The daffodil flower is an early symbol of beauty. Indoor flowers similar to spathiphyllum: decorative deciduous and flowering Indoor flowers flower similar to daffodil

The daffodil flower is an early symbol of beauty.  Indoor flowers similar to spathiphyllum: decorative deciduous and flowering Indoor flowers flower similar to daffodil
The daffodil flower is an early symbol of beauty. Indoor flowers similar to spathiphyllum: decorative deciduous and flowering Indoor flowers flower similar to daffodil

Narcissus - early spring plant. Its flowers are the first to delight with their beauty, freshness and aroma.

Narcissus flower: what is it?

Flowering begins in May and lasts about a month. Bright, bell-like flowers sway among the thin leaves.

The flower consists of 6 simple perianth tepals, the outgrowth of each forms a crown, inside of which there is a style and 6 stamens. The diameter of the flower is from 2 to 10 cm. Flowers come in 2 forms: simple and double.

The culture grows in the Mediterranean, Asia, and southern Europe. There are more than 60 species. In addition to the 25 natural ones, they also grow a huge number of hybrids.

Narcissus flower

Narcissus is a plant suitable for forcing, decorating, and cutting into a bouquet.

Interesting! The name comes from the Greek “narkao”, which translates as “intoxicating”.

It has been grown for centuries for its medicinal and perfumery uses. The heady notes of the aroma can cause a migraine attack. The alkaloid contained in the bulbs is poisonous to rodents, making them invulnerable.

In East Asian countries, non-double varieties are grown commercially for essential oil production. The fashionable perfume is called “Black Narcissus”.

Why was the flower called that? An ancient Greek legend tells the story of Narcissus, a handsome but selfish young man who did not return the feelings of the mountain nymph Echo. He was punished by the gods for his coldness. The young man fell in love with his reflection in the water. Self-admiration by the stream led young man to death. I grew up in that place beautiful flower, called by people after him. This is a myth, but the narcissus flower still pleases everyone with its delicate beauty.

Daffodil flowers ( Latin name narcissus) - representatives of the genus of perennial Bulbaceae, belong to the Amaryllis family. Along with flowers similar to narcissus: crocuses, hyacinths, it belongs to early plants.

Narcissus and Echo

The variety of how daffodils look is created by the size, shape, and color of the crown (one-color or two-color).

Characteristics and descriptions of the narcissus flower

Height: 0.1-0.5 m. Leaves arrangement: basal, bunched. Quantity - from 2 to 4. Shape - narrow-linear. Length and width depend on the variety.

At the top of the peduncle grows a flower, which consists of 6 petals (terry petals have more). The arrangement of flowers is solitary or umbellate, erect or drooping. At its base there is a crown - a tubular, cup-shaped or bell-shaped crown.

The bulb is perennial, dense, scaly. Shape - elongated, oval or round. Distinctive feature: two renewal buds with varying degrees of development. The roots are straight, annual. Propagated by baby bulbs.

You can admire how it blooms from the beginning of May. Among house flowers, daffodils bloom like zephyranthes. People call their flowers home daffodils.

Types of daffodils

In the garden and for forcing at home, popular hybrid forms, combined by appearance in 12 groups. Let's look at some of the types of narcissus flowers:

  • Narcissus daffodil: a low, tubular, single-blooming flower with a light yellow perianth.
  • Terry narcissus: the petals and crown of the flower are double. There are both single flowers on peduncles and several. The size, shape, color are different because the group unites everyone the only feature- terryness.
  • Narcissus jonquil - peduncles with several flowers, cup-shaped crown no more than 2⁄3 the length of the perianth.
  • Pink daffodils. The Englishwoman Backhouse developed a special shade of the crown of the narcissus flower - pink. It became the starting point for many species belonging to different classes: terry, tubular, jonquil.
  • White narcissus: single flower, small, bright crown, white perianth.
  • Sea daffodil can be found on the sea coast. Lily-shaped snow-white flowers emitting a vanilla aroma.
  • Bush daffodils. Tacetaceae produce up to 20 fragrant flowers collected in one raceme. They have rounded perianths.
  • Peruvian narcissus: an unusual, very large flower white. Externally it looks like a lily or a spider.
  • Red daffodils: Verger, Queen varieties - inside snow-white big flower The crown is red.

