What does destructive mean? Destructive person, destructive conflict, destructive interpersonal interaction. Destructive religious movements: signs and danger

What does destructive mean?  Destructive person, destructive conflict, destructive interpersonal interaction.  Destructive religious movements: signs and danger
What does destructive mean? Destructive person, destructive conflict, destructive interpersonal interaction. Destructive religious movements: signs and danger

The term has the same root as structure; the prefix "de" means destruction or negation. The word "destructive" has a negative connotation and means nothing more than destructive. A synonym for destructiveness, as mentioned above, is destructiveness. Decay structural connections, dependencies and the like - that's what destructive means.

Destructive conflict

A destructive conflict is usually understood as a clash in which it is problematic to achieve the goals of each of the parties to the conflict in any other way than by infringing on the interests of the other. This means that the intentions of opponents are intertwined, preventing the interests of each of them from being satisfied.

Destructive person

We can talk about destructiveness as a quality of personality. The question arises: what does a destructive person mean? Is this destructiveness detrimental to the owner of this trait or to those around him?

Psychologists give the following definition for destructiveness: characteristic of man. This is the inability to create a base that ensures further productive work. Destructiveness can be directed both inward and outward. Moreover, as in general definition, it means the destruction of functional connections.

Many that can be called negative are destructive (for example, greed, cunning, cynicism and bias) because they somehow lead to destruction. But most of all, destructiveness is associated with greed, which means that a destructive person fully possesses this vice.

Greed as a champion of quick results

A destructive person has a corresponding approach to life. He wants everything at once. Such a person is so chasing results that he wastes them. As a result, efficiency is close to zero.

The antonym of destructiveness is constructiveness, on the contrary, it involves gradual improvement and advancement.

The gap between theory and practice

In answer to the question about the destructiveness of human consciousness, what the word “destructive” means is a very small part of what needs to be said. A destructive person is not stupid - he knows the theory, but does not apply it in practice. The situation is similar to a purchased train ticket that the buyer never boards. A destructive person knows that he acts primarily to his own detriment. But he still continues to do it. Perhaps he even boasts of his destructiveness.

Destructive Interpersonal Interactions

Destructive interpersonal interaction is understood as such forms of contact in which one or each of the interlocutors is detrimentally influenced by the other. Examples: manipulative or authoritarian communication, silence in order to hide any information or as a so-called punishment.

Negative behavior of one or all participants in an interaction gives it a destructive character. They can manifest themselves intentionally or unconsciously. Motivated or unmotivated aggression, for example, can come from one interlocutor to another, either as a result of nervous strain, or from a desire to cause physical or moral harm to that person. Personality traits such as prejudice, hypocrisy and cynicism are also the basis of destructive interpersonal interactions, reminiscent, however, in contrast to open aggression rather a state "cold war". So, this process may take place in an implicit form while destructiveness continues to progress.

Some currents modern society, unfortunately, are often destructive in nature, causing harm to society or their own members (material, psychological or physical). Some of them are registered under the guise of religious associations, others conduct their activities unofficially, despite government prohibitions. They are usually known under the term “sect,” although their representatives categorically do not like this formulation. The term “sectarianism” has many definitions, but the general meaning is this: common name various “religious” groups, communities and associations that have separated from the dominant trends in Islam, Judaism, Christianity and are in opposition to them.

Sects are a fairly strong way of controlling people for the sake of their own selfish goals. For example, Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology, on the one hand, strived for power and even in his youth, thoughtfully, he often wrote down phrases on the pages of a notebook: “All people are my slaves,” “The whole world obeys me,” etc. He tried himself in different areas, he was unable to realize himself anywhere, he even tried to be a writer, and he is credited with a phrase that he repeatedly said in different circumstances: “Writing and getting paid a cent per word is ridiculous. If you want to become rich, you need to start your own religion.”

The sect was also a fascist instrument of enslavement. Pay attention to the extensive quotation by A. Hitler from the book by Henry Picker “From table conversations at the Fuhrer’s headquarters,” “Evening at the Wolfschanz” (April 11, 1942): “...Therefore, for the implementation of the rule of our Reich over the conquered peoples of the East, the highest principle should be: to meet their desire for individual freedom as widely as possible, to avoid any government organization and thereby keep representatives of these nationalities at the lowest possible level of culture. We must constantly proceed from the fact that the task of these peoples in relation to us, first of all, is this: to serve us economically. Therefore, our desire should be: by all means, to take from the occupied areas everything that can be taken from there. The formation of village communities must also be carried out in such a way that no commonality can arise between neighboring communities. In any case, we must prevent the establishment of single large churches for prayer purposes. It is in our interests that each village has its own sect, developing its own concept of God. Even if in this way a cult of sorcerers arises in individual villages, like, say, among blacks or Indians, we should only welcome this, because this will increase the number of destructive moments on Russian territory.”

