Ecological characteristics of the place of residence. General characteristics of the place of residence

Ecological characteristics of the place of residence. General characteristics of the place of residence

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Department of Labor Safety

Calculation and graphic work on the topic:

"Environmental assessment of your living place»



Student: Savelyev V.

Makarenko V.K.

Group: AVT-922

Faculty: AVTF

Novosibirsk 2012


ecological housing transport

1. General characteristics of the place of residence

I live in the Sovetsky district of the city of Krasnoyarsk. After graduating from school and still living temporarily in the city of Novosibirsk (Leninsky district, campus). My work is dedicated to my hometown and region. My house is located in the southeastern part of the area.

The city of Krasnoyarsk is one of the largest cities in Russia with developed infrastructure and opportunities for growth of human and economic potential, industrial, administrative-territorial and transport node. The population of the city as of January 1, 2010 was 963.2 thousand people. The city is located on both banks of the river. Yenisei in its middle course at the junction of three geomorphological regions: the river valley. Yenisei, a plateau adjacent to the river valley and the foothills of the Eastern Sayan.

Sovetsky district is the largest in size and number of residents. On its outskirts there are also the largest factories in Krasnoyarsk: Metallurgical (KRAMZ) and Aluminum (KRAZ). On the territory of the Sovetsky district there are areas of mass housing construction: the residential areas of Severny and Airport. In old microdistricts, the housing stock consists of Khrushchev-era buildings and houses with an improved layout. The construction of new areas is carried out with houses of the 111-97 series and monolithic brick houses. The housing stock is completely diverse and is represented by houses from wooden to brick.

The condition of the yard is average. Many trees have been cut down due to the danger of them falling due to the wind, and new plantings are not surviving. Mainly due to the human factor. Also, the wind often blows garbage from local garbage containers directly into the yard. Landings and air purity are negatively affected by a large number of parked cars.

My house is a panel building, 10 floors and 4 entrances. The apartment is on the 7th floor, there is an elevator. Half of the windows face the courtyard; between Metallurgov Avenue and the house there is a small area of ​​trees. The condition of the entrance is below average, as residents violate its cleanliness.

The most a big problem, which concerns me and my area are emissions from road transport and industry.

Now let's give some statistics from past years to assess the environmental situation more specifically. In 2008, 122.76 thousand tons of pollutants were released into the city's atmosphere by motor vehicles, which amounted to 44% of the total emissions in the city. In 2009, the usual increase in emissions from mobile sources of pollution was not expected and, in fact, has not been confirmed. The volume of emissions from motor vehicles amounted to 122.13 thousand tons and even decreased by 0.63 thousand tons. Against the background of a decrease in stationary emissions, the share of emissions from mobile sources of pollution increased slightly and amounted to 45.0% of total number emissions throughout the city. Rospotrebnadzor specialists note that the share of industrial enterprises in air pollution from total number emissions from stationary sources in 2007 amounted to 81.1%, which is lower than in 2006 - 92.7%.

Let's give some information about what the city authorities have done to change the environmental situation in the city. The Council of the Regional Administration approved the target program “Environmental Protection in the Krasnoyarsk Territory for 2008-2010” with a funding volume of 453 million rubles. Its main goal is “preserving the environment and ensuring environmental safety of the region’s population.” However, experts claim that the level of air pollution in almost all areas of the region is characterized as “high” and “very high.” Also, the administration of the city of Krasnoyarsk is carrying out targeted work to eliminate the inconvenience caused by the operation of vehicles. Active work is underway to create new parking spaces and reducing noise pollution. The preservation and development of electric transport is ensured, new roads are being built, road infrastructure, transport interchanges are being reconstructed, pedestrian crossings, the area of ​​traffic light regulation of traffic flow is expanding according to the “Green Wave” principle.

However, in my area the environmental situation has not improved over the 3 years that I have been studying in Novosibirsk.

