Figs - beneficial properties and harm. The use of figs in the treatment of female diseases, coughs and pregnancy. Dried and fresh figs: beneficial properties and contraindications

Figs - beneficial properties and harm.  The use of figs in the treatment of female diseases, coughs and pregnancy.  Dried and fresh figs: beneficial properties and contraindications
Figs - beneficial properties and harm. The use of figs in the treatment of female diseases, coughs and pregnancy. Dried and fresh figs: beneficial properties and contraindications
Contrary to the stereotype, ripe figs are not only dark blue (blue-violet), but also green - this is a separate variety of fig.

General information

Figs are an extremely controversial product. Despite the fact that it does contain many useful microelements, including carotene, pectin, iron and copper, these fruits contain a large number of sugar, in some varieties its content reaches 71%. For this reason, this fruit is not recommended for consumption by people suffering from diabetes.

The calorie content of raw figs is 74 kcal per 100 g, and dried figs are 257 kcal.

The maximum amount of sugar can be found in overripe fruits, which most often end up on store shelves during the off-season. Now, in the fall, fig lovers have the opportunity to enjoy not only the taste, but also the benefits of this berry. You need to choose fruits that are dense and elastic, without dents or cuts. Remember that figs are a perishable product, so store them in fresh It is recommended not to last longer than three days, then it begins to lose both its taste and benefits. If you still have figs in your refrigerator, we recommend using them in cooking; we’ll tell you exactly how at the end of the material.

Benefits of figs

  • Figs have antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects, so they are recommended for colds, sore throats and other similar diseases.
  • IN folk medicine figs are known as faithful assistant in the fight against diseases of the cardiovascular system. Of course, we do not recommend basing your treatment only on these fruits, but we advise you to support the main course. Figs contain an impressive amount of potassium, which will have a beneficial effect on general condition health, and in particular on blood vessels.
  • Having already mentioned the cardiovascular system, we add that figs, thanks to the enzyme ficin contained in them, promote the resorption of vascular blood clots and also help normalize the heart rate.
  • Figs are also rich in fiber, which quickly fills you up and satisfies your hunger for a long time. These fruits can be an excellent mid-workday snack.
  • It is believed that figs help fight a hangover, reducing all the symptoms associated with this condition - nausea, thirst, headache and general weakness. This is due to the high content of three elements important for our body - potassium, magnesium and calcium.

Harm of figs

There are few contraindications to eating figs, and they are associated primarily with the high sugar content in this berry. Fresh figs are not recommended for consumption by people with diabetes and those suffering from acute gastrointestinal diseases. The same applies to dried figs, because the percentage of sugar content in them only increases.

What to cook with figs

Figs make very tasty preserves, jams and syrups; they also look very good in compotes and lemonades. In some eastern countries All kinds of tinctures are even made from it, but most often figs are used in the preparation of desserts, which is in principle logical, given the amount of sugar it contains. However, this does not mean that you should not experiment with this fruit and not try to add it to main dishes. It also goes well with meat and goes well (especially with red), the main thing is to find the right proportions.

Cottage cheese casserole with figs


Cottage cheese – 500 g
Sour cream – 4 tbsp. l.
Sugar – 7-9 tbsp. l.
Eggs – 2 pcs.
Dried figs – 150 g
Melted butter– 40 g
Wheat flour – 150-200 g
Vanillin to taste

Cooking method:

  1. Mix cottage cheese, sour cream, sugar, eggs, vanillin and melted butter.
  2. Add flour to the curd mixture. Stir in finely chopped figs.
  3. Take a baking dish that is not too deep and grease it with sunflower oil.
  4. Place the mixture in a mold and bake in the oven for 35-40 minutes at 180 degrees.
  5. You can eat it either warm or chilled. Serve with syrups and sour cream.

Toast with figs


Whole wheat bread
Goat cheese

Cooking method:

  1. Spread the bread slices with cheese (some people prefer to microwave the sandwiches a little so that the cheese melts a little, but this is optional).
  2. Drizzle some honey over the cheese. Top with fig slices and sprinkle with chopped nuts.