Features of planting and care

Growing a daffodil flower is not at all difficult. Any will do garden soil. The main condition: good drainage, fertility. Manure should not be used for fertilizer. Optimal time planting - August-September.

Daffodils are quite shade-tolerant. Tacet varieties love the sun. Hybrids with a crown of red and orange shades are best grown in the shade.

Peruvian narcissus

Planting depth is 5-15 cm (depending on the type of soil): on heavy soils, they are buried less than on light soils. The row spacing is about 30 cm, in the row there is a distance of 15-20 cm between the bulbs. Placed in groups or rows.

The plant is well watered. The soil is regularly loosened and weeded to remove weeds.

The daffodil flower needs to be fertilized. It is better to use mineral supplements in liquid form:

  • after the sprouts appear, fertilize with nitrogen;
  • at the budding stage - potassium.

Important! Manure should not be used for fertilizer.

Main diseases and pests of crops

If you follow the correct agricultural technology, there will be no problems.

Pests dangerous to flowers:

  • mite;
  • nematode;
  • daffodil fly.

Plants are susceptible to the following diseases:

  • sclerotinia;
  • fusarium;
  • mosaic.

Important! To protect against fungal diseases, planting material is soaked in a fungicide solution. Helps against narcissus fly and nematode hot water(soak for several hours).

Growing daffodils at home

Everyone's favorite flower can be grown at home. For forcing, the type does not matter - most will do. In autumn, large bulbs are selected. Flower pot filled with soil. The bulb is buried so that the neck protrudes above the ground. The soil is watered. The bulb is provided with rest (temperature + 5-7 ° C and complete darkness) until sprouts appear, then the pot is placed on the windowsill. Care comes down to regular watering.

Knowing the peculiarities of agricultural technology, you can easily grow it in your open ground, and also admire the process of forcing on your windowsill.

perennial spring garden flowers of the amaryllis family. There are more than 25 thousand varieties of daffodils, which are classified into 13 groups, of which only one group is a wild species (about 60 subspecies), the rest are selection ones. IN natural environment distributed in Eastern and Western Europe, Asia, and northern Africa. The favorite habitat where you can find the most beautiful daffodils is mountain alpine meadows and forests.

Did you know?The flower got its name from the beautiful young man Narcissus. Ancient Greek myth It says that the young man, seeing his reflection in the water, could not turn away and leave, his face seemed so beautiful to him. Struck by his own beauty, he died by the pond from admiration and hopeless self-love. And at the place of his death tender beautiful flowers, they were called daffodils. That is why in Ancient Greece they were considered the flowers of the dead.

The colors of flowers in all species are varied - cream, pink, yellow, white-orange, sand, white and various variations white and yellow combinations. The leaves of the flower are basal, green, different types their width, length and shade are different. The bulbs are brownish, covered with scales, round, oval or elongated.

Daffodil breeding is becoming more widespread - and because decorative properties which they possess, and because of the relative cheapness of purchasing these flowers for planting. Next, all types of daffodils will be presented with descriptions.

Their flower crown is the same length as the petals or slightly longer, which is why it resembles a gramophone tube - hence the name. There is one flower on the stem with a diameter of 7 to 13 cm, the peduncle is strong and tall.

The tubes are red, white, orange, yellow. The flowers are white and yellow or yellow-white at the tips. They are garden daffodils and bloom well in winter. Look great in a vase and bouquets. These types of daffodils grow and develop well in our climate. These include the following varieties:

  • white – Kantara, White Knight, Peter Bahr, Birshiba, Madame de Graaf;
  • yellow – Maximus, Dutch Master, Obvallaris, Ballad, Albert Schweitzer, Birsheba, Golden Harvist, Hans Christian Andersen, Priamble, Golden Medal, Celebrity, Golden Harvist, King Alfred, Lunar C, Easten Bonnet, Golden Spar, Musical Hall, Little Gem, Point Barrow, Mount Hood, Pseudonarcissus, Henry Irving;
  • barely perceptible creamy color - variety Milner;
  • two-color trumpet varieties of daffodils - very fragrant yellowish-white Spring Glory and garden Emperor, Impress.

