Diseases of grapes and their treatment. Treatment of grapes from diseases and pests. We talk about all types of diseases on grape leaves Grape disease dark bloom on berries

Diseases of grapes and their treatment.  Treatment of grapes from diseases and pests.  We talk about all types of diseases on grape leaves Grape disease dark bloom on berries
Diseases of grapes and their treatment. Treatment of grapes from diseases and pests. We talk about all types of diseases on grape leaves Grape disease dark bloom on berries

Grape diseases are a big threat to this plant. The most susceptible to them, despite the work of breeders, remain the sweetest and largest varieties. Therefore, in order to get a good harvest, you need to know how to treat grapes for diseases.

Did you know? Grapes are the only plant in the world that is studied by a separate science - ampelography.

This disease most often attacks young seedlings. Outwardly, it manifests itself in browning and gradual death of cells next to the vessels of wood. Affected grapes are stunted and become more susceptible to bad weather conditions (drought, strong winds, frost, etc.). Experts believe that the cause of the disease is fungi that penetrate the wood during winter storage.
For the prevention and control of the disease, it is recommended:

  • when harvesting and storing vines, do not use materials that retain moisture, such as polyethylene;
  • grape mother liquors should only be on light soils with good drainage;
  • periodically apply boron fertilizers to the soil under vegetative plants.

Drying of shoots

It is not an infection, as it is caused by a metabolic disorder at the base of the bunch. Occurs with heavy rainfall or lack of moisture. The disease develops rapidly. Dotted and oblong spots of brown and black color appear. The defeat covers the deep layers of the shoot.

The fight against desiccation is:

  • spraying with 0.75% magnesium chloride, 0.75% calcium chloride or a mixture of these drugs (concentration - 0.5%);
  • spraying with 3% magnesium sulfate.
In both cases, the treatment is carried out at intervals of 10 days until the complete disappearance of signs of the disease.

Important! For grape varieties, especially sensitive to drugs, chemical treatment is not suitable. In this case, complex fertilizers are applied.

One of the most common fungal diseases of grape leaves. Contributes to the defeat of high humidity and heat. First, light blotches appear on the foliage with signs of necrosis in the middle. Then the leaf completely blackens, mold develops. The berries shrivel, become covered with bloom and become tasteless.

Important! The fight against Alternaria should begin as soon as a couple of first leaves appear on the vine in the spring.

Experts in case of damage to grapes by this disease recommend:

  • carefully remove fallen leaves of grapes, dead shoots, bark, etc., since it is in them that the fungus hibernates;
  • at the beginning of the growing season, treat the grapes with Bordeaux liquid, then - as needed, once every 10-14 days. You can also use the drugs "Quadris", "Rapid Gold", "Skor", "Colfugo Super".

The second name for a fungal disease is root rot. It is characterized by browning of the roots of grapes, they become loose and soft, the leaves dry. The fungus can be seen at the base of the bush with the naked eye. The plant dies.
Experts advise:

  • dig ditches between the vineyard and forests and planting belts to prevent infection by disease-causing fungal spores;
  • destroy diseased plants, and treat the soil under them with copper-containing fungicides.

Important! On the infected site, grapes are not planted for at least a year.

A fungal disease of grapes that affects berries in dry weather. First, white spots form on the berries. They darken over time. Places of formation become soft, depressed. Then the berries begin to crack, a white coating appears on them, then a powdery black-brown mass. The clusters take on an unsightly black color.
The means of combating this and other diseases that affect mature grapes are as follows:

  • fast harvesting at maturity, so that rot does not have time to develop;
  • thorough cleaning of plant residues in which the fungus can survive.

The cause of the disease is a fungus. Usually affects the vineyard in the second half of summer, after the sun or hail. It flows very quickly. In just a few hours, the berries darken and wrinkle. The main sign of white rot in dry weather is the appearance of pinkish dots, and in wet weather - black specks. Individual berries, part of a bunch or the whole bunch can be damaged. Falling to the ground, the affected berries become a breeding ground for the disease.
In order to prevent and combat white rot, the following methods are used:

  • be sure to treat the vineyard with Colfugo Super or Fundazol after hail;
  • cuttings should not be taken from diseased bushes for planting;
  • bushes that have had white rot in the past are treated with fungicides 2-3 times per season to prevent re-infection.

The first harbinger of the disease is the appearance of brown rotten berries in normal bunches of grapes. Often, acid rot affects varieties with juicy pulp and thin skin. After a short time, their number increases, fruit flies begin to flock to the smell of rot.
When a disease is detected, it is recommended:

  • carefully remove all damaged clusters;
  • treat the vineyard with an insecticide, such as Fitoverm, Bordeaux liquid, or spray garden sulfur.

