Business game for elementary school economics. Extracurricular activity - economic game "business start"

Business game for elementary school economics. Extracurricular activity - economic game "business start"

Avtori: Shiryaeva V.V., deputy Director for SD, Smirnova V.N., teacher of special disciplines, GBOU SPO MKMP

Methodological development

for vocational guidance for schoolchildren


Explanatory note

“Take on what you are passionate about, if you want,

so that there will be a successful end to business"

I.A. Krylov

Every high school student faces the problem of choosing a future professional activity. IN modern world there are more than 10 thousand professions.

A profession is a type of work activity that requires special training (knowledge, practical skills, competencies). Choosing a profession is a difficult and responsible step in the life of every person. Choosing the right profession means finding your place in life. However, along this path, schoolchildren encounter various surprises, obstacles, and difficulties. This is due to insufficient awareness of the world of professions, lack of knowledge about the professions themselves and the requirements that apply to workers.

Today, in career guidance work, the interaction of the senior level of school with educational institutions open source software systems. The purpose of this interaction is to provide career guidance support to school students in the process of choosing a profile of study and the field of future professional activity, professional self-determination students in accordance with their capabilities, abilities and taking into account potential employers.

The novelty of the presented development lies in the fact that it differs from the traditional, most commonly used forms of conducting career guidance work(vocational testing, excursions to production, profession fairs, etc.). Carrying out career guidance work in the form business games:

1. enhances the interest of its participants in a deeper understanding of the world of professions;

2. is very productive and efficient;

3. activates creativity, cognitive activity schoolchildren in the field of choosing a profession;

4. helps to consolidate already acquired knowledge about professions within the framework of school lessons on professional self-determination.

Presented business economic game has practical significance not only for improving career guidance work. She can also complete her studies school course"Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship." The game can be played independently or included in a series of themed games.

Socio-economic transformations in our country predetermined the emergence and development of entrepreneurial activity.

One of the activities of the GBOU SPO MKMP is the training of graduates in specialties economic cycle. To master these specialties, knowledge of the basics of entrepreneurial activity is required.

The economic business game “ENTREPRENEURSHIP” is held with the aim of introducing students in grades 9-11 to such popular and in-demand professions as manager, businessman, economist, etc. Participants are introduced to the game immediately before it starts. The form of the game is team. Venue – large audience or Assembly Hall. Preparatory work to conduct the game is to prepare handouts for competitive tasks. Working group and the presenters are College students. The involvement of students in the game is due to the students’ better perception of the material, due to the small age difference between the participants in the game and the presenters.

A business game promotes the manifestation of such personality traits of participants as discipline, responsibility, a sense of duty, the ability to work in a team and creates conditions for great emotional involvement of players in the process.

Summing up the results of the game is accompanied by the presentation of prizes, specially established awards for individual stages of the game and serves as a motivating factor for further acquaintance with economically oriented professions and choice educational institution SPO.


· the overall positive result of the work is highlighted;

· positions taken by teams are highlighted;

· correct and erroneous decisions are analyzed;

· the optimal approaches to solving problems are substantiated;

· outlines the range of knowledge and skills necessary to study economic professions.

Business game scenario


The purpose of the game is to introduce game participants to the basic concepts of entrepreneurial activity.

1. developing group work skills;

2. assess your readiness for professional activities in the field of entrepreneurship;

3. vocational guidance in the specialties “Economics and Accounting”, “Commerce”


1. multimedia complex;

2. Handout: task cards, puzzles, crosswords;

3. stationery

Progress of the event

1. Organizational moment (5-8 min.)

Participants get acquainted with competitive program, by the jury.

Formation of two teams of 7-10 people, selection of captains.

Each team comes up with a name and motto.

Team presentation.

Teams receive a competition task.

2. Completing competition tasks.

1. Competition “Find a Pair” Time to complete the task: 10 minutes.

Task: Each team is given task cards. It is necessary to divide words into parts that could serve as parts of new words (the names of some professions and economic concepts).


The winner is the team whose participants, within a certain time, find a pair of two parts of different words and create a new word.

Assignment for 1st team Assignment for 2nd team:
















2. Puzzles. Approximate time to complete the task is 6-8 minutes.

Assignment: each team is given an equal number of puzzle cards, in which some concepts of career guidance are encrypted. Decipher them. The team that deciphers all the puzzles the fastest wins.

3. Captains competition. Metagrams.

Approximate time to complete the task is 3-5 minutes.

A metagram is a riddle in which a word gets a new meaning by replacing one letter with another.

Example: Barzha - Exchange, honor - flattery.

Task: captains receive two task cards with metagrams. The team whose captain completes the task the fastest wins.

Task for 1 team:

With the letter "T" poems sound from the stage,

songs and musical performance.

With "N" - enterprises of the form of association.

(concert - concern)

With "A" - I'm striped and soft,

Convenient for adults and children to relax.

With “O” - I have golden anchors on my ribbons.

I climb the yards and the mast like a cat.

(matras – matros)

Task for team 2:

In the store and market

You will find me easily.

If you change "T" to "P"

Then I will become a profession,

And you will see me in the kitchen.