2. Ways and methods of solving the problem under consideration

Since the main part of the deterioration of life in my area is road transport, we will describe the main ways to reduce environmental damage from transport:

1) optimization of urban transport;

2) development of alternative energy sources;

3) creation (modification) of engines using alternative fuels;

4) noise protection;

5) economic initiatives for vehicle fleet and traffic management.

These are the main ways, but there are also many other ways, for example, in the UK, the law states that in the center of London, on some streets you can only ride bicycles.


Do environment favorable theoretically is not difficult. All methods have long been known and obvious. But they require huge cash injections. It is because of the financial factor that my family lives in an environment that does not fully meet all environmental requirements.

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I live in the Sovetsky district of the city of Krasnoyarsk. After graduating from school and still living temporarily in the city of Novosibirsk (Leninsky district, campus). My work is dedicated to my hometown and region. My house is located in the southeastern part of the area.

The city of Krasnoyarsk is one of the largest cities in Russia with developed infrastructure and opportunities for growth of human and economic potential, an industrial, administrative-territorial and transport hub. The population of the city as of January 1, 2010 was 963.2 thousand people. The city is located on both banks of the river. Yenisei in its middle course at the junction of three geomorphological regions: the river valley. Yenisei, a plateau adjacent to the river valley and the foothills of the Eastern Sayan.

Sovetsky district is the largest in size and number of residents. On its outskirts there are also the largest factories in Krasnoyarsk: Metallurgical (KRAMZ) and Aluminum (KRAZ). On the territory of the Sovetsky district there are areas of mass housing construction: the residential areas of Severny and Airport. In old microdistricts, the housing stock consists of Khrushchev-era buildings and houses with an improved layout. The construction of new areas is carried out with houses of the 111-97 series and monolithic brick houses. The housing stock is completely diverse and is represented by houses from wooden to brick.

The condition of the yard is average. Many trees have been cut down due to the danger of them falling due to the wind, and new plantings are not surviving. Mainly due to the human factor. Also, the wind often blows garbage from local garbage containers directly into the yard. Landings and air purity are negatively affected by a large number of parked cars.

My house is a panel building, 10 floors and 4 entrances. The apartment is on the 7th floor, there is an elevator. Half of the windows face the courtyard; between Metallurgov Avenue and the house there is a small area of ​​trees. The condition of the entrance is below average, as residents violate its cleanliness.

The biggest problem that concerns me and my area is emissions from vehicles and industry.

Now let's give some statistics from past years to assess the environmental situation more specifically. In 2008, 122.76 thousand tons of pollutants were released into the city's atmosphere by motor vehicles, which amounted to 44% of the total emissions in the city. In 2009, the usual increase in emissions from mobile sources of pollution was not expected and, in fact, has not been confirmed. The volume of emissions from motor vehicles amounted to 122.13 thousand tons and even decreased by 0.63 thousand tons. Against the background of a decrease in stationary emissions, the share of emissions from mobile sources of pollution increased slightly and amounted to 45.0% of the total emissions in the city. Rospotrebnadzor specialists note that the share of industrial enterprises in air pollution from the total number of emissions from stationary sources in 2007 amounted to 81.1%, which is lower than in 2006 - 92.7%.

Let's give some information about what the city authorities have done to change the environmental situation in the city. The Council of the Regional Administration approved the target program “Environmental Protection in the Krasnoyarsk Territory for 2008-2010” with a funding volume of 453 million rubles. Its main goal is “preserving the environment and ensuring environmental safety of the region’s population.” However, experts claim that the level of air pollution in almost all areas of the region is characterized as “high” and “very high.” Also, the administration of the city of Krasnoyarsk is carrying out targeted work to eliminate the inconvenience caused by the operation of vehicles. Active work is underway to create new parking spaces and reduce noise pollution. The preservation and development of electric transport is ensured, new roads are being built, road infrastructure, transport interchanges, pedestrian crossings are being reconstructed, and the area of ​​traffic light regulation of traffic flow is expanding according to the “Green Wave” principle.

However, in my area the environmental situation has not improved over the 3 years that I have been studying in Novosibirsk.


