Interior of a small hallway: how to place all the furniture in a small space (39 photos). What are the furniture options for a narrow hallway? Design of walls, floors and ceilings

Interior of a small hallway: how to place all the furniture in a small space (39 photos).  What are the furniture options for a narrow hallway? Design of walls, floors and ceilings
Interior of a small hallway: how to place all the furniture in a small space (39 photos). What are the furniture options for a narrow hallway? Design of walls, floors and ceilings

Modern design presented with many ideas, thanks to which the home becomes cozy and spectacular look. For different rooms Depending on their purpose, a special style of finishing and decor is selected. Each room in the house is unique in its own way, as it performs a specific function in a person’s life. The hallway deserves special attention, because this room is the first thing that catches your eye when entering the house. The overall impression of the owners of the house, their tastes and preferences depends on its design.

Features of choice

Today, not everyone can boast of having large hallway. Most apartments are laid out in such a way that the smallest part of the living space remains for this room. Therefore, selecting and arranging furniture in a small hallway is sometimes considered big problem. In order for this room to be beautifully and creatively furnished, it is necessary to use its space rationally.

The right solution for a very small hallway in an apartment or house would be to choose modular furniture.

For many owners, it will seem difficult to design a small hallway, but if everything is calculated and designed correctly, then this room will turn into an original “calling card” of the house. First of all, you need to rid this room of bulky elements and forget about large cabinets.

Of course, large furniture can accommodate everything, but it will “eat up” the already missing living space. Therefore, for small hallways you will need to choose those models in which you can place the things you are currently using.

As a rule, clothes for the season are stored in hallway closets, and everything else is hidden in closets or mezzanines.

An important indicator in the layout of the room, the number of household members is also taken into account, that is, it is worth taking into account the number of all residents and, starting from this, calculate the volume of clothes and shoes for each. You also need to remember about the guests. If the owners of the house are very hospitable, they are often visited by friends, neighbors, and relatives, it is necessary to take care of the comfort of visitors and provide them with several shelves and hooks for clothes.

When installing furniture in the hallway, you should correctly select its color and material. For small spaces it is recommended to purchase light shades with a glossy or mirror surface. Dark structures in the room will not only look gloomy, but will also visually “steal” the already miniature space.

Therefore, you need to choose the maximum mirror and light colors. As for furniture materials, then the right decision will become wood, MDF or chipboard.

To simplify the process of planning a room, you can draw a sketch of it. Thus, the drawing will show everything that can be translated into reality. Sketches are made both independently and to order.

When designing small hallways, designers do not recommend using the following:

  • Massive modules and facades. Not only do they not fit into general form premises, but also often block the passage in the corridors.
  • Decorative shelves on the walls. Open surfaces will not serve as an element of decoration, but will turn into trash collections. Therefore, it is best to install shallow small shelves for keys and cosmetic accessories.
  • Deep furniture. In small rooms you cannot install cabinets 600 mm deep.
  • Huge chairs. For many, they serve as an excellent place to comfortably change shoes, but in miniature hallways you should forget about this type of furniture.


If small room The hallway resembles a square with a narrow passage; you will need to put in a lot of tricks and effort to make the room look decent. Besides, main task in such decor it will become maximum savings area. Therefore for small hallway minimalism will do. This type of design has its own characteristics. This also applies to furniture.

For miniature room a great option would be:

  • Closet. The doors of the structure do not take up additional space, as they open in a parallel direction to the wall. Many models of such furniture do not have a wall, which makes them much more compact. In addition, such modules are often used in corner spaces. Cabinets allow you to store a lot of things and accessories and look aesthetically pleasing.

  • Hanger. If the size of the hallway is limited and the closet does not fit in them, alternative solution will be the use of a hanger. Today there is a huge selection of these models. Unlike cabinet furniture, they take up minimal space and are designed for storing hats, umbrellas, clothes and other wardrobe items.

