Long-wave ceiling heights should not. What is the standard ceiling height in an apartment - norms and standards for different types of buildings. For public buildings, the standards are slightly different.

Long-wave ceiling heights should not.  What is the standard ceiling height in an apartment - norms and standards for different types of buildings.  For public buildings, the standards are slightly different.
Long-wave ceiling heights should not. What is the standard ceiling height in an apartment - norms and standards for different types of buildings. For public buildings, the standards are slightly different.

Ceiling height is very important indicator comfort and quality of rest in the apartment. Not only the volume of the room but also the effect of various design solutions depends on this value.

What happens

Typically, the ceiling height in an apartment varies from 2.5 to 3.2 meters. Two and a half meters is minimum height ceiling which does not cause discomfort and does not create the feeling that the ceiling is “pressing”. All modern new buildings adhere to these standards and do not build apartments with a ceiling height below 2.5 meters. Typically, this value in such apartments ranges from 2.6 to 2.8 m. Apartments with a ceiling height of more than 3 meters are usually built in elite residential buildings, where the cost of one square meter is an order of magnitude higher than in other new buildings. In addition, the height of the ceiling in the apartment also depends on the quality of the construction of the house, since after purchasing the apartment, unevenness may remain on the floor or ceiling, which will “steal” several precious centimeters.

Standard height

There are no generally accepted standards for ceiling heights, but all construction companies adhere to the standards set out above. The only parameter on which the ceiling height in an apartment clearly depends is the cost of 1 sq. m. m of living space. The more expensive this cost is, the higher the ceiling is located.

What are they for?

Apartments with high ceilings are needed to provide the maximum level of comfort to their owners and to implement a wide variety of design solutions. Such apartments allow their owners not only to decorate the walls differently or hang multi-level suspended ceiling, but also attach, for example, a chic chandelier that will complement general style rooms.

Entering the room and paying attention to the interior, few people think that the existing ceiling height in the apartment is standard. Meanwhile, the space surrounding us largely depends on the height of the ceilings. How comfortable and airy it is, or vice versa, how depressing it is.

When purchasing an apartment in new buildings or old housing stock, many, when inspecting the premises, pay attention to the height of the ceilings. During construction own home The project includes parameters for the height of the ceilings.

Based on the definition - the height of the ceiling in the house - you can create design project apartments, design of floors, think over lighting, type of lamps or chandeliers, which undoubtedly affects the entire decor of the room.

There are no maximum parameters for the distance from the floor to the ceiling, there is only an estimated minimum ceiling height.

They have their own for buildings for various purposes. For example, in sanatorium-type buildings, the standard ceiling height cannot be lower than 3 m. This applies to living rooms and public areas. Sports and fitness complexes are being built with an average ceiling height of 3.3 m.

Building codes and regulations (SNiPs) oblige the construction of premises where the minimum ceiling height is observed. For residential buildings, the ceiling height in the apartment should not be less than 2.5 m. It is worth noting that such ceilings are not common. When buying a home, new residents try to level the ceilings and make good flooring, so each such procedure reduces the standard.

IN different time, during construction, there were unspoken standards for ceiling heights in apartments:

  • the famous “Stalinists” have not lost their value to this day thanks to their high apartments at 3-3.5 m, large windows and spacious rooms, despite the fact that communications in such houses are morally and physically outdated;
  • post-war devastation and overcrowding forced the government to quickly build “Khrushchevka” buildings. The rooms and hallways in houses of this type are small, and the toilets and bathrooms are combined. Despite the fact that the ceiling height in the apartment was standard, reaching 2.5 m, the entire space seemed low and uncomfortable. The effect was created confined space where the ceilings “press”;
  • “Brezhnev” houses and panel high-rise buildings are distinguished by a floor height of 2.5-2.7 m. Apartments of this generation were considered “improved layout” in comparison with houses of earlier development;
  • new buildings can be considered the best option housing construction. The premises here are built without partitions, and the new owners plan a living room, bedroom or children's room based on their preferences, especially since in such apartments optimal height The ceiling is 2.7 m, so you can diversify the ceilings in each room.

General measurements of a standard house

Design solutions and ergonomics

From an ergonomic point of view, the parameters of the room should be such that a person feels comfortable in an apartment, gym, or cinema.

There are several basic postulates of room comfort:

  1. optimal microclimate (comfortable temperature and humidity);
  2. necessary supply of fresh air;
  3. sufficient natural or artificial lighting.