(Product – Cook)

Goods with the letter “O” are exported from the country.

And with “E” - permitting specialist

Controversial and difficult issues between people.

(EXPORT – expert)

4. Five "I"

In the world of words there are many words,

Which contain "I" at the end.

You've come across these words more than once,

Let them talk.

Task for 1 team:

1. adapts us to surrounding life and labor (adaptation)

2. brings the owner a permanent dividend (share)

3. brings people together (association)

4. investing money in a business (investment)

5. reduces the amount paper money in humans (deflation)

Task for team 2:

1.rivalry between business people(competition)

2. helps to choose a profession (career guidance)

1. creates a small enterprise (cooperation)

4.brings annual interest income to the owner (bond)

5. Transfers a part of state property to a person (privatization)

5. Come on, collect it!

Assignment: each team receives a set with an equal number of cards. Each set contains cards with letters, blank cards indicate spaces between words. The first team has the first part of the proverb about work, the second team has the second part of the same proverb.

Hint: in the first part of the proverb there is a particle of negation and a verb, the second part of the proverb begins with a dash and also contains a verb.

Answer: Don’t be hasty with your tongue, be quick with your actions.


1. Didactic material according to the course “Your professional career" Book for the teacher / I.P. Arefiev, T.V. Vasilyeva, A.Ya. Zhurkina and others. Ed. S.N. Chistyakova. – M.: Education, 1998

2. Your professional career: textbook. for 8-11 grades. general education institutions / M.S. Gutkin, G.F. Mikhalchenko, A.V. Prudilo and others. Ed. S.N. Chistyakova, T.I. Shalavina - M.: Education, 1998

3. Trainev V.A. Educational business games in pedagogy, economics, management, management, marketing, sociology, psychology: methodology and practice: textbook. manual for university students - M.: Humanitarian. ed. VLADOS center, 2005

4. Firsov E.G. Economy. Mind games for schoolchildren. – Yaroslavl: “Academy of Development”, 1998

Target: development of students’ mental activity, allowing them to correctly make economically expedient and socially responsible decisions; development of abilities:

TO system analysis problems and making appropriate decisions on them;

Towards effective business interaction during teamwork on decision making;

To be held accountable to other members of the “family” for the decision made; to instill economy, thrift, and enterprise.

Progress of the game

Students are divided into groups of 7-8 people and assigned playing roles: wife, husband, daughter, son, etc. Choose their last name.

1st stage(7-12 min).

They make up a family profile, discussing together the player’s name, age, profession, salary (benefits, scholarship, pension) of each family member, possible sources of other income, and the total amount of income of the entire family. All this data is entered into a table.

Each “family” introduces other game participants and experts to their family members. Speakers are asked questions about family composition and income.

2nd stage(15-18 min).

Need to plan close to real life upcoming expenses for one month, based on the total amount of expected income. Fill out the table

Each “family” presents their expenses and comments decisions made. Answer questions from experts and other game participants.

3rd stage(10-15 min).

Each “family” receives an individual situation. It is necessary to make a decision and find additional income. “Families” discuss, make decisions and talk about them.

1. A distant relative from Tambov came to visit you. She really liked your hospitality and decided to stay for the whole month. How will you seek additional funds its content?

2. Your son, coming home from school, said that he accidentally broke the glass in the classroom and the administration is asking his parents to compensate for the damage. Look for this opportunity in your family.

3. Your spouse broke his leg. Sick leave no payment this month. How will you arrange rent and other payments?

4. You were given an urgent trip to the sanatorium. Your wife really needs treatment. How will you budget for these additional expenses?

4th stage. Summarizing.

The “head of the family” speaks out about the behavior of each “family member.” (Were there any conflicts in the “family”? What arguments were used? How did the “family” get out of various situations? What difficulties did you experience?)

Discuss the game and monitor the game.

An expert speaks and sums up the game. Rewards “families” that show the best results.

Economic casino

Croupier. Hello, my dear wise men and women! I welcome you to our economic casino! Our casino is the very place where everyone who is honest, courageous and unknown can earn money not somehow, but with their own mind. Just mind you - our money is special! These are banknotes in denominations of one “ek-um” - “economic mind”. Remember? As they say: one mind is good, but two are better... And today you, dear players, will have exactly five of them, “ek-minds”. Moreover, during the game you can either increase your “e-mental state” or become bankrupt. In the game you will find questions from different areas economy. I name the area of ​​economics and the question, and if you decide to answer, you must place a bet of one “ek-um”, raising your hand or a special sign. If you are lucky, your bet is doubled and you earn another “ek-um”. If you are wrong, then don’t despair - your “ek-minds” will replenish the cash register of our economic casino. As you can see, the conditions of the game are simple: I give a question and 3 answer options. You must choose the correct answer and pick up the sign with the corresponding letter: A, B or C.

Signs are handed out.

Croupier. First round. I announce the economics area, a multiple choice question, and then monitor the player's first hand raised.

1. Question from the area of ​​the securities market.

A security that certifies an investment in an enterprise and gives its owner the right to receive a share of the profits is called...

a) share (+);

b) bond;

c) bill.

Who's brave? Let's place bets!