There are mounted and floor hangers. At the same time, the first of them have a multi-tiered appearance with 2-3 rows, which helps to place a lot of clothes, especially in the cold season. As for floor models, they are characterized by many positive points and are multifunctional.

It is advisable to purchase hangers with upper and lower shelves for storing gloves, scarves, hats and shoes.

  • Rack. It is necessary to give preference to options without back wall. It takes up space economically and is suitable for storing shoes and small items. You can increase the tier of the rack with shoe boxes. To do this, they need to be covered with remnants of wallpaper or colored paper to match the tone of the hallway.

  • Mirror. An excellent decorative element for small rooms, in addition to its direct purpose, it also helps to visually expand the room. Can be hung as wall model, and choose models built into furniture.

  • Shoe shelves. In the hallway it is important to organize not only the storage of clothes, but also shoes. Multi-tier shelves that occupy the entire height of the wall are best suited for these purposes. The combination of a wardrobe and a shoe shoe also looks good.

In addition to all the above-mentioned pieces of furniture, you can also try to place chests of drawers in the hallway. These modules allow you not only to store many things, but also add a touch of completeness to the room. If the area in the room is very small, then it is recommended to install special shelves for bags, keys and gloves.

Hallway furniture can be purchased at finished form, and made to order. Wherein independent production has more advantages over standard models, since the home owner tries himself as a designer, he selects a unique composition, style, and decorates the space to his taste.


Selecting and arranging furniture in the hallway is not easy, since this room ends with the front door. Therefore, designers for this room create special design techniques that allow you to expand the space.

It is worth noting that furniture, lighting and decoration play a huge role in the decor of the hallway. At the same time, all of the above indicators must correspond to the same style and fit harmoniously into the interior.

To create a unique and spectacular interior, you need to follow some rules:

  • Apply simplicity in space;
  • Make rational use of the area under the ceiling. You can store a lot of things there;
  • Perform redevelopment of non-residential space;
  • Connect residential area from the hallway.

The choice of each of these options directly depends on the design of the housing. Many people find it difficult to agree to rearrange their rooms, but this has its advantages. For example, if the house has a separate bathroom, it is possible to combine it using the received square meters enlarge the hallway. After this, the furniture will be conveniently located and the cabinets will serve as a full-fledged wardrobe.

If the option with a bathroom is not suitable, then you can fill the space under the ceiling. Installing hanging cabinets expands your storage options. Unusual design idea Combining the living space with the hallway is also considered. At the same time, the transition is made smooth and all furniture is selected in the same style. Cabinet modules should fill the rooms in stages, without dividing the space into zones.

Stands out for the hallway separate room. It serves as a kind of transition barrier between the street and the living room.

Narrow hallway design requires attention. This room is furnished to make it stylish and practical.

Advice from designers will allow you to properly arrange the interior and create the appearance of more space. In this case, they are used.

To turn a small hallway into a modern and cozy room it is necessary to abandon unnecessary things and large elements in the interior. It is worth considering materials for furniture and decoration and methods of lighting the space.

The following rules will help you properly furnish your hallway:

  1. The passage must remain clear. Don't do it this room storage of all sorts of things that only narrow the space. The width of the corridor must be at least 90 cm so that two people can easily separate.
  2. For visual increase Light shades are used in the space. allows you to combine pastel shades With general style interior
  3. Creating design long hallway , you need to remember about zoning. The corridor is visually divided into several parts using partitions or arches. Zoning is emphasized by finishing with contrasting colors or finishing materials.
  4. Walls without decor look sad, so experts recommend hanging photographs, panels or paintings. Illuminated niches are used.
  5. Geometry correction narrow corridor performed using wall decoration. One or two end walls are painted in rich colors or covered with wood panels. Such decor will make the room more neat and compact.
  6. Excellent visual technique The use of mirrors in the interior is considered. You can add mirrors to one wall, which will visually expand the room. Framed mirrors or individual canvases are used.
  7. Storage systems require increased attention. You should not use spacious and massive cabinets. IN in this case niches, compact chests of drawers or closets with a small width are used. Transforms space narrow wardrobe in the hallway with a mirror.
  8. wide open door leaf It is better not to use it, as it eats up part of the area. It is worth considering installing doors that open into the room. You can replace regular doors with sliding ones.