Standard height the ceiling in the apartment will allow you to perform almost any design of floors, except perhaps for heavy multi-tiered ones hanging devices. When making such design solutions, the height from floor to ceiling should be maximum.

In other cases, you can use any materials:

  1. ceiling tiles;
  2. tensile structures;
  3. simple suspended ceilings.

Suitable for finishing rooms with any wall height. It practically does not hide or reduce spatial scales. Easy to install and maintain. Anyone can handle gluing during repairs. House master. The only drawback is that it will not be able to level the floor slabs; moreover, when gluing them onto Not flat surface may move away and reduce all the work to nothing in the future.

When leveling the ceiling with plasterboard slabs, all the savings in height will not matter, since the frame of the structure will “eat up” the required centimeters.

The most acceptable option for finishing ceilings. They do not require special surface preparation. The width of the profiles on which the canvas is attached is not too large.
But it is worth noting that multi-level structures should not be used in rooms with low ceilings. In such rooms, a single-level glossy or matte canvas with spotlights.

It is also possible original lighting, which can be selected taking into account the fact that the ceiling will visually look higher.

Suspended ceilings can bring to life the most daring design solutions. The installation of structures is carried out without preparing the base, especially since it is possible to hide light fittings and other communications under such a ceiling.

With high ceiling heights, you can create a multi-level, stylish and elegant form. In a room with low ceilings, it is better to opt for a single-level option with original built-in lamps or a chandelier that allows you to illuminate ceiling surface below.

Color and lighting solution

With a low level of overlap, the problem is solved by choosing a color. For example, it will visually increase the height of the room mirror ceiling or glossy canvases. You can raise the structure by painting the surface in cool light colors (light green or bluish shades). A stretch fabric of contrasting colors will allow you to zone the room; correctly selected shades will visually raise the ceiling.

The right design furniture will allow you to raise the level of ceilings. Dark lower cabinets and upper shelves made in light colors will increase the verticality of the room.
The ceiling framed around the perimeter with an LED strip will appear higher.

Illumination with spotlights mounted correctly into the surface of the coating will increase spatial perception.

When choosing a new place of residence, you need to pay attention to the height of the ceilings, but it is worth noting that you can visually change your spatial perception by knowing little secrets about the design of the room.

The height of the ceilings in the room plays a significant role. On the one hand, the implementation of certain design solutions depends on this factor. On the other hand, the feeling of comfort of the room as a whole depends on the ceiling height.

Low structures create a stable psychological feeling of pressure. If a person with claustrophobia is in such a room for a long time, this can be fraught with a nervous breakdown. High ceilings, in turn, deprive the space of comfort, because they are no longer associated with non-residential buildings. What should the height be? It's worth understanding in more detail.

Standard ceiling height

Standard building measurements are determined building codes and rules (SNiP). They represent regulations, which are used during construction.

For modern buildings, the ceiling height parameter (the distance from it to the floor) according to SNiP should not be less than 2.5 meters. According to this parameter, the vertical dimension of the walls cannot be lower. Deviations from the standard in the direction of increasing the parameter are not only possible, but also quite common in life. In new buildings, the ceiling height is usually higher than the standard, while in Khrushchev this is not always the case.

The height of the ceilings directly depends on the type of building. Let's look at the main types of residential buildings and the standards for the distance from floor to ceiling in them.

Panel house

First, you need to decide which houses are classified as panel houses. First of all, these are new buildings. But this category also includes buildings built during the time of Brezhnev and during the time of Khrushchev. The names more familiar to the average person are “Brezhnevka” and “Khrushchevka”. Apartments of this type are not particularly different from each other. “Brezhnevki” are a little larger than “Khrushchevka”. But in general the apartments are small in size. After all, for construction work of that era, the main priority was saving materials.

They are characterized by the following parameters:

  1. Ceiling height in panel house Khrushchev - 2.5 meters.
  2. During Brezhnev’s time, this parameter was raised to 2.7 meters. This meaning has remained relevant to this day.
  3. For standard new buildings (meaning the most common “nine-story buildings”), the ceiling height is 2.6 meters.

More modern buildings boast a ceiling height of 2.8 meters.


The buildings of Stalin's time, on the contrary, are distinguished by their scale. Spacious rooms and high ceilings. The ceiling height in an apartment built at that time can reach up to 3-3.5 meters. High ceilings were often decorated with stucco, which created a feeling of harmony and comfort.