How does a religious sect work and what danger does it pose to the individual, family and state?

Getting into a cult is not difficult: it all starts with an innocent conversation about life with a stranger on the street, at the door of your house or on the Internet. Often people come to a religious association during periods of their life crisis, whose members from the first day surround the newcomer with increased care and boundless brotherly love, which, of course, generates a certain trust.

Any doubts regarding the sect will be refuted from day one by a pre-thought-out and previously practiced series of evidence and beliefs. The appeal of newcomers to external critical sources of information about a given religious movement will be cut off at the root, in such a way that adherents develop a certain blockage, a fear of possible viewing of material that is not related to this organization. They are terribly afraid to look or read anything else - arguments, beliefs, views. Therefore, they practically do not visit libraries, do not watch TV, do not read newspapers, are not actively engaged in in social networks. As a result, a beginner will see only white, although there is also black and their halftones.

The sect uses various methods of controlling the consciousness and behavior of its members, including hypnosis and NLP (neurolinguistic programming), both in communication, sermons, and in its literature; creates psychological, physical and financial dependence on leaders and the organization itself; restricts the freedom to leave the sect, citing various threats, including quotes from scriptures taken out of context. Particular emphasis is placed on young people, who do not yet have a sufficient store of true religious knowledge and are most susceptible to indoctrination.

According to practicing psychologists, it happens that leaders put followers into hypnosis and do not bring them out of it. Thus, even if an adept has left the community, he is still under hypnosis, and it can be almost impossible to convince him without professional withdrawal from this state.

The sect systematically turns its members against the rest of the world (family, friends, colleagues, government officials, official clergy of traditional religions), ridiculing their sins, belittling their human dignity, reducing them to second-class citizens in comparison with them. As a result, it is recommended to limit close communication with them, interrupt personal relationships up to and including divorce, change your place of work, place of residence (including city, country) in favor of this association. Often members of the association are residents of other cities and countries, who end up living in separate religious settlements or several people in one rented apartment.

The sect is knocking patriotism out of the country's citizens various methods and false arguments: it is forbidden to sing the anthem and work in government agencies, serve in the army, defend the country when attacked by the enemy; recognition of God's authority without recognition state power; a ban on participation in city events, republican holidays of any kind, the permissibility of not complying with state laws, etc. This is how one’s state is built within a state.

The sect controls personal life, almost all its details are discussed. Permits or prohibits marriage in this moment, with whom to marry, to have children or not, how to spend married life.

Members of society who have sinned are arrogantly condemned general meeting and stop any communication even in the form of a simple greeting. Any relations with members who leave the society and have a different religious belief are also abruptly severed.

The leaders of religious movements place their main emphasis on disseminating their teachings as actively as possible among the population of the region in order to attract newcomers. Thus, sect members often change their work to something easier with maximum number hours of free time during the day, which is devoted to preaching on the streets, door to door, on the Internet, etc.

And, of course, one of the main points is the collection of voluntary or mandatory donations. So, for example, a former Scientologist from Kazakhstan for the nur.kz portal in May 2016, in a video interview, announced the amounts of contributions of Kazakh Scientologists to this association, which, as a rule, amount to over 100 thousand dollars and reach 1-3 million US dollars . Some religious movements convince that this money will go to the needs of society, to help the poor and oppressed in distant countries, to fight against oppressors invisible to anyone, in others - to atone for sins before God (however, they forget to explain: how money is sent to God, why does he need them and in what holy scripture this law was given). In general, they come up with a fairy tale that people can believe both with and without the use of hypnosis.

Various training centers, trainings are organized personal growth, children's camps; invite you to lessons in English, public speaking, etc. on a free basis, which attracts a lot of people. But free cheese, as a rule, only comes in a mousetrap.