2. The next question is from the field of banking. Let's listen.

A bank that provides a loan against property is called...

a) investment;

b) mortgage (+);

c) innovative.

Let's place our bets, gentlemen!

3. Question from the area economic theory.

Followers of economic theory who believe that a country's wealth increases only due to foreign trade, called...

a) monetarists;

b) mercantilists (+);

c) utopians.

So, your bets!

4. But this question is about specialists in economic matters.

A specialist involved in the business of buying and selling apartments is called...

a) distributor;

b) realtor (+);

c) auditor.

5. Again the question of securities.

A share that gives the owner the right to a guaranteed dividend, but without the right to vote at a meeting of shareholders, is called...

a) ordinary;

b) personal;

c) privileged (+).

Let's place bets!

6. How many of you are comfortable with the history of economics?

The first stock exchange in Russia was founded by...

a) Peter 1 (+);

b) Paul 1;

c) Alexander I.

Your bets!

7. Do you know the monetary units of foreign countries?

The monetary unit of Vietnam is called...

b) dong (+);

c) guareni.

Let's place bets!

8. Question about monetary financial documents.

A monetary document containing a written order to pay a certain amount of money from an account is called...

b) certificate;

9. The history of economic theory again.

Karl Marx's most famous work in the field of economics is called...

a) “Capital” (+);

b) “Welfare for all”;

c) “The theory of imperfect competition.”

Place your bets!

10. Question about modern leaders financial and economic apparatus of the country.

The ministry headed by Mr. Kudrin is called...

a) Ministry of Taxes and Duties;

b) Ministry of Finance (+);

c) Ministry of Economy and Food.

Your bets, gentlemen!

Croupier. The second round will get more difficult. I will only name the area of ​​economics. You will be able to find out the wording of the question only after someone (based on the first raised hand) makes a bet.

1. Forms of ownership. Your bets!

Property to which a specific person has the right is called...

a) state;

b) private (+);

c) municipal.

2. Question from the field of international economic relations. Let's place our bets, gentlemen!

The import of goods and services from abroad is called...

a) import (+);

b) export;

c) leasing.

3. Question for experts on economic sanctions. Bets!

Monetary recovery from those guilty of violating the terms of an agreement or transaction is called...

b) fee;

c) penalty (+).

4. Question from the field of trade. Place your bets:

The form of trading when the seller, wanting to get maximum profit, takes advantage of the competition of many buyers present at the auction is called...

a) auction (+);

b) retail;

c) wholesale.

5. Question for those who are bona fide taxpayers.

Place your bets!

A tax levied on every worker and amounting to a certain percentage of wages, called...

a) on property;

b) added value;

c) income (+).

6. Issue related to market competition. Who will place the bets?

A market of one seller pushing out others is called...

a) competition;

b) oligopoly;

c) monopoly (+).

7. New forms of ownership. Bets!

The process of transferring state ownership to other forms of ownership is called...

c) indexing.

8. Question from the field of exchange activities. I look forward to your bids!

Reseller who does not act independent party in a purchase and sale transaction, but only ensures the establishment of contact between a possible seller and buyer, is called...

b) broker (+);

a) “Bittnerr, just Bittnerr” (+);

b) “Just May tea”;

c) "Immodium".

10. Question from the field of market economics. Bets!

Activities of market research, product development, pricing and marketing are called...

a) analysis;

b) management;

c) marketing (+).

Croupier. Third round. You will be betting blindly, without knowledge of the field of economics or the issue itself.

1. Who makes the bet? So, there's a bet! This is the question you get!

If the state budget shows that expenses are equal to income, then it is called...

a) equilibrium;

b) balanced (+);

c) scarce.

2. Your bets!

The biggest part family budget are the costs of...

a) clothes;

b) payment for the apartment;

c) nutrition (+).

3. I accept bets!

The source of additional income cannot be...

a) illegal transactions (+);

b) personal plot;

c) renting a garage.

4. Who will place the bet?

Kolya got a bad mark. For this, his mother did not allow him to go to the cinema. What would an economics expert call this event?

a) sanction (+);

c) penalty.

5. The bet plays!..

What applies to unforeseen expenses in family?

a) TV repair (+);

b) buying a sofa;

c) buying a garage.

6. Waiting for your bid!

Individual labor activity a student can carry out...

a) during training sessions;

b) during the holidays (+);

c) leaving lessons.

7. I accept bets on the next question!

Family resources do not include...

a) technology;

b) money in a savings book;

c) money borrowed (+).

8. Bets!

A technical means that provides protection and sometimes advertising of products...

a) packaging (+);

b) label;

c) trademark.

9. I’m still accepting bets!

a) signs (+);

b) showcases;

c) prospectuses.

10. Last bet!

Products are in great demand in the market...

b) High Quality, but with a high price;

V) Low quality, but in beautiful packaging.

Croupier. The fourth round is called "Black Box". You are given 30 seconds to think, followed by bets and the choice of the right answer. If the answer is correct, the participant receives the corresponding number of "ek-ums". Attention, Black Box!

1. The black box contains a document that stipulates the rights and obligations of the parties to the transaction. (Contract.)