Did you know? French scientist Pierre-Marie Alexis Milliardet invented Bordeaux liquid specifically to combat fungal diseases of grapes. Nowadays, it is used as a universal fungicide for other crops.

It affects berries that begin to darken, burst, and then become covered with a gray wet coating. Since there are no effective methods to combat this disease, special attention should be paid to the prevention of:

  • periodically loosen the soil under the bush and destroy weeds;
  • remove diseased clusters in time;
  • plant grapes at a great distance from each other for sufficient ventilation and warming;
  • spray the berries with a 1% solution of baking soda or medical iodine (30-40 drops of iodine are dissolved in a bucket of water). Processing is carried out every 10 days at the slightest suspicion of gray rot.

A fungal disease that most often affects vineyards located near water bodies. The berries gradually shrivel and turn black. At high humidity, wet rot forms, and in dry weather, they simply dry out. After falling to the ground, they are carriers of the disease. Light spots with a dark green rim appear on the leaves with black rot, and characteristic black stripes appear on the stems. Since the disease is practically untreatable, the fight against it comes down to prevention:

  • destruction of diseased berries, stems, leaves;
  • uprooting old vineyards.

The infection affects grapes during the growing season. It is manifested by the appearance on the berries of brown and pinkish spots that have a wrinkled structure. In the future, the berries dry out. Provoke the development of the disease sunburn.

  • protection of grape plantings from excessive sunlight;
  • removal of affected berries;
  • the fight against insects that destroy the shell of grapes.

A bacterial infection, the main symptom of which is the formation of tumors under the cortex. After winter frosts, such bubbles burst, breaking the integrity of the bark.

For the treatment and prevention of bacterial grape cancer, the following methods are practiced:

  • protection of young shoots from frost;
  • avoidance of mechanical damage during any manipulations with the plant;
  • timely removal of diseased branches; at the same time, the cut points are treated with a 3% solution of Bordeaux liquid or a 5% solution of ferrous sulfate;
  • if the disease has already affected the grapes, it is necessary to apply phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, excluding nitrogen fertilizers for several years. You can also use wood ash.

Fungus infection occurs through any mechanical damage to leaves and branches. Pathogenic spores move to young plants from weeds and soil. First, wedge-shaped rust-colored spots appear on the leaves, and soon the foliage completely falls off. Such plant residues become carriers of the disease.
Prevention and treatment of the disease:

  • destruction of affected leaves;
  • regular digging of the soil under the bushes and careful pruning of the shoots;
  • treatment of wounds on branches with disinfectants;
  • spraying grape leaves with fungicides in spring (Ridomil Gold, Bordeaux mixture, etc.); preparations must be applied both to the upper surface of the leaves and to the lower;
  • soil fertilization with mineral (for example, potassium nitrate) and organic fertilizers, which increases disease resistance.

Spotted necrosis of grapes is a fungal disease that is manifested by the appearance of foci of dead tissue under the bark. The same dark spots eventually form on the leaves. Prevention and treatment of the disease are as follows:

  • destruction of fallen leaves;
  • deep digging of the soil under the plant;
  • timely pruning of branches, which provides good ventilation between shoots;
  • storage of planting material in a ventilated area;
  • treatment of seedlings with a solution of iron sulfate (4%).

Oidium (powdery mildew)

When affected by oidium, grape leaves are first covered with a white coating with black patches. Soon dark spots appear on the shoots, and the buds fall off. Outwardly, the affected parts of the plant look like sprinkled with ashes. During the ripening period of the berries, the grapes burst, a gray mass with an unpleasant odor flows out of them. The impetus for the development of the disease can be hot weather or a sharp change in air temperature.

Spring processing of grapes from oidium is carried out with a solution of colloidal sulfur (1%). It is repeated every 10-12 days until the symptoms of the disease disappear. You can also use specialized preparations "Acrobat MC", "Carbis Top".

Important! In no case should cuttings of affected plants be taken for propagation.

mildew (downy mildew)

The disease affects all parts of the grape. It starts with small oily spots on the surface of the leaves, which gradually increase in size. Over time, the leaf becomes brown, dries up and falls off. The same happens with the affected stems, buds and berries. Most often, the disease develops in the second half of spring - the first half of summer.
The protection of grapes from this and similar diseases in nature is:

  • burning all fallen leaves;
  • digging the earth around the bush;
  • timely pruning of grapes for better ventilation;
  • spraying the bushes with preparations containing copper (Bordeaux mixture, copper oxychloride) in two stages (before flowering and after 14 days). You can also use the drugs "Oksihom", "Kurzat", "Hom", "Polyhom".


