Gothic: from the Middle Ages to the present day. How to make your room gothic Message gothic style in the interior

Gothic: from the Middle Ages to the present day.  How to make your room gothic Message gothic style in the interior
Gothic: from the Middle Ages to the present day. How to make your room gothic Message gothic style in the interior

Interiors in historical styles always attract attention. A room in the Gothic style is a wonderful confirmation that elegant and majestic Gothic can be organically embodied in room design modern apartment. To do this, of course, you should follow some recommendations. But first, let's look at the features of the Gothic style.

Gothic style in the interior - these are elegant and noble materials and furniture, tending to the ceiling

Notre Dame Cathedral is a wonderful example of Gothic architecture architectural style

Gothic is a great achievement of Western European architecture. This style originated in the 12th century in France. The most famous architectural structure in the Gothic style is the beautiful Notre Dame Cathedral. The cathedrals of Chartres and Reims are also recognized as standards of pure Gothic architecture. These majestic buildings are characterized by:

  • visual “lightness” of the structure, achieved with the help of pointed arches, soaring spiers and other tricks;
  • verticality of the composition;
  • ribbed vaults;
  • complex frame system supports;
  • arched windows and stained glass;
  • openwork tents and portals;
  • powerful columns like supporting elements designs;
  • interior space permeated with light;
  • expressiveness decorative elements;
  • overall proportionality and harmony.

Arched windows with stained glass - an attribute of the Gothic style in the interior

A vaulted ceiling is typical for a Gothic-style living room.

The room in the Gothic style is dominated by openwork elements and prints

The late period of development of the style is also called “flaming” Gothic: for its upward direction similar to a flame, dynamism and plasticity of forms.

All shapes in the living room in the Gothic style tend to rise

In the Middle Ages, mainly cathedrals were built in the Gothic style - the centers of religious life in any city in Western Europe. In the Gothic era, cathedrals became symbols of the Universe created by God and its harmonious structure. The general “symphony” was embodied by the synthesis of all arts characteristic of this architectural style: architecture, sculpture, theater, music, painting, arts and crafts.

The walls in the Gothic style living room can be complemented with frescoes

Gradually, the Gothic style became universal and penetrated into many areas of life, including home decoration, and was embodied in interior items and decor.

Gothic is especially interestingly represented in furniture art. This was facilitated by the invention of sawmills, the ability to make furniture not from thick logs, but from thin boards. Furniture in the Gothic style is characterized by:

  • an abundance of decorative details: spiers, turrets, sculptural figures, “Gothic roses”;
  • openwork carving;
  • forged elements.

A Gothic-style living room is characterized by an abundance of elegant accessories.

Forged carved elements perfectly complement the Gothic style interior

In general, Gothic furniture is solid and beautiful in its own way. The buildings and decoration of the house in the Gothic style significantly changed the picture of the world of medieval man, subordinating it to the algebra and geometry of divine design. The Gothic crisis is associated with the approval of the “new sweet style” of Dante and other creators of the Renaissance.

Gothic style furniture is massive and solid, but at the same time elegant

Gothic style in interior design

The Gothic style remains in demand today. Nowadays it is chosen not only by connoisseurs of medieval aesthetics, but also by followers of the recently super-popular “Gothic” subculture. Therefore, when choosing an interior style, it is necessary to clarify whether the interior design will be made in the spirit of the youth movement or stylized as medieval Gothic.

The interior of the room in the style of the Gothic subculture combines the atmosphere of the afterlife and medieval Gothic

A Gothic-style room, created for a lover of antiquity, should contain the following decorative elements:

  1. Arched window and door openings.
  2. Colored stained glass windows. Making such stained glass windows yourself is quite troublesome and time-consuming. It's expensive to buy. Tip: use an adhesive film that imitates stained glass.
  3. Fireplace decorated with carvings and lined with stone. If you can’t install a real fireplace, you can install a false fireplace.
  4. Heavy and dense textiles, carpets.

Colored stained glass windows will enliven the Gothic interior

A Gothic-style fireplace can be beautifully decorated with carvings and spiers

To create an interior in a Gothic style, thick curtains are suitable

Decorating a room in a Gothic style

Carrying out an interior in the Gothic style requires special care and considerable financial costs.

Important! A Gothic room should be very spacious. Only in this case can you experience the splendor and grace of this style.