These garden daffodils have the largest crowned inflorescences of all types - up to 12 cm in diameter or more. The inflorescence consists of six identical lobes and an elongated wavy crown. The colors of the crowns are deep orange, pink, yellow, white, red. Petals are white, orange, yellow. The peduncle is single, long – up to 50 cm in height, tubular.

There are 2 - 4 narrow leaves around it. But their tubers are mostly small - up to 3 cm in diameter. Large-crowned daffodils are very popular among gardeners, their best varieties are Anthea, Voa, Confuoco, Smaragd, Kentucky Cardinal, Lagerlef, Velazquez, Daydream, Fortune, Carlton, Mount Tekoma, Tibet, Curley, Modern Art, Ringleader, Record, Mercato, Flower, Shea, Orange Progress, Selma, Professor Einstein, Rococo , Salome, Prekoshes, Sound Semiramis, Royal Orange, Lady Bird, Scarlet.

Inflorescences with a diameter of 5-8 cm with a low crown - no more than 2/3 of the length of the perianth. The color of the crown is white, pink, yellow-orange, red in the center with a green eye. The peduncle is low and strong. This universal look daffodils - they are quite unpretentious, easily take root, grow well without creating any special conditions.

They are perfect for forcing and gardening, as well as for cutting into bouquets. Varieties of small-crowned daffodils - State Fair, Amor, Jewel, Matapat, Barrett, Audubon, Altruist, Browning, Verona, China White, Burma, Limerick, Verger, Apricot.

Did you know?Small-crowned daffodils are often characterized by a bordered crown.

They have either a double crown or the entire flower is double. The crown can be white, yellow, bright orange, red. Perianth – white, yellow, yellow-orange. They have one or more inflorescences on a peduncle.

For example, double multi-flowered daffodils varieties Yellow Chirfulnes. Other varieties - Ice King, Van Sison, Replit, Modern Art, Irene Copeland, Texas, Acropolis, Golden Ducket, Tahiti, Obdam, Exotic Beauty, Menley, Rip van Winkle, Indiana Chief, Dorchester, White Lyon, Fashion, Mary Copeland. They take root well, are relatively unpretentious, suitable for lawns, gardens and cuttings.

Stunningly beautiful, decorative with the right rounded shape flower. They have a noticeably dissected crown with what appears to be a second row of petals. This effect is created due to the fact that the six free lobes of the crown grow together only at the base. This species has one inflorescence on a long peduncle with a diameter of up to 11-12 cm. The color of the inflorescences is white with pink, white, yellow, white.

Universal flowers: for indoors, gardens and for cutting. Photophilous - avoid shading when planting; insulation is necessary in winter. One of the best varietiesBaccarat, Dolly Molinger, Cassata, King Size, Modesta, Palmares, Lemon Beauty, Chanterelle, Canasta Baccarat, Oringeri, Split Crown. The flowers of the Split Crown variety have an incredibly attractive appearance - they look like an exotic butterfly or orchid.

Triandrus, triander daffodils

Hybrid, garden, miniature, with a small goblet-shaped crown with all the characteristics of three-stamen daffodils. A very narrow and rather long (sometimes longer than the perianth) tube with perianth lobes bent back at a large angle.

Flowers on a low peduncle are drooping, with single or multiple inflorescences - from two to six. The color of the crowns is yellow, pale yellow, yellow-green, white, golden. Triandrusaceae look great in flower beds and are suitable for complex flower arrangements, rock gardens, but they are not cold-resistant, this must be taken into account when planting. Varieties – Tresemble, Ice, Liberty Bells, Wings, Hawera, Stoke, Thalia.

Not higher than 20 cm in height, they resemble cyclamen in appearance. Peduncle with one inflorescence, drooping flower, with petals moved back. The crown-tube is long and narrow. Characterized by early flowering, look great in alpine roller coaster, borders, flower beds. Varieties – Beryl, Tete-a-Tete, Baby Dowell, Andalusia, Jenny, Jetfi, Jack Sneel, February Silver, Piping Tom.

Important!For the rapid and complete development of daffodils, clay must be present in the soil.

Heat-loving, unusually fragrant (their essential oils used in perfumery) and graceful daffodils. The peduncle can have from one to six inflorescences with a short crown. The leaves are thin, flexible, the stem is up to 35-40 cm high.