Baked figs with mascarpone


Red dry wine– 4 tbsp. l.
Sugar – 2 tbsp. l.
Dried figs – 170 g
Walnuts – 2.5 tablespoons
Mascarpone cheese – 2 tablespoons
Balsamic vinegar to taste

Cooking method:

  1. Mix wine, vinegar and sugar in a saucepan and cook over moderate heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Don't forget to stir.
  2. Cut the stems off the figs and add them to the pan. Cook for another 5 minutes.
  3. Pour the wine syrup with figs into a baking dish, sprinkle with fried walnuts and place in the oven, preheated to 190 degrees.
  4. Bake for about 30 minutes until the figs have absorbed most of the liquid.
  5. Remove the figs from the oven and let them cool slightly (no more than 15 minutes).
  6. Place a couple of spoons of mascarpone on a plate, place warm figs on them, pour over the remaining syrup.

Figs are not a fruit at all (although that’s what they usually call them), not a vegetable, not even a berry! Unique plant represents inflorescences that are practically not stored for a long time, so dried inflorescences are most often found in Russia.

But even so, the benefits and harms to the body of figs remain 100%. Possessing a specific taste, these fruits require careful handling from a culinary point of view.

They taste sweet, sugary, a little honey. There are no specific vitamins or minerals in the composition that could be isolated in a special concentration, such as rich in folic acid in a special form.

History of sweet berry

Fig fruits grow on a fig tree. According to legend, it was the leaves of this tree that Adam and Eve used to create clothes. The plant is considered one of the most ancient in the world, and its homeland is Asia Minor. The ancient Greeks used figs.

A tree lives for 200 years, and the plant produces this entire period. wonderful harvest. The main suppliers are Greece, Türkiye and Iran.

Useful properties of different types

The benefits and harms of figs for the body are almost the same for dried and fresh varieties. Both of them have a good effect on the digestive system due to their high fiber and pectin content. Gallic acid, which is part of the fruit, has a good antiseptic effect, so they are recommended not large quantities after poisoning.

The same can be said about figs for the cardiac system. There may even be a little envy here, since the fig tree berry contains a huge amount of potassium. The same mineral. It should be noted that the benefits of dried figs for the heart will be slightly higher, since phenol is formed inside, fatty acid, which protect against heart disease and atherosclerosis. The effect of fresh is as follows:

  • lowers cholesterol levels;
  • stimulates the excretion of sweat and bile, perfect for treating colds;
  • contains a lot of calcium, beneficial for teeth and skeleton;
  • lowers sugar levels in diabetes;
  • destroys fungi;
  • improves the condition of the vocal cords and tonsils.

Here are the benefits of dried figs: it increases sexual stamina, helps against bronchitis and asthma, and is used as a gargle for sore throats (similar to the effect of the fresh product). Both types have beneficial properties for the immune system, blood condition, and preventing the formation of cancer cells due to the colossal amount of antioxidants in the composition.

For what diseases is it used?

Wine berry, like feijoa fruit, has enormous benefits in the treatment of various acute respiratory viral infections. She copes well with high temperature and infections, even treats diseases such as tonsillitis and bronchitis. Inflorescences are included in the diet for tuberculosis. Used in dietary nutrition for other diseases:

  • any inflammation of the oral cavity;
  • hypertension;
  • kidney and stomach diseases;
  • almost all vascular diseases;
  • high blood viscosity;
  • constipation;
  • anemia and liver disease.

If you have diabetes, there are restrictions on the consumption of fresh wine berries, but dried ones are strictly prohibited.

Harm and contraindications

Fig tree fruits have contraindications for consumption:

  • tendency to gout;
  • disturbances in the metabolism of oxalic acid;
  • inflammatory digestive diseases;
  • pancreatic diseases;
  • pancreatitis;
  • stomach ulcer and gastritis.

For urolithiasis, you need to eat only a few pieces per week, no more. You should not get carried away with them even if you are in normal health, as uncontrolled use can lead to unexpected reactions from the gastrointestinal tract.

How to choose and store correctly?

If all beneficial features for the fig’s body are taken into account, you can start choosing the right treats. It's easy to do. Fresh inflorescences have a smooth appearance, there should be no rotten or wrinkled sides, and they smell fresh product fruits. If there is a sour smell of fermentation, you should refuse to eat, as the wine berry thus begins to rot.

Since dried wine berries are most often found on the market, you need to know how to choose them. There should be no plaque on the inflorescences, and if in this regard, on the contrary, it suggests the presence of a whitish coating on the right fruits, then the fruit with such a coating is old and tasteless. The skin is not bright, yellowish or light brown.

