What to do if the toilet is clogged with paper. Clogged toilet - what to do? We will learn how to independently eliminate the blockage in various ways. Ways to clean the toilet drain

What to do if the toilet is clogged with paper.  Clogged toilet - what to do?  We will learn how to independently eliminate the blockage in various ways.  Ways to clean the toilet drain
What to do if the toilet is clogged with paper. Clogged toilet - what to do? We will learn how to independently eliminate the blockage in various ways. Ways to clean the toilet drain

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Ways to effectively clean the toilet

We use the toilet every day, so no one is surprised by the fact that it can become clogged. If something like this happens, don't panic.

A blockage in the toilet can be eliminated in three ways: chemical means, using a plunger and using a plumbing cable.

The first step is to find out why the toilet is clogged.

There may be several reasons. A blockage can occur by accident (for example, toilet paper has fallen there or a freshener has fallen off) or as a result of deliberate actions (when various objects are constantly flushed into the toilet: diapers, vegetable peels, etc.). In no case should such things be thrown into the sewer, all residents of the house may suffer from such actions. General flooding may occur, then there will be little pleasant. In general, when the cause of the blockage is clarified, you can proceed to the second stage of action: decide how to clean the toilet. This can be done in various ways.

Materials that will be needed in order to clean the toilet:

  • plunger;
  • sewer cleaning chemicals
  • rubber gloves;
  • bucket;
  • protective glasses.

Cleaning the toilet with a plunger

Cleaning the toilet in this way is the easiest. All you need is a plunger, rubber gloves and goggles. Usually this method is used already when they notice that the water has become too slow to descend. It's easy, but you have to do it right. Then it will be much easier.

The plunger must be inserted into the drain hole so that the water completely covers the rubber tip. You need to pump out water with sharp, quick movements. Minor blockages are cleared very quickly, 10-15 pushes with a plunger are enough. It is not difficult to understand that the blockage has been cleared. If the water began to leave quickly, then this means that all efforts were not in vain.

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How to clean the toilet with chemicals

If the toilet is too clogged and the plunger does not help, then you can try to clean it with special liquids. These chemicals are available at any hardware store and are not too expensive. But they must be used very carefully. First, they are of two types: alkaline and acidic. Mixing them is strictly prohibited. You need to choose a cleaner depending on what the toilet is clogged with. If these are objects, soap, hair, toilet paper, then it is better to choose an acidic agent. Alkali is great for getting rid of oily blockages. Secondly, before using the product, you must carefully study the instructions on the bottle. You need to pour it only in the indicated amount. Thirdly, in no case should the product get on the skin, eyes, etc. Therefore, rubber gloves and goggles should always be worn when working. You can drain the water only when the time specified in the instructions has elapsed. If the water passes quietly, then this means that the blockage has been eliminated.

The toilet is clogged - what to do at home and how to clean it? A clogged toilet is like a natural disaster - it occurs suddenly, requires immediate action and turns the life of the household into a real nightmare. The vast majority of people immediately begin frantically digging through the phone book in search of the coveted telephone number of the ZhEK emergency service. But hopes for brave and fast plumbers begin to melt over time - utilities are not very in a hurry to help. In this regard, one has to think about independent measures to eliminate the blockage and resume the usual way of life, without going to the neighbors “out of need”.

First you need to figure out why there was such a blockage that could block the normal passage of sewage through the pipes and what to expect from this situation.

Why blockages occur

  • The most common cause is clogging the toilet with too much toilet paper and feminine hygiene products, or getting completely unexpected objects into it: rags, toys, etc.
  • Wrongly installed toilet. During installation, a certain angle of inclination of the toilet bowl to the riser must be maintained, as well as the optimal distance from the riser to the toilet.
  • Lack or valves that equalize the pressure in the pipe when draining.
  • Poor toilet design. It even happens, because now handicraft industries are a dime a dozen. Non-professionals may not know the ins and outs of making a properly functioning toilet.

The most common ways to clean the toilet

Hot water

If there are no special tools at home, the toilet is clogged - you don’t know what to do, you can try the option with hot water. You will need to bring about a bucket of water to a boil and immediately pour it into the toilet. It must be poured strictly at a right angle and quickly to build up pressure. If you see that the water is gradually starting to leave, you can add another bucket of water to enhance the effect. Small blockages are very well cleaned using this method.

Cleaning the toilet with hot water is the easiest way to deal with blockages.

Important: Even with such fairly simple manipulations, extreme care should be taken so as not to burn yourself.