Topic: Environmental situation in my place of residence

I live in a small city called Barnaul. It is the capital Altai Territory. Barnaul is a very green city, with many artificial plantings - alleys, parks, squares, boulevards, and is surrounded by a ribbon forest from the southwest. But, like any large industrial center, Barnaul cannot be called ecologically clean city, it ranks fourth in Western Siberia in terms of pollution level. The main sources of air pollution are industrial enterprises, stove heating private sector, as well as motor transport. This is especially true of the northern part of the city (Leninsky and Oktyabrsky districts), where the largest industrial enterprises are concentrated, as well as the southern part of the city (Central district) near the mouth of the Pivovarka River near the Altai Aggregates Plant, where an unfavorable environmental situation has also formed.

Pollution surface waters Barnaul - the Ob and Barnaulka rivers - passes through the discharge of untreated Wastewater enterprises of the city. This problem Currently it is quite acute. Already now in the city of Barnaul, there are great difficulties in ensuring water consumption due to the quantitative and qualitative depletion of water resources. This is primarily due to the pollution of reservoirs and watercourses, as well as the withdrawal of large volumes of water from them. The most vulnerable during intensive development of watershed areas are rivers, which are characterized by a close connection between the emerging runoff and the landscape of the basin. The planning structure that has formed in the city is very unfavorable from an environmental, sanitary and hygienic point of view, which is determined by the relative position of industrial zones and residential buildings. Thus, the Vlasikhinsky industrial district is located on the windward side of the city and residential areas, the residential areas of the Oktyabrsky and Leninsky districts are close to the Northern industrial district, a number of industrial and municipal warehouse enterprises, forming small industrial hubs, are located inside residential buildings. The Trans-Siberian railway runs through the city and its central part.

Every year the city is included in the list of cities with high level air pollution. The main sources of air pollution are: thermal power plants (CHP-1,2,3, boiler houses) running on coal; vehicles, the number of which is last years has increased significantly, 160,000 cars contribute 50 percent of air pollution, while the city's road network is not designed for the existing high traffic volume, especially in the central part of the city; industrial enterprises, most of which are characterized by the presence of outdated and physically worn-out gas cleaning equipment. In the city, the system of collection, processing and disposal of solid household waste does not meet the requirements of regulatory documents. There is poor performance utilities to maintain courtyard areas, collection and storage areas of solid waste in normal sanitary condition. The solid waste landfill does not meet sanitary and hygienic requirements, is located in a water protection zone and represents an object of increased environmental hazard.

All of the above anthropogenic factors cannot but have a negative impact on human health. The city continues to experience an increase in environmentally related diseases such as neoplasms, bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, diseases of the endocrine system, and digestive organs, both among adults and children. Over the past decade, the responsibility for the cleanliness of their native city has increased significantly among the population of Barnaul. This is proven by regular campaigns to clean streets, parks and reservoirs, the organization of green spaces and other events.

If we consider the environmental situation in a narrower area, then I would like to consider specifically the area in which I live. Leninsky district is a territory with a conditionally satisfactory ecological condition. The source of pollution here is a large traffic flow, the immediate proximity of industrial enterprises, as well as stove heating in the private sector. And yet, exhaust gases have the most significant impact on the environment.

This area is one of the main industrial areas of the city. The largest enterprises: Altai Motor Plant, Barnaul Tire Plant, Altai Precision Products Plant, Barnaul Asbestos Technical Products Plant, Barnaul Rubber Products Plant, Barnaul Reinforced Concrete Products Plant No. 1, Barnaul dairy plant and others.

In my area there are many trees and shrubs, which helps clean the air, as well as the good aesthetic condition of the area. There is a park right next to my house Anniversary , in which dog lovers walk their pets. But, unfortunately, the condition of this park leaves much to be desired. Care for him stopped a long time ago, for reasons unknown to me.