Fresh figs can only be stored for 3 days in the refrigerator:

  • after purchase, it is washed and dried well;
  • wrap in a napkin and place in a glass container;
  • The vessel is put into the refrigerator.

The paper will absorb all the moisture and allow you to preserve the benefits of the fruit for the body and its freshness longer.

Dried figs keep well in dark place at low temperatures for six months. In markets and stores, fig flowers are most often sold in boxes or baskets, but they can also be found in the form of beads - the fig is strung on a string. Some housewives prefer this type, considering it the most delicious.

But fig fruit should not be stored next to spices and strong-smelling substances.

How to eat?

Not everyone knows how to properly eat fresh figs, because they have a very specific taste. The candied dry product is pre-soaked in water for 2-3 hours, but some people simply rinse it and eat it as is.

Prepared from sweets delicious jam, but there are much fewer vitamins in it, as well as coarse fibers. Great option– eat fresh fruit with various cheeses. It is cut into quarters and placed along with grapes, nuts, and next to cheeses. The fruit perfectly interrupts the taste of cheese and allows you to take pleasant breaks between consuming one or another type of dairy product.

Losing weight with figs

The calorie content of fresh fruit does not exceed 40-45 kcal per 100 g, but dried fruit has an indicator of 200-230 kcal for the same volume. To lose weight, it is enough to include 2-3 inflorescences in your diet daily; you can mix the sweetness with cottage cheese or yogurt, add it to baked goods, make delicious purees, etc.

Health Recipes

From the fragrant inflorescences you can prepare not only delicious recipes for the everyday menu, but also real healing potions that will help you quickly get rid of fever, sore throat, and cough. Here, for example, is a recipe for making figs with cough milk:

  • milk 3.2%;
  • figs – 6 pieces per 2 cups of liquid.

The recipe will not only help relieve cough, but also improve the condition of the vocal cords. The recipe is especially useful for singers during cold weather.

After the inflorescences are washed well, they are cut into halves, the pulp is peeled, put in milk and placed on medium heat. As soon as the milk boils, cover the saucepan and wrap it in a warm towel. The broth should infuse for about an hour. You need to drink the entire contents in one day.

If you don’t like the drink at all, then you can simply gargle with it. To do this, pour boiled milk over dried fruits for 40 minutes.

Sweet fruit salad

Delicate berries go well with tofu! Useful and harmful properties figs for the body are perfectly balanced. Fresh inflorescences are thinly sliced ​​and mixed with cheese, cut into cubes. Everything is laid out on a plate, sprinkled with red pepper. You can decorate the dish with mint or lemon basil leaves.

Candies with wine berries

It’s easy to make delicious, healthy sugar-free sweets from dried sweet berries. To do this, take about 0.25 kg of inflorescences and 100 g of dark chocolate. If desired, add walnuts or almonds and a spoonful of cocoa powder.

Briefly soak dry berries in hot liquid. Then it is dried, and the chocolate is finely ground and heated in a water bath. If you want, you can season the liquid mixture with a spoon of butter.

Cut crosswise and stuff with ground walnuts. Then the candies are shaped like standard truffles, dipped in melted chocolate, and placed on a wire rack. Then each candy should be rolled in cocoa powder and placed in the refrigerator for several hours.

The cost of figs is quite high, but considering that it is better not to eat more than 3-4 pieces per day, then 1 kg will be enough for a long time. Adding the product to a proper diet is simply necessary for those who have switched from unhealthy sweets to dried fruits and nuts, because fig tree inflorescences can completely replace harmful sugar!

What are the benefits of figs for women and men? In this article you will read about the beneficial properties of figs. Surely you have heard that this fruit is very rich in minerals and vitamins. And it's really nice that last years it began to increasingly appear on sale in fresh form. Of course, fresh figs are the healthiest.

What are the benefits of figs for the brain?

First of all, figs are useful for mental activity. In addition, it has beneficial effects on the brain. Figs protect this important organ from various diseases.

Beneficial properties of figs for the heart and blood

Figs are very beneficial for the circulatory and cardiovascular systems. Thanks to him:

  • cholesterol levels decrease;
  • you can get rid of and also prevent anemia;
  • blood composition improves;
  • the risk of heart and vascular diseases is reduced.

Note! Figs lower blood sugar levels, but only when eaten fresh. Dried figs are contraindicated for people with diabetes.

