Wooden house in Chinese style. Catalog of ready-made house projects. The roof is the trademark of the house

Wooden house in Chinese style.  Catalog of ready-made house projects.  The roof is the trademark of the house
Wooden house in Chinese style. Catalog of ready-made house projects. The roof is the trademark of the house

Europeans began to “rave” about China after the travels of Marco Polo. Even then, during the Middle Ages, interior traditions existed in the Celestial Empire. For a Chinese, a house was not just a roof over his head and a set of necessary items, but a material reflection of his attitude to the world and life...

History: from Rococo to Avant-Garde

A keen interest in Chinese life swept Europe in late XVII century, when the jaded nobility discovered porcelain brought by the first merchants. The finest dishes were not only unusual in appearance, but also hygienic, because a porcelain cup, unlike a silver one, only needed to be rinsed.
A passion for porcelain led to a passion for everything that reminded me of a distant, alluring country. This is how chinoiserie appeared - Chinese.
Aristocrats ordered architects to design pavilions in the form of pagodas, and the chambers were decorated with silk screens, fans and vases.
However, very little was known about China in those years, so the style was superficial - with a considerable touch of fantasy.

The second wave of fashion for Chinese interiors hit Europe at the beginning of the 20th century and... is still going strong. The culture of the Celestial Empire has become more open; now, when furnishing a house in the Chinese style, its owner does not limit himself to decor, but follows the rules of Feng Shui and honors Chinese customs. Thus, it brings not only an exotic flavor to the home, but also a microclimate.

Conceptual features of Chinese style in the interior

Simplicity and expressiveness are the first things that Chinese homes are associated with.

It has:

  • unbulky, low furniture;
  • the use of intarsia - wooden inlay, which decorates surfaces
  • chests of drawers and wardrobes;
  • presence of sliding screen partitions
  • thoughtfulness and restraint in the choice of accessories.

Adhering to these criteria, it is not difficult to create a Chinese monastery in any corner of the planet.

Finish: wood dominance

Which includes Chinese, they “don’t like” ultra modern materials and technology.
Apartment walls in chinese style covered with either bamboo or fabric trellises.
Paper wallpaper, once invented in China, is not prohibited; It is also possible to paint on plaster: flowering branches, mountain landscapes, strange birds.

Each of the drawings is a symbol that attracts a certain energy into the house, so the patterns need to be taken seriously.
If the room is small, it is appropriate to cover one of the walls wood panels dark color, this will visually enlarge the room, give it a stamped, picturesque look.

For floors, if the option of bamboo parquet is, alas, unattainable, both large tiles and wood with a rich texture are suitable.

The most difficult thing in decorating a Chinese house is perhaps the ceilings. They are usually multi-level, which creates the illusion of heaven above your head. For this purpose, rectangular, carved wooden structures are used, which are equipped with lighting and contrast with the walls.

Color scheme: bright and bold

The Chinese believe that the color red attracts good luck. It’s rare that a home is complete without fragments of cinnabar shade: it could be a wall, upholstery, or a carpet on the floor. And the most popular color triad is the combination of red, black and gold.
The main tone, and in a modern Chinese home it can be not only red, but brown, burgundy, even green, is often diluted with yellow accents.

The sunny color in the Celestial Empire symbolizes nobility and was widely used in the design of palaces.

Style furniture

Of course it is made of wood. In priority:
▫ Manchurian nut;
▫ oak;
▫ sandalwood;
▫ mahogany;
▫ bamboo;
▫ rattan.
You can often see objects made of plywood, covered with scarlet paint, painted with hieroglyphs and typical ornaments.
Chinese furniture is not massive in appearance and is lower than European furniture. Squatty – characteristic shelving cabinets, bookcases, sun beds and armchairs.

In rich living rooms, the furniture is mostly lacquered, with openwork plywood intarsia, with inserts of mother-of-pearl, tortoiseshell, and noble wood.

The furnishings of an apartment in the Chinese style are the embodiment of dignity: all the objects are elegant, functional, but there are few of them. A low sofa, a bamboo chair, a round or oval tea table sometimes make up the entire ensemble main room.
It is needless to add that the furnishing of a Chinese house is carried out according to the principles of Feng Shui: some objects are arranged in pairs, others symmetrically.

Accessories: fabulous wealth

The Chinese-style interior is not overloaded with trinkets. However, their choice is huge. This is for example:

  • vases, figurines, porcelain dishes;
  • rugs, fans, napkins made of bamboo;
  • figurines, dolls, ceramic cups;
  • live chrysanthemums and peonies in vases, mini bonsai trees.

In addition to the rational role, the screen also plays a decorative role: it can be painted with landscapes or decorated with a painting.

A spectacular final touch to the decor will be a pair of bronze bells, paper lanterns and aroma sticks.
Decorating a room in Chinese style requires not only impeccable taste, but also knowledge. After all, every detail - a lotus flower or a dragon figurine - is full of secret meaning.

