School decoration ideas for the new year. School decoration for the New Year. Creative photo ideas. Decoration of the assembly hall

School decoration ideas for the new year.  School decoration for the New Year.  Creative photo ideas.  Decoration of the assembly hall
School decoration ideas for the new year. School decoration for the New Year. Creative photo ideas. Decoration of the assembly hall

Line UMK N. A. Malysheva. Technology (1-4)

Line UMK M. V. Khokhlova. Technology (1-4)

How to decorate a classroom for the New Year

Creating a festive atmosphere in the classroom is not at all difficult: all you need are available materials, scissors, glue and a little imagination. Today we will tell you how to make beautiful snowflakes, a Christmas tree that won’t fall, funny snowmen and original souvenirs for your classmates.

New Year's celebration- traditionally the most elegant. Christmas trees, snowflakes, lights and garlands lift your spirits and create a wonderful atmosphere of anticipation for magic, even if final tests and reports are still looming ahead. And decorations for the class will help create festive mood and hold a holiday according to the New Year's scenario for elementary school.

  • Discuss with the guys how they would like to decorate their “native” office.
  • Together, choose the most suitable ideas and draw up overall plan registration
  • Invite the children to determine who will prepare what decorations and by what time.
  • Gather together as a class after school and hang New Year's beauty on the walls, doors and windows.

Paper snowflakes are a hit among New Year's crafts due to their ease of manufacture, spectacular look and versatility: they are suitable for decorating any surface. Flat snowflakes can be attached to thick threads in the form of a curtain, and voluminous ones can be hung from the ceiling.

Christmas tree on the wall made of paper

It’s easy to make such a Christmas tree from the same snowflakes; another option is to attach stripes to the wall corrugated paper in the form of tiers of Christmas tree branches. The advantage of such a forest beauty is that it will not take up much space and will look appropriate even in a small classroom.

Advice. The Christmas tree can be left laconically white, or decorated with beads and balls made of colored foil.

Read also: Good films about New Year and Christmas

Invite the children to give each other gifts themselves. To do this, you will need identical small bags, which can be made in a technology lesson. Each child will put a small souvenir in their bag and hang it on the board or place it under the tree. After the matinee, the children will randomly sort out the surprises.

For making the most simple option a bag that children can easily handle, you need:

  • two rectangular pieces of cotton fabric 15x20 cm, ideal fabric for patchwork;
  • thread and needle or sewing machine;
  • bright ribbon.

How to do:

  1. Fold the fabric with the right side inward and sew it by hand or using a machine along two long and one narrow sides at a distance of about 1 cm from the edge.
  2. Turn the resulting bag inside out, put a gift in it and tie it with a ribbon.
Advice. If the fabric is plain, coat it with glue and then sprinkle with beads or glitter. Stamps are also suitable for decoration.

More crafts for the New Year: Technology. 2nd grade. Textbook. N. A. Malysheva

Snowmen made from socks

Window sills, shelves or the space under the Christmas tree will be decorated with funny snowmen made from white socks and a snow substitute - flour, starch, granulated sugar or salt.

More details: For installation, use a stepladder - the structure of desks and chairs can fail.

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Parents cannot always allocate funds to buy decorations for school at , so you should work a little and create the desired atmosphere using improvised means that can be found in any school, and tinsel and Christmas decorations you can bring it from home. If everyone brings 1 toy, there will be a sufficient amount. You can use almost any material for decorations, empty plastic bottles, cut sheets of paper, postcards, cotton wool and much more.

How to decorate your school for the New Year?

New Year's decoration for the corridor

In order to make school decoration more fun and amazing, it is recommended to involve children especially in the process. primary classes. You can give homework For everyone, make some kind of New Year's craft or poster with your own hands and bring it to decorate the school.

If among the manufactured fakes there are large ones, then they should be placed in corners or on window sills. Posters should be hung evenly on the walls, i.e. so that it doesn’t turn out that the walls of the first floor are all covered with posters, and on the other floors there are 2-3 of them.

Next, you need to collect all the available tinsel and disassemble it according to color scheme, red ones separately, blue ones separately, etc. And then decorate the part of the wall that is located under the ceiling. Tinsel should be hung in waves; tape is suitable for securing. And the school corridors will shine with new colors.

You can also use things and objects that were going to be thrown away to decorate the corridors. For example, if you have old curtains or tulle, then you can make waves out of the material, secure it with tinsel and place it anywhere. This design can be attached to the ceiling, to window sills, to walls, and even to decorate a doorway.

