How to paint steel rims of a car using stamping yourself. Painting stamped wheels? Easy with your own hands! How to make a border

How to paint steel rims of a car using stamping yourself.  Painting stamped wheels?  Easy with your own hands!  How to make a border
How to paint steel rims of a car using stamping yourself. Painting stamped wheels? Easy with your own hands! How to make a border

Searches for recommendations on how to paint stamped wheels yourself sometimes take owners of not very new cars with limited family budget. There is no interest in buying a new stamping - too soon it will be no different from the old one. For cast alloy wheels You still need to raise a lot of money, but driving used, rusting and bent ones is not only unpleasant, but also risky - you will forget about the condition of the rims, and you may end up without wheels at all.

Spending on painting at a service station is quite illogical and expensive: it’s a fairly simple matter, it doesn’t require much intelligence, and auto mechanics will charge you Painting works so much that, you see, it’s enough for one brand new alloy disk. So DIY painting stamping is a profitable and convenient option from all sides.

How to paint stamped wheels yourself: the instructions are detailed, clarifying all possible points and offering different options.


First, you need to carefully check the condition of the disc being painted. Agree, it will be extremely disappointing if it turns out that a disk that looks like a brand new one does not hold its geometry. That is, we go to the service station and roll stampings if they need it. Any small holes found (if the discs are in a disgusting condition) are welded. But it’s better not to let this happen, and not to restore a leaky disk at all (only if absolutely necessary).

That the wheels are removed from the car is not a question. Whether to remove the tires is up to everyone to decide for themselves. There are enthusiasts complete dismantling, however, most amateur car painters agree that this is unnecessary, unless you suspect rust under the slope - then the rubber will have to be removed without fail. If the ramp cannot be dismantled, it needs to be lowered a little to make it easier to work. The rubber is covered on all sides with polyethylene, its edges are hidden along the disk and secured with masking tape. You can completely cover it with pieces of masking tape.

Related article: " ".

Disc processing

First, it is naturally washed off road deposits and dried. Then all rust spots are cleaned off and smoothed out. welds. To speed up the process, either buy or borrow from neighbors in garages an electric drill with appropriate attachments. Hard-to-reach curves are sanded by hand, sandpaper. Periodically, it is necessary to wash off the resulting dust so that it does not cover untreated areas and subsequently does not get under the primer or paint. If somewhere the corrosion has eaten too deeply, you will have to resort to a corrosion converter.

After cleaning, making sure that nothing is missing anywhere, the disk is finally washed, dried (for speed, you can use a hair dryer, if you have somewhere to get it), and the disk is degreased - at least with the same unchanged . Chips, deep cracks and rust holes are smoothed out with putty. After it dries, the disc will have to be degreased again.

Direct painting

At the main stage there is a subtlety: you need to process both the front side and the one facing under the bottom. People approach the issue in different ways. Some completely finish the first side (prime, paint, dry), and only then move on to the second. Others first apply a primer on all sides, then start painting, again all sides. Decide for yourself what is more convenient for you. In any case, the untreated side is covered with film while waiting, so that you don’t have to wash it again afterwards. But it is better to degrease again before immediate action.

The fully prepared disc is primed. This is done in at least two layers, but it is better to use 3-4, with breaks between approaches to allow the previous application to dry. When the soil dries completely, you can sand the surface with the finest sandpaper so that it is perfectly smooth. However, this step is not required; many people skip it.

Next step– actual painting. Most suitable paint– acrylic. It is smoother, more economical and faster to apply it with a spray gun with an attached compressor, but you can also get by with spray cans. Acrylic is poisonous, so we follow the safety rules:

  • the room should be well ventilated, otherwise it is better to do the work outside, but in the absence strong wind and rain;
  • no drafts are required. Outside you will have to wait for calm weather or find a quiet corner where the wind does not blow;
  • face mask. Ideally, a respirator, but at least don’t neglect the mask.