Own house

The height parameters of the walls in a private house are determined according to the building design. Here the imagination of both the architect and the client is given full rein. Under conditions of not particularly grandiose construction, the ceiling height in a private house is usually in the range from 2.7 to 3.5 meters.

Higher ceilings are also possible. Most often they are made in order to fully implement design solutions. It can be multi-level suspended ceilings or a chic Victorian-style hanging chandelier.

Non-residential premises

For buildings such as a garage or sauna, there are no strict regulatory frameworks. IN in this case The height of the ceiling is determined by expediency.

For baths and saunas, high ceilings are undesirable, since warming up such a building will be much longer and more difficult.

The height of the garage walls is determined by the vehicles that are in it. For standard passenger car there is no need to build a garage with high ceilings. But if you have a fairly large vehicle, there is a reason to increase the length of the walls to 3 meters.

Public buildings

For public buildings, ceiling heights are also regulated according to SNiP. In this case, it should not be less than 3 meters. For industrial buildings this parameter increases to 3.6 meters.

The height of the ceiling is determined at the design stage of the building. If you are faced with a similar task, you should not skimp on space. High ceilings have many advantages:

  • give more light and air to the space;
  • allow you to implement interesting design solutions (attic floor, suspended ceilings, etc.);
  • allow you not to set the exact ceiling level (small errors will be less noticeable).

When arranging a new home, the height of the room is very important; it dictates further actions, which will be produced in the apartment. Properly completed renovations, taking into account the nuances of space, will make any home cozy and beautiful.

What should the ceiling height be?

The situation when people begin to be interested in what the standard ceiling height should look like arises both during the purchase of secondary housing and during early stages construction of a new premises. This aspect has great importance when choosing renovation options, since it is the height of the ceiling that often dictates the design conditions in a recently purchased room.

There are special documents that indicate what ceiling height should be in various houses. IN apartment buildings for ordinary development, this indicator is regulated by a document called SNiP 31-01-2003, clause 5.8. This document clearly outlines the various minimums that should be considered when choosing a residential property.

In this case, in order to understand the smallest distance between the bottom floor slab, it is worth relying on several factors:

  1. Climatic conditions.
  2. What will the room be used for in the future?

The climatic region allows you to calculate the standard temperature of the place in which the built room is located. Wind speed and humidity are also taken into account. There are 4 districts in total, which are divided into sixteen more subdistricts. The number indicates the severity of the area; the lower the number, the more severe the area.

Subdistricts are divided into options from 1A to 4D, with a minimum ceiling height of 2.7 meters. In other areas, the ceiling height in a living space may be 2.5 m. Some of these areas have a very harsh climate. For example, 1A is a very cold place, often called the far north. 1D - is located next to the island of Taimyr and, according to its conditions, meets the standards of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug. 4A – is located outside the Russian Federation and is located near Aral Sea. The standard for maximum ceiling heights is usually not written in SNIP standards, but most often they do not exceed 3.2 meters.

It seems impossible to get confused in such a definition as ceiling height, but this statement is incorrect. Simply taking out a tape measure and measuring the height of the ceiling will not work for several important reasons.

The first problem is that in construction language there are several concepts that mean almost the same meaning. For example, most often builders talk about the height of the floor, and not the ceiling as such. This term refers to the height from the floor of one floor to the floor of another. Including floors and other things. Accordingly, if you read the description of a residential complex and see a height of 3 meters, you should think about whether 20-30 cm is spent on various types of floors.

There is another calculation option - this is the distance between the slabs, in this case their width is subtracted, but the height of the floors and other finishing works. This aspect is worth paying attention to, since the declared 3 meters can very easily turn into 2.5 meters after repairs.

Sooner or later, almost all people are faced with the issue of buying or selling an apartment; the question immediately arises of what realtors pay attention to. They look at the entire condition of the apartment. Whether or not there are renovations, whether there are double-glazed windows, an attic, what kind of sound insulation and whether the ceilings are high. For realtors, an apartment according to GOST with high ceilings is, of course, a higher priority than one with low ceilings, and such an apartment will sell for much more.

There are houses different formats as well as the ceiling height. Different types of houses have their own standards. Standard monolithic buildings have a standard construction; accordingly, the distance between the ceiling and floor is approximately the same throughout the house. Apartments may be located in different parts RF and, one might say, have no differences among themselves at all. The difference in height may differ by only a few centimeters. Now about each residential building in a little more detail.