2. Here is your monetary reward for special achievements in your activities. (Prize.)

3. This black box contains a document - a set of rules and regulations that establish the procedure for the company’s activities. (Charter)

4. And here is a symbol permitted by law, which is placed on the product (or packaging) to individualize it for the buyer. (Trademark.)

5. This black box contains the currency of a foreign country whose capital is Tel Aviv. (Shekel.)

The casino is closing. The winner is determined.

Economic dozen

The name of the game corresponds to the number of participants - 13. After each round, one participant is eliminated.

1st round “What is this?”

13 people play. The first person to answer the question moves on to the next round. At the end of the 1st round, 12 players remain, 1 is eliminated.


1. Financial institution that issues loans. (Bank.)

2. Secret theft of valuables, not associated with violence. (Theft.)

3. A sale in which the purchase goes to the highest bidder. (Auction.)

4. Greek demigod who taught people crafts. (Prometheus.)

5. Antiques dealer. (Antique)

6. Part of clothing where money is placed. (Pocket.)

7. Values ​​buried in the ground. (Treasury)

8. Borrowed money. (Duty.)

9. Monetary value cost. (Price.)

10. Official mark on the document. (Visa.)

11. Debtor in a different way. (Debtor.)

12. Real estate pledge. (Mortgage.)

2nd round “Economic mysteries”

The player who guesses the answer moves on to the next round. At the end of the 2nd round, only 11 participants will remain.


1. Play the first note

And you add the word “move” to it.

You will get what you dream of

Anyone who starts a business. (Income.)

2. Timofey knitted socks

And sold them at the market

Cheaper than threads;

I received only... (Losses.)

3. To consume food,

Show off in bright dresses,

To eat and drink deliciously,

You need all this... (Buy.)

4. The ship is sailing on the sea

And heavy fuzz is lucky.

But it’s worth replacing the letter,

You can buy shares there. (Exchange.)

5. My root is in “price”.

In the “essay” find the prefix for me,

We see my suffix in the “notebook”,

All the same - I’m in the diary and in the magazine. (Grade.)

6. Guess without difficulty:

Bank and without the letter “A” (Bank.)

7. To the first word, where do you keep your money?

Add the second word and you get

The third word, easy to remember -

Name of paper money. (Banknote.)

8. Guess what the name is

What money is being sold. (Product.)

9. Finally find the word

Antonym of the word "seller". (Buyer.)

10. Neither dollar, nor ruble, nor pounds,

What was the name of the German currency? (Mark.)

11. This has been the case since the beginning of the century

A person has a lot of them.

Hunting, eating, drinking, and resting.

You have to learn this word. (Needs)

3rd round “Economic proverbs”

The player who names a proverb on the topic “Money” goes to the 4th round. Only 10 people will remain.

Proverb options:

Money is not in money, but in deeds.

Brother is brother, matchmaker is matchmaker, but money is not relatives.

Money is enough for money.

Money is manure: today it’s gone, but tomorrow it’s a load.

Money without eyes.

Money is not mushrooms; you can find it even in winter.

Where the money is accounted for, the good will not flow away.

Anyone who doesn't save a penny isn't worth a ruble.

Extra money means extra worries.

4th round “Economic calculations”


5th round “Tools of labor”

The one who guesses the answer - a tool - moves on to the 6th round, leaving 8 people left.


1. I walk next to the janitor,

I'm shoveling snow around.

And I help the guys

Make a mountain, build a house. (Shovel)

2. Wooden river,

wooden boat,

And it flows over the boat

Wooden smoke. (Plane.)

3. At Uncle Nikon's

The whole bald spot is worn out. (Thimble.)

4. Bows, bows,

When he comes home, he will stretch out. (Axe)

5. There are teeth

But he doesn’t eat bread. (Saw.)

6. I am thin,

And the head is about a pound. (Hammer.)

7. Teeth have,

But they don’t know toothache. (Rake.)

8. Two ends, two rings,

In the middle there is a carnation. (Scissors.)

6th round “Economic puzzles”

The presenter shows one card with economic puzzles. The first player to solve the puzzle moves on to the 7th round. Only 7 participants will play in the 7th round.


Puzzles on economics

7th round “Economic terms”

Participants need to write in 1 minute nai large quantity economic terms that begin with the same letter, for example "P". The player who made the least number of terms is eliminated, only 6 people move on to the 8th round.

8th round “Verbal information”

Participants are given cards with 15 pairs of words and phrases from the field of economics and business. You need to look at them for 30 seconds and mark the pairs consisting of the same words or phrases. The player who marks the fewest pairs is eliminated. 5 players advance to the next round.

1. JSC "ITK Olding" - JSC "IPK Olding".

2. Company "Malti-Mixer" - Company "Malti-Mixer" +.

3. Authorized capital- Authorized fund.

4. Ideology of “Public Relations” - Ideology of “Public Relations” +.

5. Absolute oligopoly - Absolute oligopsony.

6. Modern marketing-Modern management.

7. Technical reconstruction - Technological reconstruction.

8. Lions Club "Moscow - North" - Lions Club "Moscow - North" +.

9. Interest-free loan - Interest-free loan.

10. Consulting business - Consulting business +.

11. Service maintenance- Service +.

12. Stankomekhnromtekhbank - Stankomekhpromtekhbank +.

14. Computers of the company EPPL - Computers of the EPPL center.

15. Effective monitoring - Effective controlling.

9th round “Unite general term»

Players need to combine the words listed by the presenter with a common term. Only 4 players will play in the 10th round.