Another name for the disease melanosis. Characteristic for Muscat varieties of culture. At the initial stage of the disease, small brown lesions can be seen on the leaves. When the humidity is high, downy mold can also form on the underside of the foliage. Soon it dries up and falls off, remaining a carrier of a pathogenic fungus.

Grapes are treated by spraying with a weak solution of Bordeaux mixture. (one%). To prevent the disease, carefully destroy fallen leaves and damaged bushes.

It affects the above-ground parts of the plant. The signs of the disease are:

With black spotting of grapes, the most effective treatment and prevention will be:
  • disposal of plant residues in the fall;
  • spraying with Bordeaux liquid or "Euparen" during the growing season.

Grape chlorosis can be both infectious and non-infectious in nature. In both cases, the plant disrupts the normal process of photosynthesis, causing the leaves to turn pale. The growth of the shoots slows down, and the foliage soon dries up and falls off. The main method of treatment is spraying bushes with iron-containing preparations, for example, ferrous sulfate or Brexil chelate. The procedure is repeated several times.


In the spring, this fungal disease can damage all above-ground parts of the bush. The source of infection is the remains of diseased plants. At an early stage, cercosporosis is diagnosed by the appearance of olive-colored plaque and dark spots on the back of the leaves, which dry out over time. The berries harden and shrivel. Soon the grapes and leaves fall off. Cercosporosis of grapes is treated by spraying Bordeaux liquid. If the grapes are not of particular value, they uproot them.

Most grape diseases can be avoided by carefully removing plant residues after harvest and applying preventive fungicide treatment schemes to the grapes.

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Bacterial cancer of grapes is a relatively new concept in viticulture. The disease manifests itself in the form of tumors on the branches, vines and leaves of the plant. Bacteria that provoke malignant changes in culture can live in the bush for many years and do not give out their presence in any way. But if the immunity of the plant weakens, and the surface of the leaves cracks, the microbes are immediately activated and trigger the pathological mechanism.

The danger of cancer lies in its spread, which occurs when the infected material propagates in a vegetative way. Therefore, bacteriosis is considered the most serious disease of grapes and requires prompt treatment and prevention of infection of healthy shrubs.

Why do grapes get bacterial cancer?

The summer resident can detect signs of bacteriosis in early spring, when the branches begin to braid supports and arbors. First of all, the disease affects plants that are weakened and overfed with nitrogenous fertilizers. The vineyard also suffers from bacteriosis due to damage by rodents or after inept pruning, when wounds remain on the wood.

Sometimes grape bacterial cancer develops due to contact with soil and water contaminated with dangerous bacteria of the Pseudomonas, Bacillus, Xanthomonas and Agrobacterium families. In rare cases, the cause of bacteriosis is the growth of grapes in an unfavorable climate for a particular variety.

The most vulnerable to bacterial cancer are such forms of grapes as:

  • Merlot.
  • Chasselas.
  • Delight.
  • Italy.
  • Fetyaska.
  • Pinot black.
  • Sauvignon green.
  • Muscat Odessa.
  • Odessa black.
  • Muscat is white.
  • Traminer pink.
  • Queen of the Vineyards.
  • Bastardo Magarachsky.
  • Pearl Sabo, etc.

In general, varieties resistant to the tumor disease do not exist.

How to recognize bacteriosis on grapes

The main sign of bacteriosis in grapes is a brown tumor resembling a bumpy surface. If earlier it was formed on a perennial vine, then recently, more and more often, farmers complain about damage to young plants by the disease. Initially, a cancerous tumor forms at the root collar. Under the bark, it looks like a white wheat grain with a soft, friable consistency. Neoplasm can be single or multiple.

With the penetration of the microbe into the grapes, the tumor spreads through its internal structure and causes a narrowing of the vessels that provide the tissues with water and nutrients. The disease depresses the immunity of the shrub, because it spends all its strength not on growth, but on the fight against adversity.

Gradually, the cone grows and hardens, changing color to yellow, black, dark brown. The diameter of the altered area is 0.5 - 30 cm. In the cold season, the tumor cracks. The affected vine becomes emaciated and lags behind in development, which affects the volume of the crop.

In advanced cases, grape bushes die off. Clusters on diseased bushes do not ripen. Berries wrinkle and wither. Affected grape cells begin to secrete a substance whose presence is related to the symptoms of bacterial cancer. The harmful bacterium senses this change and begins to look for injured places on the wood. As a result, the shrub becomes brittle and lifeless.

If large tumors immediately form at the base of the bush, this is fraught with the rapid death of the plant. Without taking any measures, the owner becomes the culprit of soil infection. The fact is that neoplasms gradually disintegrate and spread into the environment.

In order to prevent damage to the nursery by an insidious disease, look at the bacteriosis of grapes - we show and describe the photo treatment below for the sake of preserving a fruitful and useful culture.