Very interesting jonquil daffodils yellow varieties Baby Moon - with very small inflorescences. Basically, all varieties of this species are sensitive to cold, but in southern regions can grow without transplants for up to 6-7 years. Common varieties - Susie, Cherie, Golden Chain, Sweetness, Trevitien, Hill Star, Step Forward, Bel Zong, Pipit, Hesla.

On the peduncle there is a single inflorescence with a small crown and a trumpet. The tube with a bright red border is a feature of the daytime species. The inflorescence has six petals of pure white color. Peduncle up to 40-45 cm high, leaves narrow gray-green. They have a sophisticated, fragile appearance and a pleasant, subtle aroma, which is why they got their name. They require shelter for the winter. Varieties – Margaret Mitchell, Sarchedon, Red Rome Actea, Milan.

Narrow-leaved daffodils growing in natural conditions in groups and even entire fields. They have white, pale yellow, cream inflorescences with red or orange border. In the CIS, this species grows in the Carpathians - in the Valley of Narcissus.

In Europe - in the Alps. Found in Russia, Italy, Greece, Romania, Great Britain, Monaco. The narrow-leaved species is unpretentious, but prefers the mild, humid climate of the Mediterranean.

From the tropics. Most flowers similar to spathiphyllum belong to the araceae family. This group includes decorative foliage and beautiful flowering plants.

Indoor flowers Aronia family attracts attention large leaves original shape and often unusual color. Many of them bloom beautifully with peculiar cobs, covered with a leaf-spread of various shades.

Anthurium is a plant with a very impressive appearance. Anthurium leaves are large, leathery, cut or whole. The leaf size ranges from several centimeters to one meter in length. The leaves have a velvety sheen and a silvery sheen on the veins. The leaves of some types of anthurium are decorated with an ornamental pattern created by veins.

The flowers of the plant are extremely beautiful and original in shape. They are collected in an inflorescence-cob of a tubular or tail-shaped form. The spadix is ​​shrouded in a pink or red bract. In some species the spathe is light green or bluish-blue.

Calla – herbaceous perennial originally from South Africa, blooming in winter or in early spring elegant and even refined flowers on elongated peduncles. The inflorescence is a spadix covered with a leaf-spread, gracefully wrapped around.

The shade of the bedspread is varied: yellow, white, lilac, pinkish, blue, purple and even blue-black. In most varieties, the color of the spathe is iridescent, from darker at the base to lighter closer to the edge.

Alocasia – rare exotic plant, originally from the tropics South-East Asia. It practically does not bloom in indoor conditions, therefore it is classified as an ornamental deciduous plant. Alocasia leaves are oval, with sharp tips and clearly defined veins of contrasting color. There are varieties with striped leaves.

The length of the leaf reaches the plant 50 centimeters, and the height is 150 centimeters. IN wildlife Alocasia can grow up to 3 meters in height and form leaves with a diameter of up to 1 meter. In natural natural conditions Alocasia is a plant with white flowers that have a delicate aroma. Small flowers are collected in neat inflorescences of pale pink color.

Caladium is a plant common in Brazil, South and Central America. The main advantage of this plant is its highly decorative leaves of various colors.

The leaves contain shades of red, pink, green, yellow-green, and white. The leaf plate is decorated with various veins, a contrasting edging along the edge or an impressive mesh.

Caladium flowers are inconspicuous: small cobs collected in small inflorescences. The cobs are covered with a white blanket.

Marsh calla lily (marsh calla) is a conspicuous inhabitant of lake shores and wetlands. The natural habitat of the plant is climate zone Northern Hemisphere. The height of the whitewing is from 15 to 50 centimeters. The plant is unpretentious, and if there is enough moisture, it can live even at sub-zero temperatures.

Whitewing leaves are wide at the core and pointed at the ends. The surface of the leaf plate is smooth, shiny, with prominent silver veins. Leaves are formed directly from the rhizome. Their length is from 5 to 11 centimeters.

The whitewing flower grows from the leaf axils. It is a vertical ear of yellow-green color with a snow-white inside and green outside covering leaf.

Eucharis (or Amazon lily) is a plant of the amaryllis family. Its leaves are completely identical to spathiphyllum, and until the moment of flowering these two plants can be completely confused. But the flowering of the two plants is completely different.