What are the benefits of figs for colds?

What properties of figs should everyone know? Apart from the fact that it is a very tasty fruit)

Figs are often used for healing colds. And this is not surprising! After all, this fruit has diaphoretic and antipyretic properties. Thanks to figs, sore throat and inflammation of the respiratory tract go away.

What are the benefits of figs for women?

Figs are very beneficial for skin and hair. It makes excellent cosmetical tools, after applying which appearance person improves significantly. Also, after using fig products, skin and hair are more reliably protected from diseases and negative environmental influences.

Beneficial properties of figs for our skin

White figs are good on their own, while blue figs are great in salads

Since figs in our latitudes, as a rule, are of imported origin, next tip may seem like a burden on your family budget. Even at the height of the season, you will have to pay from 180 to 450 rubles per kg of figs, depending on the region.

However, a healing compress of fresh figs helps to cure:

What are the benefits of figs? It lowers blood sugar levels, but only in fresh form! Dried figs are contraindicated for people with diabetes.

  • calluses;
  • boils;
  • poorly healing wounds.

Ripe figs also:

  • has a diuretic and mild laxative effect;
  • can be used for bronchial asthma;
  • useful for treating diseases of the spleen and liver.

Contraindications to eating figs

This fruit is not a pronounced allergen, like, for example, citrus fruits (read), and therefore almost everyone can eat it. Moreover, the period of availability of it on our shelves is rapidly short, and we want to have time to enjoy the exotic taste!

So, remember: figs should not be eaten if you have gout, pancreatitis or acute illnesses. gastrointestinal tract. Also dried figs it is contraindicated to use when diabetes mellitus and obesity (almost all dried fruits have high calorie content and high sugar content).

The benefits of figs can hardly be overestimated: they are indispensable for women and their beauty, as well as for those suffering from diabetes. Figs will also help with colds!

As you can see, figs are really healthy fruit. Plus, not only are the health benefits of figs good, many people actually enjoy them exotic look and pleasant taste. Especially if you come across large and juicy fruits- this is an incomparable pleasure! And it’s very nice that this fruit makes very tasty dishes.

Are figs included in your diet?

The benefits and harms of figs for the body of women and men were known to mankind back in biblical times. This fruit is similar to which was also described during the heyday of civilization Ancient Greece. And just like the noble laurel, the fig is surrounded by a lot of myths and legends, because it is one of the most ancient plants cultivated by man.

What it is?

Fig, or fig, is the fruit of the Fig tree, or Fig tree. Sometimes it is called wineberry. Grows in subtropical regions throughout to the globe.

The photo shows what a fig fruit looks like and the tree on which it ripens.

There is a large number different varieties fig tree.

Below are two well-known varieties: dark - “Black Mission” and green “Kadota”.

Of course, there are many more varieties of figs. Their color varies from light yellow-green to black. Lots of brown varieties.


Calorie content of fresh figs per 100 grams – 74 kcal. This quantity of fig tree berries contains:
  • 19 g carbohydrates (2.8 grams are fructose);
  • 3 g fiber;
  • 7% daily dose of potassium;
  • 6% each of manganese, vitamin K and B6;
  • 4% each of magnesium, calcium, thiamine.
The calorie content of dried figs is 249 kcal per 100 grams which also include:
  • 63.9 g of carbohydrates (of which almost 23 grams are fructose);
  • 9.8 fiber;
  • 26% daily norm manganese;
  • 19% each of vitamin K and potassium;
  • 17% magnesium;
  • 16% calcium;
  • 14% copper;
  • 11% iron;
  • 6% each of vitamin B 6 and thiamine;
  • 5% vitamin B2.

In addition to vitamins, microelements and plant fiber, figs contain other bioactive compounds, which explain why figs are beneficial for the human body. In particular, these are polyphenolic compounds and flavonoids that have antioxidant activity. Dried berries contain much more of these components than fresh ones.

There is more in dried figs and all the other beneficial compounds. So, ½ glass of fresh berries contains as much calcium as ½ glass of milk. And just one dried berry contains as much calcium as there is in an egg.

However, the dried product also contains more harmful components (sugars). And you need to remember this when including figs in your diet.