Gothic style is suitable for spacious rooms

Gothic style does not tolerate plastic and other artificial materials. When decorating a room in this style, you must use only natural materials:

  • tree;
  • metal;
  • natural fabrics;
  • marble;
  • natural stone.

Gothic style includes the use of natural materials and stone

In the interior design of a Gothic room, when finishing the ceiling, they often remain uncovered ceiling beams and floors. The ceiling is also decorated with openwork paintings and sculptural elements. The chandelier should be massive and metal.

Massive chandelier in Gothic style

When finishing the floor, you can use three options:

  • cover the floor with ceramic tiles or stone;
  • cover with carpets;
  • make the floor wooden.

In a Gothic style interior, you can put carpets on the floor and decorate the walls with medieval accessories

The walls can be painted genre scenes from the life of knights and beautiful ladies. Stories with dragons, unicorns and other wonderful creatures from medieval bestiaries are also appropriate. Interesting solution– “fish bones” - relief ribs coming out of the wall and meeting under the ceiling. This creates a tall and pointed dome.

The pointed ceiling is actively used in the Gothic style

Color scheme for rooms in Gothic style

A Gothic-style room doesn't have to be gloomy. This style was unlucky twice. For the first time, when the humanists of the Renaissance proclaimed Gothic as a barbaric style inherent in the semi-wild nomadic people - the Goths. In the second, when the gloomy aesthetics of other goths, representatives of the modern subculture, began to be associated with him.

However, one can also remember early XIX century - the heyday of the Gothic novel genre, full of creepy and mystical secrets. The main characters of this “Gothic” are vampires, werewolves and other Frankensteins.

For registration gothic interior deep, noble and dark shades are suitable

The historical Gothic style is more harmonious, although exaltation and expression are characteristic (especially in the later period) of it.

Advice! Dark tones specific to Gothic, when balanced in alternation with lighter shades, can create an atmosphere of romantic mystery, but not unambiguous gloom and severity.

The gloomy Gothic style can be alternated with natural and even light shades

A Gothic style room can be made using following colors and shades:

  • purple;
  • purple;
  • cherry;
  • ruby;
  • dark brown;
  • blue;
  • dark green;
  • gold;
  • bright red;
  • cream;
  • beige;
  • sandy;
  • orange;
  • dairy;
  • silver.

Bright and colorful stained glass windows in the windows and doorways, filling the room with light and energy.

Interior and decor items in a Gothic room

Properly selected interior items and accessories play a big role in shaping the image of a room in the Gothic style. Furniture should be wooden and massive, richly decorated with carvings and forged elements- legs or backs. Types of furniture:

  • chairs with high backs;
  • tables with marble finish;
  • chests;
  • buffets;
  • double door wardrobes;
  • benches;
  • four-poster beds.

Furniture in the Gothic style is decorated with beautiful carvings

Other items and accessories include:

  • mirrors and paintings in massive frames;
  • Forged Products;
  • tall candlesticks;
  • fireplace;
  • pendant lamps;
  • sculptures.

Mirrors in the Gothic style - massive structures decorated with forging or carving

The Gothic style is considered “high”, so the interior is decorated with sculptures and paintings

The windows are decorated with thick and heavy curtains attached to wooden or metal cornices. A good authentic element in the interior would be a tapestry with scenes from medieval life.

Note! In addition to stained glass, the flickering of candles, the reflections of the fire in the fireplace, and the play of shadows and light play an important role in creating a mysterious atmosphere in Gothic-style rooms.

To create a Gothic interior, you can use candles, which will add antiquity to the room.

Gothic style in the interior allows you to create unusual and expressive images, full of mysteries and secrets. This style will undoubtedly delight romantics and mystics, lovers of travel in time and space.

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Characteristics and features of the Gothic style

Of all famous styles for interior decoration The Gothic style is one of the most interesting and unique. It began in the Middle Ages during the reign of Queen Victoria in Great Britain. There is an opinion that this style is gloomy and suitable only for closed people. It is completely wrong, because Gothic in the interior is elegance, aristocracy and a rich color palette.

The clear outlines of this design style were formed in Europe during the period of the 12th-15th centuries, which was preceded by revolutionary changes in religious trends, art and socio-political foundations. Even now you can see the majestic works of architects of those times in the form of ancient castles in Western Europe. Gothic perfectly emphasizes status and combines:

  • severity;
  • restraint;
  • wealth of shapes, colors;
  • a large amount of decor.

Over the long period of its existence, the Gothic style in the interior has undergone various changes and has come to our time in an updated form. So there was more in him light shades, which makes it possible to make more diverse designs.