The paint is applied from a spray can from a distance of 35-50 centimeters (at different manufacturers Requirements vary, so be sure to check the instructions). There should also be 2-3 layers. Check the drying time according to the same instructions, but keep in mind: firstly, in dampness and coolness it takes a little longer; secondly, each subsequent layer takes a little longer to dry. Those who want to shorten the wait can remember about a hair dryer.

One more clarification: It is necessary to spray quickly, with confident movements, so that unsightly drips do not form when the hand is kept in one position for a long time. Final drying may take several days, but certainly not less than one.

If desired, you can also coat the top of the disc with wheel varnish. This way the paint will be more resistant to abrasion and scratches, and the discs themselves will acquire a beautiful shine.

Don’t doubt your abilities, since painting stamped wheels yourself is not at all difficult. Proceed with confidence - in their processed form they will serve you for several more years.

Thinking about how to modify the appearance of your car with minimal costs In order to stand out quite strongly from your classmates, the thought often comes to mind - repaint the rims. After all, it is quite inexpensive, and the effect is quite strong and striking (although a lot depends on the chosen color). This will not require any changes to the documents, which is important.

You can paint your wheels by contacting a specialized workshop. However, with this approach, the budget immediately becomes less noticeable. Taking into account the relief of the part, as well as its dimensions, we can quite confidently say that painting stamped discs with your own hands is quite possible. Even if there is a minimum of equipment.

Moreover on our own can be done no worse than it would be done in a workshop - you just need to follow the technology, attentiveness and accuracy. When everything is done correctly, after a while the paint will not begin to “peel off”, which can be observed if the technology is violated.

How this happens in production

When producing discs, they are coated with a special enamel, which then hardens when high temperature in a special oven (where the parameters are strictly controlled). In a garage environment, repeating such a process is quite problematic, and there is no need - after all, the factory layer will already perform necessary functions protection.

In general there are various options painting stamped wheels. In workshops, as a rule, they repeat the factory cycle, or use powder coating with electrostatic spraying. However, this is also difficult in garage conditions. It is better to use the usual approach with a spray gun and ordinary (preferably acrylic) automotive enamel.

Simple options

It is best to use a spray gun and compressor to apply the coating. It’s good if you already have this equipment, or you can borrow it for a while. However, if it is not there, then purchasing it will be clearly more expensive than using the services of specialists.

But there is another option when specialized equipment is not required - paint in aerosol cans. True, some shades, when using this method, may turn out paler than when using classic version. However, this is almost invisible and may not be a significant factor.

You can also use standard paint, but use a swab instead of a sprayer. With some skill it will turn out no worse than using a spray bottle. True, it will take more time.

Let's get started

First of all, you need to get necessary tools and materials. Among them:

  • The paint itself (maybe with varnish), and what to apply it with;
  • Primer to match the paint;
  • Fine grit sandpaper.


There is a great temptation to paint the wheels without removing the rubber from them, or even without removing them from the car at all. But you shouldn’t be led by laziness - procedures to protect elements that do not need to be painted will take more time. Yes, and painting the inside of the wheels will be problematic. And this will already lead to ambiguous results - from a distance everything will look good, but up close...

The disk itself must be carefully inspected for damage. If there are cracks or other damage to the metal, it must be replaced. It is better to replace it, because repair will not restore the required strength to a safety-responsible product.

Then we inspect the disc for the presence of factory defects in the coating - if there are bubbles or unevenness, then they need to be smoothed out with medium-grain sandpaper. At the end of this procedure, matte the entire surface of the disc using sandpaper. This will allow the new paint to reliably adhere to the old coating.


This is the first procedure, which requires the use of a spray gun, spray can or tampon. Apply the first layer of primer, depending on the tool used, proceed as follows:

After applying the first layer, you need to let it dry or dry sufficiently. Afterwards we inspect the disk - if there are scratches from sandpaper is not visible and the surface is completely painted, then we proceed directly to painting. If there are defects, then repeat the priming, applying a second layer.

When finished, allow the soil layer to dry completely.