1. Iceland, Slovakia, Estonia, Sweden, Denmark, Czech Republic, Norway. They have the same currency. (Crown.)

2. Goods, import. (Import.)

4. Management, art, psychologist, organizer. (Manager.)

10th round “Economic crossword”

Each of the 4 players is given a crossword puzzle that they must solve. The last of the group drops out of the fight.

Crossword: "Pyramid"

Having solved all the words located horizontally and climbed to the very top of the pyramid, you will be able to read the new economic term located in the center of the pyramid vertically (from top to bottom).


1. Method operational control economic activity.

2. A specific property objectively inherent in a loan.

3. A transfer signature on a security, bill of exchange, check, certifying the transfer of rights under this document to another person.

4. A document on the debtor’s pledge of real estate (land, buildings), giving the creditor the right to sell the pledged property.

5. Loans in cash, issued on the basis of repayment and usually with the payment of interest.

6. Type of payments to the budget.

7. A document that documents the results of work or surveys of enterprises, firms, etc.


1. Regulation. 2. Returnability. 3. Endorsement. 4. Mortgage. 5. Loans. 6. Fee. 7. Act.

The word located vertically is CADASTRE.

The cadastre is: 1) a register containing information on the valuation and average profitability of economic objects; 2) a list of persons subject to income tax.

Round 11 “Make a diagram”

Present in the form of a bar chart “Freight turnover of railway transport for the period 1997-1999”, if the following data are indicated:

In 1998, fuel turnover amounted to 126 million tons

In 1997 - 118.3

In 1999 - 135.1


Freight turnover of railway transport, million tons

12th round “Chain of words”

Two players take turns pronouncing words - economic terms. The first player pronounces an economic term, the next player must name a word that will begin with the last letter of the first word. It turns out to be a chain. Name only singular nouns.

The winner of the round is the one when the other player has no more options within 15 seconds.

Example chain:

Economy - Promotion - Fair - Auction - Tax - etc.

The remaining participant becomes the winner of the “Economic Dozen”.

Business economic game “Competitor”

The game creates an attitude towards active independent actions in market conditions, the ability to put forward and defend an idea that could be competitive; introduces participants to the basics of market psychology (initiative, independence, enterprise, responsibility, reasonable risk, etc.); forms in participants an adequate understanding of relationships in market conditions (the benefits of private entrepreneurship, mutual obligations, consumer orientation, etc.).

At the beginning of the game, the guys dramatize the fairy tale “The clattering fly is an entrepreneur!”

Leading. Look, the Fly is coming there.

Sings a song loudly.

The Fly appears.


Once upon a time I was walking across a field,

There I found money.

And once I found the money,

I brought income into the house.

So, I'll go into business -

I'll turn wide!

I'll count my income

I won’t forget the expense either.

To work without flaw,

I'll draw up a business plan.

But what should I do?

How to make a profit?

Maybe I should open a cafe?

Still need capital

Otherwise - a steep failure!

I'll put my money in the bank,

I will open the deposit

I'll start saving.

Well, I’ll turn around there!

To open a cafe for me,

You must obtain a license

Room to rent,

Equip it and start a business.

I'll start my own business

We will hire a number of workers.

So that people come to our cafe:

"Come, dear ones,

I’ll treat you to tea!”


Visitors came running

All glasses were drunk.

And pensioners - three cups each

With milk and pretzel.

Today the Fly-Tsokotuha -


Progress of the game

Preparatory stage

For 5 minutes, all participants present at the game work independently. They are given a task: to think and propose to the audience the idea of ​​a youth company that would meet the requirements of the time, be interesting to young people and, most importantly, be competitive with other ideas.

After the time has passed, all ideas are heard and recorded on a special stand.

Participants independently choose the company whose idea they like the most. When applying for a job, they must justify why this particular company attracted them, how they can be useful, etc. The director of the company has the right to accept or refuse.

After 15 minutes, the level of completion of the companies is checked. Only participants who have recruited 10 people enter the game; the rest, along with those who did not manage to get a job, acquire the status of unemployed (already at initial stage they failed to become competitive - to attract attention). The names of companies are recorded on a special stand.

Start of the game - registration of companies

Each registered company is given an initial capital of 2 vita. At each stage it is set specific task. Firms, after a certain time, provide a solution.

Everyone who remains outside the game can enter it at any stage as a private entrepreneur or employees of a newly created company, but without initial capital.

After each stage, the company’s activities are assessed by voting by everyone present in the room for their favorite idea. At each stage, you can vote for only one team, and the companies whose idea is rated this moment, do not participate in voting.

A company that does not have a single vit left is declared bankrupt and drops out of the game. She couldn’t withstand the competition, couldn’t present her product or find a buyer for her idea.