Eucharis blooms with snow-white bells, collected in inflorescences of 4-5 pieces. They are located on a high peduncle rising from the center leaf rosette. Skilled flower growers achieve flowering of eucharis twice a year.

The flowers are large, 10 centimeters in diameter. Snow-white petals are pointed at the tips. In the center of the flower there is a greenish-yellow crown with a jagged edge, which gives the flower a resemblance to a daffodil.

Aspidistra is an alien from the shady subtropical forests of Japan and southern China. In Russia it has long been grown as indoor plant. Aspidistra achieves high decorativeness due to large quantity leaves wide at the base and pointed at the tips, growing directly from the soil.

The color of the leaves of the plant is dark or light green, in some species with longitudinal cream stripes.

The flowers of the plant are quite modest: they resemble small dark purple spiders located almost at the base of the leaves. They appear on the plant only in conditions as close as possible to natural ones.

It is quite difficult to achieve such compliance with the tropical climate in indoor conditions, so aspidistra flowering is a rare occurrence.

It is believed that daffodils are graceful and unpretentious flowers; they only decorate garden plots. But that's not true! Narcissists may well be suited to home conditions. You just need to know which plant varieties should be preferred, how to select the correct bulbs and plant flowers in pots, and how to care for them. So, what do you need to know about daffodils growing at home?

Daffodils can easily adapt to home living conditions, be in pots and delight the inhabitants of the house with wonderful flowers for a long period from winter to spring. But to do this you need to know what varieties of daffodils can grow at home. The following varieties are chosen more often than other varieties for indoor conditions:

  • Papery;
  • Little gem;
  • Avalanche;
  • February Gold;
  • Ziva;
  • Snowball.

Also, daffodils are grown at home: “Erlichir”, “Verge” or “Geranium”.

The most undemanding in terms of conditions of detention are “Avalanche”, “Paper-shaped”, “Ziva”. They are also characterized by the longest flowering period. Plant flowers can be of different colors: yellow, white, cream, beige. The Avalanche variety, for example, is characterized by the presence of white petals and a yellow core. "Erlichir" stands out for its unique velvety flower structure. Daffodils different varieties may differ in size from each other.

Selection of bulbs for growing

In order for the plant to quickly and easily adapt to indoor conditions, it is necessary to select large, hard bulbs for planting. They should not have defects: dark spots, scratches, holes, rot. Flower bulbs purchased for indoor growing It’s better to plant them in pots right away. If you need to store the bulbs somewhere before planting, then choose a ventilated room where it is dry and warm, since in a damp and cool place the bulbs can take root ahead of time or be affected by fungus.

Container for landing

The container for the plant should have a diameter of 15-20 cm and a height of 30 cm with holes for drainage and the included tray. The depth of the container will ensure full growth for the root system. If you plan to grow short daffodils (no more than 15 cm), then you can take a smaller pot, but deep enough for the growing roots.

Soil selection

Soil that is beneficial for plants can always be purchased at specialized retail outlets. However, it will suit the flower perfectly garden soil with a soft and crumbly structure. To improve flowering, additional components are added to the soil in the form of sawdust, clay and river sand. You can also add components to the ground before planting wood ash or mineral fertilizers.

Planting a flower indoors

IN bottom part The pot is placed with drainage, which may consist of small pebbles (pebbles) poured 2-3 cm high. Drainage is needed to maximize the movement of oxygen and remove excess moisture after watering the plant. Soil is poured onto the drainage to the top of the pot. The bulbs are planted by slightly pressing them into the ground, with the upper part of the bulb rising above the surface of the ground.

It is quite possible to plant more than one onion in one pot. This is determined by the size of the pot. So, with a container with a diameter of 9 cm, 3 onions of 1 cm in size will fit there. The bulbs should not stick together. Having finished planting, moderately water the soil, avoiding overwatering and rotting.

For better rooting of plant germination, the container with the planted flower is placed in a room with dark and cool conditions for 3 months. There the temperature is maintained within 3-8° C. After this, the planted plant must be placed in the light. Since the “Paper-like” daffodil and the “Ziva” variety do not require exposure to the cold, they are placed on the windowsill immediately after planting.

