Feeling good: A new mood therapy. Feeling good

Feeling good: A new mood therapy.  Feeling good
Feeling good: A new mood therapy. Feeling good

David Burns

Feeling good

New mood therapy


Feeling good: New mood therapy / Transl. from English L. Slavina - M.: Veche, Perseus, ACT, 1995. - 400 pages - (Self-Help) ISBN 5-7141-0092-1.

BBK 88.5 B 51 UDC 159.923

The series was founded in 1994 Translation from English L. Slavina

Publishers notify us of the acquisition of exclusive rights to publish in Russian the book “Feeling Good” by David D. Burns. Any editions of this book published in Russian without an agreement with the publishers will be considered illegal.

ISBN 5-7141-0092-1 (Veche) ISBN 5-88421-034-5 (Perseus) ISBN 5-88196-375-Х (ACT)

David D. Burns. Feeling Good. The New Mood Therapy

© 1980 by David D. Burns, M. D. All rights reserved.

© Edition in Russian. “Perseus”, “Evening”, ACT, 1995

© Translation. L. Slavin, 1995

© Decoration. "Perseus", 1995


I am very pleased that David Burns has written a public domain book on mood swings that has generated much interest and admiration among health professionals. Dr. Burns has spent years of intensive research analyzing the causes and treatments of depression, and has clearly shown the role of self-help in treating this disease. This book is an extremely useful guide for people who want to master methods of self-regulation of mood.

A few words about the development of cognitive therapy may be of interest to readers of this book. Soon after the start professional activity practitioner in the field of traditional psychoanalytic psychiatry, I became enthusiastic about research that could empirically confirm Freud's theory regarding the treatment of depression. However, the results I obtained did not agree well with this theory. My search led to the emergence of a new theory, supported by numerous studies, about the causes of depression. Studies have shown that a person susceptible to depression seems to be “lost” to society due to inconsistency with generally accepted ideas and, accordingly, is doomed to the collapse of all hopes, deprivation, humiliation and trouble. Further experiments showed a significant difference between the self-esteem of a depressed person, his expectations and aspirations, on the one hand, and his actual achievements, often very underestimated, on the other. The conclusion I made was this: depression disrupts the process of comprehending a particular situation; A depressed person thinks negatively about himself, the people around him, and his future. Such pessimism affects a person's mood, motivations and relationships with other people and ultimately leads to the full range of psychophysiological symptoms characteristic of depression.

We now have numerous results from clinical studies confirming that a person can control mood swings and by using certain relatively simple techniques overcome poor health. The promising results of this work have sparked interest in cognitive therapy among psychiatrists, psychologists, and a number of other specialists. Many authors considered the results of our developments as the basis for scientific study psychotherapy. Evolving theory emotional disturbances, which forms the basis of this study, has been the subject of close study in leading medical centers all over the world.

In this book, Dr. Burns describes the progress that has occurred in understanding the causes of depression. Simple and accessible language he introduces new effective methods, helping to overcome such a painful condition as depression. I hope that readers will be able to apply the techniques developed while treating people with depression and described in the book to their own problems. Those suffering from severe depression need medical help, but people with milder forms of depression can benefit from using the newly discovered "universal" techniques that Dr. Burns reveals in his book. Thus, the book “Feeling Good” is extremely important for those who want to overcome depression or just a bad mood.

Finally, this book reflects the unique personal insight of its author, whose enthusiasm and creative energy have been a special gift to his patients and colleagues.

Aaron T. Beck, MD, PhD

Professor of Psychiatry, School of Medicine

Harmony of body and soul plus good mood and an optimistic attitude - something like this can be described wellness. Those who are at peace with themselves radiate physical and spiritual health.
Basis wellness is . There are two prerequisites for this: self-confidence and love for himself. First, make time for your personal needs. People who schedule breaks during their workdays appear to be significantly happier than others. And those who know how to enjoy life can be seen from afar. If, moreover, you are even in the most unpleasant situations think positively, then the path to calm, relaxation and joy of life is open to you.

Gaining a taste for life in 21 days.

Just three weeks, psychologists confirm, are enough to get rid of negative habits. Enjoyment is an art that is relatively easy to learn. But it is one of the most important prerequisites for good health. Involve your loved ones and friends in studying this science, because social contacts- an important component of internal harmony.