Members of pseudo-religious movements are convinced that they are the ones on the path of truth and that only they will go to Heaven. Traditional religions are called incorrect, fictitious, “creatures of the devil.” Some currents imagine Paradise exactly the same as this life, with the ability to give birth to children. Therefore, in this life they have almost completely no interest in family and children.

This is how adherents form their own unique system life values and priorities, which in general does not benefit either themselves, their families, or the state.

What are destructive religious movements?

On April 4, 2018, representatives of the Department for Combating Terrorism and Extremism of the Department of Internal Affairs of the city of Almaty visited the UNESCO Associated School at KAU. The purpose of the visit was to conduct a preventive conversation with students on the topic of destructive religious movements in the Republic of Kazakhstan and Almaty in particular. Representatives of the Department for Combating Terrorism and Extremism gave full description destructive religious movements, described methods of influencing citizens and methods of fighting at the legislative level with various kinds of religious movements and sects. Since modern religious situation in Kazakhstan is characterized by a weakening influence of traditional religions in society; recently there has been a deliberate penetration of non-traditional Islamic and Protestant religious associations into the territory of Kazakhstan, as well as new cults that are destructive in nature. The activities of most of these associations, which proclaim their goals to be the complete “Islamization” or “evangelization” of Kazakhstan, are coordinated and financed by foreign centers. The scale of activity of destructive religious associations has recently increased.
It is no coincidence that short term in Kazakhstan, numerous non-traditional for our people appeared Protestant churches new wave. There are more than 500 of them in the republic. The largest churches, which account for more than 70% of believers, are located in major cities countries such as Almaty, Karaganda, Shymkent. Their main republican and regional departments, coordination centers, and interfaith missions are also concentrated there. Particularly indicative is the process of increasing influence among Kazakhstani youth of various destructive para- and pseudo-religious organizations - sects and cults. The danger of this process lies primarily in the fact that for young people the spiritual sphere of life is becoming increasingly value orientation regulating social behavior, psychology of communication, philosophy of attitude to life.

Representatives of the Department for Combating Terrorism and Extremism provided complete and reliable information on the current largest religious movements of a destructive nature, among them I would like to note:

Church of Scientology - The main dogma of the religious organization "Church of Scientology", known in the world as the "Center of Dianetics", is the doom of the world to destruction and there is only one chance for salvation - the study of Dianetics (the pseudoscience of human thinking);

Jehovah's Witnesses are currently one of the largest denominations in the republic. The source of their faith is the Bible, but in their own, new translation, as well as the writings of Brooklyn Center leaders and colorful magazines. Jehovah's Witnesses pay great attention to the dissemination of religious propaganda literature. Currently, their Watchtower literature is published in more than 160 languages ​​with a circulation of over 37 million copies, and their Awake magazine is published in 81 languages ​​with a circulation of approximately 34 million copies. Members of the Jehovah's Witnesses organization are doing a lot of work to attract new people to the sect.
The main goal of the RO “Grace” is the evangelization of Kazakhstan by actively attracting, under the guise of salvation, into the ranks of adherents and creating new open and closed cells. The religious movement actively uses methods of hypnotic influence on people's consciousness during religious rituals.

Radical Islamic association “Hizb-ut-Tahrir” - The ideology of the party is the construction of a caliphate on the territory of the Central Asian states.
Wahhabism (used only by opponents of this movement (its supporters call themselves Salafis). Wahhabis consider their main task to be the struggle to cleanse Islam of various alien impurities based on the cultural, ethnic or some other characteristics of certain Muslim peoples.

Students became familiar with the main features of the activities of destructive religious movements:
. preaching a religious teaching that differs from traditional religion and teachings professed by members of other sects;
. harsh criticism of other religions and the promise of “divine punishment” for their followers;
. the presence of a charismatic leader who is a preacher and chief administrator of a destructive/religious organization;
. the existence of a circle of people especially close to the leader of a destructive religious organization and occupying leadership positions in it;
. active missionary activity, including conversations on the streets, distribution of leaflets, broadcasting programs in the media;
. holding public events in order to attract potential believers;
. increased attention to minors caught up in a destructive religious organization;
. environment of care;
. fragmentation of a destructive religious organization into groups according to areas;
. use of psychotechnics;
. conducting special religious training for new members of the organization;
. attracting members with unbalanced psyches and physical disabilities for public demonstration of pseudo-religious “miracles”;
. change physical appearance members, endowing them with religious names and clergy titles, requiring them to wear religious clothing and accessories;
. maintaining strict religious discipline;
. charity and care, to involve socially disadvantaged people in the organization;
. demands for donating money, so-called. "tithes";
. frequent and free distribution of literature
. application modern methods conducting religious meetings to attract young people;
. requirement free work at enterprises organizing, collecting alms and selling religious literature;
. increased attention to education issues, establishment of our own educational centers
. free transfer of literature to libraries, cultural and educational institutions;
. the organization has special units to carry out propaganda, security and other tasks;
. the creation of children's and youth institutions, rehabilitation centers, summer associations and camps, with the aim of recruiting believers.