Treatment of grapes from bacterial cancer

Unfortunately, bacterial cancer of grapes is incurable, because today there are no effective remedies for the disease. You can extend the life of the affected vine using bactericidal preparations. They will save some parts of the plant, but will not remove the tumor that destroys it. The yield and quality of grapes, despite the efforts, will still suffer.

With multiple lesions of the bush with tumors, it should be uprooted and the land should not be used for planting new crops for 5 years. With a complete defeat of grapes by bacteriosis, it is impossible to treat it. The owner can only reduce the influence of bacteria and minimize symptoms. For some time, the bush will bear fruit, however, in order to obtain more or less high-quality berries, the summer resident will have to take care of the careful care of the diseased specimen.

While the bacterial canker is in its early stages of development, every spring the grapes are inspected for the presence of growths. When neoplasms are detected, they are cut to living wood. To prevent infection of the soil with bacilli, remote areas are burned. Sections are treated with copper sulphate (5%) and garden pitch. Treatment is supported by competent watering and top dressing.

If it is necessary to grow new crops, they are not planted next to diseased bushes. If the reproduction of grapes is carried out using seeds, they are soaked for 40 minutes in hot water with a temperature of 40 - 45 ° C or kept in a solution of Fundazol. Before planting, seedlings can be additionally disinfected with a clay masher with copper sulfate (1%) and boric acid (0.2%). Processing time - 5 minutes.

So that the young growth does not weaken and grows strong, it is protected from pests and fertilized with compost, humus and half-rotted manure. Special antibiotics are used to treat and prevent bacterial cancer in grapes (Fitolavin, Fitoverm M, Gamair, Fitoplasmin, Extrasol). The preparations have a local and systemic effect, protect the nursery from mass damage and stimulate the growth of crops.


Since the activation of bacteria harmful to grapes coincides with the onset of favorable conditions for development, it is important to eliminate all factors that provoke the defeat of shrubs. To do this, summer residents should master the measures to prevent the development of bacterial cancer on grapes:

Also, one should not forget that the earth, after removing the diseased bush, should take a walk for 3-5 years, until the causative agent of cancer dies in its depths. Neglect of this rule threatens to infect new seedlings and spread the disease to neighboring bushes. For the prevention of any disease, it is useful to spray grapes with Bordeaux mixture, sulfur preparations and iodine solutions.

Proper care of the grapes guarantees protection against bacterial cancer and prolongs the fruiting of the infected plant. Be attentive to the vineyard, and it will thank you with a generous harvest!

How it would make life easier for gardeners the absence of all sorts of diseases that affect their favorite crops. Unfortunately, there is no getting away from them - you just have to fight staunchly and courageously. Today we will consider grape diseases - photo and how to treat. The advice of experienced gardeners in this matter is always especially appreciated by farmers.

Unfortunately, not all grape diseases can be cured. Some of them are not amenable to any of the known and safe for humans means. Almost all fungal diseases respond well to treatment, but it is almost impossible to rid grapes of bacterial and viral infections.

Learning to distinguish between fungal diseases of grapes


This disease is well known to gardeners and, as it occurs most often. Its second name is downy mildew. Affecting the plant, the fungus causes the appearance of yellow spots and gray plaque on the leaves. Without proper intervention, the culture quickly disappears.

In the photo, a fungal disease of mildew grapes


It occurs a little less often than downy mildew. The second name of the disease - powdery mildew. Manifestation - a gray coating on the leaves and berries. The disease develops in hot weather, and if left unchecked, will lead to cracking of the berries. In a few years, the vineyard will completely disappear.


The photo shows dark spots of anthracnose


The disease mainly develops in the spring. It affects all above-ground parts of the plant, only on the berries it appears as white spots, and on the other parts - brown or silver. Affected berries quickly deteriorate.



On all above-ground parts of the bush, the fungus causes the formation of black spots. The affected stalk often dries up and breaks off.

Pictured escoriosis grapes


This disease is caused by fungi, and the death of the plant occurs as a result of the release of a large amount of toxins by them. Second name - eska. Most often appears in the height of summer. In the acute form, the bush disappears in a matter of days. The chronic form lasts for several years, and it can be recognized by white spots on the lower leaves.

Gray rot

A fungal disease that can affect any above-ground parts of the grape bush. The affected areas are covered with a fluffy coating of gray. Hands hanging down to the ground are most often infected.

white rot

A white coating covers the berries of the plant. Over time, they completely change color and fall to the ground. The appearance of the disease is most often provoked by mechanical damage to the bush.

In the photo, white rot of grapes

black rot

A fungal disease that manifests itself as purple spots on berries and leaves. As the disease progresses, the area covered with spots increases.