Feeling good is when vitality comes from within.

Thousands of years ago in Asia they were known effective techniques and relaxation techniques. Ancient eastern teachings such as yoga, Ayurveda and qi gong are finding more and more adherents in Western countries. Combination of ancient teachings with the latest knowledge in the field of nutrition and medicine opens up numerous new ways to tone up and improve well-being. One example of this is the “Five Tibetans” health system. It combines movement and relaxation and leads to a state of inner harmony.
Eastern teachings show how important it is to move away from rational, productivity-oriented thinking and toward more enjoyment and joy in life.

Strengthen your self-confidence.

People who are happy with their appearance give the impression of being strong and confident. Do something in this direction and pamper your body with a massage. Indulge in a new hairstyle, rediscover the joys of a good meal or an evening out with friends. Feel satisfied that you managed to overcome your own passivity and you are exercising again, going to the pool or to the sports club. Prove to yourself that you can rebuild your diet and nutrition, and you will feel proud of yourself and joy that your well-being has improved.

Motto: “Relax and enjoy!”

Learn to motivate yourself and give yourself the time you need. This is especially important when gray everyday life left their mark on your mood. Therefore, after a busy, stress-filled day, set aside at least 15 minutes for yourself, or even better, half an hour. Take full advantage of this time to relax - maybe take a luxurious bath, drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice, read a good book or listen to your favorite music. At the end of the week, give yourself a little vacation and start a new work week with renewed vigor.

Be happy with yourself.
For good health, it is very important to be in harmony with yourself and accept your figure as it is, or do something to improve it.
The very first and simplest step can be to make conscious food choices and... Then nothing will hinder your feeling of well-being. And those around you will be able to see this with their own eyes, noting your well-groomed appearance from head to toe and feeling the waves of good mood emanating from you.

Grooming from head to toe

  • Having freshly washed hair lifts your mood. Don't skimp on hair care products.
  • Don't experiment with hairstyles or hair coloring. Permanent and sudden changes in hair color are best left to an experienced hairdresser.
  • Toothpastes that not only care for your oral cavity, but also visibly whiten your teeth will make your smile dazzling. Don't forget to visit your dentist regularly.
  • Take care of your fingernails and toenails. Using tincture from olive oil And lemon juice you will make your nails healthy and elastic.
  • Your hands are yours business card. Apply to them thick layer arnica or chamomile cream, and wear cotton gloves at night.

Three-week wellness program

The system, called, is considered a source of well-being and youth.

  • It strengthens connective tissues and gives elasticity to the skin.
  • In addition, energy that was not previously used is released, which ensures good health.

Relaxation for well-being
Use your days off to connect with all your senses.

  • Consciously stop overthinking difficult things and calm your nerves by taking a little vacation.
  • Awaken within yourself creativity to enjoy the joys of life, listen, feel, touch...

Optimally supply your body with what it needs nutrients, and then you will like yourself.

  • Amino acids and silicic acid will add shine to your hair and make your nails strong.

Apples and sea buckthorn juice will strengthen connective tissues. It has also been proven to improve mood and well-being.

What is wellness? This is a state when we feel good in all respects: physically and spiritually, we are in harmony with the entire world around us and expect only the best and most beautiful things from life.

How to always maintain good health?

Unconditional love - The best way for this, but not every person knows how to love his entire environment without any conditions: it’s one thing to say it, and quite another to do it. Learning to give only positive emotions to others in any situation, and without any expectations to help everyone who needs it, is not as easy as it seems. However, starting to do this is not so difficult: start with a smile - after all, a sincere, warm smile does not cost us any effort, and can bring a lot of joy and happiness to people.

Besides unconditional love to others always begins with self-love, and we were never taught this. Therefore, to begin with, you should plan your days so that there is enough time for rest, and not cut this time unless absolutely necessary, sacrificing your well-being in the name of dubious values ​​and ideals.

In the morning, when the alarm clock rings, most people “get out” of bed, and do not always have time to have breakfast before getting ready for work. Stress begins on the way, when a car or bus gets stuck in a traffic jam, and at work it continues: we often arrive there sleep-deprived and irritated. The day is “twisting”, and there is not enough time even for a full lunch, let alone rest; and in the evening we rush home, where family and everyday responsibilities await us - there is no time left for ourselves.