Every housewife has soda and she helps us out in many situations. It will come in handy here too. You just need to pour half a standard pack directly into the toilet. Gradually, the blockage will dissolve under the influence of alkali.

Cleaning with chemicals

People have long been accustomed to using ready-made solutions in all areas of their lives, and manufacturers are successfully using this. Household chemical stores offer a fairly wide selection of specialized tools for cleaning pipes and toilets. They are presented in the form of liquids, gels, powders and granules. There may be disposable packages and large containers designed for several times. These tools perfectly cope with the problem, performing a number of other functions:

  • Disinfect the cleaned plumbing.
  • Eliminate unpleasant odors from sewer pipes.
  • Keep pipes clean.
  • They have a preventive effect.

The most common brands:

  • Tiret.
  • Mole.
  • Domestos.
  • Tofix.
  • Domol.
  • Mister Muscle.

Important: When using chemicals, you must strictly follow all the rules specified in the instructions so as not to inadvertently burn and damage the plumbing. Rubber gloves are a must.

People who are closely familiar with chemistry as a science know how to clean the toilet bowl at home using various acids: acetic, hydrochloric, formic or sulfuric. However, such aggressive solutions can damage old pipes in the house.

Mechanical cleaning methods

How to clean a clogged toilet without using chemicals? For this, mechanical cleaning methods are suitable, which imply the presence of certain devices.


This device is recommended for everyone who has a toilet. Its design is simple: a rubber hemisphere is fixed on a wooden or plastic handle. With simple and shallow blockages, the plunger copes with a bang. It happens like this:

  • The toilet should be filled with a little water so that it covers the rubber cup of the plunger.
  • The plunger is positioned so that the hemisphere completely covers the drain hole.
  • With a confident and strong movement, the plunger is pressed inward and returns to its original position.
  • These movements should be performed until the result is achieved.

The plunger seems to suck out parts of the blockage from the bowels of the toilet until it is completely removed.

Corrugation cleaning

If the toilet is attached to the riser using a corrugated pipe, then the question of what to do and how to eliminate the blockage in the toilet can be solved by simply cleaning it. The pipe can be easily removed and, if there is a kind of plug in it, remove debris. After cleaning, the corrugated pipe is put in place.

Rubber hose

It works like this:

  • One end of the hose is attached to a hot water faucet.
  • The other end goes down into the toilet as low as possible.
  • Hot water comes out with strong pressure.

This method is also good in combination with chemical cleaning.

Plastic bottle

When a blockage suddenly appears in the toilet - not everyone knows what to do and how to eliminate it, especially if you do not have the necessary experience. If special devices are not stocked on the farm, you can use the recommendation of craftsmen. Take an ordinary plastic bottle with a volume of 1.5-2 liters. Cut off the bottom, and twist the neck well. Insert the bottle into the drain hole with the cut down and follow the same movements as when working with a plunger.

Plumbing cable

Such a device is a rare guest in ordinary apartments, because it is considered a professional tool for plumbers. But if one, fortunately, is still present, then a sharp nozzle or a piece of thick wire (if necessary) must be fixed to one end of it. This design is immersed in the toilet until it stops and the handle is turned clockwise. The cable can even reach a very distant blockage, after which it is recommended to clean the system with one of the special tools or use hot water for this.

When to Call a Plumber

If you know perfectly well how to eliminate the blockage in the toilet on your own, but all the methods have already been tested, and the result has not been achieved, then you still have to wait for the plumber.

There is a situation in which a plumber needs to be called immediately. It is when water in the toilet continues to rise despite attempts to clear the blockage. So the riser is clogged below the level of your floor. When the upstairs neighbors continue to drain the water, the sewer will overflow the edges of the toilet bowl and end up in your apartment. Only specialists can solve such a problem, they know how to clear a blockage in the toilet bowl and riser.

If you are interested, we have an article on the site on this topic.

The standards for water pressure in the water supply are given in the material.

An overview of water filters can be found at this address. Nowadays, they are becoming more and more necessary.

Prevention and Precautions

Having figured out what to do if the toilet is clogged at home, you need to say what rules when handling plumbing should be followed in order to prevent unpleasant situations with a clogged toilet.