If the room is imperfect, then the use of decorative elements will help in this case. In this case, the door is painted in bright color or hang an original lamp.

And the right photo wallpaper will help create the illusion of a transition to another reality.

If you remove the interior door between the hallway and the rest of the rooms, the perception of the room will become holistic. Open passage it is decorated with an arch, and also a simply wide opening is made, which will add light to the room.

For finishing, materials with small patterns are selected. This rule applies to tiles, laminate, linoleum and wallpaper.

The design of the hallway is determined by its area. At the same time, it is important not to clutter up the cramped space. A wonderful solution is to divide the space into separate zones. In this case, the hallway can be separated from the hall. The hall area is decorated in milky, coffee or beige colors.

By using different shades The space is divided into zones.

Experts recommend using minimal amount furniture and focus on small details.

Doors that open into the hallway should be decorated in the same style as the furniture. For a narrow hallway, a sliding wardrobe with many shelves and niches is recommended. They store shoes, umbrellas, clothes and small items.

In limited spaces, modular designs are used: a shoe cabinet and a shoe stand.

The interior of the hallway looks like natural materials: light and dark shades. Materials that imitate wood are used.

If the height of the hallway allows, then mezzanines are installed under the ceiling. This item furniture can be ordered together with the wardrobe. This results in a stylish ensemble.

There is little light in the hallway, so the finishing should be selected taking this factor into account. The selected wallpaper should be in harmony with the furniture set.

When choosing a color finishing materials preference is given to more practical and darker tones. But this is not the best solution for small room. Nowadays, many materials have different surfaces that are suitable for all types of cleaning.

It is worth considering the ornament, since large prints affect the visual reduction of the area.

Vertical stripes will visually raise the ceilings. Horizontal stripes are used to delimit space. Wherein Bottom part the walls are finished with dark materials, and the upper wall is finished with lighter ones: pastel and even white colors. The pattern in all parts is chosen to be the same. This method will make the hallway wider.

If the room is narrow and with high ceilings, then the upper part is performed in dark colors, and the bottom one is in light.

To decorate the corridor you should choose wallpaper, paint, decorative plaster or cork panels. Not the best solution tiles, MDF and PVC panels are considered.

Used for flooring ceramic tile. The ceiling can be suspended, suspended or made of plastic.

A long room will be decorated with wallpaper in neutral tones and simple patterns.

  1. Sconces, floor lamps and Spotlights on the wall.
  2. The paintings are well lit.
  3. Switches are located at the front door for ease of use.
  4. To save energy, energy-saving lamps are chosen.

When choosing how many lamps you need, you need to focus on the degree of illumination of the adjacent rooms.

It is recommended to use moderately bright and diffuse light. A similar effect is obtained when using frosted lamps or lamps that are directed towards the ceiling. In this case, the light is reflected from the ceiling and ceiling surfaces seem taller and more spacious.

If the main light source is used ceiling lamp, then it is mounted closer to the surface.

Additional lighting is necessary for the area in front of the mirror. For this purpose, spotlights are purchased that are placed around the perimeter. Wall sconces are also used. The design of the lamps matches the style of the furniture. If the mirror is located on the cabinet door, then a light cornice is used as lighting.

Arranging a hallway is an interesting and challenging task. Few of the owners of apartments in houses old building boasts large areas. So we have to rack our brains: how to small area place everything you need, and even do it in a way that looks stylish. After all, it is this room that creates the first impression of the apartment or house as a whole. Therefore, decorating a hallway is a responsible task: the development of interior design may well set the tone for the design of all other rooms.