Stage 1 - decision organizational issues companies. Where in the city (specifically) can you find premises, who to turn to for support, where to get initial capital;

Stage 2 - the most effective and accessible advertising of the company;

Stage 3 - a specific program of the company's activities. Business plan;

4th stage - zest, charm, peculiarity of the company;

5th stage - is carried out if 2 or several companies with the same number of rounds have reached the end of the game;

Stage 6 - duel. Imagine that a serious, reputable company allocated n-amount for the implementation of only one of the announced projects. Your task is to prove that it is your company that can count on this money in the first place.

Game finale

After summing up the results and awarding the winners, the floor is given to the game consultant, who makes brief analysis of all declared ideas, determines novelty and originality, feasibility in the near future and in the distant future, the degree of satisfaction of the interests of young people, etc.

Business game "Economic cards"

Goals: promotes the acquisition of experience in collective discussion, broadening one’s horizons in the field of economics, activates memory, and unites the team.

Participants: 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12 or 13 middle and high school teams (squads); the number in the team is determined total number those present.

Equipment: 3 card decks of 36 cards each; cards with monetary units “crow”

Preparatory stage of the game, rules

1. One deck of cards remains with the leading dealer, and 2 decks, mixed, are distributed to the squads (equally among themselves).

2. The questions of the game are selected according to the following principle: each suit represents a specific direction in the economy:

PIKI - “Money. Currency".

KRESTI - “Banks. Securities".

BUBNI - “Various economic issues.”

3. The dealer takes a card from his deck and announces it, for example, seven of hearts. Those teams that end up with seven of hearts play at this stage. There are two sevens of hearts in total, therefore, only 2 teams compete, the rest are spectators.

4. The cost of one question is one crow.

5. If a team is lucky and has both sevens of hearts, then for the correct answer they are given 2 crowings.

6. The game continues until one of the teams present runs out of cards. The team with the most crows wins.

7. There is also a kind of risk in the game - this is the Queen of Spades card. If the dealer draws the Queen of Spades, the team that has it is declared bankrupt.

Questions about card suits:

PIKI - “Money. Currency":

1. How many cents are in one dollar? (100.)

2. Monetary units of a foreign state. (Currency)

3. A precious metal that served as an international standard for measuring the value of currencies. (Gold)

4. Metal banknote. (Coin.)

5. A universal means of calculation, payment and accumulation. (Money.)

6. The process of increasing the general price level in the country. (Inflation)

7. Money, property belonging to the state, organization. (Coffers.)

8. Colloquial designation for 1,000,000 monetary units. (Lemon)

9. What was sold for the 4 soldi that the seller invested in the art? (ABC.)

10. Latvian monetary unit. (Lat.)

11. What is the ability of a currency to be freely exchanged for foreign currencies in any form and in all transactions without restrictions called? (Convertibility.)

12. Which coins are more expensive: gold or silver? (Gold.)

13. What do cows, squirrel skins and keori shells have in common? (This is money.)

14. What is investment? (Capital investment)

15. What is profit? (This is the difference between total revenue and costs.)

16. Front side of the coin. (Obverse.)

17. What is the name of the issue of money? (Emission.)

18. Reverse side of the coin. (Reverse)

2. Exchange of one product for another. (Barter.)

3. Product of labor. (Product.)

4. A type of indirect tax. (Excise duty)

6. Greek god- patron of trade. (Hermes.)

7. Antiques dealer. (Antique)

8. The number of copies of any publication issued. (Circulation.)

9. Announcement of the release of goods to the market, introduction of new services. (Announcement.)

10. Activities in the market under the motto “Find a need and satisfy it.” (Marketing.)

11. Requirement for goods from the buyer. (Demand.)

13. What product is called “black gold”? (Oil.)

14. What is the price for a product sold in large quantities called? (Wholesale.)

15. What does Adidas produce? (Sportswear and shoes.)

16. Shortage, lack of goods. (Scarcity.)

17. Monetary expression of the cost of goods. (Price.)

18. Why are the first tomatoes very expensive, then they become cheaper? (There are more of them.)

KRESTI - “Banks. Securities":

1. Which securities receive dividends? (By shares.)

2. What is the name of the bank’s issue of monetary units and securities? (Emission.)

3. The difference between cash income and expenses in accounting. (Balance.)

4. Financial insolvency of the bank. (Bankruptcy.)

5. Financial institution accumulating cash and lending them. (Bank.)

6. Payment for the use of funds lent by the bank. (Percent.)

7. Loan provided on repayment terms. (Credit.)

8. A document showing all costs. (Estimate.)

9. Left side of the balance sheet. (Assets.)

10. What are the names of securities and funds placed for storage in a bank? (Deposit.)

11. What is it called face value, indicated on securities, banknotes? (Denomination)

12. A security that represents a debt obligation. (Bond.)

13. Where does the bank's profit come from? (Bank interest.)

14. What is a stock price? (The price at which the stock is sold.)

15. What happens to the price on the market if the supply of goods increases? (The price falls.)

16. What they sell on stock exchange? (Securities, shares, bonds, etc.)

17. In which city was the agreement on the formation of the European Economic Community signed? (In Rome.)

18. What is profitability? (The excess of income over expenses.)

BUBNI - “Various economic issues”:

1. Who founded the first stock exchange in Russia? (Peter I.)

2. Who is the laureate in Russia Nobel Prize in economics? (Vasily Leontiev.)

3. A device for connecting a computer to the telephone network. (Modem.)

4. Slang for a business meeting. (Arrow.)

5. Using something for money. (Rent.)

6. An island known as the birthplace of modern organized crime. (Sicily.)

7. The person's officially recorded last will. (Will.)

8. Form of organized crime. (Mafia)

9. Prestigious art auction. ("Sotheby's.")

10. Obtaining official status by the enterprise. (Registration.)

11. Tax document submitted to tax office. (Declaration.)

12. Mythological keeper of underground wealth. (Dwarf.)

13. A man whose name has become a household word for big business tycoons. (Rockefeller.)

14. The island was the central gathering place for Caribbean pirates. (Tortuga.)

15. The struggle of commodity producers for buyers and increasing market share. (Competition.)

16. The bulk of the exports of the United Arab Emirates. (Oil.)

17. In what language was Karl Marx’s “Capital” written? (German.)

18. Name the largest airline in Russia. (Aeroflot.)

Economic high point "Currency"

The game is modeled after the ORT television program, and six athletes from the middle and senior squads participate in it. The auditorium is decorated with illustrations of existing currencies as well as currencies created by children.

First tour

Each of the participants in the game has tablets with numbers from 1 to 10. In front of them there is a board with ten columns, where answer options are given. The presenter reads the question, gives the children 15 seconds to think about the answer, after which they raise a sign with the number of the answer they chose. Participants are awarded stars for correct answers.

Answers on the scoreboard


Money is present on the pages of many literary works. Now the names of books familiar from childhood will be heard. On the board are the names of currencies: large and small, real and fictitious. Remember which book mentions which money:

"Kid and Carlson" (9)

"The Three Musketeers" (7)

“TiK| Thaler, or Sold Laughter" (1)

"The Adventures of Pinnochio" (2)

"Treasure Island" (3)

"Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves" (6)

“Dunno on the Moon” (8).

After the first round, the four players with the most stars remain and move on to the second round. If there are 5 people left, the leader must get his bearings and ask an additional question.

Second round

In front of the participants is a board with four columns, where answer options are given. The questions in this round have answers with listings. Participants must discover a pattern, logic in the answer and raise the number at the request of the presenter. For the correct answer - a star. Thinking time is 15 seconds.

Answers on the scoreboard


Did all the countries in the above diagram have the same currency - the franc? (Correct answer: 4 - the currency of Estonia is the kroon.)

Answers on the scoreboard


On dollar bills different advantages 1, 2, 5, 10 $ depict portraits famous personalities America. Is the correspondence of the 1, 2, 5, 10 $ banknotes with the listed portraits violated? (Correct answer: 3 and 4. The $1 bill depicts J. Washington, the $2 bill depicts T. Jefferson, the $5 bill depicts A. Lincoln, and the $10 bill depicts A. Hamilton).

Answers on the scoreboard


Which of the following currencies does not belong to the Baltic states? (Correct answer: 3 - Leu is the monetary unit of Moldova).

Based on the results of the round, one participant with the fewest stars is eliminated.

Third round

Participants must use the set of letters NFRKLIAN to create the name of a famous figure who owns the following lines: “Time is money.” (Franklin)

Whoever answers faster receives a star and advances to the finals.

The final

The two remaining finalists need to make up as many words as possible from the word “FREELY CONVERTABLE” in one minute. (Example words: shooting range, con, bottom, rhythm, can, etc.)

After the set time has passed, participants take turns calling out the words they have composed. The one who has more of them is the winner.

Economics quiz lesson.

Listen - and you will forget,

Look and you will remember

Do it and you will understand.


Goals: developing an idea of ​​the need and feasibility of the economy; repetition and generalization of knowledge on the completed course; skills formation independent work; grafting economic culture; developing interest in economic knowledge through play, the ability to apply knowledge in modern life.

During the classes:

Good afternoon dear friends! We are glad to welcome you to the economic game. This game is played for you, ordinary guys, who do not necessarily dream of becoming economists. Although our country really needs such specialists.

Modern man Without economic knowledge, he cannot consider himself prepared for life and work. Economic knowledge is universal; it is necessary in all spheres of life.

Economics teaches how to use resources, manage businesses, plan work, run a business, and ultimately be rich. There is no shame in being rich if you honestly earned money through your skills, knowledge, and labor. Of course, to become rich, it is not enough to study economics; you must learn to apply economic knowledge in practice.

Now I suggest you divide into groups. (3 people on the jury optional)

Groups come up with names and a motto.

1. Competition “Experts of terms”.

It is necessary to find the correct definition for each term.

Demand - I want and can buy the product.

Need is a person's need for something.

Inflation is an increase in prices.

Budget deficit is a lack of money.

A promissory note is a promissory note.

The state budget- financial document with income plan and


Dividend is part of the profit of a joint-stock company.

Barter is the exchange of goods for goods.