  • Never throw foreign objects into the toilet. If by chance you or a child dropped something there, you should try to remove the item immediately.
  • Do not throw food leftovers into the toilet, even liquid ones. Fats from food gradually accumulate on the inner bend of the toilet bowl and at one “perfect” moment can form a tight plug.
  • Children should be taught from infancy how to use the toilet and not allow them to throw toys down the toilet.
  • If the toilet is being renovated, it is advisable to carefully cover the toilet so that the remains of construction debris do not get into it.
  • To prevent blockages, you can periodically use tools specially designed for this. They will keep the pipes clean. When working, you must strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions.
  • Old, rusty pipes will be a constant cause of blockages, because debris accumulates faster on their loose inner surface. To protect your apartment from a sudden outpouring of sewage, you need to change the pipes to newer polymer ones.

Those people who have already experienced the horrors of a clogged toilet once, as a rule, take precautions more seriously and use the toilet strictly for its intended purpose.

For a long time, most of us have used bathrooms that provide comfort and convenience.

The only exceptions are the huts in the villages, which are equipped with a latrine located in the yard. Every owner of the toilet in his life faced such a terrible problem as a clogged toilet.

A clogged toilet is a very annoying and common problem. Like an evil nuisance happens at the most inopportune moment. In the event that this happened when there is no way to call specialists, you will have to do it yourself.

Types of blockages

All blockages can be subdivided according to the causes of their occurrence and, accordingly, the ways to eliminate them.

Toilet blockages are classified into the following types:

  1. Mechanical blockage- occurs during improper operation (dumping of hygiene items and other large items). Such exploitation leads to the cessation of water flow.
  2. Technological blockage- is formed if the sewer system is worn out or its design is incorrect (a huge number of bends, the use of pipes of various diameters)
  3. Operational blockage- is considered the most common type and appears in the process of using the toilet. Even if you follow all the known rules and properly operate the toilet, over time, such a blockage can still form. It is formed after the settling of fatty deposits on the walls of the pipes, to which various particles adhere.

Signs of blockage

There are a number of signs that help to recognize the appearance of a blockage in the sewer pipes:

  • the occurrence of an unpleasant and pungent odor in the toilet; described in this article.
  • the appearance of water in the bathroom, sink, as well as its slow drain;
  • the presence of various waste products in the toilet.

In the event that you begin to notice at least one of the listed signs, you must immediately clean it yourself.

But it also happens that the reason lies in the blockage of the riser, then it will be quite problematic to manage without the help of specialists.

Causes of clogged toilet

Before you decide on a way to eliminate blockage, you need to find out the cause of its occurrence.

The most common reasons are the following:

  • The blockage arose as a result of toilet paper, hygiene products, rags or toys getting into the toilet;
  • The blockage was formed due to improper installation of the toilet bowl, therefore, during installation, it is necessary to strictly follow the rules and perform the installation clearly at a certain angle;
  • Damage or absence of a fan pipe and valves, which is a necessary attribute for adjusting the pressure in the system;
  • Installing a toilet bowl of the wrong design. Such a problem is faced by those who, in order to save money, purchase cheap toilets from little-known companies.

How to eliminate blockage - primary measures, improvised means

To eliminate blockage and choose a method, it is necessary not only to determine the cause of its occurrence, but also the place of blockage.

Important! Do not forget that when checking the drain capacity, it is not recommended to use a drain tank, since the amount of water in it is large and can flood the toilet floor.

Ways to clean the toilet from blockage are divided into four groups:

  • Mechanical. Removal occurs using a solid object that can reach the cork and destroy the blockage. In order to break through the blockage in this way, in most cases a plunger is used, which is currently in almost every home.

Thanks to him, pressure is manipulated, as a result of which the blockage is destroyed and washed off with water. In the event that there is no plunger, you can use improvised means. For this, a regular plastic bottle is suitable.

It is required to cut off the neck from her and try, according to the principle of a plunger, to create pressure. In addition, you can try pouring preheated water into the toilet.

But this method is considered not very effective and can lead to unpleasant consequences, such as the occurrence of faience cracks. To prevent this, water is first poured in a small amount, and after the toilet warms up, the entire residue is poured out. It is also recommended to add soda to the water, which can improve the effect.

  • Chemical. In this case, chemical compositions are used, which should be used with extreme caution, and strictly following the attached instructions. The slightest deviation from the destruction of plumbing fixtures.
  • Deep mechanical way. The blockage is removed with a specialized plumbing cable, high-pressure apparatus or other sewer cleaning devices. The plumbing cable copes very well with various blockages, even the most difficult ones.

When using a rope, you need to do the following:

  1. Immerse the tip of the cable into the drain hole;
  2. While holding with your hand, immerse the cable as deep as possible;
  3. Rotate the handle to push the tip to the formed plug;
  4. Having reached the blockage, push it or pull out objects.