Lighting: natural and concise

In China it is not customary to curtain windows. They are covered with sliding matte screens or carved grilles in a characteristic square. However, today you can use roller blinds or bamboo roller blinds to protect windows.
Lamps are also rarely equipped with caps and shades. However, it is not uncommon to see a floor lamp with a lampshade made of thin rice paper. The center of the living room, bedroom, and dining room is often decorated with a Chinese-style chandelier.

Chinese style interior - photo

Chinese style bedroom interior

More photos:

Chinese style is one of the components of the so-called oriental interior style. Main feature in the oriental style is its exoticism. Unlike European culture who prefers to create a more casual atmosphere in the house, the realities of the oriental style look more interesting and allow you to get a completely unique interior. This explains the continued popularity of the oriental style and the fact that houses in populated areas are increasingly being built in asian style.

Chinese style in the design of the facade of a house

The severity of forms, strict space saving and minimalism distinguish the Chinese style from many others. And this manifests itself in everything: in restrained, calm tones, which should be illuminated as much as possible.

Features of the direction:

  • The interior layout of the house should be created with the desire to minimize all elements and household appliances included in the design of a Chinese house, including furniture. Here, each element must occupy a place specially prepared for it.
  • But this does not mean that Chinese culture involves blind imitation of Japanese minimalism. Design interior design And exterior finishing Chinese-style houses are a special culture, consciousness and perception of the world. It allows the presence in the room of a slightly larger number of objects and accessories than in all other Far Eastern cultures.

There can be no clutter in the rooms of an Asian-style house, since this room has a special meaning, and unnecessary interior elements should not affect the relaxing atmosphere in it.

Interior layout

Space is very important to the Chinese people, and it is even more important for them to be in harmony with their surroundings. This is taught not only by the Asian people, but also by the rest of the people, the culture of Feng Shui, which helps to properly use space and all the objects in it. First of all, you need to remember that when creating a Chinese house with your own hands, you should not build sharp corners, install bulky furniture and unnecessary equipment.

Avoid sharp and straight forms when decorating your home. To hide the corners of the room, you can use built-in corner furniture to brighten up the straight lines. It is recommended to hang a round tablecloth on tables.


  • Wall columns, which are in most cases a decorative element, can be used to round out flat wall surfaces. The same effect can be achieved by decorating the walls with silk fabrics or silky wallpaper, which depict photos of traditional Chinese flowers - chrysanthemums and peonies. You should not use bright colorful wallpaper to decorate walls.
  • There should be enough space in the hallway, but it should not be empty. The Chinese are known for their ability to properly divide and use space. This means that all decorative components are required to perform even practical functions.
  • To zone areas in Chinese houses, it is customary to use painted screens that can be easily moved from place to place. Unlike the austere simplicity of Japan, Chinese style design must use inner space more fully. For this purpose, you can create niches in the walls or arched structures with your own hands, in which you can place decorative toys and accessories.

Chinese style colors

Special meaning in Chinese style interior external interiors houses have color. Since ancient times, the Chinese people have known their love for combinations of warm and cold shades, combining pastel colors with bright and large, color-saturated large interior elements.

A special meaning lies in two colors - yellow and blue, which must be present in the decoration of the house.


  • Yellow is considered the color of the emperor and occupies a special place in the list of official symbols state power in China. Therefore, Chinese style always implies the use of this color in its palette.
  • Blue color is called the color of nobility; it will emphasize high social status person living in the house, or at least notes his desire to occupy a higher social position.
  • Interestingly, the color blue is not used in large quantities in the Chinese style home. And with a fleeting inspection of the room, it can hardly be noticed, as it is used in the line elements, which indicates the reserved and modest character of the owners of the house.
  • If there are only two mandatory colors in the interior, design It is impossible to imagine a Chinese house without the presence of red in it, symbolizing not only fire, as one of the forces of nature, but also the health and, consequently, the prosperity of the people living in the house.
  • As for furniture, the choice should fall on options made from natural material, for example, from bamboo. Furniture in a Chinese house consists of comfortable low sofas and tables that match them in size.
  • However, it is allowed to have a large dining table, because in Chinese traditions, when the whole extended family gathers at the table. A popular coating is black lacquer, textiles, and covers with photographs of traditional Chinese motifs and ornaments.

Chinese-style furniture should be conservative and be selected in the same style.

For example, if you put a bamboo table in the living room, which is decorated with an openwork tsaga, then there is no longer room for modern furniture. Decorate the room with decorative elements such as mirrors, an aquarium with small catfish and carp. There should be niches in the walls for trinkets and souvenirs, unusual combinations of shelves, drawers and doors.