Summing up, employees of the Department for Combating Terrorism and Extremism noted the fact that in last years In Kazakhstan, there is a noticeable increase in the number of non-traditional religious and mystical movements, sects and cults. In fact, our country is home to adherents of almost all known traditional and non-traditional religious, near-religious, pseudo-religious and religious-mystical movements, including totalitarian and destructive sects and cults. Today, it is obvious that the roots of many important social and political problems The vital activities of society lie in the sphere of spirituality, when disagreements between people arising from differences in their spiritual worldview are superimposed on political, national, economic and social contradictions.

History teacher
schools at KAU
Raisov D.R.

G. Bazarbaeva
Senior Researcher
Department of Christianity and Non-Traditional Studies
for Kazakhstan religious movements NIAC ISS RK

Religion has always occupied and occupies an important place in human life and in the history of world civilizations. However, the development of world and traditional religions is accompanied by the emergence of churches, missions, and non-traditional religious organizations.

Missionaries and preachers of the latter carry out active agitation and propaganda work to attract people to religious organizations of a destructive direction. Destructiveness is one of those factors that destabilizes the life of society and undermines the sustainability of state development. Many countries have passed laws prohibiting the activities of organizations that cause harm to mental and physical health citizens who destroy moral values.
In Kazakhstan, there is not a single religious organization legally recognized as a destructive cult. However, this is no reason to calm down. Some religious associations have individual signs of destructiveness, most of them use methods of influence such as control over the lives of adherents, information control.
Destructive currents of non-traditional religions pose a certain danger to society; their activities lead to negative consequences both spiritually and physically and materially.
To attract and retain people in the organization, cults typically use methods psychological influence: control over behavior, subordination of consciousness, information control. The method of subjugating consciousness, a hidden influence on the psyche, can be more dangerous than overt physical violence; at this time, a gradual and imperceptible destruction of the personality occurs, turning it into a fanatic or zombie.
Cults often impose rigid lifestyles on their members to control their behavior. This is the method of behavior control. When participants are not engaged in studying movement doctrine or cult rituals, they are usually given specific goals that limit their free time- anything to keep them busy all the time. In a destructive cult there is always ritual work that needs to be done.
Many cults have serious restrictions on the variety and volume of food; some movements practice complete abstinence from food and water for a day or more. Inadequate nutrition is disguised as a special diet to improve health or achieve spiritual perfection.
It is known that “hunger is one of the powerful factors that exerts its effect on the psyche and all behavior of a person...” As a result, the development of obedience and dependence in the adept is observed.
Slowly and gradually, destructive cults strive to completely isolate a person from society. By putting pressure on the individual, they are forced to renounce all contacts and relationships that could interfere with their stay in the cult.
Thus, the goal of cults is to create a dependent personality type. The consequence of this is that the people closest to the person (personally significant persons) are replaced with new “spiritual sisters and brothers.”
Together with the method of behavior control, the method of information control is closely intertwined. Applying this method, destructive cults limit watching television, reading newspapers, radio, because human consciousness actually cannot function normally without specifically directed information. This method eliminates the possibility critical thinking cult followers, which prevents people from judging own life or group actions.
By controlling thinking, a destructive cult not only controls a person’s behavior, but also shapes his personal qualities in accordance with the interests of the group, creating a new “cult personality.”
Thinking disorders in the cult are supported nearby special technicians(singing, humming, saying prayers and mantras, monotonous chanting). Continuous concentration of attention and consciousness on one action reduces the degree of influence of traces of past mental activity, memory abilities are sharply limited.
Such organizations also use cult language with a special vocabulary (for example, artificial words and phrases); introduction foreign language into talking and singing.
This results in converts feeling initiated into an exclusive language, lexicon and new knowledge. They begin to feel more comfortable communicating with other members of the movement, and eventually, once this language becomes part of them
everyday speech, they may have difficulty communicating with people outside the movement who may not always understand this.
Non-traditional religious associations try to win over people as much as possible and make them more receptive to the methods that operate within the organization. They generate certain feelings in believers and support the emotional life of people in a certain familiar direction. Obedience and good performance are rewarded with public praise, gifts or promotion, while disobedience and poor performance are reprimanded and punished. A person is constantly told that he is not living up to his potential, that he is not working hard enough to achieve the ideal set by the cult, that his family is the source of sin, that his whole life is connected with sin - all his attachments, thoughts, feelings, and actions are sinful.
Destructive cults, using methods of influence, seek to make a person feel that if there are any problems, then it is always his fault, and not the leader or group, excessive exploitation of feelings of guilt, instilling fears associated with leaving the group or with doubts about the authority of the leader.
It is not difficult to get into such an organization, but it is much more difficult to leave it. A person's personality is exposed full shift systems of views and values, life is subject to the rules of a destructive organization. Cult leaders try to subjugate a person by all means, including illegal ones. The possibility of leaving a destructive cult is usually guaranteed only in words. In conclusion, I would like to note, firstly, the most best protection from cults - awareness and understanding of what a cult is, what its hidden goals and methods are. Secondly, ignorance and misunderstanding of one’s spiritual tradition, religious ignorance, essentially deprive a person of freedom of choice. Only one can be free conscious choice and this choice depends only on us.
These are the main methods of influencing a person and recruiting him into destructive cults. All citizens, especially young people, need to be careful and notice manipulation. Some people think that if they are poor and have nothing to take from them, then they will not be recruited. This is a misconception, because can use your energy and enthusiasm. Therefore, you need to be vigilant and always be aware of your actions.