Bulbs are planted in accordance with the expected flowering period. In order to ensure the plant blooms before the winter period, they try to plant it in early autumn. For spring flowering, planting is carried out towards the end of autumn - beginning of winter. In order to more accurately determine the time of planting, you should familiarize yourself with the recommendations for this variety.

Plant care

Caring for daffodils growing at home as potted crops does not require much effort. You just have to take into account some recommendations, and beautiful daffodils will delight your household and all guests, for example, on Women's Day on March 8th. First of all, you should not place the container with the plant on the windowsill close to other flowers. The fact is that daffodils contain substances with toxic properties that can negatively affect the fragile roots of plants that are difficult to care for.

Daffodils must be watered immediately after planting. During rooting of the plant, moderate watering is carried out once every 2 weeks. When the container with the daffodil is in the room on the windowsill, more frequent watering depending on how dry the soil is. When watering, it is better not to use cold water and pour it into the tray. During the flowering period, water the plant more often, at the end of the period - less often. Stop watering the daffodil when the leaves turn yellow.

For better adaptation to home conditions, which consists in rooting and flowering of the plant, daffodils require feeding with nitrogen-potassium fertilizers. Initially, feeding is done when sprouts form, then when buds appear, once every 2 weeks. During flowering, the plant does not need to be fertilized. It is important to remember that when the flowers appear, the daffodil needs cooler temperatures. temperature conditions(10-12°C) to increase the flowering period, which will last up to 3 weeks.

Caring for daffodils after the flowering period

Plants require some care after flowering time. Dried flowers are cut off. The other parts of the daffodils are allowed to dry completely. For 10 days, the plant is watered moderately and fertilized. When the narcissus leaves completely wither, they are carefully removed with a knife (scissors). The container with the plant bulbs in it is taken to a room with a cooler climate.

The bulbs can also be placed in a small cloth bag or paper package, freeing them from the soil; place it somewhere cool and dark, for example in the refrigerator. Daffodil bulbs affected by rot or other disease are thrown away. At home, flowers from the same bulb are grown no more than 3 times. It should be taken into account that every year with such forcing, flowering will not be so abundant every year, and the size of the flowers will decrease. Typically, such bulbs are transferred to garden plots at the beginning of summer.

What do indoor daffodils suffer from?

Most often, home daffodils suffer from fungal infections. This happens if you overwater the plant or store the planting bulbs in a very warm place in the room. To prevent such a disease, they are treated with fungicidal preparations before planting. Also pests normal development daffodils can become mites, bulbous species flies, tiny worms - nematodes.

In order to avoid the action of pests, the soil in the container with the plant is loosened, dry and withered leaves, treated with insecticides. In addition to the listed measures to prevent narcissus diseases, you need to follow the main rules for caring for the plant:

  • watering should not be very large;
  • Planting materials (bulbs) should not be stored at temperatures exceeding 10°C.

So, growing daffodils at home is quite possible. Forcing plants does not require special care, time or money. You just need to follow some rules when planting and caring, and beautiful daffodils will decorate your apartment and become a wonderful gift, grown with your own hands.

The narcissus flower is the most bright representative angiosperms of the Amaryllis family. Belongs to early spring crops. Produces inflorescences with a strong intoxicating aroma. There are more than sixty plant species. The culture is widespread in Southern Europe, most Mediterranean countries and Asia. About 25 subspecies of narcissus are used for growing at home. Most representatives of the plant are bred by breeders. Various parts of the narcissus are used in the perfume and pharmaceutical industries. Translated from Greek, the name “narcissus” means “intoxicating”. A persistent odor can cause migraines.

Amazing spring narcissus blooming.

Drop off location

It is necessary to choose a well-lit area on the site. The culture can maintain decorativeness in semi-shaded conditions. Protection from drafts and strong gusts of wind should be provided. A strong air flow can destroy abundant large inflorescences.

Soil moistening

Flower prefers wet soil. As soon as the snow thaws and the first shoots appear, it is necessary to generously water the soil at the base of the flower.

The bulbs may become covered soft spots and rot from overwatering. Before planting, it is necessary to provide soil drainage.

During the flowering period, the crop needs regular moisture. It is not advisable to allow the earthen clod to dry out. Lack of fluid causes the buds to wither at the formation stage.

For rapid development, daffodils need to provide evenly moist soil.