An important component in the room, which is given a Chinese style, are stools, small in size, varnished. Which can be installed inside each other, thus creating shelves on which you can place indoor flowers, porcelain figurines, in the form of people or animals. If these stools are not folded into a pyramid, then they can be used as tables at which you can drink tea.

Chinese style flooring and lighting

The main quality that characterizes Chinese style is the simplicity of the floor. Which should be a modest base for the rest of the items in the room - furniture and accessories. To make the space in the room look more spacious, you need to use marble, ceramic coating or other options made from natural material.

Design features:

  • In a Chinese, as in a Japanese, house, carpets are almost never placed on the floor. And remember that you should limit yourself to 2 - 3 options floor coverings for the whole house. This way you will achieve simplicity in style and will be able to eliminate the possibility of visual dissonance that arises when organizing different genders.
  • The most popular floor covering found in prefabricated houses from China is bamboo laminate, which is distinguished by its authentic oriental style and high environmental performance.
  • Another distinctive feature, which is relevant exclusively for China, is the complete absence of curtains and possible curtains on the windows. Moreover, there is no need to hang chandeliers in the house, which can be successfully replaced with ordinary incandescent lamps.

Soft lighting is achieved through the use of white paper lanterns or lamps with openwork light shades.

Building a Chinese style house

The Chinese style is, first of all, distinguished by its extraordinary roof. Therefore, before you build your own Chinese house, you need to build the most ordinary frame from natural material, it is better from wood, for example, from laminated veneer lumber, over which the simplest roof can be erected.

Carrying out work:

  • The load-bearing element of this structure is a single pillar located in the center of the house, reinforced in the foundation. This distinguishes Chinese houses from European structures, which involve distributing the load from the roof and roofing material across load-bearing walls. Instructions according to which it is distributed on a Chinese roof in a rectangular rather than triangular form.
  • As consumables To create a roof, you need to purchase support beams and boards. First of all, prepare a detailed work plan and draw an approximate roof diagram, with the help of which you can cope with the work much easier.
  • Place the leg of the rafter system perpendicular to the base. To the top of which attach support bars, the opposite edges of which should be secured to extreme points roof bases.

The same work must be done on all sides of the rectangle. Then, using these rafter systems, a kind of sheathing is made - curved plywood is nailed tightly along the perimeter of the roof. A roofing covering, for example, tiles, is attached to the base prepared in this way. It is comfortable due to its softness and it will be very convenient for her to cover the roof of such an interesting shape. The cost of building a house will increase if the tiles are replaced with a profile. Watch a video with recommendations for building a house in an oriental style.

The structure of the entire Chinese style house is created in such a way that they can withstand even earthquakes, since they occur quite often in their area. The Chinese roof rests on a central pillar and most often it is not even dug into the ground. As a result of this, the pillar restrains all vibrations of the earth's crust, and neither the house nor the roof can be destroyed.

A few dozen years earlier, the roofs of poor houses were covered with bamboo, and glazed tiles were only on expensive houses, and most often it was made like this roofing material made of bright clay yellow color. In addition, the roof was decorated with various images of animals playing the role of protectors of the house from evil forces. And besides, the roofs could be decorated with carvings, and its individual elements were decorated with oil paints.

Difference between Chinese and Japanese roofs

The Chinese style roof is slightly different from the traditional ones Japanese roofs. The fact is that in Japan, houses are built using a slightly different technology, there it is basically a frame covered with special paper. In our understanding, there are no windows or doors. And there all vertical planes are used exclusively as partitions. Such buildings are built for the reason that they are easily restored after an earthquake and do not cause much harm to people when a house collapses under the influence of underground forces. Also in the case of Japanese houses, a strong foundation is not used, and load-bearing walls are made of stone or brick.

If we take a closer look at Chinese roofs, then in essence they are a certain hipped roof with well-known corner shapes. But this is an exclusively external property. The internal structure of the roof and its rafter system differs significantly from traditional European-style models.

Before you start creating a Chinese-style roof, you need to decide whether it will be a real Chinese roof or an imitation of it. If you create a real roof with a Chinese slope, then it will be an expensive pleasure, and if you are willing to spend a considerable amount of money on creating such a roof, then this option is for you. But if you want to make a summer gazebo in the Chinese style, then it is quite possible to use an imitation of a Chinese roof, since it will also blend harmoniously with the landscape.

Chinese roof - how to create it correctly?

The fashion for things in oriental style spreads all over the world from time to time and gains its fans. But there are also those people who do not succumb to such temporary fashion, since they are constant adherents of the East in literally everything, from food to architecture.

How a Chinese roof is created, and whether it can be used to create a roof in a residential or utility room with your own hands, you can find out a little below.

A building built in the style of Far Eastern architecture can be easily distinguished from afar and literally at first glance, since such structures have an original and somewhat unusual appearance.

