Inna is a female full name. Love, family and marriage. Relationships and marriage named after Inna

Inna is a female full name.  Love, family and marriage.  Relationships and marriage named after Inna
Inna is a female full name. Love, family and marriage. Relationships and marriage named after Inna

The history of the appearance of the name Inna and its meaning are very interesting. According to one of the most popular versions, the name is of Scythian origin. However, its meaning in this version is unknown. At the same time, the name Inna is male name. The names Inna, Rima and Pina are the names of three Christian martyrs, Scythians by origin. They were killed in the first century AD, and later their names entered the Christian calendar. The name became feminine due to an error in the rewriting of texts, since in the Roman tradition such endings were in female names, and the names for scribes were very unusual. This is the most popular version of the origin of the name Inna.

According to the second version, it is believed that the name Inna comes from the Latin word inno, which means "float", "flow" or "leak". It is believed that according to this version, the most correct the meaning of the name Inna is "stormy stream". But this is not latest version name values.

Another version says that the name Inna comes from the name of the goddess Inanna. This is the Greek name for the goddess Ishtar, a goddess from the Sumerian pantheon of gods. According to Sumerian mythology, she is the goddess of fertility, strife and carnal love.

The meaning of the name Inna for a girl

Inna grows up as a cheerful and active child. She is an energetic and kind girl. Inna is a sympathetic child and empathy for people around her has been characteristic of her since childhood. At the same time, Inna rarely does good deeds if she does not expect a reward for them, at least in the form of praise. It is very important for her a positive assessment from the people around her.

In school, the girl studies average. She has good grades, but usually doesn't like studying. Inna is rarely drawn to knowledge and perceives her studies as an unpleasant necessity. Subsequently, this attitude is often transferred to the work. Inna sometimes flares up in love with some object, but she usually does not last long. Of course, there are pleasant exceptions to these rules.

Inna's health is usually quite strong. She has good data, although not without flaws. Weak point her health is usually prone to allergic reactions and frequent colds. The girl's parents need to carefully monitor her diet and, of course, in case of problems, contact specialists.

Short name Inna

Diminutive names

Innochka, Innushka, Inchik, Inusya, Inuska, Inulya, Inulka.

Name Inna in English

AT English language the name Inna is spelled as Inna.

Name Inna for passport- INNA.

Translation of the name Inna into other languages

in Belarusian - Ina
in Ukrainian - Inna

Church name Inna(in Orthodox faith) - Inna, that is, remains unchanged. The name Inna is church name may be a baptismal name for a girl. Of course, Inna can be baptized under a different church name.

Characteristics of the name Inna

If you try to characterize Inna, then the first thing worth mentioning is her sociability. Inna knows how to please people and easily finds mutual language with those around you. She is positive and this character trait attracts people. Her positive attitude and ease of communication make her popular. At the same time, many consider Inna their friend, which is completely wrong. She is very sensitive to her close circle of friends and it is very difficult to get into it.

Professionally, Inna is growing slowly but surely. She rarely changes her profession and she does not tend to hesitate on this topic. She rarely loves her job, although she usually achieves great heights in her work. Inna is punctual and persistent in working moments. She knows how to communicate with colleagues and work collaboratively. Inna can turn out to be a wonderful teacher or, for example, a hotel manager.

Family is one of the most important components of Inna's life. She usually takes a leadership position in the family union, although she loves and respects her husband very much. She is looking for a man who is reliable and ready to be a follower in the family. At the same time, her husband can be a leader in all other areas of life. Inna is a caring wife and knows how to organize home comfort. He loves his children very much and tries to devote more time to them.

The secret of the name Inna

Inna's secret can be called her rather strong character and good volitional qualities. Behind her ease of communication, her inner core is often hidden. She knows how to be resilient and persistent. However, this is rarely seen because important topics there is not much to demonstrate these character traits.

Planet- Moon.

Zodiac sign- Taurus.

totem animal- Dingo.

Name color- Lemon.

Wood- Lemon.

Plant- Lemon tree flower.

Stone- Opal.

If translated from Latin, then the meaning of the name Inna is a weeping, stormy stream, a raging river. It's beautiful woman's name carries a lot of contradictions and stubbornness. When choosing this name for a girl, parents should prepare for the fact that she will always behave contrary to their wishes.

