What to do if there is an unpleasant odor in the bathhouse. The bathhouse smells like sewage: ways to solve the problem Installing a drain pipe

What to do if there is an unpleasant odor in the bathhouse.  The bathhouse smells like sewage: ways to solve the problem Installing a drain pipe
What to do if there is an unpleasant odor in the bathhouse. The bathhouse smells like sewage: ways to solve the problem Installing a drain pipe

Built a bathhouse. They already started using it last season. Steam room (6.5 m3) – like in a sauna: made of brick, with good insulation and finishing. I bought a Termofor “Compact” heater for the sauna. So, when we heat the stove, an unpleasant smell appears. While the stove is heating up, it intensifies. Moreover, it is so sharp and suffocating that it is simply frightening. At first I was guilty of saying that the bathhouse was new: if we use it, it will all disappear on its own over time. But no, I heated it 10 times, and everything was still the same. What to do?

Let’s try to understand offhand what can give such an effect, although it is difficult to “make the correct diagnosis” of a bathhouse in absentia. An odor may appear if chimney there is lubricant.

It is possible that this is the smell of the paint used on the stove. Theoretically, it should have been completely dry by now, but anything can happen. So, you can’t rule out paint either.

Maybe it's the rocks. Check out this version: remove the stones and heat the stove without them. If the smell disappears, then you should replace the stones and get better ones.

As for the choice of stones, you should generally be as careful as possible with them. If chosen incorrectly, they can poison the bathhouse owner. Take jadeite and basalt. Crimson quartzite is also suitable. But generally go around the gabro-diabase using the tenth road. It’s difficult to choose, but it’s not worth the risk. The probability that the stones are of high quality is 50/50.

Any building that requires the disposal of domestic wastewater requires a sewer system. And, of course, this includes the bathhouse. For its normal, uninterrupted functioning, it is necessary to think through a sewerage plan before construction begins. If the site has central sewerage, then the waste pipe from the bathhouse can be cut into general scheme and this will immediately resolve the issue. But not everyone has such amenities on their site. Then you have to think about where to put the wastewater from the bathhouse?

Many companies offer their services to solve this problem. But not everyone has the financial opportunity to take advantage of their offer. Therefore, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with in independent ways devices for a local cleaning system for a bathhouse.

Do-it-yourself sewer system for a bathhouse

Exist different kinds sewerage. To choose the most profitable option in terms of all its characteristics, you need to consider a number of conditions:

  • the peculiarity of the soil in the area where the bathhouse will be located;
  • How far does the soil freeze? winter period;
  • how intensively the bath is supposed to be used.

If on site sandy soil, then the best option would be to build drainage well. How to build it?

  1. A hole is dug next to the bathhouse. Its depth and the upper level of wastewater filling the pit must be greater than the freezing level of the soil. This is necessary to prevent wastewater from freezing.
  2. At the bottom of the hole you should lay a layer of clay, then small crushed stone, then a layer of earth and compact everything well. This is necessary so that wastewater does not enter the soil, but passes through this filter and is purified.
  3. Dig a trench from the well to the bathhouse. Its bottom should also be lined with clay. Moreover, the trench should be located with a slope from the bathhouse to the well so that wastewater can move freely into the pit.
  4. For safety reasons, the top of the well can be covered with a lid made from boards. The drainage well should be cleaned periodically to prevent wastewater from overflowing and entering the area.

When building a bathhouse on clay soil a pit should be built to collect and periodically clean it from sewage.

The pit is small hole located in the ground under the washing room. Having reached a certain level, the wastewater is discharged from the pit outside the site through a sewer drain pipe. The walls and bottom of the pit must be waterproofed using waterproof non-shrinking cements.

The drain pipe, as when installing a drainage well, should be located with a slope of 1-2 cm per linear meter from the pit to the drainage point. But this type of sewage system is not very practical. Since the pit is located directly under the floor, the smell of sewage will penetrate into the room.

This problem can be solved by constructing a water seal. To do this, the drain pipe is placed at a distance of 10-15 cm from the bottom of the pit. A plate is attached to it on top. In the space that is formed between the plate and the bottom, a water seal is formed, which does not allow unpleasant odors to penetrate outside.

You can also equip the pit with a siphon. Then the water accumulated in its bend will trap the smell of sewage. You can supplement this entire structure with ventilation hoods.

