - 0.23 mg / (m h Pa). This is about the same level as natural wood. With the right selection of the wall sheathing cake, the humidity in the rooms will be regulated naturally.

In addition, the DSP board has a high resistance to decay. This happens due to the natural process of formation of calcium hydroxide, which is formed when cement is converted into concrete and alkalizes the material so that it becomes an unfavorable habitat for fungi, insects and putrefactive bacteria.

Dimensions and weight

When purchasing materials for construction and finishing works, such characteristics as the dimensions and weight of the material are important. DSP sheets are available in two sizes: with a width of 1250 mm, the length can be 2700 or 3200 mm. In this case, the thickness of the DSP plates can be 8, 10, 12, 16, 20, 24, 36 mm.

It is clear that the thicker the plate, the greater its mass. Approximate weight values ​​are given in the table (different manufacturers may have deviations both in the direction of increasing and decreasing in weight).

Weight of cement particle boards depending on dimensions and thickness

You may also need the following settings:

  • area of ​​one sheet:
    • 1250*2700 - 3.375 m²;
    • 1250*3200 - 4.0 m²;
  • the weight of a cubic meter of CSP is 1300-1400 kg.

The DSP sheet is a homogeneous monolithic material without air inclusions, which explains the high thermal conductivity of the material. This must be taken into account when developing a warming pie. The material adheres well to wood, polymers and metal, so it is convenient for construction work.

Mounting methods

The DSP board can be fastened with nails or self-tapping screws. When mounted on a frame, the boards must be mounted strictly vertical.

Scope of cement-bonded particle boards in private construction

For fastening cement-bonded particle boards, you can use:

  • Galvanized screw nails with a diameter of 2.5 mm. The length is selected depending on the thickness of the sheet and the entire cake. The pinched part of the nail must be at least twice the plate thickness, but not less than 10 nail diameters.
  • Screw and self-tapping screws with pre-drilling holes for the heads. The length is chosen according to the same principle.

When installing DSP boards, it is necessary to strictly monitor the number and order of installation of fasteners: the material has a large mass, so fasteners must be installed at least recommended values. The distance between nails or self-tapping screws depends on the thickness of the plate and is indicated in the table.

Each sheet of cement-bonded particle board is fixed along the perimeter, retreating a certain distance from the edge of the sheet. The installation frequency along the long and short sides of the sheet is the same, but depends on the thickness of the material. In addition, there is also an intermediate mount - in the middle of the height. Here the frequency of installing screws or nails is two times less than along the perimeter.

Processing and finishing methods

Despite the fact that cement particle board is much stronger, it is processed with the same tools: a milling cutter, saw, electric jigsaw. The difference is that you need to use more durable files.

For drilling, the use of a drill with a hard tip is recommended. You can use both a manual and electric drill. Grinding this material is not recommended, since this work removes the top layer, which increases water absorption. But when docking, sometimes it becomes necessary to equalize the height. In this case, any type of grinder can be used. The recommended sandpaper grit is #16-25.

Please note that in order for the seams between the plates not to crack, the seam must be at least 4 mm in the inner section, and not less than 8 mm in the outer section. The distance is large, it can be closed with special rails (usually used for exterior decoration) or with an elastic band or sealant.

As a finish, the DSP board can be painted or covered with plaster. When exterior finishing, the joints between the plates are often simply painted over, leaving them unsealed. Another option is to use an aluminum profile lining that emphasizes the seams. You can also close the seam with a strip.

For interior decoration, the seam is filled with a sealant, which, after drying, retains elasticity. After that, you can plaster. The second option is to lay a special elastic cord, on top of which elastic plaster is again applied.

Cement particle board is a high-quality and safe material that is actively used in modern construction.

We'll talk about what it is suitable for, what materials it can replace, and most importantly, how to use it.

DSP is a building material with a unique structure.

Cement-bonded particle boards consist of crushed needles shavings, which are notable for their small thickness, but impressive length.

The length may vary. A characteristic feature is that at the edges the chips are located along the plate, and inside - across.

This primarily affects the strength characteristics.

Advantages of cement particle boards

DSP can be used in areas of high humidity, as well as in conditions that are characterized by a dry climate.

However, this is not the most important advantage of the material. Among the other advantages it is worth highlighting:

  • versatility. DSP is universal, both in carrying out external repairs and in performing work on finishing the premises inside the house;
  • high rates of thermal insulation. If we, in which heating is not planned, will be kept warm in the house in the spring and autumn;
  • cement particle boards are easy to install;
  • does not require complex processing, is sold ready-made (thanks to this, you do not need to keep proportions, add impurities, thereby increasing your own chances of error and damage to materials);
  • Bacteria do not multiply in the CSP. The environment that is created in the pores of the material, although safe for humans, is unfavorable for microorganisms;
  • can be finished in any way, using any materials (paint, paste over, plaster, and so on);
  • no flammability. This can be achieved due to the fact that CSP contains cement;
  • climate and temperature conditions do not affect the structure of materials;
  • DSP is not interesting for pests;
  • does not contain formaldehyde and other toxic substances that continuously have a negative impact.

As a rule, DSPs are sold in certain sizes. In total, there are 7 dimensional options that differ in length, width and thickness (and, of course, in weight, respectively).

Where is cement particle board used?

The way the slabs are used directly affects the material. It is important to understand that there are two types of DSP: rough and smooth.

They can be applied:

  • for flooring;
  • creating a warm floor;
  • as partitions;
  • DSP can be used as fixed formwork;
  • sheathe a frame house;
  • room finishing.

A little about smooth… This type of slab is great for interior decoration. It is comfortable, easy to install, covered with almost any type of interior decoration.

When it comes to wallpapering, it is easy to prepare a DSP for this. In addition, the wallpaper adheres well to the tiles.

Similarly, DSP is used to create . The floor will be smooth, warm, reliable. If you sheathe both the walls and the floor with slabs, you can get an almost even room.

By the way, the use of this material is also typical for the bathroom, since even plates are usually impregnated with a special substance that protects the coating from moisture. No matter how humid the air, the plates do not deform.

DSP board with a rough surface is used outside the rooms of the house.

With its help, you can decorate the walls, leveling them and finishing to taste. Plates are used to form a roofing cake, formwork, in the construction of structures with a deliberately small load when used.

By the way, sandwich panels are also made of DSP. This material is suitable for creating paths, paths, which, again, will not withstand heavy loads.

Cement particle boards are also suitable for creating furniture, large warehouse structures, and erecting fences.

Cement particle board partitions

DSP can be used to create partitions. What is the advantage of these boards compared to the so popular drywall?

The latter is not resistant to moisture, and it does not retain heat, and the sound transmits perfectly, which can be called a rather negative moment.

In combination with DSP with mineral wool or fiberglass, sound insulation can be increased several times.

It lends itself very well to cutting, which is a plus in places where pipes and wiring pass.

Finishing the room with cement particle boards

Along with a rich choice of the scope of the plate, one can note the particular popularity of using it indoors.