Little Innochka is very wayward, appreciates her personal space, values ​​personal things very much. Even while still quite a baby, she, with a fury unusual for a child, protects her dolls from the encroachments of strangers. If you take the toy from her by force, she will make such a scandal that no one will ever want to do this again.

As a child, Inna is very attached to her mother, constantly follows her like a tail, climbs into all household chores and asks for an interpretation of all the actions that her mother performs. Thanks to such affection, she grows up smart and erudite, since her parents have to possible ways to occupy her, so that she would at least somehow give them a moment of peace.


The matured Inna retains many traits of a childish character, which means that in her chosen one she values, above all, honesty, openness, and complete sincerity. She also attaches great importance to fidelity, she is always afraid of becoming a victim of betrayal, and therefore she is terribly jealous, and if she has thought of something for herself, then the young man will have to make every effort to prove the opposite to her.

Love for long caresses, kisses, love games is the great secret of the name Inna, but no matter how skillful a man is in caresses, she will first of all listen to his words, and ascribe to them a somewhat overestimated value. Because of this, Innochka is very easy to deceive, so she should not blindly trust eloquent tempters.

A family

Family life for the owner of this name is constant self-improvement, in which she requires participation from her husband, he is simply obliged to support her, encourage her, praise her in every possible way, and sometimes this goes beyond all limits. Therefore, it will be very difficult for a man with this demanding woman.

Due to such a difficult nature, her marriage is short-lived, but she will perfectly marry the second, or maybe the third time, and each time she will go to her ideal relationship, correcting the mistakes of previous marriages.

For children, she will be a wonderful mother. This means that Inna will be somewhat strict, but no less caring because of this. She will instill in them decency and strict moral principles. With special trepidation, she will treat her daughters, who, although sometimes they will bring disappointment, will remain dearly loved by their mother.

Business and career

The owner of this name is very pretentious in her occupation, which means that she will work only with what she likes, and at another job, even under duress, she will not do anything worthwhile. Therefore, during the period of searching for her favorite business, she can very often work places, without even having time to delve into all the subtleties.

But when she finds something to her liking, then her rush hour will come. Inna will work tirelessly, completely independent in material terms, she can easily start her own business and not burn out.

origin of the name Inna

The ancient part of Europe is the area where the name Inna came from. By the way, earlier it was purely masculine, and only in our time has it been used for the fairer sex. Perhaps that is why there is so much perseverance in Inna's character, which is rather characteristic of men.

The etymology, or, in other words, the meaning of the name Inna through the prism of time, leads us to the Latin translation, which means a stormy stream, a mountain river, in general, something spontaneous, unstoppable.

The history of the first, or rather the first man named so, is very sad, and begins in the first century AD. He, along with two followers Christian faith was frozen in the thickness of the ice on the river. This is a holy martyr, whose name will forever remain in the memory of believers.

Characteristics of the name Inna

Although this woman does not have a very simple character, but positive qualities she has the sea, that is, like everyone else normal people, there are pros and cons. By temperament, almost always pure sanguine, Inna is very cheerful, even a little frivolous, but at the same time not noisy, not ostentatious.

She does not always come across in life good people, but if someone offends her, she simply and easily forgives, although she no longer has business with this person, since universal human values ​​matter to her. It is precisely in the fact that she is not able to harbor a grudge against anyone for a long time, and there is main characteristic named after Inna

She is very erudite, and only from her you will hear a huge number of spontaneous, but very witty and relevant statements that will always have a significant value. It is easy for her to adapt to the people around her, so she usually does not have conflicts at work. Yes, and it adapts in order to achieve attention and goodwill from outsiders. For her very great importance has a desire to assert itself, to feel needed.

But still, the character of Innochka is fraught with many mysteries, and her impatience can sometimes lead even the most balanced person into a stupor. But at the same time, she is absolutely not prone to depression and melancholy, so there is always an aura of happiness and joy around her.

Mystery of the name

  • Stone - Opal.
  • Name day - July 3, February 2.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign - Taurus.