Beneficial features

Protection against the occurrence of malignant neoplasms. Eliminate constipation.
Reducing triglyceride levels (useful for preventing heart and vascular diseases). Stabilization of the mental state by enhancing the biosynthesis of serotonin.
Strengthening the immune system. Prevention and treatment of anemia.
Strengthening bones and teeth. Normalization of potassium: sodium balance, necessary for the prevention of many dangerous diseases, such as hypertension.
Relief of sore throat due to colds. Preservation of vision (prevention of age-related macular degeneration).
Reducing the severity of hemorrhoid symptoms. Prevention of early aging, including preservation of youthful skin.
Antimicrobial and antifungal activity. Helps the beneficial intestinal microflora work.

Naturopaths sometimes explain the benefits of figs for the body by the fact that they are among the. Although the theory of alkaline and acidic foods does not have strict scientific support, alkaline foods usually include natural plant components of the diet, which are undoubtedly important for health.

The beneficial properties of figs and contraindications for their use are similar to. Both fruits contain a lot of sugars. Therefore, they benefit the body only when they are consumed in small quantities. If you eat a lot of wine berries, then it will be harmful, not useful. Since excessive amounts of sugars are dangerous to health.

Is it possible to eat while losing weight?

Dried and fresh figs have benefits for the body of people losing weight. For example, this product reduces chronic inflammation and normalizes the functioning of intestinal microflora. And this is important for losing weight.

However, figs (both fresh and dried) are not the fruit that those losing weight should rely on. Because it contains too many sugars, which will never help you lose weight. Therefore, for those who want to get rid of excess weight, you can include figs in your diet. But only in limited quantities.

The calculation can be made based on the fructose content in the berry, since this sugar makes you fatter the most.

People who are losing weight are allowed to consume no more than 15 grams of fructose per day. In terms of the number of figs, this means that you can do:

500 grams of fresh fruits;

60 g – dried (three pieces).

But this is only what concerns fructose. In addition to it, figs also contain other sugars. Therefore, the final amount of figs that those losing weight can afford will be less. Approximately 300 grams for fresh berries and 2 pieces for dried ones.

Answers to common questions about this fruit

Figs: is it a fruit or a berry?

Fruits are the fruits of trees and shrubs. Since figs are the fruit of the fig tree, they are a fruit.

Botanically, the fruits may be classified as different types. For example, they can be drupes or berries.

The fruit of the fig tree is a syconium, not a berry. Therefore, from a botanical point of view, figs are not a berry. However, in Russian it is called a berry, for example, wine.

Which figs are healthier: fresh or dried?

The fruit of the fig tree is one of those rare fruits that, when dried, do not lose any of their medicinal qualities. And they even multiply them.

Therefore, there is no point in chasing fresh berries. Moreover, you won’t be able to do this, since they spoil very quickly. Therefore, from time immemorial, figs were consumed mainly in dried form, even where they grew.

Is it possible to eat figs? breastfeeding?

Yes. It is both possible and necessary.

The fruit of the fig tree is rich in calcium, a microelement that nursing mothers need in large quantities.

At the same time, the fig not only provides calcium, but also reduces its loss in the urine, as it introduces potassium into the body. Exactly low level potassium is often the cause of calcium leaching.

Can you eat figs during pregnancy?

Yes. It protects expectant mothers from viral diseases, prevents anemia, avoids constipation, fills vitality, strengthens bones, etc.

In fact, all the benefits of figs are important for the body of a woman expecting a child.

How to choose fresh figs?

The fruits of the fig tree rarely reach our table fresh. Their harvest season is short. Moreover, they are collected only when they are fully ripe. Since figs picked green will not be able to ripen.

Therefore, figs do not tolerate transportation well. This is the most perishable fruit. When picked, they are stored for only a few days. So it is quite difficult to buy fresh figs. But if you do have such an opportunity, then pay attention to the fact that the berries:

  • should be soft, but not too soft;
  • must have bright color ripe fruit (even if this variety is green, it must be “ripe green”);
  • the tail should be curved and the skin slightly wrinkled (if the skin is shiny and smooth, the fruit is unripe, although it looks more attractive).

Never purchase a fresh fig tree that shows signs of mold or stains. Even a completely clean, benign fruit can be stored for only a few days. If he has already begun to deteriorate, then he has a couple of hours left to live.

How to store fresh figs?

In a refrigerator. In a paper bag or plastic container with a tightly closed lid.

Fruits cannot be placed on top of each other. They should lie in one row.

Maximum term snoring – three days.