When affected by this fungal disease, the leaves turn yellow and the roots turn brown. With the onset of autumn, the affected plants are covered with yellow mushrooms.


In this case, the fungus leads to yellowing of the leaves and rapid death of the shoots. The fungus remains alive for up to 5 years.

Bacterial diseases of grapes

bacterial cancer

This is the name of a dangerous and untreatable disease caused by bacteria. Manifestation - outgrowths on the vine. In the first two years, the yield will drop sharply, and in the future, the affected plant will completely disappear. This is one of the incurable diseases of culture. It is better not to plant grapes in this place for the next two years.


Wrinkled dark pink areas appear on the berries. The impetus for their formation is the scorching sun.

In the photo, bacteriosis of grapes

Bacterial necrosis

Black spots with a clear brown outline form on the berries, the shoots dry out.

sour rot

Viral diseases

Experienced gardeners know how dangerous viral diseases are. Since they are not amenable to treatment, the affected vine bushes are advised to be completely removed. The only way to protect your vineyard from them is to acquire a resistant crop variety.

Common viral diseases include:

leaf marbling,
vein mosaic,
leaf vein necrosis,
chlorosis- discoloration,
short knot- dwarfism.

In the photo, chlorosis of grapes

Viral diseases are extremely difficult to diagnose. They have common characteristics: cracking of wood, deformation of leaves and change in their color, falling of inflorescences, slow development of the plant.

In addition, there are a number of non-communicable diseases that arise due to unsuitable conditions or lack of nutrients. They can manifest themselves in different ways: spots on the leaves, developmental delays, drying out of bushes and berries, shedding of berries, etc.

How to treat grape diseases?

Once you've learned to recognize grape diseases, it's time to learn effective ways to deal with them. It is best to take preventive measures, which consist in proper care. Some experienced gardeners carry out preventive spraying of bushes, but most prefer to grow grapes without the use of chemicals.

In cases of damage to the bushes, the question is put in a completely different way: either to lose the vineyard completely, or try to save it with the help of chemical industry products. In such situations, experienced gardeners usually choose the second option.

What fungicides (drugs against plant fungi and bacteria) have proven to be good?

Mildew. From this fungal infection, spraying with such preparations will help: Rodimol Gold, Strobi, Polyhom, Arceride, copper oxychloride, Bordeaux liquid.

Oidium. Such fungicides will help in the fight: Topaz, Strobi, Acrobat MC, Horus, Thiovit, colloidal sulfur, Carbis Top.

Alternariosis. Bordeaux liquid helps to cope well.

Cercosporosis. It is best to use Bordeaux mixture in this case.

Escoriosis. Experienced gardeners use benzophosphate and Bordeaux liquid to fight.

Apoplexy.Helps effective, but very toxic drug Arsenite.

Grape disease in the photo

Since grapes are a southern plant, pathogens have mainly adapted to a warmer climate. However, some of them are capable of causing harm even in more severe conditions.

Mildew, or downy mildew on grapes (photo)

Mildew, or downy mildew,- the most common disease of grapes. It affects all parts of the plant containing chlorophyll. On the underside of the leaves of infected plants, spots are formed, covered with a white powdery coating, on the upper side, the leaves may look healthy or have lighter areas. Inflorescences and young berries are covered with a continuous white coating. Gradually, all damaged parts dry up, the berries fall off. Sick bushes lose their stability and in some cases may die.

The causative agent of the disease hibernates on fallen leaves and infected parts of the plant. In spring, when the air warms up to +11 °C, primary infection of growing leaves and shoots occurs. At first, the disease leads a hidden lifestyle, but soon conidia of the fungus are formed on the affected areas, causing repeated infections of all new leaves, shoots, and inflorescences. Moreover, the higher the ambient temperature, the faster the development of the disease.

How to process grapes from this disease?

If signs of downy mildew have already appeared, the use of chemicals will be ineffective.

Therefore, the protection of grapes from this disease is mainly preventive in nature, consisting of the following:

  • in harvesting fallen leaves, berries, cut vines from the vineyard;
  • at the maximum distance from the soil surface of all growing green parts of the plant;
  • in proper pruning and timely green operations;
  • in carrying out treatments with fungicides when there is a risk of infection.

To combat mildew, as a rule, copper-containing preparations are used. However, the preparations, being on the surface, are easily washed off by rain, and the newly grown parts of the shoots are not protected. Therefore, several treatments are carried out. The first - immediately after spring pruning and garter bushes, spray not only the plant itself, but also the soil around it. The second is after flowering. The third and fourth - during the period of berries with an interval of 10-12 days.

Nowadays, preparations for the complex protection of grapes against diseases and systemic pests are produced, which can suppress the development of the disease even after infection and provide protection for two weeks or more. Their use is permissible throughout the growing season, but no later than 3-4 weeks before harvest. To achieve the maximum effect, it is necessary to apply a full range of protective measures.