Culture transplantation

After flowering, you need to choose a place for planting. Optimal time for replanting - in June, after yellow areas appear on the leaves and shoots.

The crop can remain decorative in one area for no more than 6 years. Mature bulbs can be replanted every 3-4 years. During this time, several full-fledged children are formed on the tubers.

The extracted bulbs must be thoroughly cleaned of soil residues. You need to carefully examine the plant. Affected or rotten bulbs should be destroyed.

Large representatives of amaryllis need to be carefully rinsed under running water. running water. For disinfection, you need to prepare a strong solution of potassium permanganate. After the procedure, you can easily separate the tubers.

Trimming healthy roots may damage the crop. After separation, the cuttings must be dried and stored in a cool room without sunlight.

The air temperature should not exceed + 17 degrees. After two months, you need to move the daffodils into the ground. If the tubers are not planted in the fall, the planting material will lose moisture. After planting, you will need to water the crop for a month.

Daffodils in winter

If the bulbs remain in the soil during winter, the underground stems will need to be protected. The leaves should be allowed to dry out on their own. It is not recommended to cut off the above-ground parts of the plant. With the help of vegetative organs, the flower will be able to accumulate energy for the dormant period.

The planting site must be covered with a thick layer of mulch. Peat briquettes or dry weeds can be used as a protective layer.

"Tazetta" daffodils are a very sensitive member of the culture. IN winter period the plant may not withstand a sharp drop in temperature. Therefore, you should carefully insulate the area where the bulbs are planted.

In winter, the bulbs should be stored in a cool room.


There is no consensus on the need to remove leaves and shoots after the narcissus has flowered. On forums, flower growers recommend carefully removing yellowed parts of the plant.

As practice shows, premature cleaning reduces the frost resistance threshold of a crop.
Can choose Alternative option. The narcissus leaves must be “braided” into a pigtail. After completely dry Using a small garden rake, you can carefully remove the dried parts of the plant.

Narcissus on the plot

Daffodil flowers are one of the first to appear in the garden. Inflorescences bloom at the same time as crocuses, tulips and hyacinths. Grow unpretentious culture in open ground it is quite simple.

It is enough to choose the right zone for planting tubers. Daffodils develop well in lighted, loose and fertile soils. A week before planting, you need to prepare the flower garden. The soil in the flowerbed should be thoroughly loosened. You can add medium-grained sand and humus (calculating 10 liters per 1 square meter).

Fresh manure can kill daffodils. Therefore, using the component during planting or for fertilizer is strictly prohibited.

Excessive alkalinity levels can be corrected by adding dolomite flour. Increased acidity lowered with crushed charcoal.

When growing daffodils, it is necessary to take into account the rotation of crops. It is not advisable to plant a flower in an area after lilies, tulips and other bulbous plants. Perennial representatives of the flora - chrysanthemums, phlox and asters - also deplete the soil. You should choose a site with last year's cultivation of legumes or cereals. Perfect soil will do after cucumbers or peonies.


The planting period should be selected in accordance with climatic conditions region. It will take about a month for the daffodils to take root. The plant can be planted in early spring or late winter season. But for this you will need to first stimulate germination. The bulbs should be stored for 2 months on the freezer shelf of the refrigerator. Otherwise, the tubers may not take root.

Features of landing can be found in the video:

soil mixture

The ideal soil composition for growing at home can be prepared using:

  • alumina (turf soil);
  • compost;
  • peat;
  • medium-grained, clean, river sand;
  • chalk.

For propagation, you can purchase ready-made soil. It must be taken into account that the optimal pH level is 6.5.

Soil with a suitable acidity level can be prepared at home.


On open area You can add nitroammophoska, bird droppings (granulated, soluble), ash and bone meal to the soil. It is advisable to use fertilizer while loosening the soil.

Subsequent fertilizing should be applied as needed. Weakened soil can be fertilized in the spring after the first shoots appear. ammonium nitrate. The high content of potassium and phosphorus in fertilizers will help to activate flowering and the formation of bulbs.

Fresh manure is harmful to daffodils. Organic fertilizer may be a breeding source for the onion hoverfly. The pest will destroy the plant.

Growing daffodil in a container

Caring for a plant indoors is not difficult. The plant feels comfortable on darkened windows. To accelerate the development of buds, you can place the container on a lighted windowsill.