He has also adapted to city apartments and small country cottages, despite the fact that he loves a lot of space. Modern hotels, hotels and restaurants often use this style to decorate their halls and rooms so that guests can immerse themselves in the era of the knights.

Gothic in the interior is a highly aesthetic style; when working on it, exclusively natural materials(wood, marble, glass, animal furs). They allow you to convey the spirit Victorian era and create a unique atmosphere in the house. Features of the Gothic style are:

  • Color spectrum. The Middle Ages period is shrouded in secrets and mysticism, so dark shades are characteristic of the style: brown, burgundy, black, blue, dark green, purple, violet.
  • Stained glass. This type of decorative and applied art already in the Middle Ages was considered a sign of wealth and influence in society. Stained glass was used mainly to decorate windows, large and arched. In the modern interpretation of the Gothic style, they are appropriate for glass inserts interior doors, cabinets, wall panels.
  • Enhanced lighting. Color palette Gothic architecture is usually dark, so a lot of light is required to highlight all the advantages of the interior. Traditionally, this is a large forged chandelier and, if necessary, Wall lights, made in the same style.
  • Comfortable furniture. Furnished design items should not only be made from natural materials, but also provide comfort. That is why tables, chairs, sofas are massive and quite large and rough, but not without artistic carving and forging on protruding backs, armrests and other parts.
  • Abundant decor. Gothic style is favorably emphasized with curtains made of thick fabric, forged lamps, glass vases and metal utensils, tapestries with historical images, paintings and objects of knightly valor.

In the Gothic style there are many patterns on the walls, curtains, and upholstery. Large mirrors in massive frames with decorative design favorably expand the space, emphasizing the symmetry of the design. By decorating windows with stained glass, it is possible to create interesting game light in the room. Such special lighting can in no way make the interior gloomy or boring.

Materials and finishing

For interior decoration in the Middle Ages, wood, iron and animal skins were mainly used, since these were widely available. In 2018, designers continue this trend, but make small adjustments. This is how massive glass tables instead of wooden ones played well in the Gothic style. Glass is also actively used for making decorative elements - vases, dishes, ashtrays, figurines and more.

The Gothic floor is made of wood or natural stone (marble, granite). The ceiling is usually decorated with wooden beams. Walls can be decorated in different ways: with textured wallpaper imitating masonry, plaster, paint, textiles. The main thing is that there is no contrasting transition between the walls and the ceiling. Decoration with relief and sculptural openwork is also welcome.

Today, lining the floor with marble and decorating the walls with mahogany or stones can be a very expensive investment, but the market building materials provides excellent alternative coatings that imitate textiles, wood, a natural stone with high realism.

It can be a worthy replacement for both stone and wood. Italian manufacturer wall decorative paints and plasters San Marco offers environmentally friendly and safe materials For interior decoration, which have the same properties. The following can help you create a unique Gothic style in the interior of your apartment or house:

  • - decorative paint with a metallic effect, it has good adhesion to the surface being treated and will fit perfectly into the Gothic style. The “tin” color is best suited for thematic styling of a room; it is moderately dark, but actively plays with light due to metallic tints.
  • - decorative paint with sand, creates unique sandy swirls on the wall.
  • - textured plaster, allowing you to create various effects, for example, aged concrete or formwork. The decoration on the walls will look creative and moderately rough for the Gothic style. Plaster can be applied using different techniques.
  • - facade plaster imitating natural granite. The material has increased strength, and therefore is ideal for decorating open courtyards, verandas, and balconies in the Gothic style.
  • - decorative coating imitates aged marble with maximum realism.

“If you use plaster with an antique effect, then the most successful addition will be historical tapestries and frescoes, and wall paintings will successfully highlight monochromatic paint of a noble color.”

Furniture and decor details

Massive but graceful wooden furniture made from dark wood best characterizes the Gothic style. The bed is characterized by a high headboard and artistic carvings, while the chairs have a high back with patterns and carved legs. Often pieces of furniture in this style are decorated with forged metal parts. The upholstery features beautiful embroidery, patterns with big amount curls. It is usually lighter shades than the walls, which makes the interior softer and more sophisticated.

“To maintain a unified style, it is appropriate to use forged elements on all pieces of furniture, as well as on mirrors and chandeliers.”