These houses are considered old building, and are distinguished by their large area, which was often found in Soviet period. Stalinist houses have high ceilings, which is not always the case in modern buildings. Often inside the apartment all the slabs are decorated with stucco, beautiful platbands, the optimal height can be 3.2-3.5 meters.

Do new finishing“Stalin” is not very easy, since the partitions in those days were made of wood, and the wiring was external, which complicates repairs.

Nevertheless, the apartment can be made very stylish and beautiful, and external wiring will not hurt at all. These apartments themselves were made very well; accordingly, once you live in this house, you can live in it for centuries.


In those days, when Khrushchev was the head of the Soviet state, builders and architects faced a difficult task: to short time make sure that each family has separate personal housing. Thus, a large number of houses and, accordingly, apartments appeared in cities, distinctive feature which had a small area and low ceilings. These houses were built even with small area, nose quality walls and fairly good sound insulation.


When did it start next era, and people wanted more comfortable conditions, and began to devote time to personal space, new types of apartments began to appear. Living space became more spacious, hallways began to appear in houses. People decided to decorate their home better: cabinets appeared that were built into the wall, mezzanines and much more.

The layout is absolutely simple, there are concrete floors And brick walls. What any type allows you to do repair work, 15-20 cm remains to an acceptable height, which makes it possible to make different types of wiring.

Panel houses

The first panel houses began to be built back in Khrushchev’s times, and construction began with 5 floors. The area of ​​such apartments is small, and the thickness of the walls is also not very pleasing. The height does not exceed 2.5 meters. Such apartments clearly lack space.

Repairs in such apartments will not be too difficult, but will nevertheless require a sufficient investment of time.

New type of panel houses

At the end of the 20th century, new houses began to be built. They were different big amount floors, more comfortable layout and larger area. The height of the ceilings also became larger - from 2.6-2.7 meters.

Sound insulation in such houses is not very good, so when renovating it is worth paying attention Special attention soundproofing.

Making repairs in these houses will not be difficult; the floors for the most part have a flat surface and do not require serious repairs.

New buildings

Houses of the new type are very different from all the above examples in that they have a wide variety of layouts. Currently, you can find both economy-class and luxury housing. The difference is in the area of ​​apartments, in the level of comfort, as well as in infrastructure.

In economy class apartments, during construction, the cheapest and most acceptable building materials are most often used. During normal construction, ceilings are not built above the required minimum, namely 2.7 meters. Business class apartments use more good materials, ceilings are usually from 2.8-3 meters. The size of residential premises and their number are often also larger.

Finishing in newfangled buildings of both economy and business class does not cause any inconvenience. To make the height visually larger, many designers advise installing multi-level structures.

How to calculate the optimal size?

By revising different types rooms, you should pay attention to the large difference in height between floors:

  • "Stalin" - 3 meters or more.
  • "Khrushchev" - up to 2.5 meters.
  • "Brezhnevka" - up to 2.7 meters.
  • Modern houses - up to 2.7 meters.

How to choose a comfortable apartment height?

When constructing ceilings, it is worth remembering this important point like air exchange.

After final finishing, the ceiling should not be less than the height of the largest family member, and you need to add a meter on top.

Such rules are applied because high place air contains a large number of different flying particles (dust, bacteria), which are very undesirable for humans to inhale, for this ceiling tiles should be a meter higher.

Heating shouldn't cost too much. It’s also not a good idea to build the ceiling too high: the higher the ceiling, the more difficult it is to heat the room.

Layout and number of floors

Don't do it extremely high ceiling in a private house. It is worth paying attention to the average ceiling height. A ceiling that is too high will require a more cumbersome staircase, which will take up quite a large space.

If you want to make the room more spacious, then it is better to use a second light.

Purpose of the premises

It is worth remembering the meaning of the room. It is necessary to refrain from high ceilings in rooms where people will not be constantly present, such as a pantry, bathhouse, change house and others. In these places you can make a ceiling of 2-2.2 meters. This solution saves space, as well as money for heating, if there is one in this room.

Room area

Need to remember important rule: how larger area room, the more desirable it is to have a high ceiling. This should be done so that the room does not appear “flat”. There are a large number of documents that talk about the standard height of a room. But most often it happens that the ceiling height is very different from what is certified in the technical documents.

In order to make sure you don’t make a mistake when choosing an apartment, before purchasing, you should once again clarify the height of the room, which is measured independently.