During a technology lesson, the teacher and students can make decorations for the ceiling: rain, snowflakes, which are attached with tape or simple cotton wool pre-moistened in water.

Glass decoration

Very beautiful and popular using the decoupage technique. Do new Year decoration For windows using this technique it will not be difficult even for preschoolers. For manufacturing you will need to prepare.

· Napkins with New Year's drawings and patterns.
· Scissors.
· PVA glue.
· Thick paint brush.
· Glitter.
· Black or brown gouache.
· Thin brush for painting.

First you need to cut out the design from a napkin and glue it onto the glass. Let it dry. This may take up to 20 minutes. After drying, use a thick paint brush to smear the design and sprinkle with multi-colored glitter. It is important not to overdo it with the amount of glitter so that the design is visible. For example, if Santa Claus is depicted, then you can sprinkle glitter on his fur coat. After upper layer Once it dries, you need to use a thin brush to outline the contours of the picture so that the drawing becomes clearer and more expressive.

Drawings and patterns on glass will look no less beautiful, New Year's theme made using paints or gouache.

You can depict “drawings of Santa Claus.” To do this you will need to take PVA glue, a brush and silver glitter. Using a brush, apply a pattern to the glass and sprinkle with silver glitter. After drying, the glue will not be noticeable, and a pattern familiar to everyone from childhood will remain on the glass. This pattern can be easily removed from the glass without leaving any marks.

How to decorate a foyer with your own hands?

In order for the foyer to become fabulous and bright, you can announce a competition for the best New Year's toy made by yourself. Let parents help their child recreate a masterpiece. For fakes, you need to set up tables that can be decorated with waves of material and tinsel. Where to place the desks should be guided by the layout of the room. You can place the exhibition platform between the windows or place several desks in different places.

The pillars located in the foyer can be wrapped with tinsel arranged in a spiral, and a long rain can be attached.

To decorate the ceiling, you can use not only rain, but also make various snowflakes, including voluminous ones, attach them to a transparent fishing line, and then to the ceiling. Due to the fact that the fishing line is not visible, it will feel like snowflakes are floating in the air.

Decorate the ceiling with self-made serpentine. To do this, you will need to take colored paper (blue, cyan, white) and cut it in a spiral. In order to make the serpentine longer, you need to glue the spirals together using glue or pieces of tape.

“Falling icicles”, which can be made from transparent fishing line and transparent beads, will look great. Just put the beads on the fishing line after some distance and attach them to the ceiling with tape. In order to prevent the beads from rolling onto each other, you need to make a knot after each one.

Important: By technique fire safety It is prohibited to attach third-party objects to batteries, risers, or a fire extinguisher. It is allowed to slightly decorate the lid of the box with sand, for example, stick snowflakes on the surface, but the glass should not be covered with third-party objects.

Decoration of the assembly hall

The main place in the school during the New Year celebration is the assembly hall, so its design should be given Special attention. It is worth involving as much as possible in the registration process large quantity Human. Large New Year's figures will look ideal in the assembly hall.

In order for children to try, you can announce a competition for the best fake, and give the winner a certificate. You can post some of the fakes that the kids made with the help of their parents, for example snowmen.

How to make a snowman?

You need to prepare:

· White threads.
· PVA glue.
· Balloons different sizes.
· Double tape.
· Sparkles, sequins.
· Colored paper orange and black.

If you plan to place the snowman on the floor, then you must first put weighting objects (washers, bolts, stones, etc.) into the ball and inflate it. Inflated balloon wrap with threads and coat each layer with glue. You need to wrap it until the ball is visible due to the threads. Afterwards, the ball needs to be burst with a needle and removed (you can leave it inside).

Prepare all three balls in this way and fasten them together with threads. In order for the snowman to be beautiful and bright, it needs to be decorated with sequins and sparkles glued to glue. Lastly, twist a nose out of orange paper and glue it with double tape. Cut out eyes from black or brown paper.

Using the same scheme you can make Christmas balls or balls for decorating the ceiling, which can be made multi-colored; for this you just need to take threads different colors or use multi-colored paints.

How to make bells from bottles?

Making bells is a more complex process. The main material used in production is plastic bottles of any size. You need to take a bottle, step back 10-15 centimeters from the neck and cut it off bottom part, which can be thrown away or used as a glass.

The resulting “bell” from the neck all that remains is to decorate it with gouache or paints, and decorate it with glitter. Finally, attach a bow under the lid, which is universal subject as decoration and can be used almost anywhere. In order to make a bow you need to take foil or material the right size and tie it in the middle with thread.