The main reason is the pronounced Chinese-style roof, with smoothly elongated upward corners. For any non-specialist in oriental-style roofing, such a roof is absolutely distinctive and original.

But upon closer examination of the roof, it can be noted that it has analogues in traditional European-style architecture; these can be so-called half-timbered or “Dutch” roofs. And the main difference is the bend at an angle and the complete absence of reverse bending of the ribs.

And therefore, in appearance, for Western classification, the design of a Chinese roof is not something special, since it is ordinary hip roof with a broken slope (here different parts of the slope have different angles of inclination) or half-hip. But the half-hip is used only when there are skylights(there may be gables).

But the fact is that this will only be correct for the shape of the roof, since the fact is that load-bearing structures in Japan or Asia are specifically different from each other. And, therefore, before you start building a roof in the Chinese style, as already mentioned, decide what it will be original design a Chinese roof or simply an imitation of it, since there are a lot of differences.

Creating an original Chinese roof is much more difficult, and in fact you need to create a building exclusively according to the Chinese canon. But in the case of an imitation of a Chinese roof, it will be possible to create it using familiar design solutions. But still, only professionals and experts in this matter can cope with the creation of both the first and second versions of the roof, because it has many features and difficulties

Before you build such a stylish roof with your own hands, you need to decide why it is so different from others. Its main element is a pagoda, that is, a stepped square roof with slightly curved edges. This type of roofing is made of wood; pine, larch, bamboo, oak, spruce are excellent for this; natural tiles, metal, and stone tiles are used for cladding.

Such a Chinese-style roof can have several levels, which gives it a special charm, but also imposes certain obligations on the appearance of the entire house or building.

In this case, the gazebo should be light and open, and the residential building should have features similar to the traditional Chinese style. A stone and massive mansion with European features and such a roof will look ridiculous, so when choosing the overall design, pay attention to the consistency of its individual elements.

The roof, made in oriental style, is tent structure, the angles of which are greatly changed, although its internal structure is quite traditional. Its unusual appearance is due precisely to the corners that are curved upward. During construction, this most often causes difficulties. Difficulties arise in covering it with roofing materials and arranging the under-roof space.

You can build such a roof with your own hands, but this requires consultation with professional builders who will tell you the intricacies of Chinese architecture.
Nuances of construction

Why did roofs in China take on these particular shapes? What prompted the architects of that time to give them such unusual features? The answer, in general, is quite simple: this region is subject to increased seismic activity, so all buildings had to be not only durable, but also withstand any tremors that could destroy the roof and walls.

Therefore, this particular roof shape was chosen, which in the center would rest on load-bearing post, fortified at depth. The roof of houses of this shape became very reliable and durable, similar to an umbrella that sways in the wind but does not tip over. Almost every adult local resident could build such a structure.

When building a Chinese roof, you must immediately take into account all the nuances, which include:

feasibility of construction;

· availability of materials suitable for the work and, in general, the possibility of installing just such a design;

Availability of financial resources, since construction similar design quite expensive.
We analyze the complexity of the work and carry out installation

So how to build a Chinese-style roof with your own hands? Particular attention should be paid to the rafters and sheathing, since the reliability and appearance of the roof will depend on them. It is worth recalling that eastern architecture does not know what traditional frame technology is, that is, instead of the usual walls, there should be a special support column strictly in the middle, taking on the entire load. In European construction, load-bearing walls take on a similar load.

The roof load is distributed throughout the building in the form of a rectangle, according to general form, the roofs we are used to have a triangular distribution. In addition, the design of a Chinese roof is often multi-tiered, consisting of several roofs stacked one on top of the other.

When constructing such a building, you need to contact an experienced architect who can tell you exactly how to implement such an idea correctly. The result should be a building that will protect from rain and will not suffer from earthquakes.
Roof installation

Let's now consider how to build a Chinese-style roof with your own hands. First, select the desired roof option and make a drawing of it. Let's not forget that our climatic conditions allow you to make only an imitation of such a building. When constructing a simple structure, you can do it yourself. If you want something on a larger scale, then the work should be entrusted only to trusted specialists. An inexperienced team of workers who have only seen such a roof in pictures is unlikely to help you do anything worthwhile.

After calculations, we purchase materials and begin installation. First, we attach boards with a length of one and a half meters and a width of thirty centimeters in the center. We place the rafter leg in the center of the resulting base, that is, we get a support beam connected to the middle. Now we repeat the same with the other side of the structure. We thus obtain a quadrangular figure in the form of a cone with edges and a slightly curved base.

The sheathing is very simple: we nail it onto the rafters and supporting side beams. wooden boards, which should go perpendicular. So, the main structure, so to speak, the skeleton of the roof, is ready. Now we take plywood sheets, which we give flexibility with a number of notches, and attach them to the sheathing.