How can more beginners, techniques and methods have a huge and effective impact on the human psyche. The longer a beginner is under the influence of these techniques, the more difficult it is to help him return to past life, in which there is often loneliness, life difficulties, existential problems- loss of meaning in life, lack of love and freedom, low level responsibility.

It is important to be attentive to your loved ones, friends, colleagues and respond to the slightest changes in a person. What to pay attention to:

1 . Interests have changed. A person is less interested in family affairs, has become indifferent to communicating with friends, has lost interest in work, study, and usual entertainment and hobbies.

2. Behavior has changed. A person reacts inappropriately or aggressively to everyday, familiar things, and shows marked indifference to everything. Became more withdrawn, secretive, more stingy with emotions or, on the contrary, overly emotional, exalted, enthusiastic, ready to make sacrifices for the sake of a new business.

3. Speech has changed. You may find that he uses characteristic expressions, words, and terms that are new to him. When proving something, he often cites strange, unusual quotes as examples. The very manner of speaking can give the impression of a “broken record” due to repetitive, as if memorized speeches. The voice shows dullness and monotony.

4. Habits have changed. He adheres to an unusual diet for him and has changed his clothing style. He devotes a lot of time to reading books, and also diligently meditates or reads prayer texts.

5. Lifestyle has changed . Despite the fact that communication with friends and work colleagues is limited, there are a lot of phone calls, letters, and the number of meetings per week is increasing (all kinds of meetings, seminars, etc.). Travel within the country and abroad, not related to work, is possible.

6. Money spending has changed. There is an unjustified increase in cash costs and pocket expenses (for children). Please pay Special attention If he spends significant sums, he takes out loans from a bank, from relatives, from friends.

If you notice changes in at least one point, be vigilant; perhaps the first contact with a destructive group has already occurred; it is important to follow a number of rules of behavior with an adherent.

1. In relationships - keep in touch

Don't lose your head. A sober look at things will still be useful to you. Recognize a person’s right to make their choice, even if, in your opinion, it is wrong. It is important to show by your behavior that a loved one is dear to you, regardless of his beliefs, you accept him for who he is.

Don't judge his new beliefs. Be calm, positive, and open to dialogue. Do not under any circumstances attack, even humorously, either the group or its leader (teacher, guru, etc.). The most important thing is to maintain contact with the person and maintain a trusting relationship.

Ask questions in a friendly tone in order to understand the situation and obtain the necessary information. But do not interrogate with passion! Do not try to evaluate and judge the actions of the organization's leaders and the activities of the destructive group, from the point of view of common sense, do not try to prove who is right and who is wrong.