The house where I live was built a long time ago by Japanese prisoners of war, around the 40s of the 20th century. It is located on the territory of vocational school No. 1. I was not provided with data on the size of the territory; according to my assumption, it is 1 hectare. In my yard there are poplars, apple trees, spruce trees, as well as various shrubs. The soil cover is natural, there are asphalt surfaces. Fertilizers are used for lawn grass and flowers growing in flower beds. Dogs are walked in the nearby park mentioned earlier. The residents of my house try to keep our yard clean. Every year we gather for a cleanup, everyone is enthusiastic about cleaning the yard. pollution barnaul environmental atmosphere

I live on the 3rd floor of a three-story building. With a total area of ​​36 sq.m. There is a kitchen, bath, toilet and two rooms. My parents live with me. The walls and floor of the bathroom are tiled. In all other rooms, the walls are wallpapered and the floor is covered with linoleum. All rooms have plastic windows. All Construction Materials, used in my apartment, are quite environmentally friendly, not counting the plastic windows. Tightness most important characteristic plastic double glazing. However, it is precisely this, on the one hand, positive trait plastic window is its major drawback. The fact is that it is the tightness of the window that reduces the ventilation of the room and increases its humidity, which contributes to the proliferation of pathogenic microbes and mold. Windows that do not “breathe” limit the flow of fresh and clean air, increasing the dust concentration. As a result, a harmful microclimate is formed, which causes allergies, skin diseases and even asthma. The building is in semi-dangerous condition, requiring overhaul, both facades and the interior of the house. Due to the fact that our apartment is not located on sunny side At home, we are not able to grow plants. Because they don't have enough sunlight, and they grow slowly and wither quickly. The house is built from sand-lime brick. But we encountered problems such as poor ventilation, as a result of which the house high humidity, which leads not only to the destruction of the house, but also to a deterioration in the health of the residents living in it. On the ground floor of the building there is a resource center for training tram and trolleybus drivers. This directly causes inconvenience to the residents of our building.

The source of water in our house is central water supply. Our family consumes about 18 cubic meters of water and it is used only for domestic purposes. Every month we pay about 700 rubles. The water flows into central sewer. There are no faulty taps or pipes. The source of electricity in our house is a thermal power plant.

Topic: Environmental situation in the student’s place of residence

1. General characteristics of the area of ​​residence
Here, indicate where your home is located (locality, region, cities, their geographical location). Attach a fragment of a map of this area or a plan of the neighborhood.
Try to find out from environmental authorities (city, district ecology committees) and from local periodicals data on environmental pollution (EP) in your area or locality:

 degree of pollution in general;

 presence of industrial enterprises, roads, airfields, waste sites, landfills, etc.;

 level of radiation and noise background;

 condition of ground and surface waters;

 state of flora and fauna;

 health status of the population and other information that will help assess the environmental situation.

2. Characteristics of the immediate environment of your neighborhood
Here, note the sources of environmental hazard: nearby enterprises, landfills, busy highways, sources of noise, electromagnetic and radiation pollution.
Do you know what the wind rose is in your area, how often your home is influenced by polluted air masses brought from industrial enterprises.
Note nearby parks and waterways. What is their condition?

3. Characteristics of the territory of the yard, estate
Common data. Indicate the year your house was built and the size of the estate. Do you know what was in this place before?
Soils, plant and animal world. Indicate the plants that are found in your yard or estate. What soils predominate in this area (natural, artificial or fill; with remains of construction waste or moist)? Are fertilizers or other additives used to grow plants? Pay attention to the degree of trampling of the territory, whether residents use your territory for walking their dogs, etc.

5. My family's impact on the environment
Have you ever thought about how your family influences your OS?

Water usage:

 source of water in your home;

 how much water does your family consume (at least approximately);

 for what purposes do you use it (household, watering, etc.);

 are there differences in water consumption by season?

 where does the waste go;

 how much your family pays for water; for sewerage;

 are there any faulty taps or pipes in the apartment? Check how much water flows from a faulty faucet: place some dishes under the faucet and see how long it takes for it to fill.

Energy Use:

 sources of electricity in your home (CHP, boiler houses);

 how much energy does your family consume per month and how much does it pay for it?

 what Appliances, lamps (with incandescent or fluorescent lamps) are used;

 do you save energy?