During construction large sauna and its frequent use, the sewage system should be more solid. A good solution here would be to build a septic tank. It can also be built from scrap materials. For example, two plastic barrels or polyethylene eurocubes.

Of course, installing a septic tank is the most labor-intensive process, but using it does not require cleaning the container from excess wastewater. To build a septic tank for a bathhouse, you need to dig a pit and install 2 plastic barrels and connect them together with an overflow pipe.

Place a sewer pipe into the first barrel through which wastewater will flow out of the bathhouse. Place a layer of crushed stone or gravel at the bottom of the container. This is a kind of filter in which excess fats and suspended matter will settle. After that, the cleaner wastewater will flow through the overflow pipe into the second barrel. Their defense will continue there. Gardeners use treated wastewater for irrigation.

When installing any of the above types of sewerage, you should also pay attention to the choice of waste pipe. So, cast iron pipes are too heavy and expensive. Steel ones tend to become rusty, so their use will be short-lived.

Most best optionplastic pipes. They are low cost, easy to install and will last for many years. The diameter of the pipes must be taken into account. The smaller it is, the greater the likelihood of blockage. After all, in washing department Together with wastewater, leaves and twigs from a broom, soap, threads from a washcloth and other objects can get into the sewer.

Taking into account all the features of building a bathhouse, including the installation of a sewerage system, it will bring a lot of benefits, health and Have a good mood. Enjoy Your Bath!

An unpleasant smell from the sewer in the bathroom, toilet or kitchen sometimes appears due to various reasons. Unfortunately, it is not possible to single out any one of them.
Often, only by checking and eliminating several possible odor sources can you achieve results.
Hydraulic seal as a cause of odor
A water seal or, simply, a siphon is a specially bent pipe or device filled with liquid, designed to separate two adjacent gas environments using this method, while preventing their mixing.
That is, siphons are precisely designed to prevent the penetration of unpleasant odors into the living space. And if nothing interferes with the water seal, then it copes with the task.
However, due to pressure differences in the sewerage system relative to the room, all the difficulties arise:

  • if the pressure in the system after the siphon exceeds atmospheric pressure, then the air from sewer system, sometimes almost imperceptibly - in the form of small bubbles, and sometimes with a large and loud splash, will penetrate the room along with an unpleasant odor;
  • if the wastewater moving through the pipe completely fills its cross-section, then the siphon will be emptied under the influence of rarefaction (vacuum), thereby establishing free access of gases from the sewer into the room.
How to get rid of the smell from the sewer in this case.
  • should be carried outlaying sewer pipes maximum (within reasonable limits) diameter, because what smaller area cross-section of the pipe, the higher the likelihood of it being blocked by drains and, accordingly, the occurrence of vacuum.
  • Deposits on the pipe walls and blockages should not be allowed, which usually leads to a decrease in the flow diameter of the pipe, and ultimately resulting in the situation described in paragraph one.
Sewage ventilation in a private house is represented by pipes that are connected to the sewer network and are needed to ensure an air flow for the constant pressure system and to ensure that household waste is removed silently. In the event that there is no ventilation, air rarefaction occurs at the moment when wastewater is drained.
Why is this happening? To understand this, you need to imagine how liquid is drained from a container with a hose that is inserted from above, for example, like in a car gas tank. In order for the liquid to flow, you need to make a suction from the hose and the gasoline flows out.

The same thing is observed both in autonomous and urban centralized sewers, when wastewater is drained. A plug forms in the sewer, which, moving down, thins the air. As a result, water is sucked from the siphons.

That is why ventilation is necessary to prevent the appearance of unpleasant odors. It is also worth noting the fact that if in the house local sewerage, then without ventilation it will not work at all.

Modern Russian baths are no longer the same hut on chicken legs with one room inside. On the contrary, it has now become fashionable to equip a whole bathhouse complex on your site - with a guest room, shower room and even a swimming pool. And the bathroom has long become something ordinary for a bathhouse. And more comfort - the sewage system in the bathhouse should be more advanced, and this time the hole under the foundation will no longer pass.