As roofing covering soft bitumen shingles are excellent, they are light in weight, perfectly follow all the curves of the roof, and have an attractive appearance. You can also cover the roof with copper, but this option is very expensive; before you decide on it, you need to carefully weigh the need for such a step, although copper plating and is considered the best. So, we’ve looked at how to build a Chinese-style roof with your own hands, now let’s move on to the tips.
Tips for building a Chinese roof

Most often, for Chinese roofs, bitumen shingles are used as roofing.

As we can see, the design is distinguished by its complexity and some simplicity, which greatly distinguishes it from traditional structures. We offer some advice from our experts that will help you independently figure out the construction of the simplest modification of an eastern roof and completely transform any structure that it will crown.

Before starting work, draw a thorough plan that will show all rafter system, which will allow not only to correctly collect, but also calculate the material. As a covering for roofing material, it is best to use moisture-resistant plywood, which will allow you to completely follow all the curves of the roof. Preferably plywood, and anything else wooden elements thoroughly impregnate with special antiseptic compounds that will help protect the structure from insects.

Chinese roof drawing

All roof elements are set according to a certain template, so before starting work, prepare such a full-size template. This will help reduce construction time and make it of better quality.

The roof is the first thing you notice when you see a house made in the Chinese style. It can be single- or multi-tiered, but in any case, its massive design with curved edges gives the Chinese house, on the one hand, a kind of majesty, and on the other, elegance. The curved shape contributed to a significant reduction in the weight of the roof (by almost a third), which made it possible to build Chinese roofs of houses without rafters based on a post-and-beam structure.

The design of the Chinese roof is characterized by an angled bend and the absence of a reverse bend at the ribs. In terms of the internal structure and design of the rafter system, in certain details it differs significantly from European standards. For example, in contrast to the Western version, the absence in the Chinese version of a rafter system resting on load-bearing walls or the absence of rafter legs and struts, and tightening of hanging rafters.

Note that the load experienced by the roof, according to Chinese technology, is distributed throughout the structure, in contrast to the “European” triangle, in the form of a rectangle.

The construction of a Chinese roof in accordance with the relevant rules of traditional oriental architecture is a rather expensive undertaking. Therefore, it may be more advisable to start constructing its imitation or limit yourself to erecting a small pagoda on your site.

How to make a Chinese roof: stages of construction

Development of a roof project

First of all, you need to understand the configuration of the future roof and make a sketch. It should immediately be noted that the construction hipped roof associated with great difficulties. Therefore, it is better to opt for a simpler option - gable roof with two gables. This option will satisfy the desire to have an exotic roof, and the work will be quite simple.

Support system design

The rafter system is designed according to the prepared sketch. In this case, it is necessary to achieve the resulting distinctive feature of the Chinese roof - its concave profile. There are two possible options for this.

Rafter system in the form of a pyramid with a rectangular base

With such a device, the main element of the supporting structure is the rafter quadrangle. Installed on top of each other, they will form the desired pyramid.

In the case of a gable roof, the quadrangles will have the same length. The parabolic curve of the roof is obtained by selecting the width of the trusses and the height of the racks.

The material for the sheathing elements is boards with a thickness of 20 mm. They are fastened starting from the ridge towards the eaves, so the number of these segments on one line corresponds to the number of mounted rafter quadrangles.

The sheathing boards are positioned so that their joints are located in the middle edged boards rafter system.

Rafter system from hanging rafters

To install the rafter system, you will need the following materials:
boards with a section of 15x3 cm,
2 cm thick boards used for lathing,
plywood, the thickness of which is no more than 1 cm.

How to make a roof truss
The stand is fixed strictly in the middle of the support beam, while clearly maintaining a right angle (90⁰);
the distance between the stand and the edge of the support beam is divided in half. Next, one of the ends is fixed at the resulting point. rafter leg, and the second is attached to the free edge of the rack;

find the center of the rafter leg and at this point fix one end of the board, and the second, accordingly, attach it to the edge of the support beam;
to obtain a smoother bend of the roof, add an additional strut;
All these operations are repeated once again on the other side of the central pillar - in a mirror image relative to it.

Thus, the result will be a single truss truss. Number of such structural elements determined depending on the size of the roof. It should be noted that optimal distance between trusses is considered to be 0.5 - 0.7 m.
The next step after the device truss structure is the installation of the sheathing. The sheathing should be positioned horizontally, with its pitch determined by the width of the plywood.

Roofing device
After installing the sheathing, the next step is to begin installing the plywood. Cuts are made on the sheet to approximately ¾ of its thickness. This is necessary to ensure a tight fit of the plywood to the sheathing. The number of cuts is determined based on the bend of the slope: the larger the radius of its curvature, the greater the number of cuts required.
After installing the plywood in place, they proceed directly to installing the roof. It is recommended to cover such a roof either with roll materials or with individual flexible roofing materials, for example, bitumen shingles.