Gas in your home;

 sources (natural, liquefied, imported in cylinders):

 how much gas does your family consume per month and how much does it pay for it;

 main characteristics of a gas stove and its effect on air environment in your house;

 do you know the basic rules of safe operation? gas stoves what are they?


 what type of heating is used in your home;

 are you insulating the room well for the winter?

 can you regulate the temperature in the room yourself?

 how much your family pays for heating and hot water (in the case of centralized heating).

Waste - my family's "garbage bin":

 how much waste does your family throw out per day (half a bucket, a bucket, etc.). At what time of year are there most of them?;

 what wastes predominate?

 where is this waste transported?

 does your family pay for throwing away trash? If yes, how much?

 is waste used in the household?

Chemical substances:

 what chemical substances used by your family for various purposes;

 where are they stored?

 what do you do with chemicals and medications that have expired?

 do you know the rules for using chemicals? Which ones are the most dangerous?


This part of the abstract is, of course, the most important: now you can analyze all the information contained in it and draw conclusions (about the environmental situation in the city, neighborhood, village, about the characteristics of the territory of your yard, estate, building, apartment, etc.) . What do you think needs to be done to improve the environmental situation in the place where you live and improve the living environment in your apartment?

Housing and lifestyle

Goal of the work: define environmental characteristics place of residence, home and lifestyle


A. Give an environmental description of your place of residence.

a) Title settlement(city, working town, village).

b) Location of the dwelling according to the cardinal directions in the populated area.

c) Characteristics of the area.

d) Type of development of the microdistrict (closed, open), streets (narrow, wide, straight, etc.).

f) Characteristics of the yard. g) Type of building (wooden, brick, panel, number of floors, number of entrances, presence of an elevator, etc.).

h) The presence of bodies of water near the place of residence, the nature of the water supply.

i) Soil characteristics, methods of waste collection and removal, j) Presence of stationary sources of air pollution, proposed type of pollution: chemicals, noise, dust,

k) Availability of roads, nature and traffic congestion, distance of traffic lights, presence of viaducts,

m) Availability of enterprises consumer services, education, healthcare, trade near the place of residence,

m) The presence of a “green zone”, its characteristics,

o) Conclusion: The most important environmental problems and proposed solutions to them.

B. Give a sanitary and hygienic assessment of the condition of the home.

a) Type of housing - house, apartment.

b) Sanitary standards dwellings: -ceiling height; - characteristics of windows; -characteristics of floors and their coverings; -characteristics of walls and their coverings; -adjacent rooms, isolated; -the nature of household premises; - character of heating.

c) Microclimate characteristics: -average temperature winter and summer; -humidity; - characteristics of ventilation.

G) Social conditions: -number of residents; -family composition and age characteristics.

e) Moral and psychological climate:

Availability of audio-video equipment;

Average work time equipment per day;

The principle of choosing radio, television and video programs;

Forms of communication between family members;

The existence or absence of family laws and traditions;

Does the family have photo albums (general, personal, thematic).

f) Diet in the family ( total time for the whole family, different times, catering on weekdays and on weekends, what products predominate: meat, vegetables, sweets, dairy, etc.)

g) Forms of sports and physical education in the family.

h) Organization of family vacations and leisure,

i) Forms of distribution of the family budget.

Conclusion: Conditions that promote or hinder healthy image life.


Laboratory work № 17

Determination of the condition of the soil cover by moisture, composition, structure, soil fertility. Introduction to the basics of soil classification

Goal of the work: introduce soil sampling conditions; determine soil moisture by gravimetric method; determine the granulometric composition and structure of the soil using the simplest method; determine soil fertility by its color; introduce the main types of soils in the European part of Russia and Samara region; teach how to use soil maps and cartograms to solve practical problems; consolidate theoretical knowledge on the physical, physicomechanical and biological properties of soils.

Materials and equipment: technical scales, analytical scales, drying cabinet, cup, spatula, plastic bags with soil samples, glass bottle with a ground lid, spatula, desiccator, soil map of Russia and the Samara region, soil maps and agrochemical cartograms of farms.