Relaxation and well-being

But you can relax not only during free time from work, but also during work time: many experts are sure that labor productivity depends on this.

“Coffee” and “smoking” breaks can hardly be considered a rest, especially in the second case: there is little benefit from coffee, and only harm from smoking. Instead of spontaneous absences, plan your day so that several times, after a certain time, take 10-minute breaks, not counting lunch. You should not try to return to work after lunch, if there is time left: this is your legitimate rest. It’s better to go outside - at any time of the year, and in bad weather you can sit quietly and read something fun and positive. Those who work at a computer need short breaks every 50 minutes. If you have very little time, at least go to the toilet, rinse (or spray) your face with cool water, try to perform a few simple “warm-up” movements, and ventilate the room several times during the day. Colleagues at work can also give each other a light massage: even 1-2 minutes of massage of the arms and shoulders will bring considerable relief to tense muscles.

Not everyone knows that special breaks related to the peculiarities and specifics of work are provided Labor Code RF.

It helps to reduce fatigue and timely change of activities, and you need to change one type of activity to another when you are not yet tired.

For many office workers often a condition called the “illusion of physical fatigue.” When you arrive home, do not rush to take the desired horizontal position; at least don't stay in it for more than 15 minutes. Rest in the form of “walling” on the sofa watching TV will not bring anything good: nervous system becomes even more overloaded. In the summer, go outside, walk, run, ride a bike, go to the pool; In winter, you can also go for a walk, and visit the sauna or bathhouse at least twice a month.

You should not take a shower or bath after work before going to bed, but immediately upon arriving home. The sooner you do this, the better you will relieve fatigue and be able to rest in the remaining time: water washes away not only dirt, but also negative energy.

Do not drink black tea or coffee in the evening, but drink an infusion of herbs - regular chamomile or mint, and instead of sitting in front of the TV or computer, read a good book - this also helps to calm down and relax.

On weekends, those who have a sedentary job need to walk more, move, and play any sport. For those who work standing, perform exercises to relax the leg muscles, do massage and foot baths; Cycling, swimming and race walking perfectly restore blood circulation in the legs.

Plan your weekend so as not to think about work: go to the theater, a concert or just a movie, go out into nature. Outdoor recreation with barbecue and alcohol, which has become a common form of recreation for “average” Russians, is hardly beneficial for well-being; No one is canceling barbecue, but at the same time you can plan a long walk through the forest, picking mushrooms, berries or medicinal herbs.

But what you shouldn’t do on the weekend is sit at home, take part-time jobs or “work from home,” spend the whole day in the kitchen and do global cleaning. Although, if turning a “dirty” apartment into a clean one cozy home brings you spiritual joy, not physical fatigue - please yourself in this way.

Nutrition for well-being

There is a lot of talk about nutrition these days. Let us briefly recall that in Russia the way of eating is related to the climate. In winter there is little sun and the weather is cold and often cloudy; weakness, irritability, depression and insomnia occur.

To ensure that your body has “everything”, include in your diet fresh greens, brightly colored vegetables and fruits, foods with Omega-3 (sea fish, seafood, nuts, unrefined vegetable oils etc.), eggs, dairy products, cheese, red meat and offal.

Don't skip breakfast, and eat porridge with water rather than sandwiches and coffee; have snacks throughout the day - fruits, dried fruits, nuts, natural yoghurt.

Reduce salt intake - its accumulation delays the removal of toxins; remove canned food and processed foods; stop mixing incompatible products; do not eat on the go or at night.

Give up strict diets: create a healthy diet for yourself once and for all, and combine different foods with different tastes, as in Ayurvedic cuisine - moderately sour, salty, sweet, etc.

Drink enough clean water(up to 1.5 l) both in summer and winter: good health is possible only with normal water balance in the body.

Healthy sleep for good health

For healthy sleep, you need to go to bed no later than 11 pm, but you shouldn’t sleep during the day, especially in the second half.

It is better to sleep with your head facing north or east to avoid dissonance with electromagnetic fields Earth.