Tiles, of course, are more suitable for realizing the overall artistic design.

The Chinese style roof has curved ends. Which are decorated using ready-made metal or wooden structures.

The traditions of the East that have developed over several millennia determine the features of architectural landmarks and their elements. The Chinese roof was no exception. Being the final element of houses and religious buildings in China, it is characterized by the presence various decorations and bent corners. There are even ancient legends explaining design features of this architectural element. According to one of them, at night dragons descend from rooftops with the aim of harming people. Thanks to the curved corners of the roof, they fail to do this and are forced to fly back into the sky. However, this is far from the only and not the most popular reason that today explains the presence of raised corners on Chinese-style roofs.

Modern architects offer a more prosaic and explainable, from the point of view practical features, version. In accordance with it, the presence of raised curved corners at the roof in the Chinese style is explained by the large amount of rainfall in the area where the construction of houses most often ends with the arrangement of such architectural elements. These design features of the Chinese roof contribute to more efficient removal of precipitation at a distant distance from the walls of the building. In addition, the protruding overhangs of the Chinese roof protect the internal space of the building from excessive amounts of sunlight.

Design features of Chinese architecture

Due to fairly frequent earthquakes, Chinese buildings are designed in such a way that they can effectively withstand the high seismic activity of the area. This is achieved by the design features of the building and, in particular, the roof, which rests on a central pillar, often not even dug into the ground and designed to absorb vibrations of the earth's crust, which is aimed at protecting the building. IN time immemorial the roofs of poor houses were covered with bamboo, while wealthy people decorated their homes with yellow glazed tiles made from clay. In addition, to decorate such roofs, decorative images of animals were used, according to the eastern inhabitants, protecting the house from evil spirits, and carvings; some elements were painted with oil paint.

Despite the similarity of traditions of China and Japan, the construction Japanese houses is carried out according to a completely different principle. In most cases, they are a frame covered with paper, and therefore they are more reminiscent of a structure without windows and doors. All vertically oriented planes perform the function of partitions, thanks to which fast recovery buildings in case of frequent earthquakes, and if the building does collapse, the debris will not cause much harm to a person. The absence of a foundation and powerful load-bearing walls made of wood or stone only helps to increase the safety of the building.

The nuances of building a Chinese roof: what to pay attention to?

Before installing a Chinese roof, it is necessary to highlight its main differences from European roofing systems. The main element of the Chinese roof is the pagoda, characterized as a stepped square roof with raised edges. For the manufacture of Chinese roofing, wood is used - larch, pine, oak, spruce or bamboo, and as a facing material - stone tiles, metal or natural tiles.

The presence of several levels is a distinctive feature of the Chinese roof, which not only gives it a special charm, but also imposes certain obligations on the appearance of the house and its architectural concept.

Important! If you are planning to install a gazebo, complemented by a Chinese roof, the structure should be open and light, while the conceptual design of a residential building should clearly show the features of traditional oriental style. When choosing the overall design of a building, pay attention to the combination of its individual elements, since a massive stone house with European features, complemented by a Chinese-style roof, is unlikely to delight even the average person who knows nothing about architecture.

The spectacular openwork roof structure with edges directed towards the sky is the main element of the building, attracting attention when looking at works of Chinese architecture. Despite the fact that recreating the design of a Chinese roof is fraught with certain difficulties, if you follow the basic nuances, you can easily avoid them. Let's look at what these nuances are.

The main parameters of roofs made in the Chinese style, distinguishing them from works of European architecture:

· Unlike European buildings, works of Chinese architecture are built on the basis of a gutter-beam structure. The rafter system acts as a basis for European houses, rests on load-bearing walls, while the basis of Chinese buildings is a central pillar that takes on all the loads. The design of hanging rafters, which take place in European architecture, implies the presence of struts, rafter legs and tie rods. Support beams characteristic of European construction, ceiling beams and other elements are intended to give the structure rigidity and strength, but works of Chinese architecture lack these elements. If in European houses the arrangement of the rafter system is carried out according to the principle of a triangle, then the load distribution in eastern houses is carried out according to the principle of a rectangle;

· For the installation of Chinese roofing, cylindrical tiles are used, the unique shape of which is determined by the need to fasten them at the corner joints. To give the roof a special flavor, it is necessary to use a special profile and figures with fantastic images, called “qiang shou”. The installation of the roof ridge is carried out according to a similar scheme, with the Qiang shou being replaced with ceramic clamps, the specific “horned” configuration of which attracts attention when looking at a Chinese roof;

· Distinctive feature Chinese roofing is the use of large eaves that extend far beyond the building and thereby protect the building from excessive climatic influences, such as excessive ultraviolet radiation, strong wind and others. Thanks to heavy weight eaves, the entire mass of the roof is distributed in such a way that the entire structure of the building acquires increased stability. As for the dougong cornice system, it completely takes on the weight of the cornices.