Narrow hallway

Correctly format narrow hallway It's not easy, to put it mildly. There are few solutions, but there is still a choice. The first way is to figure out which side can be occupied with furniture. Preferably one on which the doors are located far from each other. Furniture should be placed along this wall.

Taking up the longest wall for furniture in a narrow hallway is the right decision

The second option is to use two adjacent walls – a short one and a long one – for a wardrobe and a hanger. Also a good option in functional and aesthetic terms.

Placing furniture along two opposite walls in a narrow room is absolutely wrong: you will have to maneuver between them, constantly bumping into corners. To prevent the second wall from looking empty, you can fix a mirror on it, hang narrow wall hangings on which to place decorative elements or some small items.

There are several traditional design techniques, which allow you to visually expand your boundaries, and new developments in the field of storage systems will help you fit everything you need into a small volume.

Walls, floor, ceiling

To make the room seem larger, the walls should be light, preferably with a slight degree of gloss. For example, there is textured paints or plaster with a slight addition of mother-of-pearl. Glossy ceiling(weakly expressed gloss is more appropriate) - this is usually tension. It will reflect light and what is happening in the room, making it more spacious. In the economy version, plastic panels will give a glossy effect.

If you don’t like gloss at all, you can do without it, but it’s better not to give up light colors. Moreover, most often the colors chosen are warm shades.

It is desirable that it be as general ceiling lighting, and in some areas. For example, near the mirror. Mirrors in general are a great way to visually enlarge a room, and when properly lit, they are also very beautiful.

One of the trends recent years— . Moreover, some of the walls are made smooth - usually painted - and only part is finished with stone. In the photo above you see several techniques at once, thanks to which small hallway looks more spacious. Firstly, a carefully designed lighting scheme provides enough light, creating cozy atmosphere. Secondly, mirror doors cabinets that reflect the environment expand the boundaries of the room. Thirdly, vertical columns made of rough stone make the ceiling appear higher than it actually is. Another important role is the choice of furniture - glossy and mirror surface It doesn’t look “heavy” and doesn’t take up space. The chest of drawers is chosen to be small in width. It does not interfere with movement, but performs its functions.

Also note that when designing small rooms, the floor is rarely made dark. If this is the case, then everything else - walls, ceilings, furniture - should be very light. Details of a darker color look great on them, preferably the same shade as flooring.

Furniture for a narrow hallway

After everything has been decided with the color and texture of the walls, the design of the hallway continues: it’s time to choose furniture. Most the best option— order the production of a wardrobe and hangers for the hallway. Furniture will be made to fit the dimensions of your room, designed individual content(hangers, shelves, baskets, etc.) to suit your requirements. But such pleasure costs a lot. A more economical option is to use modular furniture. Solid “hallways” - cabinet furniture of certain dimensions - today are increasingly losing out to this new type of configuration. The plant is developing a collection of shelves, cabinets, cabinets, pencil cases, hangers, bedside tables, chests of drawers, benches. All of them are made in the same style and color. From such a “constructor” you can assemble what is most suitable for your option.

Two “assembly” options from one collection of modular furniture for hallways

In general, you can use not only closed systems storage, but also open. True, only if you are ready to support perfect order: everything will be in plain sight. But outerwear will dry in open furniture better.

Sometimes the hallway is so narrow that an open closet door completely blocks it. Then the exit is with sliding doors. They take up almost no space. But in this case, it is better to make a built-in wardrobe: with the same occupied space, its functionality is much higher.

A sliding wardrobe can occupy the entire wall in the hallway or only part of it

Another good thing about this type of furniture is that it can occupy the entire wall and can be combined with a shelving unit or an open part - a chest of drawers, a shoe rack, a hanger, etc. There is also - they allow you to use two adjacent walls, with which a cabinet or modular furniture usually doesn't work. They are good for linear hallways.