The Gothic style in the interior, although it appeared in knightly times, is not without eye-pleasing decor. Traditionally, rooms are decorated with large mirrors, frescoes, bronze vases, cups, dishes, unusual sculpture made of wood or metal, paintings with historical themes. Alternatively, you can complement the interior with bright textile drapery.

Photos of Gothic style

The Gothic style in interior and architecture originated in the Middle Ages, but even today it has not lost its popularity. The mysterious appeal of the Gothic evokes a strong association with mysterious mysticism. It is not surprising that it was the noble Gothic style that was most often used to decorate the most majestic castles and architectural masterpieces.

Gothic is a unique style that combines elegance and aristocracy, unique grandeur and sophistication. Today, the Gothic style is often used to decorate the interiors of elite restaurants and expensive hotels, allowing their visitors to plunge headlong into the magical era of brave knights and charming ladies.

Characteristic features of Gothic in the interior

The Gothic style belongs to the “large-scale” - it assumes the presence large space, high windows, luxurious stained glass windows and an abundance of light. Of course, not every modern gothic lover is the happy owner of a castle. But don’t be upset - the Gothic style can also be used to decorate the interior of an ordinary city apartment or country cottage.

Character traits Gothic in the interior:

  1. The color scheme should ideally match the mystical atmosphere of the given stylistic direction. That is why, most often, preference is given to dark shades - burgundy, blue-black, purple, blue, lilac, violet.
  2. Exclusively natural materials are used for finishing – stone, marble, precious wood, glass and metal.
  3. Mandatory elements of the classic Gothic style are luxury stained glass colored glass, carved wooden doors, high vaults with stucco, .
  4. Particular attention is paid to lighting - there should be a lot of it. The center of attention, of course, is the large wrought-iron chandelier, which serves as the main light source.
  5. An integral element of the Gothic style is a large one in the center of the room, decorated with a forged metal lattice.

Materials and finishing

The Gothic style is characterized by the use of noble natural materials - wood, stone, marble. In modern Gothic, the presence of a large amount of glass and metal is mandatory. Among valuable species wood the best option will become: dark oak, beech, larch, alder, cedar, juniper.

Of course, not everyone can afford natural marble. Could be an excellent replacement fake diamond or other materials with imitation marble texture.
To decorate the floor, you can use various types of wood, ceramic tiles or parquet.

To decorate the walls in a Gothic interior, tapestries with specific historical images, paintings stylized as the Middle Ages, frescoes and wall paintings are used.
Very often metal or wood carvings are used, which decorate, for example, wooden doors or vaults.
It will be a wonderful decoration for the ceiling.

Furniture for interior in Gothic style

This style is characterized by the use of massive but elegant wooden furniture. A huge bed with a high headboard, decorated with wood carvings or original forged metal parts, with a heavy canopy, will undoubtedly decorate any Gothic-style bedroom.

Furniture for a Gothic interior requires high wooden tables with beautiful carved legs, chairs and armchairs with wooden armrests, carved chests decorated with forged metal fittings, mirrors in heavy metal frames.
Today, the role of chests can be successfully fulfilled by high wooden cabinets or sideboards, the doors of which are decorated with mirror patterns or stained glass windows.

Furniture in the Gothic style may have forged metal legs of a curved shape, decorated with various patterns.

Details and decor

It is typical for a Gothic style interior minimal amount decorative elements and decorations.
The main decoration in the room should be a large fireplace, decorated with natural stone and forged metal elements.

Today, a real hearth can be replaced with an artificial fireplace.

Also, frescoes and stucco moldings, wall tapestries with heraldic themes will look great in Gothic.

The following are most often used as decor in the Gothic style:

  • Large, massive mirrors in wooden or metal frames.
  • Ancient weapons on the wall, forged candlesticks.
  • Bronze or gilded cups, plates, vases with carved patterns.
  • Unusual sculptures made of wood or metal, torch-shaped lamps on the walls.
  • Paintings with historical themes - images of knights or knightly fights.
  • Colorful textiles from which massive, heavy draperies are made.

The Gothic style in the interior is a unique combination of luxury and mysticism, which will definitely appeal to all fans of originality and creativity.

Gothic style in the interior - photo

Gothic style in the interior today is the most extravagant trend in modern design. Its heyday was between the 12th and 15th centuries.

Goths in the Roman Empire were a disparaging name for barbarian tribes who raided the country.

Therefore, the word Gothic was synonymous with barbarism and ignorance. Architects and artists of the Renaissance introduced the word “Gothic” to designate buildings that were majestic and frightening in their dimensions.