Independent classroom decoration for the New Year

Decorating the classroom is one activity that children get excited about. The children can be prepared in advance with a poster with photographs of each student, because If the poster is New Year's, you can attach hats like Santa Claus to each photo for boys, and blue hats like Snow Maiden's for girls. To make the poster even more festive, you need to decorate it with sparkles, snowflakes and pictures on a New Year's theme. Write wishes for all schoolchildren, parents, teachers. Glue tinsel along the outline of the poster.

New Year is not only the most joyful holiday, it is also the most elegant. At this time, everything is transformed: streets, courtyards, hospitals, apartments, shops, kindergartens and schools. It is especially important to dress up the school, because no one looks forward to the New Year more than schoolchildren: it brings them not only the desired gifts, but also the holidays.

That is why the atmosphere here should be the most wonderful. Funds are not always allocated for New Year's decorations; parents different classes they have to organize everything on their own, which doesn’t always make them happy. But not so long ago there was not so much purchased jewelry and such things were organized only thanks to improvised means and imagination.

How to decorate your school for the New Year? - Just. You can use everything that catches your eye: tinsel brought from home, postcards, colored cards, cotton wool, rain, even A4 paper is suitable for these purposes.

In this article:

Corridor decoration

To decorate the school for the New Year, including the corridors, you should involve the children. Children will be happy to take part in this event, especially Primary School, children from 1st to 5th grade.

First, have each student make a poster or poster at home and bring the product of their labors to school. Place voluminous crafts on window sills or place them in corners. Hang beautiful ones along all the walls, and you can also hang small decorations there.

Collect all the tinsel you have, sort it by color and decorate the top of the walls, organizing it into something reminiscent of an awning. Can be secured with tape or paper clips. The corridors will simply shine for the New Year.

Secondly, use everything you were planning to throw away. For example, if you have old tulle or gauze, do not rush to throw it away. You can do this with fabric: make beautiful waves and tie them with tinsel. The structure can also be placed anywhere: on the walls, under the windowsill and even under the ceiling. The ceiling itself is decorated with snowflakes or rain for the New Year. In a subject such as technology, a class teacher and students can cut out and glue a huge number of snowflakes, which are attached to the ceiling with a thread or safety pin.

New Year's glass

Today it is very fashionable to decorate glass with different winter-themed pictures. This could be the image of Santa Claus with his granddaughter, a forest, winter Games and entertainment. Techniques such as “decoupage” are excellently used to decorate external glass.

The long-awaited and magical holiday is the New Year. Waiting for it is very exciting. Residents of the world are decorating their homes, and schoolchildren are starting to decorate their classrooms and school corridors. Mostly educational establishments The children decorate with crafts and products that they created with their own hands. And it is very practical and profitable. Therefore, in this article we will talk about how to decorate a classroom for the New Year 2017.

What ideas to use to decorate your classroom

The question of how to decorate a classroom for the New Year is relevant for many. And now it’s worth talking about what ideas exist for this.

School time is filled with a variety of events. And among the bustle of school there is a place for celebration. In order to create a New Year's atmosphere in the classroom, you need to use the following ideas:

  1. Buy a huge amount of rain and tinsel. These attributes are hung on the walls of the classroom and attached to the ceiling.
  2. You can steal a classroom at school with drawings that should be drawn in advance on a specific topic.
  3. You can use a live spruce to decorate your classroom. Of course it's worth decorating New Year's toys. Toys can be brought from home.
  4. The classroom windows can be decorated with designs created using toothpaste.
  5. If there are curtains in the classroom, then you can attach paper snowflakes to them. Can also be used in this case paper garlands. You can also decorate the board with New Year's snowflakes and garlands.

How to decorate the front door to a classroom?

Decorating a classroom for the New Year is a pleasant chore. All students participate in this activity and benefit from this process. positive mood. Decorating your classroom should start with front door. It is quite beautiful and very simple to decorate the door with a postcard in the shape of Santa Claus. This card should be hung on inner side. You can also hang a postcard in the shape of a snowflake or in the shape of the Snow Maiden on the door. It is recommended to attach the postcard to the door with double-sided tape.

There is another original method of decorating the front door. In this case, you can use a wreath, which can be made in technology lessons. Making a wreath to decorate your front door is easy. And in this case, modern master classes that can be found on the Internet will help.

What to use to decorate classroom windows?

In this article we are decorating a classroom for the new year at school. Here we tell everything modern ideas, which are very easy to use for decoration.