Famous people

  • Inna Volovicheva is a participant in the reality show "Dom-2", who became famous and gained many fans for losing 25 kg in a television project.
  • Inna Churikova - theater and film actress Soviet Union and Russia. Laureate of the Russian State Prize in 1996, People's Artist of the USSR.

Different languages

As mentioned above, the origin of the Inna estate takes its roots from the area Ancient Europe, abroad they usually use its analogue - Inessa, therefore the translation of the classical sound exists only in Ukrainian and Belarusian, and it does not differ much from the Russian-language original, as it is translated respectively: Іnna and Іna.

In Chinese, this name is written as 尹娜 - yǐnnà, and 英娜 - yīngnà, that is, Yuinna and Yuigna, respectively.

The meaning of the name Inna on Japanese, just like in Russian - a stormy stream, and translates as 速川 - Hayakawa

Name Forms

For the name Inna, it is easy enough to come up with a diminutive. For example, Innochka, Innushka, Innusya. Also, you can affectionately call her Inyuta and Inyusha, by analogy with Anna. If you want to name your daughter with an emphasis on Europe, then you can use foreign-sounding options, for example, Inessa.

Other derivatives are usually invented by parents who very affectionately, but at the same time very abbreviated, call their child Nyusha, and even Nyura. Another short pronunciation that can be used for the owner of this name is Nyusya, mothers often call their daughters this way, putting special meaning into it.

Of course, such an abbreviated word cannot replace the full one, but its use is quite acceptable among family and close friends. Case declensions obey usual rules Russian language, and are similar to the declensions of Anna, Yana.

According to the church, this name remains so, because in Orthodoxy it is associated with the great martyr Inna Novodunskaya, therefore it is Orthodox and will not change during baptism.

The name Inna has latin origin. It was formed from the word "inno" and in translation means "stormy stream", "energetic", "floating". The secret of the name lies in the fact that earlier it was exclusively male, as evidenced by historical monuments.

Name astrology

  • Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
  • Ruler Planet: Sun
  • Talisman stone: jade, amber, carnelian
  • Color: orange, green
  • plant: forget-me-not, iris
  • Animal: seal, fallow deer, dove
  • Favorable day: Friday

Character traits

The energy of the name Inna contains such qualities female character like emotionality, sensuality, passion and honesty. Such a girl is very kind, susceptible to other people's grief and problems. She loves children, tremblingly guards her family, painfully experiences personal failures. She has a creative perception of reality, a lively mind, an observant character. She is an interesting interlocutor, well-read, able to analyze and summarize information.

Inna is the beloved and most often the only child. Studying at school diligently, very accurate schoolgirl. Parents are trying to direct the irrepressible energy of the girl into sports and dancing. She always remembers her studies with a sigh. Such a person does not tolerate narrow-mindedness, monotony and military obedience.

A girl named Inna is expected to be in a trusting and friendly environment. Unforgiving when young unfair treatment to yourself. Evil remembers and takes revenge. By nature, she is secretive, but when we are talking about the defense of principles, can speak unexpectedly sharply and firmly defend a just decision. The lack of character is considered excessive adherence to principles and stubbornness.

Interests and hobbies

As a child, Inna is fond of creativity. She likes to draw and sculpt. Sometimes such a hobby becomes her future profession if the parents send their daughter to the appropriate circle.

The adult owner of the name most of all likes shopping. By nature, she is a “spender”, she likes to spend money thoughtlessly, buying unnecessary, but beautiful things. She loves jewelry and high-quality cosmetics.

Inna is a great hostess. He is fond of cooking gourmet dishes, knows a lot of old recipes. Such a woman almost never has free time. She switches from one creative work to another, but is able to dedicate the only day off to domestic routine work.

Rest does not represent without a family, likes to organize surprises for children and her husband, to make gifts.

Profession and business

A girl named Inna is looking for an interesting and uncomplicated job. He takes part in the family business with pleasure, but does not agree to lead and be responsible for the results of his activities. She does not consider work the main content of her life. At the same time, it can become indispensable office worker, bank clerk, administrator, hairdresser, artist, fashion designer, dressmaker, confectioner.


Inna is predisposed to vascular and spinal diseases. She needs constant cleaning of the stomach and lymphatic system.