Important! In the event that it is required to give the cable an intense torque, but this cannot be done for a number of reasons, movements should be made clockwise without great effort. Otherwise, the cable may become unusable.

  • Technical. This option involves the complete removal of the toilet and its disassembly for cleaning. Sometimes this method results in the need to replace the hardware.

In some situations, it will not work to eliminate the blockage by the above methods, then you will have to intervene in the structure. To do this, disassemble the corrugated pipe and clean the toilet bowl.

Note! If the blockage is removed by technical means, it is required to notify the neighbors about this, since the neighboring sewage can cause you a lot of inconvenience.

  • Air. Not everyone probably knows that you can clean the toilet bowl by blowing air into the drain hole. You can do this at home using improvised means.

For this, a compressor or a vacuum cleaner is suitable. A tip should be held to the site of blockage, and applying pressure to remove the formed blockages. Specialists in this field now have specialized installations, using which they perform such procedures.

In the event that the clogging of the toilet bowl occurred with organic means, then chemical means, which are presented in a wide range in a given period of time, are well suited to eliminate them. These are various gels, powders and sprays.

The inexpensive ones are:

  • White- This is an alkaline solution that can remove blockages and clean the toilet. To do this, whiteness is poured into the toilet and left for about 4 hours, after which it is washed off with water.
  • Lemon acid- a powder that is poured into a toilet bowl previously cleaned of water and left for up to five hours.
  • Baking soda- just like citric acid is poured into a toilet bowl cleaned of water and left for thirty minutes.

Note! Everyone in the house, of course, there is a pack of soda and a bottle of vinegar that can deal with blockages. A pack of soda is poured into the drain and a bottle of vinegar is poured there. After 20 minutes, the toilet bowl is washed with boiling water.

In addition, any store now sells a variety of household chemicals to remove blockages.

These include:

  • Domestos:
  • Tiret;
  • Toilet duck;
  • Mole;
  • sterile;
  • Anti blockage.

Important! When using any chemical agent, you must not only strictly follow the instructions, but also use personal protective equipment and make sure that it does not get on the skin.

When purchasing chemicals, the following rules must be observed:

  • check that the product is intended for sewer pipes;
  • corresponded to deposits.

Many choose a remedy according to the rule that the more expensive it is, the better and more effective, but this is far from always the case. Sometimes low cost is not at all an indicator of poor quality.

There are situations in life when the blockage does not lend itself to any of the methods listed, then it is required to use radical methods. You will need to purchase a pneumatic plunger, which looks like a regular bicycle pump.

Using such a plunger, the main condition is its tight connection with the drain hole. At this point, you need to make sure that all drains in the system are blocked. At the time of creating a vacuum, the blockage will be removed from the pipe and chopped into small particles.

In addition, one of the radical ways can also be considered the call of specialists who can cope with any even complex blockage.

Clogging Prevention

In order to prevent clogging of the toilet, well, or to delay a similar problem, it is necessary to use it only for its intended purpose and to minimize the ingress of foreign objects into it.

  • In the event that something gets into your toilet bowl, it is best to remove everything superfluous from it immediately.
  • Many people prefer after washing floors pour dirty water into the toilet, it is absolutely not worth it, or it is recommended to use special filters that prevent debris from entering.
  • If there are small children in the house, then it is best to carefully ensure that they do not throw their toys into the toilet, and also try to explain to the child in as much detail as possible why this is not required. From an early age, it is required to teach the child how to use the toilet correctly and for its intended purpose.
  • Another condition to prevent clogging toilet is that you should never pour greasy water into it, as grease accumulates in the folds and over time forms a blockage that will be very difficult to remove.
  • Some housewives make one of the worst mistakes, leading to irreparable consequences. They throw their leftover food down the toilet. This applies not only to solid waste, but also to liquid treats.
  • If repairs are planned in the house or apartment, then to prevent the ingress of construction debris, it is best to carefully cover the toilet. It will also prevent dust from getting inside.
  • In case of blockage prevention in an apartment building all issues must be resolved without fail and preventive measures must be systematically carried out, which should be controlled not only by residents, but also by the management company.

Important! It is recommended to systematically use specialized means for the prevention of blockages. They are sold in all household stores. When purchasing such a product, you should check that “prevention” must be written on the label. It is necessary to use such a tool only strictly according to the attached instructions.

In addition to professional means for the prevention of blockages in the toilet, more accessible and inexpensive options are used, the components are available to almost any housewife. For example, soda, which is diluted with hot water and is poured into the toilet about once every two weeks.