The bed should be level and fairly hard, and the pillow should be small and not soft: the spine will be normal, as will cerebral circulation, and wrinkles on the face and neck will not appear for a long time. Ideally, it is better to remove the pillow completely: not everyone knows how to sleep like this, but you can try, maybe it will work.

Position during sleep is also important: it is recommended to sleep either on your side or on your back, but you should not sleep on your stomach - they also suffer internal organs, and the spine, and the skin. The air temperature in the bedroom should not be higher than 20°C, but in our apartments it is much hotter in winter, and temperature changes are not uncommon. Ventilate the room before going to bed, and try to sleep with the window open, but avoid drafts.

What's happened ? This is a state when we feel good in all respects: physically and spiritually, we are in harmony with the entire world around us and expect only the best and most beautiful things from life.

How to always maintain good health?

Unconditional love is the best way for this, but not every person knows how to love everyone around them without any conditions: it’s one thing to say it, and quite another to do it. Learning to give only positive emotions to others in any situation, and without any expectations to help everyone who needs it, is not as easy as it seems. However, starting to do this is not so difficult: start with a smile - after all, a sincere, warm smile does not cost us any effort, and can bring a lot of joy and happiness to people.

Moreover, unconditional love for others always begins with self-love, and we were never taught this. Therefore, to begin with, you should plan your days so that there is enough time for rest, and not cut this time unless absolutely necessary, sacrificing your well-being in the name of dubious values ​​and ideals.

In the morning, when the alarm clock rings, most people “get out” of bed, and do not always have time to have breakfast before getting ready for work. Stress begins on the way, when a car or bus gets stuck in a traffic jam, and at work it continues: we often arrive there sleep-deprived and irritated. The day is “twisting”, and there is not enough time even for a full lunch, let alone rest; and in the evening we rush home, where family and everyday responsibilities await us - there is no time left for ourselves.

Relaxation and well-being

But you can relax not only during free time from work, but also during work time: many experts are sure that labor productivity depends on this.

“Coffee” and “smoking” breaks can hardly be considered a rest, especially in the second case: there is little benefit from coffee, and only harm from smoking. Instead of spontaneous absences, plan your day so that several times, after a certain time, take 10-minute breaks, not counting lunch. You should not try to return to work after lunch, if there is time left: this is your legitimate rest. It’s better to go outside - at any time of the year, and in bad weather you can sit quietly and read something fun and positive. Those who work at a computer need short breaks every 50 minutes. If you have very little time, at least go to the toilet, rinse (or spray) your face with cool water, try to perform a few simple “warm-up” movements, and ventilate the room several times during the day. Colleagues at work can also give each other a light massage: even 1-2 minutes of massage of the arms and shoulders will bring considerable relief to tense muscles.

Not everyone knows that special breaks related to the peculiarities and specifics of work are provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

It helps to reduce fatigue and timely change of activities, and you need to change one type of activity to another when you are not yet tired.

Many office workers often have a condition called the “illusion of physical fatigue.” When you arrive home, do not rush to take the desired horizontal position; at least don't stay in it for more than 15 minutes. Rest in the form of “lounging” on the sofa watching TV will not bring anything good: the nervous system is overloaded even more. In the summer, go outside, walk, run, ride a bike, go to the pool; In winter, you can also go for a walk, and visit the sauna or bathhouse at least twice a month.

You should not take a shower or bath after work before going to bed, but immediately upon arriving home. The sooner you do this, the better you will relieve fatigue and be able to rest in the remaining time: water washes away not only dirt, but also negative energy.

Do not drink black tea or coffee in the evening, but drink an infusion of herbs - regular chamomile or mint, and instead of sitting in front of the TV or computer, read a good book - this also helps to calm down and relax.

On weekends, those who have a sedentary job need to walk more, move, and play any sport. For those who work standing, do exercises to relax the leg muscles, do massage and foot baths; Cycling, swimming and race walking perfectly restore blood circulation in the legs.

Plan your weekend so as not to think about work: go to the theater, a concert or just a movie, go out into nature. Outdoor recreation with barbecue and alcohol, which has become a common form of recreation for “average” Russians, is hardly beneficial for well-being; No one is canceling barbecue, but at the same time you can plan a long walk through the forest, picking mushrooms, berries or medicinal herbs.