When building a private house, you should pay attention to personal preferences for maximum comfort of the living space.

How to visually enlarge?

It doesn’t often happen that a person wants his apartment to appear to have a low ceiling. Most often, the opposite happens, and there is a desire to visually increase the area of ​​the room.

To visually enlarge an apartment with a low ceiling, some design techniques are used:

  1. You can paint the ceiling in cooler colors (light blue, dark green, blue-gray). Visually this will make the room taller.
  2. Can be used stretch fabric, but it must necessarily consist of two colors.
  3. Another unusual one, but very effective way- This is a mirror design. Thanks to this design solution it will be impossible to understand the height of the room.
  4. Using wallpaper that contrasts with the ceiling will also make the room more spacious.

Renovating any apartment is not an easy task, especially for apartments like the Brezhnevka. In houses of this type it is strictly forbidden to use tension structures. These rules are due to the fact that the floors in these houses are not very high anyway. If done additionally suspended ceiling, then the room will seem like a microscopic apartment.

How to make a design correctly?

Difficulties with design exist not only in apartments that have a low ceiling, but one that is too high also brings with it certain problems.

An apartment with a high footage allows you to realize almost all your wildest dreams, but it is worth considering some nuances when making such renovations.

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Ceiling height: 17 questions and answers that will change your ideas about comfort

The topic of this article is ceiling height. In it, the reader and I will have to find out what restrictions apply to the minimum and maximum height of the room. You will also learn about methods for changing it to a smaller and big side- both physical and visual.



  1. What is the minimum ceiling height of a living space that does not cause discomfort to its occupants?

It is believed to be 2.4 meters. However, in practice, the answer depends greatly on the anthropometric data of your family. Agree that people 160 and 210 centimeters tall have slightly different ideas about comfort.

The lower limit of comfort is a kitchen with a height of 240 cm.


  1. How is it limited? maximum height ceilings above the floor? Why do developers avoid building housing with ceilings higher than 3 meters?

Offhand, there are two reasons:

The higher each individual floor, the more expensive the house as a whole is. With rising costs square meter housing its competitiveness decreases. Most potential buyers are limited in funds and with equal usable area apartments will choose the cheaper offer.

In addition, as the height of the room increases, heating costs increase: following the height of the flow, the volume of the apartment increases.

In practice, heating a high room is further complicated by air temperature stratification: heat collects under the ceiling, while the floor remains cold.


  1. What is the standard ceiling height in Soviet-built houses?

In houses different projects she is different. I will give a few examples from my own experience:

  • In the city of Khabarovsk, I happened to visit a building built by Japanese prisoners of war shortly after the First World War and October revolution. The distance from floor to ceiling was 4.5 meters, which made it possible to build a mezzanine with a sleeping area or a small office in the living room;

  • In the Stalinist building built in 1960, in which I lived for several years, the ceiling was at a height of 3.2 meters;
  • Built just eight years later, the Khrushchev building in Komsomolsk-on-Amur was “pleased” with a height of 250 cm.

Such low ceilings were associated with the social housing construction program adopted under the unforgettable Nikita Sergeevich. From 1958 to 1985, houses were built with the maximum compact apartments and without any architectural frills.

  1. What will more modern houses please you with??
  • The ceiling height of the p44t series, built from 1979 to 1999, is 2.7 meters;

  1. And what is the optimal height?

In my opinion - 260 - 270 centimeters. This value will save you from the feeling of cramped space, but will not force you to overpay for heating. In any case, this is exactly the ceiling height I chose when building my own attic.

The interior of my attic. The distance from the horizontal section of the ceiling to the floor is 260 cm.

Non-residential premises

  1. How low can you lower a suspended ceiling in a bathroom?

2.3 - 2.4 meters is a reasonable minimum. If you make the bath even lower, a person is taller than average standing in the bath or shower tray, will experience noticeable discomfort.

  1. What requirements are relevant for a toilet or a combined bathroom??

The same. The exception is the attic: if it is located under an inclined section of the ceiling, the distance from it to the floor will in any case be less. When designing this room, take into account the height of the tallest member of the family: he should not touch the ceiling with his head.

  1. What is comfortable height in a sauna or Russian bath?

2.2 meters with a height of the top shelf of 0.95 - 1 meter. Such dimensions will allow you to swing a broom and at the same time not suffer from excessive consumption of firewood when heating the room.