Not always the cause of blockage is grease or the ingress of foreign objects, since sewer pipes wear out sooner or later, the resulting rust causes blockage. In this case, only a complete replacement of the sewer will help, otherwise the elimination of the blockage will be repeated systematically.

Despite the fact that, after reading this article, everyone got acquainted with the methods of eliminating any blockage, you should not bring your toilet to this. After all, it is much easier to prevent than to eliminate, so take care of your strength and nerves by using the toilet for its intended purpose, as well as taking the necessary preventive measures.

In a situation where the toilet is clogged, it is urgent to take some measures, since unpleasant odors almost instantly spread throughout the apartment or house. In addition, such an accident deprives you of the opportunity to use the toilet, which, to put it mildly, is not very comfortable.

What to do if you first encountered a similar problem and have no idea how you can solve it at home? You can, of course, call a plumber who can easily eliminate the reasons why the toilet is constantly clogged. But this possibility is far from always available, so we suggest using the methods described below to restore the normal operation of the plumbing fixture on our own.

Why is the toilet clogged

Very often, the problem arises due to the fact that you installed the device incorrectly, did not take into account the requirements that apply to its connection to the sewer network. Recall that it is necessary to make a slope of about 20 mm per meter of pipe - otherwise the risk of permanent blockages is excessively high. They can also occur for the following reasons:

  • complete disregard for the rules for using a plumbing fixture. Very often it is clogged with paper or cat litter, in the hope that all this will go down the pipe. Do not do this, as the consequences will be the most unpleasant. If there is a small child in the house, there is a high probability that some kind of toy “accidentally” got into the toilet;
  • manufacturer's errors in the calculation of the design. There is simply a huge selection of sanitary ware on the market today, and not all of this equipment meets the established standards. In this case, you will have to consult with professionals and choose a new toilet that fully meets them;
  • incorrect connection, often resulting in insufficient water pressure for a good flush.

All cleaning methods

So what to do if the toilet is still clogged? No matter for what reason this happened, there are only three ways to fix the problem:

  • try to destroy the resulting plug and move it through the pipe into the sewer system. A plumbing cable helps in this, but if this tool is not in your arsenal, you can take a chance - hold your breath well, put on rubber gloves and get to the blockage manually;
  • remove the plug. For this purpose, such a simple device as a plunger is used, which, with proper operation, is able to cope with any blockages;
  • use chemical reagents that corrode everything in its path. If you have plastic pipes, there is a high risk that they will also become a victim of some "Mole" or "Mr. Proper", so it is better to do without them. It is risky to make chemical attacks in those sewer systems that are built on the basis of modern biological treatment plants. The thing is that the reagents can easily destroy all the microorganisms that clean the drains, completely disable the system.

Traditional methods of dealing with blockages in the toilet

If the toilet is clogged, you can try to use folk methods to solve the problem. There are not many of them, but sometimes they are quite effective. The first is the use of a large amount of boiling water, which is poured into the toilet in one sharp movement. Hot water washes away plaque from the walls of the device, and can also quickly destroy the plug and restore the normal operation of the sewer network.

Another method involves the use of the same hot water with soda and salt. A solution of these substances corrodes dirt and removes it from the system, quickly eliminates even complex blockages.

If alternative methods do not help and you have to use the chemicals mentioned above, be sure to follow the following rules for their use:

  • carefully read the instructions for using the drug, calculate the dosage correctly so as not to harm the sewer system and not destroy beneficial bacteria;
  • some time after you poured the reagent into the toilet, rinse it with hot water - this will help increase the cleaning efficiency;
  • Be sure to use rubber gloves. Clog cleaners contain harsh chemicals, so it's important to protect your hands from exposure to them. Also, avoid getting the drug in the eyes and on open areas of the body.

A clogged toilet is a real problem that needs to be addressed immediately. Unfortunately, utilities in such cases are in no hurry to promptly come to the rescue, and therefore the residents of the house are forced to resolve the situation on their own. So, if the toilet is clogged, what to do in this case, what methods and means can help?


The easiest way to clean the toilet is to use a plunger. A plunger is a plumbing tool with a rubber cap and a wooden handle. How to clear a blockage in the toilet with this device? Very simple. It is only necessary to place the plunger tool in the toilet drain and move it up and down with sharp movements to release the blockage. However, it is important to remember that before working with the plunger, after installing it in the toilet drain, you must press the drain button, otherwise the actions performed are unlikely to be successful. You should also make sure that the plunger fits snugly against the walls of the toilet bowl - for this, the existing gaps must be filled with rags. But it should be noted that a plunger can only be effective for eliminating the simplest blockages, while radical methods should be used to eliminate denser plugs. So the toilet is clogged. What to do if the use of a plunger does not give any results?