But what you shouldn’t do on the weekend is sit at home, take part-time jobs or “work from home,” spend the whole day in the kitchen and do global cleaning. Although, if turning a “dirty” apartment into a clean, cozy home brings you spiritual joy and not physical fatigue, please yourself in this way.

Nutrition for well-being

There is a lot of talk about nutrition these days. Let us briefly recall that in Russia the way of eating is related to the climate. In winter there is little sun and the weather is cold and often cloudy; weakness, irritability, depression and insomnia occur.

To ensure that your body has “everything”, include in your diet fresh greens, colorful vegetables and fruits, foods with Omega-3 (sea fish, seafood, nuts, unrefined vegetable oils, etc.), eggs, dairy products, cheese, red meat and offal .

Don't skip breakfast, and eat porridge with water rather than sandwiches and coffee; have snacks throughout the day - fruits, dried fruits, nuts, natural yogurt.

Reduce salt intake - its accumulation delays the removal of toxins; remove canned food and processed foods; stop mixing incompatible products; do not eat on the go or at night.

Give up strict diets: create a healthy diet for yourself once and for all, and combine different foods with different tastes, as in Ayurvedic cuisine - moderately sour, salty, sweet, etc.

Drink enough clean water (up to 1.5 liters) both in summer and winter: good health is possible only with normal water balance in the body.

Healthy sleep for good health

For healthy sleep, you need to go to bed no later than 11 pm, but you shouldn’t sleep during the day, especially in the second half.

It is better to sleep with your head facing north or east to avoid dissonance with the electromagnetic fields of the Earth.

The bed should be level and fairly hard, and the pillow should be small and not soft: the spine will be normal, as will cerebral circulation, and wrinkles on the face and neck will not appear for a long time. Ideally, it is better to remove the pillow completely: not everyone knows how to sleep like this, but you can try, maybe it will work.

The position during sleep is also important: it is recommended to sleep either on your side or on your back, but you should not sleep on your stomach - both internal organs, the spine, and the skin suffer. The air temperature in the bedroom should not be higher than 20°C, but in our apartments it is much hotter in winter, and temperature changes are not uncommon. Ventilate the room before going to bed, and try to sleep with the window open, but avoid drafts.

After reading a headline like this, some will probably think about some kind of stimulants. However, it all depends on the individual degree of depravity. However, we are talking about simple things that will make you feel better on a mental level. We all get asked questions from time to time:
am I a significant person, have I achieved anything, what good have I done today, and so on. These torments spoil the mood.
But here are five simple recommendations, which will help alleviate this “suffering”.

Receive compliments

You've probably felt the emotional rush that comes when someone compliments you or your work, simply by saying a few words. nice words. Sometimes a compliment can just boost your performance and generally make your whole day better.

This is why receiving compliments is so important. And to receive them, you need to be a little more generous yourself, right? Don't skimp on good words and enjoy receiving compliments.

Lose excess weight (stay in shape)

The idea of ​​getting rid of excess weight has long consumed our minds: we try various diets, new ways to lose weight, and so on. And here it is important to slightly shift the focus of your actions. It’s important not so much to lose weight as to stay in shape in general: run, eat healthy food, take walks, go to the gym. And after a good and effective effort, your mood will improve on its own. Has anyone ever returned from a run on a cool summer morning in a bad mood?


We are accustomed to admiring educated people and respecting knowledge in general. This is, of course, wonderful. But often we scold ourselves for insufficient education, lack of knowledge in one area or another. In the meantime, it’s easy enough to read good books. After reading and comprehending another book, you feel that you have become a little better. And this feeling is always worth the time spent on it.

Reconnecting with old friends

Some good people are lost, disappear from our lives. We move to other areas, cities or countries, change jobs and educational establishments. It's impossible to stay in touch with everyone, but it's even nicer to meet old friends. A simple call or message from such a person can give you many pleasant moments. And if no one calls, why not uncover the old notebook yourself?


Let's leave the most banal, but no less effective, for last. Cleaning and generally organizing the surrounding space is a tedious task and not always pleasant, but it looks clean and organized room, which I just removed always creates amazing clarity in my head. But often it’s enough to clear out your desktop or put things in order on your hard drive.