If space allows, you can do it. It differs from a built-in wardrobe in its greater depth - 1-1.2 m is the minimum. But you just can’t imagine how many things are included there, and how convenient it is to use it.

We should also talk about where to store shoes. There are special shoe chests or shoe racks for this purpose. They are different forms, can be built into the hallway or stand alone. The shelves in them can be:

In order not to just take up space, a seat is often placed on the top of a free-standing shoe rack. This is both a shoe locker and a bench on which it is convenient to put on your shoes.

There is also an option - a round rotating shoe shelf, divided into sectors. Compact and convenient solution.

Rotating shoe rack - new items in storage systems

If you use at least a few ideas, the design of the hallway will be stylish and comfortable.

Small hallway: layout features

If the hallway area is only 4 sq. m, you can’t put a lot of furniture in it, because most of the walls are occupied by doors leading into it, at least two or three of them. Decorating a hallway of a small area is already in the realm of art. You have to use any available wall area, because there is very little of it. And here is the most the best way out— order the manufacture of furniture. Since the equipment will have small sizes, V a large amount it won’t spill over, but it will be possible to use every centimeter.

First you need to find a place to place the hanger. Take a good look at the room, find an opportunity to put a cabinet or just one, and under it - a shoe rack with a seat.

A wardrobe in the corner is a great way to make full use of the available space.

Hallways with an area of ​​4 square meters. m - “property” small apartments"Khrushchev" type. In them free area- this is generally a rarity: even for one person there is never too much of it, and there is nothing to say about a family. But in any case, the composition of the furniture greatly depends on your wishes, and also on the layout. There are several recommendations that you may or may not heed.

Arranging a hallway in a private house

If the hallway is spacious, the task is to correctly arrange the desired furniture. Although best choice There is still a wardrobe, there are possible options in its size and location. The most optimal is the corner one. It allows you to use the space to the maximum, while all things are in their place and at hand.

If desired, you can make a separate hanger for “duty” clothes, in which in the cool season they go out into the yard, and under it there is a shoe rack with a seat and the same “duty” shoes.

Placing the changing area as close to the door as possible is the right decision

Now about where to place the closet or hanger. The answer is simple: as close to the entrance as possible. So that you can immediately remove outer clothing and shoes. For this area it is necessary to provide a floor covering that will be easy to clean and at the same time will not allow debris to spread. Usually, ceramic tiles or something similar are laid at the entrance, and stain-proof mats are placed on top.

Hallway with stairs

If, when planning the house, it was decided not to “inflate” Technical buildings and the hallway turned out to be small, and even though it opens into it, it will be problematic to place everything you need. Especially if the family is athletic and you need somewhere to place sports equipment - skis, skates, roller skates, skateboards, etc. If the design of the staircase allows, the most reasonable option is to arrange a kind of wardrobe under it.

Drawers and just shelves with doors - a lot of things can be placed. Drawer systems separated by mesh dividers are more convenient - everything is in sight and much easier to search
A closet under the stairs is an excellent solution in a small hallway

In some homes, this area is used to store vehicles for large and small children - strollers and bicycles. If bicycles can still be left in a shed or garage, then this is simply impossible to do with a stroller. And often for this “vehicle” the most comfortable spot right under the stairs.

Decorating a hallway in different styles: photos

The hallway can be decorated in any style: classic, Provence, minimalism or hi-tech. The choice is yours. To make it a little easier to understand what suits you best, this section contains photographs of hallways of different styles.

The long corridor is divided into zones with lighting and - this way it doesn’t look so dull and monotonous

The chic interior is emphasized by well-designed lighting and imitates decorative plaster.