Before painting, if you use automotive paint for a spray gun, then dilute it to the required consistency. There is a certain scope here - it is best to practice on a test surface, which can be used as common leaf Whatman paper

Then we apply the first layer, proceeding in the same way as when priming. Then we let it dry and carefully inspect it for complete staining (good lighting is necessary). If there are unpainted areas left, then apply a second layer.

When the desired result is obtained, we either finish the work or varnish it. Varnishing is done in exactly the same way as painting, the main thing is to be careful and avoid smudges, because the varnish is transparent, which reduces the level of control.

Having completed all the procedures, we dry the discs according to the recommendations of the paint manufacturers. And only after that we install them back and enjoy the views of others.

Automotive stamped wheels lose their original appearance over time, and this has an impact on Negative influence on the overall appearance of the car. This is where the dilemma arises: paint it yourself or go to a service center. But service services are not always affordable, and you will have to spend a lot of time. So let's start painting it ourselves.

Tools and consumables

For work we will need:

How can you paint car stampings?

Almost no one remembers the times when the need to paint stamped wheels was an almost insurmountable problem. Today, in addition to traditional ones, there are the most suitable ones for painting wheels. different variants. You can do this using:

  1. Powder paints. They allow you to create reliable paintwork. The paint must be applied at a temperature not lower than 200°C. And for this you need to use a special thermal chamber.
  2. Liquid rubber. The demand for liquid rubber is constantly growing. Essentially, it is a mastic containing rubber, to which a certain dye has been added. The convenience of this option is that the liquid rubber can be removed at any time.
  3. Acrylic enamel. This option is the simplest, since the paint is in spray cans. It is with their help that stamped discs are most often painted. Due to the fact that the paint is applied in several layers to the prepared surface, the coating can retain its appearance for two or even three years.
  4. Alkyd-melamine paints. The advantage of this option is the availability large assortment colors. The paint is applied using a spray gun in several layers. The layers dry out very quickly. Distinctive features the surface painted by this method has a high level of resistance to impact atmospheric phenomena and excellent light fastness.

Preparatory stage

Some craftsmen claim that painting wheels can be done without removing the wheels from the car. However, you should not be led by laziness - after all, only after completely disassembling the wheel can you inspect and identify possible damage. And complete protection against corrosion is possible only in this case.

Don’t forget that up to 70% of the quality of the final result depends on how well the preparatory work was done. It is for this reason that we treat preparatory stage

must be done very responsibly.

Preparing stamped discs for DIY painting After removing the tire from it, the disk must be thoroughly washed. For this purpose, conventional detergents . If there are places with complex contamination, then they are used to clean them. chemicals

  1. . Next you need to take the following steps:
  2. Carry out a thorough inspection for damage. If deep cracks are detected, they are processed using a file. Detected dents are straightened.

If, as a result of the inspection, pockets of corrosion were found, they should be eliminated. For this purpose, grinding or chemical treatment can be used.

  1. It is advisable to dwell on the last point in more detail. In order for the fight against rust to be successful, it is necessary to prepare the following materials:
  2. A set of sandpaper from P60 to P120. The number of sandpaper used depends on the depth of damage to the metal surface.
  3. A rust converting chemical, plus some solvent.

A lot of rags.

Processing should begin with grinding work.


Applying a layer of primer is necessary to ensure that the paint applies evenly and has good adhesion to the surface being painted.

If this operation is not carried out, then the painting will not last more than six months. The primer is applied in two or three layers, each of which must dry well.

The surface of the last layer must be processed. For this, fine-grained sandpaper is used. This is necessary to improve the adhesion of the paintwork.

It is not recommended to use brushes to perform this operation - the structure of the structure being painted is very complex, and therefore it is unlikely to achieve a uniform coating. It is better to do this with a spray gun or an aerosol can. In this case, the distance from the spraying angle to the surface should be from 200 to 250 mm.