Excursion into history

Such structures took a very long time to build. For example, Notre Dame de Paris took almost two centuries to build.

A distinctive feature of the Gothic style was the fan vaults, which partially relieved the walls. This made it possible to increase the number and magnitude window openings.

By the way, it was this innovation that was the beginning of the now popular frame construction.

Buildings made in this style were distinguished by increased expressiveness. The upward-pointing vaults seemed to freeze, unable to reach the sky.

Stained glass windows, intricately refracting the incident light, exciting decorations, high ceilings - all this created a mysterious and enigmatic atmosphere. The Gothic style touched the deepest parts of people's souls.

After an enthusiastic takeoff, an indifferent attitude towards this direction lasted almost a century. The 18th-19th centuries became a new milestone in its development. Only now this style was used in the construction of estates and palaces.

Since these times, Gothic has confidently entered into residential construction and is gaining popularity again these days. The photo of the Gothic style is proof of this.

Details and style features

Interior design in the Gothic style involves individual design of each area of ​​the space. He completely changes the room, turning it into a medieval castle. Signs of the Gothic style:

  • rich and intense colors (black, burgundy, purple);
  • a large number of metal products and accessories - doors with heavy ring-shaped handles, tall mirrors in bronze frames, heavy candlesticks and candelabra, chests and table clocks with gilding;
  • fireplaces with forged grates and various decorations in the form of heraldry;
  • curtains and bedside canopies made of heavy fabrics;
  • large windows, made in the form of an arch, with massive frames and metal frames.

You need to understand that such interior design is not suitable for standard apartment with low ceilings.

The main feature of the Gothic style is the presence of spacious and high rooms. In order for the building to fully reflect the spirit of antiquity, it is necessary to carry out its reconstruction. Install stone columns, roof peaks, weather vanes, turrets, arched vaults And so on.

The interior should contain ancient icons in gilded frames, paintings and stained glass (in furniture, on windows). To separate zones, use forged partitions or plasterboard, with fake windows with stained glass built into them.

Furniture selection

The Gothic style in the interior of an apartment is not only about the upward-facing shape of the windows and ceilings.

Pieces of furniture, like doorways, should have a sharp and elongated shape. Wooden parts are covered with openwork carvings, doors and cabinets are double-leaf, chairs with hard seats and massive backs, reminiscent of a throne.

Be sure to have chests with metal rivets. Large and wide beds with canopies, which are installed on elevated surfaces.

Door leaves and furniture are dense and bulky, made primarily of dark wood. The coldness and harshness of the interior is smoothed out by the presence large number decorative pillows.

Gothic image

How can you design in a Gothic style? You can visually increase the height of the room with the help of window openings made in the form of an arch.

The ceiling is decorated with contrasting strips. Brickwork on one of the walls will help enhance the atmosphere of an ancient castle.

You can decorate the ceiling with crystal pendants. Use only metal and wood in decoration, no plastic items. Hundreds of years ago it did not exist. Only the magic of antiquity, massiveness and mystery.

Gothic style photo

The Gothic style in the interior with easily recognizable features causes a mixed opinion among adherents of design art: some tirelessly admire the appearance of majestic castles in the Gothic style, others do not accept the excessive gloom in the appearance of the house, but no one can show indifference to such a dynamic design concept that embodies tapestry era and the Middle Ages.

History of the development of the Gothic interior genre

This unique design direction originated in France in the 12th century. During the Middle Ages, the decoration of mansions was welcomed knight's armor, made of wood and metal with a deliberately rough finish, round windows in a lead frame and many furnishing details of an elongated shape. The heyday of the Gothic art movement occurred in the 15th century. During this period of time, architects radically changed the idea of ​​building houses. Their ascetic features were transformed beyond recognition thanks to talented architects who managed to turn unremarkable houses into remarkable castles:

  • decorate the facades with an abundance of glass and metal elements ornate in shape, massive metal;
  • radically modify the configuration of living quarters - double the height of the walls by installing tall columns with a massive base, fan vaults, coffered ceilings, maximize the boundaries of the rooms to create a feeling of maximum space;
  • install numerous large-format windows in rooms regardless of their purpose, be it a bedroom or a bathroom;
  • replace interior doors with arches lancet shape;
  • use natural materials for interior decoration - marble, granite, valuable wood species, tiles.