Long along the entire wall - great option. But in order for it to “fit in” and not be overwhelming with massiveness, the doors should be light, or better yet, with mirror inserts. Although the highlight of this interior is the special design of the door - an excellent design move

Black and white color scheme - strict, but always relevant

Unusual shape of the cabinet, soft tones of beige and brown. Hallway interior design is soft and calm

A very simple solution for storing clothes

Playing with light and color is a great way to make your hallway design unusual

Using every available centimeter of space is a smart decision

Minimalism - it will teach you order))

Mirrors with wooden frames - beautiful interior, unusual presentation

Stylish, beautiful, functional - this is the feeling from this hallway design. adds practicality without compromising design.

When visiting a living space, the first thing your attention is drawn to is the hallway.

In this case, the overall impression of the guests depends on it. That is why it is important to properly think through the design of the available space, especially if there is a narrow hallway in the apartment.

Basic design concepts

First of all, you should think about how you can adjust the space itself.

The answer to the question will be the use of division into zones or so-called functional areas.

As a rule, there should be two mandatory zones:

  • lobby;
  • entrance

There can be several methods of separation, and each of them is good in its own way:

  • color – it all depends on individual preferences;
  • flooring – it is possible to use so-called stylistic mixes;
  • using a false window and arched openings shown in the photo of a narrow hallway - suitable if an interior door is unnecessary; in the absence of one, it may be better to replace ordinary doors with sliding or unusual option accordion

As for the use of color, it should be solely for the benefit, that is, visually increase the available space.

Light shades are most suitable for this, but they are considered less attractive, but ideal solution will be the use of combinations of several colors.

You can resort to using a separate color for each wall, which will create perfect design narrow hallway.

No less important is the issue of furniture placement. In such a room it is better to place it exclusively along the walls.

It is better if these are less voluminous parts that have sliding structure, for example, a narrow closet in the hallway.

At the entrance you can place a coat rack with a small bench for convenience and a closet for storing shoes. Also, do not forget about the presence of a mirror. Which plays an important functional role.

Long hallway design style

There is a huge variety of stylistic decisions, which can be perfect for a narrow long hallway, and each of them is individual and has its own distinctive features:

High tech. Only used artificial materials. Ceramic tiles of a single color are perfect for the floor.

3D paintings can be used as additions to a small narrow hallway, and the most unusual ideas are quite welcome. For wall covering You can buy wallpaper. Having metallic fibers, however, ordinary metallic colors can look quite harmonious.

The ceiling surface must be perfectly flat and smooth with spot lighting. As for pieces of furniture for a narrow hallway, there should be a minimum number of them without any frills or decorative embellishments.

Country. This style is characterized by simplicity, which can be emphasized by elements of furniture made of rough wood.

Wallpaper is most often used with floral patterns. But as for lighting, it is better to avoid using modern lamps and limit yourself to using beams of light shades.

Oriental. Not entirely suitable for such a room due to the presence of fairly bright and saturated shades.

In this case, you will have to dilute the resulting atmosphere by using furniture in light shades.

French. Quite discreet, more suitable for owners endowed with calmness.

Classical. It is the most universal and most common in modern apartments. To create, you only need to use natural materials, and this is precisely what will require considerable financial costs.

The colors in this case are distinguished by restraint; the most popular are beige, chocolate and brown.

Minimalism. The name in this case speaks for itself. Despite the minimal presence of details, all interior items in a narrow hallway are endowed with maximum functionality.

But as for mirrors, their number is not limited.

Whatever the style of the narrow hallway, it is important that it can be in harmony with common space and satisfy all the desires and needs of the owners.

Photo of narrow hallway design

The hallway area is the first thing we see when entering the apartment. As you know, the impression of a home is formed in the first seconds, which is why it is so important to correctly, concisely, and most importantly - functionally arrange pieces of furniture in the hallway.

Hallways can be completely different, but the main feature of this space in our country is that it is almost always not enough big square and more doorways leading to other rooms.