Brief theory

The founder of the doctrine of soils is the Russian scientist V.V. Dokuchaev (1846 – 1903), who gave the first scientific definition of soil (1879): “Soil is those daytime horizons or those close to them rocks(no matter what), which were more or less naturally changed by the mutual influence of water, air and various kinds of organisms - living and dead, which affects in a certain way the composition, structure and color of such formations.” Dokuchaev V.V. proved that soils are the result of a complex interaction of rocks, climate, plant and animal organisms, topography and age of the country (Fig. 1). Dokuchaev V.V. The law of global soil zonation was discovered. The essence of this law: the distribution of soils on Earth is subject to general outline the law of natural latitudinal zonation and each natural zone has its own “zonal” soil type. And each natural area characterized not by one particular type of soil, but by a certain set of very numerous, interrelated, but genetically unrelated soil types. Soil is the bio-inert body of nature. At the same time, soil is one of the main and complex components of the biosphere - the area of ​​distribution of life on Earth.

Rice. 1. Relationship between soil-forming factors and soil over time

Soil structure

Any soil can be considered as a heterogeneous, multiphase system consisting of three phases: solid, liquid and gaseous. The solid phase is dominated by mineral formations (50...60% of the total soil composition), which are represented by primary (quartz, feldspars) and secondary (clay minerals: kaolinite, montmorillonite, hydromicas, mixed-layer minerals; minerals of iron, aluminum, manganese, silicon oxides ; minerals - salts: dolomite, soda, calcite, magnesite, trona, gypsum, anhydrite, mirabilite, halite, phosphates, nitrates, sulfides, etc.) minerals. This phase also includes various organic substances (up to 10%), including humus or humus, as well as soil colloids of organic, mineral or organomineral origin. The liquid phase of the soil (soil solution, 25...30%) consists of water with organic and mineral compounds dissolved in it, as well as gases. The gas phase of the soil (15...25%) is “soil air”, which includes gases filling water-free pores, as well as gases adsorbed by colloidal particles and dissolved in the soil solution. The soil consists of several horizons (layers with the same characteristics), resulting from the complex interaction of parent rocks (subsoil), climate, plant and animal organisms (especially bacteria), and terrain (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. The structure of some soils

Letters indicate genetic horizons. I – typical chernozem, II – solonetz, III – podzol, IV – sod-podzolic soil; 1-A0 – litter, 2-A1 – humus-eluvial horizon, 3-B1 – transitional horizon in chernozems, 4, 8, 9-B2, B1, VZ – illuvial horizons of podzolic soils, 5-B1 – illuvial solonetzic horizon, 6 -B2 – transitional horizon of solonetz, 7-ВС – transitional carbonate horizon of chernozem, 10-E – eluvial horizon, 11-С – source rock.

There are three main horizons in the soil, differing in morphological and chemical properties.

1 Upper humus-accumulative horizon (A), in which it accumulates and transforms

organic matter and from which some of the compounds are carried down by washing waters.

2 Illuvial horizon (B), where substances washed from above settle and transform.

3 The parent rock, or horizon (C), the material of which is transformed into soil as a result of processes of physical, chemical, and biological weathering. Within each horizon, more subdivided layers are distinguished, which also differ greatly in properties. If the boundaries between horizons are unclear, then transition horizons may be noted. The system of genetic horizons, successively replacing each other vertically, forms soil profile. In terms of structure, the soil profile can be simple or complex, differing in a set of differentiated and undifferentiated genetic horizons. In terms of composition, horizons can be organogenic, humified, carbonate, ferruginous, and others; by properties - acidic, neutral, alkaline, saturated, leached, unsaturated and others. The combination of these characteristics determines the overall appearance soil profile and differences between genetic horizons.