A share is a security that gives the right to receive

part of the profit of the joint-stock company.

Bank - financial institution, producing

money transactions

(for each definition - 1 point).

2. Competition."FIND AN ANTONYM"

Each team will have to find pairs of antonym words and write them down.

Bankrupt, poverty, wealth, income, import, wage worker, accumulation, nouveau riche (get rich quick), public property, wholesale, consumption, supply, employer, expense, retail, demand, private property, export.


Bankrupt is nouveau riche; wealth - poverty; Income Expenses; import Export; employee - employer; accumulation - consumption; wholesale trade - retail trade; Demand Offer; private property - public property.

(for each pair - 1 point).

3. Task “Make a word.”

Syllables are written on the cards, and you need to use them to make words. The team that is ahead of the other in completing the task becomes the winner.

Kre, sy, va, dend, ha, century, nan, ob, ti, sel, li, tion, vi, with, for, di, dit, fi


Bill, dividend, loan, bond, privatization, finance.

(for each word - 1 point).

4. Competition "Great Mathematicians".

Solve problems.

1) There are two bags of coins. In one the coins are real, and in the other they are fake. How can you determine which bag contains counterfeit coins with just one weighing? Why?

Answer: counterfeit ones are easier, since “spoilage” of money means reducing the weight of the metal; the bag that is lighter contains counterfeit coins.

2) Irina Nikolaevna had shares of the Gazprom company - 10 pieces. 1000 tenge each. and government bonds - 5 pcs. 2000 tenge each. What income did Irina Nikolaevna receive if the dividend amount was 15% and the interest on bonds was 8%?

Answer: 1000 x 10 x 0.15 = 1500 tenge - income on shares;

2000 x 5 x 0.08 = 800 tenge - income on bonds;

1500+800=2300 tenge - Irina Nikolaevna’s income.

(a team gets 3 points for a correct solution).








    Monetary unit of any country (currency)

    Movement of goods from one commodity producer to another (exchange)

    Type of paper money (banknote).

    Labor embodied in a product (value)

    A loan issued at a certain interest rate (credit).

    Depreciation of paper money (inflation).

    Universal commodity equivalent (money).

(For each word guessed 1 point)

The encrypted highlighted word indicates the type of commercial securities(bill).

Lesson summary: the jury determines the winners. The winners are awarded prizes.

Game - competition "Let's play economics"

Target: contribute to the formation of resourcefulness, intelligence, and economic literacy.

Tasks: 1. educational: consolidation and comprehension of the studied material;

2. developing: develop cognitive activity And creativity personalities, critical thinking and adaptive capabilities to changing external conditions;

3. educational: improving the methodology of educational influence on the student’s personality through group and game forms; nurturing interest in the game and the subject of economics.

Progress of the competition game

I introduction teachers:

Today we met here to show our knowledge and identify the best experts in economics. For each task, players receive coins. The team that ends up with the most coins will win.

Let's remember what economics is?

Initially, the word "economics" meant the art of doing household. Today the word "economy" has a much broader meaning. Economy can be called farming separate region, countries of the world. Economy refers to all relationships in society associated with human activities. Finally, economics is the study of how people and society as a whole can satisfy their needs for goods and services given limited resources. Who first coined the word “economy”? (Aristotle).

Exercise: This term was introduced into scientific circulation by the philosopher ancient Greece Aristotle, translated from ancient Greek, the term means “laws of economy.” (Answer: Economics).

Now we will conduct an economic quiz.


1) Which animal is always with money? (pig: he has a snout)

2) What were the merchants called in Rus' who were expelled from the guild for systematically deceiving and cheating buyers? (slobs)

3) Name the events where the price is hammered? (auction)

4) Who counts millions as thousands? (billionaire)

5) Which country is called the “banker of the world”? (Switzerland)

6) Who is “Coca-Cola” in relation to “Pepsi-Cola”? (competitor)

7) Name Captain Flint's favorite parrot coin? (piaster)

8) What is the front side of the coin called? (obverse)

9) What is the back side of the coin called? (reverse)

10) What is the face of a retail outlet? (showcase)

11) What fairy-tale animal knew how to make coins with a simple blow of its hooves? (antelope)

12) What a Russian folk tale demonstrates the effectiveness of teamwork? (turnip)

You must unravel the code in which words related to economics are hidden:

PARTALAZ (salary)

OVODROG (agreement)

KANOEKOMI (economics)

YCTOVFARYV (product)

Economic puzzles-additives:

The product must have

Mandatory …(price)

If you work hard all year round

It will be round... (income)

Streams are babbling, feet are wet

In spring it's time to pay... (taxes)

Like a child without a mother,

How many sausages did you buy?

The arrow will show you exactly. .(scales)

They will be intact like in a tank,

Your savings are in ...(bank)

Things will get better for us:

We are in best bank contributed your... (contribution)

Both the doctor and the acrobat

Passed off for work …(salary)

Bought furniture, clothes, dishes

We borrowed from the bank for this …(loan)

For a ruble - pennies, for dollars - cents

They run and run into the bank.. (percentage)

The full lesson can be downloaded at the beginning of the page

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