Oidium, or powdery mildew, until recently was a rare disease in the vineyards of the Non-Black Earth region. However, the increasingly recurring hot summer weather makes the disease more dangerous. This is due to the rapid growth of mycelium in warm weather. Oidium affects leaves, shoots and berries. On the infected parts of the plant, extensive areas covered with a gray coating are formed. Sick leaves and inflorescences dry up and fall off, the berries are deformed and cracked. Dark spots form on the shoots.

The oidium pathogen overwinters on the infected parts of the plant, mainly in the eyes. In the spring, shortly after the growth of shoots, primary infection occurs. The further spread of powdery mildew is facilitated by increased humidity, thickened plantings and the neglected state of the bushes. To combat oidium, colloidal sulfur or sulfur-containing preparations are most effective. Sulfur has a destructive effect on the mycelium of the fungus. The more evenly the surface of the plant is moistened, the higher the effect of the treatment. If there is a danger of a strong development of the disease, the first treatment is carried out shortly after the opening of the eyes, the subsequent ones - in the event of the first signs of the disease. With a strong spread of the disease, treatments with drugs to protect grapes from diseases are repeated every one and a half weeks.

Gray rot very widespread in almost all cultures. As with other plants, grapes are most affected by gray mold in rainy weather. The disease affects all green parts of the bush, but the berries are especially strong. Varieties with dense tassels suffer the most.

While the berries are green, they are weakly affected, but as they ripen, the development of the disease intensifies. The development of the disease also occurs during storage of the harvested crop. First, a grayish fluffy coating appears, then the skin of the berries cracks, they rot and crumble. The development of gray rot occurs primarily on those parts where there are mechanical damage. The mycelium overwinters under the bark of annual growths and in the infected parts of the ridges left on the bushes. The disease, under favorable weather conditions for its development, can begin in early spring. The fight against gray rot is quite difficult, this is due to the fact that the fungus leads a "hidden" lifestyle. Nothing indicates its presence, but at a certain moment, under appropriate conditions, the development of the disease can occur even after a long period of time from the moment of infection of the plant.

In addition, ripe berries are affected to a greater extent, and treatments at this time are already unacceptable. Therefore, before spraying grapes from diseases, it is first necessary to create conditions that prevent the development of diseases. The treatments carried out against mildew allow to some extent to suppress the development of gray rot.

These photos show grape diseases and how to treat them:

In central Russia, there are practically no insects that cause significant damage to grapes in the open field. The most dangerous pests common in the zone of industrial viticulture are not able to endure the cold northern winters.

Spider mite on grapes (photo)
Photo of a spider mite

The main pests of grapes in the Non-Black Earth region can be considered spider mites. They appear infrequently, but in some dry years their numbers increase greatly. Feeding on leaves and young shoots, mites pierce the integumentary tissues and suck out the juice. Affected leaves are stunted, and with a strong infection become slightly silvery, dry out and fall off.

Female ticks overwinter in plant debris, in the upper soil layer, in the crevices of garden buildings. Currently, there are various preparations for protecting grapes from pests that effectively destroy insects. If sulfur-based oidium preparations are used, then the number of mites will decrease. With a strong spread in the previous season, the first treatment for pest control of grapes is carried out during the swelling of the eyes, the second - after flowering, in the second half of June, the third and subsequent treatments - in case of a large number of pests.

Grape pests - snail in the photo

Another grape pest is a variety of snails. There are especially many of them in years with an abundance of precipitation. With the warming of the climate in the Non-Chernozem region, the largest of them appeared - grapes, the shell diameter of which is 5 cm.

Females lay eggs in groups in the ground, hatching larvae are similar to adult snails, only much smaller. They live in damp places, in weeds, in thickened plantings. They feed on leaves, green shoots, fruits. Two generations of the pest develop per year.

Before processing grapes from these pests, you need to collect snails. It is also necessary to remove weeds, thin out thickened plantings.

On planting material purchased from trusted places, and on the observance of agricultural technology, the appearance of other pests and their causing significant harm is unlikely. If you already know how to spray grapes from pests, do not forget that all work related to the use of chemicals must be carried out in the morning or evening, using personal protective equipment and strictly observing the concentration and consumption of the working solution, as well as the multiplicity processing and waiting time specified in the instructions.

These photos show grape pests and remedies for treating the vine:

The list of permitted drugs for the control of pests and diseases of grapes that can be used in private gardens includes the following agents.