In the chernozem profile (Fig. 11; I), the upper part is occupied by horizon A - humus-accumulative, it has a dark gray color, contains a lot of humus, nitrogen, and phosphorus. Similar horizons are found in all soils, but they are usually much thinner, lighter in color and contain less humus. Such qualities allowed V.V. Dokuchaev called black soil the king of Russian soils. Below horizon A there is a transition horizon B1, then horizon BC and unaltered rock - horizon C. In podzolic and soddy-podzolic soils (Fig. 11; III, IV), horizon A is small and depleted of nutrients, it is divided into two subhorizons: A1 - dark-colored (humus-eluvial) and E – light-colored (podzolic or eluvial). Additionally, undecomposed forest litter or turf covering the soil surface is designated A0. From the horizon

Fe, Al, K, Mg and other elements are carried away by downward moisture currents, and mainly silicon oxides SiO 2 accumulate. Many elements, especially Fe, accumulate in the next B horizon.

If the E horizon is called eluvial (from the Latin eluo - to wash away), then the B horizon is called illuvial (from the Latin illuo - to wash away). Depending on the external signs(colors, structures) subhorizons B1, B2, etc. can be distinguished. Even lower, there may be horizons with intensive development of reduction processes; they are called gley and are designated by the letter G. The solonetz (Fig. 11; II) is very characterized by a dense, columnar horizon B, which usually contains a lot of sodium and easily swells when moistened.

To external morphological characteristics include structure, thickness of the profile and individual horizons, color, granulometric composition, structure, composition, new formations, inclusions.

Soil profile thickness – the total extent of all horizons to the source rock. U various soils it ranges from 40...50 cm to 2.5 m (for chernozems).

Soil horizon thickness – the extent from the upper to the lower border. For example, A0 = 0 – 5 cm, A1 = 5 – 25 cm, etc., i.e. both the thickness and the depth of the horizon are visible.

Soil structure – these are those individuals (lumps, aggregates) into which it spontaneously disintegrates in a state optimal humidity. The size, shape, and internal properties of these components, such as mechanical strength and water resistance, are largely determined by quantity and quality organic matter in soils. From a morphogenetic point of view, three types of structure are distinguished (according to S.A. Zakharov): cuboid, prism-shaped and plate-shaped. Within each type, depending on the size of the aggregates and the degree of expression of the edges and edges, species are distinguished. For example, a cuboid structure can be: blocky, lumpy, dusty, nutty, granular, etc. The cuboid type of structure is characterized by approximate equality of horizontal and vertical axes separately. The cuboid type of structure is also characterized by high stability in nature. High stability is characteristic of the upper horizons of fertile soils, as it provides favorable water-air properties for plant growth. Other types of structures are not able to withstand the erosive action of water, and slab-shaped units have low mechanical strength. From an agronomic point of view, only soils with a cuboid structure (granular, medium- and fine-nutty, medium-lumpy) are structural. The process of soil formation includes the phenomenon of leaching (eluviation) of substances from the upper part of the profile and their accumulation (illuviation) in the middle and/or lower part of the soil. Moreover, eluviation is usually accompanied by the formation of a plate-type structure, and illuviation is usually accompanied by the formation of a prism-type structure.

From an agronomic point of view, not only the shape of the structure is important, but also its water resistance, porosity, mechanical strength and size.

Under water resistance understand the ability of soil aggregates to resist the erosive action of water. Virgin soils contain more water-stable aggregates than old-arable soils. The soil is considered structural if cloddy-granular water-resistant aggregates, ranging in size from 10 to 0.25 mm, make up more than 55%. At the same time, for soils northern regions The best are large-sized units, as they provide good water and air permeability of the soil. In the central black earth zone optimal size units 1 – 5 mm.

The importance of structure in soil fertility is very significant. In structural soil, through large pores, rapid and complete absorption of precipitation occurs, thereby creating moisture reserves and reducing surface runoff and water soil erosion. These soils have better air conditions, they do not float after rain and do not form a crust, they are easier to cultivate, and there is less danger of wind erosion.

The number and strength of soil aggregates is constantly changing. Some of them are destroyed due to inept processing, overcompaction, under the influence of chemical processes, etc.