Sex and love

Owner beautiful name Inna is shy and can seem too reserved. But sex in her understanding and perception plays a paramount role in love relationships. Therefore, she does everything possible to be irresistible and unique in the eyes of the chosen one. Such a girl loves beautiful and tender words, kisses, signs of attention and praise. Jealous. For the beloved man will fight. She considers herself an unsurpassed lover.

Family and marriage

Inna marries for love. Her chosen one may be younger, but outwardly possesses pronounced qualities strong young man. Such a woman needs a strong male back, help, love and understanding. In any case, she will try to control her husband. If she fails, she agrees to a divorce. Very rarely allowed remarriage. Such a person is very worried about betrayal, adultery and family scandals. He does not like it when friends and relatives interfere in relations with her husband, rejects their advice and help.

Inna brings up children strictly. Tries to instill in them good qualities to teach what she knows. Children are afraid of her, but respect and always give her support and help.

The origin and energy of the names Inna and Inessa.

Quite often, young parents, when choosing a name for their child, make a mistake and write down something completely different from what they wanted in official documents. As a rule, people who take two different names for one name, but at the same time almost the same sounding, get into such a situation.

The name Inna and Inessa: are these names different or not, their similarities and differences?

Inna's character

As you probably already understood, Inna and Inessa are two different names both in origin and in energy. The name Inna is translated into Russian as bubbling, and Inessa immaculate. If you look at the translation, you can understand what character traits girls and women will have, whom their parents called these sonorous names. So, Innas from childhood have a contradictory character.

They are very restless and constantly strive to do something. True, in most cases they do not have enough patience and they quit what they started halfway. Such a character trait very often puts the owners of this name in a not very pleasant position, and they have to make excuses for their behavior and laziness. But still, they do not learn from their mistakes and behave in the same way in their youth, in adulthood, and in old age.

True, this behavior does not make them embittered people. Most often, they silently listen to complaints against them and calmly go about their business. Thanks to this conflict-free nature, they do not alienate people and keep a good relationship even with those who have been harmed.

As for Iness, the energy of this name endows the fair sex with patience, kindness, sensitivity and vulnerability. That is why in childhood, parents try to protect and protect their child from all attacks and misfortunes. But as Inessa grows up, her character begins to show leadership skills, which gradually make her more solid and purposeful. Having matured, she becomes more independent, but at the same time does not lose all her positive qualities.

The name Inna and Inessa: the origin of the names

Inessa's character

Now that we know that Inna and Inessa are two different names, let's try to figure out their origin. The name Inna is of Latin origin and is closely related to the Scythian Christian Rinna. Yes, initially it was a male name that belonged to one of the first Christian preachers among the Scythian people.

And to be more precise, there were three of them - Rinna, Rimma and Pinna. These men paid the price for their belief in God and were executed by pagans for daring not to believe in pagan deities. They were put to death and after death they were canonized and included in the Church Saints. A little later, when transferring information to new church books, the monks made a mistake and ranked the name Rinna as feminine.

After some time, it transformed into the more familiar Inna and began to be translated as Rushing Water or Stormy Stream. As for the name Inessa, it has ancient Greek roots and translates as Innocent or Lamb. AT Ancient Greece they were called girls, who later were to become nuns and serve God. During this period, it sounded like Agnes or Ines. Some sources claim that it has french roots and came from the beautiful name Agnia.

Inna and Inessa: what is the correct name, how to write the full name in the passport?

Since the above names are considered different, they fit into the passport in completely different ways. So the name Inna fits into the Russian passport like Inna, and in the passport, as Inna.

If we talk about Inessa, then very often officials of official bodies unknowingly enter a name with two letters in their passport n. Immediately I want to say that it is wrong to write like that. By all the rules, Inessa fits into the Russian passport as Inessa, and in the passport as Innes.

Full and abbreviated name, how will it be on behalf of Inna and Inessa?

Abbreviated and affectionate forms of the name Inna:

  • Inchik
  • Inulya
  • Inushka
  • Nulechka
  • Inyusha

Abbreviated and affectionate forms of the names of Inessa:

  • Nessa
  • Nesita
  • Inesochka
  • Inessulya

Can Inna be called Inessa and vice versa?