Windows in the classroom are also an element that requires proper decoration. Windows should be decorated with winter-themed patterns made with toothpaste. To make such patterns you need:

  • Draw snowflake stencils or Santa Claus stencils on paper.
  • The blanks should be cut out.
  • Next, dilute in a glass toothpaste with some water. The result should be the consistency of sour cream.
  • After which, with a sponge small size It’s worth gluing the stencils to the window. In this case, the sponge should be moistened in water. After this, the stencils should dry.
  • Then the paper should be carefully removed from the glass.

A not very troublesome option is to decorate the windows with snowflakes that were cut out from a blank album sheet. Snowflakes can be very diverse. You can choose absolutely any template and cut a snowflake from it.

For the New Year, you can decorate not only the windows, but also the window sills. For example, window sills without flowers should be decorated with pieces of cotton wool in order to create the illusion of snow-covered windows. Window sills can be decorated with tinsel. And in the center of such window sills a mini Christmas tree is installed.

Decorating the chalkboard.

The most important classroom attribute is the blackboard. However, this element is constantly used. Therefore, when decorating it, it is worth adhering to certain features.

  • So, when decorating the board, it is worth remembering that decorations should not take up much space on it.
  • All decorations should be securely attached to the chalkboard.
  • Decorations should be bright.

To decorate the board, an old and bright method is suitable -. Making such a craft is very simple. You must:

  • Cut sheets of colored paper into strips that will be 2-3 cm wide. The length of such strips should be 10 cm.
  • The ends of one strip need to be glued together.
  • Pass the second piece through the ring and glue its ends.
  • Attach the third workpiece to the second. And thus make a garland of the desired size.

Attach the garland to the board using double-sided tape or buttons. You can also use rain to decorate the classroom board. What if the board is different? large size, then drawings or snowflakes can be placed on it.

How to decorate the walls in the classroom?

When decorating a classroom, you can’t forget about the walls. In each classroom, special manuals and educational materials are posted on the walls. If the walls in your classroom are decorated in this way, then rain is used for decoration. But if the walls have a lot free space, then you can make an imitation of snow and a fairy-tale snowman. Make snow from cotton pads. They are glued to the wall with tape.

To make a snowman use disposable cups. Read about

Decorating desks in the classroom for the New Year.

It will also not be difficult to decorate desks for the New Year. For example, you can glue a snowflake to each such desk. As for the teacher's desk, you should not use any volumetric elements here. It is best to limit yourself to a Christmas tree made of cardboard. Now it’s worth talking about how to make this Christmas tree.

  • So, on cardboard you should draw a trapezoid that will have a fairly narrow upper side.
  • Glue the sides and your Christmas tree will be ready.
  • Decorate it with small snowflakes and drawings.

What crafts to make to decorate your classroom?

About how to decorate classroom By the New Year it became a little clearer. But it is worth saying that the school classroom is best made by the hands of schoolchildren.

Naturally, Christmas trees should be present in the classroom decoration. But it's best if they are unusual.

The first Christmas tree can be made from clothespins. For this Christmas tree, take thick cardboard from which you cut out a trunk. You need to put clothespins on this table. In this case, you can put several clothespins on each clothespin. Clothespins can be multi-colored. And if wooden ones are used, then they are painted with gouache.

The Christmas tree can be made from colored paper. To do this, you should draw several Christmas trees of the same size. Cut the sides. Fold the Christmas trees in half and glue them together.

You can also make a Christmas tree from tinsel. For this purpose, a base is cut out, to which the tinsel is glued.

Buttons are also suitable for creating a Christmas tree. Draw the outline of the tree on the cardboard and fill the space with buttons.

An attribute that cannot be replaced with anything is garlands. This item can be made from absolutely different materials. For example, you can use dental floss and put paper snowflakes on it. This garland is attached to the ceiling. You can also make a garland from fabric or balloons. Such garlands have a single manufacturing principle. Elements are attached to the thread, and the entire structure is attached to the walls and ceiling.

You can decorate the classroom with toys. You can make a symbol of the year or attractive toys using quilling or origami techniques.

Drawings can be used to decorate the classroom. They can be made in non-standard themes. For example, you can draw a Christmas tree using handprints. Such a work, by the way, may be creative gift for the class teacher.

Photo ideas for classroom decoration

Some important features The decorations of the class are clear to you. Of course, you want to see modern classroom decorating ideas as well. And especially for this occasion, we have selected interesting and magical photo ideas for you.


As you can see, you can decorate your classroom for the New Year in a variety of ways. The main thing in this case is to use your imagination and good mood.