Painting stamps You can start painting only after the primer layer has completely dried. To ensure that the paint applies evenly, it is recommended to warm up the surface to be painted. construction hairdryer . For best quality you need to apply several layers of paint, and each of them needs certain time For.

completely dry

At the final stage, the painted surface is coated with varnish. It should also be applied in several layers - their number should not be less than two. The time required for the varnish to dry completely is usually indicated on its packaging.

The process of applying paint to stamped car wheels: video

At all stages, it is recommended to work in a respirator or any other protective mask. This will prevent mechanical and chemical elements from entering the lungs and nasal mucosa. Paint stamped wheels with my own hands

Thinking about how to improve the look of their car without spending a lot of money and making the car stand out, many motorists decide to paint their rims. After all, such a procedure produces a noticeable effect, which depends, first of all, on the chosen color. Another advantage of painting is that there is no need for official registration, as is the case when painting a body.

Painting steel wheels Suitable for any car, it can decorate both an expensive foreign car and an old domestic car. A wide range of colors will highlight the individuality of each car and its owner.

Service painting of stamped wheels

For this procedure, specialists use modern powder paints, which create a fairly smooth and durable coating. Wheels coated with powder paint become more resistant to sub-zero and positive temperatures, their paint does not fall off, and you can completely forget about fading. The powder coating will protect the wheels from corrosion, making scratches a thing of the past.

First, defects are removed by sandblasting, phosphating will protect the discs from rust, and several layers powder paint will make the wheels more durable.

IN service center distinguished by process reliability and high-quality results. Each client will be able to find the color that best suits the car.

Benefits of turning to specialists

At first glance, the coloring of stamped wheels seems quite simple process, many even believe that by doing it yourself, you can save money. But that's not true. After painting with your own hands, after a year or two the procedure will need to be repeated, and this additional expenses personal funds. Painting by professionals will be without defects, the wheels will highlight the design of the car. The result will last reliably for many years, so painting of stamped wheels, price, which you only have to pay once, is a better deal for car owners.

Good painting requires not only new equipment, but also reliable specialists who can reliably protect the disc from bad influences natural conditions. This paint job will last you for many years.

Prices for painting stamped wheels

Disc diameterLight-alloy cast and forged wheels without galvanic coating. Price per set (4 discs)Light-alloy cast and forged wheels with galvanic coating (chrome, etc.). Price per set (4 discs)Steel wheels. Price per set (4 discs)
Until 112820,00 3660,00 2160,00
11 3240,00 4180,00 2490,00
12 3700,00 4700,00 2860,00
13 4160,00 5220,00 3230,00
14 4750,00 5900,00 3700,00
15 5340,00 6600,00 4170,00
16 5760,00 6980,00 4510,00
17 6180,00 7550,00 4840,00
18 7100,00 8520,00 5180,00
19 7020,00 8490,00 5520,00
20 7440,00 8960,00 5850,00
21 7860,00 9430,00 6190,00
22 8490,00 10120,00 6690,00
23 9120,00 10800,00 7200,00
24 9750,00 11480,00 7700,00
25 10380,00 12160,00 8200,00
26 11120,00 12845,00 8800,00
More than 27negotiablenegotiablenegotiable

As Henry Ford said, 80% of a car's appearance is its wheels. There are both cast and stamped options. Naturally, the first ones look much better. But today we will talk about how to make steel wheels no worse than cast ones. For this we don't need special tools and a special room. Moreover, it can be produced in an ordinary garage. Well, let's look at how to do this.

Choosing paint

The final result will depend on the correct choice. There are several paint options:

  • Powder. As reviews note, they are the most durable. The composition is created on the basis of dry polymer material. Often, this technology for painting stamped wheels is used at the factory by the manufacturers themselves. This method is rarely used at home, as it requires a spray gun and special skills. The cost of the powder composition is the highest among others. Therefore, the question of its use on budget steel wheels remains open.
  • Acrylic. Widely distributed among car owners. Usually sold as aerosol cans. Possess high adhesion and can remain on the surface for more than a year. The cost of one can of acrylic paint on average ranges from 200 to 500 rubles.
  • Liquid rubber. This technology came to us from the USA. The method involves applying a rubber compound (not paint) to the surface of the disc. Why it’s remarkable this composition? Unlike powder and acrylic products, this coating can be removed at any time without damaging the previous, factory coat of paint. It looks like this:

However, the cost of a can of liquid rubber 2-3 times higher than acrylic. And the composition lies unevenly on the surface, forming streaks. Therefore, the most budget and practical option- This is a can of acrylic paint. You can choose any color - from banal black to pink or purple.