In a washroom or rest room, it is better to raise the ceiling lining to 2.35 - 2.40 meters. It doesn't need to be heated to such an extent high temperature, like a sauna or steam room, which allows you to increase the volume of the room.

Tension, suspended

  1. What is the minimum height of a stretch ceiling from the ceiling of the room??

Ideally, about 4 centimeters. The distance that a suspended ceiling eats up can increase in two cases:

  • If the slab floor has noticeable irregularities and differences. In this case, a distance of 4 cm is set aside from the bottom point of the overlap;

  • If the space between the canvas and the ceiling is used for the installation of built-in lamps, ventilation ducts or air conditioning lines. Here everything is determined by the dimensions of the lamps or cross-section engineering communications, which you plan to lay.

  1. How much height will it take suspended structure from plasterboard?

With an even ceiling - approximately the same amount as the suspended ceiling takes, about 4 cm. The lowering height is the sum of the height of the walls ceiling profile(27 mm) and plasterboard thickness (12.5 mm for walls and 9.5 mm for ceilings).

  1. How much will the ceiling level decrease when covered with plastic panels?

When constructing a suspended structure using a profile frame, the same simple arithmetic applies as in the case of gypsum boards: the profile thickness is 27 mm, the panel thickness is 7 - 10 mm. Total 34-37 mm.

However, on a relatively flat floor, panels can be attached not to a frame, but to glue or silicone sealant. Then only 7-10 mm (panel thickness) is lost.

Problems of the Rich

  1. How to reduce the ceiling height in a room to save on heating?

Any suspended structure or tension fabric will reduce the heated volume of the room. However, a cold ceiling in conditions of limited ventilation may begin to freeze, which will lead to its rapid attack by fungus and the appearance of puddles of condensation on the floor.

A more reasonable solution is to leave the room height the same and use an underfloor heating system. It will redistribute the temperatures inside the room, providing maximum heating where it is needed - at floor level.

  1. How to use the excess height of a living room?

I have already mentioned the solution: the space above human height is used for habitable mezzanines. They can sit on them sleeping area, office or nursery. When the room height is within 3 meters, compact mezzanines are used to store rarely used items.

The poor cry too

  1. How to increase the height of a room in an apartment building?

Here are a couple of the most obvious solutions:

  • Remove wood flooring along with lags. It will allow you to win at least ten centimeters. For alignment slab floor use a self-leveling floor, for sound insulation - linoleum with insulation or laminate with a thick (5-10 mm) and dense (for example, cork) backing;

  • Remove the screed poured onto the ceiling. Its typical thickness is 5 - 8 cm. On the first floors, under a reinforced screed, a layer of insulation 3-5 cm thick is often laid; in this case, the ceiling height will increase by an impressive 8 - 13 cm.

Of course, after removing the insulated screed, you will have to seriously worry about insulating the basement under the apartment.

  1. How to make a room taller in a wooden house?

And here I will offer you a couple of ideas:

  • Hem the ceiling not along the beams, but along the ones stuffed on them side surfaces cranial bars;

  • Cut out the floor beams and lay them on top of the ground concrete preparation(layer of low-grade concrete) insulated.

In the latter case, window and door openings will rise noticeably relative to the floor level. Be prepared to cut out an additional crown and replace window and door units.

  1. How to visually increase the height of the ceiling if it is not possible to physically raise it?

Play with contrast. Human vision has interesting feature: light objects seem more distant to him than they really are, dark objects seem closer. If you paint the ceiling white or just as much as possible light color, he will seem taller to you; the effect can be emphasized by decorating the walls with a dark finish.

The opposite is also true. A dark ceiling with light walls will look lower than it actually is.

A couple more tricks:

  • Tall baguettes, moldings or simply white stripes at the top of the walls will further increase the apparent height of the ceiling;

  • Gloss and, in general, any finish that has mirror effect. All surfaces that fully or partially reflect the interior of the room will deceive your vision and make the ceiling surface appear more distant than it actually is.

  1. How to visually increase the height of the ceiling if major renovations to the room are not planned?

Lighting affects the visual perception of distances in the same way as light finishing colors. Brightly illuminating the ceiling at a relatively dark walls, you will again make it taller. For this purpose, you can use spotlights, spot lights or bright LED strip, hidden behind the ceiling plinth.


From the article you learned what the minimum and maximum ceiling heights are. You always have the opportunity to change sizes using design tricks. As always, I would appreciate it if you could share your own experiences with ceiling design. Good luck, comrades!

December 7, 2016

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