Construction of a drainage well for water drainage

If the bathhouse is designed for two or three people, and it is used infrequently, then you don’t have to spend money on an expensive system and don’t have to do anything super complicated - it will be enough to arrange a primitive outlet for water from the bathhouse and its discharge into the ground. To do this, a drainage well is made not far from the bathhouse - the depth that is necessary for a certain degree of freezing of the ground: for example, if this value is 70 cm, then the hole should be at least 1.5 meters. So, the order of work:

  • Step 1. 10 cm of clay is placed at the bottom, and the bathhouse around the foundation and a trench for water drainage are lined with it.
  • Step 2. Along the trench, the clay needs to be well leveled and given the appearance of a gutter with a slight slope towards the drain.
  • Step 3. Next, expanded clay, crushed stone or a mixture of gravel and sand is poured on top of the clay cushion - a layer of about half a meter. This is drainage.
  • Step 4. Earth is poured onto all this and compacted tightly.
  • Step 5. The drain pipe is insulated so as not to freeze in winter.

Such a sewage system in a bathhouse with your own hands is not bad, it is only important to remember that from time to time the gravel and sand will become clogged and will need to be cleaned.

By the way, if the soil is sandy, such a well can be replaced with a so-called horizontal drainage pad. This is a trench one meter deep, the same length and 30 cm wide. A 20 cm layer of crushed stone is placed on its bottom, and the top is covered with earth. This is the pillow where they will be displayed drain water. But if it's close groundwater, then you need to take some points into account. More details here:

Here is another fairly simple method for constructing a drainage well for a bathhouse: two meters from the steam room, six old car tires are buried in the ground - on top of each other. And the drain pipe just goes into the middle of the top side.

The diameter of the well is just right, and the tires will prevent the pit from collapsing. From above it all closes metal sheet and is covered with earth. Video example:

If you need something more serious, then you can already think about a septic tank or a deep cleaning station:

How to make a sewer system on “capricious” soil?

So, if the soil near the bathhouse does not allow water to pass through well, then it is better to equip a sewerage system with a pit to collect the runoff and its subsequent disposal. It is made from waterproof materials.

It is only important when arranging it to make a water seal so that unpleasant odors do not enter the bathhouse. To do this, the entrance of the drain pipe must be made at a height of 10-12 cm above the bottom; a plate is placed above the pipe, which is not fixed from below and a distance of 5-6 cm is left from the bottom of the pit to it.

As for sewer pipes, ordinary polyethylene pipes are quite suitable for a bathhouse - they are durable and inexpensive. Cast iron is also possible. But steel ones will quickly become unusable due to corrosion. Minimum diameter pipes - 50 mm, but better - 100 mm, especially if you plan to connect additional equipment.

If there is one nearby centralized system sewerage is excellent, it is always more profitable than the most well-thought-out sewerage system for a bathhouse with your own hands.

And finally, no matter how extensive the bathhouse sewer system is, there must be a well for its inspection and cleaning. It is called a viewing hole - it is a special pit with a concreted bottom and often brick walls. It is important to protect it in winter with a double lid so that the water does not accidentally freeze: ensure the inside heat-insulating material, and cover the outer one with earth.

What can cause an unpleasant odor?

Many bath attendants are also concerned about how to make a sewer for a bath without the slightest hint of smell? After all, it is precisely because of this that many people refuse basic convenience in the steam room...

An unpleasant odor where there is a sewer is not a rare occurrence. But it’s absolutely not necessary for a steam room - and therefore you can and should get rid of it. There may be several reasons:

  • Hydraulic valve

It is also called a siphon - it is a specially curved pipe or other device that is filled with liquid and designed to separate two adjacent gas media so that they do not mix. It is the hydraulic seal that is needed to prevent the unpleasant odor from penetrating inside the bathhouse. But he copes with his task only when nothing interferes with him. And this is what can happen: the pressure in the system itself, after the siphon, will slightly exceed atmospheric pressure - and from the sewer system air will come out in the form of small bubbles or with a loud splash. And the air is unpleasant. Either the drains that move through the pipe will completely fill its cross-section, then the siphon will empty under the influence of vacuum, thereby allowing gases from the sewer to enter the bathhouse.

How to prevent this? Initially, the sewage system for the bathhouse should be made of pipes of the maximum permissible diameter. The lower this indicator is, the higher the risk of blocking the drains and causing this vacuum. Further, it is important to prevent deposits on the walls and blockages, which lead to clogging of the bore diameter of the sewer pipe.