How to eat fresh figs correctly?

Fresh figs are eaten without peel. There are several ways to get to its pulp. Here's one of them.

  1. Cut or unscrew the tail.
  2. Make a cross-shaped cut.
  3. Insert the tip of a knife between the skin of the fig and its flesh. And cut about 2 cm deep.
  4. Next, pull the skin. She should slide down.
  5. On the butt of the fruit, the remaining peel will need to be trimmed off again.

How to properly eat dried figs?

Easier than fresh.

You can simply eat it without peeling anything (along with the peel). Just be sure to wash it first.

If the fig is too hard, you can pour it hot water and hold for a few minutes.

Examples of medicinal use

  1. To eliminate chronic constipation, soak 2-3 figs in a glass overnight warm water. And in the morning, eat them with the water in which they lay overnight. During the fresh fig season, you can simply eat 2-3 berries for breakfast.
  2. To increase sexual stamina, also soak 2-3 berries in the evening. Not in water, but in milk. And eat them in the morning with milk.

Recipe for figs and cough milk

Ingredients: milk and figs at the rate of one fruit per glass of milk.

  • Heat the milk until room temperature.
  • Wine berries must be washed thoroughly. Since dried figs are usually used, before dipping the fruits into milk, it is good not only to wash them, but also to steam them in boiling water.
  • Place the container of milk on the fire and bring to a boil.
  • Reduce heat, close the lid and simmer for an hour.
  • Then remove the pan from the heat and wrap it in a blanket. And in this form, let it cool completely. And only then put it in the refrigerator.

Drink the milk in which the figs were boiled warm. Eat the berries themselves – don’t throw them away.

Contraindications and side effects

When consumed in permitted quantities (300-400 grams of fresh fruit, a few dried berries), figs do not pose any harm to health. With the exception of cases of allergy to it, which develops in people with allergies to natural rubber and other plants of the Mulberry family.

Also, figs can be harmful to patients with diabetes and those people who are preparing for surgical interventions.

But there are contraindications for eating figs in large quantities. In fact, this fruit is not recommended for anyone to eat in large quantities. Moreover, this is not required.

To obtain the benefits of figs for the body, it is enough to eat a little at a time: the concentration of treated compounds in the fruit, especially dried, is high.

In volumes exceeding the permitted limits, wine berries:

  • causes diarrhea, abdominal pain and bloating;
  • aggravates the symptoms of gout and kidney stones;
  • may lead to irritation of the upper respiratory tract.

But the most important thing about the harm of figs consumed in large quantities is an overdose of sugars, which completely neutralize all the beneficial properties of the fruit.

So, if in small quantities fig has anti-inflammatory properties, prevents atherosclerosis and helps to lose weight, then consumed in large quantities it leads to weight gain, increased inflammatory processes, and the occurrence of heart and vascular diseases.

And all because harmful effects sugar overrides the medicinal qualities.

The benefits and harms of figs for the human body: conclusions

The beneficial properties of figs are associated with the presence of fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in its composition.

Negative Impact The health benefits are mainly due to the high sugar content.

Therefore, in order for the benefits of figs to outweigh their harm, you need to eat the fruit only in small quantities: a few pieces of dried fruit, 300-400 grams of fresh fruit.

Main contraindications for use: diabetes and allergies.

Figs, as a very valuable plant, are used by humanity very for a long time(it is considered the most ancient cultivated plant). Otherwise called the fig tree, the common sweet fig is used as food (fresh, dried, dried, in the form of jam), and as medicine. The healing properties of figs for humans are simply invaluable.

What are figs

Figs area tree of the Ficus genus, which can only be found in the subtropics: the southern coast of the Crimea peninsula, Georgia, Armenia, Uzbekistan, Abkhazia, Egypt. The plant has many other names - wineberry, fig, fig tree, fig tree, fig. Fresh fruit, depending on the variety, has a different color. It can be yellow, golden, green, blue, even almost black. The tree itself can reach 10-13 meters in height, but this is not the most important thing. The fruits themselves have the greatest health value. The leaves and root are a little less, but also useful.

What are the benefits of figs?

Useful properties of figscolossal, and chemical composition very rich. The most useful are berries. They contain a huge amount of fats, proteins, vitamins (A, B, PP, C, β-carotene). Among useful substances There were important trace elements such as potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, copper, iron, acids and coumarins. Wine berries contain a lot of glucose and fructose.