Important! Specific characteristics of Chinese roofing:

Uniform load distribution in horizontal and vertical planes frame;

The design of the Chinese roof assumes the presence of corners curved upward;

The upper part of the roof is characterized by the presence of a steep slope, which becomes gentler downwards.

An integral element of the Chinese roof are massive eaves that extend far beyond the external walls of the house;

To ensure timely removal of sediment from outer surface roofs and effective protection her inner surface from excess sunlight, it is equipped with overhangs that also protrude above external walls at a considerable distance;

Chinese roofs, characterized by a multi-tiered structure, are not uncommon in oriental architecture.

Chinese roof diagram: original or imitation?

If you still prefer a Chinese roof, you need to pay special attention to its design, since already at this stage It is important to decide whether you will preserve its unique design during the construction process or limit yourself to its external imitation. The construction of a unique structure is quite an expensive undertaking, whereas by performing only its external imitation, you can not only save money, but also build a building that is more practical for the middle zone.

Important! The main difference in the design of European and traditional eastern roofs is the presence or absence of a rafter system. The construction of houses in Japan and China involves the absence of rafters, since they are replaced by a support-beam system that is more resistant to frequent seismic activity. In this regard, in the case of erecting a structure in an area where there is no such danger, you can remain faithful to the structural systems traditional for the middle zone.

If you carefully study the photographs showing Chinese roofs, you will notice that they have many similarities with some structures familiar to the European continent, the most a shining example of which is a summer gazebo - a pagoda that fits well into the surrounding landscape.

First of all, decide on the configuration of the future roof and develop a roofing project. Experts believe that the construction of a hipped roof is associated with certain difficulties, and therefore they recommend opting for a more simple designs, giving preference to a gable roof with two gables. Despite the fact that this option is one of the simplest, you can still satisfy your desire to become the owner of a building, complemented by an exotic roofing structure.

The next stage involves designing a supporting system. Particular attention must be paid to the rafters and sheathing, since they determine the reliability and appearance of the roof. However, do not forget that the use of traditional frame technology not typical of eastern architecture, and therefore the usual walls must be replaced with a support pillar located strictly in the middle and fully taking on all the loads. In traditional European construction this function perform load-bearing walls.

Important! If the European roofing structures familiar to us are characterized by a “triangular” load distribution, then this principle is alien to eastern architecture. The roof load in Chinese buildings is distributed over the surface of the building in the form of a rectangle, according to the general shape of the structure. In addition, Chinese roofs are characterized by a multi-tiered structure, and therefore they often consist of several roofs laid one on top of the other.

If you are planning to build a multi-tier structure, contact a professional architect who will tell you how to implement this idea correctly so that it effectively protects from rain and, at the same time, is resistant to earthquakes.

Before starting work, draw a detailed plan that shows the structural nuances of the rafter system in great detail. Thanks to this, you will be able to assemble it as accurately as possible and calculate required amount material. Most suitable material for arranging the covering under the roofing material, moisture-resistant plywood is used, the use of which will allow you to repeat all the roofing bends as accurately as possible. It is advisable to impregnate all wooden elements included in the roof structure, including moisture-resistant plywood, with antiseptic compounds to prevent damage by insects.

The design of the rafter system is carried out in accordance with the prepared sketch, while trying as much as possible to achieve the distinctive feature of the Chinese roof - its concave profile. To accomplish this, two versions of Chinese roofing have been developed.

How to build a Chinese roof: possible options
A rafter system based on a pyramid with a rectangular base

· If you prefer this arrangement option, know that as a supporting system, in in this case, the rafter quadrangle protrudes. By placing them on top of each other, you will get the desired pyramid.

· If you are setting up gable roof, the length of both quadrilaterals will be the same. To obtain a parabolic roof curve, it is necessary to select the height of the racks and the width of the trusses. It is important to note that the most suitable material for the manufacture of sheathing elements are 20 mm thick boards. Starting from the ridges, they are attached towards the eaves, and therefore the number of segments located on the same line corresponds to the number of rafter quadrangles.

· The arrangement of the sheathing boards is carried out in such a way that their joints are located in the middle of the edged boards included in the sheathing.

Rafter system in the form of hanging rafters

To arrange such a rafter system, you will need the following materials:

· Boards with a cross-section of 15x3 cm;

· Boards required for arranging the sheathing, the thickness of which is 2 cm;

· Sheets of moisture-resistant plywood no more than 1 cm thick.