Inna and Inessa different names

As you probably already understood, calling Inessa Inna and vice versa is undesirable, and not necessary. Since these are still different names, with such neglect you, at least, can make a person angry. Especially if you don't know him well. Therefore, it would be better if you do not change the name for yourself and try to call the person exactly as he introduced himself to you.

Video: The meaning of the name. Inna

Many girls are wondering what the name Inna means. In fact, the meaning of the name Inna in Latin means "strong water." There is another interpretation - "stormy stream". In ancient times, the name Inna was common only among males. That was the name of one of the Christian martyrs who were killed in the first century of our era. They began to call women that because of an error that occurred when rewriting historical texts. The fact is that among the Romans, these endings were precisely in female names.

There is another version, according to which this word comes from the name of the divine being Inanna. Inanna was considered the goddess of fertility and carnal pleasures.

The name Inna has a certain influence on the character of a growing girl and woman. As a rule, such a child grows up stubborn and overconfident. Sometimes a girl can compromise, but she succeeds only after an internal spiritual struggle. If Inna has a patronymic Nikolaevna or Vladimirovna, her character will be very difficult.

Learning girls may have problems. A young student can get good grades, but she does not feel a craving for new knowledge and boring teacher assignments. Studying is perceived by her as not a very pleasant duty. The origin of the name Inna is fully justified.

These girls have a stormy and cheerful character, the ability to quickly forget unpleasant moments and easily relates to insults.

Depressive states are simply not familiar to the owners of the name Inna. Such women require increased attention to themselves, they are distinguished by an impatient disposition.

Possible fate

Those who have the name Inna are distinguished by a complex, but extremely interesting fate. The type of activity is chosen by a young woman solely on the basis of personal preferences. The characteristic of the name Inna is such that its owners can quickly change the scope of their professional interests.

Inna Alexandrovna Gomez (Russian actress, fashion model and philanthropist)

  • Bearers of the name Inna can go from a photojournalist to a school principal.
  • Easy nature makes it possible to engage in both creative and quite pragmatic activities.
  • It is believed that such representatives of the weaker sex can become excellent journalists, hairdressers and engineers.
  • This should be taken into account when choosing a higher education institution.
  • Quite often, girls try to find themselves in creative activity(for example, writing poetry can become not only their hobby, but also a professional occupation).


As a rule, bearers of the name Inna have good health. Minor difficulties may arise due to the complex nature, psychological disharmony. Girls are encouraged to be more patient and balanced.

The weak point of girls named Inna is a tendency to arise allergic reactions. In addition, women may often catch colds. The girl's parents should pay close attention to her diet and contact specialists in a timely manner.

Sexual relations and life

The name Inna is characterized by affection, tenderness and sentimentality in relations with the opposite sex. However, the girl’s marriage will not be simple and carefree. Women named Inna are extremely important constant attention and praise from a loved one. If this does not happen, quarrels and a showdown begin. A woman named Inna, who divorces her husband, rarely remarries. Happy marriage possible with Alexander, and Vladimir.

  • AT sexual life such women prefer long love foreplay. At the same time, they experience excitement not only from direct actions, but also from tender and passionate love words. At right approach Innochka can become an experienced and passionate lover.
  • Innochka likes to sleep in the morning, but she tries to fight this habit, which turns out quite successfully, thanks to her diligence.
  • Idle pastime for such women is unacceptable.
  • The owners of the name Inna love to cook a variety of dishes and spend time with children.
  • The name Inna means love for children, an attentive attitude towards them, therefore the descendants of this woman are distinguished by their comprehensive development and an extraordinary mind.


The fair sex with the name Inna is recommended to wear jewelry with opals. These black and fiery stones symbolize for girls good luck in love affairs, as well as career success.

In clothing, women should be given preference blue and bright yellow. These colors are perfect for Innochka's stormy temperament, so they will be in harmony with her character and high spirits.

Thus, Innochka is a very strong and strong-willed creature with an adamant and extremely lively character.

Of course, the above interpretation detailed analysis does not give a complete picture of a particular person, since each girl has her own unique features that are unique to her. However, friends, relatives and acquaintances can receive general characteristics about this person, focus on her when communicating and having closer relationships with these women.