It is necessary to fertilize the soil at the stage of bud production and after the inflorescences wither. To extend the flowering period to three weeks, it is advisable to move the flowerpot to the loggia or balcony.

Unlike most house plants, the crop should be watered directly into the tray. It is advisable to use settled water at room temperature.

At the stage of wilting of inflorescences, it is necessary to reduce the frequency of watering. When all the leaves turn yellow, you can stop moistening the soil.

The plant is very difficult to tolerate excessively dry air. Avoid close proximity to heating devices. You can spray water next to the flowerpot or purchase a device for artificial humidification.

Daffodils can bloom profusely in containers.

Classic Narcissist Problems

Failure to comply with the storage conditions of the bulbs, late extraction or insufficient processing can cause the appearance of fusarium rot. Distinct brown markings appear on the tubers.

At the initial stage, you can save the planting material using a fungicide solution. A badly damaged tuber must be disposed of.

Excessive use of organic matter causes sclerotial rot. Affected daffodils must be burned. Extreme cold and excessive humidity can cause gray rot in different parts of the plant.

Nematodes pose a particular danger to daffodils. There are two subspecies of pests that attack narcissus tubers and stems. The plant cannot be cured. The culture must be destroyed.

As a preventative measure, it is necessary to carry out heat treatment planting material. Before planting, the soil must be disinfected with copper sulfate.

The narcissus fly damages stems and leaves. To combat larvae, the insecticide “Intavir-S” should be used. Peat can be used as a protective cover.

It is quite easy to take advantage of the natural “patrons” of narcissists. Planting the crop next to nasturtiums, marigolds or marigolds will repel pests.

Narcissist influence

It has been scientifically proven that flowers with a pronounced pungent aroma can cause severe allergic reactions. The main signs of intolerance to the smell of daffodils:

  • the appearance of itching;
  • frequent sneezing;
  • liquid discharge from the nasopharynx.

The plant contains poisonous substance called "narcissin alkaloid". Accidental consumption of any part of the flower may cause poisoning.

A poisonous plant can cause allergic reaction and poisoning.

Reproduction technique

Bulb division

It is necessary to sort out the largest, healthiest tubers. Each onion should be divided into 5 equal segments. The top and bottom of the tuber should remain on each division.
For planting, you can choose one of the options:

  1. Treat parts of the onion with a solution of potassium permanganate. To stimulate growth, phytohormones can be used to stimulate growth. Then the planting material should be planted in a prepared container with soil. The substrate must be disinfected.
  2. For 1.5 months, the separated sections must be stored in a room with a temperature not lower than + 21 degrees. Next, you should move the slices to a cool room. The temperature should remain between +10 and +12 degrees. The resulting bulbs can be planted in September. In winter, the area should be insulated with thick protective layer mulch.
  3. Parts of the tubers must be placed in an organic stimulator for the development of the auxin group. For the next two months, planting material should be stored in the refrigerator. In the fall, you can plant bulbs on the site.

Separated daffodils will bloom their first buds in two years.

Daffodils can be propagated by dividing the bulbs.

Narcissus from seeds

The method is rarely used for growing on site or indoors. The method is popular for breeding new breeding hybrids. For cultivation, you must select only freshly harvested, wet seeds. A characteristic protein coating should remain on the surface of the planting material.

It is not recommended to sow seeds deep into the ground. Surface seed dispersal can be used. Direct cultivation in a flower bed often does not produce results. It is advisable to place the seeds in a container with agricultural vermiculite.

The optimal temperature for germination is about + 22 degrees. Within two years, seedlings must be grown in a container. Then you can plant the crop in large capacity or move the formed bulbs into the ground. The first buds will appear only after 5 years.

Why doesn't the plant bloom?

There are several reasons for disruption of the process of inflorescence formation:

How to choose planting material

The average cost of a package of seeds is 84 rubles. Garden nurseries sell terry narcissus bulbs “Delnasho” at a price of 34.30 rubles per piece.

Before purchasing, you need to find out the harvest date, storage conditions for planting material, and inspect the condition of the bulbs. It is not recommended to purchase tubers in early spring. Bulbs with sprouts are a sign of low-quality planting material.