How to make a Chinese roof: making a rafter system

· Trying to clearly maintain a right angle (90 degrees), secure the stand exactly in the middle of the support beam;

· Divide the distance obtained between the stand and the support beam in half and fix one of the ends of the rafter leg at the resulting point. Secure the second end to the free edge of the stand;

· Determine the center of the rafter leg, then secure one end of the board at this point. The second end must be attached to the edge of the support beam;

· To obtain a smoother bend of the roof during the work, add an additional strut;

· In a mirror image from the central pillar, repeat all of the above operations on the other side of support pillar;

· Upon completion of the work you will receive a complete roof truss. Their number varies depending on the size of the roof. It is important to remember that the acceptable distance between trusses is 50-70 cm;

· The next stage of arranging the truss structure is the installation of the sheathing, which should be positioned horizontally. It is important to remember that the sheathing pitch is determined by the width of the plywood sheet;

· Having finished arranging the sheathing, you can begin installing the plywood. On a sheet of plywood, make cuts to 3/4 of its thickness, which is necessary to ensure a tighter fit of the plywood to the sheathing. The number of cuts performed is variable and depends on the bend of the roof slope. Their number is directly proportional to the radius of curvature of the slope (the larger it is, the greater the number of cuts that need to be made);

· Having installed the plywood in place, proceed to the actual installation of the roof. Experts recommend using for this roll materials or piece flexible material for roofing, for example, bitumen shingles, small slate tiles or euro tiles.

Important! If you want to fully realize your artistic vision, use soft bitumen shingles, which are characterized by their low weight, the ability to follow all the curves of a Chinese roof and an attractive appearance.

· For roofing, you can also use copper, which is one of the best and, at the same time, the most expensive materials for Chinese roofing.

· The curved ends of the Chinese roof are formed using ready-made metal or wooden structures.

· The specific coloring of a Chinese roof can be realized with the help of decorative figurines of dragons and other animals, for the manufacture of which materials resistant to corrosion are used. high humidity and temperature changes.

If you think that you are not able to implement the traditional Chinese roof design yourself, but still want to build a building made in the oriental style, you should know that there are simplified versions of such designs.

· You can take a half-timbered roof structure as a basis and supplement it with specific elements to achieve the desired result;

· Or supplement the roof truss system metal profiles increased flexibility, thanks to which the roof configuration will acquire the necessary airiness.

Japanese style garden.

Of all the theme gardens, it is the most complex in layout. It requires knowledge of the traditional canons of organizing space, the ability to harmoniously arrange all the elements of the composition, and create a feeling of peace and harmony with nature.

The result should be miniature copy of a natural landscape, where each stone or bush occupies a strictly designated place. It is important to remember that according to the laws of planning Japanese garden components, In no case should you arrange them symmetrically or use several elements of the same shape and size.

Avoid overcrowding with details and dense planting. This will help create a contrast between the open and closed spaces of the garden.

Practically mandatory element A Japanese garden is a stream of water with a bridge across it, a pond or a miniature waterfall.

The exception is the so-called rock gardens, where water is symbolized by sand or gravel, on the surface of which wavy lines are applied.

Each component of a Japanese garden has its own symbolic meaning and occupies a strictly defined place. The stones symbolize the “masculine principle” - yang, mountains, strength, courage and peace; streams and artificial ponds - the feminine principle - yin.

Choosing the right plants for a Japanese garden is not an easy task; their choice is usually limited by both style requirements and whimsicality individual crops. You can plant decorative cherries and plums, conifers, rhododendron, Japanese maple. Irises, ferns, hosta and some herbaceous plants are appropriate in such a garden.

Each plant in such a garden is not accidental and, like its inanimate elements, carries a meaning. Oak symbolizes strength, pine - longevity, bamboo - durability, lotus - wisdom, etc.

Chinese style garden.

Creating such a garden is no less difficult..It landscape garden with a free layout, all elements of which are subordinated to the beauty of the natural landscape and filled with deep meaning.

Plan the area in such a way that it has one main composition, and all other elements are subordinate to it. Create a small stream in the garden with a curved bridge thrown across it, or place a gazebo in the form of a pagoda. Plant plants so as to create the impression of a natural landscape...

If you appreciate Chinese style in architecture, you will like it house project in Oseevo. From the outside the house looks very impressive beautiful combination Contrasting colors for façade finishing: white and dark brown. Sloping roof tiles were selected for the decoration of the walls, which can be decorated with figures of dragons if desired. The house has two entrances - from the main facade and the side.

The interior of the house is designed in Chinese style, but using stylish modern materials. The large living room is combined with the kitchen and dining room. And also each of the two bedrooms is adjacent to a dressing room, bath and toilet, which is very convenient.

One of the bathrooms is planned steam room. This saves money on building a separate sauna and the area of ​​a suburban area. To arrange such home sauna, you can purchase a ready-made built-in structure in the form of a wooden booth with electric heater or a stove. Another advantage of such a steam room is that there is no need to lay separate communications and sewerage.

IN house project in Oseevo you will certainly be pleased with the beautifully equipped covered terrace, which will give you summer rest in any weather, will allow you to use modern method cooking food in the fresh air - barbecue - for meeting friends.