Hot water

Hot water is a good helper in the fight against blockages in the toilet. It is necessary to heat a bucket of water almost to a boil and pour it into the toilet bowl, while creating a strong pressure. It is important to pour water at a right angle and as quickly as possible. If, after such a cleaning, the water gradually began to leave, it is recommended to pour another bucket of hot water into the toilet. Following these simple steps will help to effectively eliminate small blockages.

Baking soda

Surprisingly, ordinary baking soda, well known to every housewife, is also a wonderful tool for flushing sewers. If the toilet is clogged, then it is necessary to pour half a pack of this product into the drain. Active alkali, formed during the interaction of soda and water, will help to quickly correct the situation. You can enhance the effect if, in addition to soda, pour half a glass of vinegar into the toilet bowl, wait 10 minutes, and then rinse the drain hole with boiling water.


The creators of household chemicals have developed many tools to help eliminate plugs in the toilet. The toilet is clogged - what to do, what chemical agent to choose and how to use it correctly? It should be noted that, unlike domestic, imported "chemistry" for cleaning sewers has a less destructive effect on pipes, and therefore it is advisable to use it for plastic pipelines. Domestic funds are quite suitable for metal pipes. Well-established drugs such as Tiret, Domestos, "Tofix", "Mr. Muscle", which not only effectively eliminate blockages in the toilet, but also eliminate unpleasant odors. The most popular of domestic funds are "Mole", "Chimney sweep", "Ruff".

Features of the use of chemicals

What to do if the toilet is clogged, how to use household chemicals correctly? First of all, you must strictly follow the instructions and follow the safety rules.

  1. Pour (pour) the product into the toilet in the amount required for cleaning.
  2. Wait 10-20 minutes for it to complete its mission.
  3. Flush the water (for greater efficiency, it is recommended to pour a bucket of boiling water into the toilet).


It will help to eliminate the blockage formed in the toilet bowl and a special plumbing cable, which is a twisted steel wire, at one end of which there is a handle, and at the other - a tip. The toilet is clogged - what to do if the house does not have a similar design? In this case, you can try to make the simplest version of the cable yourself. To do this, you can take a piece of steel cord and on one side make a loop that will serve as a handle, and on the other - a knob (for this you can, for example, attach a nut).

Features of using a plumbing cable

The toilet is clogged, how to clean it with a cable? It is more convenient to work with this tool together. So, one person should push the cable deep into the pipe with reciprocating energetic movements, and his partner at this time should turn the wire. If a plug has formed in the toilet pipe, then after a while the cable will rest against the existing obstacle.

In this case, you need to use reciprocating movements to try to push the blockage or take it out. In this case, if it was not possible to achieve the desired result the first time, it is necessary to repeat the procedure. When performing such manipulations, it is important to ensure that the cable is in a taut state, since if it begins to twist inside the pipe, it will be impossible to continue cleaning. Moreover, in this case, there is a high probability of damage to the inner walls of the pipes.


Dorn is a steel springy tape with a tip. It, unlike the cable, cannot be rotated, but must be slowly pushed into the drain. Such work should be carried out carefully, in the absence of sudden movements. Otherwise, there is a chance that the mandrel will burst and part of the steel tape will get stuck in the drain, which will only aggravate the situation.

Manual cleaning method

Often, clogged toilets occur due to the ingress of household items (paper, towels) into it. If it is for this reason that the toilet is clogged, what to do in this case? If possible, it is necessary to remove all excess liquid from the plumbing unit, and then manually pull out the element that prevents the passage of water. Despite the fact that this procedure seems to be very simple, with such cleaning you need to be extremely careful, since it is possible that a hand may get stuck in the neck of the toilet.

call plumber

The toilet is clogged: what to do if none of these methods gave the expected result? In this case, you need to seek help from a specialist and call a plumber. It is possible that the blockage is not localized in the toilet, but in the riser. Such a situation can become a real disaster, since everything that the neighbors from above will flush down the toilet may soon end up on your floor.

Blockage Prevention

In order to prevent clogging of the toilet, you must follow certain recommendations.

If the toilet is clogged, what to do in this case, we now know well. The presented methods in the overwhelming majority of cases will effectively help to solve this such an unpleasant problem on their own. But still, it is better to follow preventive measures so as not to encounter blockages in the toilet.