Tools and materials

Having decided on the paint, you should prepare the necessary set of tools and materials. For painting to be successful, we need:

  • Primer (if the surface is cleaned down to metal).
  • Sandpaper.
  • Rust converter (in advanced cases).
  • Degreaser.
  • Protective gloves.
  • A piece of clean rags.

As for specialized tools, this could be a drill with an abrasive attachment and a spray gun. The latter is expensive to use. In addition, working with it requires certain skills and experience. Spray paint is a great alternative to a spray gun. Moreover, if the operation is not performed in commercial volumes, once a year or even less often.


The ideal option is to break up the tires. But this requires additional expenditure of time and money. In addition, not every motorist has a set of spare wheels. Therefore, work is often carried out on site. But painting stamped rims on the car itself is not the right decision. This will cause a lot of leaks. In addition, paint pollen can get on the arches and other body elements.

After removing the wheels from the car, we clean them of the old paint. If you just need to change the color while the paintwork is completely intact, you can apply the composition without stripping. As practice shows, it adheres well to such a surface. But in this case, you shouldn’t apply primer - it simply won’t dry out. We perform priming only on bare metal. You can clean it either with a drill attachment or by hand, with a coarse-grained one. If there is rust, the area should be treated with a converter. Next, we degrease the surface. An anti-silicone product containing white spirit is suitable for this. The composition perfectly removes dirt, greasy deposits, as well as some acrylic paints.


If you want to paint the “stamps” quickly, without removing the rubber, you need to properly glue its sides. You can do this in several ways:

  • We trivially paste it over all the places where the presence of paint is undesirable.
  • With cards. We install them vertically in the groove between the sidewall of the tire and the disk shelf.

  • Large A3 paper (the thicker the better). We arrange the sheets in a circle. We secure them with pieces of tape. You will get a kind of “drum” that will prevent paint from getting onto the sidewall of the tires.
  • Old tires. We cut out the sidewall from an unnecessary tire of the same diameter and simply apply it to our wheel. This way we will prevent pollen from getting onto the surface.

Let's get started

After full preparation We paint stamped wheels. Shake the container thoroughly. Place the wheel on flat surface. If the disc has been stripped down to metal, first apply a primer. We make a developing layer at a distance of 40 centimeters.

It should be as thin as possible. After it dries, we walk around the perimeter again. But the layer should be thicker. We hold the torch at a distance of 25-30 centimeters. Typically, during priming, the composition is applied in three stages.

How to paint the wheels next? After the surface has dried (about 10 minutes for each layer), acrylic is applied. Similar to the previous case, first a surface application is made. After the developing layer, the entire disk is covered with paint. To speed up the drying process, you can use a home hair dryer. But do not bring it close to the surface (30 centimeters or less), otherwise drips may form. But the answer to the question of how to paint wheels with your own hands does not end there. There is one more important point.

The final stage of painting stamped discs is varnishing. The process of applying it is no different from priming or To give steel wheels the desired shine, two layers of varnish are enough. Its drying time is about 10 minutes. After this, we expect the final hardening of the paintwork. This usually takes 1-2 hours. Next, the disk is ready for installation.

How to hide defects?

It often happens that the paintwork has chips and scratches. But there is no point in deleting the entire layer. How to hide unwanted defects? To do this, we apply “anti-gravel” to the surface. Thanks to its shagreen, the composition will ideally hide all defects. It's simple and convenient.

So, we found out how to paint stamped wheels at home.