In the process of development of the Gothic design style, the style of home decoration was constantly changing: stately mansions with an abundance of gilded and bronze interior elements adapted to the lifestyle of modern people. Today, designers create the interior of a house in the Gothic style from newfangled wood and wood, and instead decorate the walls with drawings with medieval scenes made in. Thanks to this, the houses are dominated by an atmosphere of mystery, genuine luxury, and magical charm characteristic of the Gothic style of interior design.

Advice! The Gothic interior style has been used for home furnishings for more than ten centuries. Over the centuries it has been constantly improved as a result of the development of new trends in design and architectural art. Therefore, interior paintings in this style can differ radically from each other: for lovers of space, it is advisable to fill the house with the aesthetics of ancient art with minimal use furniture with rough processing, and lovers of luxury need to pick up old canvases with darkened over time, chests or metal figurines at the flea market.

Signs of the Gothic style

The unique interior genre delights with the skill of frescoes on dark walls and stained glass windows, enchants with the predominance of furnishing details dark colors, amazes with its original furniture with carved facades made of precious wood and filigree decor.

Interior design in the Gothic style can radically change the usual appearance of the house, turning it into a fairy-tale castle. The aesthetic guidelines of this stylistic direction are the list of features:

  • rich color scheme with a predominance of black, burgundy, purple,, ;
  • a large number of furnishings made of metal - hinged double doors with heavy handles made in the form of large hinged rings, made of heavy fabrics, a massive headboard and footboard in the form of a pointed arch, large wall and floor mirrors with carved bronze frames;
  • predominance of antiques - ancient candelabra, figurines, table clock, chests and other rare interior items, acting as a link between the ascetic antiquity of the Middle Ages and the excess of modernity;
  • with a forged portal decorated with floral patterns, complex interweavings of ornate decorative elements reflecting Celtic motifs or heraldic emblems;
  • a mantelpiece lined with tiles and filled with candelabra with burning candles and table mirrors;
  • curtains from valuable types of fabric - velvet, velor, jacquard, veil, damask silk, satin;
  • large format windows arched shape with a pointed top and numerous metal bindings, they are necessarily complemented by massive wooden frames with iron bolts.

The abundance of architectural inclusions and delights of medieval art, characterizing the Gothic style of the interior, requires the presence of large rooms in housing with high ceilings. Therefore, it is much easier to recreate the atmosphere of a medieval castle in a house with a large living space than in an apartment where massive interior items are dark colors can create a feeling of intimacy and look tacky. Therefore, designers recommend using the Gothic style in the interior of an apartment for two-level housing, where there is a harmonious symbiosis stone finishing walls and floors, furniture with dimensions in the form of candlesticks will look organic and mesmerizing, conveying the style of decoration of castles and houses during the Middle Ages.

Ancient aesthetics in modern homes

Gothic style in modern interior- a rare phenomenon that allows you to unify the appearance of an apartment or private house. Luxurious apartments filled with virtuoso furnishings, intricate shapes and dynamic dark finishes, focus the attention of others on the filigree decor furniture facades with carved panels, figured overlays made using the marquetry technique, and an abundance of elaborate interior details. This noble design style represents medieval art, which is characterized by the following features:

  • construction of mansions equipped with many towers, acute-angled elements of an elongated shape, pointed arches and fan vaults;
  • and dominant in the interior stained glass depicting knightly fights and everyday life during the Middle Ages;
  • ceiling decoration with wooden beams with a deliberately rough finish;
  • floor covering with porcelain stoneware slabs non-standard shape– hexagonal, octagonal or triangular with a heterogeneous texture;
  • decor of walls, furniture upholstery, curtains and other furnishings with medieval motifs and scenes - images of a trefoil, four-petal ornaments, a Gothic rose framed in a circle.

Initially, a specific Gothic art movement was used to decorate Catholic cathedrals. Over time, the style of decorating cathedrals with icons in gilded frames, windows with picturesque stained glass, and filling them with bronze candlesticks migrated to the interior of private houses. Installing cabinets with, decorating the home with paintings and mirrors with baguettes made of valuable metals, lamps with antique-style metal parts will create an easily recognizable interior composition in the Gothic style.

To create a characteristic magical aura in a modern interior and divide into functional areas spacious living quarters, it is advisable to install in a studio apartment partitions made of wrought iron, decorated with ligature of deciduous and ribbon weaving, or install in plasterboard partitions fake stained glass window. The aesthetics of antique art in a modern interior looks unique, prompting guests of the house to endlessly admire the delights of the Gothic design style.