  • Ventilation

In a bathhouse, sewer ventilation is mandatory - these are pipes that are combined with the sewer system and provide air flow for constant pressure - so that domestic wastewater they left silently. But if there is no such ventilation or it is done incorrectly, when wastewater is drained from the bathhouse, air rarefaction will occur and an unpleasant odor will appear.

Not difficult, right?!

A well-planned bathhouse design not only increases the service life of the building, but also protects it from mold and pathogenic fungi, and also increases heat transfer heating installation. The main requirement of the bathhouse is to thoroughly drain the wastewater.

A properly designed structure using concrete and boards will eliminate odor and reduce the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

How to make a drain in a bathhouse with your own hands? Answer to this question you will find in our material.

How does the internal sewage system work?

Correct churn waste water in the bath can be done in several ways:

  • leaking;
  • not leaking.

In the first case, it is collected in a special department, where the waste liquid flows into sewer pipes. In the second option, during the construction process the building is made at a certain angle of inclination with additional gutters to drain dirty water.

A detailed diagram helps to avoid common mistakes when self-construction. It includes:

Preparing a trench for laying pipes. The depth of the grooves should not exceed 0.5 m. During the installation process, it is necessary to observe correct angle tilt To do this, each subsequent pipe is fixed 3 cm higher than the previous one.

The bottom of the trench is sprinkled with sand. The height of such a substrate should be 16 cm after compact compaction. During the installation process, it is important to maintain the angle of inclination.

Next, all the pipes are connected to each other and laid at the bottom of the pits. If the bathhouse will have a bathroom, then it is necessary to install an additional sewer riser. To do this, it is fixed to the wall surface with a special clamp.

For proper circulation of air masses in the toilet, it is necessary to install additional ventilation. This will reduce the lingering of unpleasant odors indoors.

After this, they move on to laying the flooring. During the sewer installation process, it is necessary to attach additional metal grates. They will prevent large debris from entering the drain hole.

Special water seals will help eliminate unpleasant odors. They are rubber pads that are fixed in the area of ​​the drain hole.

Basic parameters for choosing a sewer system for a bathhouse

How to drain a bathhouse? Before proceeding with the construction of an external sewage system, it is recommended to consider several main factors:

  • intensity of use of the bathhouse;
  • dimensions of the building;
  • the type of soil composition in the area where the premises will be located;
  • the level of soil freezing in winter;
  • connection to the central sewerage.

These factors are an integral part of initial stages bath design. For frequent use of the room, it is necessary to design complex system drainage of sewage water.

For this purpose, ground filtration is additionally carried out. In addition, it is enough to use a waste pit here. The waste will gradually be absorbed into the thickness of the soil cover.

If sandy soil predominates on the site, then for reliability use drainage rings. For clay soil, optimal solution there will be strengthening interior walls. As the pit fills with waste, it must be cleaned with special equipment.

Advantages and disadvantages of sewer drain devices

Today, there are a huge number of devices for arranging drainage sewer for a bath. They have both positive and negative sides. These include:

Drainage well. He is deep hole, the walls of which are filled with filtrate. For this, sand, small crushed stone, and pebbles are used.

The advantages of this method include: low cost of materials, ease of installation. The disadvantages include the labor-intensive process of replacing filtered masses with new ones.

Drain well. This large capacity for collecting sewer liquids in which waste from the bathhouse gradually accumulates. As it is filled, it is cleaned using special equipment or cars.

The advantages of such a system are: ease of installation and arrangement drain hole, low cost. TO negative qualities may include: frequent cleaning, inconvenient location of the drain well. As a rule, installation should be carried out at the lowest point of the site.

Pit. It is located under floor covering baths Drainage waste is collected in this pit and passes self-cleaning through a filtrate of fine fraction materials.

TO positive qualities systems include: low cost materials, easy installation. The disadvantages of such a structure are: low throughput, it can be used on sandy and sandy loam soils.

Ground filtration. This is a system that consists of a septic tank and several pipes. Purified water passes through them. The pipeline is laid at a certain angle, due to which all the liquid will drain on its own and be absorbed by the soil.

The advantages of such a system are considered to be: it can be used for the entire sewer network; with its help, the liquid is thoroughly cleaned of harmful impurities. A photo of a bathhouse drain shows the process of filtering sewage waste.

Photo of a drain in a bathhouse