Let's list the pieces of furniture that should preferably be present in the hallway (in order from the most necessary to the recommended):

  • shoe rack (ideally a place to store clean shoes and at least one shelf with a grid for dirty and wet shoes);
  • ottoman (or other seat for removing shoes);
  • hanger for today's outerwear;
  • a wardrobe for seasonal outerwear (if there is a dressing room near the hallway for these purposes, the wardrobe is canceled);
  • a mirror, ideally a full-length one (to evaluate your appearance before going out);
  • a place to store small items (most often, this is a cabinet or chest of drawers - it’s convenient to store a notebook, small change, keys, gloves, scarves and hats - by the way, modern fashion has almost completely replaced large hats, so many families abandon hanging shelves and cabinets above the hanger and store knitted hats in drawers);
  • umbrella holder;
  • a place where to put your bag upon arrival (this can be a separate special chair or pouf).

Basic rules for organizing a hallway

  1. It makes sense to bring the shape of the hallway as close as possible to a square (if possible). That is, a narrow and long room can be made shorter by taking part of it to create a spacious closet.
  2. To save space, a full-length mirror can be on the interior door (this is not an element fixed after the fact, but initially an ordered item from the door manufacturer) or on the cabinet doors.
  3. It is better to make a wardrobe for outerwear in small and narrow rooms with sliding doors than with hinged ones. When opened, they do not take up a single centimeter of such precious space, moving along installed rails along the front wall of the cabinet. In terms of design, of course, there are not too many options here (such cabinets look quite modern), but in any case, you can find a way out. Classic models can be made from natural wood, with capitals, figured cornices and carved decorative elements, and in more modern styles you just need to choose the right materials in accordance with the interior, the color and thickness of the profile, and if desired, order fusing on glass or mirror with the image of lines, ornaments, figures or other decorative elements.
  4. Remember about ergonomics - 80 cm is the minimum acceptable width of the passage in the hallway. Leaving less space is strictly not recommended. It’s better to reduce the number of items in the hallway to a minimum, otherwise you risk squeezing between items, touching all the things on your way from hangers, chests of drawers, shoes and other items. But for large people this will be completely inconvenient.
  5. Make active use of visuals.

Do you want the room to feel like:

  • more spacious - use a not too large pattern on the wallpaper;
  • above - use vertical lines and stripes;
  • lower (if the room is too small and narrow and even with normal ceiling heights in the hallway a “well” effect is created) - decorative molding You can glue not at the junction of the ceiling and wall, but below, approximately 30 cm from the ceiling. Then the baguette itself should not be angular shape, and flat with reverse side to stick tightly to the wall. Decorate the part of the wall below the baguette as usual, and paint the 30 centimeters above with the same paint as the ceiling. Thus, the walls will visually become lower and the ceiling area will increase;
  • wider - along long walls in a narrow hallway, place objects and coverings with a reflective effect. This can be semi-matte paint for walls, mirrors in the form of decorative canvases or solid rectangles mounted on the walls, furniture made of glossy MDF and other tricks. Furniture made of transparent plastic (a bench for sitting or a chair can be made from it) or with mirrored facades (a chest of drawers for small items, for example) is more relevant now than ever. For the same purposes, you can use flooring in the same way - wood, tiles or carpets. They all also have a texture, shape or pattern that when correct location will enhance the effect you need.


What to pay attention to when planning

And now - several technological points that are not always taken into account during repairs, and then create inconvenience for residents or negatively affect the appearance of the hallway:

ENTRANCE AND INTERIOR DOORS. Make sure that the design of the entrance doors and interior doors that open into the hallway are combined with each other (it is better to order all interior doors in one design).

HOW DOORS OPEN. Pay attention to how the doors open: if they open into a corridor, they should not intersect each other. Also, opening affects the appearance of the doors - depending on the thickness of the walls on both sides of the frame, they will look different - ask the manager at the salon to show you the difference so that you understand what product you will end up with. For appearance it will definitely be better that everything interior doors opened either only into the corridor, or only into the rooms.