Means of protection of grapes "Skor" in the photo

"Skor" (an analogue of the drug rayok):

  • Multiplicity of treatments - 2-4.
  • The application rate is 2 ml / 10 l of water.
  • Powdery mildew (oidium), gray rot

Means of protection "Khom" in the photo


  • Multiplicity of treatments 3-5.
  • The application rate is 40 g / 10 l of water.
  • Mildew.

"Rayok" (this remedy for protecting grapes from diseases and pests is an analogue of the drug "Skor"):

  • Multiplicity of treatments - 4.
  • Application rate - 1.5-2 ml / 10 l of water.
  • Powdery mildew (oidium).

"Thiovit Jet":

  • Multiplicity of treatments -2-4.
  • The application rate is 20-30 g / 10 l of water.
  • Powdery mildew (oidium).

Abiga Peak:

  • Multiplicity of treatments - 2.
  • The application rate is 40-50 g / 10 l of water.
  • Mildew.


  • Multiplicity of treatments - 4.
  • The application rate is 15-20 ml / 10 l of water.
  • Ticks.


  • Multiplicity of treatments - 2.
  • Ticks.

"Kemifos" (analogue of "Fufanon", "Iskra"):

  • Multiplicity of treatments - 2.
  • The application rate is 10 ml / 10 l of water.
  • Ticks.

Now you know how to spray grapes from diseases and pests, which means you can effectively protect your plantation.

Everyone loves grapes. Its dark purple, green or yellow berries, filled with juice, warmed by the summer sun and washed by warm rains, seem to be asking for your mouth. But to get this beauty and deliciousness, the grower must sweat a lot. Especially a lot of energy is taken away by grape diseases and the fight against them. Unfortunately, there are no varieties that do not suffer from any infection at all. If a variety is advertised as disease-resistant, this means that diseases on the bush will appear later than on ordinary ones and may not affect all bunches. Diseases and pests of grapes, of which there are several dozen, spoil the appearance of plants, destroy the crop. Our task is to prevent their occurrence and successfully fight when detected.


Despite the fact that diseases and pests of grapes are so numerous, it is not very difficult to deal with them. The development cycle of insects is such that they are sure to lay eggs. Most do it on the underside of the leaf. Control hatched caterpillars and larvae with easy contact insecticides. Spraying is carried out according to indications. If you find goldfish and woodworms, you need to carefully examine the bush and remove all damaged shoots, and then treat with the drug. You also need to weed the grape plantings, remove all dry fruits and leaves from the bushes.

Bacterial diseases

As the name suggests, this group of diseases is caused by bacteria. They penetrate into the body of the plant through wounds from mechanical damage (for example, during pruning, grafting), as well as "thanks" to the efforts of sap-sucking insects. The most dangerous disease of this nature is bacterial cancer. Its pathogen lives in almost all types of soil. Once in the plant, he injects his DNA into the cell of the “victim”, after which it begins to divide at a frantic rate, which is manifested by growths on the vines. There is no cure for this infection. The best thing to do is to remove and burn the diseased plant. It is impossible to take planting material, including seeds, from it. It is also impossible to plant a new plant in its place for 3 years.


This is another bacterial disease that has no cure. It is manifested by the sudden and very rapid withering of the whole grape bush. Caused by bacteria that produce toxins that are poisonous to grapes.

Since bacterial diseases cannot be cured, the protection of grapes from diseases of this type is carried out by prevention. It consists in proper care, taking precautions when buying new seedlings and the obligatory fertilization of grapes so that the bushes grow strong and viable.

Fungal lesions


This infection is also called downy mildew. Initially, only young shoots and leaves are affected, later the fungus captures inflorescences and berries.

As a result, the whole bush suffers from mildew. There are various grape diseases and the fight against them, but mildew is considered the most dangerous. At the initial stage, it appears as spots lighter than the entire leaf plate. The fungus continues to develop and soon the spots become gray-brown, and a gray coating appears on the underside of the leaf. These are new spores, ready to spread further through the vineyard with the slightest breeze or a drop of moisture. Shoots are affected in the same way as leaves. Diseased inflorescences and ovaries darken and dry out. If the fungus has struck the petiole of the inflorescence, the whole bunch dries out and falls off. It overwinters in mildew in soil and on leaves. To reduce the risk of this disease, preventive measures must be included in the care of the grapes - cleaning the fallen leaves and spraying the land around the bush with fungicides. Spraying grapes against mildew is carried out with Bordeaux liquid, which is prepared independently from copper sulfate and quicklime. You can also use "Ridomil", "Acidan", "Mancozeb", "Rapid Gold" and other drugs. Spraying begins when the air temperature reaches +10, the young shoots have grown by 10 cm, there has been a good rain or when light green spots appear on the leaves. Further treatments are carried out every 7-14 days.

grape disease oidium

This infection is also called powdery mildew. It can begin at any stage of plant development and affect any part of it or all at once. The oidium fungus overwinters in the bark and buds of grapes. It appears as a dirty white fluffy coating on leaves, shoots, berries.