Grading. The solid phase of the soil (skeleton, soil base) consists of particles various shapes and sizes, which differ in mineralogical and chemical composition and are called mechanical elements. According to N.A. Kaczynski – these are isolated pieces, pieces (fragments) of rocks and minerals, amorphous compounds. By origin they are divided into mineral (95...98%), organic and organomineral. Elementary particles, similar in properties and sizes, are combined into groups, fractions, on the basis of which classification is made mechanical elements(Table 1).

Table 1

Classification of mechanical elements

Particles larger than 1 mm are called soil skeleton or coarse soil, and particles less than 1 mm are called fine soil. The sum of all particles less than 0.01 mm in size is called physical clay, and more than 0.01 mm is called physical sand. The sum of all particles smaller than 0.001 mm is called the silt or fine fraction. Rocks and soils will have various properties, depending on the relationship between certain fractions of mechanical elements.

Granulometric (or mechanical) composition is the relative content of fractions of mechanical elements in soil or rock. Classification by granulometric composition is carried out by combining rocks and soils into several groups with their characteristic physical and chemical properties. The classification of soils according to their granulometric composition is based on the content of physical clay and physical sand in it (Table 2).

table 2

Classification by mechanical composition (according to N.A. Kachinsky)

An ideal soil should contain approximately equal amounts of clay and sand, with particles in between. In this case, a porous, granular structure is formed, and the soil is called loams.

The granulometric composition of soils is of great agronomic importance. All properties and regimes depend on it: water, heat, air, nutrition; all physical and physical-mechanical properties. Sandy and su sandy soils are well permeable to water, have favorable thermal and air mode, are easily processed, but are structureless, poor in humus and ash elements, have low absorption capacity and buffering capacity, and do not retain water well. Clay soils, on the contrary, warm up slowly, are highly moisture-absorbing, so aeration is insufficient, difficult to cultivate, but rich in nutrients, have a high absorption capacity and buffer capacity. Crops such as wheat, barley, peas, sugar beets, sunflower are quite demanding in terms of growing conditions and develop well only on soils of average mechanical composition (light and medium loamy). Potatoes, watermelon, sainfoin prefer light sandy loam soils. Light soils tolerate rye, lupine, and winter vetch well. And rice and oats can grow well in heavy loamy soils.

Soil classification

With change geographical location The climate and vegetation of the area are changing significantly. This leads to the development of soil-forming processes of diverse nature, which result in the formation of groups of soils with specific characteristics.

For more detailed study soils, increasing their fertility and effective use all soils classified, i.e. grouped according to origin, properties and level of fertility. The following classification units are currently accepted: type, subtype, genus, species and variety.

Under type imply a group of soils formed in the same natural conditions with similar properties and levels of fertility. An example of a type is soddy-podzolic soils, chernozems, solonetzes, chestnut soils, etc.

Subtypes – allocated within the type. For example, chernozems can be divided into podzolized, leached, typical, etc. .

Childbirth – soils characterize the composition of soil-forming rocks, chemistry groundwater etc. (for example, chernozem leached on light rocks, southern solar-salt-salt chernozem, etc.).

Kinds soils are distinguished within the genus, depending on the degree of development of the soil-forming process - the degree of podzolicity, the depth of humus content, etc. (for example, thick rich chernozem).

Variety – characterizes the mechanical composition of the upper part of the soil profile (sandy loam, heavy loamy soil, etc.).

The soil cover of the Tambov region is represented mainly by chernozem soils of clayey and heavy loamy mechanical composition.

Total area in administrative boundaries is 3446.2 thousand hectares. The structure of the land fund includes the following categories of land:

1 Agricultural land (79.5%);

2 Settlement lands (6.2%);

3 Lands for industry, transport, communications and other purposes (1.4%);

4 Lands of specially protected areas (0.3%);

5 Forest lands (10.9%);

6 Lands of the water fund (0.2%);

7 Reserve lands (1.5%).

Chernozems account for 86.8% of the total area of ​​agricultural land. Of these: deep chernozems make up 23.3%; slightly leached 32%; medium and highly leached 31.5%. The remaining area is covered with gray forest and sandy soils (2.6%); solonetzic (0.3%) and others (10.3%).