WARM FLOOR. Consider installing electric underfloor heating in the area of ​​the doormat - often there are dirty and wet shoes there, which will dry much faster if the heat comes from underneath as well. In addition, after taking off your shoes, it is much more pleasant to place your feet on a heated surface than on a cold tile.

LIGHTING. Make sure there is sufficient lighting near the mirror and inside the closet. It is better to place one switch for local lighting right at the entrance, the other (if the hallway is quite large and long) as a walk-through switch, closer to the living room area, so that you don’t have to go to the other end of the corridor several times a day to turn on the light. It may be convenient to place a motion sensor so that the light turns on automatically (for pet owners this should not be a hindrance - you just need to correctly adjust the sensor in place so that it perceives movement, say, only above the level of 50 cm).

SOCKETS. Make an outlet near the entrance. Sometimes there may be a need to turn on the electric shoe dryer or charge mobile phone(you never know what other innovations will befall us in the near future).

INTERCOM, ELECTRICAL PANEL. Do not forget that most often in the hallway there are: switch box, intercom, alarm. All of these devices require space and certain connections, so make your plans, taking into account in advance exactly where the devices will be located and their dimensions.

ITEM FOR MEN. Not always, but really often they ask to build a horizontal bar in the apartment. And if there is no space for this on the balcony, the area near the front door is also a good option. Definitely better than the living room. Therefore, its presence, if planned, should be planned in advance, strengthen the wall at the stage of rough work and prepare it for fastening the horizontal bar with anchor bolts.

Hallway design options

Here we will look at several types of hallway rooms and use examples to show how to correctly arrange the main pieces of furniture. Below, another layout option will be indicated for comparison, as well as its errors and shortcomings.

1. Very long hallway

If the hallway is unreasonably long, you might consider arranging the far part of it as a storage room or dressing room. Your hallway may look different now, but in a few standard layouts it costs just a little painlessly to move the doorway to living room and you will receive open space dimensions much closer to a square, as well as its closed part, where you can store a huge number of necessary things - from outerwear to household appliances.

Upper example of furniture arrangement - shining example correct layout.

In the second case, the owners, having the same space, did not use it very wisely. There is a big one right at the entrance wardrobe, which makes the room narrow - in addition, its opposite end rises quite cumbersomely in the middle of the hallway. The mirror and pouf are far enough from the entrance, therefore, the residents will put on their shoes far from the entrance, spreading dirt and dust throughout the corridor and, consequently, the rooms.


2. Very narrow hallway

It is quite difficult to arrange objects in a narrow hallway. Initially, they need to be chosen as not deep as possible.

In the first case, based on the fact that there is more space on one side of the front door, the owners designed furniture that stood closely next to each other. So, in the middle there was a deep wardrobe and on either side of it there was a shoe rack and a chest of drawers for small items. This made it possible to slightly hide the ends of the cabinet and use the entire space from wall to wall, varying between furniture depths of 45 and 60 centimeters. On the opposite side there is a full-length mirror; it is very thin and does not interfere with moving between rooms.

In another case, large objects seem to be scattered throughout the hallway. The closet is located near the entrance, which repeats the mistake from the previous point, the chest of drawers is located at the intersection of movement routes between rooms and there is a very high probability that residents will often hit its corners. The shoe rack and mirror are very far from the entrance, which is quite inconvenient.


3. Very small hallway

A small hallway, in which all the doors, moreover, open inwards, gives very little room for imagination. Here it is better to follow the rule “less is more.” Place the most at the entrance necessary elements- a hanger for today's outerwear, a mirror and a pouf for shoes, or a very thin shoe rack, if there is enough space. At the same time, remember - closer to the entrance, if there are no niches for deepening the furniture, place the objects as narrow as possible.

As you can see, in the first option this rule is observed, but in the second it is not, so only by opening front door, the owners and their guests literally run into the pouf and cannot move further along the hallway without obstacles. You will have to take care of storing things and equip another part of the apartment for this, because by placing a closet in such a hallway, you risk simply blocking one of the entrances.