The fig tree remains the second fruit after nuts in terms of potassium content. The medicinal properties of figs are widely used for medical purposes: to treat cough, bronchial asthma, anemia, vitiligo, as an antipyretic and a remedy for tachycardia. It helps well with liver enlargement and kidney stones. Has a strong diuretic and laxative effect. Wineberry leaves contain substances that promote wound healing.

What are the benefits of dried figs?

This fruit has a lot of healing properties. Most often it is consumed in dried form, because fig berries are poorly stored and transported poorly.Beneficial properties of dried figsdiverse. For example:

  • cleanses the intestines well of waste and toxins (due to the laxative effect, wine berries normalize digestive processes);
  • helps effectively overcome colds (cough, sore throat, fever);
  • is a remedy for bronchial asthma and tachycardia;
  • treats female inflammatory diseases;
  • Helps get rid of kidney stones and stones Bladder;
  • increases hemoglobin, helps in the treatment of anemia (due to high iron content);
  • treats enlarged liver.

Dried wine berries are good for nervous system. With regular use, it improves mental activity, normalizes all nervous processes and is a mediator of good mood.

What are the benefits of fresh figs?

Fig berries have medicinal properties.Fresh figsIt is customary to use it for diseases of the kidneys, bladder, and liver. Wineberry juice can be wiped on the face for skin diseases (rashes, acne, other inflammations). They can treat fungi and rheumatism. Due to the many beneficial substances contained in the fresh fig tree, it is used in the beauty industry. The medicinal extract is used in cosmetics, perfumes (body, face and bath products). At the same time, the unripe berry is inedible and, instead of healthy and tasty pulp, contains white milky juice.

Figs - beneficial properties for women

Benefits of figs for womenhas been recognized for a long time. Scientists have confirmed that this berry has a beneficial effect on a woman’s health and helps her look good. Because it contains a lot of calcium, consuming figs can help you forget about hair loss and poor nail condition. The substances contained in the fruit have a positive effect on health during menstruation. They help relieve pain and overcome emotional outbursts during PMS. Fig is successfully used for inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs; its usefulness is undeniable.

What are the benefits of figs for men?

The fig tree is considered not only a female panacea for diseases, but also a male one. It has a good effect on potency (it is believed that fig perfectly enhances the potency of even older men), prevents prostatitis and helps a man forget about this kind of ailment. To do this, several fruits are poured with boiling water, or soaked in milk, and the infused mixture is taken orally 1-2 times a day.Figs for menvery useful and can replace many chemical medications.

Figs with milk for cough

Figs for coughis a wonderful tool. The fruit helps get rid of cough, sore throat, elevated temperature, it was invented to be consumed with milk. The recipe is simple: you need to take 2-3 dry fruits and a glass of milk. Cooking process: chopped fruits should be mixed with boiling milk and cooked for about 2 minutes. Then remove from heat and leave for about an hour. You can add a pinch of sugar to sweeten the mixture.

Figs during pregnancy

It is harmful for a woman to take medications during pregnancy, so it won’t matter. the best option. Fig allows you to cure colds and coughs without the intervention of harmful medications. It has absolutely no effect on the health of the mother and child. Doctors recommend takingfigs during pregnancyfor supporting required level vitamins. When pregnant women may experience digestive problems (constipation, disorders, etc.), they need to eat 2-3 fruits per day. This will help bring the digestion process back to normal.

Figs for weight loss

Much has been said above about the benefits of wine berries as medicine. But almost no one knows about its benefits for weight loss. It contains ballast substances that prevent the feeling of hunger. If you eat at least 1-2 fruits a day instead of your usual meal, you can lose weight in short time and with health benefits. Whereinfigs for weight lossvery important. It helps cleanse the body of toxins, reduce cholesterol, and relieve constipation. The beneficial properties of this plant are excellent result for weight loss.

Figs - contraindications

There is in the fig healing properties, but if you plan to eat figs, contraindications must be taken into account, otherwise you can cause yourself considerable harm. This fruit should not be consumed if you have gastritis, pancreatitis, gout, or diabetes (dried fruits contain a large amount of sugar). Dried fig trees are prohibited for consumption by people who are obese (in dried form they are very high in calories). You should be careful when using this product before important events, because it has a strong laxative effect.

Video: benefits of figs for the body