On the other hand, it should note obvious contradictions and unobtrusively point out them. At the same time, do not force a person who has fallen under the influence of a destructive group to explain these contradictions: this will only strengthen his connection with the group. Just listen and, without aggression, note inconsistencies, give examples drawn from your observations, from the press, from the Internet. Cast doubt on the infallibility of “teachers” and “teachings”. Water wears away stones!

Support his past interests and hobbies. Relive family and friendship memories. Involve friends and relatives who have authority over him and can influence him. Stimulate and expand your social circle outside the group - organize meetings, picnics, holidays. In a word, support everything related to life outside the group, but try to do it unobtrusively, without exerting pressure.

2. Gather information.

Collect information and create a dossier. Write down the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of persons associated with the activities of your loved one who has fallen under the influence of a sect. The information you have collected may be of invaluable help if you need to contact judicial, medical or law enforcement agencies when organizing a search for a missing relative;

Keep all information related to his group . These could be articles in the press, publications on Internet sites, notes, leaflets. Be careful: do not part with documents relating to your loved one as a member of this group, as well as documents indicating the activities of the destructive group itself.

Keep a diary of events related to the relationship between your child and the group;

Find out exactly what sect he belongs to. If you could not determine the type of destructive group, note the nature of his reading: books, brochures, and other literature. Determine what words, expressions, terms he uses in his speech (i.e., vocabulary). Find out the schedule of classes, services (prayer, meditation). Find out the names and nicknames of those who make up his new entourage. Using this information, a specialist will be able to guide your search and indicate the name and location of the destructive group.

It is important to study the teachings of this group, its characteristic vocabulary. This is what your loved one will refer to most often. This information is the bridge connecting you to him. They are necessary to maintain a dialogue; they will help you keep abreast of what is happening with him in the group.

Control your finances. Record the movement of money that directly or indirectly passes through your loved one;

3. Be careful.

Avoid financial support. Don't send money to your loved one. Of course, even for the sake of a payoff, do not send money to the group. Do not “give grist to their mill,” because without financial support no organization can exist. It is better to send a personal gift that cannot be given to the group or sold.

Don't let yourself be intimidated pressure, slander, threats or blackmail. Do not give in to his group’s attempts to charm you, to “tame” you - this will be done in order to neutralize you, “to remove roads”.

Don't let anyone make you feel guilty - this will deprive you of strength and energy, because right now you urgently need strength and common sense.

Don't make frontal attacks. You cannot demand that he immediately leave the group, or forbid him to read the literature of the sect, or rudely forbid him to communicate with sectarians - this can have the opposite effect: it will scare him away, force him to withdraw into himself and seek support in the group.

Don't count on common sense to prevail and the person, over time, will figure out “what’s what” himself. Even if he himself claims that he knows what he is doing. Even if he is educated and smart. No amount of intellectual immunity can save you here - there are known cases when academics fell for the bait. Some destructive groups use hypnotic techniques and induction into trance states; almost all destructive sects actively use manipulation of consciousness and effective psychotechniques. That's all, this allows the sectarians to “process” the victim and bring him to the necessary pseudological conclusions.

Don’t give up trying to get your loved one out of a destructive group , citing the fact that he is an adult and is responsible for himself. He alone cannot cope with massive pressure from the group: “love bombing”, intimidation, instilling feelings of guilt, financial and psychological dependence and other destructive methods.

4. Get other people to help you

Seek help from specialized organizations to help you in your efforts to bring your child or other loved one home. Consult a psychologist or psychotherapist. Develop a common strategy of behavior with them.

If one of the parents involves a minor child in a cult, act immediately - inform law enforcement agencies. Give them the dossier on the group and demand, if necessary, a search in the interests of the family.

But do not immediately trust the “specialists” who will offer you paid services, to cure the victim “of addiction” or protect his interests in court. First of all, you need to make sure that this is exactly the specialist he claims to be. There are often cases when these “specialists” are also members of the group. And this happens at any level: high-ranking officials, scientists, doctors, teachers, and lawyers become victims. Be carefull!

Alas... there are times when you have to act judicially or medically or through social security. Ask your doctor for your medical record the health status of your loved one before his admission to the destructive group.

Don't be alone with your problem. This misfortune can enter any home, regardless of religion, social status, regardless of gender, age, profession, education and level of intelligence. Look for families who are also affected by this problem, exchange information, experience, and operational information about the situation in the group.