At the same time, the leaf blades turn yellow, the flowers and young ovaries dry up, and if the disease began in the ripening phase of the berries, cracks appear on them, from which the bones stick out. Warm winters and rainy springs are most favorable for oidium. Then there are real epidemics of this infection. To prevent oidium grape disease, the first treatment is carried out in early March, especially if the weather is favorable for the fungus. Further according to indications. Preparations against oidium: ground and colloidal sulfur, copper oxychloride, Topaz, Bayleton, Thiovit Jet.



Grape diseases and their treatment depend on various causes. Anthracnose, for example, actively manifests itself at high humidity, regardless of air temperature. Especially if the grapes are damaged by hail. First, the infection appears on young leaves and shoots and manifests itself as dry spots, in place of which holes later appear. Their edges are black. The leaf either dries up or warps. Cracks appear on the affected shoots (sometimes to the very center). On the affected berries, the disease manifests itself in various forms with spots of gray or dark color with an even darker border. Later, the berries crack and the brushes can dry out completely.

The fungus overwinters in infected branches and in dried, but not fallen off fruits. Therefore, grape care for the prevention of anthracnose includes autumn pruning and removal of all mummified fruits from the bushes. Spraying is carried out with fungicides "Skor", "Acrobat", "Ridomil", "Arcerid". They begin when young shoots grow up to 10 cm.

Gray rot

It is important to correctly recognize grape diseases and start their treatment on time, because many fungi, having begun to multiply in any one part of the plant, soon capture it entirely. This refers to gray rot, which affects absolutely all parts of the grapes. The fungus also overwinters in all parts of the plant. Lives at positive temperatures. Damp, cool weather is especially favorable for the fungus. In the heat of the affected berries, you can even make wine. It is manifested by browning of infected parts of the plant and their death. The berries rot, but may remain in the brush. Treatment against the fungus is carried out by "Fundazol", "Eupparen", as well as a solution of iodine.

white rot

This infection refers to the disease of grape berries. The fungus can infect the entire brush or only a few fruits. The disease begins during the ripening of the grapes and is manifested by browning and wrinkling of the berries. Dirty pink dots (without rain) and black spots (with high humidity) become noticeable on them. Sometimes white rot affects the shoots, forming light spots on them with a dark rim. Such shoots die off. They fight white rot by mechanical destruction of the affected bunches of grapes and spraying. Preparations "Funzodol", "Colfugo Super". After hail, such treatment must be carried out immediately, otherwise the fungus will penetrate into the body of the plant. In addition to gray and white, there are also root, black, acetic and blue rot. Root appears with improper watering and damage to the roots. Vinegar is carried by Drosophila and manifests itself in rotting of ripe berries. Blue rot or penicillosis develops on berries already affected by mildew.

What leaf diseases affect grapes

It must be said that there are very few diseases affecting only the leaves. As a rule, starting on the green parts of the grapes, the infection soon captures the berries as well. Chlorosis (cessation of chlorophyll production) can be attributed to purely leafy ones. Manifested by the fading of the leaf plate. The reasons are the lack of iron or zinc in the soil with a high content of copper. The bush first sheds faded leaves, then clusters, and, in the end, may die. There is also viral chlorosis or yellow mosaic, carbonate and edaphic (with strong soil salinity, liming, waterlogging). In addition, septoria leaf diseases affect grapes (manifested on old leaves with dark spots, protection is the same as against mildew) and fusarium (signs are similar to chlorosis, diagnosed on a cross section of branches, on which pink fragments should be visible). Another sign is too small leaves and fruits, as well as multiple painful stepsons. Control measures - spraying with Bordeaux mixture and regular top dressing.

Spotting or bacteriosis

These grape diseases and their treatment are complex and not always effective. They are caused by bacteria (leaves, berries, shoots are affected) and manifest themselves in the appearance of various kinds of spots. On berries, the disease begins with small dots, which quickly increase and darken. Spots of bacteriosis differ from oidium in that they sink inside the berry. The crop may die within 2 weeks. There is no effective treatment yet, but gardeners save grapes with Bordeaux liquid and antibiotics, and treat them with Fitolavin for prophylactic purposes. At the first sign of the disease, it is necessary to destroy all diseased clusters and parts of the plant.

In addition to bacterial and fungal diseases, there are viral diseases of grapes. Viruses are transferred from a diseased plant to a healthy one. They appear differently. The most characteristic are the curliness of the foliage and its other deformations, mosaic spots on the leaf plates of yellow, black, red and other colors, the lag of the bushes in growth, the grinding of berries to the size of peas. Control measures have not yet been developed.